Bitcoin's Most Hated Man - Craig Wright

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I think it was a fair interview. Craig seemed to have successfully passed information to Patrick.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bitcoin-1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Patrick: Vitalik Buterin?

Craig: "Just admit it was your farther!"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great interview. Bet-David did a good job with the questions.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mogray5 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Notice how CSW never once mentioned the ticker BSV in front of an audience of potentially millions of non-crypto people.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/montetaris ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
there's a community that is fully furious with you in a smaller community that believes in you why did you decide one day to wake up and piss off everybody well I didn't really decide that at all if you are snotty Nakamura you're essentially worth eight point eight million dollars it matters not how much money you have you make something but building creating investing I want you to use Bitcoin and I want you to hoard it but why were you not public from day one cash is disappearing that's a bad thing so if I wanted to go into Apple Walmart Amazon I can't make any to purchase with Bitcoin today no and that's a problem why don't you sell all your Bitcoin if you try and move a hundred million dollars the value of bitcoins going to go right now let's just say somebody really pissed you off can you bring down the whole concept of Bitcoin if you wanted to what is the concept of Bitcoin by this you'll be rich they're allowing child pornography or allowing money launderers bitcoin was never designed to be any of those things do you regret creating Bitcoin I was building a working version of electronic cash everyone you'll be able to scam is right here Bitcoin look what I've done I've helped by clicking like you haven't and all these people who think they have you're scum and you don't like that get up your frickin ass and do something about it my guest today is Craig Wright who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto which some of you agree with some of you don't and he's done a lot of things in his career a lot of interesting things in his career and after the recent interview with Max Keiser our guy Allen reached out and said maybe we ought to have Craig Wright as a guest and he agreed so Craig thank you so much for being a guest on my team you're welcome so how much how much you know I call people I'm not in the Bitcoin world obviously I have owned Bitcoin at a small percentage of Bitcoin but I'm not one that follows all the forms I'm not one that's you know the community is an interesting community of a lot of true believers there's a community that is fully furious with you in a smaller community that believes in you why did you decide one day to wake up and piss off everybody well I didn't really decide that at all I mean where people are going wrong is that they seem to think that I'm going to invent a creation and then be happy that everyone twists and makes it into something else shortly after I left sort of my pseudonym with the sort of launch of drug markets and whatever else that I didn't really want we had people like the Electronic Frontier Foundation come out with these comments about Bitcoin this new censorship resistance system talking about how it will stop government's taking your money and all the stuff Bitcoin doesn't do anything like that that is all mythology and so these people hate me for the simple fact that I'm ruining their myth it's basically the case of they've produced a Church of Satoshi and I've come back and I'm not what they want it's the scene in dusky esky where the Christ comes back to actually talk with the Inquisitor and the Inquisitor doesn't want him he sits there saying we don't need you anymore the church is fine but the church is not fine and these people that what they're wanting to do is not find bitcoins designed to be a system that is open and honest you can't do that by destroying government's people forget that government is just a word what government is at the end of the day whether it's good or bad it's people so if we have a good government it's because we have a system that is managed and controlled by people that care about it and if we have a bad government it's because people allow them to have that okay so for the average person you just went to a crazy different place today you went to a very deep place but for the for the average let me just put some things out there numbers wise if you are Sochi Nakamoto if you're Satoshi Nakamoto if you are and when I say if you are you're saying you know you are I'm just for the skeptics if you are saturated oh you're essentially worth on paper eight point eight million dollars is that pretty accurate I don't actually know I know it's a lot of money I don't sit there watch in the price yes it's a lot of money so that's that's a lot of money eight point eight billion and I know at the peak of it one Bitcoin to twenty thousand dollars it was around twenty billion dollars of the reality there though is you can't actually sell any of these things for that amount so and people say you've got that much money but you don't really because if you try and sell it then it goes down a lot so the actual realizable value is a lot less than that but the reality here is it matters not about how much money you have it matters what you what you can do what you can actually live in your life and I have enough money to go through university myself still to pay for my kids to go through university to have them educated properly to travel to spend time with my family to do things I want to what more is really important I mean past that who cares yeah I know but but the thing is like you know if you look at a theory and founder of vitaliy he's a pretty public guy it's not like he is hidden you know this is why i'm i'm the founder and he does whatever he can to not be that much of a guy that's the control because the whole thing about a crypto is the fact that it's the complete opposite of banking so it's no one figure you look at it's not a hierarchy type of a model but that's actually wrong so this is this is part of what they don't like there are no sort of oh we're we're out of this the telic is the leader he is the issue of aetherium when he decided that the doubt didn't work he changed it it wasn't a community or a group none of this is about distributed groups to it that's a lie that's propagated and promoted so that these few people in charge can say don't look at me don't take me to be responsible I didn't do that that's the whole point it is these people who are shirking their responsibility who are basically allowing all sorts of heinous things to be just rife and the truth of the matter is they're making money out of that they're allowing child porn they're allowing drug sales hard drugs and they're sitting there going it's not my fault the community wants it the community doesn't vote on this the consensus mechanism in Bitcoin is the creation of blocks and present in BTC well even there are only 32 nodes of that three or four control the whole system now the developer bit they said they're going the community does this the community don't do anything three people control the github keys anythi reham two people basically do it I mean your average company like General Motors has more distant realization than any cryptocurrency that people are talking about this this whole nature of it's about decentralization was never about Bitcoin it's people who piled in after I left the scene in 2011 we've taken up this concept and run round going bitcoins broken we have to fix it but God was never designed to be any of those things but Kuhn was it's okay so when you're saying down you're saying but Alec he's saying I'm just trying to get people to do what they want to do I'm not like the bank leader I'm not the hierarchy leader you're saying a complete opposite so what does that make you if you're saying you are Satoshi Nakamoto I'm saying exactly the same things I said online I never said that this was a decentralized system or that it's good for drug sales or any of these things I actually said don't invite WikiLeaks and yet that's the opposite of what everyone did I didn't run round going it's an anti banking system there's no quote she'll find for me at any point saying those things I didn't say it replaces banking and that's really ignorant when you think about it banking is not cash bitcoin is an electronic cash system now banking on the other hand is distribution of capital Bitcoin doesn't take your funds and pool them and give out home loans it doesn't give out business loans it doesn't manage those sources of funds its cash and this is these people are too ignorant to even realize or if they're not ignorant they're disingenuous and they're sitting there saying that we're going to replace banking for third-world people it's not third well people don't have investment they don't have loans saying you've got Bitcoin isn't going to pull those people out of poverty what it does is it allows this false narrative of a Ponzi where people sit there going it's gonna keep going up forever invest now because I've already invested and I want more money that's the problem here so so many people are building so do you feel it sounds like you're you're you don't sound optimistic you sound pessimistic so let's just say you are the founder of Bitcoin and you're the monkey or Satoshi Nakamoto if you are do you regret creating Bitcoin no I regret not managing things properly I noticed you've got a cross around your neck and I used to be a pastor and I've actually a thousand random Catholic and moved over to be Protestant because it fit me better and I like actually being married but there's a concept of stewardship so the whole Catholic ideal of stewardship is important whether you're Protestant or Catholic or whatever else this idea of having long-term investment ownership and managing everything knowing your problems being responsible this is what really built Western culture responsibility knowing that you are the center