Blender Easy Fish animation with lattice(Beginner Tutorial). Like Share Subscribe....

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This shows how the lattice modifier can be used to make something swim without rigging simple effect

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blendertc 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi blender fans and welcome to blender tc in  today's tutorial we'll be making a goldfish the   actual texture i got from pixabay and i will be  including the link in the bottom of this tutorial   today we're going to create this  making the goldfish in the first half   and in the second half we'll be animating it  please subscribe to my channel let's begin hi and welcome to blendertc in this tutorial we  will be making a goldfish and at the end of the   actual video we will be animating the goldfish  so it actually swims across the screen so   let's begin first of all we're going  to actually start off with a cube i'm   just going to cover a few quick keys that we're  going to be using we're going to be using the g   key which moves things around ctrl c g and x g  and y moves it along the green line g next to red   and g and z on the purple line and control z  actually undoes everything you've just done   we're also going to be using the one key to  look from the front view and let me think the   tab key which text is in and out of edit mode in  out and we're also going to be using the one two   and three key that's on your main keyboard because  they actually select point select line select and   facelight if we go on line select by selecting  two or it's a little icon up there if you prefer   and then press ctrl and r this does  a loop cut we will also be using this   if you click the left mouse button  once it allows you to move the cut   click it again fixes it and control  z undoes back out of edit mode   so i've hit the one key there and i'm looking  from the actual front in the front view you   also can actually go to the views up here  if you want that's looking from the top   it's from the left from the front and of  course from the bottom so if you want to   look from the actual front you can just  actually fix on these until you actually like said the green dot there looks from the front   and if you did it again it looks from the  back so let's look for them in the front   i say i prefer the keys so we're just going to  press the one key on your nine figure pad that   actually look from the front for this tutorial  we're going to actually use a image the image   let's add the image so we're going to add an image  and the image we're going to add is a reference   image and if we look here i've kept my reference  image i actually downloaded this from pixabay but   i'll put the link in in the bottom and just double  click to actually open it so what you need to do   is download this picture or but if i actually  just hide the cube for a second by pressing the h   key look from the front i'll zoom in a bit you  could even copy off the screen if you wished is a free to use image but i'd suggest that  you actually download the eye resolution image   because it'll look better on your  fish alt h unhides everything   so with the left click select your cube i'm going  to go to the 1 key and we're going to scale this   down and scale it scale it scale it scale it  because what we want to do that's about the thick   the tail thickness g here is about the thickness  of the fish if you were to look from it there   that's about as thick as the fish would be you  can make your fish fat or thin or whatever you   want to do that's entirely up to you but that's  just a rule of thumb it seems to work for fish   so select the cube and i'm going to scale this  up by pressing the s key and then the x key to   scale in the x direction and i'm just going to  g and move it so it's more or less over the fish in fact ctrl z to do that i'm going  to do that from the front so g and x   and i'm just going to make it so it's  more or less the same size as the fish   and this is where the loop cut  comes in so press the tab key   with line select selected select the line ctrl r  and what we're going to do is press the s key then   the z key because we only want to scale in this in  the z direction and we're just going to move that   up to there control and it selected line next to  it controller scale it up to there if i ctrl z   you only want to actually scale in this in the z  direction because you don't want to check make it   all sorts of different shape flickers because if  you just went to r and just scaled it like that ctrl r and scaled it as you can see it scales  everything so we only want to scale in the z   direction so looking from the front  ctrl and r scale in the c direction let's go in the z direction there we go ctrl  r left and left again to fix it scale and see   i'm just going to scale it up there  one final cut in there ctrl r scale z scale and see you've got to remember when  you actually do a look to click that left   mouse button twice just to actually  fix it and then what i'm going to do   is select the front face so in edit mode by  pressing the tab key select the front face   and then i'm going to scale that down but  i want to scale this in all directions so   i'm just going to scale this down  until it's about the size of the mouth scale scale and left click just to fix it and g and  z i'm just gonna move it up there so it's about   in line with the mouth so we're now getting  something that looks a bit like a fish but