Bishop Norman Wagner; Shekinah ll (trapped in transition)

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introducing another preacher from another group we're introducing a man who is a participant on the stage of destiny in the ongoing saga of God's great plan and purpose for the ages of the Apostolic Faith in the last days of time hallelujah hallelujah would you give the Lord a hand clap of praise for the Youngstown Ohio pastor Bishop Norman Wagner come to us Bishop Wagner and while Bishop Wagner is coming I saw Bishop Wagner last time 18 years ago he has an age today and I thought no what's going on here hey man Bishop Wagner open your heart and preach to us tonight the blessings of the Lord be upon you all indeed I'm highly delighted of God to have this opportunity to stand with you and to witness the God of heaven and earth in the lives of men and women it is not by accident that I'm here today but I believe it's by Providence and because of the Providence of God my assignment was to be here tonight in your mantle conference they told me that we were looking for the Shekinah and where define Jacana - and I have witnessed the Shekinah in the air tonight with the singing of the choir and the anointing of God on you please be seated and the anointing of God that is highly on you I have to commend this great director here he does it all he directs he sings he plays he dances so I'm I'm honored I'm honored just to be in his presence and I live here and the pastor was down playing the bass I said there's a whole lot of talent in this place the choir has done a very outstanding job and God bless you and to God spokesman on yesterday brother Joe Ocean has done a fine job in not only here but he's doing a great job around the world what a great destiny in front of him now my assignment today I think you've had beautiful singing Tim lit us up with those blood songs and so I think you've had beautiful singing so I think what I'm going to do is my assignment and get us into the word of the Lord to set the stage for the text I'm going to put a spotlight on the text from the word of the Lord in 2nd Kings chapter 2 if I am successful after that the text will rise up itself from second Kings eight-teen prepare the to please I will read 2nd Kings chapter 2 and then I'm going to read the text for this evening message from second Kings 18 I honor the name the Lord for all of these great Giants that I'm standing with and I'm delighted to see them all and certainly you've already recognized them but past the LZ Thomas is one of the greatest of the Giants and we're honored to see him today and in the absence of the man who highly encouraged me to be here Bishop Moore from Blue Phil he worked on me to make sure I got here and I said to him 'i must have called me several times to ask that i would do whatever I could do on this schedule to be here tonight and I respect and love him so greatly I felt led of the Lord to come and to be with you tonight and I can see why because I've already been blessed by you let us now look at an empty stage where the spotlight is now about to be shined and that's going to take us to second Kings and we're going to begin here in the second chapter of second Kings and the word of the Lord would you now look at verse 6 2nd Kings 2 and he'll I just said unto him Terry I pray thee here for the Lord has sent me to Jordan and he said as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee and they too went on and fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and steward to view afar off and they stood and the two stood by Jordan Elijah took his mantle wrapped it together and smote the waters and they were divided hither and thither so that they too went over on dry ground and it came to pass when they were gone over that Elijah said unto Elijah ask what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee and Elijah said I pray thee let a double portion that sounds like Shekinah to the second power let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me and he said thou has asked the hard thing nevertheless if you see me it shall be so the text ladies and gentlemen is found in second Kings eight-teen I place before you the texts beginning with a 20th verse and Elijah died and they buried him and the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming of the year and it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold they spied a band of men and they cast the man into the supply curve of Elijah and when the man was let down and touch the bones of Elijah he revived and stood up on his feet and all the people said amen the Lord has instructed me to speak to you tonight from your conference and it's theme Shekinah - trapped in transition Shekinah - trapped in transition let us pray now father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we asked the V the privilege to enter into the mind of God let us walk the quarters of that mind that we may articulate your imperishable gospel and illuminate both the will and the purpose of God in man in Jesus name we pray amen Shekinah - trapped in transition the apostolate church has arrived at a defining moment in time while we stand between our past and our promise we are at the manifest place of our performance the apostolate Church has a pass the apostolate Church has a promise but we stand at the point of a manifestation of our performance as Shakespeare asked in Hamlet to be or not to be that is the question what will the apostolate Church do with the hour that lies before us and what will we do with Shekinah too understand if you will that while Sakina has been aptly described as the very presence of God it is important to understand that from its root verb in the Hebrew it literally means to settle or to rest upon Shekinah means to inhabit the kind of means to dwell Shekinah has been described as the royal residence tonight we must understand that from Moses to Elijah we can follow this great fiery presence of the light of God called the Shekinah Shekinah is actually God in his glory when we examine the introduction of the shekinah we would have to go to the book of the Exodus when the children of Isreal are about to come from their paths you might want to remember the apostolate Church is standing in the middle of