Blazor Authentication Tutorial - How to Authorize in Blazor [Blazor Tutorial]

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In this video, we'll be focusing on the  implementation of authentication and authorization features within a Blazor  web application. Our first task involves the development of a user-friendly login page,  allowing users to authenticate themselves by entering their credentials. Additionally, we'll  delve into the establishment of permissions based on user roles. This ensures that users  can only access components and features for which they have been explicitly granted the  permission. So, let's delve into the details of this implementation. To begin, we'll incorporate the  necessary services in the program.cs class of our new Blazor web app project. I'm utilizing  the AddAuthentication method to register the essential Services required for authentication. For  the authentication mechanism, we'll be using cookie authentication by assigning CookieAuthenticationDefaults  dot authentication scheme as the default scheme. Subsequently, I'll use the AddCookie  method to configure various options such as assigning a custom name to the cookie for easier  identification. Additionally we'll designate the login path anticipating the creation of a login  page with this specified URL. In consideration of user experience, I typically set a MaxAge for  the cookie to facilitate automatic logout after a specific duration. Furthermore, an access-denied  page is being assigned to address scenarios where user attempt to access unauthorized Pages leading  to the creation of an error display page. Moving forward, we'll integrate Middlewares for both  authentication and authorization. I'm incorporating the authorization service through the use of  the AddAuthorization method. Lastly a crucial service is introduced using the AddCascading  AuthenticationState, responsible for efficiently passing the authentication State throughout the  application. I have just Incorporated database integration to our application, enabling the  retrieval of user account details from the SQL Server database. As we have previously covered the  details of the database integration in our earlier videos, I won't delve into extensive explanations  here. For those who interested in the code, it is available on our patreon page and you can find  the link in the video description. Within the app settings, I have specified the connection string  and introduced an entity named user account. The data folder houses the DbContext class. Let  me show you a quick look at the database in my SQL management studio. If you look into the  user account table, you'll observe two users. Each assigned different roles: Administrator  and User. Moving on, we'll proceed to develop the login page. In the pages folder, I'm creating  a new folder called 'Account' to organize Pages related to authentication and authorization. Our  first task is to add a new razor component called login in this specified folder. Before delving  into the development of the login page, we'll establish a view model to manage user input. Inside the newly created view models folder, I'm creating a class named LoginViewModel. This  class will incorporate two properties: Username and password. To enhance user input validation,  I'll include the required attribute for both the properties along with custom error messages.  Within the login page, we'll declare the login view model object and utilize the supply  parameter from form attribute, as we'll be receiving the object property values from an edit  form. Next, let me provide the design for entering the credentials. To handle the form submission,  we'll create a method named 'Authenticate'. The form includes input text elements for both username  and password, accompanied by validation messages for enhanced user guidance. Additionally, a string  variable for error messages will be declared and the error message will be displayed just above the  login button. To facilitate user authentication, we require the HttpContext object, which can be  obtained as a CascadingParameter. Let's proceed with implementing the authenticate method. To  access the user account details from the database, we'll inject the DbContext into the component.  Initially, we fetch the user account by filtering with the username provided in the input text.  Subsequently, we check if the user account object is null, indicating the absence of a user account  with the provided username. We also verify if the provided password matches. In case of any invalid  input, we display an error message and exit the method. If both conditions are met, we proceed to  create a list of claims. The first claim holds the username, while the second one holds the user  role. Following this, a claims identity object is generated with the claims as the first parameter  and the authentication scheme used previously as the second parameter. We then create a claims  principal using the identity object. Finally the SignInAsync method is utilized to sign in  the principal, completing the user authentication process. Upon successful authentication, we can  redirect the user back to the homepage. To achieve this, we'll inject the navigation manager and  utilize the NavigateTo method for redirection. Additionally, let's configure the page URL to  align with the one assigned as the login path in the program.cs class. Ensuring consistency in  navigation. Moving forward, let's create the access denied page within the accounts folder. I'm adding a  razor component named AccessDenied to maintain consistency. I'll use the same URL as specified in  the dependency service options. The design of this page will be straightforward, displaying a message  such as "You don't have permission to access this page". Next, we'll create the logout page which will  be displayed when a user clicks the logout button. First, let's assign the page URL on this page. We'll  present a simple message confirming successful logout. In the code section, we obtain the HTTP  context object through cascading parameters. Moving on, we override the OnInitializedAync  method and make it asynchronous. Within this method, we check if the user is authenticated.  If yes, we proceed to sign out the user using the SignOutAsync method. To ensure components  are refreshed, we use the navigation manager to reload the page. Navigating the user to the same  page with the force load parameter enabled. Now to implement different behaviors in the application  based on the authentication status, let's start by making changes to the main layout. Within the  main layout, we'll incorporate the AuthorizeView to conditionally display login and logout buttons.  