Bishop Eric K. Clark -"EVOLUTION"

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two if you can it's one of the first scriptures that i learn [Music] but we're gonna take a certainly different approach to this passage on today uh let me um explain to you that this morning's message will bless you personally hopefully it'll bless uh the areas of your life but this is a word to the body of christ at large as an apostle my apostolic gift and calling from time to time causes me to speak to a much larger body and today i'll be doing that speaking to a much larger body the body of christ at large and i believe that they're pastors and leaders throughout the country and abroad that will hear these words and be inspired and strengthened on today getting some direction getting some encouragement on today so listen for your specific word but know that we're aiming at a much broader audience on this morning all right second corinthians chapter 5 verse number 17 together therefore if is it up okay let's read it out loud together therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new let's quote it therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things have passed away behold all things become new let's lock it in one more time therefore if any man be in christ he's a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new father let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight bless this word this time of sharing in jesus name let all god's anointed say amen you can be seated in the prince of the lord for our subject matter evolution evolution evolution evolution the word evolution is not a word that you will hear uh frequently in religious circles in christendom especially there are a lot of religious leaders and even believers that shun away from this word from the conversation from the understanding or the idea of evolution itself many many theologians do not believe that the concept of creation from the biblical perspective fits into the ideas of evolution so even though you have um a history proof or scientific data that the earth has been here much longer than the six thousand and three to four hundred years we see in the scripture here we are 2020 bc um or excuse me a.d after christ's death and yet we understand biblical history will take us back about 4 300 years before christ and so if you add them together we're we're a little over 6 000 years 6 300 or so years in recorded history and yet science scientists and there's uh uh a plethora of uh so much data that will prove um from their scientific methods that the the planet has been around for so much longer and so um in the minds of a lot of scientists as well as in the minds of many theologians and uh believers there is a great conflict in these two concepts they cannot exist together but that is because there is not a proper interpretation of the word of god i want to show you just a few verses on today to show you that the scripture gives us so much room amen for this 6 300 years that we have and even an entire world that existed prior to what we see in genesis chapter one verse 26 where adam um we say the first man was created the bible teaches us amen in uh second peter chapter three verse number eight uh it says that um don't be ignorant uh of the fact that one day with the lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day and so one of the concepts um when you go through the book of genesis would be on the first day the lord created this on the second day he created that well if you bring into place second peter chapter three verse eight here each one of those days could have been a thousand years but even that passage is is is is is presented to us in the same way christ presented to us uh the ideal of forgiving our brothers he said that if a man trespassed against you seven times should you forgive him seven times jesus said you should forgive him seven times seventy and some people says well uh you know you you at 489 you at the end it's only 490. well christ was not giving us a specific number you forgive them 490 times he was being sarcastic in saying that you forgive them as many times as they need well neither is uh the book of peter here giving us a particular number that a day is a thousand years he is giving us a concept that a day in the presence of the lord could be 20 000 years could be 50 000 years could be 100 000 years it's not a specific measurement but but let me give you another a look at the scripture in in genesis chapter one uh verse number one and two it says this in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth period in the beginning god created the heaven the heaven is created and the earth the earth is created and then in verse number two amen it says and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the waters what is what is indicated here is between verse number one and verse number two there was a whole world that existed in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth there was a whole world that existed and then something happened that caused the world to lose its form to be without form and to be void and to be covered with darkness the implication is that when god creates something it certainly has form when god creates something it's definitely not void and god who is light he doesn't dwell in darkness and so something happened that caused the world to go backwards to to reset and in genesis chapter one verse number two there is a recreation of the world as we see it and so the world was without the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep the waters there were waters that were on the on the planet and the spirit of god moved upon the waters and god begins to speak and begin to bring light and creation and here comes the sun and the solar system and um the the world as we understand it the vegetation and the and the and the and the uh the animals and even mankind and then there's another clue here in in first uh excuse me genesis chapter 1 verse 24 it says and god said let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind cattle creeping thing and beast of the earth after its kind and it was sowing god made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creeped upon the earth after his kind and god saw that it was good and god said let us make man now let's make