Black Desert Online - In-depth PVE Archer Guide 2023 | After Mini-Rework

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hey guys and welcome back to the channel so this is a long overdue guide on the Archer so this is mainly a PVE guide I'm probably gonna make a PV one later on and I'm better at PVP but since I'm good at PVE I'm gonna start with a PVE guide first so let's go straight Point straight into the guide I'm gonna start from the basics and then we're gonna go to the more advanced stuff let out so it's it's more of an in-depth guide to it so what I wanted to talk about first is the scale Point allocation because I'm assuming most people are probably new at Usher they probably don't have this many scale points so I'm gonna reset everything and then I'm gonna show you guys the priority of what skills better our skills what you need to prioritize I'm assuming you probably have a thousand skill points or something like that so for acha the first thing you want to do is you want to place your skills on your Awakening skills okay because your acha has no succession you'll know that it only has Awakening is called Ascension so we're gonna put points fast into Awakening and then I'm going to explain what each and each of these skills do so if you're just starting up this is level 56 or over level 60 or whatever you have a few skill points you want to max out and lock this first you're not max out your passes okay of course then you want to max out radian explosion max out full bloom get grumbled get this I'll put lights real this is the thing about Awakening guys all skills in Awakening for Archer are completely useful you may skip piercing light for now okay if you don't have the points you can skip piercing light completely okay but if you have the points and Max it out get the Zephyr rip get the Tactical strike get the mark Bloom get the glue side you can skip bound you can skip shared bound if you want for now but you're gonna get it eventually and then for your core skills uh we're gonna talk about this later on in the guide uh mountain breeze has a prerequisition in the main one okay so let's go to the main school so right now we have used about what maybe 400 points so we still have a lot to go right uh so for your pre-awakening let's take the absolute must-haves fast okay so let's max out picture Drive meteor Drive okay we're gonna take place and cry and we're gonna skip these ones okay you're gonna take win strike okay then you're gonna skip round of nature this is assuming you don't have enough points again don't don't think I'm saying the scale is completely trash I'm just saying we are going with the more the priority we are using a prioritization like kind of a system right so add shutter you want to take that as well absolutely and then sign form then both of Radiance you can skip this though but you should take it and then Arrow explosion is a must-have MasterCard double tap if you do not have this skill on your Archer it means you have not completed your Magnus Quest this is a skill you get only after you complete your Magnus Quest so if you don't have this skill Don't Panic you get the skill when you complete your Magnus Quest is the Abyssal skill that every class gets once they have done that Quest secondary skills uh uh you can actually skip everything here if you don't have enough points if you don't have enough points this is the last things you want to put your points into so I'm gonna skip all of that for now for the purpose of the guide and then you want to go to your passive and you want to max out all these passes okay the wage training passive is the last one you get once you have gotten everything in your skill tree this just increases weight of your character so it's like a last thing they just put it there so that people can have something to do with their leftover skeletons okay so once you have this setup the way it is right now so I've just keep things that are not very necessary covering fire we need to get it okay now uh piercing crime is the prerequisite needed so that we can get these Mountain Bridge so make sure you get this so that you can get this you need this it's a really good iframe for your PVP on PVP as well so this is how you need it you see how many skill points I have left so it actually doesn't need a lot of skill points to be sufficient so with the scale points left now you can start uh putting them in things lmb you are rather of nature get the passives the private passives get the storm will apply some of these are completely useless you'll never use them for example pieces but we'll talk about that pretty soon when I'm giving a small breakdown of all of these skulls and I'm looking in get a shared bound okay and then get your core skull or the veggies now I have taken all of the skills uh it's the only skill I'm missing I have to take in everything except the weight training and that is how much we have spent we have spent around uh with 1000 let's put around a thousand points to get everything that we need in terms of combat you see you don't need that many points then the leftover points I'm gonna put them in weight because of a giga chart and I've maxed out my skill points I have everything taken so that's about it when it comes to scale allocation that's that's the stick that out of the way so let's go to the breakdown of each and every one of these skills I'm gonna go really fast because some of them were really an expansion but there's a few of them that are can be confusing for people who are starting off with our Channel That's why what I'm gonna spend some time explaining let's do this really fast right spirit arrow versus your lnb self-explanatory uh nothing special about it has a stiffness though if you go if you want to mess around in PvP but it's computer protected I never use it in PvP