her past and her promise where she now is in her performance whenever you deal with God you deal with three three all the time three is God's number that brings to you an understanding of manifestation heaven earth Hell Sun Moon stars it is here ladies and gentlemen that you begin to see that the Shekinah shows up and here we're going to deal with your China to dealing with God you always deal with a time of preparation always next is manifestation and thirdly there is revelation so the apostolate Church must continue to move you have had your preparation we understand that from our leaders of this conference Shekinah - we then have to be at our manifestation the Bible said that the whole earth the creation is called is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God ladies and gentlemen the shekinah first shows up when they are coming from their path it was Egypt on their way to promise it was Canaan they got stuck in a prayer meeting because that's all they knew how to do to deal with their past the only way they made it through Egypt was prayer but what do you do when your prayers have been answered so they are still on their knees praying they have come to what they believe to be an impossible situation the Bible said that Moses had led them to a place where they had a mountain on the right paw iris and a mountain on the Left McDo and they had payrolls 600 chariots coming behind them they were in the plains of BLS a phone what do you do when you don't know what to do a mountain on the left a mountain on the right and the enemy pursuing behind you and in front of them was the reed see that we call the Red Sea that at its deepest point is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety eight feet deep what do you do when you don't know what to do so the Bible said they resorted to their pass as apostolic folk know how to do and they prayed and prayed and prayed and God shows up from heaven and says Moses what are you doing here get up from there how do you get up when that's what the church has taught you to do how do you dare think to defy your teaching it took God to tell him get up from there he said why are you still on your knees Moses said the people are about to stone me you don't understand we're hemmed up here we can't go anywhere the red seas in front of us Pharaoh's armies behind us God said get up from there he said take your rod and hold it up let your rod show where you're going and then he said with your hand stretch your hand hold your rod up but stretch your hand to the place that you want to go the Apostolic Church has to understand that the laying on of hands is for more than your body you have to lay hands on your destiny I appreciate that but I won't be there for a little while listen what I'm telling you it's important to me that one of the problems with the apostolate church is that she shouts before she knows why listen to me and so ladies and gentlemen he tells them stretched forth your hand raise your rod but stretched forth your hand watch then he says tell the people forward march now Moses is a great guy but you know who's greater right now are those lieutenants and captains Moses is talking to God but they gotta talk to the people the importance of the second man in a church the importance Wow the first man is talking to God the second man is talking to the people the first man's who he's talking to agrees who the second man is talking to is about to stone him Church minimizes the importance of a man in the second place here's a man who has to move three million people through the Red Sea it hasn't divided yet and he's got to go and tell them forward march are you crazy they get to the sea and Moses touches his hand and the water divides well we would think the miracle is over would you or would you believe that this wall of water it's gonna cave in on us you know there had to be some episodic folk going through there touching it to see if its water it wasn't I used to steal water they're going through and when this happens ladies and gentlemen God transitions himself it is the first transition of the Shekinah the first time god envelops himself in a cloud and for the first time the Bible tells us what time it was the Bible says in Exodus 14 it was the last watch of the night so God is saying we are finished with one error of a pasta Lissa T and you got to move to the next and to do that is gonna require transitioning ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters when you deal with the shekinah God meets Israel at the point of manifestation at the last watch of the night he transitions in the cloud the Shekinah we often hear many of our contemporaries who are not apostolic misquoting averse they say the Lord inhabits the praises of his people that's not what the word says the lord doesn't inhabit the praises of all his people for we are his people we were the Sheep of his pasture the Lord inhabits the praises of Israel the Old Testament of pasta lectures he inhabits their praise that's where Jesus said to the woman at the well he says sis you all don't know who you worship but we know who we worship because salvation is of the Jews in other words it is our responsibility to explain to a world who Jesus is and our preachers today we have to be very careful because they're being influenced by so many non preachers what do I mean by non preachers if you don't preach Bible you're a non preacher you might be a motivator speaking you might be a great motivator but to be a preacher you have to be a Bible speaker are you still with me and so now our generation is birthing a lot of non biblical preachers they want to get to the jelly and the donut and have no knowledge of how to make the dough the Shekinah ladies and gentlemen before we criticize them the Shekinah must be transferred from one generation to another and I'm afraid that the apostolate Church has not always done the best in transition let me explain to you who transition well it was Jacob who imparted it was Jacob ladies gentlemen who got his legacy imparted to him you are using the word mantle I like the thought of the original mantle though and I think with all of your conferencing and all that you do don't lose the concept of the original mantle ladies and gentlemen Abraham before he died