Bishop Paul S. Morton At COGIC Holy Convocation HD! Countdown To The 109th

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God let me hear you sing it [Music] [Music] he's a great guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh God [Music] Oh [Music] hi [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey and it's my card is for us they could ever stop us and if our God is with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are on your feet I just want you to begin to pick your feet up and down [Music] [Music] [Music] they [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got a stronger don't you are higher [Music] my god Sheila oh he wants us to stay right there if you infirmed in your body come on guys come on declaring declaring declare it declaring I am real I am healed by his side come on oh yes be kneeling in the room he made your body so he can fix it come on and we send the word of healing to the hospital [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my mother come on [Music] boy come to bring here Lee to his people yeah I have the Lord that healeth thee lift up your hands and receive it now we bind every agent of the enemy of God so today we declare let the river flow let the river flow and refresh my soul sing it with me come on the river of God oh come on with your hands and sing it [Music] [Music] hi [Applause] come on put your hand on your neighbor and just sing it please [Music] woman whispers tonight go [Music] and for the next few seconds I just want you to pray for that me but that you're touching right now you don't know what they stand and neither but the river of God come on come on wait for your neighbor [Music] say hi let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done for Wow [Music] Thanks [Music] one more time come on everybody [Music] come on put your hands together dissipation of what God is going to do in this house oh come on [Music] the sakes you've got some praise on tonight let the Saints give God some praise tonight for the greatest church on this earth thank God for the greatest leader residing Bishop Charles Edward Blake hallelujah [Applause] let us stand we're gonna pay our cover charge the Lord say enter to my gates with Thanksgiving and to my courts with praise as I often say just blow into your hand blow into your hand if you would the word said let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise the Lord [Applause] without going to divine worship holy holy holy Lord God Almighty the whole earth is full of his glory Oh God you are God this is that which thou o Lord has seen [Music] please notice the screen oh god thou art holy before all the people that will be glorified everyone Oh Lord our God sit outside light thy truth let them lead us let them guide us to thy holy hill where we will reverently worship thee in the beauty of holiness fulfill your desire in our midst this day o Lord amen amen this time we're gonna have the elder Laurence see Blake the apostasy Alec adjutant of South Carolina's first jurisdiction his spirit is Bishop J Ely to come with the Old Testament reading followed by Bishop Marvin Sanders are very bishop of eastern Missouri and Western Illinois jurisdiction where Bishop Lawrence Jim Wooten yours truly is his prelate and then we'll have the celebrate a praise with sin Judah first the International worship they would come in that order reading the Old Testament scripture Psalm 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome Preston pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday a Thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling the word of the Lord is blessed New Testament reading st. Luke chapter 18 verses 9 through 17 says and he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others two men went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee in the other a publican the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself god I thank thee that I am NOT as other men or extortioners unjust adulterous or even as this publican I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possess and the publican stood afar off and would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other everyone that insulted himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted and they brought unto him also infants that he would touch them and when his disciples saw it they rebuked him but Jesus called them unto him saying suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God verily I say unto you whosoever will not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein the word of the Lord is bless James Hunt praise God I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the humble shahida of and be glad o magnify the Lord with me and let us say zode his name together that's what holy convocation means for me coming out and exalting the Lord with the Saints praising and magnifying God and I thank God for an opportunity just to speak to the delegates and well commuters st. Louis and to the 108 holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ incorporated thank God for our Presiding Bishop Bishop Charles Edward Blake senior all of the general board members first assistant presiding bishop bishop PA Brooks Philip Aquila Brooks and our second assistant presiding bishop bishop Jerry Wayne Matlin and all of the general board members thank you all so much for just calling the meeting together and allowing the Saints to come out and worship God my encouragement to each and every one of you forget about what you left at home forget about all of the agendas and programs all of