Blended Learning with Station Rotations Intermediate Grades 3 - 5

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my name is Diane shuo I'm a fourth grade teacher at Marshall ranch and I have just started trying the blended learning we miss that out in rotation stations so I have a small group setting I have independent or fixation the technology station where the students are working on I'd ready and the Creation Station where the students are find a concept I have set up clear poster station rotation one two and four so which each of the groups are our daily routine for us is going to work 10-minute whole group introduction of what the day will be two 30-minute rotations and a ten-minute cauldron closure revisiting things answering questions recording in our agenda so it will take us two days to go through all of the stations we have the supply post arrive and all of the students walk around with a soft pouch that has basic supplies couple of pencils scissors glue stick yellow highlighter plus their folders and agenda and then we're speaking regularly about the expectations to make this work behavior expectations work assignment completion expectation and participating and being helpful to Arkady so we're going to start the 30-minute timer teaching assistant we have more opportunity to learn yeah additional resources I parent leaders vision assistants what designer informs of cards please stop rotating around that has your participating in a helpful way you're taking any of your materials with you we're taking excellent teachers in your idiom poster paper but not the example I'm Beth Martin I'm a desperate Tom and fourth grade teacher hi I copy I have a class myclass it has to be closed it has to have a meaning it has to fit my standards and it has to support every one of my students burglary coffee so with the company who's needing help [Music] you suspect an arterial didn't we - Thomas let's do something about it fortunately you find it here it was last three men this mission we run without any papers that Senator no art and how do you know why I bring up rainbow is that bad in this group knowledge II like the imaginary that yellow protected objects and this one we have to know our vocabularies were in reading and writing we have to know how to write five paragraph essay or I chose a compass for compound and complex sentences I see you the teacher works excuted and make sure they do what they're supposed to know is really the group's entire work and every day they can switch houses down here and that was actually actually real and any founded in this slide set is actually one yesterday moving on to each other's actually no oil it was drilled in this document about twenty seconds imagine learning is to develop schooling but when one my son is working on recording perfectly since the other son collaborate I would make no noise it's naturally time and it's hard to good to hear so with that problem in what we tried to solve it by putting her in one corner of the room life when it was her turn to do the speaking and then that's defended photography Nami Americana multi-surface key wave talk by us we can go ahead vocabulary and we have to write down the name and please write down the word and we'll have to write like draw picture what we're doing is right now we're doing control so I do our Xbox controller and now we're doing the oceanarium policy in [Music]
Channel: Peoria Unified C&I
Views: 14,159
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: 9zCoYtvxut8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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