man after our pattern in our image after our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth and god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them and then he says he blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and do what come on read what to say replenish replenish the earth implying that at one time the earth was plenished it was full it was it was thriving and something happened and it wasn't anymore and so god reformed it and recreated it and created man this time in his likeness in his image no neanderthal man no prehistoric man but a man that's upright a man that has articulation and intelligence a man that's created in the image of god and then god said all right man i want you all to repopulate the planet again replenish it again this gives us insight or it allows the idea of some of the concepts of evolution and our teaching and preaching from genesis chapter one two and three here the concepts of creation and intelligent design to coexist there are some again that don't open their mind to the scripture but today i have a prophetic word and i want to talk to you about evolution i want to talk to you about some of his prince some of its principles some of his concepts and the truth of the matter is i'm gonna make a little fun i'm gonna make a little fun at evolution uh in the same way uh the atheist the scientific world makes a little fun at the faith world uh you know sometimes they say it's preposterous how some of the things that we say according to your faith so be it unto you uh you speak things into existence they they just they challenge a lot of our theories in faith well today i'm going to challenge a few of their theories in science and poke a little fun at them at the same time i want to extract some truths from many of their concepts theories and ideologies as i have a word from lord concerning evolution that in our lives we need to evolve there are a lot of people that are not successful because they do not evolve church ministry they are not thriving because they do not evolve businesses go out of business because they do not evolve they do not now my ministry for 30 years have been flavored with the um spirit of progress i have been one that preached we don't live by bread alone but we live by every by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god we don't live by what god said we live by what god is saying i've preached for years that we must get into a progressive revelation of god that we cannot get stuck in the mud amen we cannot amen move forward by having our eyes fixed in the rearview mirror i've preached for years on the concepts of nehustan things that god used that he's not using any longer i preached for years how christ told his disciples amen don't take no coat don't take no sword at one point and then at another point he says now as you go out and preach take your coat take your sword and so on and so forth that there is a progressive word that comes from the lord well i i i'm going to move that concept farther forward and and not just preach to you this morning about being progressive but literally about becoming something else about evolving there is a real evolution that needs to take place in your personal life in your business life in your mentality and even in your religious life your walk with god your personal relationship with the lord you need to evolve there are people that fail failure hits them right in the face because they don't evolve they get married and never evolve into a wife that she's a girl and she's a woman but she doesn't evolve into a wife how about those that have children but they don't evolve into parents they don't take the next evolutionary step they got kids but they're not going forth in this level of authority they're not forming and forging character and and good practice and decision in the lives of those that they have amen brought into this world and so there must be an evolution you you got to evolve our principle set says if any man be in christ he joins a system a track he's on a journey of evolution if any man be in christ he is a continual evolving creature he's constantly being new made new what is what is it romans 12 talks about don't be conformed to this world don't be squeezed into the mode of the world but be transformed by continuing to think new thoughts that stem from the word of god so so as we are in christ if any man be in christ he is a new creature another way to present it is if any man dwell walk with stay with the lord he goes from one level to another level from glory to glory to glory he's been transformed into the very as we behold him we're transformed into his image so we begin to morph in and become more like christ as we see him and his truths and his principles in the word of god this is why you need to be in church god bless your sister ac that's why you need to hear the word of god that's why you need to be around the saints that's why you need to baptize yourself in the things that we call holy and righteous because the more that you see them the more you transform into the image of christ himself evolution evolution so we don't just want to progress we want to evolve we want we don't just want to take the next step we want to actually become something else from girl to woman to wife you become something else to father you become something else if any man be in christ he becomes something else he's a new creature and we're at a time this is an interesting time um to be in not just because of the pandemic but because of this century that we're live in uh where technology and information um is readily at our fingertips and the whole theory of evolution is happening faster and faster things are faster like um it's a real miracle if there's a number one song for three weeks it's number one for no it might be number one for two days but it don't stay that long you know you don't have too much uh more michael jackson with the stay in power of 40 weeks and all that kind of stuff you know you don't have too many like you know tiger woods he he he was the number one golfer for over 300 weeks like wait what there's a lot of new guys and they're good boy they're they're really good but but they're number one for six months and then here comes the next guy so the things change some of y'all may remember as