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it's Monday morning in t Toby land hey [ __ ] I'm here get down listen to me come on the r we have the [ __ ] things to get the bdge put it down now da Dobies da dbes say say look at them look at the zombies they're telletubbies yeah yeah know shoot them ow ow ow ow they hurt what was the name of the vacuum cleaner I don't know but he'd always suck up porridge he' always suck up a bunch of stuff tell you would def old definitely definitely put your cleaner to work just just FYI watching this we did have a fourth that was uh that was a guy that goes by the name of I Am Wildcat but he could make it because there was a Call of Duty update about 15 minutes before the session was supposed to start he goes I'm playing the new Cod update and then I see a tweet immediately after he tweeted Call of Duty is such an embarrassment almost as embarrassing as idiots like me that continueed to play it and pay for it if I didn't make content from it I don't think I'd ever touch the game though to be fair and I'm like dude you you could have been playing this you could have been playing this can you reply with our lobby yeah hold on yeah I'll do I'll do it right now but he's not playing anymore no he's playing it he play he'll still he's he's still playing it don't get it wrong he's just going to not have fun I replied to him Brian so there you go for the record I think he's making the right business decision to play Call of Duty instead of Black Ops 3 Del yeah business wise business wise he's making the right decision for sure also just also just socially and mental healthwise you know I don't know the mental heal definitely be happy or playing Teletubbies I don't know man you definitely would be happier playing this come on he could be the purple T made me very healthy and challenged best part was the sun British Bri it is yeah and then they would have a son and in the sun would be this little baby is the is like the face of the Sun and that [ __ ] was kind of creepy not going to lie yeah the baby that came out as the sun do you know that baby died there's a part right here what yeah the baby that was the son in Teletubbies died what as a grownup I don't know actually well that's horrible yeah I got to Google it but I saw it on Tik Tok or something all will take that g tree fly like a g tree like a g tree I fly like a g tree you're so white you guys know that song yeah a G6 what it's a g yeah g you don't even know like a g Tre thought you I thought you were intentionally I thought you were being highly intellectual ah you know what guys because of this atmosphere and the colorful Teletubbies it feels like a classic zombies it does doesn't it give that nice little Vibes feels nostalgic feels very oh yeah simple and why is the round going so quickly I feel like look in here look these guys doing look at them they're sitting down we oh we got to take the tubby custers the classic Tubby Custard why did I move the valve tby custard that's what they would always eat tby custard that's all they need tuby cush and they all sound like Delirious on the Teletubbies oh tubby cushion okay I'm going to move this valve wait what is the valve do I don't know maybe it's the power so we can buy all the valves and I think that contributes to like something what yeah I think I think it would why you laughing man I think that's a fair and and sensible deduction okay I'm not you know I'm not trying to assume too much like your sexuality heart dude I always wanted to eat like pubby custard when I was a child but they never released it I was like dude how do they not have pubby custard would it just be like with with a bit of strawberry color Dy kind of in yeah it basically be it probably would be just like regular Coster like the yellow one Brian but you add like some strawberry or pink stuff in it exactly pretty much what I just said yeah okay yeah like a g like a g you ever have custard when you were younger you ever had custard and jelly I'm just going to open all the [ __ ] doors you never had custard jelly can someone open the door we got we have to get Evan to e costed and jelly no you don't no you you no we do why you got to eat crusted and jelly at my wedding them I'm going to have you oh I found oh go the map there's Toby custard there's Toby custard I found one I picked one I picked Toby you want to eat some Toby do you want to eat some Toby custard at my wedding oh my God shut I feel like the valves might be the power right no we already turned on we already turned on the power we did yeah we did Brian turned it on you were talking about Toby custard at your wedding and I was yeah you don't think that'd be nice Toby custard at your wedding yes your marriage will be like like dating on the Spectrum if you do that and I am pretty autistic I'm just not getting diagnosed okay I'm going to open this door right should I open this door just just anything that moves it from [ __ ] whatever bra about what the [ __ ] was that I don't know I didn't see that you saw it but I didn't see that it was a really Hightech jump scare oh the PNG jump scares oh damn no this is 3D rendering oh yeah yeah yeah no no look look look they're stuck in the door they're stuck in the door up here look oh my God we've already broken it welcome ladies and gentlemen to a fourstar Zombies Black Ops 3 map would you rather play Call of Duty than play this yeah