Bishop Eric K. Clark - "All Things Become New"

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Kamiya passage second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 this is ground work this is ground work tonight ground work I want to do some ground work on really some forthcoming messages that I'll be preaching in the not-too-distant future not this Sunday but maybe a week from now I'll pick this up and begin to build because there's a such a there's a bigger revelation that I want to bring you to that I want to bring us to but it will start with this kind of ground work gonna start with this kind of ground work second Corinthians five and 17 one of the first verses of the Bible that I learned to quote let's really out loud together come on therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new less quoted don't read it you'll need to read it what therefore if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new where's that found anybody no is it all things become new our subject matter tonight all things become new that the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight miss the word is my prayer and all God's people said amen you can be seated tonight in the presence of the Lord all things become new all things become new all things become new here in 2nd Corinthians the Apostle Paul is talking to the Corinthian church and he has been addressing in his epistles in his letters the issues of holy living moral purity not embracing the old lifestyle literally giving substantive meaning to a person's faith in Christ that to be saved does not simply mean to come to church it means more than have religious jargon but he began the Rite of the Corinthian church concerning the new birth the new nature new life that a believer experienced and he talks about our our our mind our ways our behavior it's a process of becoming new he he goes on to amplify concerning the new birth the new birth and our salvation is framed in the journey of a baby that the seed is conceived in the womb and carried for a while and then after the child sort of grows in the womb when there's a birthing the child is birthed into a new world a new situation and then there's a whole lot of learning that comes after that it's amazing that even though the child learns to walk it's already programmed in the DNA the child learns to talk it's already programmed in the DNA you know now these little babies come out playing with video games nobody taught them how to type or text they just come out you give the three-year-old five-year-old little smartphone and and they're off and going because there are certain things that are transferred on a cellular level that's interesting study there to know that what's written in our DNA our code I can go through this congregation and ask certain things about your mom your father certain things about your grandfather so on and so forth grandparents and it's amazing how there's a cycle and some people simply relegate that those negative things to generational curses and it's so much more than a generational curse something that is negative that happened with a forefather that seemingly has happened with the daughter I know so many young daughters who had children out of wedlock only to have a real conversation with their mom who's married now who got pregnant before she was married and some time they find out the same thing about their grandma and of course that's on the other side of the grave you don't find out nothing and today today gone and you find out that there's been a history a history of divorce it was interesting I was with my dad in weeks gone by and just in conversation I knew as a child he was a truck driver but I didn't know specifically what he drove and what his assignment his job was he he delivered he picked up things and delivered and I said yeah you know a fourth season I purchased a little truck and I start a business and truck I said I've given that to Daniel and I got Daniel on the phone said son well yet I'm down here on South Beach I'm dropping off over here I'm delivering and my dad just laughed he laughed he laughed because his father drove trucks and he drove a truck and then I drove a truck and now my son it's just amazing that there's a cold there's a DNA cold and and many times that cold some of the information in the cold is not passed to the next generation I also have done research in my family to found that to find out that there were preachers on my father's side that in his history is his uncles and great uncles and whatnot down in Portsmouth Ohio were preachers men and women of God and I preached years ago in Portsmouth for hires to go down there about once or twice a year never knowing that maybe 80 years prior to me coming my I had kinfolk relatives descendants that were actually my forefathers were preachers in the same little town as a very little town and I'm sitting here preaching in the same town because certain things are coded on the DNA but it's interesting that as you live your life there is new code being written in other words your life is not limited to simply the code that has been written you can add to your code which will in turn expand the life of your descendants your children I mean you could I don't know Kathleen if all of a sudden you you get a hankering to to do the skin thing okay you want to just get into it and next thing you know you're cold begins to evolve its it begins that being it's it's in your blood and it gets in and and to the next general raishin and generations gone by and then here it here it happened 40 50 years from now there may be a