Bishop Sheen silenced Bella Dodd? "Violent & Extreme" traditional Catholics?

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the following program was made possible by the generosity of those who have determined to hold fast to the true roman catholic religion as expounded by the roman catholic church before the disasters of vatican ii and the so-called new mass [Music] welcome to another live edition of what catholics believe i'm your host thomas snagley and with me tonight is father william jenkins he is a traditional catholic priest he's a member of the society of saint pius v and he's also the pastor of immaculate conception church right here in norwood ohio hello father how are you tonight very fine john thank you and yourself doing well father great to be here we have uh multiple multiple topics on the agenda for tonight father uh maybe just to give our viewers a short little sampling we have questions concerning bishop sheen and bella dodd we have an interesting article about some new psychological research that one of our viewers sent us i had a question about my catholic faith the book that we mentioned recently um also a question concerning francis and some recent items that have been in the news concerning his uh his stance on samoan pontifico among other things father so we could begin with a very uh interesting topic that i know we've just briefly touched on in the past but something that has continually come up and i know our viewers have a lot of interest in this topic father and this is uh concerning bella dodd and some of the the testimony that that she gave concerning communism and some of the infiltration the communist infiltration and to the catholic church but one of our viewers uh specifically he referenced that um dr dodge she she revealed to bishop sheen in the 1950s that there were tour knowledge uh four he says four highly placed cardinals in the catholic church that were communist agents she also she bella dad says that she personally placed 1100 communist agents into the catholic seminaries during the 1930s uh but the viewer says that unfortunately bishop sheen counseled her against making this fact public um any comments on that father why would bishop sheen uh effectively silence belladonna in this regard he did not really yeah that's a misconception he did not yeah he simply told her that she should not publicly name maine them that she should not publish publicize names but he didn't silence her in fact she spoke very freely and uh there's no record whatsoever that i know i've ever heard of that bishop sheen told her not to speak of communist infiltration or attempted infiltrate infiltration in the catholic church uh belladon did say that there were four cardinals who uh were i don't know if she exactly said she might well have said that they were agents of uh you know stalin uh in the catholic church at the time um but uh bishop sheen would not allow her to name who they were this should come as no surprise well i guess it would not come as a surprise to know that bishop sheen had told her to be silent and not publicly name them to have a private citizen just go on public record and start naming communists cardinals would be rather sensationalistic to say the least and start all kinds of unnecessary controversies what is not said here is whether or not he advised her to go to their superior to take the the information to rome and that is what i assumed bishop sheen would have done uh i don't know that he did that um i don't know of any record of that having been done but um if uh you know just on the surface of it if i had been in bishop sheen's place and i'm not obviously and i had uh someone returned to the catholic church who'd been a member of the communist party usa and a member of the new york city teachers union which was a big communist uh organization back then um and was very active in in the communist cause in america and was revealing this had a lot of information to reveal i would not have told her well you know get on the radio and start you know broadcasting throughout the world the names of communists in the hierarchy now that would have been very imprudent i would have said look this information has to go through channels in the church and it has to go to the authorities who can take care of this matter um otherwise it would be like basically just igniting a bomb in the church you know so uh in any case um you know tom we we've known the church has been subject to infiltration anyway when when belladonna testified before the house committee on american activities that she was aware of 1100 um young men who'd been placed in seminaries for the sake of infiltrating clergy she knew what she was talking about she was well placed and i i believe that she knew what she was talking about now whether um she was talking about card-carrying bolshevik communists uh people who carried stalin's picture in their pocket and uh and all the rest and and red das capital i don't know i i don't know that she ever said that you know but uh the fact is that we know the church has been targeted for infiltration by the freemasons from the early 1800s we know of the document which has come to be called the permanent instruction of the alta vendita which was captured in the masonic lodges of northern italy by austrian troops under franz josef and um which was published um at the order of popeye papayas ix himself ordered that document published to warn the catholic world the war in the catholic people that the masons were intending to uh to infiltrate the clergy and um especially targeting the clergy because they wanted to work their way through the clergy to gain control of the offices of authority in the church okay um they this plan was mapped out by a man who was known aguer his uh his code name was nubius he was the leader of the 40 the council of 40 