Black Guy Wants to be SANTA (hilarious)

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hi yeah I was calling about the UH the Santa Claus  yeah so I was wondering do y'all have like black   said over here we do okay - I will I was just  trying to see if like y'all was looking to hire   any mobile next sentences I'm available gonna  say I'm ready I only have one and there's not   as high of a demand for a black Santa as it is  for African or Cartesian Santa you have natural   white beard in hair I do have a beard I've  been growing my beard out it's actually I'm   still young and youthful source it's actually  a black beard but I'm very able to tend you to   a white beard it's very easy for me yes I can  color that bad boy up real quick are you over   well I'm 35 years old I actually found a no sin  out for you my dumpster behind my house saying   I cleaned it up and I put it on I was like almost  looking like like a fish so yeah I have one black   Center mr. Calvin I think you'd like 80 something  he's been doing it for quite some time yeah he's   probably been doing it for like 18 19 years but  he must be out of his prime now right like you say   you get tired of doing it now but I could dance I  could do backflips I can break there's like a rap   like I'm a variety back sweet well I know black  we could be like the new like millennial center   like Center 2.0 was doing like damn it's like  listen you know how i Function watch whatever   you like it's time I said it gets upgraded to  don't say oh yeah I'm trying to do there what's   your name oh my name is Terra Rome so artists  now I've also been training my son also to be   like a little Elvis of his name is jabari so  like if y'all want to hire me I could bring my   son around like you know he could be like a little  arrow from like you know we can make a wheel like   African American Christmas don't say I'm all  about that stuff okay Jabari is a short boy was   a small little do but he looks like a new era for  we gotta do we gotta act fast homeboys grown with   the quickness so like look like a ill cause of  his height don't say he there he that thing that   they're perfect height may I toss a green hat  on that boy he looked like like a straight up   I'll be a Buble if you put your cross where you  can be mrs. close don't say I'm late you're late I can't live on up your chimney you're saying I'm  you too young planted on top like that he don't   say boy not alone about their license yeah I know  I'm gonna dumb it down don't worry left but when   I see them no kids blares Oh hohoho what's good  y'all y'all doing what you want to see you okay   this is what imma do you have a picture of you  in costume oh yeah I do I could see you with that   right now you've got a how about face time you  won't just look at me right now with first time   I have an Instagram and a LinkedIn oh you gotta  Instagram okay so you got older sister will you   add on instantly let me slide up it's not a big  deal I was just trying to nap you a picture with   my candy cane that's why I asked about snapchat  you know saying but I guess you don't got war so   you know Instagram it is so how much don't pay for  our fifty dollars per hour Oh honest to god do for   you for 25 in an everyday whoever you are tyro  you guys look at this baby crack the hell up in   a couple minutes I'm absolutely happy to hear  anyway so tell me you was having a bad day or   what happened I know okay well honestly the point  is if I was able to help brighten the day honest   that makes me real happy you know say you got a  lot of life but this is what i'ma do Tarot okay   I'm gonna text you a link to my website check  it out and then I'm gonna send you my email and   whatever pictures you have you can send them  over oh gosh and it's a cool I just wanna make   sure like what the expectations are stuff like  that him I allowed to send like so let's enter   photos too in case alone like 1 min ago like a  boo-boo this whole thing was just a little prank   called you're right none of this is actually true  but I did find your ad on Craigslist and I think   one of your friends sent it in to pull off a  little funny prank on you well it sounds like   they inadvertently made your day better hopefully  that's still the case but my name is Russell I'm a   voice actor I have a youtube channel called ownage  pranks I do a bunch of different prank calls and   voices somebody submitted your craigslist  honestly you are you hearing you lose it   laughing I was about to make me lose it and break  character I could barely contain myself that was   so so so funny oh that was honestly so funny but  again I hope that it did actually brighten your   day and didn't like take up too much your time  okay thank you again so much I hope you enjoy   the rest of your day and happy holidays Merry  Christmas thank you alright take care bye bye that lady's reaction was so funny I wish  one of my characters could have such lively   laughter big announcement huge I'm officially  hiring for a whole range of things from web   development SEO video editing I need some  help with compilations too and more click   the link below for more info and fill it out if  you're interested I'll reach out to the chosen   candidates and continue the convo from there  I am so stoked to chat with a bunch of you   thanks for subscribing and I'll see you again  on Sunday with an epic rage break stay tuned
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 990,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, comedy, improv, voice acting, calls, phone pranks, phone, funny, ownage pranks phone call, ownage pranks youtube, youtube ownage pranks, santa, holidays, christmas, new year, tyrone, instagram, dating
Id: KF3eifutHyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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