just like that piercing cry is a movement skill lmb you cannot use it on its own you have to combo with other skills so a few ways to combo your piercing cry is either with glide so you can glide lmb Glide it has no cooldown as well so you can just use it as much as you like you can also convert with material dive sorry I meant to die and then lmb switch your dial lmb later dies lmb so that's piercing cry right um is one of the skills that you use to uh sorry you used to cancel like so many of your skills can be used after almost any skill on Archer it's a nice it has nice distance to it on the if it is off-cola and it has a superama as well so it's pretty good um covering fire this is a ad at the same time I mean an F at the same time it can be used in a combo but I personally do not use it because I find it's just giving me some extra APM actions that I have to do that's not really necessary because the damage is not that big of a deal to a point where if I don't do it in a combo I feel like I'm doing something wrong but if you want to be fancy if you wanna like you know somebody's respirations in your combo you can you can use it it's not a bad stuff storm of light storm of light is um I don't really use this code so what this skill does it it gives you a buff right it gives you a buff so you see it says knocked so what this buff does is every time you use you do anything on your free Awakening you can press q and it's gonna do one attack from the knock and this buff is a really long about it's a three minute buff so anytime you do glide you can kill like kill and smear kill meteor dive kill so it does all it does nothing else that's all it does the thing is you cannot use this on your uh you cannot use this uh on your Awakening this is not usable on awakening it's only in your pre-awakening it does very bad damage as well so I don't use this kill at all that's why I have it locked I remove it in my quick slot and I forget that that skill even exists so forget about that just assume it doesn't exist Wings track win strike is the is your normal Direction with left click any Direction with left click forward left right it's a really nice curve gives you a lot of movement but it spends a lot of stamina so you have to keep in mind that you can just Spam it completely because it's gonna uh finish up your stamina and you're probably gonna die uh and actually with no stamina is a dead Archer it's as simple as that so yeah you can use this to reposition uh nothing much to the skull that's all it does let's get the next one round of matcha Wrath of nature it's not really that something you can use on its own you have to Quick slot it because it kind of conflicts with double tap you talk about double tap in a few is not a bad skull it's not really a basketball but it has a charging um the main thing I would think you would use the level of nature for is for the for the healing passive that you get the bread recover it gives you 300 HP but other than that yeah I really really don't use this skill at all I don't I don't use this skill at all it has super ammo so if you need some extra super American incorporate this somehow maybe in both splits but yeah it's another skill where in my quick slot I just remove it I lock it and I forget that that skin exists because the 300 HP although it's not that bad there's better ways of getting more HP okay add shutter add shutter is a staple scope I use this in my combos that's really good damage but it is not the skill itself that I absolutely love it is the combo that you can do with sunfall that makes this skill a really really good skill so when sunfall is off golden I'm gonna put in the just to see the color on it if sunfall is off cooldown and then you use absolute add shutter it's gonna automatically cut sunfall sunfall can be can be casted on its own via quick slot but the problem is where is it where's it with it the problem is you get this animation you see this custom animation yeah you get that weird Castle animation which can feel very clunky however when you cast out shutter it auto casts sunfall it looks like this and you get the sun fall effect so that's the reason why Earth shutter is a really really really good school I always use a skill anytime it's off cooldown or anytime I see sunfall is off cooler so I usually make sure in my cooldown slots that I have some fall at least in one of my cooldown slots that I can see every time it's off cooldown and I use a shutter to automatically cast it because the combo of those two does absolutely good beautiful damage okay so let's go to the next one bolt of Radiance this is just a pure DPS scale it does okay each damage but I mostly don't use it because it has like this charging animation so if I'm in the middle of moves and I'm like you know in my glue in my group I don't actually use it but if I have some free time to cast it I can I can do it but most of the time I don't use it but I don't lock it it's available it's easy to do it and it flows nicely with the other explosion okay so let's go to our expression this is your tr3 add-on skull I usually have it on my quick slot it never moves from there it's a quick skill can be done from Awakening so it's an easy way of swapping to your pre-awakening and it you can put tr3 add-ons on this scale have a short column as well does beautiful damage has a really big AOE so yeah there's no reason to not use that skill double tap double tap is your Abyssal skill you get this from the Magnus it does beautiful damage and I always have it quick slotted why because double tap use a shift Q as the command shortcut and shift Q or anything with q conflicts with a lot of things on Archer that's one thing you need to know so the the if I tell you to lock something there's a reason why it's because if you press Q with something else there's