BITSAT 2024 | Last Minute Must Do Questions Physics, English And Logical Reasoning | Shreyas Sir

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good evening my dear bits side 24 Warriors and today is the lecture where we deal with three major chunks of bitsat and that's physics English part as well as the logical reasoning part in a single lecture so how about seeing some super duper amazing questions for your bit at last minute preparation must do questions for all the 2024 Warriors remember bitat is not just any random backup examination is the best college private college in the country so after IIT triple it and the top nits a lot of students prefer to go to bitset the fees are little bit on the higher side but we know the return on the investment is even higher because the average package in bits uh is close to 20 to 25 lakh rupees perom so keeping this in mind make sure your preparation is up to the mark and do not leave any stone unturn right so get ready for the session and I hope you have marked the attendance and marked yes on the poll as well and talk about vant J English to your friends as well because this is the J English Channel in the country which is the only J English Channel and we have been working really hard for all of you for the last couple of years making sure we prepare you for all kinds of exams so as you move out of 2024 ensure that you Pro you know tell your Juniors your batchmates who are going to prepare for 25 26 to join the channel because lot of exciting stuff is going to come on the channel for the next few years preparation right so hello uh visha nice to see you hello rajish good evening good evening nice nice to see all of you out here very nice good evening my dear Warriors good evening yeah so we're going to start off with uh probably I think uh yes English we going to start off with English okay ready my dear students ready my dear students perfect so we'll start with English and I think then we'll have physics and then we'll have logical questions the English questions are very straightforward either you know it you get it or you cannot waste more than 20 30 seconds on each of the questions okay smash the like button subscribe everybody and remember there is bitat test series also which is available for all of you as you are watching this particular video it's there in the descript destion box as well as the pinned message in the chat box so if you want to prepare for bitsat bitsat test series is right over here okay so you can click on this link you have amazing tests and for all the subjects with performance analysis just for 499 rupees you can just click buy full course and you will get the entire test series mock test series for your preparation cool so that's available in the description box as well as the pinned message in the chat box first question of English on your screen now choose the synonyms for the given word for each set from each Set uh repute okay discredit esteem ridiculous humilated come on this is very simple uh you are going to study in a very reputed College reputed means you know it's a very honorable you feel proud studying in that college or in that institution so repute uh has a synonym in one of these options which one is it discredit means you're not acknowledging the person's effort you're discrediting s esteemed College yes reputed College I think esteem is that word ridiculous means it is ridiculous that means it is really funny it's really shocking and crazy that you can think of this so it's ridiculous it's really mocking so that is the meaning of the word ridiculous humiliate means you're insulting someone so obviously the answer should be esteemed B option very good sarana ratna awesome toothpick wow what names you come up with your grti yes uh yes perfect tushka awesome awesome very cool very cool let's move on to the next question on your screen now the opposite of the word perilous opposite be careful when reading the question sometimes they are synonyms sometimes they are opposites or antonyms so perilous Journey meaning very very difficult Journey very dangerous the trekers underwent a very per I EST Journey to the top of the mountain that means it was very risky it was not safe so Carefree is not exactly the opposite unknown is also not opposite impure how is it even opposite safe I think is the right word so let's find out yes safe is the correct option how many of you wrote safe very good so opposite is asked very good cool uh yes opposite was asked yes safe is the correct answer very good CI so many of you yes perfect perfect sarana awesome Ness so perilous means very dangerous very risky very difficult okay the opposite of the word impede you are impeding somebody's uh preparation so let's say for example you know there are students who impede somebody else's preparation by you know uh suggesting them unnecessary movies or suggesting them you know to play games or suggesting them to play outside as so that you know they stop the preparation you have impeding you are impeding somebody's preparation uh so meaning you're obstructing so the opposite of that so obstruct will become like the synonym it will not become the antonym or the opposite advance I think so linger stop no you're lingering around Champa was walking on the road and pandu is lingering around Champa pandu is lingering around Champa means he's just roaming around full time pass is doing exams are over he's not interested in writing any exams so Pand is lingering around cha that is the meaning of that chuma is wasting his time around someone stop means stop obviously Advance is exactly the opposite of it so I think it's option b very good let's find out how many of you wrote option b wow so many of you written option b very nice proud of all of you my dear Warriors keep it going keep the answers coming keep smashing the like button in case you haven't done so uh till now very good awesomeness moving on to the next question he's really feeling under the weather today he has a terrible cold so I think the blocked phrase needs to be either replaced or if there is nothing wrong in it then you will Mark option D which says no correction required so this particular part of the statement will you replace it with feeling like the weather feeling over the weather feeling in the weather or do you think there is no correction required in this he really feeling under the weather today he has a terrible cold what does it mean he's feeling under the weather means he's under the clouds or something weather is there weather report is there on the top and he's under that weather report or something no under the weather is just a statement saying that you are feeling low right you are feeling low the weather