of your own problem and causes and what I regret is when I left when I sort of left everything happened the way it was I thought I could work in the background and fix things without being involved but I abdicated not sort of delegated there's a big difference and part of stewardship is taking ownership for what you do cause your problems and everything like that and that's what I regret I regret not doing that not sort of it was a harder choice and I should have made it back then so what if you're saying vitaliy gets bumped again he's the leader of material but why were you not public from day one I thought things would sort themselves out I didn't I mean there was a church of satoshi for a while there was a whole lot of other thing I mean I did not foresee any of this the whole idea of Bitcoin and the protocol is that it doesn't change none of this we get to keep doing soft Forks or hard Forks or anything the whole concept of set and stone is we have a protocol that grows and miners don't vote as everyone says miners don't choose what the protocol is think about that for a moment that is a horrible scenario that is might makes right those were the most money the most power get to choose what happens in our monetary system that's not democratic that's not fair do you really want to see some large Russian company or rut large Chinese company dictating world financial policy that's what these people are arguing that criminals can dictate financial policy that can't be changed even by government or law enforcement really think about that for a moment we get to large miners each with 30% and they have joint controllers in oligarchy and they can dictate to the rest of the world that child pornography is good Antonopoulos writer of mastering [ __ ] coin came up with this oh well it's not my place to tell people that child pawns bag I mean if people want to do that they should make their own decisions wrong I don't care about this for curly in postmodern ideal I still believe that we have sort of an overarching idea of morality this pure pluralist system Hegelian horrible world of everyone having a right to whatever they believe no matter how low and despicable it is is wrong I don't really care there is a morality that is native to humanity and doing the wrong things will never be acceptable and allowing a small cadre of potentially criminals who are money launderers and want to take money and do all these things that have already mentioned and get away with it because they have more hash power that is asinine so what kind of people has Bitcoin attracted you mentioned child porn out twice a drug traffic what kind of people have been turned on by Bitcoin because they can go naughty they can break the law and not be found what kind of community has that attracted in around June July 2010 there was the first inkling of this which I didn't take too seriously at the time the first version of what became Silk Road was launched initially selling things like magic mushrooms and whatever else and then it broke out into straight into heroin I mean it's one thing if you want to try and allow people to sell pot especially where it's legal but they can't get banking it's another to start saying that well heroines ok - it's personal choice it's not it's incredibly addictive and destructive the same with meth and ice and all these other things and a lot of people came as eegh old collapsed eagled was taken down around the start of bitcoin and then at the end of that period Liberty Reserve with Liberty Reserve euro and Liberty Reserve dollar was also taken down and all of those people flocked into Bitcoin because the Electronic Frontier Foundation WikiLeaks other people were sitting there going bitcoins this system that you can't track can't trace that allows you to do anything we've now seen some of the largest child pornography rings in the world taken down because people attract Bitcoin transactions in and out of them there are only just recently a couple of those one in Korea just a little while ago they've been many drug sites taken down but the whole thing here is Bitcoin isn't encrypted it's not really a cryptocurrency there's no encryption at all the Bitcoin it's an open ledger the identity function is firewalled so if you can imagine this the way it's written is like having an index that index links the individual who owns the tokens but simultaneously it allows other people not to see who that is so the way to think about this is tsunami means that you can externally link information without actually making it all public so it doesn't mean you don't have identity in fact digital signatures require identity the definition of a signature means that you can't be anonymous so all these people saying there's digital signatures and Bitcoin only if you have identity if it's anonymous it's not a signature so if we take that a little bit further we start thinking about the fact that we have this record and it's designed to be something like an old bugger like me would understand I've worked in accounting firms and in the past we used to have paper backed sort of records Ledger's journals and they're really difficult to change they're expensive to try and change so if you have all that you can't just scribble out entry and added because everything needs to sort of follow and be correct write down a double entry journal so you can't go somewhere in the past and scribble out online but you can fix it because it is visible because everyone can read it think about this you have all these immutable journals in the past but people made mistakes so they still have errata sheets they still have linked journals where they can change things none of this having to go back and recalculate all the hashes or any of this stuff all you need to do is have the miners say this is what the new entry is and they can do that following a court order or whatever else purpose of nodes is not to have this decentralized finance idea which actually goes right back to the 1920s there the the original sort of concept of having promotion of shares and plugging shares and everything like that that led to the 1929 crash that was really about the term democratizing finance there were people like they are with Bitcoin right now sitting there going buy this you'll be rich you don't need to understand it you don't need to comprehend it just buy it sit on it you'll be rich that was the promise then that's the promise now it's a lot of these people so I'm very positive with Bitcoin just not what people say is Bitcoin so if you were to sell me bitcoins because that's how it's being sold it's an investment put your money in D you're gonna be rich it's gonna go to a hundred thousand it's gonna go to a million dollars you know it's gonna go to that how would you sell me what bitcoin is explained to me here's what bitcoin is not that what would it be I wouldn't I wouldn't create plumbing when a normal person buys a house unless they're a little bit the sort of perfectionist I'll say the nice way pedantic on certain things then they're not going to sit there going well I need this particular plumbing in this part of the house and these faucets and I need ceramic here and I need copper there and now the truth of the matter is you don't care about how your internet connection basically sends packets you shouldn't care about how your money does it either I don't want people sitting there and going that there's some super wizard and no they say I just want it to be secure plumbing I want it to sit there in the background so that accountants and fraud analysts can review things and know that it's secure I want it so that it's fast it's better than Visa that it cost lists and PayPal that people can hold their own cash again which cash is disappearing that's a bad thing I want you to use Bitcoin I know what you do hoard it the whole concept of having hoarded money is a pathology it's wrong if you want to save good if you want to build good if you want to create something but this pathology about I'm gonna get a lump of gold and hope that it goes up in value is wrong how about actually taking something and building with it if we think about going into the old parables the the parable of the servant and I'm gonna throw this one in there the man who had his three servants and he gives each of them some money and one of them buries it under a rock well he still has it at the end but the one who's spent it and did something and planted crops and and wet I mean that's really what it's about you don't make anything from having a lump of money sitting there you make something but building things using money is what matters creating investing so based on what you're saying is Bitcoin is not a method of investment Bitcoin was built to use to used meaning to purchase things that's cheaper than PayPal not necessarily as a method of let me buy a bunch let it sit and in five ten years later I sell it for more make more money exactly it's really about having a system that allows us to have micro payments more than anything else so the Internet has been crying out for micro payments for years a decade ago when I launched Bitcoin people everyone wanted to solve micro payments Facebook our on Facebook coin version six now everyone's going Libre oh whatever else except this is version six it has failed five times already Amazon coin failed they've all done these things and they keep trying because it is valuable to get digital money that can be sold in fractions of a cent if you've got fees that are a dollar or even 20 cents it doesn't work you need fees of a tenth of a hundredth of a thousandth of a centers at scales not this whole concept of we're going to take down the government and replace it with what it's a concept of how do we no longer have advertising and hate speech rule the internet how do we move Twitter away from basically incentivizing people from fighting how do we disincentivize terrorist groups from using these things to find people who they can basically convert if we don't have people sold if we don't have their lives as part of this sort of I guess well track where you are monitor what you do culture that Google and Facebook have created then we have a different internet what do you mean what you just went to Twitter Facebook I know you're not a big fan of social media and by the way