okay what's in here this is the exit oh wo wo go through the exit so bright yes ioke jug right here get Jug get Jug boys get Jug this is Teletubbies bro this is like that's this is the home they had with all the robot pineapple what you talking about SpongeBob this is yeah you hadle we had this place that's why we're so autistic happy and excited yeah but Evan we had telop and Evan had SpongeBob that's basically how our childhood work taking that and me and Brian had Pokemon and Evan had Yuri's Revenge I comment down below if if you're more of a SpongeBob person or Teletubbies person now we're getting to the real [ __ ] that's why yeah that's why we need to risk yeah that's all we need to know these are the burning things we need to see so wait wait wait is this the map mhm no but we got to open we got to open and we go out here zie money it's the same as normal money it's the it's the money we always have come here come here come here look at this hold F to put the Tubby Custard ooh tubby custard tuby oh we're missing a tubby Custer we're missing a tubby Custer uhoh uh-oh you purple mother you purple mother you purple I'm sho I'm shooting I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you keep moving we're going to die we're going to die feel it feel it oh that was so stressful oh my gosh a is a car part we need parts we need parts I got it I got the last part okay do you have the last part try now oh nice that worked out great you just had to scream like a [ __ ] toddler okay open up this door and we're going to go outside and I feel like we'll be safer outside do that work that door I don't know how to open that door we need to I'm sure it has to do with no we need to find I'm sure we have to oh what the [ __ ] like I like serious yes Toby hey Toby custard over here boy oh my God it's so beautiful hey hey Toby custard Toby custard right here on me yeah you're right you're right last Toby custard it's the last one we need this reminds me of what the [ __ ] is that yeah black this a show I don't know what the [ __ ] no like it has to do with an underground bunker it's like post apocalyptic world and the character at the end escapes the bunker and it kind of looks like this but then you don't really know they survive or not no I it was more sounds like that sounds like 500 different like yeah probably but if you saw it you you you know what I you know what I'm okay yeah yeah if we saw look there's going to be there's going to be one guy in the comments that knows looks like Patrick's house oh look there's the there's the there's the baby from um Teletubbies I got to Google if it's dead dead baby tetes dead baby tetes weird 4 still be alive oh yep there it is the baby son from telletubbies has died in 2016 January of 2016 by a knife cheese Haven reference that's a that's a reference I understood that PR or reference guys the last custard and what you got right a perk run oh I gets it okay wait you can buy a wait you can keep buying perks oh my gosh keep buying perks yeah you all you all get one each time keep buying was M you [ __ ] you get free perks it's bro it's 1,500 a piece and he ate he drank it are you not getting more perks every single time Brian bot on your screen I apologize profusely dude was so mad I I thought I thought that was like one bottle is a new perk and I I didn't look down okay all right I apologize I put my hands up you been the video where I apologize to no wow damn can I turn this into a YouTube short and get a million views whenever you see the bottle icon that normally means a random perk right I don't know but all I know is I'm going to take wildcat's apology in photo chop your face on it Ai and make it like you apologize to me wait I just realized wait a second no no no Brian the baby isn't dead baby actually got pregnant the baby being dead is fake news what are you talking about the baby look at the son look at the sun Evan outside yeah yeah I know so wait you were wrong that baby grew up then died then got pregnant huh all right Evan come on man 2024 man 2024 come on man get with the get catch up man we have to fill the television with Teletubby souls are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah yeah I know that makes literal no sense but yeah we got we got to fill it the television with Souls T that's what everyone watching wanted to hear okay linking the teleporter is what gets you to gets you to Pack-A-Punch we link it yeah where's the link okay they're doing something with the speakers outside they're like knifing the speakers is outside now oh it is with that you have to turn oh you shoot them you shoot them to turn oh my gosh sorry guys about the TV sorry about that where do we have turn them to uh that I do not know face the house face the house how did no none of us accidentally shoot them okay okay that one's facing the house that's facing the house yeah that one's good that one's good that one's good no this one let me go yeah hold on one more shot on that one one more shot one more shot here we go we go go there we [ __ ] there it is there it is facing that is facing do it oh wait a second what you need to be facing away from the house why I don't know I think that's what I saw does this thing work now no what right figure it out never did I think as a child that be rpging these little [ __ ] yeah this is a trip I can't wait to kill TW Tinky winkies a little [ __ ] yeah this this is some