is very bright the weather is very nice sunny okay so you're under the weather means you are feeling not so great you are probably sick so this is exactly how you use the phrase so I don't think any correction should be required the answer is D very very good no correction required very good toot pick very good Usha very good cool very good n of Awesomeness some of you went wrong over there over the weather in the weather no there is no such phrase as I'm feeling in the weather and don't use the statement I'm if you're feeling good I'm over the weather today don't don't say that okay that's not the right thing to do okay uh so we have two questions we'll solve both the questions together by working part-time and looking after his old mother he managed to get the best for both worlds okay what do you think the best at both worlds I think this is the phrase under consideration The Best of Both Worlds the best on both worlds or do you think no correction is required that's the first question next question is hey Nan speak about the devil and you are here speak at the Devil speak on the devil speak of the devil or no correction required speak about the devil is the word or the phrase which you need to replace so two questions at hand what do you think is the answer for this wow an you from Kerala love you my dear very nice so lot of students from Kerala study in the J English Channel I know a lot of students in K do not have a good channel for them to study because you guys understand in English or Malayalam and uh we are here for all of you so all the malus out there please spread the word in Kerala right we have an amazing amazing team with an amazing Channel doing consistent hard work for you guys only we launch the channel for you people right those who can understand English even students from UA Dubai um you know muskat and so many other places also learn from this channel thank you so much for all the love guys okay so what do you think is the correct answer for this he managed to get the best for no he is getting something from someone so he's managed to get Best of Both Worlds should be correct and Nanny speak about the Del uh no you speak of the devil you speak of the devil not speak at the Devil there is no devil out there speak on the devil then you're not sitting on the devil okay speak of the devil so it's like you're talking about someone and that person suddenly comes into the room what do you say oh speak of the devil and you are here so that is what the phrase is like so speak of the devil and best of both the worlds best of both the worlds yes B Be B and and three B and C basically correct many of you got it right proud of all of you my dear Warriors moving on to the next question on your screen well we have uh uh you know two sentences two questions are there maybe a part of the statement might have some grammatical error which part has an error that is what you need to tell if there is no error you will Mark option D if you mark a in this part despite being has some error what error is there we'll figure out later on b means this has error he has no influence on his pupil means C and no error means D same thing over here accordingly you choose the options if there is no error Mark D if the statement some part of the statement has some error you will Mark the corresponding option come on my dear Warriors figure this out read the question as you say it only you will understand that whether there is some error or not as you see it you will only understand is there some problem in that statement or not despite being a good teacher he has no influence on his pupil I think this word on doesn't seem right in fact it should have been I have no control over the class you don't say on the class over the class yes the teacher has no control over the students you don't say teacher does not have control on the students over the students is the right word and yesterday when we were returning from the party our car met with an accident but we were fortunate to reach our homes safely no error I think so because I I I don't see anything wrong in the next part yes on his pupil that word on is wrong and no error in the next part so my dear Warriors the problem over here was this particular word so instead of on it should have been over it should have been over the pupils correct how many of you got this very good c and d c and and DHA vishwas C yes correct tanushka very good awesomeness awesomeness moving on to the next question on your screen here it comes a group of sheep is known as a group of trees is known as this is very straightforward come on my dear students you can easily get this easily you can get this yep come on this is basically collective noun this is just a collective noun come on my dear Warriors you should be easily able to get it a group of sheep is it called a bunch of sheep is it called a herd of sheep band of sheep Fleet of sheep I don't think so it is Bunch band or Fleet it is her of sheep a her of sheep it's a collective noun when you have many things together collectively you call it as one single thing it is called as a collective noun so that's a her a group of trees Groove Parliament Heap hedge Heap no it's a heap of toys you can say Parliament no it's a collection of you know those politicians in the same building so hedge no Groove yes Groove should be the correct word manang Grove forest grooves he went into the grooves grooves means a collection of trees a bunch of trees together is called as a Groove he drove into the grooves the road goes into the grooves so uh that's a group of of trees and a herd of sheep okay very nice awesome yes yes yes I know bit side started that's why we are here so that you guys can you know uh get as much as questions as possible and you are prepared up to the mark in fact I have also shared the link of the test series which is still available so you can practice more and more questions okay don't worry uh let's see if you guys know this what is a group of crows called let's see if you can answer it I have not put it up the question over here so let's see if you can just figure it out and put the answer in the chat box what's a group of crows called what's a group of crows yes what is a group of crows called can you put it up in the chat box can you type it out quickly let's see how who is the first one to type it out who oh yeah let's let's see whether you can put it up what's a group of crows called a group of crows what is a group of crows called very good some of you have got it yes it is called as a murder wow who was the first one it was NV toothpick awesome murder yeah crazy right to think of it a murder a murder of yes a group of crows is called as a murder yeah awesome