great-granddaughter that that just has she didn't even know that you was into the snow sports in the skiing and they have a proclivity towards this and I don't know they come across a photograph of their great-grandmother skiing it's amazing that happens that I'm trying to bring us to a place that we understand that he is not this with it what God yeah it can concepts dears allowing new - revelation new inside Swim's I represent iams how you came up in a very traditional church that did not embrace women wearing pants and when you begin to be a part of this church family it was a new revelation or new Liberty not so much a revelation as it was a Liberty and there are a lot of people Elaine they do not evolve from where they were they may even change a location come into a new environment but they they stay the same they stay the same their prays never grows their expression of God never grows their time of prayer you can hear a person pray sound like this is the same prayer 30 years ago when they prayed three years ago they still praying to say today certainly have to allow the forum to broke celebrating with this church that there has been a continual evolution I'm constantly I was putting the church back together today so you know I think I want to lead a worship team up there for a while that let them stay up there let's see how that work you know y'all came here one Sunday we had the drums right up here just what is he doing now I'm just evolving I'm trying things I'm I'm not getting locked in and and nailed down either we've had some of the best personnel and personalities and people to work with us in ministry and for whatever reason those things change and I allowed that to happen I allow change to happen I'm gonna try to fight real hard to hold on to people or to keep certain things that they're just it's just time for it to change and part of this mess let me tell you how part of this began to evolve in me and I'm gonna try to get into a little bit of a lesson but just going back and forth dealing with my dad recently with his health care in hospital and things that nature finding myself back in the old neighborhoods that I grew up with in for years and and and I don't I don't I don't avoid those areas I just the way my pattern of my life is now just doesn't take me that way I don't know better if you've been back down on the actual street I don't know but sometimes your whole life changes where everything that you see is different and it's new and I went back down to the John Adams community where I was raised and they got a new school I knew that had a new school but I never really took a time to take a look at it and see how different it was from the old school and what really intrigued me was they had a new football field I said why I used to play on that field well the old field and now announced all new I remember we had bleachers on boats out all that oh they got bleachers on this side and I'm just checking everything out now checking out the track all man we used to run on this track and but it's not the same it's a little different now and they changed it up and it looks modern it looks fresh and it's new it look man that's good thumbs up for John Adams new look new school new field new field house new new new new is good right only think about it everything else around I look at some of the houses that we grew up in and lived in and no disrespect none they're just old some people may live there I'm not mad at that it's fine it's just old that's all it's just old and it starts to say it stars a drupe i some houses I remember the community I would ride down this street and I knew this house Pope we knew this house is always nice but now the house that was nice is just oldest of messes the fight that what is it then I don't know vinyl siding the luminol side oh that stuff is Sagna Rufus needs repair oh man the trees have grown unchecked and stuff this oh they haven't you know they need to okay oh wow it's just old it's just old been in the house where different ones are and then it's just old and and I'm very respectful clean is clean you know clean is I don't care for your new or old you should be clean clean is clean but but there's something about the way God has designed me I don't like old I just would rather have something new sometimes the old is working fine but it's just time for something new there might be some ladies that understand that you won't give away clothes and stuff cuz it's time for something new not that anything is wrong with the garment just time for you know ladies you freshen up your look you freshen up your hair and and your whole you know I don't know you try new makeup or new lipstick a new fragrance or something and you some of y'all new cuz some of y'all be staying with the old stuff you too long man it's time now you know they got some loose stuff now you still wearing Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth is it Elizabeth not around here no more second Corinthians back to our lessons second read this five adjust that so I can see the clock I want to see the clock Jackie I can't see it that well much better thank you back back a little bit I'm working I'm working thank you second Bertha's 5 and 17 says that if any man be in Christ he's a new creature he's an okay so coming in Christ causes the new creation to happen and then he says old things pass away they don't immediately dissipate disappear vanish but they pass they pass you know you don't want to use the language of what happens with food it processes but it passes as soon as you eat it it's not done it's a whole process the old things