of the alta vendita the the directing lodges of italian freemasonry the carbonari uh so this is very well known in fact one can find even on the the internet although i discourage people from spending much time there but one can find the actually the original documented italian 1800s italian which is interesting to read but it's on there one can actually read the uh the text to the original document and compare it with the modern translations which are quite accurate but in the document uh it wasn't called by the masons the permanent instruction of the alta vendita it wasn't called by nubias who pended by that title but papayas the the ninth um had it published by probably the most famous catholic historian at the time a man named uh a jesuit priest and father cretino jolie and these very serious scholars um and so this was made known back in the you know mid to late 1800 not quite too late eighteen hundreds of course because popeye's the ninth had died uh at the end by the end of that century and the 13th took over for him but in any case um it was quite controversial and um monsignor george dillon in his series of lectures in dublin in the late 1800s 1890 93 somewhere around there actually referenced this and gave the text of it in english um every traditional catholic today and and conservative catholic anybody who still has the faith should be fully aware of this document and have read it through at least once and understand what the plan was by the masons so you know when we read about the intrusion of the the modernists into the church uh as we read in pashendi the encyclical by saint paul is the tenth in 1907 but realizing that the plan of infiltration had been going on for about a hundred years um and so here we have a pope who roughly a hundred years after the the plan of subversion had been uh put on the table uh the masonic tables of their lodges a pope saying that the church has these modernists who are within her heart and in the very veins of the church um and uh 10 years later in 1917 our lady appears and says that russia would spread her errors throughout the world well we see a real parallel between the ideas of karl marx and the ideas of the modernists the modernist ideas actually are very closely parallel to the marxist ideas about history the progress of history and and um you know they both as saint paul's attempts said about modernism they lead to to atheism and uh even marx you know warned angles we don't have to insist that everybody joins the communist party as an atheist when he starts but he will be by the time he finishes and um so both of these things inevitably in the minds of their crafters lead to atheism so uh it's just that modernism was a you might say a flavor of marxism that was specifically designed to take down the church i mean there was marxism in the world that would uh flood the world as our lady said in fatima and there was modernism that would specifically address the church and try to take down the church and the modernist would would specifically take down the church because they knew the catholic church was their one enemy who would withstand them uh something that uh a thought that was echoed by the cultural marxist marxists back in the 30s in the frankfurt school who said that the world did not fall to communism as marx had predicted after the revolution russia because of the christian culture of western nations and because of catholicism and so they um they undertook uh to basically subvert uh christian countries uh catholic countries and destroy what was left of christian culture there so that it would be create a world right for communism so that the um the power of the catholic church and her faith could not uh as it were arm the world against communism it strips the world up uh the stripped the church of it the armor of its faith right and all of its armaments and uh so that's what we saw happen at vatican ii that's what surfaced the vatican ii a basic uh basically a surrender to the world uh nothing could be more emblematic of that surrounding the world than the controversy of vatican 2 over whether or not atheistic communism would be condemned by the council and its document got him that spent as the church in the modern world the attempted 450 bishops uh to demand the uh specific condemnation of atheist communism um the uh the fact that that that petition simply was put in a drawer and locked away by some monsieur gloria some functionary who took it upon himself to say no we're not going to do this and all of the excuses that were given um by the council fathers and all the rest their committees about what happened to this finally uh there is a footnote that condemns atheists to communism one footnote in one document that was the concession that was given i mean this that's so um i say so it just speaks volumes it tells you what this council was where was coming from or where was going so all of this by the way by the way while all of this was being debated um communists in the eastern bloc were were actually trumpeting the fact they said that they had communist agents in every one of the committees of vatican too wow and uh cardinal uh actually archbishop baron from yugoslavia at the time yugoslavia actually made that note he said that's the word he was getting from his native country communist country that the communists were openly boasting that they had succeeded in getting communist agents and every every uh committee at the council bar none and uh that's very telling so again i mean the idea that the communists uh the masons the marxists and i mean they're all of the same uh stripe right um had designs and infiltrating the church is not not surprising um at all we know this has happened and um belladonna was born in 1904 um and died in 1969 i believe uh by that time she'd been out of the communist party for 20 years she