a chance you're gonna do the wrong skill and not the one you want so you always want double tap unlocked and in a quick slot and I'll explain why in a bit but other than that it's a beautiful skull does really good damage you should always use it off cool down when you get the chance secondary skulls so secondary skill looks like there's so much going on here but let me start from the bottom and then just work our way up down going up right deep in darkness this is a PVE guy right I want you to you need to forget that anything from here to here exists like this entire thing is completely useless Gap in darkness have some users because it has a stiffness CC until for that you can use this in maybe Boss Rush because there's some boss rushes that lead you to stiffen the bosses blah blah things like that but other than that it's completely useless half click add kick this entire thing you see all of these skills you think oh I'm gonna press in things these are all completely useless these are just some Bruce Lee kits some other kicks like completely unprotected very low damage I mean he some has like some KDs but they're very slow to uh to do they have very unprotected and they do very low damage so I unlock all of this skill and I forget that they even exist get in darkness I always lock it but sometimes I unlock this and I put it in my quick store just to do like a quick stiffness in the post if I need to but that's the only time I use it right so forget forget about earthquake completely Gap in darkness don't forget it about it completely but just keep it close to your heart because sometimes it will help you uh then let's go to Glide Glide is your normal shift you know like this it's just a nice movement skill you can use this it's a beautiful skull no cooldown super armor this is nice self-explanatory and then zephyrip it's another movement skill shift down shift down it is spammable no cooldown but you only get the super armor on the fast cast when you do it when you do it on cooldown you don't get the super armor okay uh uh and snare is your first pre-buff or not on acha it gives you a flat 30 crit rate for 10 seconds this buff is so long you'll always have it 100 of the time if you cast and snare every time it's off cooldown so it's something to keep in mind is 30 crutch so you'll always basically have 100 questions with archer on all of your skills if you keep this buff active at all times something to keep a note it's pretty good for PVE version you always lock this skill this is actually a skill you lock and every class in the game there's no class in the game that you actually ever use DC version it is basically the worst version of light use ever you is ever you do this how do you do this maybe you want to do the roly-polies maybe you want to do the Dark Soul rolly for this and if you do then all part of you and then let's talk about breath of spirit so breath of spillage is the easiest goal but it has so much going on that it can kind of confuses a lot of people right so to you brother speed you have to have it in a quick spot first of all by default you don't even ever have to touch the skill like At All by default it is set basically in an optimal way but if you want to understand what the skill does that's what I'm going to explain to you right now okay so brother Spirit has three effects on it one it can either heal you for some HP too it can either give you a stunning effect a 50 chance to stun people or three it can debuff your enemies by movement speed and attack or casting speed now what effect you want you're the one who gets to choose so when you press the breath of spirit from your quick slot you can choose the effect you want if you look at the hand of your character it's it has a color on it so for now it's green green means I've chosen the recovery effect so when I press the bread of spirit and then I press a that means I choose the recovery one then my 100th will grow will glow green right if I want to stand then I press the breath again but this time instead of a i press s and then now this one is a stand effect there's a 50 chance to stand if I press again brother spirit and then I press D this is now the debuff one you see my hand now glows white that is that is the thing now how do you do the effect is you just press e so the E draws out like a like a bomb thingy well has a 12 second cooldown throws a bomb so if that bombs hits somebody there they they get that movement speed debuff because I have selected the the white thing if I select the healing one with a and my hand glow screen I've selected the recovery one means if I if I have like some allies there and then I throw them the boom boom it heals people there for 500 HP that's basically the idea of the skull most people just put it on recovery and leave it at that but if you want to do PVE you can swap it to the Stan one and then you can like try and like do some standing is it never really works but sometimes it's nice to like Troll and have some fun right that's the idea of of relatable speed so it's not very complicated once you get it so it does that building there's another flow tree the steady breath a steady breath also depends on what you chose for the breath of spirit so if you chose the healing one the steady breath will give you a DP Buff when you use this scalp let me put it on the five bar so steady breath and have a nice eyebrow so I use this for the iframe mainly not really for the Buffs okay so if I have the healing one and then I use the steady breath it will give me a DP puff so for example let me choose the healing that's the recover one if I use steady breath I'm supposed to get a DP buff no I'm supposed to heal not a DB but DP Bob sorry the the output is they are inside out I'm supposed to heal for 300 HP when I use the skull when I use the stand which