awesome perfect you guys are smart enough I'm pretty sure you'll do well in English going on to the physics part and then we'll go to the logical reasoning physics questions coming up on your screen here it is a disc is rolling without slipping on a Surface the radius of the disc is r at Time Zero the topmost point on the dis is at a as shown when the disc completes half a rotation then the displacement of the point a from the initial position displacement is asked displacement is asked let's see whether you can figure it out so let me just show the two simple positions of that particular dis one is here and let's say one is here okay half a rotation that's what we are talking about so half a rotation means this point will come over here and this distance because it has completed half a rotation instead of the complete circumference it will be half of the circumference which is p r so this distance will be piun R it has gone by pi r half a revolution and this height is obviously 2 * of R so the question asked over here is the displacement from the initial you join to the final point from the initial you join to the final point so the displacement is if the distance if which is the hypotenuse of this right angled triangle right angle triangle which is 2 r² + < r uh Square so R is outside and inside the root you have 4 + < square 4 + piun square R outside that is option number a what a question guys what a question isn't it everybody with me everybody with me understood what we just did half rotation is basically moving the disk by P pi r yes not 2 pi r 2 pi r is when you it completes one revolution and height wise it has come down by 2 R so the displacement is the hypotenuse a lot of people forget and they think the answer should be 2 R which is C option which is wrong okay it's not just come down it's gone forward also moving to the next one the stopping potential versus the frequency of a graph for photoelectric effect in a metal is shown the planks constant is given by well if you remember when you have a graph of potential versus frequency then the slope of of that graph the slope of the stopping potential versus the frequency is given by H by E slope is height by base the height you can see is basically 16.5 the base you can see is 8 - 4 which is just 4 is equal to h / e value which is 1.6 into 10 the power- 19 10 the^ - 19 uh I think the frequency was in some other units it can't be 8 Herz I think there is some uh Missing information over here probably this was in volts probably this was in something else or else you'll not get the right power so solving this you will get the value of H so I'm just putting over here 4 into 10 the^ something that missing information I don't know right now so the value of H obviously when you solve it you should get it as option number a it is 6. . 6 10 ^ - 34 6.6 10^ - 34 okay so you'll get it as 6.6 10 power -34 I just don't know what exactly was here some power of 10 because it can't be 8 Herz for sure right it will be into 10 the power something Herz into something Herz okay some unit is missing over here okay some printing mistake was there anyways going to the next question on your screen some uh capacitors are given and you have been asked what is the equivalent capacitance between A and B let's see if you can do this good afternoon Sophia learning good morning dju I don't know which part of the world are you in but it is definitely not morning it is evening okay maybe your dreaming about someone maybe a DJ tell you you can tell whom are you dreaming about so first of all C2 and C3 C2 and C3 both are two microfarad so they are also in series so when you have capacitors in series don't add them you use the reciprocal formula remember it's opposite of resistors so actually the capacitance will become half so it will be 2x 2 which is basically 1 microad now the interesting part is when you redraw the circuit diagram when you redraw the circuit diagram homia so how will it look like this is a this one capacitor here and this capacitor here and this over here this over here like this and this over here this over here this over here like this and this is B all of them are 1 microfarad check this out this is 1 microfarad this is also 1 microfarad which we found out this is also 1 microfarad now if you notice one interesting thing this point has the same potential as this point has the same potential as this point similarly this point has the same potential as this point has the same potential as this point if you notice each capacitor is connected between pink and blue pink and blue pink and blue that means all the three capacitors are basically in parallel are basically in parallel if you realize it nothing more nothing less they are strictly speaking in parallel so one point is here and the other point is over here notice between every capacitor pink blue pink blue pink blue right so pink blue pink blue glue so all the capacitors are going to be in parallel so when they are in parallel what do you do you just in parallel you just add the capacitor c1+ C2 + C3 which is 1 + 1 + 1 which is basically 3 microfarad 3 microfarad which is option A yes it is the correct answer it was just disguised form this is called as the disguised form meaning it does not look like series parallel originally unless you make an effort to really find out what it is and to find out or unmask what it is really you mark the potentials at different points like I marked over here A A A BBB and then you realize oh my God wait a minute some of them are in parallel some of them are in series and so on and so forth so to unmask Mark the potentials if you don't have color pencils which you don't have in the actual exam you can mark it as V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 V2 that will also do you will immediately understand the same voltage difference V1 minus V2 exists is that clear my dear Warriors moving on to the next question on your screen there is a direct current imposed on another alternating current the effective value of the resultant current would be how much is the question okay now to solve this question to solve this question there is a very easy technique I'll tell you what see you have a direct current and you have an alternating current and you are imposing right and you're imposing both of them together and you want to find the RMS of it what is the meaning of RMS RMS don't say it is V1 square + V2 square + this by n whole root or I not by root2 no I'm not asking you the formula the hidden meaning of RMS is it is that constant current it is that constant current for the same for the same power loss for the same power loss so think about it the net power will be the power of DC plus the power of AC