transferred the Shekinah to Isaac Isaac before he died made the transition of the Shekinah to Jacob Jacob before he died successfully made the transition of a Shekinah to his twelve sons Moses Moses Moses what happened Moses had two sons what happened why did they not get the transfer sometimes the children are so close to their father that they don't know he's the man of god here comes Joshua what happened to Moses kids the mantou is transferred to Joshua with Moses two boys not valuing their pasta-like heritage took more time to criticize it rather than to understand it ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters Paul successfully transferred the shekinah to Timothy Jesus Christ successfully transferred the Shekinah to the disciples but saw failed to transfer forward he kept looking backwards and comes our tents Joshua fail to make the transition ah the Shekinah the glory of God he fails and the Bible tells us two generations later the apostolate Church of the Old Testament went into apostasy because one man failed we must spend more time getting people to understand that serving God is more than glitz and glamour we must spend more time doing what you did in this conference I was thrilled to hear about your afternoon services and what happened yesterday in the morning that's where it's at you must spend more time sitting people down don't you know I'm aware that people don't like to sit like I got you sitting now they want to run but you can't run until you can learn brothers and sisters some of us have been at this too long to try to go somewhere and prove that we can preach if y'all haven't made it by now forget it get comfortable and who you are and deliver the word of the Lord dear brothers and sisters your heritage is what you receive from your progenitor z' but your legacy is what you bequeath heritage you receive legacy you leave so God is saying now it is important that the apostille --ax learn how to be queen their legacy to their posterity and i don't mean when we die we leave a will when we die we need to transfer legacies while we alive because our sons can do more with us than they can do without us so ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters the lass who successfully transferred the mantle was a man by the name of Elijah I read for you the story where Elijah transfers the mantle to Elijah I read to you the text that was spotlighting this text that Elijah shows up and he is one of the 51 students in the school of the prophets he is one out of 51 who said to Elijah I'm going to stay with you I'm not leaving you he's one that wanted something more than just to carry a briefcase a lot of folk carrying a briefcase have nothing in a better sunday-school book he needed something more something more I've been in the apartheid church all my life my parents I'm the third generation Pentecostal and we've been here all our lives I am sick of going to church just having churches church there's time now for the apostolate church to make a difference in the world and the apostolate Church must stop being afraid of the future are you dealing with a whole different world now a man who goes to Pastor a church does not simply pastor people the first thing he has to learn he has to pastor a time what time is it how do you posture down I ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters the Lord says to that are there not twelve hours in the day and he says here that if you walk in the day where the light is you will not stumble he said but if you walk in night you will stumble why he says when the light that is in you has gone out look at it not simply because it's night he said when the light that is in you has gone out you'll find that texts in John 11 when the light that is in you has gone out well remember the way that they were able to make it to the promised land was by Shekinah it was that light that showed up as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night it was the light remember how the recreation of the world happened and God said let there be light and there was light you to remember that this light ladies and gentlemen was not a made light everything else the Bible said God made this it was good God made that it was good God made this it was good God made that it was good but here when he said let there be light he doesn't make it how can God make himself he was the light the word let means allow so when he said let there be light he was saying allow God to enter into the dark k.asif and to bring order out of chaos sir here ladies and gentlemen that was the light of God Himself that was the Shekinah that will constantly now be transitioned it is that original light that is used in creation and so now let there be light and there was light now the Lord says let's be aware he said now the day is divided up he uses the day and the night in our day and time it would be the 24-hour day yeah but do you college students you have to get it right it's actually 23 hours 56 minutes 4.0 nine seconds so here ladies and gentlemen with this 24 hour hour day that God deals with them he said is divided up in day and evening that now the Bible says he is the light of the day jesus said I am the light of the world now remember who he is he says I am the last Adam not the second Adam the last Adam ah ladies and gentlemen and so he becomes the light the light the light the light here the Bible said them that he was as a demamp so Adam is the light of the day but the Bible says the evening is going to come remember men only stumble when the light has gone out of himself they don't stumble because it's dark outside it's when the light in you has gone out if the light goes out of the apostolate church this world will be in the worst mess it has ever seen and so the apostolate Church must be careful that she doesn't try to emulate artificial light ladies and gentlemen um you were here that where you have light it shows up up now the Bible said under some that on the fourth day God made a greater light do not confuse it with the first light the light was God himself now we come to the fourth day God made a greater light and the greater light he made was to rule the day he made a lesser light the lesser light was made to rule the night and he made the stars also up the