had expelled and but left willingly she'd been expelled because she had rejected and she saw through the uh the bad disguise of the communists that they were not really compassionate champions of the working man at all quite the contrary they were just bloodthirsty revolutionaries and um natalie white actually natalie whiter was bishop mendez's personal secretary for the last 18 years of his life but who had known him for much longer he was she was one of his converts um natalie knew uh bellado personally and uh natalie was also a woman of letters and uh i think that intellectually they probably were kindred spirits so um you know i feel a certain affinity there but in any case um i don't think there's any evidence that bishop sheen tried to silence belladonna from talking about communist infiltration of the church but there seems to be sufficient evidence to show that he told her not to name names basically so yeah father one of the things i found most interesting not not publicly is what i mean not to the world broadcasting um you know you you uh in drawing this parallel between uh marxism and freemasonry and modernism i found it very interesting in bella dad's talk she uh she mentions this idea of the uh the card carrying communist and says that she yourself you know technically what might might not have been a card-carrying communist and some of the these agents that she talks about might not have fit this description and she says that was uh that was intended um because they could you know honestly say no i'm not a member of the communist party um and this seems to be very much in line with what the the freemasons did right how they didn't want a pope that was you know technically a freemason but that thought like a like a freemason and i think she uh she she uses the expression something to the effect that if it if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck um so regardless if they're the things that's right these card games we're walking walking around with uh communist party memberships in their in their wallets like that of course and they wouldn't even want to be registered anywhere because uh i mean it could be found out through uh intelligence that this or that person was uh you know actually enrolled as a communist party member and bolshevik had been involved in communist party youth activities and so on that would have blown their cover it would have ruined everything uh as a matter of fact you know tom i wouldn't be a bit surprised but that ballad might have one of the names she might have been keeping secret might have been giovanni baptista montini because we're talking about what the 1950s there that she was talking about and um during the 1940s it came through diplomatic channels to the knowledge of pope pius xii that one of his um one of his subordinates uh the like the pro secretary of state like assistant secretary of state was actually involved in secret communications with moscow with the communists in moscow and it was montini martini was like an assistant secretary of state and here he was actually involved in clandestine uh i don't know if you call them negotiations but communications with moscow it was found to be true uh papayas the 12th discovered this only through uh the um a certain a diplomat who warned him that that their intelligence the nation nation's intelligence had come across this and i heard stories about the church trying to send clergymen catholic clergymen into russia for the catholics for the benefit of the catholics there and how time and time again they were apprehended almost immediately if not immediately that's how they were waiting for them they anticipated they're coming knew exactly who to look for that was highly suspicious it might well have been and i think there's certain evidence to make it more than a rash suspicion to think that this montini was a mole and you know what papayas the 12th basically kicked him upstairs i mean that's how they put people on ice on the church they put them in a position where they they think that they can't do too much damage well hard to imagine but uh pius xii made him the archbishop of milano milan great city of northern italy uh rather leftist perhaps um in its politics even at the time didn't make him a cardinal though that was very telling at pius xii made him archbishop of milan but did not give him a cardinal son and you know uh when pius siddhaft died they elected john the 23rd and one of the first things john xxiii did was put a cartonless hat on montini it's one of the first things he did he he named martini a cardinal and positioned him to become the next pope paul the sixth the one who brought in the one who closed the council he presided over the last three sessions of the four session council he's what who supposedly said to jean-gito that as he was about there on on december 8th 1965 to promulgate the work of vatican ii that he was about to sound the trumpets of the apocalypse right and he's the man who brought in the new mass he's the man who brought in all the new sacraments in the 15 years that he was the supreme pontiff of the nobis ordo of his own making um there was such a radical transformation that one would not recognize the catholic church after he was done with it and so this is what we saw happening and with a very rapid progression by the 12th john the 23rd and apollo 6. so anyway as i say i wouldn't be surprised if one of the names that belladonna was had in mind in the vatican uh there are other candidates but montini might well have been of course he was not a cardinal was he she mentioned four cardinals that's interesting yeah so but he was not a cardinal at the time but i wouldn't be surprised that she was aware of it yeah well okay uh well father i'm sure there's a lot more that can be said on that topic uh but i wanted to get into some of these other