Blacksmithing - Forging a bearded axe
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Torbjörn Åhman
Views: 10,546,450
Rating: 4.7620597 out of 5
Keywords: blacksmithing, blacksmith, smide, smed, yxa, woodworking, hewing, forge, hammer, anvil, power hammer, maker, viking, ax, axe, temper, heat treat
Id: FdNxW3_ugHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Excellent. I want one and I have no use for an axe
This is true craftmanship. Really beautiful to watch.
This is incredible craftsmanship. A few questions if anyone knows: Why is he making the blade from different type of steel than the body of the ax? What happens when you sharpen the ax so many times it reaches the second type of steel?
Every video Torbjörn makes is truly a rewarding and engaging video to watch. There's no distracting music because there's no need for it. It's very calming and relaxing to watch everything he uploads.
Awesome video and awesome work! I only have one comment about the strap hanging from your face mask- tie that shit up! Most likely nothing would happen but we've all seen those videos of something getting caught in a machine and sucking people in. Not bashing, just don't want to see anyone get hurt.
When you need an axe to make an axe
There are some things that you want more after you watch it being made (like this), and there are others that you want to never see again (hotdogs). I prefer this.