scripture will point out to you that the greater light is the Sun the SU in that ladies and gentlemen that Sun s shoe in a represents the Son of God the SOP n'e and as what long as he walked the earth there was light but the devil said after Calvary what's going to happen huh you heard him telling you about Bishop Haywood who pinned the song from Zechariah he said there shall be light in the even time God makes a pledge that there shall be light in the even time and that light will be the moon now the Sun represent Jesus Christ the moon represents the church the moon only can get its light from the reflection of the Sun solely we must have preachers to preach to us Jesus the Almighty God in order that the moon the church can get its light from the Sun ah it's wonderful just set up in your groups and I'm not against it it's wonderful to set up in your groups and have somebody to come in and teach about the AIDS epidemic in it wonderful to pass our cheese and the church government programs but you cannot lose sight of what you're called to do you are not a cheese passer outer wrap you must not ladies and gentlemen lose sight of what the church is all about there's got to be biblical preachers that can preach Jesus say brothers and sisters listen I hear he says about this light that the moon will be the church I know a lot of people find fault with the church it's not this it this person's not that and and the church is cold it's not the church's cold it's those four folks on your Pew that you run with that that's the only church you know that if you change your seat you would find out the church isn't cold here ladies and gentlemen our brothers and sisters but the church will go through changes that is the relationship of the moon once it's a full moon then it is a half moon then it is a quarter moon then it is a crescent but if you can just hold your seat in the Apostles aaalac church and wait 29 and a half days it will return back to a full moon and the Bible said he made the stars also uh the scripture is very clear in the book of the revelation that you and I are the stars of God and you're feeling like I can't do anything I can't sing like him and I can't preach the light brother ocean and and I can't uh uh I have this magnificent church like brother Harper I can't do any of those don't worry about it you're a star just twinkle twinkle little star matters not how great you are but you're up above the world so high and you're like a diamond in the sky just twinkle so ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters God was not worried about the time the switching time he wasn't worried about the great falling away he wasn't worried about fictitious apostolic folk who don't believe that Jesus is God is absolutely impossible to be apostolate and deny the deity of Jesus is absolutely impossible to be an apostolic and deny the oneness of God because the oneness of God refers to the authority of God he does not ask anybody for permission to be God and whether or not you think he's God does not affect the absoluteness of his Godhead brothers and sisters sit down we're just talking we just talking listen to me you have to see here that what God is sharing with you is back to that original mantua it has to be thundered among us and I don't want you to lose it so here ladies and gentlemen you will see that God now promises there will be light in the even time how would that be well the light of the day was from Adam the first Adam ah when you deal with Adam um how many letters are in Adams name talk back to me foreign letters they represent the four thousand years of the law that is placed before us before Jesus Christ comes up Adam um what's the first letter of adam's name what's the last letter adam represents the a.m. of the day uh ladies and gentlemen uh and then god said but he wasn't finished he had to marry a bride and her name is who eve god said that there will be light in the evening time and so eva represents the evening part of the day yet how many letters are in E's name yes ladies and gentlemen and so we get the last part of a seven thousand year creative day here in ee that's the time of the church that the church now is the only light that the world has caused a boat olive oil glory day Helena the apostolate Church can never lose her identity and so now we are in the time for the manifestation of the light that light was passed on and it went to Elijah and Elijah had it and he was followed by 51 students and but only one out of the 51 took him seriously yep he said wherever you go I'll go up and he went and went and went until he light just said to him why are you still following me what do you want and Elijah didn't have a thing twice he said I want a double portion of thy spirit that interesting that he didn't say the Spirit of God he said I want to be twice what you are all that directed and singing I want twice of what you got I want a double portion I'm now what he was seeing him was that Elijah had successfully transitioned into the Shekinah in Seoul when he looked at Elijah he didn't see any difference between the light of God and the works of Elijah he said I want a double portion I so he said I want to take Shekinah to the second power act ladies and gentlemen uh not just add another up but I gotta take it to the second power you see if you have Shekinah too and if you're adding one plus one you're too close to a Trinitarian concept Shekinah Chu has to mean Shekinah to the second power and when you go to powers and you have to multiply a number by itself so when you multiply God plus God you get Jesus you have to multiply it by itself that takes you to the second power ladies and gentlemen and Soudan around we come to see that Elijah wanted to Shekinah to the second power that's what he wanted to and it like just said to here ma'am you have asked the hard thing watch this now I'm not if you pray you'll get it not if you roll on the floor you'll get it when I receive the Holy Ghost I've my the whole floor I rolled on the floor for about an hour I just kept rolling up but that's not the way that I come to preach now you gotta get up from rolling and get in the book and start studying up and so ladies and gentlemen our brothers and sisters are here he is saying if you see me yeah