is s which is 4 and then s and then I do steady breath it's gonna give me an AP ranged AP buff Plus 12. if I put this on the movement speed B buff one which is 4 and then d then I used it I get the DP buff right so it's up to you to figure out what you want but don't really use this for the AP buff because it's a better way of applying that AP buff and I'll show you that eventually so this weather now for if you want to simplify your Archer gameplay just put it on recover which is a and then just remove this on your quick slots and forget that that skill exists you can keep it you can keep the steady breath there just for the emergency iframe and it's gonna heal you when you when you do it so it's not bad okay um that's it for that one I hope that's clear if you have any questions about any of these cases ask me in the comments and I'm pretty sure I'll answer every question down there so I think that's about it for the main hunt right it's passives like any other class you want to get all the possible passives that you can get skip the weight train passive until you have max out everything and then every other point that you have and I can now start putting it in your weight uh this one are your normal z-bobs and emergency escape that is class has you it will always be active by default anyway so let's go to Awakening Awakening Awakening is where a lot will be going on every skill in Awakening is useful there is no useless skill in Awakening but it's probably there's better skills than others of course so let's start with the normal great bow this is your C swap you can use this to swap from Awakening to pre-awakening is pretty easy if you put a command before c for example you hold D and C you're gonna get a quick swap however if you see you get this uh especially if you see on awakening to be Awakening without a movement you get this very long animation so make sure you use a a movement button to see so that you don't get the long animation okay but you very rarely have to see swap but because actually has so many uh swaps within this card using this kit watch a skill is your ebuff that other classes have ours is not on eBay it's on Q buff so first thing about watches you want to lock yourself you definitely want to lock the skill why because it uses Q as the command and like remember I told you guys about uh Q with double tap there's so many this shift key here they shifted shift Q here there's another q here there's another queue here so there's so much going on with the with the letter q that you will be pressing q and you will do the wrong thing and you and you don't want to use your Q Buff when you don't need it because it's a three minute cooldown path so you don't want to waste the scale so this is a skill you always lock and put it somewhere in your hotband you're going to be using from your hot bar to get that buff a really beautiful buff really strong buff you want to use it of colon in PVE when you're grinding those beautiful spots like uh Ox really good damage righteous Fire is just a passive so with righteous Fire the thing is it how it works is it gives it puts a debuff on mobs like a damage over time or on mobs for nine seconds so this skill can be a godsend but it and it can also be a it can betray you at times because what this skill does it it gives a debuff on on mobs you see this debuff here so for example if you D if you hit some mobs further away they have this debuff and it does damage them so sometimes it will pull a pack that you don't really want to pull to you right but it can also be a good thing because that means when you kill this spark and the reducing number since that pack has the debuff it will pull them automatically to you so it's not a it's not a bad thing as well so it it has it it's it's pros and cons I guess but that's the idea behind righteous Fire right it's all you don't really notice the damage but it's okay it's okay I will complain uh this is your lmb yeah just a normal skill if you don't have a infinite Mana port and you run out of Mana just do a two or three basic attacks and it will be full one it's pretty easy it's pretty easy as a self-explanatory lights path last path is your RMB this is another pre-buff skill that you're going to be using this one gives you an AP buff this one gives you a 10 AP buff once you use it the good thing about this kill is it may look clunky at first but you need to understand that you can cancel this animation with basically almost anything on your kit so you can RMB into that RMB into any other skill so it's a really easy easy thing to to cancel so you can always have that buff active right so you always want to use that it's a really nice buff you want to do that before you start any combo Albert assembly Arrow this is your weapon buff skill when you get the weapon buff sometimes I use it sometimes I don't I find it is very long to do all of this I just wish you just want just one boom and the bus damage because sometimes I feel like it's slow but it does beautiful damage yeah you can use it every time you get a weapon in Elvia radiant explosion this is your first main DPS skill um on Asha you want to use this off cooldown it's beautiful skill does good damage huge aov and one of the best things about the skill is it reduces uh DP of the mobs now if you look at the mob you see it is very heavily debuffed the reason why it's very debuffed is because of my skill I don't shall explain to you later on but yeah it makes the skill extremely extremely beautiful with an SDR scale on actual then let's go to the next one full bloomness let me explain full bloom full bloom can be an easy skill when you look at it looks just pretty easy to come however it has a two layers to it so if you look at full bloom look at the arrows I want you to look at the arrows right so oops I hit somebody