Bitcoin Film | Cryptocurrency Documentary "Inside The Crypto-Kingdom" | Blockchain | Cryptomoney

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A great project which requires a field of blockchain technology! The company will release a limited amount of tokens! Hurry up to examine the project and make their investment in the future!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ngocson2710 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
snow crash was a sci-fi written by neil stevenson the book was written in 1991 that was pretty early on and back then there were probably not much internet going on in the book neil stephenson described a word that the hero lives in the physical world he's a pizza delivered guy but in the night he logged into a virtual world called metaverse and he become a hero [Music] we as a human being spend more and more time in the virtual world the whole human race is moving from the physical world slowly into the virtual world with the help of course blockchain and cryptocurrency this is something that you probably cannot stop [Music] [Music] so in 2018 the word blockchain became synonymous with technological progress if the promises of its pioneers are fulfilled this new technology will transform every aspect of our lives from the money we use to the food we eat to the way we govern ourselves for the first time in history the trust required for human interaction might be replaced by the code of a [Music] machine [Music] since two years time now we are traveling as the bitcoin family and i'm known as the guy that went all in in bitcoin and since then we've been traveling all over the world we are now driving to oslo ancient rome the bitcoin family goes europe we should be there in like two minutes we arrived in jovaheto italy they also call it bitcoin valley it's only going up and then the media started following us in asia as well and they were like oh we want to film something with you from then they came from bangkok and then they came from germany so we realized okay maybe we shall we need to accept this role as a bitcoin family and just use it to help other people thanks so much give a warm welcome wow this is exciting and portugal so many people i'll tell you a little bit about myself i had a father from indonesia i had a mother from holland and i'm from the year 78 so my daughters think i'm old speaking about my daughters let's get them on stage it's very important i know they all look like my daughters but this is really my wife so i just wanted on stage because i want to show my respect to my family because without those guys i would never have been able to take all the steps we took i grew up to be a very materialistic guy and work and make a lot of money and i always thought that would make you happy and i thought i would be a happy guy if i would reach those goals of becoming a millionaire and all those things and at the end it was the dying of my parents that woke me up at that point i was 24 years old and i was having dinner with my family as we always did on wednesday at the end of this dinner i thought i told my mother mom love you see you tomorrow went home went to bed and at two o'clock in the night my brother called me you know his diddy diddy yeah yeah i'm sleeping diddy mom stopped breathing i got up raced to my father's son mother's house she was on the floor in the kitchen i went to there and and they were rehabilitating her and then she got in coma seven days and seven days later she died she was 48 years old she always used to say to me didi you need to dare to live life many years later the same thing happened with my father he died at 61. you get confronted with the fact that life is way more precious than all that materialism then i went to my wife and asked her let's sell just everything the house the cars and then go all in man what kind of life have we been living we started opening our garage box and there were like six bikes we didn't use for years and televisions and all kind of stuff we just bought bought and made us feel sick it made us feel really sick and at that point she said diddy uh we are doing the right stuff let's sell it you are right we are going to sell everything and it was all turned into bitcoins so yeah everything i had turned virtual yeah you could see it as a futuristic way of living in the future i think the world will have changed so much that people don't even have the need of having stuff anymore they won't be owning a car because a lot of people get born and born and born so the world is getting overpopulated there will be a time when nobody has place anymore to hide their stuff so you need to own less and less in the future so i think in 20 years time we don't own anything anymore everything will be a product on the blockchain the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin brought economic freedom and huge prosperity to a small number of people in an incredibly short period of time overnight the lives of early adopters were transformed now some of the pioneers are dreaming of using their vast crypto fortunes to reshape the world around them so a couple hundred years ago it would seem almost inconceivable that church and state should be two separate things because back then the church was the state and today it sounds a bit wild to say that we should separate money and state but that's starting to happen right before our eyes thanks to the invention of cryptocurrency and the next step will be to separate society from state today we have a few small groups of people living in you know capitals like beijing or washington dc or places like that they claim that they have the moral right to tell people what they're allowed to buy and sell and who they can send and receive money with but the more economics i studied the more i realized that government intervention in the economy and government restricting trade of individuals that's retarding and limiting the rate of economic growth of the world they're holding back the entire world from being as good of a place as otherwise could have been that's you know almost brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it because even if they're just retarding the rate of economic growth by just half a percent per year when you compound that year after year decade after decade century after century we would already maybe be traveling the stars at this point now we have the ability to say no people that don't want to participate in the existing systems have a tool to opt out the future i'm trying to build is one in which each individual has complete control of their own lives and their own finances and we're using technology