i talk about vinyl to eight-track tape to cassette tape to cds and and this form map may have lasted 20 years and the next format may have lasted another 25-30 years in the next format but now we're at formats where the platforms change sometimes daily weekly every month they got a new thing it it used to change 20 years now 10 years well now we're in a time where things are changing so rapidly and so fast you've got to be here's a word y'all i've been talking about this word you got to be fluent you got to be fluent does anybody remember the days of randall park mall in his heyday like k day for real do you remember you used to get used to going around the mall and i think they had a donkey that would pull you around in a little cart i mean it was just a little rat i mean they had they had they had it was just lines and thousands and thousands and thousands of people and it's almost like like a flock of birds the business just flew somewhere else there was there was a migration well i can go back before that and i remember the heydays for those that are local residents of uh southgate what man i remember they had they had a christmas parade at southgate man santa claus was coming to southgate and we was jammed up packed there at southgate because that was the spot now i can even rewind it i can go one more back i can go one more back downtown cleveland at the may company and woolworths and higbeez what any three of y'all three y'all remember that and guess what like like migration that's where it was and they went to the suburbs places like southgate and then like a migration everything went over to randall park mall at one time it was boasted the largest mall in the world and then like migration everything went somewhere else then it went over here now it's over there it it things evolve and now what there's not even the mall across the street amazon what's that something new weave off and you know amazon is bigger than walmart i mean excuse me getting on my tangent here walmart is the bomb right walmart is a bomb right walmart is about amazon is 100 times bigger than walmart 100 and you ain't never been to no amazon store because it evolves that there's an evolution and if you don't understand you can't just be progressive by taking baby steps at some point you evolve and you become something else like at some point you play and then at some point you you give yourself to progress so much that you becoming a musician yeah you can work out a little bit and better your better your physique and just that and the other but at some point you actually become a bodybuilder oh steve the bodybuilder yeah you actually evolve and you become something else you go to school you go to school you go to school and hopefully at some point you become doctor dr mimi that's what they call me dr m huh for years you're a student but eventually you evolve to something else that's what i'm talking about and that's where the holy spirit has the church at this time where the church and ministry and even your personal life is at a state where we're not just progressing we are evolving and you're about to see in the next 10 to 20 years um what um darwin called natural selection another way to look at it would be survival of the fittest we're seeing that lisa in the restaurant area we're seeing that in other industries in the world where those industries that will survive are those that can adapt not just adapt but adapt with speed it's the fluidity it's the speed it's the pace at which you keep up with the demand hey this like like people like a flock of birds they flock over here it's doing this now and then it does this and if you notice if you notice what she was doing you had you had 25 or 30 people uh supporting and all of a sudden support went down to four you got to analyze okay what are we doing we got is changed so if you don't if you just keep on doing what you're doing the regular way the same old thing if you don't do something fresh and something new it won't last that's why to god be the glory we celebrate 30 years to god my green 30 years to god be to go why because for 30 years i try to stay in the face of the lord so i can stay fluid so i can evolve so i can so i can reach you lisa so i can reach what what you know what do you know there are a lot of churches that would shut their doors if 50 harvard harvard graduates got saved and joined that church most people think would think this would be a good thing not if not if you're not progressive not if you don't know how to evolve because most of the preaching is done on an elementary junior high school level where when you have trained minds and you begin to talk about controversial issues um these are the kind of things that will attract the trained mind people that are thinkers if you study the scriptures most times it would seem like faith and religion was for ignorant people the bible said when they found the disciples they found out these men were unlearned and ignorant they were fishermen they were commoners jesus christ came to the commoners even spoke in parables re he dumbed it down so the common people can receive it but as you see the faith began to grow the likes of amen cornelius the likes of apollos he was an eloquent man he was an educated man even the apostle paul amen who sat at the feet of gamalia these were a giant mental amen uh people that had um intelligence and influence they came into the faith and they began to move the church forward and and and listen there were certain people that stayed on a certain level and that's fine i'm glad you're part of the body of christ but that didn't stop the family of god from progressing and evolving and moving forward into more complex amen for instance the whole idea of okay y'all think it's wrong to eat meat okay that's fine when i'm with y'all i'm not gonna eat meat with y'all that's fine i'm not gonna offend you but i'm gonna grow in my faith and i'm going to evolve i'm big enough to go beyond that and so the church is at a place of evolving even in your faith in your concepts in your understanding of god and even today we are at a hybrid model of ministry where we have a percentage of our members who are here and we want you to be here but there's another percentage of people that we're reaching all over uh the continent and even beyond