sorry uh so full bloom has a high high range but if the arrows are like really fat I hope this doesn't come and kill me uh if the arrows are fat like that it means just next to you like here just in front of you no damage is going to be applied on the cone in front of you all the damage is only on the arrows that go out so the damage will be on those arrows okay that is called that is now Grand Bloom if you want to get full bloom you just have to lock Grand Bloom you can't have them both active at the same time okay I hope you understand that so if you want gram full bloom you have to lock the ground blue and then full bloom looks almost the same but it's a small difference that I want you to notice so when you do the ground room now they're full bloom it looks like this the arrows become thinner I hope you've noticed that they become way thinner however look in front of your Archer look at the cone that it creates see that cone see that effect so this means these arrows do almost zero damage if they hit anything almost zero damage all the damage is concentrated on the front of your Archer so it becomes like a melee skill so just go to a you go to a pack of mobs and then you go hug them boom boom you get a full skill boom boom but if you do it on Range it's not really gonna hit anything if you want to hit things on Range you swap it to crumb because you when you unlock this you you're basically disabling this and then you go to grumbling and this one will hit everything hint it's a beautiful skill when you are and you have a weapon in Albury you just do boom boom all of the packs there dies a huge huge area huge huge damage but that's the idea between the two skills so you're going to be swapping between them according to the situation you'll see me in any of my videos if you're watching my videos I lock this and unlock them according to what I want you can always do this this even in combat so it's pretty easy to do it okay next Spear of Sylvia so Spear of Sylvia used to be a Middle East girl you people who play acha before remember this used to be male skill it was changed so now it's a shift Q you get this effect then you boom you shoot an arrow local down really good damage but it has this charging animation now you don't want to be ever using this skill on its own like this you see that that duration when you're doing the charging uh that's one of the easier way for you to die and as an Archer you don't want to be standing still doing uh charging things like that so it's a few years of canceling that and uh I'll show you pretty soon when I talk about the next Cube so let me talk about let me let me jump a little bit let me jump to marked blue let me jump let me jump to Magnum so that we can talk about speed of silver right so Matt Bloom let me swap it here Mark Bloom before used to be part of a flow for full bloom but a few patches ago the gender to make this a scale on its own so Mac Bloom is your hardest hitting skull on your kit it hits the hardest it's one of the longest range skills in the game and it does a beautiful beautiful damage huge AOE huge damage low cooldown it's a skill we'll be using of golden all the time now when you look at spear or Sylvia like I said you want to be casting it on its own but it has a really good combo where when you combo it with marked Bloom so you do Mac Bloom and then you press Q so my MacBook is always on a quick slot because I like using it on a quick load it's kind of easy on my hands so I matte blue and then q and then you'll notice your spear or Sylvia casts immediately without the charging animation so Mac Pro EQ and you get Spear of Sylvia it's a second way of casting Spiel Silvia which is using double tap so you can also do double tap boom boom and then Q you get your Spear of Sylvia you see it's pretty cool it flows really beautifully and you don't have that weird charging animation okay so that's it so that's Mark Bloom okay you want to use it of cooldown then we have mountain breeze mountain breeze is just a movement skill for an f and you get that uh it's uh in the iframe into a super armor so you use that for according to the situation iframe or superamer or just normal movement so you need to be careful about using this because an Eight Second cooldown and you probably need that invisible frame right approach so approach is a pretty cool skill first of all it looks really cool looks really cool the reason why I have mine on super Rama is because I have the core skill unlock but maybe let me turn this off for now so uproot looks like this now normally you can you can cancel it because it's a it's a two-part skill but you can cancel only the first part but if you hold the command you're gonna do both parts and you're gonna get a lot of distance a lot of distance back right so if that's when you hold you go back now the reason why I use this skill a lot and many I mainly I only use the fast patch because the first part does good damage and you can use it to cancel other skills which I'm going to talk about later in a few right so let's go to the next next film lights Trail lights Trail is just it's just a flow then you're gonna be using for me you're gonna be using it for many things uh it's just an airflow it's just an airflow there's no not much to it just some extra filler damage that you can be using right righteous my regist mate is a big big bust it's a big big bust highways has 20 second cooldown um you can cast it on its own if you quick slot it though if you quick slot it you can cast it on its own but it has some weird animation if you're trying to do that so normally you want to do it with um using your lights Trail or F or any other combo uh it's a 20 second cooldown so it's a long it's a long colon scale the damage is okay it's not too big too too much damage to to think that because it's a 20 