Bleeding-Edge Effects on Mobile

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I just watched it a couple hours ago, it is very nice and detailed so kudos for a good job! I can totally see how you would get to appreciate all the "icky" stuff you render.

The possibilities of freeform skinning and attaching physics everywhere you can, will be two tricks to quote from your talk, for sure. The UV painting part was less clear to me than the rest, but people's questions will say if that's really the case.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_Jare 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Amazingly gross and impressive.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

As a render programmer myself I salute your willingness to share more techniques with people out there! We really need more stuff like this so people can better understand what's possible through shaders.

Also, a question - wouldn't raymarching limit your audience to like high performance phones? How high are hardware requirements for this thing?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/frenchtoastfella 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is fucking phenomenal man, I got really excited watching this and forwarded to my team before I even finished! Really well explained.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fearian 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've watched like dozens of GDC videos and this is one of the best ever. Will give your softbody technique a go. Thank you and hope you get a chance to present in person in the coming years!

On another note, it's really cool you guys make realistic mobile games. Feels like expanding the medium. And now you get to make one about doctors in space!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/buyagames 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Awesome talk - I really enjoyed it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/raggedyjack 📅︎︎ May 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey u/saiacide Great talk and thanks for sharing everything! I have a mobile question for you if you could please answer! Im currently trying to use dynamic resolution using the ScalableBufferManager.ResizeBuffers for my mobile game on iOS / Android, but when it lowers the resolution the cameras main point is not focused anymore - Have you run into this and do you have any solutions to help out?

I have also tried to make the camera render out to a render texture i can control the resolution scale of, but then shaders / particle effects start breaking heavily.