his shores i got calls this week from virginia amen said bishop i had the word from wednesday night of jesus christ the unconventional prophet and he began to go on and talk about how the word ministered to him and said bishop please don't stop doing what you're doing you might not feel like somebody is watching or it's impacting the thousands that you want to impact but there are people all over this country that are living by the word of god that you're preaching and don't stop and i was so inspired i was so encouraged to get that phone call because we're in a hybrid model and if you are not i'm constantly working with my team uh saying okay the lighting the sound okay the video shot okay um what's going on here our chairs finally arrived our facility so we're taking care of what's local and we're taking care of what's virtual it's a hybrid model what is that that is evolution that's evolving are you hearing what i'm saying evolutionist charles robert darwin he was born an englishman in 1809 he was best known for his contributions uh to the science of evolution he published his theory of evolution in 1859 in his book called the origin of species this began the battle between evolution and the biblical account of creation which challenged intelligent design or challenges intelligent argues intelligent design he proposed that all species descended from a common ancestors a common ancestor in a branch pattern which was the result of natural selection what darwin suggested is that we all came from the same thing true god slow people keep up okay but he says no we came from one species and we evolved in a in a tree-like pattern like a branch this branch came from this one and another branch branched off and then from here it was three or four branches and then from this species four or five branches and eventually you got man the whole ideal of evolution evolving and he says the species that survived survive because of natural selection because they adapted and so there were a lot of concepts that he introduced into the scientific world that people wholeheartedly embraced and there's a lot of truth but let me start out by poking just a little fun at science i really do appreciate the scientific methods but even the scientific methods evolve so when you when you start talking about how old the earth is if you go back about 50 years they would have told you that the earth is about 2 billion years old go back about go back about 30 years they would have told you the earth is we got it wrong we had it wrong we we we we we checked again and found out is three billion years old okay go back about 15 20 years wait a minute we got a correction to make here we got it wrong the earth is 4 billion 543 million years old okay so let me get this right let me get this right y'all was wrong by two and a half billion years first then y'all were wrong by one and a half billion years billion years oh and and the last correction uh was was just about um 40 million a year he was 40 million years off okay now these are people who cannot remember what they wore two days ago these are people who who who don't know their ancestors a hundred years back who was your great grandfather's grandfather let's go back a hundred years i don't know so you can't talk to me you can't have an intelligent conversation with me about a hundred years ago and yet you're willing to bet your life on four billion years ago is this that's something you know they talk about the grand canyon at one time they said uh it took the colorado river five to six million years to carve out the grand canyon five to six million years okay you five to six million we need to go see the grand canyon took them five to six million years for the river to carve all that out we need to go see that it came back up wait a minute we got it wrong got it wrong 2012 they came back we got a correction correction correction it took 70 million years for the colorado river to carve out the ground so wait a minute your first answer was 5 million years and your correction jumps us to 70 million years i just want to show you sometimes the scientific method it evolves it's it's it's progressive but they get it wrong like can you tell me can you tell me what you had on two days ago or what you have for breakfast wednesday and sometimes we can't even go back five days but they want to tell us what happened five million years no uh 70 million years ago you know can you imagine going to the store to buy a shirt and and somebody says the shirt is five dollars you say oh five dollars i'm gonna get three of these so you go to the cash register and they ring it up and the girl says two hundred and ten dollars you say what excuse me i said uh no oh no no these are not five dollars a piece they seventy dollars a piece well he didn't just get it wrong by a little bit dinosaurs according to the scientists they were alive 130 million years ago excuse me correction 200 mil no wait a minute we got to fix that up we've got we found another rock um look like they were live 250 million years ago give or take a few million years our whole existence is 90 years to god be the glory a hundred years old and yet they tell us 160 million years no 250 million years they got that nailed down they got that down now one thing you find a whole lot of ideas about this that and the other but they all agree they all they're sure that 65 million years ago they disappeared we're not sure if the 250 million years they was living or 160 million years they was living but we do know 65 million years ago now 64 65 you got that's right 65 million they go okay how did they go okay well we got some ideas about that all right it got hot they died it got cold they that number which one it was a climate change yeah but we're not sure if it's hot or cold okay um they ate up all the vegetation okay uh they ate each other when i i told pastor's daughter that she said well then it should be one still walking around like real big right i think i got all these concepts and then there was a of course the uh the supernova idea that a star exploded and meteor hit the hit the earth and it knocked the earth off its course for about six million years five i think the earth was off his course five million maybe six million years i mean i just think that it's incredible to be able