Blender 2 91 Shoal Fish creation 1 Modeling

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hello everyone welcome for this new tutorial today we'll have a look on how to model a shawl of fish uh so the first thing we'll do is modeling the fish and this will be what we will do into this video and it it might be a series of three or four videos to make uh everything well um so let's go for the first thing here we would like to use an image and so i did found something on internet here this is what we have it's a c base and i would like for this to have transparency on my image okay so it will be important to have alpha around and it has to be saved into png and we will use that into blender so it will help us to create something locally and use the transparency of the image to give the details and uh yeah it will be easier to manage like that so for the workflow i show you it will be the best if you want to make your own fish let's go for that to insert an image inside blender first of all you need an empty siem so i will just remove everything by selecting with a and with x i will remove everything now i have to import my image into blender as a reference and what you can do for that you just go there into your folder and click and drag the image inside blender and it will give you directly this image ready to use so what we will do now we will rename this as a reference okay and here we will place our image well so with rg alt air we will remove any rotation in any location on the on the on the object and what i would like is that on view 3 so the side view with number five to be in autographic view uh i would like my hand the head of uh the head of the fish here and the tail over there so what i will do i will make a rotation a z 90 degrees and air y 90 degrees again and like that inside you i have the fish like i want um we will treat a few things inside the options of the image here and we will can enable transparency remove a little of it of the opacity here like this we will see the image on our background but it will not disturb too much in the view and that's it we can use it as it is now good so uh what i would like to make my life simpler here and to not select this object now it's here and i would like to not move and i would like this object to not move so just here i will enable the possibility or uh and i of select the object and like this i can just disable this and i'm sure that i cannot select this object by mistake okay so the first thing we'll do we'll add a circle this circle will really want to make something uh not too high poly so here for number of vertices we would like something 16 will be good maybe 12 could be even good but let's take 50 let's take 16. and for that why we would like something low poly because it will be uh our model will be duplicated as uh as a shawl so after we will have maybe two thousand um two thousand fishes and it will be easier if you have a low poly version of it so that's why we plan to do that now in edit mode here i will enter in edit mode with tab and then inside view i can start my modeling so i just with air 90 degrees put it straight like that and with s and g i will just put it over there in the beginning of the head okay so just be sure that the model will fit with will fit inside the pixels of the image for this part of the body okay and then after what you can do is make e y and scale move it a little okay so this is the first way of doing things and then e again and s okay and it gives you something so uh it works well and you will follow all the body and teal detail here but what you can do too and something that i found easier with experience is just make a big extrude until the tail over there and scale it down to have here the global shape of it okay put it well inside and then after you can use ctrl air to add loops between that so these techniques this technique is useful because it helps you to have regularity between the loops the distance will be the the same between the loops and then after you just have to select loop by loop by selecting with all click and s for this one i even don't have to move and s again and maybe gz if i need and like that i will just follow the curve of the body of the of the fish more or less okay so here just a little cheesy to stay inside and again as this one was centered as again perfect and like this you are sure that you have the same distance between the loops and that's why it's a very good technique to understand okay good so we follow this you can from time to time to go into wireframe mode with z and follow this with transparency mode wireframe mode okay and we continue this technique just make s select the loop and make s again okay and make s good and now what we have it is the body of the ship of the fish so now if we turn around this body shape we have something very thick when we when we watch it from top view here and we would like something less thick so what i will do i will select everything and by making s x i will make the body thinner okay far better already and we will continue the modeling with the tail now maybe we can take this shape and even make it a little thinner by enable here the proportional editing when i will make s x now you can see that i have this kind of influence there i can use the scroll of the mouse to increase or decrease this influence i will take something like that just to have something thinner than before okay perfect so now i have uh the part that i want and i would like to continue the modeling of the tail so it will be really thin over there but as we will use the transparency of the image after we don't want to model off the little crazy all the little creases that we have here [Music] so we just have to go over it and to make this global shape we will just make a big e a big s without the proportional editing like that okay and yeah kind of create a kind of v shape uh and with wireframe mode we can select with b all this part over there make a g to put it well maybe scale it up a little it has to be just after yeah this kind of precise shape that we have here and over there we will make the same thing so just with s and g we will put it there and we will have kind of a v shape over there now we can use with control air we can add more loops and just there's loops here uh maybe i will i did forget something i will go on top view first yeah yeah and i will make sx to make it really thin okay almost nothing okay after we'll come back to close this part but first of all we will make control air at three loops and when we have the three loops we can come back here and make a z and g and like that we will follow the global