not entirely so what i'm gonna  do now is actually go online select   select this top line control and r and  then i'm gonna type two or you can move   your left mouse button but we just want two  cuts there and double left click fixes it   so we've now got something that looks  a bit like a fish but not exactly now this is where the alt key comes in select  this line press the alt key and left click then hold the shift down hold the alt key down  and select this line as you can see it's selected   all the way around this edge it's barely visible  but you've got a orange line and select that line   and select that line you're doing this by pressing  the shift and alt key together and left clicking   so now you've got all those selected the only  thing we don't want selected is this line on   the these four lines on the front so with the  shift selected you can deselect these lines so we've deselected those and then we're  going to scale this down by pressing the   s key this time we're going to actually press  the three key and look from the front and not   from the front from the right and scale down and  as you can see we're just getting the fish shape so there's our basic fish what we haven't got is  we haven't got the actual fin that goes up here   and we haven't got the actual tail  that goes there but that's easily fixed   what we're going to do is we're going  to actually select this line here   by pressing the alt key and the left click gg  to move and what we're going to do is move that just there what i'm doing is  putting the loop cuts in here   just at the end of these fins ctrl and r again   gg will move it in itself and i'm just making the  loop cut just end at that thin and this one here i'm just gonna alt select there you actually  select the line so if you press the alt key   and left click it selects all the way around  this loop cut all right one key on the nine   figure pad just actually look from the front  or you can use the views up here like i said   so gg just to move that to  the front of that fin there   and we just need one more loop cut about here  ctrl and r just to get the back of that fin   i'm not going to bother with the fin here  for this tutorial but it's up to you if you   wanted to add that thin all right contra right  the next bit i'm going to do is control an r   and move my mouse wheel up one just  so i get two cuts and there we have it   i've got that and the next thing i'm going to  do is i'm going to select this face here and   i'm going to press the x key which is delete and  i'm just going to delete just the face only faces   just to delete that face and that  makes my uh fish fish's mouth so i now want to thin thin up on the top so let's have a look ctrl ah oh sorry go  online select and i'm going to select this top   line here and ctrl and r and just hit my mouse  wheel up or if you prefer on the normal keyboard   just hit two and left click twice we'll fix  it right so for the fins what we're going   to do is we're going to select this face here  select this face here and select this face here   and i'm going to hit the right key and  i'm going to extrude along the normals   which takes it up there don't worry about it doing  it in a strange place because what we're going to   do is hit the one key and g an x which moves along  the red line and we'll move it in line with that   and g and z just to move it up and same with this  what we'll do is we'll select this back line here   hitting the one key and we'll g and x just to  line this up with the fin if you can see it   g and z it's about somewhere like that g and x g and z g and z you can also hit this little box here which  enables you to actually see through your fish   if you prefer and select this line and gg just to move it along  its line g and z to move it down   and i'm just making that thin  or roughly making that thin   what i want to do is select this line gg  just to move it along there and g and z and i've now made my fin that and we're just going to move that to g and x g and z and you can put a loop cut  into here if you wish controlling r i'm just making the basic shape of the  g and z the fin so there we go that's my   top fin done i'm just going to make the  bump in we do that in exactly the same way because the actual white will bleed onto  the actual the model that you're making   it does make it so the uh so like  it just looks good for some reason   because goldfish sometimes have white on  them anyway so it doesn't matter too much so right click again extra along the normals   and we'll just select it down to  about there look from the front g and z just to move it down g and x  move it across so you got the rough shape   and if i select this edge here and g and z  just move it up until we've got the basic shape well it's up to you you can spend as much time  as you want on this our control see that's what   happens if you actually just free move things  that's why i actually use the constraints of g   and z and g and x and stuff like that  so ctrl and z to undo that so g and z   and it just means you've got more control  g and x as you can see that's me bottom fin   and same with this one and we're just going to  keep on going until we get everything done so   extrude hello normals extruded along the normal  will only do it across the the line where that   is facing so that's why i'm using that and g  and z to move it down g and x to move it across   change z so it's it's very very rough this  you know it's just until you get the feel   of it because what