to say that five million or 6 million got it and the earth got real cold and they died off they all died the plants of vegetation everything died that's what happened okay oh and the meteor was six miles six miles wide and it hit somewhere around the gulf of mexico it's just interesting so you know that but you can't tell me what you ate for breakfast thursday or even what you had on yesterday but 65 million years ago it's just interesting they will even tell you that early life with man the neanderthal man the prehistoric man fred flintstone and barney it was uh they found they found um skeletons fossils dating between 1.4 million years to 4 million years so up to 4 million years according to their scientific methods which are always evolving or changing which could change their projections or hypothesis that four million years we got we got upright walking mean okay gotcha they will also tell us that many of the aquatic species over the millions of years evolved to reptiles many of the reptiles evolved to mammals and some of the reptiles evolved to birds so they will tell us that there are some birds that came from fish so you got fish that came out to the ground so like the sea otter the otter the badger the otter like like he was a land dweller but because of flooding over the millions of years he began to build dams and his tail got flat and over the million years his his dna changed and began to secrete oils so he can float on his back evolution interesting facts interesting statistics when a species evolved don't let me bore you here i'm gonna get to my lesson i think i'm on second base give or take a few million when the species evolve there you'll come across terms like molecular dating where your molecules begin to interact with the molecules of other species for instance some animals like fish they don't they don't um they're not intimate in the way that other animals are some of them fish they leave their sperma right in the water and there there could be other species that fly or swim by and the sperma attaches to their belly and begins to develop eggs and they lay the eggs so you have a mingling of species and the product is another species like the tigelon where they mate a lion with a tiger and they got a whole another species you got dna sequencing you got morphological traits you got developmental genetics then you got silent mutations where over time species just mutated they change okay where you going with this bishop we're at a state where um different people are getting saved and it's changing the body of christ free thinking people are coming into the faith and it's changing the body of christ not only that wealthy people educated people articulated articulate people artistic people gifted people man we never had music in the body of christ like we have today we never had the performing arts as a part of the body of christ as we have today we never had business and commerce that is alive in the body of christ as we have today you never had hey man go back a hundred years people didn't preach about success and being entrepreneurs and the empowerment of a people they preached about having faith in god and the power of prayer but there is an evolution in christianity and in the church there's an evolution even even the silent mutations for instance uh uh uh there are some moles they're called uh the star nose moles uh mo uh over time have have been produced born without eyes because they're so far down in the ocean don't need them so they got rid of the eyes don't need them you got blind cave fish they don't need their sight because they live their whole life in the cave you got texas salamanders you got blind flat worms you got cave crickets you got uh uh cinderpada uh uh crustaceans you got you got all these different animals then you got ten species that are evolving right now they say that the human is evolving in that the pelvis as they find them in bones fossils when people die today and their skeleton is examined they found out the pelvis is shrinking they don't know why you go back 200 years 100 years the pelvis was wider but it's shrinking and they're trying to figure out why is it our diet is it our environment why mice have become immune to poison you know what they're doing survive it they've off they send the next generation a message in their dna in the dna they tell their babies watch out for this they put this poison out so you got to develop a different gene that can cope with this poison evolution there are some flowers that that have have developed and evolved and they grow a perch the flower grows a perch for birds because for hundreds maybe even more years birds come peel back this part of the flower and make it a perch and so the flower evolves and say here's the perch stop tearing up my back top tent on my backyard here's a perch it's amazing fish in the hudson river have learned to live with chemicals elephants some of them are not growing large tusks because they have been hunted and killed for their tusks so over evolution they stop growing them because it's killing me it's interesting crustaceans in the ocean and dark caves have lost their vision lizards are evolving to live higher in trees swallows are getting shorter wings because they no longer are making long migrations interesting they have been species that have been known to lose their limbs look at the snake if you see the bones the carcass the fossil of a snake you will see it it's got little legs like it used to walk well we know god spoke to the snake and said on your belly you're going to crawl there will be those that are religious and say that's why and others will have their other ideas but the fact of the matter is it doesn't need them anymore so it stopped growing legs interesting there are some animals that at one time could not fly now they fly over time a branch of their species now fly they grew wings why because they they got tired of getting picked off on the ground there were other animals that were um herbivores and they ate grass until their area was depleted and over the years they became carnivores and so over the years their teeth got sharp and they had developed hunting skills there were other animals that were predators until bigger predators came in and they became prey and they had to learn um camouflage they