for full disclosure for people to know this you got a degree in theology you you study theology coming up right I mean that was one of the things you studied coming up in college yeah and and and it seems like you have a challenge with Twitter because of what you just said right now with you know the way they make their money is pinning people against each other and aversive I heard you say something about the fact that there is a problem with Twitter Facebook all these things being cheap and being free it shouldn't be free because if it is free you can use bots to create imaginary issues what were you going with no the problem is it isn't free they are divisive they are many other things because they're not free people think that they're free they don't see the cost but whenever you have this free ment sort of mantra it is in reality anything but free we have a system that sells you you put in your information you put in your photos and they own it all they get to use it all they get copyright over what you're doing they get access to all you're saying they get to sell your information basically do either governments or businesses or whatever also people can find out where you go what you do and then they can do that to promote advertising and sales and whatever else and things you don't need or want and ideas that really shouldn't be there yeah why because Twitter makes a few cents every time so rather than having knowledge of what things actually cost we have a hidden cost now the sec back in 1999 actually took action against a number of decentralized companies who were saying that they were giving out shares and saying that they're not covered because well that new technology they can do web IPOs which is the modern word so is called an ICO and they were issuing shares if people signed up on their site so you put in your your name address and some personal information and they gave you shares and guess what every time you put a mere email address back in 1999 when there weren't that many email addresses when advertising wasn't that big the sec analyzed that and still came up back then with your information was worth eleven dollars just by doing that little bit so right now we are in a world where we have much more information where the richness of information about your life if you have facebook on your phone is incredibly deep and now we're selling all that information and there's not eleven dollars anymore it's not cheap now facebook couldn't make money without doing all this imagine if every day they got half a cent from you they'd still be profitable imagine half a cent from all their people they'd be very profitable that people can even have blog posts and whatever else that they sell other things that they do online and they can make money without having to have bank accounts set up all sorts of things yet that's not what we're doing because he'll billions of dollars of advertising most of which is not really what anyone ever wants if Facebook got a half a cent every day from every user at 2.2 billion that's some 330 million a month times 12 is not a lot of money it's four billion a year they wouldn't be as profitable as they are today not the negative the negative how much do they get right now not in revenue but in profit in Salah more than four billion it's a lot more than four billion I mean I know he lost money seven billion last week but the only reason I'm asking this is because I'm business model now you made me know it's a smarter which is a complete different topic can a business model of charging me every day a certain amount really work for others to get and will it can it scale to 2.2 billion I don't know can scale to 2.2 billion users on on Facebook going back to going back to a crypto let's let's stay on that topic for a second because I wanted to follow up with this year for folks who know Bitcoin and here's what I've learned from a lot of people that claim they know Bitcoin 99% of Bitcoin folks have no clue how this thing works would you agree with that that majority but don't really know everything about Bitcoin I even take it further make it know you something about bit going in who's involved in it maybe 1 in 10,000 ok even better I mean I agree with you because it's so complex and people try to sound like they're experts and they know what they're doing but it's a very technical issue to make it comparable to another thing I'll ask you and maybe you can help me out with this is would you be considered if someone if you are subtly Nakamoto are you comparable to a founder of a company to a fund manager to somebody who just happened to find gold mine who would that be comparable to if you were to compare the founder to something what would that be I'm an issue uh contrary to what people say whenever you create something like Bitcoin core created something Vitalik created something and everyone runs around going there's no issuing no there is I assured Bitcoin with all the requirements for sort of what that means and all the rest and vitalik issued aetherium and the people in Bitcoin core issued BTC and other derivatives so the end of the day everyone's running around law card touches and course it can't it's just slow so what I can myself I would say an inventor we've got now 1080 patents around 400 Payton families filed we have over a thousand in the backlog for white papers internally a ten chain by the time I finish with what we've already got there'll be at least six thousand so oh it's a minute so if you're an issuer can you can you also if you really want it if somebody really pissed you off let's just say somebody really pissed you off can you bring down the whole concept of Bitcoin if you wanted to what is the concept of Bitcoin before I can answer that one I'll need to know what the concept is that I'm bringing now I mean I'm talking about all of these folks that have money in Bitcoin that about Bitcoin Bitcoin can you essentially make Bitcoin go away where it's non-existent where everybody loses all the value to have a Bitcoin well that depends on what you're considering so if you're looking at BTC then that's already on shaky ground long term there's only going to be one system contrary to what people say with this whole everyone will have their own money and whatever else no there won't be it's like how many different types of internet do you have I mean the reality is we're not going to be on 50 different networks back thirty years ago we had decnet up and ARPANET which became in today we had vanian bynes net buoy Novell NetWare IPX I have many many different network protocols the benefit in any system that is networked is connectivity between all the interacting players and there are still some decnet networks there are still some Mannion behind networks globally they're very small and they're legacy and people can't get rid of them but the reality is no one about them and that's where we're going to be bitcoins going to be something it can't be a promise of a promise so right now you have people saying it's going to be valuable because it's going to be more valuable that doesn't work if you want Bitcoin to be valuable it has to be because it's used not a promise that in the future will solve things but because it's used not because it's decentralized I mean what does that really even mean I mean think about it there's a where decentralized but and what what do you mean by decentralized not that we have everyone voting because you know did that a Bitcoin contrary to the lies people tell you about how everyone gets to say bull everyone doesn't get a say BTC world there are three developers who basically sit there and choose what happens and in a manner analogous to Stalin they sit there and go you can vote for me I will do everything I promised to do unless they don't and if you don't like it you can vote for me again how much power and control does do three have though if they lose it they three they're furious that upset with everybody what's the worst thing they can do whatever they want which is prank the network because so you could essentially break the network if you wanted to the only control here is legal so this whole anarchist anti-government bit doesn't work the reason you can't is because it's really a unilateral contract it's the same as if I put contract like little stickers up saying lost dog I'll pay you 50 pounds if you find my dog now the contract happens when someone decides to look for the dog and if they find the dog they're owed 50 pounds but if they don't find the dog I don't owe them anything and that's the same thing in Bitcoin so the developers have a unilateral contract a promise to the miners in the community that they have to maintain and right now they change it all the time so the only real protection is the fact that someone can sue them someone can actually hold them to account and a court can actually tell you know you have you can't do that the same way Microsoft have been forced to change code Google have been forced to change code Amazon Facebook all these companies even small companies get forced by courts to change code all the time and sitting there going you can't make us do well of course you can make them do really I mean what a stupid statement saying you can't stop us well course you can where where do you think you're going to put your code where do you think you're going to put your servers this concept we can just change the code and have new sort of systems and the hash rate we can move really and what then a new commercial entity will come in and have their equipment seized exchangers need to access banking right now they can be cut off globally I mean I used to do a lot of work in the gaming industry gambling and I helped set up Lassiter's casino and I helped other ones licensed ones there's a difference and banking is important you can be basically cut off at the knees instantly if a government decides they're not going to renew your banking license or your exchange license or whatever else so this we can do whatever it's a myth a myth to sell something so that they can promote value that doesn't exist it isn't about we're going to have billions of transactions and everyone will actually be able to sell things online it is no longer any of these promises that everyone said about global money money needs to be used money isn't