So main question really is how can i lower the resolution of the game, without affecting the UI's resolution? (Still pretty new to these aspects!) Thank you so much in advance!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Darkon_Who 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody welcome to bleeding edge effects on mobile my name is Annie saya and I'm the technical director at level axe for those of you who have never heard of level X before we make video games for doctors which I promise you is just as weird as it sounds here's an example of some of the games we make we currently have four released games on iOS and Android and a couple more currently in development our games range from hyper realistic to hyper stylized and each one presents its own unique visual effects challenges throughout the process of creating these different experiences we've developed a set of common principles of what we think makes for an interesting effect we try to make our effects dynamic reacting to player's actions we want them to be controllable which makes them easier to reuse and adapt to a wide variety of different scenarios we want to create environments that feel live because in many cases the environments we are depicting actually are alive and most importantly after all this we have to figure out how to get it to run well on a telephone computer so in this talk I wanted to show you guys what we've learned making effects like this and I think the best way to do that is to look back on the last four years we've been making mobile games and pull out some of the techniques we seem to reach for over and over again so I've chosen four techniques that I felt I could jam into a 30-minute presentation and I'm going to show you an example of how we implemented each one for our game Paul max the four examples I'm going to show you are dynamically rendering a mask in the UV space treating blood trails and pools create soft body deformation with a vertex shader and most exciting of all I'll show you how we made volumetric boogers a brief word of warning before we get started the stock is pretty technical in nature I will be referring to the existence of man and shaders that being said I have tried to make this presentation as accessible as possible with that goal in mind I'll be releasing the unity project of all the examples I'm going to show on github I'll put a link at the end of the presentation also worth mentioning we do make video games for doctors so some of you might find the material um icky I'm used to it by now but if you're not maybe don't look for the next half hour so okay ready let's go the first technique we're going to talk about is rendering a mask into UV space this tool you are seeing in this video is called an argon plasma coagulator this is a real thing doctors used it's literally a plasma gun they shoot inside people's butts the team was so excited when we found out this thing existed it was one of the first things we tried to implement but it brought numerous tactical challenges burned tissue leaves marks the burns need to work across UVs and meshes burns need to be persistent for that level we didn't want to add decals that fade away after a certain period of time or anything like that and mobile devices are limited in memory our solution was to dynamically render a low resolution mask into UV space we start like all things in computer graphics with a poorly you vide model of an armadillo here we create an object with a script on it called a painter the script sets three global shader parameters the world space position of the painter a hardness value and a radius shader Global's are great for this kind of thing because they easily work across meshes with the same shader with these values we can calculate a smooth fall-off from any point on our mesh here's the simple fall-off function we're using and for those more visually inclined here's the same function being used in shader graph this note is also available in unreal material editor in our fragment shader we use this fall-off value to lerp two colors together ok cool that gives us a world space fall-off but we want our mask in UV space not world space in a vertex shader we can transform our world space position into UVC by cashing the worldspace position of our mesh we can still use our fall-off function but this time it's rendered in UV space so you can imagine taking a picture of this and using it as an input into your material as I mask and that's exactly what we're going to tell unity to do unity has this very powerful API called command buffers which is perfect for this sort of thing we create a new command buffer until it to render imesh using the shader we just created but instead of outputting the results to the screen we store it into a render texture we can use later as our mask here I'm ray casting and moving the painter Chani point I hit on the mesh because we aren't clearing the render texture every frame we get this cool painting effect this is also about the time you're cursing yourself or your half hazard UV unwrapping there are seams everywhere this is totally not shippable we could go back and try to hide these seams but I don't know about you I'll do pretty much anything to avoid laying out proper you v's to understand why we are getting these seams let's take a closer look at a single triangle the problem is caused during rasterization which is just a fancy word for turning triangles into pixels during rasterization your triangle is divided up into a grid each grid has a center position if the center position of the grid is inside the triangle a pixel is drawn on that grid but if the grid Center position exists outside the triangle no pixel is drawn we can clearly see we have several locations where part of the grid is inside the triangle but no pixels are rendered which is causing the seams in our UV mass an easy fix for this problem would be to tell the GPU to use conservative rasterization so that any part of the grid that has a single triangle and it gets drawn unfortunately this feature isn't available on many mobile devices and at the time and wasn't an option in unity at all our solution was to write a shader that dilates our mass texture here's how a painter looks after doing a dilation pass on our mast render texture here you can see more clearly what the dilation pass is doing to the mask you do need to make sure your UVs have enough padding or else the dilation would cause the UVs to overlap and you'll get artifacts the dilation shader is pretty simple every pixel and the mass texture overrides its color if it has any neighbors of a higher value than itself to use this we add a line to our command buffer telling it to render our masked texture into a dilation texture using our dilation shader okay so now that we've rendered into UV space let's take a look