in our life pass and then the new things the Bible says behold all things become new that there's a process to the new nature that evolves in every believer that that process takes takes a different course for different people I have heard testimonies where people committed their life to Christ and immediately they stopped smoking whereas other people it took him a while they walked and sometimes three four or five years until he walk with Christ they come to a level of maturity strength where they're able to kick this habit and be delivered in this area of their life and we have to be careful at judging another man's servant we got to be careful about that because different people they grow at a different pace as it is with children very serving kids all your life some of them develop faster than others whereas some of kids you think are developing slow but they have they're ahead of the rest of the class in other areas so you have to be careful with that I I want to get to in the lesson that all things become new I want to talk a little bit about how things become new and challenge you in your mind to begin to open up your heart to allow God to do new things in your life new things in your faith new things in your and your Christian walk that that God is a God that does a thing uses it and then abandons it and moves on to the next thing and many times we think if God ever used anything that it's so wholly wonderful and righteous that we don't you know we will keep it for keep sake we will make a almost a shrine out of what he has done I've taught you years ago that many of the Idol gods began as altars something really wonderful God would give Jacob a visitation and he would build an altar to remember this visitation and then at another interval in his life would he need the Lord rather than seek God where he is he would travel all the way back to this place that God visited him and he would demand to see have a visitation from Bethel the house of God I'd come to this place and he discovered later how to seek Alberto that is the God of the house of God and sometimes we are limited to a place I've I've taught and preached that there's a woman she received the Lord got saved in her bathroom and so every time she need to pray she's got to go to the bathroom and no matter I mean it's like she got a bathroom serving God she and her God is the bathroom God even at job there's a challenge there y'all excuse me she gotta go to the bathroom and pray and have a moment with the Lord and I think that's cute and that's fine but we need to understand that he is omnipresent he is so much bigger than the restroom and bigger than that form or that visitation and it's wonderful when God's people get free but it's even greater when we let God get free and let God do something different four years ago to receive the call of God I'm called that meant you felt like God called you to preach that was the that was the limitation the way we understood that pastor Pope I acknowledged my call in 1982 someone says I acknowledge the call of God that was a part of my life oh so you're called to preach we never considered a person being called to an intercessory prayer minute ministry or an evangelistic ministry where they're in the streets sharing their faith to others or a Ministry of giving or ministry of serving that the word Minister means to serve and to really receive the call to serve you don't have to be a pulpit minister that for instance Karen we're pouring into her and raising her up in pastoral care and she keeps looking at me saying what is you doing bishop I'm called to serve Him I serve in hospitality I I cook and clean and not do all this kind of stuff and but I see a passion and a concern for the people that they may never call you pastor that's not even important it's not important if you sit on the platform if you ever preach a lesson what's important is that you serve that you minister to the people in the capacity and the grace that God has given you and that's part of where I'm trying to trying to take this message towards expanding our mind our ideal where we have a lot of small ideals of of giving of praise of Prayer of righteousness and holiness it's interesting that that uh in in Genesis 49 no it's not 49 is Genesis 38 where Jacob I wrote the book good girl gone back and the story of Tamar how that Tamar marries one of the sons of Judah and he's wicked God kills him she marries another son he's he's he spills the seed on the ground God kills him and then he's sent back to her father's house because she's been tricked by Judah Judah was supposed to give his third and last son - Tamar he tricked her he never had intention on doing that she changed her garments and dressed like a harlot and Whitin had sex with somebody soliciting guess who was listening Judah was the old man himself soliciting the prostitute got her pregnant and then once Judah he slept with her but he didn't know it was her and when he found out that she was pregnant his words were you have been more righteous than I how do you say how do you how do you frame that Judah in righteousness what he was saying was all that you did I promised you my seed I promise you my seed you you tricked me in disguise yourself and you got my seed and what I did was I broke covenant with you I gave you my word that I would I would give you my youngest son but I was tricking you I lied to you so when I compared what you did to what I did he frames this by saying you have been more righteous than I the first thing that blows my mind is that he would imply that what she did was righteous she was doing