the other materials but come to the services and worship the Lord God has something special with your name on it and that's what I came to the 108 holy convocation for the Lord to bless me for the Lord to shower down his blessings upon me and I don't have any agenda or program all I want is the blessings of the Lord and the fellowship with the people of God in Christ and I thank God for each and every one of you and I want you to continue to pray my strength in the Lord God bless you real good the presence of the Lord is in this room can you sense his presence come on lift up your hands one more time let's honor his presence hallelujah to Jesus to take us to the next level as we prepare our hearts for the word of the Lord she is a nationally known artist with a signature voice and a four octave range who was born the youngest of six children in New Jersey Nancy is enthused about her ministry and music she is also fervent about her family she and her husband Samuel have been married for nearly 13 years and are blessed with two sons diagnosed with heart failure during her first pregnancy Nancy has witnessed God heal her heart physically and spiritually her passion for serving God and doing all he has called her to do is unwavering she is an ordained and licensed minister who currently serves as director of creative arts ministry at greater st. John M ER in Elizabeth New Jersey she is a 21st century minstrel whose brave-hearted mission in life now centers around ministry first then music please join the Church of God in Christ in giving a warm welcome to our musical guest our psalmist for this evening minister nancy jackson johnson come on let's give it to her as she comes hallelujah come on we can do better than that let's celebrate God for this gift to the body of Christ praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody can someone just give God some more praise I feel his presence it's so thick and rich in this room God we honor you we give you glory we thank you Father for your presence truly it is an honor to be here with you to worship with you thank you so much dr. Judy for having me give honor to Bishop Blake into all the other bishops and ministers pastors that are here anybody if want more of God just one more of God amen have you ever experienced when you've made up your mind to to say God I want more then here comes more distractions can I get anybody to be real with me tonight and I've experienced that in my life it seems like the more work I have and the more thisone things come on my plate with ministry with family and it seems like sometimes I neglect to spend that time with the Lord that I shouldn't and and the Lord just prompted me one day and said daughter you're giving me everything else except for what I need from you and he said I there's still some things I need to work out in your character there's still some healing I need to do in your past there's still some things that I need to restore in your walk and I said father Here I am I'm not just gonna do work for the kingdom but I'm gonna worship the king of the kingdom anybody with me tonight and this song is a simple reminder that says we need to stay in the presence of the Lord just a little bit longer and get rid of the distractions and those things that hinder us from seeking the face of God are there any more worshipers here tonight hallelujah we worship You Father we want more of you God [Music] crying out for more we're hungry for you anybody thirsty for God thank you Jesus [Music] that's what we say to you guys what can I do well what can I bring to you what kind of song would you like me to sing all did a dance feel my love what can I do for you beautiful King coz I [Music] thank you in so what can I do for you what can I bring to what would you like me to sing their worship pour out my love yeah what can I do for you my master God and Lord thank you enough [Music] [Music] what can I bring what for you my daddy god [Music] a great reward [Music] around 20 years ago a dear friend of a Paul Norton invited me to come inform me that the Lord had led him to form an organization from primarily Baptist churches of which he was a part an organization that would emphasize holiness that would emphasize the baptism in the Holy Ghost I was so excited about that and willingly consented to do whatever I could to be of assistance and to be involved I was invited to the first service of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship the service in which Bishop Paul Morton was inaugurated and consecrated as the founding bishop of that organization that I need to preach on that day I was able to participate in the elevation of this man to that high office I'd known him since we were almost teenagers we had fellowship with one another over the years and it was a privilege to see my friend rise to such an exalted office the full of Gospel Fellowship is one of the fantastic phenomena of the last three are two decades and it has grown and developed to a very influential and significant role in the life of the church and has been such a blessing to Pentecostalism within the black community and within the Baptist Church and fast forward about twenty years later the Morton having served and raised up one of the most significant religious movements in our nation decided that it was time for him to pass the leadership of the organization on to other hands that he would focus on the ministry of his local churches that he would focus more on things having to do with his own ministry rather than the organization as a whole and Bishop Walker succeeded him and for