power of DC plus the power of AC the power of DC because it's a constant current it will be 6 s MTI by R the power of AC is I RMS Square R so I RMS for AC will be 10 by < tk2 whole Square multiplied by resistance multiplied by resistance and over here and Over Here My Dear Warriors this is the total net power this is the total net power and that will be nothing but I whatever is the RMS whole Square multiplied R so i s r is i s r + i s r but this is DC so the DC current is six but for AC you never put the peak value you always put the RMS value which is 10 byun2 maximum byun2 right Peak byun2 is the RMS that current produces the same uh loss as that of the AC current so now in this equation R just gets cancelled so I RMS squar will be 6 Square which is 36 plus 100 by 2 which is 50 which is 86 so irms will be root of 86 now we know root 81 is 9 so the answer should be slightly more than 9 that means the answer should be C yes it is C without calculation I can get it now this is a easy way to do it I've seen so many teachers using integration and derivatives and God knows what to solve the problem but like you know sh S is his own OG teacher and uh uh you know I have my own techniques and own innovative ways so without using any integration derivatives whatever we have got the answer I hope you loved this method and if you loved this method and this OG trick please smash the like button right away right now understood my dear Warriors perfect very good very good awesome awesome awesome a yo Kido your sria is going to go to bits unfortunately you might not be entering bits if you're running after someone like this you will be in some random College your sria somebody know they will be in bits H so don't waste your time here you'll just keep spamming over here for somebody that person will go away okay and you will just keep looking and you will lose out on a lot of things in life all right moving on to the next one on your screen transverse waves of the same frequency are generated in the two steel wires A and B diameter of a is twice that of B and the tension in a is half that in B ratio of the velocities of waves in A and B are okay interesting question on Wave velocity so wave velocity for transverse wave has the formula root of tension by mu and tension ratio I believe is given and the diameter ratio is given mu is density into area area is basically p² / 4 so it will become root of 4 * tension by row Pi d sare d sare can be brought outside even four can be brought outside so it will become 2 by diameter outside T inside row and Pi inside this is what the velocity would look like so it is inversely proportional to diameter and directly proportional to the tension if you're wondering how I got this over here when I did this I used mu is equal to density into area density into area and I have just substituted it area is p piun r squ instead of R I can put diameter by 2 which will make it d s by 4 okay going forward the ratio of the velocities of va by VB will be DB by da and root of T A by TB diameter of B by diameter of a diameter of a is twice of B diameter of a is twice of B okay and next thing tension wise uh what is it the ratio of the uh tension in a is half that in B tension in a is half that in B so B is half like this so I think it should be 1 is to 2 < tk2 1 is to 2 < tk2 which is option number c yes it is option C how many of you got it very good manasi cria awesomeness jogi ashwat wow what a name hi Tam have taken your names very good awesomeness moving on to the next question ready for it here it comes okay so we have Young's double slit experiment and we know that you know the intensities are different points are different because it depends on the part difference so for different part difference intensities are i1 I2 I not is the intensity produced by each one of the slits then i1 + I2 by I okay straightforward question first of all uh I'll tell you when you have the part difference as Lambda by 4 what is the phase difference the phase difference will be 2 Pi / Lambda into path difference which is Lambda by 4 Lambda Lambda cancels 2 4 cancels 2 remains so it will be < by 2 same way for this guy uh when it is Lambda by 3 the path difference will lead to some phase difference which is 2 piun by Lambda into Lambda by 3 so it will become basically 2 piun by 3 now let's find out individual intensities resultant for each of these phase differences using the formula resultant intensity is i1 + I2 + 2un i1 I2 cos Delta 5 which is very similar to your vector addition formula but without the squares and all that so i1 will be i1 i1 over here is the original intensity of one of the sources which is I plus I2 which is I not again plus 2 root I i1 I2 which is I I again into cos < / 2 cos 90 is 0er right so this whole term vanishes so I'm just getting 2 * of I not is nothing but i1 same thing we can do it over here so what is I2 I2 will be i1 which is I plus I2 which is again I not + 2un i1 I2 into cos 2 < by 3 2 piun by 3 is 120 cos 120 is half and this is not i1 I2 it is I not I okay so it will become 2 * I 2 * I + 2 into I cos 120 is - half remember so 2 2 cancels -1 + 2 will make it just I not perfect so going back to this statement this will be equal to i1 i1 is 2 I 2 I plus I2 I2 is just I the whole divided by I so this will become 3 I by I which is just 3 is 1 so 3 is 1 which is option number a yes that is the correct answer how many of you got it very good very good ashwat my dear please don't spam I said hello to you concentrate on the class cool shall we go ahead to the next question on your screen here it is two planets A and B of radius R and 1.5 R have densities Row one row and row by two ratio of the acceleration due to gravity okay acceleration due to gravity formula recollect guys acceleration due to gravity formula is GM by r² the radius is different densities are different so masses will be different so Mass can be written down as density into volume density into volume okay what is volume of a sphere it is 4 by 3 < R cub and this R square is below so I'll get 4 piun G by 3 4 Pi G by 3 r s r Square cancels 1 R remains with row so row into R row into R so basically acceleration due to gravity is proportional to density and radius so that will make this G1 by G2 is row1 by row2 R1 by R2 what is Row 1 by row2 it is row by row by 2 what is R1 by R2 it is R / 1.5 is 3x2 r r r r gets cancelled two goes on the top this two goes on the top 3 remains 2 2 are 4 divided 3 4 divid 3 is option D oops I think we got 3x 4 oh they have asked B2 a okay they was B2 a correct so this was G1 by G2 that means G2 by G1 will be 3x 4 so they asked B to a Not A to B that's why the answer is C we need to be careful what they have asked because sometimes