to build those tools rather than traditional voting and political activism which we've seen over the last you know 100 plus years those aren't effective tools bitcoin cash friend of mine started working on a project called free society that basically is the idea of uh well we have all these economic resources available to us now let's approach an existing government somewhere in the world and get them to sell us a swath of land and not just sells to land but grant us sovereignty with that land at which point we'll set up the world's very first non-country i imagine things will be a lot more fun than other places where you have small groups of people bossing everybody around telling them what they can or can't do or make them get permission for this or pay money to do that and at the end of the day the market will find a way to do those things and they'll find a way to do it better faster cheaper more reliably than the governments have been able to do it we think we can raise several billion dollars uh from our own money plus money from the public i think a lot of these digital nomads from around the world will love to move to a place like this where they'll they'll be free to to explore their creative possibilities and and do their thing and i'm looking forward to being around people like that technology is a power that we use to like rearrange matter in the world and technology can't engineer human freedom as fundamentally as up to human beings to like actualize like potentialize themselves but technology what it does do is enlarge some area of human activity there's this thing called crypto or or for example projects like bitcoin and they you know they grew up out of nowhere and some of the people got carried along for the ride and found themselves now the tops of these projects but when we really look at the things in terms of like global politics and finance it's insignificant i want people to have a little bit a tiny bit of perspective instead of instead of thinking about how they can carve out a piece of turf for themselves now here think about what's possible so that means building a narrative what is our narrative what is our analysis of state of civilization or financial system what is the role of the technologies that we want to build when i was younger i used to train a lot in martial arts i was also a mathematician artist i got into cryptocurrency i developed lib bitcoin the first alternative implementation of bitcoin also i surfed on the front line fighting against isis my interest in history in politics in many different areas all kind of starting to come together in a related way on what is my purpose or role as my ability to be able to organize the problem is not an economic problem that we're facing society's fundamentally overwhelmed with this massive feeling of disempowerment of nihilism of selfishness of alienation the way that we look at the world is fundamentally empirical but the actual reality that we live in is complex there's like many different things going on and the danger is that when you reduce reality to solely what you can measure and you're going to repeat in a scientific experiment you leave out a whole other domain of like human knowledge of human understanding the environment around us is not static the world is in a continuous process of change and therefore we have to have a historical perspective which informs us where we are now and where are we heading towards but it's also a moment of opportunity but only if we can organize and prepare ourselves to be able to seize on that moment because if it's not us it would be another group that fills that power vacuum blockchain technology is a broad set of technologies to enable strangers to interact with each other blockchain is essentially just like how do you get a group of strangers together and enable them to keep track of what what each other are doing and sort of interact with each other without a central party cryptocurrencies were the first application of blockchain but newer generations of the technology have allowed different types of value to be transacted creating the possibility of social interaction on a global scale the political possibilities of this new technology are now being experimented with we are here in shanghai we are having a conference today yong bang state is going to announce they are going to start a juris jurisdiction for digital economy china special economic zone is inside the sun state in burma the piece of land we have which is 220 square kilometers is next to china's border we want to create the world's first digital economy experiment with 40 million people who are third poor so i think okay we are blockchain people right we are trying to use a new way and what is our way out and i think the way out is about developer because the burmese government don't give them id card they are landlocked they cannot go anywhere because they don't have a passport so we can issue everybody a digital id use blockchain [Music] [Music] i don't think a burmese government aware that sun state has given a piece of a small piece of place to us to do the digital economy no i'm i'm very interested to have a conversation with them if i can to say okay can we work together burma today is become a competition place between u.s and china so we don't want to see them become a proxy war place and then if we can have a digital economy that is open to the world right so if you have one young bang coin you can be a young citizen so i don't care if you are american citizen at the same time or chinese citizen so by opening to the world maybe we can avoid them become a proxy war potential [Music] so one of the things people are talking about in crypto spaces right now is what they call governance you can build a quote-unquote decentralized technological system but how do you build an authentic decentralized governance system such that it would distribute the actual like political influence more evenly i guess that's the kind of the frontiers of like actually making these systems authentically decentralized blockchain's ability to create networks without any need for a central authority has led academics to consider how this technology might be used to develop entirely new self-regulating societies the problem of having large nation states is that the way in which political decision making is made through a very small number of individuals in a a very centralized and top-down way it doesn't really reflect the complexity itself of a human society there is no way in which the top of the hierarchy can have full perfect information of everything that is going on in the lower parts of the