that service Bishop Morton again invited me to come and to share the word of the Lord and to celebrate his wonderful years of service and to be involved in the transition of leadership within that movement he's uniquely anointed for the body of Christ with a clear and distinct voice for the 21st century releasing into the atmosphere the truth of God's Word bringing about salvation healing deliverance restoration for the continued a building of God's kingdom Bishop all s Morton is a pastor's pastor a leaders leader he has a nurturing heart of an apostolic father with a mandate to change a generation by changing the way we do church as I said he's the founding pastor of the full of gospel Baptist Church fellowship international he's a senior pastor of changing a generation Full Gospel Church in Atlanta Georgia and co-pastor the greater st. Stephen Full Gospel Church in New Orleans both of these are mega churches one church in two states with four locations he's a gifted author an anointed singer with six seller Awards he holds multiple advanced degrees in theology and divinity bishop and his wife dr. Deborah Morton are the proud parents of three children and the grandparents are six beautiful grandchildren it is my privilege my joy to present the man of God to share the Word of God a dear friend one who I admire and respect very highly and I praise God for the impact of his ministry on the world may we stand and with rousing applause receive Bishop Paul Morton [Applause] well I just need somebody to give God the praise in this place if you know God's been good to you if you really know that he's been good to you praise Him like you know he's been good oh my you may be seated in the presence of the Lord it is so good to be here tonight we greet you in divine love just to let you know that Jesus is still the answer for the world today he's supplying needs he's making ways and all you have to do is cast your cares upon him because he really really really cares I am just so honored to be here could I just say it's just good to be home it's just good to be home I'll tell you this is where I grew up of course I wasn't on this kind of stage they let me sing every now and then at the late-night service but I thank God God has been so good and so faithful to know my roots and where God has brought me from never will forget it of course my father was at the first one a hundred and eight years ago and to see that the Church of God in Christ is just going strong growing growing growing and I thank God for you I think that you know it if you don't know it I love our Presiding Bishop Bishop Charles Blake Oh God yes he has been an inspiration in my life for so many years so so many years even before I pastored and in the Church of God in Christ before I started pastoring I said that's the kind of pastor I want a people I like and to see how God has blessed him yes he preached my consecration service as bishop and of course my retirement service and I told him don't get no ideas I've been presiding bishop longer than you now you gotta know that yeah you just I've been in presiding bishop but longer than you yes indeed but I thank God for you you are just faithful and dedicated and of course what can I say about Bishop Brooks who I grew up with thank God for you Bishop Bishop Macklin I thank God for you these presiding bishops that work along with our presiding bishops the general board I thank God for you all of you mother rivers we appreciate you lady Blake it's just good to be here and I'm certainly glad for those that have come along with us it's our pastors and ministry workers conference this week for the Full Gospel Baptist Church fellowship with our new Presiding Bishop Bishop Joseph W Walker but I thank God that our state bishop here in Missouri is with us thank God for Bishop Courtney Jones I appreciate you so much mr. George White is here Missouri we appreciate you and thank God for you and of course he came with me he flew in all the way from Baltimore my first assistant bishop Oscar Brown is with me so I appreciate him so much and others that have come along with us but we're here tonight to praise the name of the Lord and of course we brought some product with us and I'm not going to go into depth in it but I thank God I have been Appling tintin publishing company asked me if I would do my life story they said you need to do your life story people need to hear your story because sometimes people they see the finished product that they don't know what you had to go through to get to where you are and so I thank God that I was able to write my life story and of course church gone crisis in this story because it's in its in my roots and this will just literally bless you our prom shoe it will we have some singing tapes of preaching tapes at what I love I think the most is my prayer CP God took me right into the throne room and I did 11 different prayers it's called the sounds of change and it deals with spiritual warfare the spirit is in competition with the mind the mind is in competition with the spirit we deal with spiritual warfare we pray for the family many families that have never prayed together put this CD on and said we know how to pray together because we're praying with you there's a prayer on here for a financial breakthrough I just believe the day has come you just just don't go together just don't go together speaking in tongues one minute and can I borrow a dollar just don't go together it don't go together I just believe we're supposed to be blessed we are supposed to be blessed and so it's the founder financial breakthrough