had to learn how to protect they had to learn more of a defensive state some of them became hunters at night and so their eyesight had to get finer because they can't come out in the day they might get ate and over years there's an evolution of a species and guess what they said the species uh this is an endangered species listen species have been endangered ever since we don't know we better say the polar bear how you going to save them if the earth is heating up if there's no more ice caps if the the the arctics are shrinking and the their habitation is no ice they can't hunt what are we going to do you got what i'm saying they will become extinct in the environment unless they evolve lest they adapt unless their whole molecular structure and dna uh allows them to live in a warmer climate and they're not they're not hunting the salmon anymore now they learn how to eat or to hunt something else if they don't they will go extinct now let me turn the message to where we are god is speaking to me and to you and to us to the body of christ at large about evolving i don't i don't swallow hook line and sinker darwin's theories i don't buy into all of the scientific data but there's a lot to be said about their studies you know i i i laughed at they was off by one and a half billion years i think that's laughable i think this even questionable when they started saying um no we was wrong by 65 million years i think even that's a little funny but there are some interesting concepts that are applicable to our lives today to our marriage today to our finances today even to our ministry and our faith walk with god concerning evolution the question comes to mind can you survive a catastrophic event how's your savings can you survive a catastrophic event can the church survive can the business survive a catastrophic event what if there's a change of climate and i'm talking about now your life going through a storm your relationship going through a storm can you evolve can you adapt how about um are you willing to let go of what you don't need there's some species that have just don't need this no more these were their eyes or their legs they don't need it no more what what is it certainly that's far-fetched from us but what is it in our lives that you no longer need or can you acquire what you don't have some of them you know you imagine they they they live under water and in time they adapt an ability to breathe and survive on land even to be aquatic and a land dweller do you have the ability to adapt in this changing environment one thing we know joel 41 tells us about leviathan the alligator the bible speaks of behemoth in job 40 which is a big monster some would say this is the dinosaur well in job 41 it speaks specifically about leviathan and it it describes him and it's talking about the crocodile the alligator said that some kind away from the dinosaur gears from the millions was it 250 million or 169 whichever one it was 65 million to go 65 million years ago the dinosaur survived excuse me the alligator the crocodile survived how did it survive its scales were so close together that no air can get through some say the uh dinosaurs they were extinct because of radiation others say because of starvation whatever the case may be the survived i don't know if it was a supernova i don't know if it was a catastrophic event i don't know if it got hot or cold but the alligator survived it's a phenomenal thing to go see an alligator because it looks like a dinosaur the teeth the scales the backs like man this thing is like prehistoric it survived you know why because it knew how to keep it together in the changing climate do you know how to keep it together when everything's changing on you sean you gotta keep it together people be tripping and acting stupid you gotta keep it together the whole world they laying off the job change keep it together lord we gotta wear these masks we gotta keep it together keep it together keep it together your money is up your money down keep it together don't get too excited when it go up don't get too depressed when it go down keep it together you've got to evolve it'll help you survive they also said that evolution you're forced to evolve when your diet change a geological change can prompt evolution where you live i don't know if you know that africans you one wonder why they dominate the football to baseball to basketball that the pikmin what we was running from lions and tigers and bears climbing trees are you kidding me you want to race you want to race me i got you the nappy head the sun beat down in the continent of africa for millions of years beat down on our head our hair curled and coiled to make its own sombrero from the sun don't be ashamed of your nappy head woman it's protecting you from the sun now you take our northern counterparts they don't have no melanin in their skin they don't have no sunscreen already built in they weren't on this continent with this kind of heat and so evolution changed what we look like our hair our agility and ability but our our northerners are the europeans elongated noses why the wind the cold you couldn't go up there with no big old wide nose man that wind you die but evolution changed the way they look you're not hearing what i'm saying hey it'd be 40 degrees outside they'd be outside with no coat shorts what's wrong with you flip-flops it's cold oh that ain't cold i'm all right they get the kids in the strollers they ain't got nothing ah you just need a jacket a jacket man we got whoopings for kids coming out where's your coat you can't go out without your coat interesting what do i say it's it's evolution it's evolution and now here we are in america and america's become a melting pot i don't know if you know it's a blending of the races it's the blending of the cultures now we are we have more in common than we have um the uncommon we are more like i don't understand all this racism and prejudice and segregation and all this kind of stuff we still deal with bias and whatnot when we all eat the same thing we all drink the same thing we all watch the same thing we all do the same thing our lives are basically the same interesting a change in climate could force evolution and change in your needs can force an evolution i'm going to stop right here and conclude because i want