just a store of value store values a secondary part of money and it doesn't even mean what these people are saying store of value means it stays the same value the ideal value you store in the u.s. is the US dollar for stop because by definition a store of value in economics means something that a year later from now you will pay that with a contract at the same rate it will be worth the same not more not less if it is worth a cent more it is less of a unit of value than if it was the same thing if it's worth a cent less the same the ideals our value is a dollar when you're in America the arrow people are making is thinking that it's about investment value store value by definition isn't anything to do with investment it's to do with stability so what would percentage of Bitcoin right now is being used to purchase items oh very very small there was more monetary value of Bitcoin spent in 2011 than there is now what's causing that this mantra of gambling that bitcoins a way of making money without tax that whatever else I think majority of sort of sales are on to exchanges for people wanting to make money without being taxed and things like this and which is really stupid because they're going to find out that they have no money the requirements are already in place the laws are already in place it takes time to kick in so in 18 months from now the provisions in money laundering directive number five that hits Europe and Britain and it will be a criminal act to have wallets that don't link to identity and hold more than a hundred and fifty euros worth of value there's not much money Craig let me ask you the right now bitcoin as of right now I just ran to this 9,000 226 okay right now it's Bitcoin more likely to go to $100,000 or more likely go to $100 BTC is not going to get $100,000 . it's not going to go to $100,000 no if you're somebody that's an analyst and you're making a prediction are you saying higher or lower lower how much lower in time a lot the problem is people don't realize people forget so go back 20 years we had digital money we had industries doing this bigger than now sir we had eagled m-net : appear things that were having people invest money into Ponzi's once again and with the stock market crash and all the rest they went basically bust they all disappeared so just believing things will go up because they'll go up doesn't work this is dog food calm if you don't have something here that actually makes money that actually does the work that is an empty promise eventually it ends it means Amazon not dog food calm if you don't have a system that transfers more volume every day at a lower rate more efficiently more effectively than say here Visa and MasterCard and all these other things if they're not using your system as a transmission system then eventually someone's going to replace you certainly they're going bitcoin no sorry you either build something better or else that's just the way the world works you may not like it doesn't matter this is how it is people are fickle we want to see you doing things we want to see you build things in this concept that there are everyone who will ever get into Bitcoin based on a store a value that goes up on a price the Ponzi scam they're here they're no more they're gone that's it the hole everyone you'll be able to scam is right here in Bitcoin the rest of the people out there don't care the rest of the people will care when this is digital cash not that they make money on that they use until that happens it's not happening a pretty bold prediction right there to say you are saturated and it's 9,000 to 26 and it's got more likelihood of going $200 and it does $2,000 I don't consider BTC Bitcoin I mean there's no sacred in Bitcoin the concept of what they're selling is not what I created so by the way how did it become a religion how did it become such a attractive cult-like following type of a person because typically in order for something to have a cult-like following there must be a founder that has a cult-like following of a spirit aka Steve Jobs you know a person who has that aura and that feeling and we gonna take over the world how did this become then without somebody that was a prophet claiming what this is going to replace in my absence people created a mythology unfortunately that's what happened so people sit there saying this is what I meant no what I meant was fairly clear when I argued with people and I said bitcoin ends and data centers I meant bitcoin ends in data centers full stop I did not mean that everyone sits there at home going we're going to sell blocks for the sake of it it's not designed for that the truth of the matter is that that's what people don't want to hear they these people in the whole little cultish version of Bitcoin don't want me to sit there and say the reason for proof of work and bitcoin is purely and simply to make sure nodes cannot ever be anonymous the 2016 block sort of difficulty adjustment period is so that they can never be more than 2,000 nodes and in reality because you have a power-law distribution of investment you never have more than 100 right now we have 32 from 2011 till now every single node is known and we had ninety-eight in that entire period nine years 98 nodes and it's very simple to tell whether you're a node have you created a block full stop you say for this thing to work it's got a people people got to spend a Bitcoin and purchase things and yeah but not a lot of it is being spent it's a fair to say it's less than 1% of bitcoins being used to purchase items is that a fair assessment and it's a fair assessment yes okay so if if you have the monkey or Satoshi Nakamoto and that as of today give or take is worth eight point eight billion dollars how come you're not spending that money purchasing items so it's you know moving how come you're not doing it well first of all I do second you can't actually spend that much money in Bitcoin in derivatives like BTC the liquidity is not there you can't go out there and spend a billion dollars . so if you try and move a hundred million dollars the value of bitcoins going to go right now so there isn't eight billion dollars there that's just an arbitrary sort of artificial thing that people say the reality is if even without people knowing it was me if there's a way of doing it if I could try and spend everything there might be fifty million dollars out of this by the time if I tried to dump it all at once most if I still could I have a time I might be able to get five times that and have two hundred and fifty that would be it what's the biggest purchase you made with a Bitcoin paid for a number of things a pet I've had a rather extravagant holiday I've got a little bit of art work most of my stuff that is boring my university fees are probably my biggest expense every year is it but an amount if you were to even if you don't disclose what it is what is the amount that was the biggest purchase you were able to make with Bitcoin oh the purchase biggest purchase I'd say would be 50 grand 50 dude do we know what is the biggest purchase ever made with Bitcoin or no is that public info now it's not really public now so no one would know what kind of a purchase has been made that's the biggest purchase with Bitcoin well not no one would know but it's not public this is the whole thing the ledger doesn't say who said what and who got what and where it went so there's a ledger information there but that then a lot ends with individuals and what they have so what who's been the biggest most credible source of investor that bought the biggest amount of Bitcoin is that public in for now there are a number of those but I don't know what the biggest would be I mean I wouldn't say investor anyway I'd say mostly gamblers investor don't know sorry his Peter Thiel one of the bigger proponents of Bitcoin would you say he's one of them I'd be surprised if he is you'd be surprised if he is is there a well-known person that's an analyst hedge fund somebody that came out and said we're gonna go buy this much Bitcoin you're talking to the wrong person on that sorry interesting interesting that why wouldn't you know that do that that doesn't interest you at all with how investors in analysts look at the Bitcoin not really I don't see them as investors I see them as gamblers so I'm not working in the gaming industry anymore and they don't really care about how people gamble with their money at the end of the day my purpose is to go out there and build things to create inventions and whatever else there's a lot that needs to be done before Bitcoin really sort of succeeds where it needs to be a lot of the things I've been working on such as properly scaled SPV and whatever else all need to be implemented and that's going to take quite a number of years and the technology is far more interesting than how people sort of flip their money what why don't you sell all your Bitcoin why don't you sell it in cash out and do what and I mean sell all my VidCon in cash out so one I won't get that much money even as an OTC trade I'd get less and and then what you just said you have a lot of other technology you'd want to go create you can use that quarter of a billion dollars to go build new technology called building new technology now I mean we've already got in Chains already several hundred people around the world we've got offices in multiple continents we've got over a thousand patent filings now I mean your assumption is the selling bitcoin is necessary but why wouldn't you I mean wouldn't it wouldn't it is sitting on it isn't that hurting the narrative on the fact that this has not being used as a currency why not move it why not put it elsewhere I moved Bitcoin now I spending with Bitcoin where I can so again you're you're thinking that if I've got money in a bank I don't go out there every day and see what I can spend do you make most your purchases on Bitcoin or is it the combination cash credit Bitcoin oh of course not I mean if I could make most of my purchases a Bitcoin I would the reality here is I can't there's actually less opportunity than there was in 2013 2014 as the BDC price has gone up many people have just abandoned the whole concept of you in Bitcoin as a monetary system and it's left it with the gamblers so there's actually it's actually harder to spend Bitcoin right now