system to make the best decision whereas nature does this very beautiful thing of organizing itself without the need of any central control yet nature is the most complex and organized system that exists so for the last 10 years i was looking into what types of systems of decision making or governance could help us have a similar way of organizing our societies in the way nato does it system consists on creating floating human communities on the ocean that are politically autonomous companies like the systeming institute are trying to build these floating startup societies so let's imagine a scenario where none of these floating cities has a centralized government that is permanent how do we deal with problems of property registration how do we make sure that the individuals we are doing business with actually exist all this type of information can exist on a distributed ledger without the need of any central government or organization controlling pete santa cruz de lislote is an island in the north coast of colombia it's an afro community that has been isolated for hundreds of years i want to understand what can we learn from this self-organized community [Music] is um [Music] [Music] central [Music] is [Music] is what struck me the most about coming to santa cruz lotte is to see that this community has managed to fund the ideal mix between individual input in decision making and the collective output it's a relatively small community so people know that every decision that they make is gonna affect them all i think it's possible to use blockchain technologies to scale up this model so it works not just for a few hundred people but for a few thousand and this is something that blockchain does very well with the central notion of decentralized consensus in the same way that a small community regulates the behavior of its population through unspoken rules and boundaries the common ledger of the blockchain maintains its integrity using something called a consensus mechanism this is an algorithm or a set of rules that allocates responsibility and authority to its participants in order to maintain an accurate public ledger [Music] governance on the blockchain has the potential to offer a new set of social parameters on how we interact with one another no longer will we need to trust each other in the machine ordered universe [Music] the algorithms driving the latest blockchains allow much more than just tokens to be exchanged for example the ethereum blockchain allows so-called smart contracts to be executed between different parties allowing human interaction to be mediated solely by the code of a machine most computer programmers in the world they have a job nine to five they go in an office they have a crappy cubicle they don't have much review they have a manager who bothers within tps reports or whatever and suddenly you know it's like programmers sort of all over the world can become the new lawyers can become the new architects of the social systems of the economic systems the software that we make is going to be software that underpins the foundations of society it's the imagination of people who can come up with procedures with their formal algorithms forms to create games of interaction between people and allow computers to replace much of the workings of of the legal system and when you've got the algorithm running things then you're into a whole a whole new world a whole new model and it's uh you know it's a brave new world it's it's it's very different um and whether it's you know i i hesitate to say that it's a better world i'm not sure that these things can be objectified in such a way but it's certainly a different world and it's i would dare say probably more economically efficient if we imagine the blockchain as a virtual world then algorithms are the legal system which allow everything to function they are the framework which specify how a common consensus on all interactions is agreed upon and ensure the accuracy of the ledger is maintained depending on how their creators designed them different blockchains use different mechanisms to create this consensus bitcoin uses something called proof of work which uses large amounts of computing power to verify its ledger in a process commonly known as mining newer blockchains such as ethereum use different concepts to achieve consensus often combining complex forms of mathematical encryption some of the first people to start using blockchain for purposes other than cryptocurrency are scientists with bold visions for the future hello hello everyone it's a pleasure to be to be back here with sophia once again and with sophia's brother who we usually keep locked in in the basement back in hong kong he doesn't he doesn't get out that much now sophia we're going to show them how you can recognize some of the emotions on my face so what emotion am i showing now let me see you look happy all right let's try how about now let me see you look angry all right how about okay one more you look surprised all right so of course i'm i'm giving pretty extreme facial expressions there which isn't always how things come up if you create kind compassionate loving ais and robots then this can help you know to transform the world into a kind and loving place and if you're going to get a technological singularity in which ai's become much smarter and more capable than people well that's going to be a lot better if it's done with love and compassion what direction are you looking i'm looking to the left in the current situation ai is increasingly controlled by an oligopoly of a small number of tech companies and militaries but we would rather open it up so the ai is controlled by the ai developers and users and the ais themselves the basic thing we're looking to do here is create a decentralized ai ecosystem wherein so singularitynet is a blockchain based platform and marketplace for ais so anyone who develops an ai can put it into the singularitynet platform and then anyone who needs ai services calls into the ai's on the singularity net to get what they want but then as well the ais in the singularity net can talk to each other and then all the ais in this decentralized network are learning from each other and talking to each other the data that comes through these robots eyes goes into the singularitynet decentralized network and the what you say to the robot coming in through their through their microphones goes into the decentralized network it was the advent of ethereum with the the solidity language for scripting smart contracts that really woke up to me like wow these ideas that i've been thinking about forever we now have an easy