'Black Guns Matter' founder: Oregon lowering learning standards 'bigotry of low expectations'

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Bigotry of NO expectations.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/zhobelle 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I have a funny feeling that one of the unintended consequences of the constant propaganda push is going to be the uniting of groups the powers that be want to divide.

Australia is really discouraging, but many other places are not.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Savant_Guarde 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Malcolm X said it best!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RedditWarner 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Only Black Nugs Matter

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Inevitable_Glass_419 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome back when a governor signs a bill that they're proud of there's usually a lot of fanfare signing ceremony a press release in a few rounds of tv interviews but what happens when they know their actions are about to hurt generations of kids in their state last month oregon governor kate brown quietly got rid of proficiency requirements for high school graduation this means that students can graduate without proving that they know how to read write or do math so why would she do this to help minorities of course in a statement the governor's office said that suspending the reading writing and math proficiency requirement while the state develops new graduation standards will benefit quote organs black latino latinx latinx indigenous asians pacific islanders tribal and students of color frankly it is insulting that they think the bar needs to be lower for people with a different skin color than theirs it is lazy to give up and say poor students don't have the capability of learning soul we'll just pass them without actually educating them if you actually want these kids to learn you need to put in the work and if you're not willing to do that then give these families a choice to put their kids in a school that will take a look at capitol prep a charter school with locations in harlem the bronx hartford connecticut that serves predominantly low-income students people of color they refuse to lower the bar instead they raise the bar they push their students to meet high standards they prepare them for challenges of the real world and they don't make excuses the result a hundred percent of college acceptance rate for their graduates shouldn't all students have the option to attend a school that cares about their future teachers unions and school boards know that if parents had the option to use their tax dollars going to public schools to instead send their kids to better charter schools there would be a mass exodus and the public school system would either have to drastically improve or shut down so for them it's just easier to lower the bar and that's sad joining me now whitney monroe uh serial institute ceo and mars toure founder of black guns no matter whitney i want to go to you first because you have been an education reform advocate most of your adult life but it seems like they think instead of improving the system let's just lower the standards yeah i know it's really sad i want everyone watching tonight to understand that what governor brown and the bureaucrats are doing is they're not pushing for equity this really isn't about equity it's in fact going to create a system that does the exact opposite increases learning gaps lowers the bar and basically tells children you don't have what it takes to achieve at a high standard it's very sad and we have to ask ourselves what's the incentive here what is the incentive behind getting rid of these learning standards you know in oregon kids were out of school their schools were locked down for 14 plus months they were lucky if kids logged in for their two to three days a week of virtual learning so we know that gaps that already existed were exacerbated by the pandemic and now that it's time for kids to go back to school and for us to start seeing where they really are instead of going you know what let's look at where they are let's set a baseline we've gotten rid of the baseline so now those people responsible for breaking the system won't be held accountable because we won't actually have the numbers to prove where the kids really are that's exactly right maj uh the message is very clear from me young brothers black and brown you can't cut the mustard you can't read you can write if you come from a poor neighborhood then we can't educate you you cannot be helped and so let's just get rid of the standards did i did i get that wrong much no you got it absolutely right this is the soft bigotry of low expectations this is the let's make sure that the black folks that you guys can't really do it anyway so let's just lower the bar for you and they can they can try to couch it in as many vague and flowery words as they want to but the reality of the matter is it's the soft bigotry of low expectations this is the type of legislation that wants to make black americans that work very hard may not have the best economic scenario but this is the type of legislation that they want to make black people a permanent underclass it's goofy and it's wrong but it's par for the course for you know the dems on the left it's goofy and because it was goofy they hit it under the radar whitney and the thing that is so profound to me is that there used to be an argument to this because there weren't charter schools but now that we got the charter schools that have been proven now they want to block these charter schools from getting more money yeah you're exactly right you know it's fear of competition proving that what you've been doing wrong and saying wrong all along doesn't work you know we the reality is that our kids are having a hard time there is a struggle in communities across the country and we want education is a fundamental building block of how we get kids and adults prepared for the best aspects of life for really achieving and striving for more for climbing that social and economic ladder and they've pulled the rug out of under out of under these kids by doing this it's very sad it's very tragic and to be completely honest we need to be holding them accountable for the things that they are doing now that are going to create generations of children who cannot achieve what is possible for them because of these decisions so let's unpack that what whitney just said marge um this is obvious now at this point that these kids are aren't going to be able to make it in the real world but this is just unacceptable so when these kids get into crime these same advocates are going to be saying just lock them up but they put the policies out there if you don't believe me just follow it over the years look at oregon look what's going to happen these kids are going to be in criminal activity and they're going to want to lock them up over something that they design for these kids to do this is the school to prison pipeline via legislation this type of legislation that has tremendously been supported and pushed by the left and again many of my friends and family are on the left love you all a spade is a spade though the reality is this is the prison excuse me the school to prison pipeline 2.0 here's the other difference though now in a generation you know when ai and all of the businesses are automated when you can't even get a job at mcdonald's with the subpar information because we don't even need you there because it's robots now we're dealing with the repercussions in a few generations of this type of legislation i want everyone you know what the sister said is very clear they do need to be held accountable and anyone that even thinks to present something like this forget no child left behind we're not even going to make there to be a line for you to even get behind in the first place we're going to pretend like there is no standard any other politician that is in support or even utters any of this type of thing should not get your vote should not get your support because they have no interest in the forward thinking or future of our youth and i don't care what ethnic group you're from as an american you should be you should be incensed by this and any other politician should be put on notice you know it's such a joke because we were lectured through the pandemic that the reason that they did not want to return to school was because the ventilation system and that everybody didn't have a mask and everyone didn't have the vaccine but the more and more we dig into these people don't want to do their jobs and i feel sad because there are a lot of loving teachers out there that want to do the work but they're a part of this bigger system that tells them what to do that tells them they have to teach it to kids and that these kids cannot succeed it's embarrassing that this is happening in america the land of the fear free the land of opportunity how can you have opportunity if you have no education if you can't read you can't write you can't do math it's insane to me maj whitney thank you so much for joining the program hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 546,763
Rating: 4.9370131 out of 5
Keywords: maj toure, black guns matter, black guns matter maj toure, whitney munro, cicero institute, cicero institute whitney munro, education, schools, american schools, oregon, oregon bill, oregon school bill, kate brown, governor kate brown, kate brown oregon, oregon schools, reading, writing, learning, minority students, students, learning requirements, education requirements, oregon education
Id: BS63L_FyhG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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