nightmare nightmare Fu for sure no you just picked up the n it's fine I didn't realize it was a nuke it's fine I've got an like you've never recognized what a nuke looks like you know just I I don't do the voice to get away get out of this one doing the voice to get out of this one damn you I can I can never be mad at you when you're doing the voice is that RPG time it's looking a little L yeah oh I don't know if I [ __ ] risking on this guy though I don't know if [Music] I look at that was on me that was on me now one I was too busy laughing I bet you the TV changes or something I bet you it's like it has to do with like the reception of the TV okay they it's definitely supposed to point inward okay Point them inward maybe that actually just makes the TV fixed and it doesn't really do anything outside no no it definitely does I just I just watched them they make a point Inward and at the house yeah like at the house yeah and we might just have to fiddle around a bit like to the center of the house the center house yeah yeah one was just a little off yeah exactly exactly exactly they were knifing it to be fair there okay that's that that seems good that seems yeah they all seem good there we go woo we can buy the ending now you guys want to buy the ending wait we can could for oh my God that took us so that we were so long fiddling with those speakers the [ __ ] do you get oh we have to teleport yeah right here right here on me on me I want to get some Pack-a-Punch let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh you went without me a bollock yeah what you bollocks oh you can't go oh no we go individually go individually y the macroscopic annihilation no what do you want to get Evan I didn't have enough time oh sorry I think you can keep teleporting no ah my God my God my God my God damn it I can't my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God come back up you got it relax okay my turn my turn my turn I want to do it okay okay okay jez dude I thought it was goner we could end the game right now but we're literally just killing them for fun yeah not going to lie this map was a little too easy or Brian are you just the greatest zombies player of all the time oh and also update I think I know why I was getting uh the code thing where it was you know taking my guns cuz it was saying I was hacking I think I figured it out I was cleaning out my computer now you have to believe me oh sure yeah go ahead yeah so do you remember blackout when I used to play blackout mhm the the Battle Royale in Black Ops 4 no one played on PC and I couldn't use the PS4 controller to save my life so I used the like the Zim Apex to use my medic keyboard on on PS4 so the software I guess was still on my computer and I wonder if the game detected that it was on the computer cuz you were actually had a cheaters [ __ ] software on your computer course they're computer but it wasn't being used it wasn't like being used they're not supposed to know that so maybe it detected the software being on the computer like confirmed Brian cheats at Call of Duty zombies confirmed you're like the girl uh that fix blind speeduns that's what Brian is right now he's what was it Clara is that a Clara this [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] Clara I don't know I don't know no no no the girl that was playing csgo and she had the wall hacks while streaming and then no I'm talking about the girl that like blind beat like an insane boss in some in some like oh and her blind Monster Hunter game yeah and she like faked a a blind a dumb [ __ ] a dumb [ __ ] right yeah yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about I'm talking about I'm basically saying you're a dumb [ __ ] thank you I like how you were so sad at the start of session and Telly tubby zombies has completely made your day amazing it's my it's my childhood I'm back you're about to say it's my king it's my king child says more about you says more about you yeah yeah don't lie you got a couple of tet ltic suits in your in your closet you need your body shap flirting flirting like you guys are like you're hinting at the uh the telletubbies Kink I'm G are you T tubies for Life 69 on the Forum dud I rather have a tell Toby King than a p you know what I mean 100% I can respect the tell to see po has like the circle on his head like and then uh which which one has the straight one that's how they which one the straight one the Kink is you just put that into Po's hoop FES just have sex with each other in glory Halles and toilets I think we've played this map too much I think we need to BU the ending can you imagine our parents watching us watching telet toies and they're like all like oh so swe do you ever think what he's going to do when he's older cl to [ __ ] die laa die rocket laun to that [ __ ] I think he's going to be a doctor die die you want to see a fully automatic RPG hell yeah one one Teletubby that was sick [ __ ] that guy dude it left the big gi Brown hole under ground when when there's a big group use it yeah I'm ready you ready ready do it do it do it it's going to be yes that was sick dude that was so sick okay I'm there was Teletubbies there and then and then and then you shot and then there was no Teletubbies there all right exact change it's been a while dude I think it's been a while since we've done the exact change yeah it it is it actually has it actually has hard to do what is