it happens in the flow we get some answer but it's exactly opposite of what they have asked like it happened here so we need to check what they have asked so it was B by so that's why 3 is to 4 is the correct answer cool guys how many of you have made these kind of silly mistakes before ninad Kar NAD let me tell you how many our sessions you guys want right now I'm focusing mainly on Advan but also I know a lot of students are preparing for bitset especially if you're not confident of advanced uh right so I'll do more sessions but I need more comments I need more shares I need more likes you might feel s selfish but that is the fact guys I mean if I don't see that thing coming from you I won't be able to or I won't have that motivation or I can't you know get more sessions for you so make sure you're sharing commenting liking that is what is required that is honest truth okay as simple as that okay a conducting Loop of radius 10 by root Pi cm is placed perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of5 Tesla the magnetic field is decreased to 0 in 0.5 seconds at a study rate the induced EMF in the circular Loop at. 25 seconds is how much the magnitude is decreased from zero at a constant rate okay so if it is decreased at a constant rate that means the EMF produced will also be constant no matter which time you go right awesome thank you ninat thank you so much okay yeah so uh what do we do uh there is a radius there is a loop there is field which is changing okay I think faradise law is involved here and faradise law says that the EMF is uh which is induced the EMF which is induced is nothing but the rate of change of magnetic flux now magnetic flux is uh nothing but magnetic field into area so area is I r² the whole thing divided by DT < R is constant so pi and R square outside so I'll just have rate of change of magnetic field is the induced emf's magnitude so Pi is Pi R is 10 byun of piun whole s rate of change of magnetic field from. 5 it went to 0er in0 5 seconds so the change of the magnetic field change of the magnetic field is5 - Z upon the time taken is again. 5 seconds so .55 cancels root Pi square is Pi Pi Pi cancels so 10 square is basically 100 so 100 but everything is in oh this is in cm so we need to be little bit careful over here when we do the math since this was in cm so 10 the^ min-2 m squ this is just for cm to meter conversion so this will become 10 ^ 4 and sorry why did I say 10^ 4 this will become 10 to^ 2 and this will become 10 ^ - 4 okay so this will become 10 ^ -2 volts 10 ^ -2 volts which is 10 into 10^ 3 - 3 volts which is 10 m volts just check this out 10 MTS yes option b is the correct answer 10 mvts we need to be careful of the units or else you will get a completely wrong answer cool moving to the next question a particle is moving s speed collides with stationary mass and they stick and move together find the combined velocity conservation of momentum that's the concept I believe so mass m moving with some velocity collides with stationary Mass after the Collision it becomes the combined mass of 3M question is what is the velocity so let me call that as U so conserve conserve momentum that's all you need to do conserve momentum initial momentum is MV plus 0 final momentum is 3 m into U therefore U will be mm cancels it will become V by3 so V by3 is option number c there you go that is the correct answer sometimes they can also ask you uh sometimes they can also ask you what is the energy lost in the Collision so you find the initial energy find the final energy and subtract it okay now some of you I think who was itth yes yes you asked sir what about this 25 seconds this is a useless information this is a useless information because read this it is decreased at a constant rate because it is constant rate whether you take. 25 seconds or whether you take 2 seconds or. 5 Seconds the answer will remain the same because the slope will be the same rate is same so EMF induced will be a constant this will be a constant no matter which time you take that's why it was a useless information got it Chum is there to confuse you nothing else moving to the next one electric field in a certain region is given by this the electric field of A and B okay dimensional analysis based question units based question so they have asked the units of A and B okay so electric field electric field unit must be the same as the unit of a divided by the unit of X SAR should be also the same as the unit of B divided by the unit of Y Cube okay let's do this part by part electric field is Newton per Kum this is a which I I don't know X is met I believe yeah so it will be me Square so the unit of a will be Newton M Square per Kum Newton M Square per Kum is only there in option b you don't even have to check the other options you can see that right over here this is obviously wrong this is also wrong this is also wrong this is meer Cube so this is the only correct one which is there so you can save your time in the exam like this but by chance there are two options with the same thing then you will have to proceed you would have no other option so electric field has a unit of Newton per Kum volt per meter is also there but I saw Newton is more beneficial because I saw the options so always look at the options sometimes you might get some hint so unit of B I don't know unit of Y is meter so M Cube over here so the unit of B is Newton M Cube per Kum Newton M Cube per Kum is right over here this is wrong this is again wrong my God somebody made the options so simple I mean there is no ambiguity at all option b it is moving on to the next one okay where to follow the resources are there some videos regarding uh so wut let me tell you so for all the students who are wondering where are the resources as you are watching this video on the channel just go to the channel and just search for bit sat oops bit sat yeah on the channel over here not over here here here okay so when you do that you will see there are playlist there are videos okay on it okay so we have done lot and lot of mock tests over here you can just search through these videos you can just practice all the questions number one second option is you have these test series meant for all of you okay this particular test series which is there in the description box which is called as a bitsat test series click on this link it will take you to the bit bits that test series it has all kinds of questions for you so these are the two options for your practice which you can use is that clear all right let's move ahead to the next one there is a bicycle tire it is filled with air at some pressure and temperature when the temperature increases what will happen to the pressure it will also