that it was but what's the biggest commercial company that is allowing purchases being made by Bitcoin a very well-known company that you can go by with Bitcoin don't know any don't know any so if I wanted to go into Apple Ford you know a Walmart and Amazon I can't make any to purchase with Bitcoin today no and that's a problem do you think they used to be Microsoft I mean used to be Microsoft but we made things too difficult elaborate if you don't mind well people will take Bitcoin when it's cheap and easy when you have fees that a variable and go up and down and and more than a cent then you don't have an online cash system anymore very interesting you know when you when you did the interview with BBC Wall Street Journal I want to say 2016 or 2017 I don't know the exact timeline I think it was around 2016 when you did the interview and you know the gentleman that's interviewing you is asking you know why are you doing this interview I said yeah I'm doing this interview but that doesn't mean I have to bounce around and TV cameras I don't want money I don't want Fame I don't want adoration I just want to be left alone yes and then you said the gentleman asked you says why now why have you decided to identify yourself as santoshi Nakamoto you said I didn't decide I had people to decide this matter for me and they're making life difficult not for me but my friends family and staff they want to be private I don't want any one of them to be impacted by this none of it is true there are a lot of stories out there that are made up I'm going to do this once and once only I'm going to come in front of camera once and I will never ever be seen on camera ever again for any TV station or any media ever what changed those people didn't stop those people kept their be yourself people like mr. Maxwell and others in core have been attacking me for years now not 2015 when they released a whole lot of fake information not right now they were contacted by the tax office in Australia I had been actually contacted them I was talking to the tax office and of course the tax office has decided to verify things but instead of doing it properly they talked to people like mr. Antonopoulos and Greg Maxwell and things others who told them no that's not how Bitcoin works you can't tax Bitcoin it's all hidden and this guy's scamming you and of course none of those people wanted a version of Bitcoin that was honest and worked within the law and the tax officers could manage so they made up stories about me and I've been doing it ever since and so you're coming out to defend a position over and over again well I didn't really even come out I mean in December 2015 this whole fake swatting and raid I mean I moved to the UK here in October 2015 and then you have these fake media things does anyone ever ask why there happens to be a secret raid on someone with television cameras just waiting there I mean think about it for a moment in an empty house so not where I'm living not in the country I've been living for months where everyone knew because all my my tax things everything were finalized imagine that you've got camera crews sitting outside somewhere that means someone's told them these things camera crews don't randomly just sit there waiting so think about this does that sound like it just randomly happens like a whole lot of camera crews are just sitting there waiting for a group of police to run in and SWAT a house and then stories come out about things I mean no one seems to think anymore they don't question things they they just assume what they're being fed by the media must be correct what what was the media feeding about you as the are you saying defeatist the media's feeding people than you are not sat on a wall or what is the media feeding that was part of it we had a lot of sort of and we still get a lot of people wanting to discredit what I'm doing so this whole concept is whatever I do is bad so Satoshi would never paint must be health any health any of course actually had patents and most of the guys in Corps have patents and most of the other people who hypocritically sit there saying no can't be Craig because have patents just I do it better so then they sit there saying oh well you copied this except you don't get a patent by copying something and it's easy to make the claim saying look this is just a diffi holman process except if you write a patent well which we do you have to actually do this section called prior art and in prior art you put all the things that already exist and you explain why you're different to them so if you want to have a really good paint you sit there a new document how things really are now this is the existing intellectual property these are the existing inventions you know like when you document other people's work and other things and you basically put that there and then you say but this is my invention and what you actually have patented is your invention not the previous things but most people have never filed a patent most people have never done a thesis so when people sit there and comment on these things it's without knowledge without understanding and it's very easy to sit there on social media these days and this is a part of the problem with things like Twitter you can sit there and say oh isn't that terrible but you don't care about the truth you don't care about what's real because we have this whole culture now I'm not doing something not actually going out there and making a better world because we don't need to anymore we can click like I didn't actually have to go out there and and help that person because I liked video of them suffering I said that it was really terrible I saw and I felt and I emoted online and I said I feel so bad and other people came back to me and said we feel bad for you that's our world now if we want to go back to a biblical thing it's the Good Samaritan except the Good Samaritan is the one who isn't on social media everyone else walking along they're the ones who are on social media the Pharisees who passed the guy and watch him bleed but they get back and they tweet about it and they say he was bleeding but I'm really good because I made sure I stayed pure if I got blood on my hands I wouldn't be able to go to Temple 1 on Sabbath and then the next group come through and they sit there and they say I'm so pure because obviously I'm with other people and and we could have been attacked and we want to live in fear don't we we don't want to do something because poor little me but what if it's not just me what about these people I'm with what about them honey I know there's only probably two attackers and there's like ten of us but but but what if some of us get hurt so we walk on that's what our world is becoming we leave the people there we sit there and we click on people and we say isn't this great because look what I've done I've helped by clicking like you haven't and all these people who think they have you're scum and if you don't like that get off you're freaking out us and do something about it what what part of the question I asked made you want to go there I asked you a question saying about what the media is saying about you and then you went to that part about the Good Samaritan but what what made you want to constantly come out and talk about the fact that you're Satoshi Nakamoto who cares what I did about you who said I did the media this is all the media Facebook all these other things of media you're saying that I did I didn't come out and say it you said constantly I said I would do something in go away and then no-one goes away yeah so I didn't all these other people put out other things and whatever else so I didn't sit there going this is what I'm going to do for you I'm going to be your great leader I'm going to lead your revolution I didn't sit there in 2010 coming out and going hey I'm Satoshi I want to give in to this I didn't do it in 2017 even I didn't want to sit there and say look I am I was just building I was building a working version of electronic cash that scales we're already doing millions of transactions at the moment building something that works but that's what scares people because guess what something that where this kills off all the little false mantras about Ponzi schemes that make you money by doing nothing so why am I going there because this is there this is what people are doing the media exists because those people who do nothing those people who watch those people who voyeuristically sit there and think that the world is going to move because they watch TV or they watch YouTube but they watch whatever else that's the problem so so there are there are a few names involved when it comes out to Satoshi Nakamoto you're obviously one of them you mentioned another one which is Hal Finney who was also there early at the beginning and then there's also another one named the they were climbing who I believe they've sued you for some 5.2 billion dollars are Dave's estranged brother so dave was my friend Dave died in 2013 in February 2018 this estate you're right the estate of Dave climbing initiated a lawsuit at the US District Court for Southern District of Florida against Wright over the rights of 5.11 eight billion dollars worth of Bitcoin claiming that right the fraud of climbing of bitcoins and intellectual property rights yes except I won't go into detail on that because it's an ongoing case but here's the point for you if you haven't moved it how have you stolen it it's like saying well here's the bar of gold that's sitting in the safe deposit box it has never moved you must have stolen it because I've lost the keys you lost the keys not me they're saying that they lost the key so therefore you stolen so they lost the keys to Dave's Bitcoin but they're saying you stole it yes because it hasn't moved but do you have the keys to yours or you don't have access to it because I know you also told in court testimony last year that you also don't have access to your Bitcoin no that's not exactly what I say and I didn't say that would mine I said there was a trap first but as I said I'm not going to go into detail about the court case it's ongoing so so okay let's set the money aside then it's ongoing case but let's go back to Dave so yourself Hal and Dave were involved at the beginning stage with you engines not the way