second call it's gonna kill things in one shot but it's it does it does okay damage I usually use it sometimes if I feel um you know that feels fancy enough but if you're gonna do it you can press F and then just hold F so just F hold F you're gonna cast that's all just press F you're gonna do this I just might press F simple as that it's either F or RMB you can also do RMB you can do approach into RMB into RMB you make you do this entire line so you can like uproot and then hold RMB and then you're gonna do instead of cooldown you're gonna do that just might that's that's about it right so look like bones call the other guns call is one is another DPS skill one of your main DPS skills it has a charging really long charging animation but it does amazing damage and it's also really really long range very long range however you don't have to do the charging animation on the scale there's ways to cancel this charging animation the first way to cancel this is using your low sweep so low sweep is just f it's just F nothing much to it but to a new F and then shift RMB immediately you're going to cancel the charging of Luther guns and it's gonna go out immediately like this so there's no charging animation it goes out boom immediately there's another way of doing it using uproot like I said I use approach to cancel things which is used to cancel all the guns a lot so I do approach into the thing so down F into shift RMB that's it it comes out really really fast really fast that's the thing with look so you want to use this again every time of cooldown now the second skill Echoes of the call Echoes of the call used to be a millisecule before this is called ravenous Talon but they changed a couple of patches that go as well so basically now actually is full range he used to have two melee skills but they were removed I know orange skills Echoes of the call you want to use this every time you use your ludagon skull you just hold RMB when you cancel your thing shift RMB hold Item B you do it simple as that nothing much just hold the RMB there's nothing you cannot cast it on its own you cannot cast it on its own it has to flow through the Lagoon is called that's about it piercing light piercing light first of all it has a tier 3 add-on which can make the skill pretty good however it has this weird it must be charged a little bit before you let it go so you can like just press it and then boom but it still has that lingering animation at the start and at the end which makes the skill so I really use it I real usage the only time I use it is mainly maybe both Blitz and I need this long super armor so I can just sit there because this super armor is super long as long as you have stamina you're gonna have this super ammo so you can use it which is some of those mechanics in both space but apart from that I don't use it that much the the damage is not super good to a point where you should you you feel like you're missing something if you don't use it so use that as your own Leisure if you feel like it okay let's go to the next one ultimate zephyrip is just the normal safarib like this one the one for pre Awakening all it does it it makes you use it using your credible that's all it does there's nothing special but that is just a movement skill so looks pretty cool so that's about it a little sweep like I said that's your f use is used to cancel so many things okay uh shared bound beam this is mainly a PVD PVP thing something for nodules I have trolled a little bit with this in maybe Guidance with the party and they are like fighting a mob like there I just chill on the back and then I just boom boom boom it's not like I'm doing super good damage but it looks fun it looks really fun but apart from that that's just about it it actually does good damage though don't don't understand the skull in node words it does really good damage in PVE if you are alone you'll never use it but even in a group you can have some fun with it but that's about it you have to Quick slot it and then do it like that so it's a it's a fun skill very high range as well very high range as well it has a really high range so you can have some fun that's why it's so good in Northwest okay tactical stripe it's your uh left arm bill it has a iframe it's a long a very long album but it has a long cool on so you cannot spam it yeah the iframe mother called I mean but the skills have that has no coolant so you can use this to get the iframe in pde especially with bosses that's about it Matt Bloom you've talked about Mark bloom glazed is one is a skill that gives you the AP buff that I talked about with uh remember me saying about steady breath gives you the 12 AP so glycade gives you the exact same buff but an easier way of applying it because grease Aid is just forward RMB and you took this side and you get the buff see simple as that doesn't have all of those things that uh steady breath makes you do so it's a it's a stable scale on your Awakening it's very easy to do it it flows really well with your Combos and how that that buff can be on a hundred percent of the time you can use glycine to basically start off your combos and do other things right when it comes to core skills and there's three kills that I would suggest you to do I would suggest putting super armor on your approach if you I like this one a lot because as you can see approach is such a long skull I have to unlock this to learn it such a long skull like you will get up you'll get the parama in the entire animation and then it's gonna linger at the end so let me show you when you uproot it's gonna go it's gonna go and you land link us for like a second when you're doing the small uh bounce back right so that's why I like I like uh eat the supporama on the approach sometimes I put it on full bloom if I feel like it because it's not a bad skull