increase now now tell me one thing tell me one thing that uh in a tire the tire is of a fixed width fixed radius so the volume cannot change so in this particular problem the volume is a constant if volume is a constant pressure is directly proportional to temperature so P2 by P1 by P1 is T2 by T1 pressure 2 is what we need to find pressure 1 is 270 temperature 2 is 36 which is 9 more than 300 okay so this is 300 or 9 sorry 309 T1 is 27° C which is 300 kin remember temperature is always in kelvin 0 0 cancels you can see these are all nice numbers out here in fact you can see three goes with 27 you know nine times right the zero is still remaining over here and you can just shift it on the other side and you will definitely get the answer just check it if you get it as 278 or something or it will be slightly more oh my gosh okay yes it will be slightly more it won't be 270 of course it can't be 268 360 is too much more so I guessed it it is 278 did you understand how did I guess it okay because check this out 270 can't be the answer pressure is not the same okay uh this is eliminated this is less this can't be true because temperature has increased 360 is too too high so C seems to be reasonably High which is the correct option okay that's how I can guess the answers also at times okay fair enough my dear Warriors understood how things work so you have to be really really open-minded you have to be really on your toes in the examination Hall there is a proton with some speed in a magnetic field entering at 30° the radius of curvature of the path okay so when you throw a Charged particle at an angle and the oops mass and the charge in the magnetic field like this the path taken is a helical path so it takes a helical path if you remember and the radius of that Helix is MV sin Theta / QB that's all so you know the mass by charge ratio I think or E by m is 10 ^ 8 so charge by Mass ratio is 10 ^ 8 velocity is 3 into 10^ 5 sin Theta which is s of 30° is the whole thing divided by magnetic field which is3 Tesla so you can see over here 3 three gets cancelled uh powers of 10 if you ignore sin 30 is basically half which is basically .5 so the answer should contain 5 into 10^ something without one solving uh did I miss something over here just check it out I think it should be5 CM or something just check it out okay 3 3 will cancel 10 10 10 10 so sin Theta is half so half is 0.5 so I think the answer should be 0.5 I don't know why they have marked it as two okay so just check if the answer comes out to be as 0.5 yes it should be5 CM okay I'll get it corrected so powers of 10 method okay next electric potential uh if you wonder what is powers of 10 method for those of you are new imagine there is a number like this 2 point uh or let's say 20 uh say 20 into 10^ - 3 into .4 the whole thing divided by you know 10 * 0. 1 multiplied by uh I don't know maybe um 5 * by 20 something like that so what you do is forget all the decimals zeros and powers of 10 and only concentrate on the numbers like 2 four forget the decimals then over here five and then two did you understand what I just said just forget all the zeros decimals powers and just concentrate on the numbers pure numbers 5 2 are 10 so now again this becomes 10 so forget it so what is remaining two into 4 which is 8 so the answer will be 8 into 10^ something so whichever option has 8 into 10^ something or 08 or8 or 08 you will Mark that that is ignoring the powers of 10 and decimals and zeros cool isn't it a fascinating technique okay so that's a very important trick which you should know moving on potential is given what is the field guys if potential is given to find the field field is DV by DX DV by Dr that's the formula so electric field is DV by DX over here so negative derivative of this whole thing which is 5 x² + 10 x - 4 so it will be - 5 x² derivative is 2x - 10 this minus goes and X's derivative is 1 and constant's derivative is 0o so it will be - 10 x - 10 that is the electric field but the question says that X = to 1 so electric field at x = 1 will be - 10 into 1 - 10 which is - 20 Vol per meter so - 20 volt per meter is option number D yes option number D is the correct one got it my dear Warriors straightforward cool shall we go ahead to the next one awesome come on keep it going keep it flowing the resistance of a wire is 5 ohms new resistance if it is stretched five times of the L L common question this was also done as a standard model in your G Mains if you remember your resistance depends on the length as well as the area lot of you might think since it its length is increased five times resistance will also Increase five times but you need to also understand the area will also change so you need to take that into account in fact the volume will remain constant the area is volume divided by length because if you remember area into length is volume so area is volume divided by length and this is what which remains constant in such problems of stretching specifically so it will become row by row by volume into length Square so resistance is directly proportional to the square of the length so clearly if length is made five times more the square of it will be made 25 times more so the resistance will be 25 times more so what was the original resistance what was the original resistance it was 5 ohms so 5 ohms will be made 25 times more which is 125 ohms which is option C that is the correct one okay so length doubles resistance will become four times length triples it will become nine times length becomes five times the resistance will become nine sorry length becomes five times the resistance will become 25 times so that is what the correct answer would be okay such tricky questions can come I hope you guys are ready now for logical reasoning full excited full Jo put some fire in the chat box yes different English is over at the beginning only we started with English we went to physics now we are coming on to logical reasoning ready for it ready for it okay come on put some fire in the chat box if you're not yet smash the like button do that right away right now awesomeness great let's move first question on your screen which of the following cube in the answer cannot be made based on the unfolded cube in the question figure so check for the clo uh you know three adjacent sides and see if they are in the correct order and are they really adjacent or not are they really adjacent or not if they are not then it will not be correct which cannot be made the question is which cannot be made okay so probably let me just make a duplicate of this so that we can discuss I'll just show you for example this one for for example if I open this one I'm just looking at option number a okay I'm just