To simplify the code, we'll remove the namespace from the tag and import it. Considering the  need for this namespace in other Pages as well, we'll move it to imports.razor. Enabling  its use in any components. For users who are not authorized, we display a login button. On the other  hand for authorized users, we can present the logout button. In the NavMenu component as well, we'll  incorporate the AuthorizeView and Authorized tags. Additionally, roles will be assigned for the  AuthorizeView to control access. We'll move the counter page NavLink inside the Authorized tag. So  that it is accessible only to the users with the role, administrator or user. Subsequently,   another AuthorizeView is included specifying only the administrator role. The weather page NavLink  will be moved within this tag. Ensuring that the weather page can only be accessed by users with  administrator role. Moving on to the homepage, you'll notice that no render modes are assigned  and its currently utilizing static render mode. For a more in-depth understanding of render modes you  can refer to the Blazor Web App video, part of the Blazor tutorial playlist. In the homepage, our focus  is on demonstrating how AuthorizeView works with a static page. We'll place a welcoming message at  the top and beneath that display the login or logout option based on the authentication status.  Proceeding to the counter page, you'll observe that it is using InteractiveServerRenderMode.  Our goal here is to display a button exclusively for authenticated users. We will Implement an  onclick method named DisplayGreetingAlert. The purpose of this method is to showcase a  greeting message along with the username of the authenticated user. To fetch the username from  code, we need the AuthenticationState object which can be retrieved from cascading parameters. The  object is of type task of AuthenticationState and we can obtain the AuthenticationState by  awaiting it. Now we can create the message to be displayed by concatenating the username from  AuthenticationState to the message. To display an alert, we'll inject IJSRuntime and leverage InvokeVoidAsync method. To ensure proper functionality of the implemented features, an important change  needs to be made in the routes.razor component. Instead of using RouteView, we should utilize  AuthorizeRouteView for the desired functionality. This adjustment is crucial for  the proper functioning of the authentication and authorization features in the application. While  our project implementation remains incomplete, a minor issue perist within our application that  needs attention. Let's proceed to run the project and test all functionalities. While testing, I'll  demonstrate the issue and provide a resolution to address it. On the homepage, you'll notice the  welcome message along with the the two login buttons. Let's attempt to login using admin  account. Upon successful login, the menu options become visible and the logout button replaces the  login button on the homepage. Moving to the counter page, clicking the greeting button triggers an  alert displaying the username. Furthermore, access to the weather page is granted. All functionalities  appear to be functioning correctly. Clicking on the logout button appropriately displays the logout message. Now let's proceed to login again with the other user account. You'll observe that  the weather option is no longer visible in the menu. On the counter page, the greeting message  now correctly displays the new username. Let's delve into the developer options to inspect the  authorization cookie. In the cookie section of the application tab, you can find the cookie  labeled 'auth_token' with its expiration period. As a demonstration if I delete the cookie, you'll  observe that I'm automatically logged out from the application. Now let me demonstrate the issue.  I'll signin with the user account and you'll notice that the weather option is not available  in the menu. However, if I attempt to access it by entering the URL manually in the address bar,  you can see that I'm able to bypass the intended authorization checks. Now after completely  logging out, I'll attempt to manually enter the URL. Surprisingly I can access the counter  page and interact with its components without proper authentication. Furthermore, the weather  page is also accessible for an unauthenticated user presenting a security loophole. Let's explore  how we can address and resolve this vulnerability. To enforce restrictions, we need to implement them  within the component itself. Let's begin with the weather component. We can introduce an attribute  named 'Authorize' for the weather component. Similar to AuthorizeView, we can specify roles within this  attribute. For this demonstration, I'm assigning the administrator role to restrict access. Now let's  implement the same authorization restrictions in the counter page. In this case, we'll allow  access for both administrator and user roles. Let's proceed to test these changes, I'm attempting  to access the page without signing in with any users. You'll notice an automatic redirection to the  login page. Now if we try accessing the weather page directly via its URL, we once again find  ourselves redirected to the login page. Reinforcing the authentication requirement. Let's proceed  to login with the user account. This user however is granted access only to the counter page. Let's  attempt to access the weather page and there comes the access denied page which we designed. Here the  user is authenticated but don't have permission to access this page. This concludes our discussion  for now. For a more in-depth understanding of Blazor, make sure to explore our comprehensive  Blazor tutorial playlist. If you found this video helpful, remember to show your support by liking,  sharing and subscribing to our Channel. Thank You!
Channel: Coding Droplets
Views: 8,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blazor login tutorial, blazor tutorial, blazor login example, how to authorize in blazor, blazor login user, blazor authentication, blazor authentication tutorial, blazor authentication methods, blazor server auth, blazor server authentication, blazor server authentication tutorial, blazor authentication .net 8, blazor authentication without identity, blazor authentication example, blazor server role authorize, blazor authentication and authorization tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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