you're making out there are a few people online hell helped in that basically I sent out code to people and they reviewed so was he Satoshi no but like many other people they could have taken an active interest it was a experimental project at that stage and if people wanted to be involved they could have been so have you ever met Hal Finney not physically no never have okay but but dave was a friend of yours yes that was okay then there's another person that comes out that's Adam back do you have a relationship with Adam only from Twitter and other such things so you and Adam have never met each other not physically now I've just did with him since 2014 online I spoke with him over email and whatever else in 2008 but now Adams Adams not the brightest guy in the bunch but unfortunately he's easily too for other people to manipulate is the best way to put it Adams not the brightest guy of the bunch you're saying Adam is not bright I mean you know listen when I bring up your name and people talk [ __ ] about you I'm like listen you can't say Craig is not bro you can say a lot of things about a lot of people you can't say Craig it's not brilliant I mean Adam got his PhD in distributed computing systems which is a perfect background to builder the central computer network I mean Adams no actually that's not that's what he says now so Adams thing is on a type of parallel code system that has nothing to do with anything like Bitcoin and Adam didn't invent proof-of-work contrary to what he says his the system and Bitcoin isn't the system that Adam had mentioned and Hashcash Adam was the only one who answered my emails at the time the system used in Bitcoin is by Aurora NL which was years before atoms now they actually had exactly analogous apart from different Shire algorithm the same sort of methodology of taking the number of zeros and whatever else out on the other hand had a proof of work system where he matched up words and basically sold tokens individually it was more along the lines of Tim Mays idea of everyone having their own money that's annal yes but Adam doesn't admit this Adam tries to gloss over everything and say yes i invented that form of proof of work could basically bitcoins just hash cash with a couple other enhancements and and of course so therefore it's all mine so that's Adam okay so in 2016 Financial Times side abacus potential Nakamoto candidate along with Nick's Sabol and how Finney no they didn't a contributor so Financial Times contributor that's basically like an advertiser so an advertiser in financial times not staff not a writer so this is the problem with Forbes and Financial Times and whatever else they allow people to blog for money on their sites so and they sit there calling this like people say that Financial Times no they didn't there's little tiny links up the top saying contributors and things like this no contributors just advertisers they're just shooing and it's 2020 a YouTube channel called barely sociable claimed that back was Nakamoto back and denied it Craig Wright had sued back because back stated that right was not Nakamoto what's right subsequently drop into suitors that also contributor did that happen not exactly the way it was what actually happened was we couldn't get hold of back to serve him I was attempting to to sue him for defamation not because he didn't call me satoshi or whatever else which I didn't care but the same day we fought we couldn't track him down the same day that we we gave up trying to find him and serve Him and filed in the court that we were giving up wasting money running after the world trying to get him as he hid he got served Saku ironically so it wasn't quite the way they're making out so are you saying it's not right about Adam back that he doesn't have a PhD in distributing computing systems it's not distributed computing systems now it is to do with parallel code so no it's again take a PhD yes yes it's a computer science one no it's not in this area no Hashcash is not a distributed computing system no hashcash isn't the proof of work system used in Bitcoin so did you get a PhD yourself income in a computing systems or know yourself computer science and economics okay because then there's another thing that was sent over to me is the fact that the right claim to have a PhD computer science from Charleston University on his LinkedIn profiles of 2015 but the university told Forbes that it was only awarded now that the university told nobody Forbes didn't write anything a contributor using Forbes this was also canonical true this our contributor yes have a look at the top of the thing where it says contributor I mean people keep saying that these things are real they don't understand that just because it says fools Forbes are selling their brand down to get money because that's what they do these days which by the way you are right about that son I'm giving you credit the fact that there are contributors that you can pay two thousand dollars or four thousand dollars to say I'm a writer for Forbes but it's really you can write anything you want there's not really an approval process so that looks terrible yeah but then it says the university offers that only were the two masters degree and not a doctorate right PhD from CSU was finally awarded February 2017 is there accuracy to this or no cuz I know you were saying you're still going to university one it was three masters I had to drop one because other people complained that I was actually enrolled in multiple degrees which I was the university did know about it but the pressure on the University I dropped that one like one and a half courses before I was finished it the submission of my doctorate for that one was done earlier what I said was I had a doctorate my doctorate the other one which I wasn't arguing about which people [ __ ] about because it's not computer science was theology I also have many other degrees at the same time I still study not out of university yet I was still in there I am actually writing my thesis in law over here in the UK at the moment so I have multiple things you just don't know half of what I had and I don't actually manage any of my social media other than slack so I can't even say what was on anything like that I don't know I mean I don't run LinkedIn I don't run Facebook I don't have a Twitter account so I won't match for anything that any of these things say because I don't run social media I was on Twitter for a while and that's it sorry but by the way you're obviously very interesting individual October 1970 I'm also an October baby what being October were you born 23rd you're 23rd interesting October 23rd and yourself say that again and yourself I'm 18 I'm 5 days before you except not 70 on 78 so we're 8 years apart you are 8 years 7 years and 51 weeks older than me to be exact I know your numbers guy I have to give you the exact number so we're accurate there so going back to this Adam back it's very interesting when I look at this you know here's what I I don't think this is a best friend of yours john mcafee there's somebody you know of john mcafee we've Joe John is a scamming bastard and there's any no nice thing to ever say about John I mean yeah John John hasn't done anything good in his life that I know of I mean he's taking other people's coded and bloody McAfee and scammed people out of things there and then he's scamming people again his whole thing is how do I make money quickly here's one thing he did say by the we've had John McAfee on when we went to his place and it's a very interesting interview it's very very it's the only time where somebody knocked on a door and one of his guys ran to the door with a gun in his hand which is quite unique we've never had that before in the middle of an interview here's what he did say when a guy asked him who is Satoshi Nakamoto he said in satoshis white paper every ward that has dual spellings for American and British English is British every sentence is followed by two spaces there are only two of the cues that are British and only one of those two has two spaces and every single of his papers run some authoring software which he's alluding to back in uh Satoshi Nakamoto I mean that theory cuz you're from Australia he's from UK you know he's from Britain so there's a little bit of that when you look at the data on how he wrote code what how it could go back to being him what are your thoughts on that number one I write with double spaced or single spaced depending on what I'm publishing I write in English UK English or American English depending on where writing I am writing with some US universities at the moment and when I do that I produce in APA 7 at the moment and that is different to the standard I use when I'm writing here at Leicester and Leicester is a British university so that because it's a law degree requires different things so I write basically on what I have to write so when I'm publishing in a certain type of paper I published a certain way now my choice would would have been Australian English at the beginning which is basically British English with a few extra words but Tim in 2008 I was completing my masters at law at Northumbria in the UK and so most of how I wrote was how I would write when I'm doing law sometimes for accounting purposes interesting interesting to know that when you when you're sharing that but again that was that perspective and then I'll give you this last one you know we'll go into speed round is here's about Adam back so you know Adam has no clue about Bitcoin I mean you can waste all the time you want going Adam back has this that and the other Adam back doesn't have a clue about how Bitcoin works he has no idea about the economics of the system the legality of the system he doesn't have an idea how any of it works and basically he didn't even realize that the proof of work system in Bitcoin isn't like his so if he was such an expert in it why didn't he actually pick up on the differences so sorry now he's not doing it behind he really doesn't even understand the basics of Bitcoin yet he doesn't even understand the basics of Bitcoin that's that's us that's a pretty strong statement to say that that's been really nice this is camera really like you're going there without him back to say he has no clue what he's doing he comes out to Bitcoin Adam came into