we're doing is right we're  going to make this low poly model into an eye   poly module but later so g and z so i've got one  fin two fins top thin so all that's left to do   is the tail as you can see that looks like it's  a bit far forward so what we're going to do   is we're going to move it all that the other way  so i'm just going to show you another set of key   hits select this front here and what we're going  to do is grow selection by pressing the ctrl key   and pressing plus just by doing that it's selected  everything around it so if i do now to g and x i can then move it just to where i  wanted g and z which is about there   and then if we just select face select and  select these faces by holding the shift key down   what we're going to do is we're going to  extrude press the e key in the x direction ctrl c if you have that happen what we're  going to do is press the e key press the x   key until you see the red line appear and we're  just going to move it to the end of the tail here   and we're just going to scale it up scale let's  see until we get to where we want it to be g and z   just to move it central and scale and z just  move it up there and i'm going to select this   middle one look from the front g and x if  you find out the the red line doesn't appear   pressing next again will make it real we'll  make it appear and we'll just move it that way and i'm just going to scale this  down scale see just so i get that fish shot shape and last but not least  i'm just going to select this face here   press the ctrl key to go all the way  around shift key to select this front one   and that all the way around from there don't  think i want to actually select that face there   so i'm just going to deselect it by holding the  shift key and hit it again with the left click   and just to get the shape of this i'm going to  press the 3 key on my nine figure pad and scale   in the y direction which is on the green  line just to get the rough shape of my fish   so there it is got my goldfish oh it's not  very but it's not very realistic is it so   what i'm going to do is  actually select line select   i'm going to select this edge here press  the alt key which then we'll select all   the way around i'm going to scale this up  because that's going to be the mouth scale just to about there e to extrude s to scale  and i'm just going to scale it in slightly   because i want to actually make a pair  of lips here so what i'm going to do is select this edge here go on face select and i'm  just going to extrude that out a little bit so e   and x twice to make it go where i want it to   and i'm just going to make a pair of lips there  so there we have it we've got our goldfish   or a very rough rough looking goldfish  what we need to do now is add a sub to that   subdivision modifier so i'm just create the actual  spanner or wrench if you're american hit that   add the subdivision modifier i'm gonna take  this up to two and as you can see we've now   got our fish i'm not very happy about these  here so what i'm going to do is take that in   slightly so select that line there select  that line there scale in the y direction and i'm just taking that in because i  just didn't like the way that looked   and i'm going to select these points on  these edges and i'm going to scale them   in the y direction as well just to get  a better shape scale and white that's it right click to smooth select  so now we've got a fish as i say the fish it's entirely  up to you how you do this and the more you actually play around with  this fish the better they become like the   tail there was a bit short so i'm just selecting  the tail by pressing the shift key down now   and what i've done is actually selecting  that point there selected that point there   selected that point there and i'm just going to  play around with this until i like it so scale   g and x and you get the idea so we've now got our  fish press from the one press the one key and what   we're going to do now is add the image to our  fish as you can see the mouse rounded off a bit   it's a bit square it depends what you want  from your fish and what you want it to look   like so i'm just going to actually look from the  front there i'm going to go into uv editing mode   as you can see select up here and go into rendered  mode just to actually see our fish tab key takes   me out of edit mode and now what i'm going to  do is i'm going to add the image so select this   here add the image bit in this yellow dot used to  be on the other side now it's on this side in this   in blender 2.9 so select the  little dot and add an image texture   all right so i've added an image texture and  what i'm going to do is open the image texture   and what we're going to open is wherever you've  saved that actual picture of the fish that you use   for your reference mine's there i'm just  going to select it and as you can see   it's now selected the fish there and  if i ate my little picture up here   as you can see we've got the  goldfish and i can fetch it up there i'm now looking from the front press the tab key to go into edit mode a to select  oh i forgot to do one thing right what we need   to do is we just need to apply this modifier  here so select this little line and apply this   has now made our fish a lot more complicated  but it's going to be perfect for what we need   so in edit mode we're in edit mode up here  which is very similar to the modeling screen   but it's that's your uv editing screen so we're  looking from the side here scroll nice