because now you can you get the forward guard on the on full bloom but only when it's off cooldown so that's another way of doing it or you can have it on speed of Sylvia because if you do Mac Bloom into Spear of silver it is a very long unprotected uh animation however you can get far guide on the second one so you can do this and then you get the forward guard when you're doing this PO Sylvia but that's again preference it depends on it that's a very personal choice but when it comes to this it's this it's pure silver full bloom or approach those are the three main things the others are they're not that good uh radiant can be good for PVP because it it gives the skill a knock down switches can be good it helps sometimes but the core upload I think is the best choice I think that's the best choice and I think that's it when it comes to the skills oh wait I really talk about the skill enhancements so skill enhancements this is a page where I don't really use much of this okay skill enhancements when it comes to the first one radiant storm I don't Arrow I don't use that it's so slow deadly explosion I don't use that skill it's so strong it's so slow I mean but just because I have to choose something I choose daily explosion just because it has a KD I never really use it but sometimes in PvP when you PVE when you need a knockdown because this is a PVE uh you need a guide anyway in PVE I I choose it but I never use it I choose it but I never use it when it comes to the second choice I choose red index near the reason because it has a super armor and it's very fast to cast it boom and it has a nice debuff if you want to do some PvP with it this one is slow has a four card though so bad but it's a for us shutter this is a very personal preference it's a very personal preference you can get the US judgment because it it's it's like gives you like a knockback it knocks you back and it knocks the enemy there in PVE it just knocks you back and gives you a forward good but for me I like nature shutting Arrow because it's super fast and it actually does really good damage yeah it actually does really good damage it's right it's not a very bad skull and it combos well with it with other things so I choose to show you my nature shuttering nature shuttling arrow is what I use mostly so you can do this and then straight into that and then do something else it does good damage it actually does really good damage and look at all these debuffs on that woof scarecrow and yeah that's about it about the skill enhancements so I think next we need to talk about uh the add-ons that I use right because I think we need to talk about add-ons before I talk about the combos so this is my add-ons I use add-ons are usually a very personal preference kind of a thing but there's a few things I can talk about how I've made my add-ons and then you guys can get an idea of the kind of gameplay I go for right so the first one which I think everyone will be using is Arrow explosion which is your main hand uh skill our expression here it is is a tier 3 add-on so you want to put your strongest skill addon that you can get which is usually the monster AP 30 and attack speed 10 percent it's a disco a really huge AOE so it's gonna debuff a lot of mobs It's Gonna Give You It's Gonna it's not very deep if you want to put uh some people put minus DP on it because of the debuff because of the big AOE right approach I use approach a lot to cancel with icons so I actually like to put that accuracy and creature it on the output I'm gonna remove the critters eventually because there's a reason why Archer skills have something in common when you look at the main skills look at radiant explosion it has a 100 crit rate right Spear of Sylvia 100 Cricket the dragons 100 crit rate uh uh even piercing light is 50 but I don't usually use this I just made doesn't have a Cricket also Aquos doesn't have a Cricket but Mark Bloom is 100 privilege and I think also the absolute arrow is 100 yeah 100 Cricket so the only three skills that doesn't have uh 100 Cut Rate is sunfall other shutter ratchet Smite and uh echoes so the few skills I don't have create 100 creature but if you keep using your arm and snare your number two I have it on my quick slot you have to put a quick slot anywhere for this girl if you keep using this and you get a 30 Cricket those skills will always script yeah so arches is more of a 100 creature class so this is sometimes I just put it there just for the just to make sure I have 100 crochet right with Lagoon's call this skill goes through all mobs that's why I have the DP there and it has a plus 35 HP per hit so that's why I've increased it by an extra 10 to give it 45 HP per hit and if I'm low on HP and I use this skill sometimes I heal all the way to full so that's why that's why I usually have and it also does a lot of hits so yeah it's a really good skill for healing up and that's good damage as well written explosion I put a DB a DP debuff on this skill the skill it's on its own has a DP debuff minus 15. the thing about the add-on is it Stacks if the skill has a DP debuff you can stack a DP add-on debuff on the scale and it's gonna stack on the effect so you'll have a minus 30 dpd Buff when you use that one scale that's why I have the debuffs on the read and explainer that's why when I use this skill on mobs I use the BSR one the normal one boom you see all of these debuffs those are DP debuff DP debuff and animation debuff that's why you see all of these dust only from one skill and it's off cool and again so I can always have this mobs debuff a hundred percent of the time so anytime I'm fighting a mob it will always have 30 minus 30 debug minus analy version debuff which means I don't have to worry so much about accuracy as well I put accuracy and critique damage for on this this is because