this in 2013 and basically the whole thing was I got mentioned on the white paper I my wonderful and that's all he's ever done and he does whatever the hell gets him likes Adam doesn't care about actually creating anything a Bitcoin building anything he hasn't Adam cares the people like what he says now that short term might work but long term you don't get anything out of it so imagine if you were Thomas Edison you can actually try and make a better light bulb like trying thousands of experiments and doing things and not being liked or you can sit there and say how wonderful you are and for a little while people will remember you and they'll say wow isn't that great he looks good what wonderful flim-flam except guess what you don't build anything they haven't built anything nothing yes I the some some people may say he's Nikola Tesla and you're trying to be Edison which is Nikola is the one that came up with the idea but Edison took credit for well actually that's actually wrong too I know what people love to say when recently Wikipedia era Edison wasn't necessarily what you would call it nice guy in any sense of the word but Tesla wasn't the one who came up with things Tesla was a very good media man what Tesla did was every single day he did little shows he did things with like showing electricity between basically two electrodes and sparks and and the media loved him he was a showman and he worked with other people and he got his name on a lot of patents with other people some of which ended up suing him so he wasn't dumb he wasn't but he's nowhere near this person the people are making him out to be now but there's value in creating this mythology about this show man and more than anything else he was a showman so you relate more to the the asphalt Edison and a nice showman Nikola Tesla unfortunately yes I work I work I get up in the morning I work I spend my day working I study so I mean most people don't realize what it is to really work at the moment I'm not doing a PhD I'm doing a PhD and multiple other degrees simultaneously full-time and I'm not gonna say what they will laugh because I'll have people [ __ ] going you're doing X Squared's in that's not right and then pressuring the unis who already know that I've done some of these things in the past and that I've told but yeah it's just easier not to have to respond so not gonna say it's easier not to have to respond at the end of the day I'm not going to get any employment opportunities or anything like that ever again because of qualifications or any I do this for me I don't do it because I mean I've got twenty-something degrees now and that's actually a negative if you think about it if you actually put that out there no one hires me because I have sort of qualifications in our history and music and computer science no one cares they actually see that as a negative but I see it as a positive because for instance just yesterday we I put in a white paper to go to to be filed as a patent based on some of the things I've been doing in an our history degree which I'm not going to say because Payton hasn't been filed yet but it's to do with certain types of ancient painting techniques and whatever else and how Sotheby's and others can actually manage and maintain records of of artwork so the reality is by having a diverse mix of knowledge actually find out more things that I could actually do so yeah it's it's it's very interesting to only see this topic of satoshi nakamoto it's soul everybody is wanting to find out who it really is some are saying you so much saying other people I think many people in the community yes people run around saying all these things not wanting to be me but the reality is if you don't really if I'm not going to make money doing the thing selling myself and prostituting myself into conferences if I don't take money to present if I'm not doing any of that what's it matter I mean when I file a patent when I create something when I write papers it's all peer-reviewed so when I have a patent application I don't go hey I'm so Tasha give me a patent it goes before examiner's and those examiner's have no idea who I am and that's a good thing this is why it doesn't matter no one tears I mean when I create when the company creates when we all sit there when we build things and whatever else and we sell code that's plumbing most people don't know they don't care it works best that way I I mean I actually like being plumbing I like the other eye I have Asperger's and I find face to face conversations with people difficult I find interacting with people difficult that's why most of my degrees have been distance and now online for most of my life why I do these things why I sort of have unusual work habits and all the rest because at the end of the day it's just it sort of fits with what I am and this concept of I'm going to go out there and and run round and be eccentric an have everyone love me I don't really care I don't want that I'm happiest because I built things and here's the thing that everyone can sit there and throw [ __ ] at me all you want in five years time I'm likely to have my name on maybe three four thousand patents and I'll still be patenting the technologies needed to make any blockchain work well no one wanted to listen to me so as you see them come out as we show how do we scale to millions and billions of transactions a second then too bad that's all I have to say I mean if you think that I need to have your approbation that I need your love and your basically worship then you're insane I've had executive on my team what ass burgers that I work with and we we one day we're sittin on having a conversation together and the topic of Bill Gates came up because Bill Gates also has been claimed to have have a spur and there's been a lot of people by the way lots of successful people what what why do you think there's a link between Asperger's and a genius meaning they're able to do things and process issues in ways that the average person can't what is it I've heard a lot of different theories I'm curious to know what you say about it I think there are a couple different areas one we don't have the same level of distraction and some other people I hyper focus on tasks which actually annoys many people I know because you just get into something and they try and talk to you in a tower huh they say the house is burning down uh-huh someone's running off with the children I mean but true you're into it you're it's there and you find something that you obsess about and not many other people would have done Bitcoin because they didn't obsess everyone gave up on Bitcoin as a concept back in about 2001 that's when everything really started falling apart 2003 everything was dead in cryptocurrency space everyone told me how stupid I was by actually still thinking about how we do online payments and how you do these things lots of problems lots of people wanted to pull funding from me and all sorts of things in the past because it's not solvable it's not worth it find something else and I kept obsessing and everyone else is out there going off and finding other things and I kept obsessing I tried this I tried that and that's the whole thing so you get certain types of people who if their focus is on something that needs to be solved we'll just put everything into it until they solve it I had a older guy that I knew in Australia who well ended up actually doing quite well when he was about 80 but he he grew orchids and he obsessed over them and he spent like 50 years breeding and doing orchids and everything like that and now these days suddenly orchids are being sold everywhere and he has rights to a number of things that he sold and everyone thought I mean 50 years worth of what everyone thought was wasting time money effort and all the rest and now that he's eight he is suddenly getting money which is unfortunate because he's that old and but it helps his family still but that's the point if you had someone who obsesses that way that will try things I mean Edison didn't invent the light bulb people get that wrong arc lighting existed filament lighting existed but it didn't work because it would burn out after like an hour and having a light bulb you change every hour yeah no one wants to change light bulbs every hour so he sat there basically experimenting with every material every way he could do it until he had one that lasted days and then longer and longer and longer and the sort of obsession that I have for knowledge for other things not many people it's I mean one way of putting it would be it's a form of insanity and a lot of people like myself have this form of insanity but it's a socially acceptable form of insanity so I will sit there and I will digest knowledge I will read and learn and everything I can and that's how I'm happiest I mean people don't really get this I think my wife has accepted it but she doesn't understand it but like we were a few years ago on a yacht in the Mediterranean and the kids and everything having fun doing the whole fall off the back into the nice blue water bit and all the rest and I'm sitting up there on the top writing and working I can see that but you said two things so one was when it comes out two distractions you're you're able to stay hyper focus on tasks of people say yeah yeah yeah what was this is the second one that there's not that much emotions where you're not offended as much as another person is know that in a different way people think that myself and a lot of others don't feel that we don't have mote we don't show it so and we don't react so my wife looks at me strangely because I don't react to pain in the normal way something happens and I have an injury and she said say go isn't that really painful that I go yes it is incredibly painful honey and she go but you don't look like you're in pain no and I am so that causes people sort of it doesn't match up right agent so I mean I've done lots of absolutely think I used to run a farm and if you want to NGO so I actually still don't if I'm I just never get back to Australia but if you want to injure yourself a lot have a ranch between fencing with barbed wire and heavy equipment and tractors and everything like that injuries the law so that was interesting very good feedback there's sensitivity for me from working with Asperger's