Blender 2.92 - Geometry Nodes. Recreating C4D Cloner + Effector Falloff

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in cinema 4d this type of stuff is always really easy recently with geometry nodes it's also easy in blender so i'm going to basically take this cube move it to the side create a grid which is a plane with a bunch of subdivisions and the goal here is to basically instance this cube onto each of these vertices so in order to do that i'm going to create a new window right here switch that to geometry node editor and with the plane selected click new and this will also in turn create a new modifier and here i'm going to go to point instance and i'm going to instance this cube so now we have our grid of cubes you'll notice if i reroute this this node it goes back to the plane and then back to the cube i could even do something like join geometry and then we could actually see both the plane and the cubes at the same time now we also want to affect the scale of this right and we want to do it based on an empty object or some sort of falloff so for for just a minute i'm going to just connect the the plane or the normal geometry we're going to create a empty and i'm going to choose a sphere and the way we do this is we basically need to vertex weight paint a value from 0 to 1 based on the distance and blender already has that with a modifier called vertex weight proximity and just move this up and this will be our target object we're checking the proximity it also needs a vertex group and for this we just want all the vertices so i'm going to have them all selected click assign and i'm also going to just rename this and if we go into the plane and we do vertex weight i need to select all here i need to select geometry so you start to see we get this nice fall off that we can control um in relation to where our empty is so now back in our plane i'm gonna go to the modifier again i have to click geometry node in order for this to pop back up so now i'm gonna do a point scale and right now there's no factor so these are attributes these are things you actually have to or properties you need to type out so i could just click all and now i have um exactly based on the weight pain or yeah the weight painting or the proximity uh way pain on the plane um if i want to be able to tweak this without like adjusting these values if i want to do it in the geometry node editor i can also add an attribute mix or sorry color ramp and i want to have the n value to be all and then here i can just type whatever i want so i'm going to just put output and then i'll say output here and here's another way that i can actually adjust the values now the one thing you may notice is the scale of this empty does not affect the proximity or the falloff so if i want to have the scale actually represent where the falloff is in the vertex weight proximity modifier i'm going to just add a driver by right-clicking and pressing add driver i'm going to do it based on the empty and it'll be based on the empty scale i'll just do average scale and i think i need to remove that expression and now you'll see wherever the empty is is where this is being affected and again i can just tweak these values if let's say i want them to all be smaller or if i want the smallest point to be less small another way i could change the scale is by just going into here and editing the scale of this cube now lastly i'll also show you how to translate this these cubes if you want to do more than just scale so i'm going to click the plane again and before the point instancing we're going to want to do something with the translation here so in order to do that i'm going to do an attribute mix and i'm going to choose to multiply i'll multiply output we can play around see if we want to multiply output or all and we're going to want to multiply it by a vector so oh and then we also need to put this result into something that will translate it so i'm going to do a point translate and translation will be let's just say so you'll see now that they're actually being adjusted based on the position so you can see it's being pressed in or the other cubes are being pressed up and you can kind of get a sense for what you would do here there's there's things like vector math nodes and um geometry nodes is still very new so you will notice there's probably a few nodes that you wish existed that don't but for now it does allow us to do things like this really simply which is super nice that's it for the tutorial thanks very much for watching
Channel: Robbie Tilton
Views: 27,307
Rating: 4.9909024 out of 5
Keywords: #blender, #geometry, #nodes
Id: Byi7RVXyrnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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