Blender 2.8 tutorial - multiple shots, cameras, collections and video editing

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hi my name is Daniel busted and in this tutorial I will talk about handling multiple shots in one single data file so this is a workflow that is suitable for a small project previous or a sequence handled by a small number of artists and the benefit of using this workflow is mainly being able to work fast and handle a complex amount of shots with ease and I will also show you some very cool tricks in the video editor where you can edit shots at the same time as you are producing 3d contents and animating let's have a look at the different scenes in this blender file so let's go up to the outliner and change this little button from view layer to scenes so here you can suddenly see a list of all the scenes within my blender file if I expand these we can see objects and seeing collections and things like that so what is the scene a scene is basically a container within your blender file where you can put environments models animation that kind of thing so it's almost like a blender file within a blender file and the benefit of using scenes is that you can reuse assets between different scenes and quickly switch between them and you can have different cameras as well so for instance here you can see I have first I have a sequence number and a shot number and a name of sort of the sequence I guess so I can change to my space scene here and here you can see I have different cameras and I can switch to any type of scene I want and just quickly go in and animate each and every scene so that's really a fast workflow another way of switching between your scenes for instance if you like to have the view layer here instead you can switch scenes up here you can just so let's have a look at how I share different objects between different scenes so I usually keep the scene called assets in my blender file let's change the view to something more readable okay so here you can see I have my octopus jellyfish astronaut that kind of thing this octopus is actually linked from a file outside of this blender file so this is called referencing in Maya and in blender it's called linking so if I go up here and look at blender file I can see a bunch of links to external data files and I can see what is linked as well so let's say for instance that I want to put a nice little hat on this octopus then I just make sure I have the octopus collection here and if you want to create a new collection if you do your cell by pressing that button and suddenly you have a new collection which you can place for the University in collection or within another collection I'll probably reference a one of my talks about collections in the description in this video as well so let's bring that go file link and here we have the hat and if I go into the interesting thing is that with linking you can go into the blender file that you want to link from you can check all the different objects here so we have a hat playing sphere etc and I can also link a collection so here we have a link called or sorry a collection called various junk and here is collection called hats I'm gonna link that one great so let's see where this ended up so currently it ended up here since I have my seen collection as my active collection I'm gonna press M and move it into my octopus collection and I'm gonna place the hats like so very silly but fun okay so the idea is that since I have referenced or linked this octopus to other scenes this will affect or the placement of the half hat will ripple downwards to the other scene so let's check if this happened so let's go here I'm gonna go to one of my octopus scene perhaps the last one and look at that he asked a hat and if I select the octopus here it's just an instance of that entire as you can see the Hat is not parented or anything so that's the thing I could do actually so if I want to link in a collection from another scene I can just create a collection instance search for octopus for instance and I recommend that you set nice filterable string like AEST or something to your collection so that you can quickly find the assets that you warm to instance so here's another octopus that I can put in here as well and we'll just play that yeah works nicely but how does it work if I want to link a object to another scene so here for instance I a little fish I'm just gonna alt d that fish and you can see it has some modifiers alright so I'm actually gonna link this with control L and here we have orbits to see and I can choose that octopus see you know I had so now it's actually linked and now I can delete this object now if I go to my octopus see it's right here and this means that I could actually do a some type of animation or if I want to occasion rotation well it's somewhere around here the future notation and last frame so I'm pressing just I here to insert keyframe and now this object has an animation and the nice thing about this is if I go back and remodel the fish in my asset scene this will ripple to this fish that I have in this scene and then I can select it I can go to object mode and I can you can check the mesh itself and we can see that this mesh is used within by two objects in this entire blender file so if i duplicate it again and again again you can see that this number is increased but now we're just going to delete this so let's have a look at how you can set up multiple cameras in your scene in blender you have your scene settings over here and here you can assign the vendor camera that you want in your scene if you want to have multiple cameras you need to create markers along the timeline and then bind a camera to each marker so you can see here if I press 0 I can align my viewport to the active render camera which is also possible to overhear view viewpoint camera and if I move my frame through the timeline you can see that active camera switches you can see that over here as well so switches between 4 cam and closed cam alright so let's set up a whole new camera I'm just gonna go to a new frame create a camera shift a camera like so then I'm gonna go down here marker add marker and then find camera 2 markers you can see that I have my this camera selected there we go and now I can move this marker and we can also align our active camera to the current view by going to view line view a lion active camera to view control alt 0 on the numpad like so very handy if you have a blender file with multiple scenes cameras animation etc there is some amazing things that you can do in the video editor in blender so let's switch to my scene here called video edit and I'm gonna switch to the tab video editing as well so here we can see a bunch of strips and as I might move through the timeline all the shots play out in my ya preview here the interesting thing about this is that these video sequences are not pre-rendered these are actually streaming from the cameras in each scene to prove that I'm gonna jump over to the space scene and I'm gonna put a little monkey head there all the astronaut perfect gonna switch back to video edit and you can see down here there's a bunch of buffered frames so in order to refresh I'll just hit ctrl R and now we can see the head is there so that's a very quick and easy way of doing video editing and see you know a live feed of what's happening you need seeing now if I want to add a new strip I can choose add scene and I'll just choose something like the octopus scene perhaps here we go and I can slip and slide this as I want and it uses the if I select the scene strip go down here I can actually change which scene I want to show you can take another octopus II in perhaps perhaps this one yeah and it uses the by default render camera from that scene but I can also use any camera within the entire blender file so I'll just use the closed camera so that's weird camera angle and I can actually cut this I can move it and then in this one I can just choose another camera so that's a really fast way of editing and studying up previous visualization or just a concept of something and needless to say if you render out the animation from this timeline you will get the entire movie that you have created so that's a great way of batch rendering and multiple scenes as well now when you're trying out different things in your project you might want to save some render time so for instance you can set your resolution to 50% or so however it's important to realize that this setting is just per scene so now we're in a scene called video edit which means that our sourcing where all the 3d elements are rendered is still at 100% resolution so if we change to that scene we can see yep it's still at 100% however there is a great add-on food preferences add-ons right render here it is copy render settings by Bastion wonderful let's activate that and now if we're in our video editing scene we have our in the resolution at 50% now let's go to the render settings and if we scroll down a bit there's something called copy settings so we want to set scale and if we just scroll down a bit I think we can see little checkmark somewhere yep over here resolution percent excellent and here we can see which scenes will be affected by this so let's just hit copy render settings and here's our source value 50% and if we change to any of the other scenes now we can see that the resolution is at 50% as well so that's really nice if I render out this frame now with f12 we can see that it has rendered in half the resolution so thank you for watching this tutorial I hope it has been informative regarding multiple scenes and assets and cameras and video editing and whatnot in blender and that's it for me bye bye
Channel: Daniel Bystedt
Views: 40,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.8, 3d, Cameras, video editing, collections, shots
Id: pxHGY_ZaQuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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