to evolve from preaching an hour too long i got evolved but i want you all to hear what the spirit is saying to you specifically but even to the church we are moving beyond progress we are moving to evolving where you become what's necessary you become effective you let go of what you don't need you develop what you must have you evolved if any man be in christ you can evolve in christ he's a new creature all things pass away behold all things become new come on clap your hands for the word of the lord amen praise god for his word father i am grateful i am grateful for the word of god i'm thankful that you would speak to us even concerning evolution father we are grateful that you called us to be alive during this time we're grateful that we have opportunity in front of us we're grateful for knowledge and understanding your word gives light the entrance of your word gives insight and revelation lord explode this revelation in the hearts of your people let them begin to be infused even with the concepts of not only progressing but evolving letting go of what was old and embracing what is new becoming something different becoming a part of the natural selection understanding what they need to do to survive i pray for churches i pray for ministries i pray for businesses i pray for marriages i pray for mental stability i pray for the peace of your people that we would evolve that we will progress as the apostle paul said forgetting those things which are behind us pressing forward towards the mark the high prize of the high calling that's in christ jesus [Music] reach up those hands to the lord right where you are i'm changing i'm i'm evolving i'm growing in you i'm changing i'm evolving i'm growing in you i'm changing i'm evolving i'm growing in you i can be better i can do better i'm changing i'm going to stop blowing all my money i'm changing i'm going to do better with my health i'm changing i'm going to have better relationships i'm changing i'm going to evaluate what i'm doing with my time and where i'm investing my energy i'm changing i'm evalu reevaluating my life and i'm i'm keeping my eyes fixed on christ because as we behold him we're changed into the very image oh thank you lord oh thank you lord it does not yet appear what we shall be but we shall be like him we shall be changed we're going to evolve let the church change let the church grow let the church evolve hallelujah thank you for it now thank you for it now let us continue to win souls let us continue to spread the good news the gospel of jesus christ let us continue to go forth with power confirming your word with signs and wonders let the church evolve let the church grow thank you for it now thank you for it now give us wisdom beyond our years in jesus name in jesus name let god's people say amen clap your hands if you're evolving and based all things new [Music] god [Music] and i will follow you [Applause] you make all things [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'll follow you forward amen amen if any man be in christ he's a new creature giving your life to christ is the first step to a brand new life a brand new life uh my brother i was talking to my brother this morning he drives a wonderful car and he was there fueling his car and it was a young man walking had bags and the young man came up to him and said man i've never seen one of these cars and he said uh do you mind if i take a look inside and see what it looks like and my brother was honored to show him his vehicle he said man who are you and what do you do and you know he says i'm a christian i'm born again i get i gave my life to christ he said you should serve christ not for a nice car but this just happens to be one of the benefits of walking in the pattern of god and following the lord's ways but it starts with giving your life to jesus christ i think that's a great testimony to be blessed and to be able to use your blessing as a tool to win people to jesus christ the most important thing is to give your life to christ make sure you do it make sure you do it if you need a church home this is the best church you can be a part of because we are always evolving we're fluid we're walking with god amen we're progressing and so you can be a part by navigating on your screen and engaging there give the church a call and uh get plugged in this morning we did a roll call called all the members names now hey y'all sitting out here did y'all hear your name called did everybody hear your name call if your name weren't was not called you are not on the road make sure you on the road make sure we got your name and your information you need to be a part of the church if you're watching and they called the roll call today and your name was not called call the church say hey what's happening down there y'all ain't got that's right we ain't got your name we need to get your name we need to get your information and make sure you're a part of the church family one of the ways that we're also able to keep up with you is that you engage with the church through your giving at this time we want all god's people to honor the lord with their tithe it's time to worship through our giving it's time to worship through our giving amen if you're here or if you're watching would you right now we want you to sow it right now move right now with your giving the tenth is holy unto the lord whatever it is you make you make it every week you make it every day you make it once a month whatever the deal is take 10 of that we give that to the lord we give that to the lord he wants the first fruits of our increase bring all the tithe the bible says bring all the tithe into the storehouse bring it to the church so that there could be meat in my house or ministry in my house so the facility can be sustained so the priests the teaching priests and the staff can be maintained let's get the lord's tithe let's get the lord's time on last week i had a dream and i'm not released from that dream if the holy spirit lift that off of me i'll leave it alone but the holy spirit challenged me amen that there were 13 people that was going to give 1 000 to the work of the lord and if you're one of those 13 i want you to hey man just yield to the lord and release it release it sow into the kingdom of god you evolve grow up and go to another level