things that we had um we had a great uh a great link sent to us by one of our faithful viewers from this courthouse news service dot com and uh apparently it's it's titled psychologists map out underlying traits to identify violent extremists and uh just a few uh little quotes from this article they say that a new study uncovered a quote psychological signature end quote of those who hold extreme and violent ideological beliefs revealing a combination of unconscious cognition and personality traits that could help identify and treat those who are more likely to act violently they say the psychologists were able to map out psychological signatures of those prone to violent conservative extremism and dogmatism those who are unlikely to believe in evidence and carry a fixed view of the world i have a quote here from the psychologist that says the brains of more dogmatic people are slower to process perceptual evidence but they are more impulsive personality wise the mental signature for extremism across the board is a blend of conservative and dogmatic psychologies the researchers said um so father they talk about wanting to treat those who are vulnerable to political and religious extremism they talk about those in their communities who can identify uh those who are prone to to this extremism and helping to treat them uh and our viewers says father this certainly what they're describing here certainly seems to describe traditional catholics um so what is your thought on this father it is an attempt to uh to position some kind of scientific explanation why people are conservative why people believe in dogma okay the curious thing is francis himself would probably endorse that study francis himself has these same ideas that are expressed there by the way where did you have a print out of an article there which related that and i see on the front page there where the article begins is a photograph of trump supporters right that's right yes so it's very clear that we're talking about trump supporters as the dogmatic people who cannot process uh evidence and and have a fixed view of the world right et cetera et cetera and are more prone to violence okay they have this psychological signature right that was discovered by the way they just discovered this psychological signature um where was this published here uh this was on it was done in the wake of the courthouse news service who wrote that article um this was by one john parton john pardon okay i'd like to know a little more about him because he obviously uh just to swallow this hook line and sinker and uh there's a reason why he's he's uh publishing this because he's he's making this known because as far as he's concerned this is this is the ticket right here um we're talking about psychology we're talking about psychologists okay and um i mean i i heard about this and uh this the lead researcher was a woman about 30 years old okay she got a doctorate in 2016 when she was in her 20s and um and from cambridge so she has to be fairly bright okay her name is leor uh smigrod z-m-i-g-r-o-d is the woman's name and uh you know i mean she thinks like a 30-year-old psychologist the fact that she she has a phd from uh you know evidently from cambridge uh it rather should not be impressive at all people with phds from colombia and other radical leftist universities one should not take that as an endorsement one should take that as a warning okay that these are radicals but these are radical leftists they have an agenda to pursue and what she wants to do is to try to use her quote-unquote science uh to stigmatize all of those who are not leftists and to show i mean basically uh any by definition anybody who's not a leftist who doesn't support the leftist position is automatically a conservative automatically a trump supporter right and this is part of that trump derangement syndrome you know uh that we see and uh also the attempt to cover over their radical leftism with a veneer of science which is a complete sham and a fraud you know uh it talks about those who cannot process data and evidence and we see how leftists are are all based on evidence and data and how accurate they are in their interpretation of these things right i mean we see how accurate they are even counting votes and elections right man they're they're data driven that's for sure masks and all the rest right it's all data driven the whole pandemic farce um uh which would be comedy if it weren't tragedy and um so um this uh leor by the way was a gates foundation gates cambridge scholar she had the gates cambridge scholarship from the bill and melinda gates foundation now i mean would that possibly suggest some sort of orientation on her part in her way of her thinking and maybe this bill and melinda gates cambridge scholarship might be reserved for those who follow the bill and melinda gates foundation line of thinking right i think there's a certain indication of that but this is rather concerning because of what's going on here in the united states and that is they're trying to say that people who are conservative and notably dogmatic traditional catholics definitely targeted by this are dangerous that they're criminally dangerous it's almost like they're criminally insane they're mentally deranged they need to be re-educated they must be cured they have to be treated that's it they have to be treated okay i'm sure there's a vaccine for this in the works right now right but they have to be treated and people need to be able to identify who they are in their neighborhoods right these people who are basically attempting to be violent and therefore criminally insane because they cannot process evidence the way the leftists can and they believe in a fixed world well when you process evidence evidence sort of implies there's a fixed world but see their processing evidence says there is