and that's what God wants to do in our lives and then of course there's a prayer on here for healing and I really went in on that one because in 2006 God healed me of cancer and I'm still cancer-free so I know God is able to do it we give him the glory we give him the praise I believe tonight somebody has come to receive what God has for you and as you send up I'm here to tell you God will send down because he is in the blessing business mother Patterson he is in the blessing business right now from your wrath [Music] lord I want you to be blessed by our praise as we go yo whoring grace now feels yes or if you know what you can help me say it [Music] you're great we your temple we your tea people give you reverence as we glory we glory week Laurie we go [Music] oh thank you Jesus your presence your presence your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for filling this place thank you for filling this place Oh God just for these next few moments use me as your instrument lives will be changed people will be delivered it is already done in the mighty matchless name of Jesus we pray amen amen amen well are you ready for the Word of God I'll tell you this is such an honor for me tonight I was back a few years ago I'll tell the media ministry don't y'all break this tape this is I got ahead this tape yeah preaching at the complication this is a blessing Bishop Ellis this is a blessing we are going to the Gospel according to Matthew the 28th or the 14th chapter and I'm gonna focus in on verse 28 Matthew the 14th chapter verse 28 before we read we make a confession in our ministry on how we receive the Word of God I think that instructions need to be given not form and fashion but instructions on how to receive the Word of God I sliced several times a week but every time I get on the airplane they give me instructions on how to fly and I think we need instructions on how to receive the Word of God because the letter killeth but the Spirit give it life do you realize that my educated mind can kill this word I got to place the spirit over my mind so tonight I am here to tell you we gotta believe God's Word I am proud to be a kingdom representative I don't make no bones about it I represent the kingdom thy kingdom come I know my assignment I will be done on earth as it is in heaven and this Bible is our kingdom Constitution that supersedes the US Constitution the US Constitution if you line up with this you got me if you don't I'm sticking to the Kingdom Constitution so I need you to stand for a moment lift your Bibles your iPad's your iPhone's if you don't have any of those just place your hand over your heart that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee and repeat after me if you will if I receive this word with my mind only this word will be dead for me but if I receive this word this Kingdom Constitution with the spirit with the spirit over my mind over my emotions over my fleshly desires this word will be life for me Lord I don't need religious form and fashion I need life look at somebody until they've received life you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Jesus has come that you might have life and have it more abundantly Matthew 14 and 28 and Peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus I want to talk just for a few moments tonight about dealing with impossibilities dealing within possibilities of course it's perception and perception unchallenged becomes reality because we really know as we deal with impossibilities it's not really impossible because all things are possible with him if you can just believe but I love this particular story because the one thing that holds my attention and grips my heart in this amazing amazing story is the figure of Jesus walking on the water in this storm now what Jesus is doing here Jesus is challenging us to rise with him to another and higher type of life than we normally live what he's trying to tell us and this is important maximize your potential maximize that unexposed ability there's something inside of you that untapped strengths things that seem to be impossible he said what I need you to do I need you to rise with me to this level to realize you're not just average you gotta watch people you don't you just start saying what other people say but you just can't see what other people say I'm just so glad I'm just an average kind of person I'm just kind of average kind of person do you know what average means average means being on top of the bottom now why are you going around bragging I'm so glad I'm on top of the bottom I'm so glad I'm on top of the bottom no you are on top of the top because greater is He Who is in me than he that is him so Jesus became what we are so that we could become what he is so that's why tonight I wanted to look at this this raging storm this this interesting story because as we look at this raging storm the disciples are there but the only authority that they have over this storm is a voice of fear now that's dangerous because the devil can smell fear and the devil knows and he will come after you and will attack you because if he knows and he understands that God did not give you fear he comes and he attacks because God is not giving to us the spirit of fear he's given to us power he's given to us love he's given to us a sound mind so he will attack you because he can felt you could act like you so strong but the devil can smell fear just like somebody trying to be all strong around a big dog that comes backing at you that dog can smell fear if you give you got authority over the dog or if the dogs got authority