shape of the tail just be careful to keep your geometry inside here it's important for the rest the the party the part that will be outside has really to be the thin part like this okay so i continue over there as z and g and sz again almost down a bigger one here okay we are good to go more or less so i do it quickly you can make it more precise than me but yeah as it's for recording i don't take too much time over it so what i will do now i will i will join these two vertices over there into one so to make this i make s x zero okay and by making s x zero i did put these vertices into the same line just like that so now when i select the entire loop i can remove the doubles by using m by distance and it will just remove seven vertices over there and like this i just have only one vertice now okay so it made kind of of merge over there good so we have the first part the body and the tail now we will continue until here for modeling the head so a good technique to use as well as we did a little to create the body and tail we will just make a big extrude here and take here more or less just think about the size of the mouth over there and so what i will do i will just select this make a rotation not an extrusion a rotation okay just to put it into the right place and then with b again make a rotation and just with g i will put it into the right place over there more or less to follow the shape of the mark and here i will just maybe put it more in the corner like this it will be inside the geometry that's what we want we would like really to be inside the fish pixels the the image of the the pixels of the image behind now what we will do we'll add some loops maybe this or this what can we use the most i would say i would say that this will be good we don't have to add a lot okay and then after just with s z and g we will kind of try to match as much as possible the the shape of the of the head just like that okay so what i plan to is to have a loop after for the eyes so i try to make yeah the vertices here and to let one to let one space between these two loops here just with sc ng it will be okay and sc okay this loop is far more inside as z again good and now we have the shape more or less that we want okay so we would like now to close the close the mouth here and to make this uh we will focus only into this loop and to do that we will just with ctrl y remove all the rest just hide it with h okay like this we'll focus only on that one and what we will do starting this we will make a es we'll put back our geometry like that go into the side view yeah sometimes yeah it has to follow and to be inside like this okay good and then after what we would like to is to create a kind of uh yeah kind of all inside so we will make a e s just like this maybe a z a little yeah just like so we will be okay and e s again and put it a little further somewhere here okay so now we would like to create kind of organic shape and to close this geometry first so we could use for example to close it we could use here the control f grid fear and it will make quads just over there but you can see that by default it's not really the good value so we'll go to grid field here and use the offset and the number of span to to have the good geometry but you can see that it doesn't follow and design doesn't match really well i would like something straight here so i when you when you see that it doesn't work really well with this or even with with simple blending it doesn't make the work uh what i will do i will just make control y again and h to to focus only on this part and i can even even remove the reference here for a time and follow what i will do here like that so now i can create a face with this with those four vertices and starting there's two vertices i will create other faces here and another one over there just with half just like that and then with control air i will add a new loop and like this here i have this in sorry in solid view i have this for now and now i can close this part and close that part good so now starting this i will can come back with the rest of my geometry with r h and by selecting just the center here and make control plus control plus you will have uh maybe i will select a little more than this there's three ones top control plus again give me what i want okay good so control minus now the the goal is to have just this selection inside and with right click and i will make it with transparency enable with right click i will can use here the smooth vertices to make a kind of more organic shape i can use the repeat time here over there and i have finished the place here good if you want it's not mandatory at this point but if you want you can use here uh you can select this two loops with edges this one and that one and with ctrl b you make kind of more organic shape at this point if you want okay and like this you have the shape of the mouse that is ready now now we would like to create a very simple eye and for that we will go there into transparency mode in edit mode here uh come back with the reference image and we will have this vertices that we can use uh that we can use maybe i will just go into this mode this does here uh these faces that are that we can use too much here the the shape of the eye more or less we have only six vertices there we would like something really low poly so i prefer to do that so i will remove this geometry okay by removing these faces now i will come back here you can see in non-transparency mode i have this i will select this loop now and uh with here in references just go into loop to to search here this add-on that you will have to enable to make this operation you make a right-click loop tool and you will have the circle option so now i can match this circle as much as i can with s and g with the original i okay maybe a little rotation of it good so here as you can see we don't have the same thing into the other side but we'll manage it later uh i will just make an e s one time e s again select these two vertices and with f i will close this part now i will select the vertices here and with alt s i will put it and put them a little inside like this we have a shape of eye really low poly but we have something and we would like to have exactly the same thing into the other side as well so i will select everything and i will use here into mesh symmetrize okay so by default you take this side and transform the other side what we want it to make the inverse so we will go there from plus x to negative x good and now we have the same thing here next step will be here there's fine parts that we would like to model to model this we would like we