no fixed world what kind of evidence is this except for the fact that maybe they're insane you know maybe they're totally out of touch with reality maybe right um but those who are therefore in touch with reality are insane and they have to stop it they have to be made to stop it they had to be cured they had to be treated otherwise what if what if they cannot be successfully treated though what would you do with someone like that they have a pro they have a psychological signature which says they are prone to violence because of their inability to process evidence the evidence given to them of course by the leftists but they're going to have to be eliminated or locked up they're going to have to be incapacitated something's going to have to be done right to contain them or to eliminate them one of the other so um you know this is this is the direction all of this is heading and um the fact is that uh we're just watching it happen before our very eyes and uh we're hearing you know all these reports about oh we're gonna turn this thing around just wait you know we got political solutions oh yeah just wait we're gonna we're gonna make this turn out right it's coming soon you know and so people are willing to say okay okay i'm willing to wait i'm willing to wait i'm like well you know can't wait for the day and waited and they waited and they waited and they waited and here we are and um so um i think the the question here is uh positioning the uh society to look upon traditional catholics and anyone who is a conservative mind who believes in objective reality which they call dogmatism uh who believes in an mora morality right and wrong is not only going to be stigmatized but they're going to be criminalized and they're going to be treated like criminals and uh but they're going to be treated as sick people who need to be treated that's where in the soviet union you saw people taken away and given shock treatments that's where you saw people take it away to the the psychiatric wards and injected with all kinds of chemicals right made guinea pigs they're they're actually preparing they're paving the way for that right now here in america yeah this will become communist china father i thought that perhaps the scariest uh aspect of this would would be how uh um it seems like they're they're encouraging their people within the community to you know to try and identify people like this so that you know just like the soviet union exactly yeah yeah it's just it's stalinism all over again and um again they want to create a society with a social score and um your so-so score decides what privileges you're allowed to to have from the communist party no rights no one has any rights all one can hope for is to have privileges granted by the communist party because you've been a good boy or good girl which means you've supported the communist party and its program and one of the most important things you can do to support the communist party is turn in your neighbor right that shows real loyalty you announced your neighbor you know it's your brother your sister your parents right same thing that was going on in the soviet union it's happening before our very eyes with these people right now yep absolutely okay uh well then another email that i wanted to get to father uh in regards to the my catholic faith book by bishop morrow something that we've referenced on the on the program frequently this viewer said that he says in the credits of the book that he found it says that the book was quote fully revised in washington dc and that was published in 1958 he said these things trip my dubious meter into suggesting i might be better off avoiding such a book because after all nothing says holy and authentic catholicism like made in washington dc um he's concerned father that the book might have been published after john the 23rd took office um and he asked father with with over a thousand years of option there doesn't seem to be any need to risk anything whatsoever of the new errors that might well be sewn into that book so uh with that in mind father could you still recommend this book my catholic faith i do yeah i've been through the book i don't see any errors i mean i have a copy here that i just actually unwrapped it's the third edition it says copyright 1949 1952 1954 by lewis lavoie i think it was originally published in india if i'm not mistaken anyway but then it says republish 1991 92-94 and that's that's a red flag yeah you know by sangre de christo products incorporated i don't know who they are i don't know where they're based i don't think about them the question is what is this text though right did they republish in 1991 92 94 the volume that had been published in 1949 1950-1954 is that what is reproduced here as far as i know it is when you look at the artwork here it is certainly not modernistic artwork that has not been revised so the first thing that hits you is everything you're looking at as far as the the artwork is thoroughly traditional in what it portrays and how it portrays it shows no indication of any novus ordo influence there and in my going through this book i have seen nothing that is untoward or even suggestive of modernism okay so i realized that the the writer says well gee there's a risk there how do i know and uh i better avoid it i'll say well you can but i haven't and i've been through the book and i've read it and i don't see anything wrong with it at all uh as far as i can see it's it's the true catholic um catechism um that bishop la revoir um produced and uh now on the other hand i would say well look you know if if somebody finds something in the book that i haven't noticed that is um not compatible with catholicism or which uh smacks of modernism i want to know but i haven't seen anything like that so far that's why i i do recommend reading that book and furthermore