over you you know here come the dog back you took this get away from me dog you bet he ain't scary you better you backing up all the time no dog knows I'm coming at you cuz I know you're scared listen people of God look at this particular story for nine hours they battle with this storm now it's about 4 o'clock in the morning it's still dark the storm is still raging their muscles now are sore they're weak they're tired and I concede the disciples as they begin to look at each other and say if only the master was here he would know how to handle this storm if only Jesus was he could handle this storm and the reason why they were saying that because they knew that he had handled other storms in the past they were out on the raging sea and the billows were tossing high and here these disciples are on the boat but Jesus is in the Hall of the ship and he's fast asleep in the hull of the ship the disciples are on top that they're scared and they look and he's chopping like little boys how much somebody didn't go wake him up ain't gonna wake him up no I ain't gonna wake up somebody better wake him up so they go down and they wait Jesus The Tempest is raging the pillows are tossing we are about to lose our lives I could see Jesus getting up and wiping his eyes looking at his disciples and probably saying this is just a shame how long are y'all gonna be with me and be this fearful don't you know that I'm Jesus with my eyes open but I'm still Jesus with my eyes closed in fact he really got upset with the storm I could hear him speaking to the star now you know better storm you know I got some scaredy-cat disciples why would you mess with them and you know I'm trying to sleep why would you let a storm come right now when I'm trying to sleep and that's when he spoke to the storm and said stop shut up I gotta get me some sleep peace be peace be still and so these disciples are talking about if only Jesus was here where is he then all of a sudden there's a walker on the water a walker on the water I will say that they saw something out there on the water and they thought it was a ghost and they were all free now I want you to listen to this because this is important because a whole lot of people are involved in form and fashion listen to what they're saying now if only Jesus was here he knows how to handle this storm if only Jesus was here they see a walker on the water and they're afraid if only Jesus was here they see a walker on the water and they're afraid if only Jesus was here they see a walker on the water and they are afraid it sounds like some of us all we know how to pray right now come on right now right now right now right now and when he shows up you can't afraid I got some news for you people of God when I call him I don't care he's got a walk on the water I don't care what he has to do I know anyway you me it's alright with me ah People of God you gotta understand this because he will show up he will show up that's why Jesus had to speak to them quickly because they were about to jump out of that boat and Jesus said be of good cheer couldn't even call us and he just said be of good cheer be not afraid now it's still dark the storm is raging Bishop sheared it's raging they really can't see but when Jesus said that he didn't call his name but be of good cheer don't be afraid it was Peter who said [Music] I know I know that voice I know it's dark out there but I know that voice and right here I wanna put a pin there so that you can understand because the only way you can recognize that voice in a storm you need to get familiar with the voice before the soul because if you get familiar with him before the storm when the song comes out I know there's you Jesus I know that's you he's coming to your rescue and he will supply all your needs listen people of God listen people of God that's when Peter said Jesus if that's you these were welcome words because Peter believed that in possibilities could be transmitted into possibilities somebody said you really don't even test the resources of God until you try the impossible God said give me something hard come on you you ain't even tested my resources apparently you don't know I can make a way out of no way I can I can put a door where there is a little door you don't even test the resources of God until you try the impossible because he specializes I may have some witnesses here I know it may be the first night but I may have some witnesses here you know that he's afraid he's the one that will supply your every need Charles Spurgeon said one man says I will as much as I can I will do as much as I can but the respond came back as much as you can anybody can do that he who believes in Jesus Christ does but you cannot do Oh God get us to the level where we get back to the place where we trust you and we believe you and know that you can make a way out of no way you see when Paul looked at the gigantic tasks around him he said who is sufficient to handle these things this is a lot this is a lot Lord I'm looking at all of the circumstances around me I'm looking at all the trouble around me who is sufficient to handle these things but when he looked away from the things and he looked at Jesus who gives us power he answered and said I can do all things is there anybody here you got the power in Jesus to realize that if you trust him tonight someway somehow I don't care what you're dealing with in your life he is able to see you through Jesus wants us to have great faith in him dr. Martin Luther King me many great speeches but one of the greatest ones he made he said doesn't matter now yeah but