the right thing in her mind getting what she was promised but what further closed my mind is that he could frame his actions as righteous because what were he in his mind he saw himself as saving his youngest sons like protecting his boy but when he waved the two he says you have been more righteous than I and I know I'm Way over here but I try to give you that tonight to show you that God's ways are not ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways according to the Word of God are past finding out and many times we think we have a hold on God like we think we know we got him and we know all that there is to know cuz we've been in church you know and we know a couple of scriptures and yet his ways are past finding out and so what I'm attempting tonight to minister word to us that will allow us to open ourselves up and to allow God to be God let me say this you've heard me say it before but I pray that you would hear me like as the scripture says he that happened hear let him hear I want you to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church and that is God is not african-american God is not Baptist or Pentecostal or apostolic or Church of God in Christ he not even non-denominational here's a bigger one he's not even American God is not American he's not American and one of the best things you can do is travel abroad and see the world and see through somebody else's eyes their perception of who God is it just blows their mind I was talking to someone else who was involved with somebody from another country and and just the way they interacted with God and the way they prayed and the way they they sought the Lord just blew my mind blew my mrs. expanded my thinking because sometimes we think that God is like us that God is limited to our experience with him or he is as big as what we have heard preached to us or as big as what we have read and the truth is he is much bigger than everything you've ever heard he's much bigger than everything you've ever read if any man be in Christ all things pass away and there's a constant evolving and evolution of God a constant finding him and discovering him and the Lord keeps on revealing more and more and more of himself and the more you understand about him the more you understand about you it's you're interesting okay let me get into a little bit Matthew 13 Matthew 13 and 44 it says this watch this crisis he's on a roll he's teaching about the kingdom of God Pastor Laura he just explained the parable of the sword and then he gives about five or six parables about the kingdom of God and then he ends with this interesting concept let me let me show you in in Matthew 13:44 it says again the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a treasure hidden a field the which when a man hath found he hide it and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth the field that's the end of the parable the kingdom is like a man that finds a treasure in the field he hides it he goes and sells everything he has and he buys the whole field to ensure he gets the treasure the next para is a king again the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls who when he had found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and bought it next Peregrine's the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind which when it was full they drew it to shore and sat down and gathered the good into a vessel and cast the bad away so shall it be at the end of the world the angel shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just and shall cast them into the furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth first 51 jesus said unto them do y'all are y'all understanding all this stuff I'm telling y'all and they said unto Him yea yea Lord yeah we get it yeah right and then verse 52 he saw that he can tell he's losing them that they don't really understand this kingdom so he ends with this then said he unto them therefore every scribe which is instructed it under the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old all right we give you a little Eagles food tonight what Christ says is after the kingdom is like a man finds a treasure in the field go by the cell everything got battlefield the kingdom is like a man looking for a good pearl when he finds a pearl of great price he sells everything he has buys the pearl kingdom of heaven is like a man fishing get all kind of fish they get all kind of fish and then they sat down and they throw the bad back and they keep the good he said the angels at the end they go and gather divide the wicked from the righteous there's gonna be weeping that are y'all understanding this they say yea yea Lord we understand then he says vomiting if a scribe finds the kingdom of God he will be able to pour from his treasure things old and new in other words if you find somebody that's learned in the letter of the Old Testament if you find somebody that understands the teachings of the tabernacle of the exodus of Israel the the principals of the Levites if you find somebody that knows the dietary laws the civil laws the moral laws if you find somebody that understands the the priests the prophets and the kings if you can find somebody that really have studied the history of Israel and the history of our culture of our nature if you can find somebody that can trace the story and if they get saved you're gonna find a rare treasure because that person will be able to go into their treasure and the pull out old things as well as new things all right I think I got y'all where I want cuz we're after the new he does all things new and he keeps giving