those who i know who have studied the book have accepted it gone through it and never voiced to me any any concerns about anything found in it so maybe our writer says i have been through it but i looked into this and i found out that it had been revised and just perhaps this perhaps that and maybe i'd better avoid it and say well that's fine but do i still recommend it yes why because i actually have been through the book and it is the really catholic and father perhaps it's not a bad idea to at least be a little bit cautious because we know that um that there certainly have been instances where things have been repo well i admire the gentleman or the ladies caution you know i'm not criticizing the caution though but um you know and and i would i would agree with him i would say okay on the start of things if you found it had been revised there's no mention of that here in this book there's no mention of any 1985 revisions i think 50 80 cents there's no mention of any 1958 revisions or what or washington d.c or washington d.c that i can that i've found in here so i think the book as we produced pre-emptates then but i would say if i found what this gentleman found if it is a gentleman mentally i would want to take a closer look too but fortunately i mean i have a familiarity with the volume and i can um testify that everything i've seen in here is thoroughly catholic so yes i would still recommend it okay good well then another topic father uh something that's been in the news just a little bit recently with uh with francis i guess there's been by the way let me just say if you do get a copy of the book you see a copy used copy check the dates yeah yeah but as we revised in washington dc in 1958 then i would say you know be cautious yeah be on guard okay um so you know with with the gentleman's admonition here of but he's what he's found in his research i would say okay be on the lookout for that yeah avoid that because you can get copies of the book that don't have those revisions and that's what you want to look for so i'm sorry no that's okay um but but in regards to france's father i guess there's there's been some some talk apparently some i don't know perhaps closed door meetings i guess there's not a whole lot of details available but there's been some some talk of him uh apparently curtailing or suppressing some more pontificum and at least some some aspect and this is this has been kind of thrown around and talked about so what is your impression of this father francis curtailing or even suppressing symbol and pontificum of benedict the 16th well francis has not only a uh an aversion to the traditional catholic mass the traditional roman rite of mass he has a contempt for it he even wrote of that contempt when he was when he taught speaking about the time that he was a server serving the mass what contempt he had for that mass um how he would deliberately he and his friends would deliberately mess up the latin to try to to try to confuse the priests and throw him off the track as he's serving mass this is the this is the mentality of this man okay even when he was a youngster there's no no no respect or reverence for him clearly you know uh except for radical leftism but uh in any case the um so he's made no secret of that and uh you know we're told that cardinal sarah um was maintaining some or trying to maintain some semblance of conservatism right in the liturgy but you knew that wasn't going to last and and of course cardinal sarah's uh uh resignation was accepted you know and uh so now uh francis has elevated uh in the novus ordo in the new order he's elevated people who are just bitter die-hard enemies of the of the traditional roman liturgy and they have declared war on it basically and the war is erupting now it's becoming more public so documents have been passed around in the vatican francis himself being involved uh plans to uh severely curtail or or even just um bury uh benedict xvi's permission for the 1962 liturgy 1962 right of mass that john the 23rd changes um the the the changes that are supposedly used by saint paul the society of saint paul's the tenth but they are but they're not well it's it's a story but anyway um um and the same with the fraternity of st peter and all the rest they all had to kind of burn the incense by accepting the 1962. changes as a token of something in any case um but uh you know there are those who are warning that if francis dares do that he's going to be starting a civil war in the church well i mean you look at everything else he's done and you know you wonder well if there's been no civil war over the things that he's done against the ordinary magisterium of the church against the blasphemous things he said then i just can't imagine but that you know people are going to just basically acquiesce and you know say well okay you're the boss um does he want to do it absolutely i mean when when they brought out the new mass okay benini had been working on it for the years even before vatican ii he was already formulating a new liturgy um the modernists had had this in mind you know they were talking about in their liturgical circles back in the 1920s and 30s um so um excuse me when the cardinals of northern europe and arrived to vatican too they they were prepared that's that's the first thing they they chose to tackle to address when they got the preparatory sheamus discarded and so the council was basically starting from scratch and that's the scratch they wanted to start with the the idea of a new liturgy go to father ralph biltkins wiltkins book originally entitled the rhine flows into the tiber lately published as the inside story of vatican ii and you read the account session by session of the council and you read what was brought forward there by the various uh you know cardinals and bishops and what plans they had for