Blender 2.8 Texture Paint Tutorial // Basic brush settings and smooth stoke

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all right so let's just jump in okay so I'm using blender 2.83 and the default views layout what we want to do is texture paint we're gonna get there so let's start in layout mode though I wanna the first thing you want to do is select the part of the model that you want to paint so if you have a bunch of different parts then you need to make sure that the one that you want to use is selected so what I want to do right now all I need to do really is just get rid of this gray rectangle so I make sure I'm clicked on this particular object it shows me the material right up here body center body Center met zero and then when I click into texture paint if you go to your active tool it should show right here's body Center mat base color JPEG so that's the that's the actual texture that that material is using so I'm gonna back out here this is the default workspace and the first thing I want to need to do here is I need to push in to open up the menu on the side here same thing as pushing that go to view and change my clipping to something large because this model is big so so then once I'm in this area I can zoom in and and I can paint this out so that's you know the default color worked great so perfect I'm done right so yeah so the thing to make sure though is that you are in fact on the right texture so if I just if you don't have something like that you could change to another color to make sure that okay yeah this is working and let's talk about this the user interface here so you got the texture paint this is like the normal the default layout you have your texture over here and you can also draw on the texture you have that the main window here you have your tools over here to the side you can push T to hide them or to to to show them and then you have your your your regular menu over here the very top button this this active tool is the main one you need and you can also do that here so you could also push the tool on if you push in you get the tool here so depending on how you want to work you can do it different ways I like to work in this sort of default mode or I'll do control space on the window that I'm need to work on to make it fullscreen so I can do control space and then I have my tool toolbar here but for now I'm just gonna leave it here so you can you can see it you can see everything alright so the other thing I'll mention real quick before we really get started is it's good to be able to switch back and forth between rendered and material preview I'm gonna turn on a light real quick just so that we can see the difference so if if if this is the lighting I wanted to use the way it looks lit and the way it looks shadeless obviously can can change and and might be helpful for you to be able to jump back and forth so all the way the way I'm doing it is just pushing Z and then going up and then clicking rendered Z down click material preview alright so um so let's talk about the draw tool first the draw tool is its drawing and you can change the brush stroke brush size by pushing F and then going down or going up here and changing it up here command Z F go back down the default brush is sort of this soft brush you can change that and we'll talk about that here in a little bit but that ya the main thing have to change your size and then to change your color there's different ways you can do it but you can click up here and then change it if you want to sample a color you can do that here so you can sample but sometimes like this this time it did it will sample the wrong color and I don't understand I just know why it's I could take taken into account like how it's lit or whatever but right now I'm in material preview so it actually shouldn't shouldn't matter so one tip is if you need to match a color like in this instance I need to match this color to paint here and the sample color isn't working so if I'm doing that by pushing s as well by the way wishing s and and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so let's say I accidentally had the wrong color one way you can do for sure is if you sample the color that's on the texture that you need to change that will that will always work because this has no lighting applied to it I guess so anyway that's just a tip so alright so let's go ahead and paint this out and make the stroke bigger and paint this out okay so got that part out of the way alright so now let's talk about a few more the features of the brush that you will need for basically everything alright so the first thing is let's see let me go ahead and change my color back to something weird alright so if you go up to this tool setting and you can you scroll down you start getting some of your settings so I'm not gonna go through everything I'm just gonna go through some of the main things you need to do and the one thing I'll talk about is the stroke and I'll talk about the fall off let's talk about fall off first so fall off this will I'll just show you so if I click constant reset constant it'll be a it'll have a hard edge to it I'll have a hard line at the end and don't worry about the the jitter ease parts right now don't worry about that right now so go up to yeah you have all these different presets and and that's great you can choose whatever you want you can also do custom and then you have this curve editor and you can do you know you can make it sharp you can make it smooth you can do some really weird things with it let's see if I just what that does yeah so that that made the that did some weird stuff so you can you can mess with this editor and you can do some really cool stuff for me I'm just gonna use this constant for now and let's just paint some more on here alright so and then you can also affect the fall-off as well and then so that's that's the basics of choosing the the softness of your brush all right and then the other main one I want to talk about is stroke so there's a bunch of settings here and again you can always hover over anything if you want to learn more about it there's like tooltips it tells you what is - length and what does it do and you can change these investees there's you know an interesting one or one that's very useful is line so if you do this it'll make a straight line and if you hold it if you hold alt it'll snap to 45 degree increments so again very helpful control-z out of that but the other thing out that the main thing I want to talk about and then and then I'll get off of here is go back to space here so if you're I think the default is space but but yeah if you're in space mode you can do this stabilized stroke so if I click stabilize stroke I'll show you what it does okay me come down so that's with it on this is with it off so you can see how it's like a little erratic and that's where some of that jittery comes in just from my mouse movement cuz I'm not that smooth uh-huh so let me change my breast size a little bit lower so say I wanted to do something like this line this line that goes across the aircraft this is how I could do it I could use the stabilized stroke and I can affect the radius and the factor and again you can hover over for it to tell you what it what it does but I can make some really smooth and let me just go back and let me go ahead and sample this color yeah great alright and then let me make this a little bit smaller so you can see how you you can easily do you know some some interesting smooth strokes that run across you know this is what this is what it looks like on the texture so so that's a really really useful feature that's yeah pretty pretty amazing all right so let me control-z just get out of all this okay the last thing to mention which I actually forgot and I'm coming back to tell you is anytime you do any kind of texture painting or cloning or whatever if you do any kind of anything in the texture paint tab you need to save the image for it to be for it to work so if you make any changes at all one thing you can do if you look over here on this the texture side you see this image has a star next to it that means it's not saved so there's a few different ways you can do it on the tool tab you can say save all images so if I click this you'll see this goes away the star goes away from the image the asteroid goes away from the image I don't actually recommend that way just because you you don't know how it's saving it and sometimes I found blender does not save it with the full quality and if this was a JPEG for instance it would save it as a JPEG so I like to actually click on the image and then say save as get rid of this image save as and then you know choose whatever whatever you want if you're gonna do PNG compression 0 whatever you're gonna do save it here and then you know you save it in your textures or whatever if you're going to replace something you can do it here and click OK and that's very important got to make sure you save the image or else it's not gonna it's not gonna actually save the texture alright there's a million other things we can talk about but I think that is good for today's tutorial I hope you enjoyed it all right take care guys
Channel: Alex Pearce
Views: 46,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, 2.8, 3d, VR, texture, paint, texture paint
Id: zE6FAhF2kK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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