dr. King they they trying to destroy you it doesn't matter now you don't know the kind of experience I had with God well I mean they they come burn on you how it doesn't matter now when you get to that level where you are so sold out that you're able to say it doesn't matter yeah if you don't want to follow the word of God it doesn't matter you you you ain't got to stay under my teaching it doesn't matter now if you don't want the word we gotta be able to speak into the lives of people I know my assignment and could I tell you the kind of faith that God wants in this 100 an eighth of holy convocation he wants recklessly what are you talking about bishop he wants reckless faith reckless faith is the opposite of careful faith too many of us we got the kind of faith oh and everything is going well thank you Lord you be good to me but just as soon as some trouble comes you tiptoe through the tulips being careful wondering if that was really God we need some people with wreckless faith where you can't always see your way but you're gonna trust them anyhow I'm not talking about somebody even when God tells you to give you tell me then that maybe my emotions I better sit on down and God said it do it if God tells you to do it I don't care how crazy it looks to it because God said do it and if you do it because God said do it he will make a way somehow a reckless driver can be in such a bad situation a reckless fiber can be in such a bad situation that he or she will take their hands off the steering wheel cover down cuz they don't want to see what's gonna happen I don't know where I'm gonna land but I paint look okay look the car you gotta do it cuz I can't see it I'm just praying the day will come that we would get our hands off the steering wheel and let God Drive cuz God knows how to handle it all you gotta do is put your hands over your eyes and say Lord I'm just gonna believe I don't know where I'm going I don't know what's about to happen but I know that you're gonna make a way somehow ain't got to see my way as long as you in charge I'm dead you just put your hands over your eyes and say lord I trust your Lord Lord I trust you I know that you can fix it I know that you can make a way out long listen people of God look at the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years that was 12 years suffering but she heard Jesus was in town she made up in her mind I gotta go to the meeting can't you see the crowd is so huge by the time she gets up close to the podium can't you see one of the disciples coming up saying god bless you my brothers and sisters Jesus has been ministering all day long he's tired we're gonna have to get him in I'm gonna ask you to please cooperate with us the disciples are going to help me in this area we're gonna take Jesus down the middle aisle we have one request nobody touch him he's prayed for everybody that he could today just one request follow the rules don't touch him well you know church folk I could see them walk away he ain't on it and he could pray for fat came all this way he could have prayed for me walking away man but not this woman he heard what the disciples said but what she said I don't need him me I don't need them to annoys me with the oil but if I could yes I tell you to look at somebody tell him reckless favorite reckless fate to make you break the rules reckless fate will say I'm not gonna let you go yes a moment sit on the moment recklessly reckless reckless fate recklessly this kind of faith kind of faith the sick man had when they took him to see Jesus same kind of situation this man is so sick his employees had to carry him on his bed but he gets to the house where Jesus is and it's crowded you can't get in the house you can't get in the doorway and so his employers I'm sure are so devoted to him I'm sure they keep pushing the bed up trying to get as close as they can and I could hear them say if you please just let us through just let us through this man is real sick he really needs to see Jesus could you just please move over and let let let this man come through and you know how turbocar [Applause] so the man this is here couldn't get through the front door so I could hear the employee said well we're boss we tried maybe he's coming through in another few months and maybe he'll pray for you did but I could hear the man say oh no no I'm gonna see him today someway somehow I'm going to see him today and I could hear the man say here's what I need you to do take me up to the roof now come on boss come on boss the last that's reckless now you don't live say to your house we can't go up on this man's roof I know you want to see Jesus but let's go home let's not embarrass ourselves we don't want nobody to arrest I don't care what you say I need to see Jesus take me up to the roof they take him up to the roof cause I have to obey Him and make it up on the roof usually in the day that day you could see down into the rooms but in this particular building you couldn't see down into the room and I could hear his employer say then look at us now we all embarrassed we gotta go back to the crowd they're gonna be laughing at us ha ha ha y'all wait up they're still in silver ha ha ha I could hear this man say oh no I'm a seal do you know what this man with this reckless faith did he said how the roof off [Applause] Hey tap crazy I'm here to tell you people of God when you really want something from God tap the roof you don't have to do something crazy that that people ain't used to seeing you do but I gotta see Jesus so bad I'm gonna let you go until you bless so Peter says feed me come