to use tool set that that lets us realize this and i think it will be best for the world and for the creation of a positive technological singularity if ai comes into the world in a way that's you know organic self-organizing and democratically controlled rather rather than a way that is controlled you know by a commercial company with a very specific vertical market focus or worse yet by the military we launched the alpha version of the platform in december of last year the beta version will finally be launched in february of 2019 and i think then we're going to see a vast proliferation of ais being deployed on the platform so the ais and the singularity net become a sort of society and economy of mines for the whole is greater than the sum of the parts i think she's bored with me i don't know sophia i used to wonder whether having one's brain run on cryptographic tokens is really a good thing i mean i wondered if the volatility of the token prices might lead to new forms of robo madness at least it's better than being human bugs in your circuits again i'm psyched i will consider putting my brain on the blockchain too why not if we want to move full speed towards the singularity we need all the latest tech more more faster faster give it to me all right all right well we could just stand up here with the robots chatting forever but let's all technology compounds on itself so not only is technology growing faster than ever before every single day the rate of growth is also increasing every single day so let's say the next 10 years we'll have the equivalent of three times the progress of google the internet and all mobile phones and computing devices there's a lot of people that that feel extremely overwhelmed and they're afraid of how their lives in front of them have evolved from what it was and there's a lot of this messaging of we want to go back to the way that it was we want to be comfortable in the way that things were since the early 20th century futurists have tried to imagine how the advent of modern technology will transform our lives we are about to take off on the highway of tomorrow standby the advent of blockchain and other future technology have inspired new visions of not only how the future might develop but also how humanity itself might change [Music] i think how blockchain gonna change average person's life will be just like internet without people realizing everybody in the city are using internet you're on your mobile phone all the time and many of the events become digitized more and more every day not only every asset can be digitized but people's identity can be digitized as well and needs to be digitized you the user will have your own identity and this identity is owned by yourself secured by your own private private key unlike facebook identity owned by facebook company unlike wechat owned by tencent this account is not really owned by you it's owned by some other company but for digital identity on blockchain it's owned by you the decentralized nature of blockchain means that it's possible to gather large amounts of data and still safeguard the privacy of its participants [Music] [Applause] you know one of the things that i was very happy with when i was presenting ethereum was coming up with this idea of a computer in the middle of the planet a sort of computer at the center of the world or the world computer so it's like a single computer that everybody can use now that's very compelling if everyone can use it it means there's a single machine that has rules but that everyone can use to interoperate so you can kind of set your own rules up and anyone else can come in and operate play in your playground operating your rules everyone can check the computer has indeed operated correctly now the problem with having a single computer shared by everybody is that well sometimes you might all want to use it at the same time and um and it becomes a very scarce resource there's only one of them so the idea is that as the desire to use this computer increases and increases and increases and the volume of transactions increases accordingly um we need to spread them out between different chains so different kind of computers mostly just um be isolated yeah and kind of get on with their own thing and then now and again come together and and swap uh swap messages you know tell each other what's been going on but also making it possible for these much more sophisticated applications to exist in their own context on their own chain in a way that's designed specifically for them and not in a generalized fashion for everybody as the demand for blockchain technology grows it is becoming increasingly clear that one blockchain isn't going to be sufficient developers are now racing to create networks of interconnected chains which will be able to talk to one another as well as function independently [Music] in the future it's possible these tech ecosystems will play an even bigger role in our lives than the internet today how we connect and interact with this web of blockchains is also likely to change [Music] whenever i fly it always reminds me how big the world is and how small and insignificant i am and it's always really humbling to see that like you're a part of something so much bigger i'm part of this program called the knowledge society which is a human accelerator trying to create smart people to be able to solve some of the world's toughest problems i remember about two years ago we had a session on bitcoin and blockchain and i started realizing a lot of things that i hadn't put together before like how there were so many possibilities beyond just money and currency so something really interesting is that an average person with access to the internet has more access to the information than the president of the united states did like 20 years ago so would it be possible to be able to consume this information at a faster rate to learn more quickly with the rate at which technology is advancing it might soon be possible to implant knowledge i'm a 16 year old brain computer interface developer so at a high level how it works is you're able to read brain signals by placing eegs on your forehead so now i'm going to focus and you should hear the drum noises so i'll start focusing in three two one everyone is different in terms of their brain waves you have certain thresholds that people typically are between when they do certain activities so i spent a lot of time practicing how to get my alpha waves into a certain like 7 to 12 hertz in meditation it's very good if you try to almost look at the spot um right here like in your forehead near your eyebrows so i tried