concentrating on option number a if I open that what will happen I will get that cross on the side if I open the box I will get that dollar whatever and over here I'll get those two circles do I have such a place over here just check it out yes I think so I can even open it with the dollar symbol yes definitely I can definitely get it dollar is there and if I close this if I close this like this definitely I will get this definitely I will get this perfect there is no problem at all in this I mean you can just visualize this once this closes the cross and the circle will be you know on the top and on the side and this dollar will be on the right hand side or in the front perfect you can definitely uh make this there is no problem at all what about option number B let's try to make this option number B is there a problem in option number b or not so at Star and hash at Star and hash okay so it seems like they are not adjacent but actually they are adjacent because if you put that star below remember when you fold this this hash will go on the side the star will go below this dollar symbol behind so try to visualize that but are they in the correct order or not well let's figure that out if I close them if I close them okay then you know what will happen the star has gone below let me Tilt The Box let me Tilt The Box slightly up so probably I will have the symbol at over here a symbol at over here and uh this hash will be here and that star which was below will come over here oh there is a problem there is a problem the order is not correct the order is not correct wrong order this is definitely the wrong order so which cannot be form I directly got it as option b I don't even have to check other options yes option b is the box which cannot be made no it is not C okay no it does not C you can see hashar and at you can make it if you you want I will just uh create a duplicate for that hash star and at can be made check this out uh if you just look at these three if you fold them if you fold them okay uh what will happen is you will get this particular box over here this dollar is there okay this at is there and this hash is also there now you uh basically put that hash on the top put that hash on the top and tilt it okay you just tilt it you just topple it over and turn it just topple it over and turn it just if you want bring that add on this right hand side so do these operations turn it and then topple it over you will see you will exactly get this option C which is possible which is possible option b is not possible got it the only trick to solve these questions is you should be comfortable with opening and closing the box that's it I mean you should be able to visualize that you know how the sides will come especially if you have played with Rubik's Cube no these questions becomes very easy Rubik's Cube like the Transformations which happen you turn one thing and then turn it the other way okay you turn a box and then turn it the other way and then topple it like this how will it look like so just try to Sol solve in your head or probably in the book only these kind of things I mean you don't even have to download the questions just try it on your own just make a box and think what will happen or how will it look if I turn it in the front if I turn it in the back which sides will come on the top if I turn it like this which sides will be visible which sides will be hidden if I turn it once like this and then turn it like this then which sides will be visible which sides will be hidden just try it out couple of times for you know some fight end diagrams you will be an exp in this it's not very difficult yeah understood cool uh who is that karja all right Hello Johnny yeah okay great are these important questions obviously they are important questions okay moving on to the next one uh select the related word number from the Alternatives distan is to odometer hygrometer is to what okay distance odometer odometer means what it measures order no odometer means the device which measures the distance which has traveled is there in your vehicle your vehicle has traveled 70,000 km 20,000 kilm so it's a distance measuring device odometer measures distance so hygrometer measures what hygrometer measures what it will measure humidity yes not pressure pressure is measured by barometer or manometer thickness you can use verier caliper or micrometer screw Gage wind I mean wind what do you mean like wind does not measure anything yeah you can measure wind using something else like Venture meter and all of that okay so definitely not the correct answer choose the Alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series interesting just check this out come on my dear Warriors yes Jan I'll do more sessions but you know what I'm being very honest with this I will need a lot of more love and support and comments and likes and shares from you and your batchmates the community who is working or studying and preparing for bit set to watch the lectures here that is as honest as I can be because that is what I will need for me to conduct more sessions so spread the word across all your channels status whatever okay that's all I would need okay so what do we do 22 26 53 69 194 one thing is that it is continuously increasing let's find the difference between all of them so let me just write down the Numbers 22 26 53 69 finding few differences only will give me the correct answer maybe sometimes so the difference between these two is basically four the difference between these two just check this out yes 26 and 53 4 7 uh 27 oh I think I know what is probably happening 2 squar so 4 is basically just check this out 2 Square 27 is 3 Cub most likely 2 S 3 Cub either it is 4 4 no it is a 4 squ yes because the difference between them is 16 definitely perfect so what will be the next thing it will be 2 square 3 Cub 4 Square so it will be 5 Cub so that means it will be 125 what will be the next thing it will be square so it will be 6 squar yes which is basically 36 so that's how it will go so you had 69 then you had 194 so the difference between them is 12 5 so 194 plus 36 guys obviously it is 230 230 how many of you got it very good Karan awesome yep yes that is the correct answer wow very good so usually the method of differences will work when it is a perfect increasing or decreasing series and it is not increasing like crazy I mean the increase seems to be pretty much rational I mean it is not like exponential increase or some ha Hazard increase sudden increase sudden decrease so this method of differences will not work that time okay so this is a trick which you can use for these kind of questions next one m is the son of p q is the granddaughter of O which is the husband