Jesus is that you I know that's you Jesus if you tell me to get out of this boat and walk on that water Jesus I will get out of this boat and walk on the water just like you now can't you imagine the disciples in the boat with Peter you know again how church folk are here's a man who wants to trust Jesus but you know how some church folk I Peter you better sit yourself down now you know you ain't Jesus you got a zeal and they ain't according to knowledge now don't be crazy now just sit yourself on down they know Holy Ghost but I could hear Peter say I'm gonna walk on this water if Jesus tells me to come if I could hear Jesus say alright you got that kind of faith you got that kind of faith I am going to tell you to come but let me tell you God's getting ready to do some amazing things in your life hear me kojic hear me got in Christ eyes have not seen ears have not heard what God has in store for you I come to speak it in your life tonight that God is about to do it for your life and I just believe that there's some water walkers in this place this night you have come to the house of the Lord and you ain't afraid to get out of the boat you're not afraid to the blessings that God has for you and deal with your impossibility but I gotta give you one key if you wanna get out of the boat this is one thing you're gonna have to do and Peter have to do it you're gonna have to do it get away from negative fo- folk we'll keep you in the phone presiding bishop I get so sick of people hanging around me with both mentality you gotta know how to get out of your comfort zone you gotta know how to trust God if God is God he said I'm gonna supply your every need I'm gonna make a way having no way I get somebody to get out of the boat get out of the boat tonight I don't care if you got negative folk around you tell them I don't need to hear you now I'm hearing what God is saying to me right now get all of the Jesus that's you did me come Peter starts walking on the water and I know there was some people say oh haha he went down but but at least he started walking ain't none of them didn't know walking at least he started walking buddy he made one mistake and if you're gonna be a Waterwalker don't make this mistake cuz he started walking on the water and can't you see him as he looks back after boat and looks at to the disciples and say y'all see me thought I couldn't do it huh look at me I'm walking on the water and I can hear Jesus say oh you doing that you doing that well let me just back off and you go ahead and walk hold the water you know what happened Peter went ah but thank God he had enough see he had enough spirituality to say lord save me I don't care how much challenge you have I don't care how gifted you are you gotta know God is the only one who's able to save you I feel like preaching in this place this is a new season in sight atomic rice you gotta get ready because God is raising up a nation that's gonna be water walkers I don't know how you feel about I made up in the mud I don't want to get out their own ego but Jesus if you help me so walk on the water we'll walk on the water I think I got some witnesses here because when you get out of the boat but devil inhale but devil inhale stop how many of you know that the devil even comes to holy convocation not just the Holy Ghost but the devil comes to holy convocation let's the devil is in the house tonight I just think we need to make him learn I think we need to have a rehearsal because before in a great event since capture P a rehearsal dr. Judy McAlister didn't just sit up there tonight they prepared for the big event I just want to prepare some water Walker from wanna Walker get up out to get out of the boat and walk on the one you got to make the devil man right now I know we're just symbolizing this ain't for everybody this is just for water walkers I need you whatever you are get out of your area wherever you are get out of your area and take three steps and test walk [Music] [Applause] [Music] if somebody's still looking at the lecture crazy just like to take it out of the boat get out of the boat [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is there anybody you know God will make away from the hell wants to know how I became a crazy water Walker can I just tell you the truth I learned it right here in the Church of God in Christ because my daddy taught me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I feel the presence of God in this foot [Applause] [Music] you gotta have a reckless thing that's going up came under folk who had reckless faith people come up on crutches and in wheelchairs it got out that chair reckless fee because God is the same yesterday today and forever so Lord whatever you're doing in this season look at somebody say don't do it without me I need some worse I need some worse I need some words [Music] here you [Music] if it sees please go through it without me so do it without me Oh [Applause] here too if it's see [Music] so do it without the salt to it we're out now come on help me saying yo [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] phrase don't do it without me you [Music]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 146,923
Rating: 4.7626019 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Blake, COGIC, 109TH, Holy Convocation, Why COGIC IS THE BEST, Bishop Blake is the best, Worship the lord, Singing to the Lord, Almighty God
Id: qRirdb0cBUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 1sec (5161 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2016
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