they're extremely sensitive to the point where they will do whatever they can to prove you wrong of going out there and doing their research to say I told you I was right there's a different cannabis would you agree with that a little bit of that going on am ia pedantic [ __ ] and [ __ ] has to be the word too pedantic yes I actually had an argument with my psychologist who was discussing the the the concept of like the word weird because I was saying I didn't like the use of the work weird and one of the quizzes he'd given me because and the word weird actually is used Adil Iran I mean when you talk about the weird sisters in Shakespeare in Macbeth the three sisters it it's the fate so weird actually is the fates the control the if you you think about the the concept from Greek and and then Roman sort of copy of what we see as mythology as fates and how they control our lives that's what we it is we just use it wrong so I get into the etymology of words which I find interesting and yeah not many people want to be told that they're saying things that are correct rather what can old were you when you realize you had Asperger's how old were you did somebody say it to you did you go to the doctor how old were you I know I had diagnosed my mother had me in front of psychologists when I was in high school and then they sort of I ended up going to a Catholic school I got taken out of a state school to put into a Catholic school and the rector's and everything like that dealt with me and treated me a little bit differently because of it so that was actually a good move interesting but interesting so high school were you were you two cool guy in high school were you know like the 4.0 genius getting everything right or pushing the teachers challenging the teachers who were you in high school now I was he annoying prick I was the guy who nearly got expelled because I had a big once with the teacher I was a textbook and then demonstrated how the textbook was wrong and we shouldn't be teaching this crap and yeah somehow I see that I don't know yeah I didn't have a good I didn't let it go very well so I think they said sit down crack know but it's actually wrong when you just learn it no well listen thank you for being transparent and being willing to talk about this that was very helpful because I do know in the business environment there's a lot of folks that are working with somebody that has it and they don't have an understanding of it and sometimes parents have kids that have that in its template or somewhere that I know it's tough for the kid because the kid wishes parents knew listen man I don't know what I have but I'm a little bit different please be patient with me this isn't how I made myself be like this I was born like this so that's the problem we have a educational system now that for the most part just tries to slot people in and do exams and it's not good I mean education isn't about training in exams it's about making people think and be part of society and understand and and kids now actually look at all these other courses like music and in English and and sit there ago but why do I need this that's not what I'm going to get into uni with it's not where my grades are coming from well because it's education you don't want just to get a tick box you want to learn to think yeah I'm with you there speed run I'm gonna give you a name tell me the first word that comes to mind I'll give you a name just tell me the first word that comes to mind Gavin Andresen very interesting guy and he got too much [ __ ] Jeff Garrick yeah well anyway Gregory Maxwell Trotsky Trotsky okay keep Peter Wolf on blood stream oh don't waste my time okay fair enough Dan Kaminsky an idiot that has had run-ins with me since 2000 or so that tries to pretend he doesn't and forgets that I still got papers out there on DNS and things like that but I'm not the best person to point out when things are wrong and a lot of people get annoyed when I do especially in conferences and things like that like when you sit there and go actually your mathematics is wrong your this process is wrong you haven't used the right statistic and I do that to people in conferences when they're presenting things and I don't endear people but I'm not actually meaning to be a complete [ __ ] it's just when I see things that I want to go into detail it's for me it's not actually to be a complete prick it's just the way I am Jack Dorsey no I'm sorry you did not spend an hour in your sauna and a hundred and ten degrees stop bullshitting fair enough how funny a shame that we don't put more money into research into certain medical problems Vitalik material just admit it you thought oh wow okay people [ __ ] don't care Max Keiser really find something better the shield [Laughter] magistrate judge Bruce Reinhardt I'm not gonna make any comments about ongoing case stuff whatever else John trophy I didn't you did say stuff about him earlier the other john mcafee get off the drugs Ron Paul don't actually know I feel some interesting ideas but but yeah I think you'd like he's an interesting guy jamie dimon part of the problem Mark Zuckerberg there are solutions to digital cash you don't need to make it yourself just use Bitcoin Michael burry that now enough don't no no David David Solomon know who it is but I don't really know enough okay and last but not least Satoshi nakamoto's I shouldn't have abdicated you know I got at I said this to you earlier the more I talked to you I saw two different people if Edward Norton and Charlie Sheen were to make a baby together he will look like Craig Wright look like you Ed Norton i fishing I don't even want to imagine that I really don't want to see Charlie Sheen amid normal making a baby I mean it's there's no I mean I Jimmy who I work with is gay and I've got lots of gay friends so that's not the issue I just those two together just doesn't do it for me I'm sorry maybe in a future movie coming soon you know it's it's what's gonna be happening but the wait when you talk you have angles you look like Norton there's angles you talk to look like Charlie Sheen Craig right what I can tell you is I appreciate you for being a guest somebody came in and taking all my questions that you were very classy about some of the topics I brought up I know some of the topics were pretty directed and pointed but you took a will and we've had a good time to get here for the last hour and a half hour and 45 minutes again thank you for your time for being a guest on May 18 you're welcome I must say your sort of picture in the background interesting mix of people there yes I mean I can pick out most of them I mean Lincoln's easy I mean Friedman Einstein Kennedy etc I'm not quite sure here the guy with all the medals is happens to be I mean he could be several people and which dictator that's the question he looks like several Iran the former Shah of Iran well he's the Shah of Iran and then you got Martin Luther King then you got a hip-hop artist I'm sure you listen to a lot of his music Tupac I I've got children so I don't have a choice you know over here and I think what you'll appreciate is they're sitting in a bank vault and they're debating two books see if you recognize these two books one has a little dragon that looks like a Bitcoin II hot one I'm sure what the other book is it could be it could be looks like Rothbart or something by the cover but it's thick enough to be Roth bad and the colors right for a rough parts book good clothes in there debating Communist Manifesto on Atlas Shrugged is what they're debating while I'm grant and Karl Marx had different philosophies and obviously it's politicians they're debating those two topics although yeah the Communist Manifesto is even thinner than that by the way yeah you're right it is I got to contact the painter and say why did you pay an additional 80 pages to it exactly yes honestly like how do you know that's Marcus Aurelius it is Marcus Aurelius yes Aristotle hmm I try and be a little bit stoic really fouled but I would like to be a good stoic of just doesn't work I keep trying and to go into the whole aristotle bit you can't actually say someone is happy until the day they die because you never know what will happen tomorrow so similarly I'm going to say I can't say that I'm not a stoic until the day I die so until then I'm gonna keep trying it's not an easy thing to do that's for sure very harshly in this world yes especially in this world no doubt about it Craig thank you thank you for your time so I got to tell you many of you asked me to do this interview even though you don't like him I posted something on Twitter saying I just sat down with Craig right and I can't tell you most people said I cannot believe you sat down with them he's a con artist he's a scammer he's a liar there's no way he's satoshi nakamoto and then the people that believe he is then I'm posted on Twitter they DM me and say said he is here's why don't listen to everybody else so what are your thoughts is he Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin is it somebody else what do you think about the argument would Adam back or whether it's if any all of these things I'm curious comment below on who you think is such a she Nakamoto and if you enjoy today's interview have two other ones I want you to watch one of them is with John McAfee I did this interview a couple years ago in his house in Tennessee and if you've not seen this interview it's epic in the middle of it somebody knocks on the door one of his guys pulls out a gun John had a gun the entire time while I did the interview and it was a different kind of a conversation but we did talk about Bitcoin and the other interview to a Peter Schiff who is that's not the biggest Pro Bitcoin he's anti Bitcoin he's more Pro gold and if you've not watched I won't click over here and if you've not subscribed to the channel please do so thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye you [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 166,836
Rating: 4.3327518 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, satoshi nakamoto, craig wright, bitcoin, max keiser, dr craig wright
Id: 0JvDauIX5lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 55sec (6295 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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