that's it Elijah said to Elisha you're just seeing the way I preach it you're just seeing the way I heal that and you're just seeing the way I sing you have no idea when I'm directing this choir like this I'm pulling from heaven to get a sound to come from heaven through their vocal cords that to you is just something of a fancy yeah but ladies and gentlemen he began to tell him if you see me yeah if you can really see that all I am is a manifestation of the Shekinah if you can see it is not me but the God that dwells in me if you can see that then you will be able to get it he'll I just said I'm gonna see that and so uh ladies and gentlemen he says you got it we're going to give you that double portion on watch now I he now against the Shekinah to the second power it has successfully been transitioned from Elijah to Elijah now the Bible says that Elijah has said that he does well he does twice as many miracles as Elijah he had the second power the church jesus said the worst that I do show you do also but what greater works than these shall you do and so ladies and gentlemen it's greater works now comes Elijah Elijah dies or actually he doesn't die translated into the heavens and he's gone on on his way up Elijah says to Elijah hey what about that man - I want the man - hey I want that man - hey I wanna be like you hey I want God to use me I need the mantel and the Bible says that Elijah takes his mantle and the Bible says he there them sins the mantle down as he's flying up being raptured he drops the mantle and it falls on Elijah watch now he has the mantle but he has to transition the Shekinah he's gonna have to work with that that he's got what it takes to do the job but he's still a little arrogant there are some people that are great preachers and what a beautiful future but just a little arrogant right now they got to work with that there are some people that can sing but they're too much a show man God can't work through them up like he really wants to do but don't throw him away they they will have to learn that app Humpty Dumpty learned the hard way but anyway they will learn it and so ladies and gentlemen he now has the mantle watch what he does he takes it all he said let me see if there's a work for me like it worked for my father's eye and the Bible said he said where is the god of Elijah notice he hasn't transitioned yet where he can call God his guard up he's a god of his father's the god of Elijah and he takes the mantle and he he ladies and gentlemen he hits the waters of Jordan I said Oh Jordan and Jordan begins to roll up he says yes I've got it so now he has the Shekinah all right there comes under him men that came unto Eli JA and the most famous of his group his adjutants his assistants was a guy named guy hey Zi yeah but ladies and gentlemen our guy he's er yeah was never really corrected by Elijah he felt like the fathers were too hard on us so when I become a pastor I'm not gonna be like that whosoever will let him come we're all saved if you mess up you mess up oh yes all right just get up and preach sit yourself down a while until you get your breath hallelujah to God but here he doesn't correct them a whole new jday and generation of ladies and gentlemen you cannot have perfection without correction it won't happen at AA you have to see up when you're corrected it means the Lord loves you up but the people will tell you oh no no no wha oh that stuff they told you how hard they were on the Apostolic Church and on us coming up oh that was so hard they drove everybody out of the church oh please be quiet glory to heaven ah ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters uh you can't have perfection without correction and and secondly yeah whom the Lord loveth he chased that so might as well God not getting out to me he must hate you that how they loo you to God if he loves you he will chasing you out there's something that he should have chased you about just this week something not maybe what you didn't do rather than what you did but whom the Lord loveth he chasing to that and so Elijah doesn't do it at Kaz I take some money for this and money for that he does this need that Elijah had successfully transferred the Shekinah to Elijah but Elijah fails to transition the Shekinah to kzi and so ladies and gentlemen we find that here in Elijah we now see that's your kind of to is trapped in transition it is somebody that doesn't know how to pass on the teaching and the theory behind the teaching that you can teach people to sing you can teach them about their diaphragm you can teach them about projection you can even teach him about stage presence you can teach them a how to preach in an audience like this and I understand them that you're gonna have points of contact you're going to have to remember to look to your right yep everybody is either right I or left I everybody is either right here or left here and you will always favor your I am right handed but I'm really left I my left eye is 20/20 yeah here ladies and gentlemen uh I am left ear so I at the church I have a decimate and the phone is in it it's in it to go to my left ear I know I am right-handed that so what I'm getting you to see is that I can teach you as a preacher that you got a look at your auditorium and remember to address the people on your right and to adjust them on your left and to adjust them in front of you a novice preacher spends all his time trying to preach to the preachers behind them for their affirmation I don't worry about them I you got to hear what I'm saying I hear ladies and gentlemen uh stop being intimidated by us God called you to preach preach you don't have to keep looking at me go on and preach that here ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we can teach you those things that but transitioning the mantle is an art you have to know when to step out of the way and let somebody else step up but I don't mean just stop pastor inna I mean just allowing them to fulfill their destiny and then you have to know how to teach them the important things so the apostolate church' is finding herself trapped ladies and gentlemen the Shekinah too has been trapped in transition so what happens the man the first man to get a double portion in the world the first man to have this