you have given 20 you have given 500 amen the lord wants to take you even higher and to sow that one thousand dollar seed i was also impressed of lord to ask six people amen not one of those gifts have come in yet but i was inspired to ask six people to sow 25 000 to the work of ministry god wants to raise you up god wants to speak to your heart god wants to prepare you to go to a whole nother level in your receiving and in your giving and i do believe somebody under the sound of my voice even watching by way of the internet you need to consider this i know many times you'll hear a large figure a thousand or twenty five thousand and you say well that's not the lord the lord's not speaking to me the bible says that isaac sold in the time of famine that there was a famine there was no food there was nothing growing and he didn't take what he had and saved it he sold it and the bible said in the same year he reaped a hundredfold while everybody else was going down he went up he prospered in the famine because he sold in faith and some of you all need to be led of the holy spirit lord are you speaking to me are you leading me to sow to give a thousand dollars are you leading me to put together a large gift of 25 000 and and give it to your kingdom is there something you want to do with my life if there's something you want to do with my business is there something you want to do with my fighting you want to bring that kind of increase yeah it takes that kind of seed to bring that kind of increase and so i say to you all that are here those that are watching don't don't don't operate in fear you give and it shall be given unto you good measure and i'm so glad that i i expose myself to people who are living on higher levels and i just believe god he'll take me there but part of the methodology is through giving through sowing i got a plan i gotta invest i gotta save i certainly need to manage but i need to have seed in the ground there there's no return like seed to harvest no return like seed to harvest no return like no return man that tree it keeps on giving every every year it keeps on giving 700 apples 900 2500 apples every year year after year at the year from a simple seed you can sow a seed and that seed will bring a harvest again and again and again and again and again and again and again so you release your seed to the work of the lord amen if you have your tithe stand on your feet if you have your offering you can bring it at this time stand on your feet let me declare god's blessing i want to do it like we used to do it if you're watching online if you hear repeat after me say lord come on everybody say it say lord all my money comes from you take the tithe take the offering bless your house and then mine in jesus name there's some that are here you can't sow 25 000 you can't sow one thousand but i want everyone to sow in faith it's 75 it's 100 the holy spirit may lead you to sow 200 would you sow it today in jesus name you give and god's going to give it back to you good measure press down shaken together and running over he'll cause men to give to your bosom come on bring your gifts to the altar let's lay our gifts before the lord give right now go back to your seat we'll be dismissed together everyone bring your tithe bring your offering [Music] oh i love you so much what a blessing what a blessing you can remain standing we're going home everyone bring the lord high everyone bring the lord's offering [Music] we put our hope for put our hope on your lover [Music] hey again if you did we're watching online and you did not hear your name called please reach out to your team lead or call the church office 216-475-6327 that will be on next week we will make sure everything you're attached to whatever team that you are supposed to be attached to and then don't forget our last food distribution for 2020. not this thursday the next thursday which is september 24th between 12 and 7 30. we're asking that you adjust your schedule we need strength we need men if you are available please come on out and let's serve our community amen thank you i i want to celebrate i know people don't give to be seen but i want to celebrate our first seed amen for our scholarship program of one thousand dollars some of you all watch me every day on uh the bishop clark show and i've been asking people to sew so we can give to kids you all know we have a senior supplement program money we send money to africa money we feed our community money but also i want to sow into our kids and that's money and i've been asking people to give ten dollars twenty dollars and even have asked many to sow a thousand dollars we've got four pledges five four pledges and uh our first pledge of a thousand dollars have come in our own melody medley gardner we love you so much thank you so much thank you so much and if you all inspired throughout the year to consider sewing so we can give kids a scholarship so we got our first scholarship for a thousand dollars we already gave one kid a scholarship this week not this week but this year and obviously there's more to come to god be the glory smile upon us father we will leave this place but not your presence multiply every seed song meet the needs of the people of god and the needs of your house finally we ask that we would grow change progress and even evolve in jesus name peace to the family god bless everyone have a blessed day [Music] praise the lord what a powerful message what a great lesson from the word of god my prayer today is that you have been informed so that you will be closer to god also inspired to maximize your potential and finally if necessary the course correction that's needed can be taken so that you can fulfill your purpose in god with that in mind i want you to engage with us through your giving navigate on your screen as there are many ways to sow we want you to give and support the work of the lord so that we can continue giving you an excellent presentation of the word of god i'm bishop eric ken k clark until next time peace to the family yes it's time to make that change so just open up your heart you
Channel: Body Of Christ Assembly
Views: 277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EoT_nSfz6zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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