and close   press the u key and what we're going to  do is project from view and as you can see   we've now got the lattice of that fish and  it's quite simple a to select all s to scale   and we're going to scale this until we've got our  full fish like so as long as the eyes look right   it tends to look right tau key to come out of  edit mode and if we add the actual him image   select the image press the hk as you  can see we've now got our goldfish there we go we've now made our goldfish the  light on it doesn't look right so we'll just   uh we're going to alter the actual both of  these slightly so go into the shading tab   and what we're going to do is we're  going to enable a few features   so if you hit this little box  here which is the render engine   we're gonna enable screen for space reflect  reflections in there open this tab up here and hit   refractions because we want this to actually shine  like it looks wet and have a bit of depth to it all right so we've got his fish there i'm just going to shrink this up slightly i don't  like this so much and it's a bit complicated   but i'll try and make it simple as possible  select the top of this move it to one side   and what we're going to do is  we're going to add in a vector and what we're going to do is called a normal map  so select the normal map and click that into there   and we'll select this from there  color to color normal to normal and as you can see that's made it a bit shiny  i'm a little bit strange if you want to look at   it that way and you can adjust the strength  here just to adjust the actual shininess   of your fish and make it look  a lot nearer more real and just hit the shininess here and there's  one last thing to actually do on this   so if you actually go into the  material properties window here   and right down the bottom we want this  material to exhibit screenplays refractions so   hit that and that'll just make it nice and  shiny as you can see it's now catching the light   which makes our wet fish look wet that's  our fish done now it's quite simple   um but what we're going to do now is we're  going to make this swim so go back into modeling   out of edit mode make sure you're in rendered  mode as you can see the lighting's terrible   so what i've done is i've got some lighting uh  some environmental lighting so you hit the actual   well tab here and the environmental texture that  i've got i got it from hdr app haven i believe   so if i hit that little if i open my hdr work  which is hdr raven and i'm gonna actually put   the abandoned parking lot image that i've  downloaded there we go so we've got our   abandoned parking lot and we've now got our fish  just going to add a plane mesh plane scale it up g and z add the abandoned parking lot to this image  as well so just know that's the fish just   let me create another image so i'm just  going to take that away from there plus no environmental texture you can actually  add it to a plane as well and so open it   and i forgot to add it again so d blender work hd uh so if i actually go into hdr 11 and say  you want to actually add a shortcut to your   blender files to save you having to look for  them all you've got to do is add it to your   favorites here and that's just put it in there  and i'm just going to select that parking lot bit overkill as you can see what's that  done is actually put the actual colors   of my plane into there and if i scale this up  as you can see i'm just going to scale it up and it's just added the grass to my plane  and you can see the shadows on me fish quite simple next thing we're going to add is  we're going to add something that's going to   distort our fish so first of all what we want  to do is zero makes us look through our camera   uh i'm just going to scale my fish down  slightly so it's a little bit smaller and in the 250 frames we've got what we're going  to do is we're going to go into animation up here   and you can actually select on rendered view if  you want up there and zero will mean we'll look   through our camera so we're just going to take  the fish take it slightly out of shot so g and x just to about there i'll press the i key   what pressing the i key does is it'll actually  fetch the insert keyframe up so location of scale   so what i've done is inserted a keyframe  at that end so that holds the fish there   so if i press shift and right click on your sorry  right to take you to the end of the animation or   you can type into here 250 just to take you  to the end of this animation you can also   increase the length of the animation by just  changing this number here so go to 250 g and x just to move our fish off shot and press  the i key again a lot rotation at scale and   if we press our space bar now what we'll  see is our fish travels from end to end but as you can see there's no  there's no movement in that fish it makes it really really boring if you unless you  like really boring fish makes it look a bit more   like a torpedo good effect for a torpedo i had  a bit of waves coming out of the back of it but   there you go so what i'm going to do is  stop that press shift and left click on   on the arrows on my keyboard just  to take it to the front frame   frame and what i'm going to add now is i'm going  to add a lattice modifier so back into modeling   so press our spacebar you can see that it got  it'll take our fish right across our screen   come out of edit mode and what i'm  going to do is add a lattice modifier lattice modifier which adds this little square  in there