Bleached Wood and Paint Dipped Furniture Makeover

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do you want it heck yeah i do let's flip a desk   hey guys welcome or welcome back if you're new  here my name is katie i am the owner and artist   behind salvaged by k scott i have been running my  very own furniture flipping business right here   out of my home for the past four years and now i'm  sharing my knowledge and experiences here with you   guys on youtube for lots more furniture flipping  tips tricks and design inspiration please make   sure that you are subscribed to my channel and  hit the bell so that you're notified every time i   upload a new video while i wait for the heater out  here in the garage to do its thing and warm things   up to a decent temperature to work in i'm going to  clean up my mess from the last flip and give you   guys a quick tour of this desk that my husband  found out at the curb on his way home from work   this piece is in really awesome condition which  is not typical for stuff that i find at the side   of the road it's got a few minor scratches on  the top that's nothing i can't easily deal with   but it is missing some hardware so i  ordered some new poles off of amazon   this desk is built of solid maple and the best  way that i know to determine if something is   solid wood or has a veneer on it is to take a look  at the back of the piece you can usually see quite   clearly if it is one solid piece of wood or if it  had a veneer you'd be able to see a distinctive   thin layer on the top because i work exclusively  with second-hand furniture i like to start off   by always cleaning my furniture really well  i use tsp or tri-sodium phosphate which is   a heavy-duty cleaner and degreaser  to clean everything inside and out once the top of the desk was  dry i broke out my surf prep   3x4 electric ray sander with some 80 grit  sandpaper to start sanding off this old finish i carried my sanding down over the edge a little  bit because the design that i have in mind   for this piece is a really light monochromatic  bleached wood top with a neutral painted bottom   paint dipped effect to get the  finish off of these contoured   edges i added one of surf prep's foam sanding pads   which will conform to the curves and keep me  from accidentally sanding these details flat once i was done getting that finish off i switched  to a 120 grit sandpaper to start smoothing out the   wood now to lighten this wood even further  and remove a lot of that yellow undertone   i'm going to bleach it i am using a plain old  regular clorox household bleach in a spray   bottle for this you can purchase wood bleaching  kits that are a lot stronger and will lighten   the wood in fewer applications but none of the  hardware stores near me have any in stock so   this is going to have to do the trick i sprayed  all of my sanded wood surfaces with a liberal   amount of bleach and left it in the garage to  do its thing obviously this is a fumey process   so make sure that you have a really good  ventilation if you want to try this for yourself   once the wood had dried i came  back to assess the color difference   it was definitely lighter but still a little more  yellow than i wanted so i applied two more coats   of bleach after the third layer of bleach had  dried i was really happy with the color so i   decided to clean off all of the extra bleach so  i could move on to the next step you want to be   sure to really clean the bleach off of any areas  that you're going to be painting because it will   affect the finish to help me counteract any  further yellow or orange undertone in the   wood i decided to apply a really light paint  wash of some super watered-down leftover white   chalk paint over all of my sanded areas and once  this was dry the color of the wood was perfect you can really see the difference  between the paint wash and just   the plain bleached wood right here  with the two drawers side by side with all of that bleach and  water it is very common for   wood fibers to plump up this  is also called raised grain   so i went over all of those areas with a super  fine sandpaper just to knock that texture down i grabbed some of my favorite frog tape to  start masking off my newly finished top so   that i could get started on the painted bottom  of this desk this frog tape has an edge lock   technology that i have found to be the best for  preventing any paint or anything from bleeding   up through that masking line this is the tape that  i prefer when i'm looking for a really crisp clean line i also wrapped the two bottom drawers that  i'm going to be painting with some of this   scotch painters tape and plastic in one   so that i am protecting the drawer sides  and interiors from any paint over spray after i had everything masked off i realized  that i never scuff sanded the bottom portion   of the dresser that i'm going to be painting this  is so important to get a good bond between your   paint and your substrate so i gave that all a  really quick sand with some 220 grit sandpaper   blew off the sanding dust with some  compressed air and then gave the bottom   two quick coats of clear spray shellac this is  going to act as a primer and block any stains from   wood tannins from coming through my new paint  speaking of paint i am going to be using some sico   latex paint and mixing it with bb frost paint  transformer powder to turn it into the chalk   paint that i love to use on my furniture to  turn straight up latex wall paint into chalk   paint with this awesome powder i added  two heaping tablespoons of the powder to   one and a half tablespoons of water  and then poured in one cup of my paint once i had all of that mixed really thoroughly  i went ahead and added a little bit more water   because i am going to be spraying this finish  and it was a little too thick for my gun   as soon as i got the consistency that i wanted i  strained the paint into my hvlp pneumatic spray   gun i'll leave a card here to a video that  i've created all about my spraying setup and   how i spray chalk style paints on furniture  if you're interested in checking that out now it is time to start spraying my finish  i think i forgot to mention before but this   color is called coconut oil by sico it's a  really beautiful pink undertoned beige color   or maybe a beige undertoned pink color it's a  really beautiful neutral whatever color it is now i know this is going to be a bone of  contention for some people who are really   against painted hardware but i did go ahead  and paint the new french provincial style   handles for these bottom two drawers because  the design that i'm creating here is one that is   paint dipped i want the desk to look like it was  dunked in a bucket of paint and pulled straight up   so these handles need to be  the same color as the drawers i ended up applying a total of three  light coats of this paint to get the   solid coverage that i was looking for and once  my last coat was good and dry i removed all of   the masking so that i could take a look at my  creation and get ready to start sealing it up   to protect the new finish on this desk i decided  to try out this verithane soft touch matte finish   top coat for the first time i followed the  directions on the can and sprayed two coats   waiting two hours and giving a light sand  with a 400 grit sandpaper between each coat hmm now the drawer bottoms on this desk are not  looking so hot they are white mdf and i can't   sand them clean like i normally would so i decided  for this one that i was actually going to use   some of my leftover chalk paint mix i brushed on  two coats of paint and let it dry for a couple   of hours and then i came back and cleaned up any  messy lines with a gold sharpie around the edges   then all that was left to do was put everything  back together and this is what it looks like now say something i don't know the way that you talk to me the way that  you make me feel i don't know if you're real   i wanna put you in that spotlight  looking at you all night   i think this contemporary new design is  so sophisticated and it is going to sell   fast if you enjoyed this video please  make sure that you leave me a thumbs up   a comment down below and please make sure that you  are subscribed and i will catch you guys next time
Channel: Katie Scott SALVAGED by k. scott
Views: 63,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Desk Makeover, How to Makeover a Desk with Chalk Paint, Painted Desk, Furniture Flipping Ideas, How To Flip Furniture For A Profit, Furniture Painting Ideas, Chalk Paint, Salvaged By K Scott, Katie Scott, Refurbished Furniture, Furniture Painting, How To Paint Furniture, Paint Dipped Furniture, Color Blocked Furniture, Bleached Wood Furniture, How To Bleach Wood Furniture, Modern Design, Minimal Design, Trash to Treasure, Bleaching Wood, upcycle, diy furniture makeover
Id: K4sub0rWvnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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