at how we created blood trails and pools from a design point of view we wanted any surface in the game to be able to bleed if it got hit by a sharp object blood will flow out of the wound based on gravity leaving a trail behind it blood will start to pool an in-group based on gravity these blood pools will grow and start to damage the patient and blood can be washed away with water or removed by suction the dynamic mass system we just went over actually gives us a pretty good foundation for this effect first we'll extend it so it can dynamically erase parts of our mask turns out that's actually not that hard to do you can set the blend operation in the shader to be controlled with a variable and we write a simple script to set that blend operation from add to subtractive okay so that's removing what about pooling blood to get the effect of blood pooling over time we multiply our mask by a value just over one the shader that does the multiplication is super simple it just reads the value of the mass texture and multiplies it by number slightly above one this will have the effect of slowly increasing areas that have blood while keeping areas that have no blood the same we want to apply this multiplication once a frame but reading and writing from the same rendered texture is super slow so we use a technique called ping ponging texture ping-ponging works by creating to render textures the first render texture we write into using our dynamic mass shader just as before we then used the first texture to write into the second texture using our multiplication shader we can then alternate which texture gets written into the other each frame ping-pong you back and forth this can be pretty confusing the first time you hear about it so let's break it down even more our t1 is our mass texture which we used to blit into our t2 applying a multiplication of one point to next frame we flip them so our t2 is our mass texture which we use the blitt into our t1 applying the same multiplication we always apply the dilation to the last texture written into this is the render texture we use later for a mask another interesting thing is setting your multiplication value less than 1 something like point nine eight produces this cool fade out effect and this is what removing part of the mask looks like in game we're ray casting to place a painter on the surface when the waterjet is active just like in our painting demo we also use a cavity map to make the blood look like it's filling in the cracks more for flowing blood we attach painters to physics objects it's amazing how simple primitive physics objects can add a ton of variety to something like this and this is what it looks like inside the editor one problem we had with this approach is players would section the trail of blood but not treat the source of the wound itself so they would still be receiving damage even though it looked like the blood was gone to fix this we had physics objects record their locations every frame to create a path we would then sweep a painter along that path to indicate to the player blood was still flowing out of the wound this was one of those things that when it was suggested I never thought it was going to work but it actually ended up working really well so after fluid simulation the next notoriously difficult thing to do in games is soft body physics for tissue deformation we really wanted to make the world feel alive and reactive you should be able to grab pinch and pull the tissue in any location and based on the interviews we had with our physician advisors you can actually see the heartbeat and deform the tissue more on the left side of the patient than the right which becomes important when navigating to accomplish all this we decided to use a vertex shader first we created a script we called a manipulator the manipulator has a reference to two transforms which we call an anchor and a handle next we calculate a transformation matrix that when applied moves a position from the anchor space to the handle space in the vertex shader we could just multiply that matrix with the vertex position and move our mesh around with our handle you can think of this like mesh skating if you only had a one bone with a hundred percent influence instead of deforming the entire mesh with our handle we can use the same world space mass technique I showed you earlier to create a smooth fall-off at our deformation all we need to do is pass in our manipulators position radius and a hardness value and we can use the same exact sphere mask function we used earlier then we just use that fall-off value in a work from the original vertex position to the position after the matrix multiplication this is already kind of Awesome but you might notice the lighting list a little bit off this is because our normals aren't being recalculated after changing the vertex position to recalculate the normals we are going to call our apply manipulator function two additional times once with our vertex positions slightly offset in the direction of the meshes tangent and the other with the position offset in the direction of the meshes by tangent we can use these two new positions to calculate the manipulated tangent and by tangent vectors which when we cross together gives us our corrected world normal just multiplying by a matrix works great if you aren't rotating too much this is actually what we ended up shipping with for a game Paul max but if you do end up rotating a lot you get this really ugly pinch artifact this is because we're applying a linear fall-off to our matrix and rotations aren't linear the solution is to separate out the rotation translation and scale components and handle the fall-off for them all individually translation is the easiest we just subtract our handles rotation with our anchors position for scale we divide our handle scale and our anchor scale for rotation we convert our rotation to angle axis and multiply them together now on the GPU we can apply each transformation with fall-off separately and sum them together at the end here's the rotate about access method we're using if you're curious about it it applies a rotation to a position given an angle and an access this is also available as a node in shader graph and here's what the corrective rotations look like one manipulator is fun but multiple manipulators is a party you can really do some cool stuff with more than one of them to do this we'll send all the manipulator parameters as arrays of floats and vectors to the shader we'll modify our apply manipulator function to loop through all the manipulators in the loop we'll add the amount each manipulator displaces each vert by we can then add that total displacement to the position after the loop and of course we need to attach physics objects to these things you can get some pretty convincingly