have several solutions uh if you are really into keep only only um only quads into your models the technique that i will use is not the good thing because it because it will make one triangle so it's not that good but uh here uh what you can use if you really want to model this like that you can select for example there's vertices with quads only and this is the technique for quads only and make a gigi okay and then after you make exactly the same thing and then you will have a surface that you will can extrude there on top and make it less thick and less thick until the end okay it's a it's a solution but i don't like the edge flow that it's key that it gives usually so and and uh i i prefer to do that actually uh so what i will do i will just put here the beginning of it really well placed so i will go into the proportional editing and with g just by selecting selecting this vertice i will put it really in the beginning and just like that i will make the same thing over there like this it doesn't really kill the flow of the vertices that we have already now i can go from here to there with ctrl and i have my line ctrl click and i have my line over there and with ctrl b just ctrl b like that i will create a surface simple as you can see here we have a triangle and here we have a five dot so it's an n gone that we did create but really for the workflow that we will use it's not a problem at all and we will just make an extrusion on top scale it up a little too fast yeah here we will scale it down make a g again extrude again scale it down again it's really to follow the global shape of it it's not to make all the little details detailed so it's really to make something quick okay good and then when you have this we are ready to make something on top we will select this entire space over there and we will make s without proportional editing will make s x zero and like that it will uh it will be totally flat and so with this selection we can just use now the m to remove the doubles by distance and we will remove five vertices over there and we will make exactly the same technique for for the four parts that we have to model okay so here this dot over there i come back to it with proportional editing again go well to this place perfect so maybe i will go there i don't know if i yeah maybe i will take this part like that on this part like that yeah maybe more this one okay from here to there ctrl b to create the shape that you need okay and then after without proportional editing you have the shortcut with o and i will just extrude scale g and extrude and scale again come back with proportional editing to manageability to the global shape of it just like so to to follow on far the shape that we would want to create okay so it's okay if we have really those empty parts when you look at it into edit mode i mean all these empty parts after uh for sure the best is to not be too far and and if you be a little closer maybe it might help but it's not really mandatory actually with the technique that we will use okay good so now again i come back here i select all of it here and with without the proportional editing as x0 and m to remove my distance over there and i continue this workflow so i will come from here to there ctrl b to create the surface that i want to extrude tin off and now you can come back here if you want really to to change the value that you did use and i will extrude again and scale it down in g okay and extrude again and scale it down g again okay that's good now we will just just like this with a few clicks make follow the shape as much as we as we can with what we have and again i will select the last vertices i did extrude here and make a sx0 and ctrl and m sorry by distance to remove the vertices that i need again i will do the same here so maybe the best is to move that one over there a little okay and move that one over there good now from here to there make control b to create a little something to extrude and now we will can extrude just one extrusion for this one will be enough okay without proportional editing again okay we can just follow [Music] the shape like this will be good we have what we want i select now this part we see m [Music] s x 0 to to make it a line and now i make m with the merge tool by distance and i have what i want so now what we have is a fish if i come back here without the reference come back and i will rename my circle here it will be face okay and over there okay we have what we want now i would like to go back here into solid view uh two things that you have always to do when you finish to model to model something you have to rename it it's a good habit to take and you have to make two operations you select everything you make shift and to recalculate the normals so if you don't know what i talk about i really recommend you to go into my full training i will make the link i will put the link on the under the video but it's really important to recalculate that to avoid uh mistakes uh into shading artifacts and things like that um and after you have to remove all the doubles to it for the same reasons so remove all the doubles it's with m by distance so if you made a mistake of extrusion a double extrusion or something and that you have doubles somewhere it will remove the double vertices so that's it for the modeling of this fish now uh into object mode i will come back into object mode we don't want those faces to appear into our render so we'll use the shade smooth and you can see that now into the fine part it create kind of strange artifacts here it's because we have a very strong angle over there and to uh to avoid that you can go here into the setting of the object to group over there into the normals and enable auto smooth now we have smoothing by angle and you can see that if it goes over 30 degrees uh it will not make the smoothing so what i will do i will just increase here the level of the smooth here and i think that will yeah something like 38 for me at least it sounds good and we will have something uh good to play with so that's it for this video now we have a fish we have our base fish sea bass and uh we can use that to make a nice shader and make uv texturing the first the the next video will be about that about uv mapping so and and using the texture that we did use as reference to create a nice shader to our c base that's it see you into the next video you
Channel: yojigraphics
Views: 3,628
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Id: bw3MSypX7RE
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Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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