Blacksmithing for beginners: Basic Forging 1

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the most basic form of hammering that the blacksmith does is to position the metal directly in the center of the ambulant it hit it squarely with the face of the hammer this is a very inefficient way of moving any minute so this technique is great if you want to change the cross-section of our belt lengthening it too much the other time it's used is at the end of a heat Smith will use the last little bit of the heat to straighten the bar up or clean up any imperfections on a surface in the next heat we're going to start drawing out the bar by just changing the position of the hammer slightly using the hammer in this position will force grooves or what we call Fuller's into the surface of the bar these Fuller's pinch the bar and force the bar get longer without spreading it out very much of course you don't need to tilt the hammering where near as much as I'm doing here I'm just exaggerating the angles that you can see it on camera I was hammering normally you wouldn't be able to tell that I was tilting the hammer at all once the bar is completely fuller if you can start hammering it with the flat of your hammer that will drive all the peaks in between all Fuller's back into the bar and this will also help to lengthen it and then just use the last bit of the key to clean up the fortune to draw out the metal even faster in the next teeth I'm going to use the same hammer technique but I'm going to move the whole bar over to the edge of the anvil this is going to start pinching the bar from both sides this technique is used mostly for really heavy bars when we need to get all the mechanical advantage you can over the metal when you're using this technique you want to make sure that you use an edge of an anvil that is really well rounded otherwise you're going to be cutting sharp corners into the bar that are going to be really hard to forge out as you can tell this is a fairly aggressive way of moving a lot of metal I use it mainly when I need to do a lot of forging on a bar and I'm sure that I'm going to have enough room at the end clean up all the hammer marks and as always I'm using up the last bit of the heat clean up the forge you you
Channel: DF - In The Shop
Views: 183,545
Rating: 4.9672332 out of 5
Keywords: Blacksmith, blacksmithing, forging, forgework, ironwork, wrought iron, hand forged, Blacksmithing for beginers
Id: FdEFptXI5zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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