the liturgy and you read there it's exactly what francis is doing with the amazon the indigenous practices and leading bringing them into catholic worship they had this in mind for decades and decades um it's just that francis is actually managing to ram them through now because because he can because he has basically uh the equivalent of rhinos in the church who are just willing to to go along with whatever they whimper about it but they're not willing to actually oppose it see to stop it and to reject it so anyway um so uh yes of course francis wants to do this this was his goal in the first place i mean they protected him against all of the abuses all of the sexual abuse crisis and all that because they knew they needed this man who they trusted would actually finally bring vatican ii to its ultimate conclusion uh which involved what they set out to do from the outset just destroy the traditional mass drive it from the face of the earth obliterate it from the minds of the faithful and replace it entirely with their novus ordo they didn't succeed clearly archbishop had a lot to do with that right god bless him um but the idea now is that they will succeed in doing that under francis and um whether or not there will be resistance i don't know i mean after people have been saying all these years look no matter what he does he's the vicar of christ on earth right and we have to accept that and we have to accept his authority as the vicar of christ on earth so if he actually says no more traditional latin mass 1962 1960 19 whatever you know then i just wonder if there's anything left in these people to um say no our allegiance is to catholic tradition which has uh you know infinitely more authority than you do you do not have any authority to to ban catholic tradition because that's the work of the holy ghost who do you think you are you think you're the successor of jesus christ well actually that's what he thinks yes but it's just hard to see them actually managing more than a whimper in this you know now interestingly enough the society of saint paul's attempted respond to this talk by saying well this doesn't affect us because as archbishop pointed out we catholics have the right to the traditional catholic liturgy and no one has the authority to take it away from us so all of this display of you know uh being kind of quasi in the good graces of francis and all the rest and oh look he gave us permission to have weddings in our churches as long as we give the first opportunity to the local nova sort of clergy to come and do it if they don't we can and our marriages are recognized oh look he gave us the the authority to hear confessions and to give absolution uh you know all of this wanted idea that yes we are now um you know uh the excommunication was lifted not against archbishop but against us and so you know we're actually winking at least on winking terms with you know the authorities with rome you know basically so they come out and say look no matter what he says we still have a right to this liturgy and we're going to keep it and it's not going to affect us at all and i think unfortunately what i think what's in the back of their minds which has been suggested actually by other groups like the fraternity of saint peter is that the society of saint paul's attempt actually would would welcome it uh that would quash the fraternity of saint peter uh quash the institute of christ the king and so on uh because then uh these groups within the novus ordo that have the 1962 latin mass they call it traditional mass would have nowhere to go but five and that society has seen pius the tenth itself would benefit from that the sinking of those boats so to speak now i don't know if that's the thinking there or not this is this has been voiced by certain people who are paternity of saint peter and institute of christ the king people who don't see the compassion that they thought they would get and the understanding that they thought they would get from the society of pius and uh they're so they're interpreting this to mean that uh the society would stand to do nothing but but gain from this okay i don't know i really don't know but um the fact i see that the the the new world order the uh the the modernists in rome beginning with francis um have tried to make a uh out of the using or making available the traditional latin mass or what people accept as a traditional latin mass in order to keep them on the line and it might come down to the point where francis has done so many outrageous things and so many anti-catholic things maybe he thinks that he can now quash the remnants of the traditional liturgy within the novus ordo and most of the people just go along with it anyway they won't like it maybe they'll grumble about it but in fact he's gotten away with so much and they've gone along with so much it's got not going too emotionally anymore the he has nothing more to gain by continuing the charade and so he might decide let's just end it here um if he did that i mean he came out might come out full bore against the society senpai's attempt in which case um maybe the society's society symposium would have to throw off all pretenses of uh being in the good graces of francis and uh go back to march bishop lefevre's way of thinking back in the 1980s when he was very very strong and very powerful in it in his denunciation of the novus ordo let's face it the society's biased attempt is held back they've held back rather than uh um just really unmask the novus ordo for what it is the synthesis of all heresies they just haven't spoken out with with the power of archbishop and i can't help but think that they're handicapped by their desire to somehow still appear to be in the good graces of the vatican that's all i can figure i know um and now maybe maybe the the mask would be off at that point i don't