opportunity in the world has now taken the Shekinah and trapped it in himself up ladies and gentlemen he has all this power and has no one following him God that can operate the power it was trapped in him how do we know it's trapped he died in his mantle he died and let his mantle be buried and the Bible tells us that after a hundred years of him laying in the grave they were burying another man and they took him to the cemetery and while they were buried and the enemies came and when the enemies came they said we got to get out of here and they just took the dead man and threw his body in the supply curve that just happened to be Elijah the man who had trapped the Shekinah the man who took the Shekinah to the grave Hacha beaucoup easa he took the shekinah to the grave and all we can talk about it is how great Eli show was but nobody else got that touch because he had it transferred to him but he did not transfer it out to them anybody understand what I'm talking about and so ladies and gentlemen I'm now that Shekinah is in the grave but they take a dead man that they have had his funeral his body has began to decay they take a dead man and threw him in a grave where Elijah had been for 100 years there was nothing left but a skeletal system that's where the Bible said when the dead man's body hit the bones of Elijah he rose up that is because the Shekinah was in the grave I am worried today and that the apostille ik Church Fathers a might be dying in their mansion and not taking enough time to show somebody how to really know God and how to be found in his presence and how to know how to do his will here brothers and sisters the Shekinah was in the grave Shekinah - got trapped in it coming to Elijah but never going out to the other guys that never explaining never leading them never healthy now I'm finished talking about the preachers and I'm talking about you you have put your children out the house because they got caught up with worldly music and you have tried to explain to their ma'am this is a holy house and you won't play that music in here and you put them out in the street you did the wrong thing the Bible didn't tell you to cast the is out of the house the Bible told you to cast the devil out of the kids hallelujah took hard-up you gave the wrong attention I could or either him or not I know I'm standing on your foot good already there but not but I'm going I'm gonna help you get out of it hear me out you gotta see him that we're not handling them the kids right they didn't ask to be born to a preacher's house or to an apostolic house they didn't ask ladies and gentlemen I they were born in here by your decision and not their choice and you have to be there to protect them a lot of us are busy saving the church and saving the world but losing our own families and so I want you to leave this meeting and go back and call your child I'm not gonna tell you that I've gone allowed them to have some junk in my house I didn't say that no no no all of them know me that's not gonna happen that you're not gonna bring that but I'm not casting you out the devil I if the imposter like church he has so much power why don't you get the devil out the kids that hallelujah to God how do you do that I would suggest to you before you go to the divorce court and get rid of your husband uh because uh another lady was blinking at him I well your eyes haven't blinked in 20 years and so uh ladies and gentleman you might have learned how to lead a praise service but you don't know how to lead a bedroom service here that can always they have an app and so you're gonna have to understand the apostolate Church must bring this right where it belongs that it's not enough for us to look savor and look holier and tell you what we can't do as if our salvation is based on what we can't do I it's time to these young ladies up how to keep your husband's happy and satisfied that it's not enough to keep giving them scriptures I you need to go up there to Victoria and get her secret hallelujah to garden ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters a glory day hibbe-dah ah yes yes yes I'm leaving on a 650 plane tomorrow ah ah you got to hear what I'm saying that in the morning I so here's all I'm trying to get you to see ya all the Holy Ghost is trapped it's trapped ladies and gentlemen we are not successfully making the transition to the kids we're not making the transition to our posterity we're not making the transition well to our preachers up and so it's being trapped ah somebody's rope is your Wagner that's why I'm not in the church they drove me away that's not why you in the church are not in the church you're not in the church because you made a choice to walk away yeah ah it's not your mama and daddy's fault that they might not have done everything right but God has never done anything wrong and you had enough God to walk with God I'm not going to blame your parents for you not walking with God you have to understand that somebody said mr. Wagner but you don't know how rough it was growing up what are you talking about that I told you I'm third generation you give me a story and I can top it I we weren't allowed to do this allowed to do that we weren't allowed to go here we weren't allowed to say this we didn't do anything ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters our afternoon pleasure was they allowed us on Sunday between services we could go bus right now you go get a transfer and get on the bus just ride it to the end of the line ride it back and that was it if you were dating a young lady have somebody with you I ah you don't tell me you don't tell me I grew up with this and guess what I told uh IIIi told one of the preachers the other day let's stop complaining about what our forefathers didn't let us do I told him it made us a bishop didn't it so they must have known something that how are you transitioning that these father's know something I and when we tell you we're trying to explain to you in the transition that now I will say baby yeah that's not the right guy for you to be dating nah you can't tell me that's where I don't like this Apostolic Church it's too judgmental ah baby no no no that's not it Ivan let the Lord tell me you're not listening to the Lord the day that you went to McDonald's