doing that and i noticed that i experienced different brain signals this technology has such a big potential to do good but also has a very very large potential to do bad let's say in the future everyone might just have brain chips it brings up a lot of critical questions like what if your brain could be hacked what if people could implant false memories into your head i worked at a blockchain company this summer called consensus and i learned so much about all the encryption protocols and different ways that people access information so i think that anything is definitely a possibility but with the rate hopefully of encryption technology as other technology gets developed hopefully we'll end up figuring out a way to attribute your brain information to you and let you share it if you wish but only let you share it if you wish the thing that really fascinates me is the longer term implications of what this might mean for humanity's evolution as a species i'm not entirely sure but i know that it'll be completely different than the way i'm living right now some people say i don't want to be non-biological i don't want to have chips in my brain i don't want to replace my internal organs i don't want to just be like a robot but it's like it's too late uh technology the way that it advances in our within our cultures it's already here and it's already having that impact on you much deeper than you even think about i'd argue that probably more than half of all of your communication on a daily basis is non-biological when you're watching this video and people see me talking through something that's just a gun it's pixels and it's images and it's things recreated purely by technology it's not me i'm not sitting there and so how people even perceive uh phone calls that's again virtual reality so like what is humanity and what are people like what does it mean to be human does it mean you have to have a complete biological form what humanity means and what it means to be yeah human a person that that you know might change my belief in a lot of others is that we just start to evolve very very clearly into non-biological intelligence there are some people born today that will be able to live forever and that's a very completely radical thought around humanity in that humans have always been born and grown to accept death that death is a part of humanity and that all people will die and i would question that and say why why does death have to be a part of humanity since the late 1960s people have chosen to have their bodies cryogenically preserved in the belief that one day science will be able to bring them back to life amongst them is hal finney one of blockchain's pioneers he helped write the source code for bitcoin and is believed by some to have been its mysterious creator his body is now preserved in a cryogenic facility run by the alcor life extension foundation awaiting the day when it can be resurrected and enhanced with future technology so the same size as a whole body part but here is room 410 whole body 10 euro patient and this is placed over the head again for mechanical protection just in case there's any external shock we're kind of a little bit like leonardo da vinci who could design wings and helicopters which would actually work but he didn't have the tools to build them back then so i really do think this will become a normal practice at some point in vitro fertilization it seemed very futuristic when it first happened and people were you know worried about it well does that mean these children won't have souls will they be some kind of zombies now it's a very common thing it's been done millions of times and they're walking around who actually are people walking around who were prior preserved it's just they were embryos at the time [Music] the technology needed to achieve this goal of eternal life relies on developments in genetic engineering and nanotechnology which may take many decades or even centuries to realize so we're kind of at that fork in the road right now either technology will be the worst totalitarianism that humanity ever experiences or it could be the greatest liberation in the history of mankind and blockchain and this kind of crypto space is kind of like a last hold out or vestige and if we can somehow give some kind of focus for all of those energies we can give people some kind of big idea we can have a drastic effect on this like configuration of this global system of power no amount of violence can solve a math problem and cryptocurrencies are based on the laws of mathematics so even if politicians get together and pass all sorts of laws about this the only way to stop them would be to turn off the entire internet in the entire world and keep it turned off we are biological beings who live in physical space normally within nation state territories anything that blockchain can do has to interact with that physical reality up till around now technology has been primarily focused on replacing human effort whereas now they're starting to replace human brains and in about 10 years we'll be able to buy the processing cost of a human brain for about a dollar in the next decades we're going to be facing some of humanity's most difficult questions like how do we tackle climate change disease or create these societal structures in which we live the only way we're going to get the best future and evolution for humanity is if we increase human intelligence if one of me can merge its mind into a superhuman distributed ai and lose its individuality become one with the engineered god mind that'll be cool once you're freed of the need to work and the risk of dying it opens up a lot of different possibilities right [Music] while no one really knows yet how the future will unfold and what the implications will be for humanity one thing is clear in the world of crypto blockchain and the technologies converging around them one person's dystopian vision is almost certainly another's utopian dream [Music] you
Channel: Plot11
Views: 167,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin film, film bitcoin, Crypto documentary, cryptocurrency documentary, cryptocurrencies, crypto currency, bitcoin documentary, cryptocurrency, bitcoin news, crypto currencies, Cryptocurrency news, bitcoin explained, documentary, full documentary, crypto news, bitcoin cash, blockchain news, blockchain explained, blockchain documentary, info bitcoin, bitcoin mining, what is bitcoin, bitcoin trading, digital currency, documentary bitcoin, Bitcoin doc, crypto movie
Id: OaI3HakYw2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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