Black Parents’ Tax Dollars Pay for White Kids' “Segregation Academies” | The Amber Ruffin Show

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when you think of the term welfare queen you might picture someone like this but i would like to invite you to the possibility that an actual welfare queen looks like this now don't know what i mean let me explain in a segment called how did we get here in the united states a lot of people don't like welfare they think that people who receive welfare are benefiting disproportionately from the money we all pull together as a society to help those in need and many americans have the idea that most of the people unfairly receiving that help are people of color but are they let's go back to 1954. it's the year of brown versus the board of education of topeka and equally important the year peanut m ms were invented now brown versus the board of education of topeka was not a versus battle between james brown and a bunch of kansas school teachers although that would be great and i would watch the butt off of it brown versus board of education was actually five civil rights cases all put together one of them involved the south carolina school district that only provided school buses for their white students the black students has had to cross a river and walk up to 16 miles to and from school it's like if a triathlon was swimming running and algebra two and instead of meadows you gotta get up and do it again the next day but here's the important part it's not just that the education for black kids was unequal that particular school district was 75 black so that means black parents tax dollars were literally being used to build better lives for the white kids now you might call that a unique distribution of funds but i call it welfare for white people because the white kids were disproportionately benefiting from the money that was raised to take care of everyone now in brown versus board of education the supreme court ruled that segregation in public schools was illegal but that didn't stop white parents from getting their kids more government handouts one publix once public schools couldn't be segregated anymore a lot of white parents started opening private all-white schools called segregation academies which is the most on the nose name i have ever heard you might as well have called it racist prep i mean segregation academy go ahead and call it on the ones and threes elementary but the crazy thing about segregation academies aside from the name is that almost 200 of those schools still exist today segregation academies are one of those things that should have disappeared decades ago but somehow didn't like low-rise genes or bill maher or bill maher and here's the thing white students are now the minority in public schools it makes sense less than half of the u.s population under 18 is caucasian but private schools are still very white like naming your kid braid in white or pronouncing target target what like dancing like this white like what is that what are you doing are you feeling a smell what is this as of 2017 67 of private school students were white that's two-thirds in a nation as diverse as ours our private schools somehow have the same racial makeup as the triplets on this is us now i know what you're thinking shouldn't parents be free to send their school send their kids to any school that they can afford yes of course they should but here's the thing no one mentions you and i are paying for those schools in 23 states your tax dollars are being used to send kids to private and religious schools in florida alone residents pay almost 1 billion dollars a year to send kids to private schools to put that in perspective that's slightly more than florida spends on illegal fireworks and just a touch less than their meth budget so now we know where to find america's white kids they're in private school meanwhile 70 70 of our black children are going to high poverty public schools while their parents taxes are being used to fund majority white private schools now what rubs many white americans wrong about welfare is the idea that they pay a bunch of money in taxes and then someone else benefits meanwhile black parents are paying taxes so that their kids can go to the school from lean on me while a lot of white kids can go to the school from dead poets society i'm just taking other people's word there there's no way i can sit through that movie but let's be clear i'm sure it's great but let's be clear the problem isn't just the private schools no these welfare kings and queens have also found a way to make their public schools wider through a move called succession secession through a move called succession succession is something else it's a great tv show it's through a move called secession and if that word has negative connotations for you that is because you are a human being with a memory secession happens when part of a school district decides to leave the hole in practice it's when white people in a district decide they want their own school system so they create a new one leaving behind the students of color the term secession sounds old-timey and historical but it's something that's actually happening right now from 2000 to 2017 47 school districts in the u.s seceded from larger school districts and every single one of those new districts is majority white basically the concept of secession is a lot like the tv show succession and by that i mean it's a bunch of greedy white nonsense so here's the question if welfare is a small group of people unfairly draining money from the taxes that are collected from everyone then when it comes to education who's actually receiving welfare and who's paying for that welfare you and i are and if you're not happy about that go to your local school board meeting and speak up but when you walk into that meeting watch out for welfare queens no not her him this has been how did we get here [Music] you
Channel: The Amber Ruffin Show
Views: 233,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amber ruffin, the amber ruffin show, amber ruffin show, amber ruffin peacock, amber ruffin how did we get here, the amber ruffin show peacock, segregation, welfare, late night, late night talk show, welfare for white people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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