and drove up and he said to you oh I must have left my wallet can you pay for my lunch at that day that was the Holy Ghost telling you get out the car glory to heaven ah that was the Holy Ghost telling you there that but since you're not listening to the Holy Ghost we have to help you I you brothers you know that you're looking for something that will always look nice and be nicer but you do have to understand that all pint-size coca-cola bottles that go up to courts after a while you got to understand that you got to get the content and you're gonna have to understand you should have known you're in trouble when you were 15 and or when you were 18 and you drove up to McDonald's and you said I have a fish sandwich and she said I have a Big Mac and supersize it you should have known you're in trouble I hear ladies and gentlemen ah the Holy Ghost will speak to you you don't need a sound from heaven the whole ego it's telling you and here ladies and gentlemen I'm trying to get you to see him that the apostolate Church has to be careful entrapping the Shekinah too because the Shekinah too has been trapped in transition the Sakina too has been trapped in us here you are with the greatest power that has ever existed I and afraid to use your anointing I to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover is there anybody here that begins to believe in God well you can hit that boss now hallelujah the God in understanding ladies and gentlemen ah that God is sharing with you that you have to successfully make the transition I the transition of the Shekinah you are looking and trying to find where is the Shekinah I'm afraid that some folk took it to the grave with Irma without telling us how to walk right before the Lord somebody told us how to preach but didn't tell us how you have stayed married so long and a how you had to work with hardship somebody told us how the dancer but didn't show us how to walk holy and circumspectly up before the lord Achieva is say none to you today that this is the day of the apostolate church on chance at he said greater is a he that is in you better hey yeah that is in the world it's that Shekinah it's where Jesus I said during the day I was the light of the world ah but now that I leave you are the light of the world and let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works but give to the God in the heaven I this is it ladies and gentlemen ah this is the time of your anointing this is the greatest hour of the apostolate chirp-chirp this is the time for the church and to deliver men and women ah how dare you I have all this Holy Ghost and all we see is a hand wave where is your anointing that you oughta have enough power to lay hands on the sick and they recover and I wanna tell you this side I was preaching them the other day yeah and all at once there was some commotion in the church and I saw him up and somebody sent me a note that and they said sister Barbara Williams it looks like she just died in the church and we were on the television and the Saints instead of cutting away the director said stay on the dead body yeah they said stay on it because God's about to do something that they said you know our Bishop I stay honor that and so around the world was this woman lying there that my wife was working on her and they were giving her CPR they had called for the ambulance but you see brother man I pastor a church where Pizza Hut won't even deliver pizza they don't come into our neighborhood that y'all don't know what I'm talking about but anyway so the ambulance uh it wasn't getting there the doctor immature check the doctors and the nurses started saying that bishop I we only have about a three minute window so they were working on that I was at the pulpit I I jumped up the pulpit and I got down in the congregation and I started praying but she didn't come back to life and God said Norman now what are you doing here I said well I'm here now I wasn't doing any CPR I was praying I hallelujah and God said to me Norman I go back up there and do what you do best well I knew what that was there might be people that can out preach me and I'll do this with me and I'll do that but you cannot out worship me I had know how to worship the Lord I know how to lay prostrate I know how the culture until the answer and so God said go back and do what you do best I got back up and I started worshiping that I was directing the choir God said to me Norman I he said your exaltation of me I must be greater than your expectation of me yeah if you're expecting me to do something great you got to exalt me greater your exaltation must always be greater than your expectation I glory the doctor so we started worshiping that we went to another level up and another level up the nurse that was working on it was Angela I said Angela do you have a posture she said no sir somebody said Bishop I you have lost your three minute window I I didn't need to hear that I wanted to kick them out to bow time I just need believers when I'm already working on say that it went on that we started praising I I said let me see I I called for worshipers I I said give me seven worshipers over here give me seven over and put seven in the hour and then we started worshiping I said Angela do you have a Paul she said no sir there they said with Bishop you have now lost six minutes hallelujah they said in a moment or two she will be brain dead that colore the heaven i and it had not turned around ah God said to me all these people are are not believers I I said that ever he said send some of them back to their seat time I said we've got this dead body hi everybody that believes God can heal her I said give him a praise they all started praising God God said you asked the wrong question I I said what should I ask he said ask them who believe I will not I can who believe I will I'm I said everybody that believe God will raise this woman from the dead you stay here and everybody who doesn't believe he will do it get back out of here huh and the same started backing up I was left with maybe seven out of 21 and about that time I went into a frenzy of a praise and I dare you to just start happy but you gotta open your mouth with it it's not just coffee you gotta give praise with the sound hallelujah yes that's just how