of P who is how is M related to O that's the question okay come on let's see if you guys can solve this my dear Warriors figure this out start drawing a family tree always in a family tree husbands wives brother sisters are at the same level Sons daughters down mother's fathers up grandfathers even on the top granddaughters even more below niece will come down so you have to make levels then it becomes very very easy to solve m is the son of P so P here m is the son that means he is a male I might need it because mother daughter father so many things are there so you go down like this then what else is there Q is the granddaughter of O who is the husband of p o is the husband of P so P definitely has to be a female has to be a female whose husband whose husband uh who is the husband of p o is the husband that means O is a male over here perfect and Q is the granddaughter of O So granddaughter of o is also the granddaughter of P so granddaughter who is it Q so Q is a granddaughter that means she's a feemale and these two are together always obviously so I'm just going to put them together husband and wife both of them had a daughter sorry had a son who is a m male okay perfect how is M related to o m is the son of O can you not see that m is basic basically the son of O so the answer should be a yes it is a that's how you make a family tree that's how you make a family Tre understood my dear Warriors is that clear everybody with me okay perfect perfect awesome so always remember family tree helps you a lot okay moving on to the next one sing is written down as youp I then take will be written down as okay let's see is there some relation r s t u okay s if I go to U I'll have to put plus two alphabets i h i j k okay I to K is also + two L M N O P oh again plus two GH I okay plus two so guys just move two alphabets in the front that's all so come on rst u v so V will come next AB b c c will come next h i j k l m m will come next to next and e f g g will come next VC mg you don't even have to look at the options to solve it solve it independently and then Mark the option yes VC mg is the correct answer so just add two alphabets ahead and you will get the answer yep option number a very good very good very good moving on to the next one on your screen find the odd man out pack packet bundle glass very simple I mean like really you should be absent minded to not solve this really absent minded if you are not able to solve this what is the answer pack packet bundle glass yes pack collect ction packet collection bundle collection glass is not a collection of anything answer should be glass obviously D for ID Delhi very good K different very good smart people Pandit oh my god wow rajeswari very good different very good Samia very good perfect to we vanilla very good moving on to the next question what do we have okay we have statements these are the two statements and some conclusions so which conclusion is correct based on that statements assume that no cow is a chair no cow is a chair so we draw a set of cows this is a set of cows and we'll draw a set of chairs no cow is a chair so this is how it will be no cow is a chair Perfect all chairs are tables so there are many many possibilities all the chairs are tables could be one possibility like this this is one possibility one possibility two is all the chairs are tables could also be this this is possibility to and so much more so many more possibilities are there so let's try to think which of these options will then be always always correct always always correct come on my dear Warriors think about it some tables are chairs is this correct some tables are chairs if all the chairs are table obviously some of the table will be the chairs so definitely there is nothing wrong over here some tables are cows some tables are cows possible but in the green one none of the tables were cows did you see that none of the tables were cows so this is not always true some chairs are cows no no chair is a cow no cow is a chair so third is also wrong no table is a cow that is also wrong some table can be cows some table may not be cows you cannot predict for for sure so fourth is also not always true only first statement is always true that means option C should be correct let's find out yes option C is correct very nice so always for such kind of questions draw a v diagram and think of all the possibilities that is the trick to solve these questions show a vend diagram and think of all the possibilities and it should be true every time only then it can be called as a conclusion it's not a possibility it's a conclusion conclusion is always true so only when all the situations lead to the same answer then only you can mark it that's the meaning of conclusion okay okay so those were the questions which I had for all of you my dear Warriors I hope you guys enjoyed this session a lot smash the like button quickly and remember if you want to practice more sessions then we have the bitsat test series for just 4.99 rupees okay the link is also pinned in the comments and the chats you can also see you can go to the description box and you can buy it for $4.99 rupees uh you can use it for your second bitset attempt as well okay not just that you will get good amount of practice of the all the subjects all the uh you know types of sections that are there in bits which is very important because syllabus is more or less same but the pattern you would have realized is way different than Mains and your strategy what you used in Mains will not work here and you need really high scores for getting into the topnotch branches in bits let me tell you that okay it's not a cakewalk don't think oh very few people will write bits side no the competition is very tough there are many students who will even give up IIT seat to enter into bits keep that in mind okay so fight really hard and I hope you guys enjoyed smash the like button share it with your friends for more such sessions thank you very much Captain St signing off as Vista
Channel: Vedantu JEE English
Views: 31,560
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Keywords: vedantu, 2024, pyqs, JEE Mains, jee advanced, bitsat, cbse, nta, jee english, pcm, eamcet, bitsat english and logical reasoning, bitsat english and logical reasoning questions, logical reasoning questions for bitsat, bitsat logical reasoning, logical reasoning bitsat, logical reasoning for bitsat, viteee 2024 preparation, logical reasoning bitsat 2023, top logical reasoning questions, bitsat top questions logical reasoning, bitsat questions by shreyas, vedantu jee, vedantu jee english
Id: iB4tANbYpZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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