volume preserving the facts just by connecting a bunch of rigid bodies together with constraints you you could do that previous example with bones and honestly you would probably have better control over it but where this effect really shines is attachment manipulators dynamically in this example we are adding a manipulator at the position the raycast heads and then dragging the handle around with the code something like this would work great for a loading screen or a little vignette before you started the game I don't know just a random idea or if you're making a doctor on doctor fighting game you could use the manipulator to add hit reacts what's really cool about this is it works across any animation and any character they just need to have the same material and shaders applied and even if I take the reaction animation off you can still feel the impact from just the manipulator one thing to keep in mind when you're working with something like this is because it's a world space fall-off it doesn't respect any sort of information about connectivity so if a leg is very close to another leg you're going to get that manipulated influence which probably isn't what you want depending on your use cases and your mesh this might not be a problem or you might want to consider implementing a mask or some other system but at a certain point you're probably better off just implementing regular skinning and here's what the heartbeat ended up looking like in-game and this is what it looks like in the unity editor we have these gizmos where we can place these manipulators around and scale and animate them and transform them just like any other game object and here we're just scaling a manipulator to get that pinch effect if you're interested in implementing something like this I highly recommend checking out the sculpting and simulating with six degrees of freedom controllers on the GDC fall David goes into a lot more detail than I had time to today and he extends this technique using something called Calvin lids which creates a much more physically believable result okay our last and clearly most important effect I wanted to show you today volumetric boogers in terms of design requirements we wanted to create a sense of discovery and exploration by hiding complications from plain sight we wanted the boogers to be interactive so you can push them around and use your suction tool to remove them we also want to be able to attach these objects to anatomy and other things and honestly we just really wanted to make boogers the boogers are implemented using sphere trays signed distance functions the first time I heard about signed distance functions I was like I know what all those words mean individual but I have no idea what they mean together so let's break down each part first of all it's literally a function you call initiator you can pass any position into this function and it will turn the closest distance to a surface it's a way of asking how far do I need to travel to get to the surface of something and the sign part means if the position is inside the surface it returns negative so you can easily detect if you're inside of something one of the most powerful properties of signed distance functions is you can easily blend objects together this method of combining signed distance functions is called smooth Minh typically when you're working with signed distance functions you are building things out of simple primitives the good news is there's a large library of these primitive functions that people have already written and hosted online for pretty much any primitive and by combining these primitives together you can create some really complicated objects our boogers are made out of only spheres and cylinders to rendered signed distance functions we use a technique called sphere tracing sphere tracing is a screen space technique meaning for every pixel we shoot out array we then march along that ray using the distance of the closest surface as our minimum step size when the distance the closest surface is small enough you can set the color of the corresponding pixel in the screen to the color of the object you are closest to I know I'm going kind of fast through this but there's actually a ton of information online on sphere marching signed distance fields in unity so if you're lost here are a bunch of resources that you can check out ok so we have a brief overview on signed distance functions and sphere tracing let's break down each step to make a booger we start by rendering signed distance function spheres into a low resolution render texture we then blur that render texture to remove any artifacts do the lower resolution we then introduce transparency we connect the signed distance cylinders to our neighboring booger blobs we do a smooth Minh operation to blend the whole thing together we add refraction and distortion we distort the normals using a 3d noise function and here we're using the same smooth Minh technique to blend our SDS with the depth buffer which really sells the effect of these objects having some sort of surface tension and you should have guessed by now we're definitely going to add physics to these things I think every game needs bouncy buggers and here we're attaching a booger to a nail and unfortunate patient has swallowed the booger here is just attached with a spring physics object it's super simple and here's an example of hiding a foreign object behind the boogers I think this is my favorite case okay so that's the four techniques I wanted to go over let's review what we learned on this journey together you can use world space fall-off functions to create very controllable effects by attaching these fall offs the different objects in your game we learned how to render into UV space and avoid seams by running a dilation pass we learned how to make a simple simulation by ping pong in to render textures with each other we saw how adding physics improves pretty much any effect making it more dynamic and alive and in case you didn't already know we were reminded to never swallow a nail I wanted to thank everyone at level axe for helping with this talk especially these folks who were instrumental in implementing several of the facts I showed today we were also hiring so if anything I showed you today inspired you you thought this looked fun you want to help maybe make the next generation volumetric boogers we're always looking for that kind of thing and remember all the source code is posted on github but if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or send me an email thanks so much
Channel: GDC
Views: 19,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gdc, talk, panel, game, games, gaming, development, hd, design
Id: c7HBxBfCsas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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