know time yeah yeah but uh in any case um it's important for people to know especially those who are trying to practice the traditional catholic faith within the novus ordo church that when the new order came out there was a draconian effort made to annihilate the traditional mass to limit it as far as they could to old priests and nursing homes and to make it disappear from the face of the earth and that lasted for about 20 years about 1968-1988 and it was only then i mean after archbishop actually should have consecrated some bishops right um and they knew that the society saint pius the tenth would not die with him that they began to think we we now we need to start making some concessions because if we don't we're going to lose this and that's when they allowed the ecclesia day commission and that's when they allowed the use of the 1962 latin mass you know under limited circumstances it was expanded by benedict 6 16 but the fact is for 20 years i mean all of their efforts were bent on just simply annihilating the traditional mess that's what they wanted to do from the very beginning so when francis uh is reputed to be you know loading the uh the blunderbuss to go out and and shoot down savaran pontificum and as far as he can i mean to uh make the traditional mast extinct within his realm to the extent that he can this is not a surprise this is this is what they set out to do from the very beginning they just are looking for to be for francis to be the one to actually accomplish it wow so in any case father any uh anything else that you'd like to get into tonight well we're in june the month of the sacred heart of course and that's where we go we go to our lord's sacred heart that's the source of all that's this font of living waters you know and uh that's the um where our lord nourishes the human soul as i mentioned uh recently in a sermon you know to to live in this world physically we need to have air food and water right sustain life well in a sense that reflects what is necessary for the soul to live we need to breathe and the breath of the soul really is the holy ghost spiritus right the spirit the respiration of the soul the life of grace in the soul that is the life of the soul the presence of the holy ghost and sanctifying grace the soul breathed by grace and so we also have the nourishment that our lord came to give us we have of course the living waters of baptism itself right and we have the uh the nourishment of the holy eucharist the blessed sacrament that our lord has given us to the living bread that has come down from heaven it's bread that is not only living but the point is it's living with a life that it can give it gives life and um that life that it gives is you know the divine life the divine life it breathes divine life into the human soul so there we find there we find the sacred heart of jesus right there we find that our lord has actually given his heart to us we marvel we marvel uh at the apparitions of our lord showing saint margaret mary his own heart i mean our lord in this apparition actually took his heart in his hand and held it out before the eyes of saint margaret mary and said to her behold the heart that is so loved and men mankind and is rewarded with so much forgetfulness negligence and contempt right our lord even went so far as to exchange hearts with her that's quite beautiful really when you think about it right it's very beautiful well we marvel at this taking place in 1960 1681 82 83 to saint margaret mary and it kind of convent far far away but we realize you know when we receive holy communion that's exactly what we receive that's what our lord does he he he takes his heart and he actually gives it to us in this way in the blessed sound and what he did with saint margaret barry is very symbolic but what he does what he gives us holy communion is not just symbolism it is real he's actually placing his heart next to our hearts he's placing his heart within us we do appreciate the significance of that i mean it's so spectacular it's so wonderful and it's hard to imagine because it's hard to imagine one might mean it's kind of hard to not not hard to believe but hard to appreciate it but that's where we have to overcome the limitations of human imagination by faith and faith that is enlightened by prayer so that our lord can impress upon us the significance of this fact we can say it's true without appreciating the truth of it right the significance of it the important thing is not only believing it's true the important thing is to appreciate the significance of it and there's the source of there's there's the subject of meditation a lot of meditation so i suggest that during this month of june we meditate upon that very fact that our lord has left in a sense left his heart among us here living right living heart in our tabernacles and he wants to come to us in holy communion um because he's not impressed by our tabernacles of stone or tabernacles of brass or steel or whatever he's what he what he really created to be the test tabernacle eternally or immortally is your soul and mine that's the tabernacle he wants that's where he wants to be so uh let's give him that absolutely father thanks for being here tonight appreciate your time and everything that you do you're welcome tom thank you thanks to all of our viewers as well for watching this episode of what catholics believe until next time we ask that you all remember the words of our lady of fatima you consecrate yourselves and your families to the immaculate heart of mary and to pray independence thank you and god bless you you
Channel: What Catholics Believe
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Id: Px6J_8lQs4k
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Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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