I always use crusade to get my AP debuff so it's more of a working to make sure I'm usually fully buffed almost all the time right so that's it boom I'm gonna get created I get a ranged AP and I get some accuracy right time attack speed limit um some accuracy Mark Bloom as a monster APS I'm a taxpayer this is because Mac Bloom is usually part of my combo so anytime I have my tl3 I don't run out I'll always reset it with this and I'll always reset this one with the the tr31 so I'll always have this API against Master active 100 of the time sometimes it's the tr31 sometimes it's the tr21 but that's the idea of the add-ons so you can copy this the way it is and you can the thing about add-ons you you can swap out the add-ons according to how you are doing your combo right so I'm going to show you my combos that I do using these add-ons okay so when it comes to combos um like any other class you always have your pre-buff ritual every class has a pre-buff ritual so for acha it's an RMB as your fast pre-buff just a quick RMB this will give you 1080p the skill has no cooldown and this buff will always be refreshed every time you are in B so it's a skill you're going to have it a hundred percent of the time true the second thing after RMB is you want to do end snare so RMB into a snare and now you have 1080P and 30 crit rate this is a combo that you can have on a hundred percent of the time as well these are two Buffs you'll always have so what do you do after you do your end snare right so you have you have you have a few options so you can RMB and snare into cliche the reason why you do that is now look out those Buffs you have created buff you have crit damage buff you have accuracy rate you have AP and you have crit you have nothing else that you need you are ready to go all crazy on them you can however skip this ahead if you feel this a bit clunky but since you will be in Awakening in pre-awakening now you can start you can do your your tr3 add-on and then you can now blast with any skill you want right so to combo will look like this RMB into and snare into play said and then tier 3 add-on and then we go boom see all of those debuffs and then now you can do matte blue and then here is where you do approach this into this as the glutagons call plot its flow this plus this you get it you guys get it so I'm gonna do it again RMB and snare play said then you do the tr3 add-on then we do this then we do Mark Bloom EQ we do shift RMB and then we do the flow so normally I do the Apple so that I can cancel that the charging but I just wanted to show you guys the skill that I'm just gonna use but I must or most of the time I usually do the approach to cancel the charge right or you can also do F to cancel the charge right so that's the that's the combine the moment I'm done with that entire thing it doesn't matter what you do next you just do now filler damage okay so do boom boom boom boom boom boom boom then you can do double tap ERS will you always be back okay sorry uh see what happened there that's a really good way to explain that now okay water I had not locked water and what did I do and I activated water when I wanted to activate Spear of Sylvia that's why you lock your Watcher and only only activate watch out using your quick slot are those required without mistake where instead of spending it on a skill you wanted it it is going to prioritize your buff and you're going to use the buff when you don't need to use the buff so I guess that it's a better is that's the best way I could have showed you that mistake so make sure you don't do that mistake but other than that I think that's uh that's about it when it comes to to Compass I don't know if there's anything else that you guys really need to know about acha but that's about it if you are if you are grinding in low area zones um just press any skill that's off color that's about it is king of law AP uh like grinding Zone make sure you have this unlocked so that you can use ground blue find a park Grand Bloom this pack will definitely die and probably that pack there will die and maybe that Park they will die that's the thing about ground blue when you go to the next go to the next uh pack it's so simple and it's so chill there's nothing really weird to do but when it comes to combos you don't have to follow this combo like very very religiously you can you can do fancy things like if you want it's it flows like it flows with anything that's the best part about us how you can like make super cool Combos and it looks so good that's why I love the Archer it looks super good and it's super clean and it flows beautifully yeah you cannot see that this thing is not fun like come on anyway I hope that helps that clears out a lot of information if there's anything I've left out just ask me in the comments and I'll probably answer them now but I think that's about it for the guide for PVE thanks guys for watching like And subscribe to the channel if you like this content probably make guides for other classes but I think I know but it depends on how good this video does so thanks guys for watching and I guess I'll see you guys on the next one thanks peace
Channel: Chezuget
Views: 32,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black desert online, mmorpg, progression series, gear progression guide, PvE, PvP, Grinding, Pearl Abyss, bdo accessory enhancing, bdo guide 2019, bdo xbox one, bdo archer pvp, softcap gear, bdo lvl 62 grind, Bdo gearing guide, bdo begginer guide, bdo how to gear up easily, bdo how to gear up, bdo best gear, bdo best class, bdo new player guide, black desert, black desert online enhancing, chezuget, chez bdo, BDO 700 GS, maegu, elviaorcs, bdo orcs, bdo, bdo archer guide
Id: tqukliwWCG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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