it sounded and when we had done that ladies and gentlemen ah I said that I looked out there and the dead body I came back to life speaking in other tongues I said came back speaking in other tongues huh Oh Lord listen to me listen to me yeah I don't care if I got skeptics on a time we have it on tape I told him to keep it out it went all around the world a dead woman comes back to life don't you tell me what God can't do you got all of this Shekinah and the Shekinah is you you don't go to the grave with the Shekinah you've got a situation I'm that God can turn around if there's anybody here that needs God to deliver your children and that's not all of you just some of y'all but if you need your household deliver I just haul a mirror or die glory to heaven is there any man in the building that needs God to bless your mess to bless your business up to bless what you're trying to do talking about somebody holla me Lord is there any money and the building that needs to heal you or heal somebody you know I'm that is sick before I came here I had a sink come on right before I came here I had a saint come on she said Bishop ha ha ha I've got cancer they're saying I've got cancer I said first of all don't say you got it tell me they say that hallelujah to God and so she came in I she said this is it I asked her a lot of medical questions that she didn't know the answer and she had to go for an operation I the next day I'm I said who is the operating physician I she told me I was the secretary I I said get dr. Perry on the line for me she called and said Bishop Wagner is calling you out and dr. Perry stopped everything and got on the line say yes fish about I said I understand we have a situation here and I understand that you got to go in tomorrow he said yes Bishop I he said I'm afraid it doesn't look good out and I'm afraid of this side he said but Bishop remember last time he said when you in that church prayed he said it turned around did you hear that God will use the world to remind you that the Shekinah is in you glory the heaven I he said bishop stop worrying about it that he said remember what happened the last time I watch this now and the same doctor said to me he said in fact Bishop I he said the other day there was a mr. Yokum I or whatever man's name was he said he was in the hospital I he said and one of your members came up here I think it was the member that works in housekeeping at he said one of them came a here he said I know it's from your church he said mr. yakima has been in a coma for three months he said your member walked in there an unnamed member walked in there said something I don't know what and walked back out they said not the time he got to the nursing station the man came out of the combat hallelujah to God a reminder of the Shekinah that is in you I said I got it god I got it that I said to the daughter I said go ahead and I we're gonna go in ahead of you I I called the prayer team ma'am while she was there I said she's going in for an operation tomorrow I you're in charge of sending angels to the operating room I find out what room she's gonna be in uh and put angels at around the operating room I said you're in charge up going up but before she gets there she's gonna be there at six get there it's time and cleanse the hallway yeah get rid of every team and I that's looking in the hallways and I'm not playing with you this is how it works get rid of every demon I that who works there and so I'm talking about the Shekinah and so ladies and gentleman I'm they did everything I told him and we got into prayer I hit the floor and we stayed in prayer the doctor said I'll call you when I come out that he came out the operating room and when they got the call they said Bishop all the cancer was gone we didn't have to do a thing I dare you to believe god I said this thing is real this thing is true and I was called to the White House and I was there when President Bush was there we were meeting in the room where they do their strategic planning it was way back in the time of the dog who's saying that and they were talking about and they were discussing with us up about what was going on Karl Rove was in there and they went around the room and let us all talk and then they said mr. Wagner we are glad that you made it it was my fifth time there to the White House under two presidents and I said yes I'm honored to be here they said what are you saying that I said you're trying it the wrong way yeah he said what do you mean that I said Saddam Hussein is a backslider from our Apostolic Church he said what I said yes his father was named Nimrod and he backs leer that out of the church he Baxley that after God say that the sons of Noah and I said that who are the chief guards I like the Navy SEALs up of Saddam Hussein that he said you know those are the ones the Babylonian guys from he said they're called the Nebuchadnezzar I said there it is I said the only way you can deal with this is you gotta fight spirit with spirit listen to me I said this in the White House you gotta fight spirit with spirit they start taking notes he said how Bishop I I said no problem I said I'm a fly back to Youngstown and I'm going to get some of the old mothers in Zion I that know how to lay hands on the horns on the altar I I said to him they will search him out I dare to believe when I'm saying I'm I said they will search him out when you go to the White House they recorded that it's recorded there they will search him out and the prayers I will find them we will send the angels every Saints got 72,000 angels at some of your angels are born living with you because you don't ask them to do anything at girl or either heaven and so ladies and gentlemen ah I said we will send the angels at and the angels were ruler Malta I got back the church totaled on Sunday it went out across the Airways and told it on Sunday the next week they found him in a hole don't some people call it coincident I call it God I dare to give God a praise in this house
Channel: James Rowe
Views: 36,828
Rating: 4.7607975 out of 5
Keywords: Norman, Wagner
Id: qRe8iDYpqR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 59sec (5099 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2011
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