Blacksmithing Easy Ten Minute Tongs

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to my channel because in this episode I'm going to make some 10 minute talks [Music] so ladies and gentlemen in this episode I'm going to turn from blacksmith to hack Smith that's right I'm gonna give you the hack on how you can make yourself a set of tongs in ten minutes with two tools I realized a lot of people have a lot of problems making their first set of tongs now I've invented two Collins Tong but you might think that's a bit too those things that doesn't matter because this is a very simple very easy way to make a european-style Tong for the first time without failure now all you need to make these tongs is two pieces of reinforcing bar reinforcing but I can't stand this stuff but I know that a lot of people get it for free and that's why you use it this is 14 millimeter or 9/16 it's 400 millimeters long which is 16 inches I'm going to be using two of those obviously one for each side and a little bit of 10 millimeter that's 3/8 round 2 inches long 50 mil black mould still round bar for the pivot pin now I've got a special guest with me today at the forge all the way from Japan he's named mr. makida domo arigato mr. makida thanks for coming he's sporting the latest in brand new 10 millimeter draw bits he's going to be drilling the hole for me you will see him later now without further ado let's go up over that smithy at top speed we've got 10 minutes to make a set of Tom's awesome okay my fabulous fortune friends here's my first hack but both of those pieces of metal in the fire at the same time that's economy of scale this economy of fuel all right okay we've got our metal hot this is the second part of the hack what we're going to do now get that metal on the anvil and we're gonna start thrashing away at it for about three inches to make the hinge plate that's gonna be about maybe an inch inch and a half back from the end of the bar no finesse no style no setbacks no complex angles you're just gonna thrash it with your hammer like an absolute lunatic don't go any thinner than eight millimeter or seven sixteenths of an inch and you'll be golden I'll show you how to do that now alright okay my metal mangling mates you saw what I just did there I smashed that boss flat I kept flipping it over to keep that batch down bit central to the middle of the bar that's the boss maid took about 30 seconds did I say this was going to be easy okay let's get on to making the jaw [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go gas burners we've just made ourselves a jaw nothing flash nothing fancy we are two heats and about one minute into this build and we've just thrashed that jaw flat kept it roughly in the center that's all you need these things may be uglier than the north end of a southbound Pig but they are going to work they're going to work for you as good as they work for me well we got to do now is make it as edge shape World War Z well let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] okay there you go see shape but very very simple all I've got to do now get his twin-brother draw two holes put a pin in it we got ourselves a set of tongs that's what I'm talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've just put my tongs into Jack the gripper that's my leg vice when add it with mr. Makita that's my special guest today with these three little mates Huey Louie and Dewey we've drilled three progressive holes up to ten millimeter I can now put my little piece of rivet stock through those holes get them hot rivet my tongs together let's go [Music] [Music] okay guys and gals that sound rivet done now but just what a quickly mentioned that when I started doing that I set that rivet cold now there's a good reason why I did that I did it because if you don't have any tongs or no other means to hold that rivet in the fire and get it hot get it out and put it into your tongue the bosses they're you know you're just he's just not gonna be able to do that so when you put that pin in through those tongs it's a little bit loose if you put that in the fire and just start cranking away that that pin can drop out quite often does drop out and then you can't get it back out of the fire if you don't have any tongs really frustrating that's why I set it cold I'll get into the appropriate position give it three sharp whacks with my hammer that rivet is now stuck there it's not gonna move anywhere you put it in the fire it will come out in the perfect position that's my little hack for you on riveting now I've said it hot it's good to go the last thing I have to do now is simply adjust my reins I like to adjust the reins first to about that wide apart which is a good hand grip for me and then once that's set I'll then set the jaws get the jaws to where I want them all of them about maybe on and that whatever half-inch apart something like that salt and grab something with it that's what I'm gonna do now let's get stuck in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen and there you are that's ended at forging now what I've made is a set of 10-minute fugly Tom's out of rebar nothing special night fancy but they won't grip the work like a tick you just saw me then forging a railway dog spike I was given that a fair walloping these things had a rock-solid grip on that even though one of the jaws is slightly longer than yeah that doesn't matter if they're mismatched who cares if I was precious about it I could just cut it off and grind it I don't care these are very utilitarian they're very simple to make they're very quick to make I've just made him in ten minutes and if you're struggling to make a set of Tom's but you think the cons typed on that I've been expensive for you and you really want to make the European style you can start with these there's no fancy angles there's no set downs there's no hammer on half off off off blows or any of that other rubbish it's in the middle of the a ball you're smashing away at it like a maniac flatten one side flat on that side drill the hole stick a rivet in it and off you go so there you go folks I hope that's been helpful to somebody out there and until the next time my video comes maybe I'll make some really good times who knows thanks for watching this video we'll see you later bloody hate [Music]
Channel: neddidge Blacksmithing
Views: 62,967
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Keywords: tongs, how to make tongs, blacksmithing, blacksmith tongs, how to make blacksmith tongs, scrolling tongs
Id: xgE64nIVRHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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