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we're going to be dealing some Blackjack I've got two pros and my wife who has not played blackjacket over a decade we got sd1 here and it's it's been a minute since you've counted cards in a casino yes uh but we'll see we'll see how you do and you're gonna be what betting a one to six hundred dollar hundred dollar units right yep all right so blacks are hundreds these purplish are 500s so one to six spread means he's gonna be betting a hundred dollars uh starting at a hundred dollars and adding a hundred dollars per true count up to six bets which would be six hundred dollars at a true five and above and then I'm following my heart Grace is going to follow her heart and imitate your typical ploppy and then loud and often is going to be betting what uh ten dollars so these Reds are five so ten dollars and then up to oh well one black per true count up to 500. so 100 per true Count starting at true one below a true one ten dollars yes great all right you guys ready to play some Blackjack let's do it let's roll here we go [Music] foreign and I will not be counting along because I am going to be dealing the 18. 10 I didn't check we're good I'm gonna split those vibes okay so first off you started hot off the top paying 500 and now you're doing perhaps the worst basic strategy decision I've ever seen but um never split things that start with an F no that's not exactly true but all right here you go now you have a 13 500.13 against a 10. and 18 could have been worse 15. okay surrender good call it it pains you it does it's it's hard to watch um well hey there we go it is Blackjack all right and to chase your money you're not betting a thousand dollars hey pair of eights that's fun 17. all right 12. take that back 18 17. 18. foreign bet hey there it is and even a blind scroll if you find that sometimes all right 18. you good yeah hand signal there we go nice nice Blackjack thank you 18. and we got 8 . okay two thousand and you guys have not raised your bets yet so I'm assuming it's not true one yet Ace insurance nobody's home 15. yeah have you nope 16. Loudon got to surrender okay 19. you guys all could have surrendered just now 18. um yeah are we playing hit 17 or stand seven yeah good question because I sure just assumed and try to surrender wait uh yeah on a stand 17 you wouldn't surrender that's what I normally thought okay all right well you sir can play Stand 17. uh let's do stand 17. that's better and that's what it says there good I read the rules of the mat sir all right stand 17. nine nineteen twenty yeah okay good luck 19. 13. you're still in it foreign count but I won't oh I'll look at David and confirm 12. 12 13. [Applause] that's right I thought it's not uh this is uh yeah should have wonged found the table I could long into there you go 4 14. no more complaining do it Rhyme or Reason she wasn't feeling it 16. good good call ouch now can I complain 18. 20. [Applause] oh we must have a running four because he's like nope he's saying yep eleven foreign six or sixteen uh 13. two minutes 12. 16. get out of there oh are you kidding me all right here come the raised bets by the card counters six fifteen twenty don't say I never did anything for you it's about time buddy 17. 15. 20. oh hooking you both up needed every bit of that you're not sorry yeah I am sorry I will try harder I will try harder you go ah heating up what we have 400 so true three bets from both of you you've got two thousand so that's a your heart is big ouch you know this game's all about timing so say the gamblers at the table I would say it's all about math but uh who's counting oh you guys are oh Insurance um no insurance is closed it was close you had a true three bet but then the countless count dropped it did just enough I need a reverse fill hey now come on we can help you with that learning about beer 20. 20. he's 22. 15 too many he can bust yeah last shoe I was busting like crazy all right 200 so you guys are saying it is a true one and you're saying you think you're gonna win boom ah 13 19. 6 7 or 17 keep going 16. let's have a positive running count sorry everybody are you though not really not sorry [Music] all right transportation ooh insurance is closed nobody's home 13. oh 18. 13. 17. too many there we go just like that you're back in it yes we all are yeah radiant foreign oh yeah 15. that was a two thousand dollar hand right there oh and a straight flush action Don't splash the pot 18 . 15. 16 . if you pulled out that one too boom Oh ouch easy come easy go all in okay okay and our card counters are bumping up their bets it looks like they're trying to decide is a true two or a true three they're saying it's a true three good luck all in boom yes bring it 15. should I hear yeah hold it honey hit it if you want it oh no I mean stay there you go I think I might have dealt with seconds oh my gosh yeah all right if you win this now you realize it stayed [Laughter] it doesn't feel very good to win that one yeah it's not fun if you're out it's called collusion okay let's go we got a true five depending on who you ask and what is that six pays nine thirteen and the count keeps climbing 12. oh man that's a tough one again all in again [Music] six pays nine [Music] foreign [Music] twelve 18. true four it looks like oh they're baits yep cool add a true one 20. well you're not splitting so probably not hitting 18. wow having deja vu that's good foreign [Music] s and a 13 too many all right I did not set that hand up I just didn't want the count to completely plummet yet oh I got a purple under there blue is purple oh all right let's do one more hand one more one more to make the real money all right and we must is this okay true five true five all right 20. 18. 16. thanks for playing all right sure we'll do another hand for uh the card counters here you still all right that must still be good the casino does this don't trust them oh nice 18. a little too many all right you guys want me to do one more round sure yeah I challenged in all right true four or five depending on who you are yeah yeah sorry I keep doing okay but also at the end I pretend to do that 18. 20. 17. wow so you should have kept my tap up there you guys want me to deal one more all right the answer is yes we've got enough cards go all the way to the end man oh wow seven fourteen too many uh we got enough for one more hand it's like a Verona game now did I just flush a bottom card 17. 16. I know you don't want to but I want that card [Applause] to help it flow of mine that's gonna be that's gonna be it right there that's what's gonna put us over 36 eight cards left I can't deal another hand sorry I mean you could and just you know all right they're all face cards what's your account look at that six six yeah let's see so six five four three two one zero well done guys awesome so it can be done all right so sd1 you have what was it two four six seven eight ten thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars started with ten thousand so some positive variance there thank you Colin Grace I'm sorry to say your strategy did not work that time and uh loud and often you've got nine thousand and five dollars okay the bottom line is anything can happen any shoe any hour any night in the casino a lot can happen any 50 hours or even 100 hours but the math of card counting works out over the long run hopefully this was helpful for you guys to follow along to see if you would have placed the same bets made the same playing decisions that the card counters made we had some small discrepancies on bets that can happen when you have the same count but maybe not the exact same divisor and if you guys found some errors that were made that we didn't catch let us know in the comments below interested in going from a recreational blackjack player to a winning player check out our video how to count cards and bring down the house
Channel: Blackjack Apprenticeship
Views: 669,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackjack, blackjack apprenticeship, blackjack apprentice, colin jones, how to count cards, blackjack strategy, beat blackjack, how to count cards in blackjack, blackjack card counting, blackjack strategy explained, blackjack strategy betting, blackjack strategy to win, black jack, counting cards, card counting strategy, how to win blackjack, blackjack card counting live, blackjack card counting in action, blackjack basic strategy, counting cards blackjack
Id: aJ5tR_F8Ofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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