that what i'm gonna do is come out   of that so we've added our little square which  is our lattice if you go into the lattice here   i'm just gonna do is change this to 64. change  this to 4 change this to 4 and then i'm going   to scale my lattice along the z direction sorry  ctrl c i'm going to scale my lattice across the   x direction so what i'm going to do is i've got  that there i'm backing off slightly shift and   left arrow will take you to the front of the  motion right arrow to the end to the end of   the animation so let's just select that and scale  in the x direction and what we're doing is we're   actually moving these lines up just so it  sort of just touches the nose of our fish   and this is the thing that's going  to make the actual fish wiggle that's a bit complicated so i'm just going  to take that down to three in the directions   so like i said this is the thing that's going  to make our fish wiggle so select from the top and press the tab key to take us into edit  mode and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select with the actual alt key selected  sorry not all key shift key selected   see i'm selecting those points and i'm going  to do that this is a bit time-consuming so i'm   looking from the top by pressing the 7 key and  i'm going to select every alternate one like so   right until the end of my 64 f1  so i'm just selecting the actual every other one like so first of all i did this just to actually make  it the actual tail wiggle and then you add   a bit of distortion just move that along  by holding my uh middle mouse button down so it's hard to see this i  wonder if i can change the actual   preferences to make this easier to see  because that arrow there is very hard to see there we go what i'm doing is left clicking and  just drawing a boundary box all the way around every other set of dots and it will come quite apparent  why i'm doing this at the end that's a bit time consuming because you've got to   select 32 of these because  we set this to 64 up here every other one and without when they're left now they're in all right so we've got all those points selected  and now what i'm going to do is press the g   key and the x key i know so it's the y key  i want and i'm going to move those up there just to i'll say g and c g and y sorry  i'm just going to do a bit of a wiggle   now there we have it we've now got like a  wiggly line and the way that we make this   actually work with our mesh is let's just go back  into rendered mode alt h to make everything appear going to our fish so out of it out of edit  mailbox to the tab key select the fish and it's   our spanner here and we're going to add a modifier  and the modifier we're going to add is the lattice   so we select the lattice and then in the object  we're going to actually select lattice again   which means that when this fish now moves across  this lattice it will be distorted by the lattice   so press the 7 key press the  space bar and as you can see our fish wiggles down this line which  makes it look like it's swimming so if we look through our camera  we can see our fish swim down this and then it's just a case of selecting our lattice   selected some points just  do some general distortions maybe select this here which  is proportional editing   select the point then it'll just move things  around it depending on this wheel here as you can see i'm now altering altering the  actual fish and wherever you put this lattice   that's where your fish will go that's about right oh thank you for actually watching  this a blender tc tutorial   i'm just gonna hide the lattice just make it  a bit more visible so h to add the lattice and like i say you have to play around with  the actual lattice to make it look more real   and i'll just show you after a lot of plain about how i made this fish i think the actual surface is  a bit wrong there so i'm just going to change the   surface slightly sometimes you've got to muck  around with the surface a bit too reflective   and just increase the roughness  slightly just to make it less shiny   and less reflective so let me open up one that  i have messed about with for quite a while so   i'm just going to open this open recent  and this is going to be my finished fish   in fact just save this because you never now fail  save as i need that for another day so finish fish   two so i'm just gonna put that to two save that  but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna open up open up   finish fish one as you can see what  i've done there is that i've done it   a lot more gentle a curve so this actually  does get less of a wiggle hybrid lattice as you can see that's what you can achieve with  this simple effect it's all to do with the lattice   and now you actually set it up thank you for watching blender tc and  don't forget to subscribe to my channel
Channel: Blender Tutorial Channel.
Views: 4,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Beginner, Blender 2.8, Tutorial Easy Free, fish, fishing, blender tutorial, blender, blender beginner tutorial, blender beginner, lattice, lattice structure, lattice training, tutorial easy free, beginner, tutorial, 3d, animation, how to, how to make, goldfish, goldfish care, goldfish aquarium, 3d modeling, 3d modeling tutorial, #b3d, blender guru, lattice modifier, how to use lattice modifier, blender how to use lattice modifier, blender fish shoal, Uv unwrap from view
Id: w_V4n0ddDA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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