what is the exact change what what do you need 45,000 all right has 100 start buying houses Brian Brian if you want that exact change you're going to have to start investing that money start buying Bitcoin at the top yeah is Brian here anymore mentally now yes he's here oh okay all right now my shotgun has no sound listen literally no sound it's completely broken I hear it okay it's just broken for me then was really loud I can't tell if you're being ironic you being ironic ironic are you being ironic what do you mean you don't be ironic irony is not a thing you be it's something you say that shorts right now are you ironic right now it's sarcastic that's you can be sarcastic you can't be ironic irony is not a thing you be it is just it is I'm going Google this one I'm I'm down yeah you can be ironic Brian you can yeah yeah a [ __ ] I pass 45,000 give an example of how you can be ironic is intentionally ironic or is it you can do something it's being ironic is like when you do something that's hypoc like contradictory to what you've done previously or said yeah basically like but that's that's not int no no no no no when you're being ironic that means it's unintentional that's that's what it is a person I don't think can be me up you guys never picked me up we just argued about whether or not you can be ironic and you got let me die wasn't in the game it was online clearly says you can be ironic it says strange or funny because something such as a situation is different from what you expected being ironic would be like it's a really rainy gloomy day and then you say ooh what a beautiful day you know that would be an example of being iric that's being sarcastic but that it yeah but they're interchangeable you can use both you don't have to use sarcastic there's all the words for sarcastic I think we let the comment section decide along with if they prefer teletubis or SpongeBob two really really important questions it's going to be I think I'm going to end the video in a different way I am so close dude look at that and wait you're close too you can get it too yeah and Brian don't do it Brian exact change you know the rules it's been handed down Generations upon Generations our forefathers bled for this rule oh I'm so close I'm very close once I get it careful once I get it here we go yeah [ __ ] all right gather around everybody gather around I'm going to be the one that buys the end of the map oh [ __ ] buy it [ __ ] it buy it Brian go ahead how ironic yeah it's very ironic and also I'm very IR right now I'm very IR moronic ironic moronic ironic jonic jonic yeah just I Jim moric my darling I really love Sonic byy the ending if you want instead that's true but no I don't to I don't do that so could you Evan why you him to do it you could do it you little language yeah sorry sorry son of a [ __ ] dude get me off of this [ __ ] childhood game oh oh 20 10 10 oh no look at that heartbreaking Stu folks it would be ironic if I ended the map now and I was the guy who suggested that would be so ironic and funny oh my God God I'm might just fing leave right now [ __ ] this we gas it on the definition of ironic I'm coming I don't want you to got you just bed when I had the chance and stopped talking Brian I got a brand deal offer for sex toys let's go baby I said I said no idiot yeah I felt like it wouldn't be you know fitting I could find something fitting yeah that's why I mentioned it to you I can I can I can tell him to ask you if you you want to promote it I know you don't give a [ __ ] so what is what is it like you know uh P [ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] like that yeah hey kids life getting you down tax is stressing out but today's sponsor is here to bring you relief pcka [ __ ] now NOLA Edition do you ever want to put your dick in Pot Pocket [ __ ] chicken pot [ __ ] Chicken Pot Pocket [ __ ] dude imagine bro that would sell oh yeah like wild fire man chicken papy is the [ __ ] of sex toys I might think the brand de now and just completely me the [ __ ] out of it oh my no no one has got to take it serious to actually buy the product you know they it's a meme oh that was a good corpse launch Evan are you even trying magnific this man is not trying to hit 45,000 this map could have been over 45 minutes ago you don't know my struggles this time I'm not even going to say anything I'm just ending it just so you're aware wait can I Y there it is [ __ ] all you guys I'm out all players must be nearby tocame I'm out out out I'm out I'm don't care don't care don't care I know you [ __ ] will never get 40 yeah well done EV well done buddy good job yes good job our childhoods are now saved I knew that sh was going to happen cuz I tried to end it before you went to it oh great I was wondering why you weren't trying to get $45,000 now and now I know now I know this is great I honestly I'm next time I'm just going to pull a wild cat [ __ ] you guys how [Laughter] ironic here the end of the video like subscribe and all the good stuff to end
Channel: Nogla
Views: 98,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daithi de nogla, nogla, gaming, new, video game, funny, video games, comedy, game, fail, fails, gameplay, video, youtube, epic, funny moments, moments, multiplayer, hilarious, rage, best, zombies, teletubbies
Id: 6gVDmdyviV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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