us these new revelations and new insights and new understanding and then he pauses and says are y'all giddiness and they sorta with a dumb look on their faces uh-huh and he says boy when a scribe finds the kingdom when a when a biblically learned an instructed person an educated person a person of means and Finance a person of influence when they find the kingdom they are going to be able to pull out the bike was filled with all the new things that he's gonna give us in John chapter 13 verse 34 he gave him a new commandment love love one another as I loved you mark chapter 2 verse 22 he says no man put stop the new wine in the old wineskin that the wine skin would burst so they would have a bottle and would be made like a like a out of a leather pouch and what wine would do is it would ferment and it would expand so when it would be in this pouch the wine would expand the pouch and over time the the pouch would have been expanded as power as they can expand so if you're gonna go get some new wine you can't put it in this old skin because it's already expect it have no capacity so at some point you gotta get a new skin if you want a new one I'm preaching now what am I saying that in your present thinking the way you think right now there's only so much God can give you and at some point you're going to reach a stage where if I give you any more it's gonna hurt you you're gonna burst so what what we need to do is get a whole new wineskin we gotta get a new wineskin to put the new wine in we got to put it in a new thinking that has the capacity to expand because when you come to a place where you feel like you got you you got the whole letter you understand everything there is to know there's no more growth for you you done you done and anybody that goes beyond you in your mind they have lost their minds and anybody that sees something different from the way you see it man they crazy over there man they have locknut on that ain't God that ain't God and what has happened is God has allowed more of who he is have you ever noticed how with every generation they it seemed like they get more and more crazy would they hairstyle anybody knows that it's talking about Bernard Jordan he says oh that's because their minds are expanding I said man stop he saw yeah yeah he said that's because their minds are saying they think way beyond the way we think he says our grandmothers could have never came up with a concept of the Internet the World Wide Web mm-hmm they don't even understand enough you have a lot of seniors a manner just stay fight it Hattie thank God for you but you got some day fight a day it's the devil Dale they stay away from it it's too much too big I think no no I'm with my daddy and I'm on the phone talking and we get into the car and by the time we get in the car the phone switches over into the card then I start talking through the car he said how did that happen what you didn't plug them in so you didn't got you like the blood I mean I said no that they got Bluetooth it's Bluetooth and it connects with where is that he's I just I can't he started holding his head he's like I I can't I understand that I understand that because it happens with me too with my little grandkids I see these little games and they playing and stuff and I'm saying what what so the he can run through the wall so you know you you can you can be underwater I mean there's no limitation about it like you have to come up for air I mean they build these gangs with concepts that have rules that defy nature and in my mind you know it's like kick ball dodge balls you know baseball bats it's just real simple we score we play off as defense and yet their games are it's different so how do you win not really trying to win I'm just I'm trying to explore I want to go see others it's amazing and for me to even get into this game I have to expand my thinking there are some things that God wants to do in our lives he can't do it because you will not expand your thinking you will not allow things to become new you got to allow God to do some new things in your life he says a new commandment I give you you can't put the old wine in the new wineskin he said a new name Isaiah 62 and two in the Gentile shall see thy righteousness and all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of Lord shall name he said I'm gonna give you a new name even as he did Jacob in Genesis 35 and 10 he says I'll give you a new mind be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12 and 2 amen so you can prove the will of God he said I will give you a new Hardee's they killed 36 and 26 he said I'll give you a new heart he also goes on the saying I will you a new spirit look at that a new name a new mind a new heart a new spirit and in Psalm 40 and he had put a new song in my so you're not singing the whole song singing a new song there's a new song he's gonna give us amen the Bible talks about we walk in the newness of life and we are buried in the waters of baptism that we come up in the newness of life following the life of Christ in Revelation chapter 21 verse 1 and 2 and I saw a new heaven and a new earth shut your mouth yeah for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city new jersey the new jerusalem man coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband hear hear the Lord says I'm going to I'm gonna gonna create a new earth huh yeah new heaven - what's wrong with the old heaven I can hear the Saints what's what's wrong with the old earth and rowing it just just want to do what it's time for something new all things pass behold I make all things new all things new a new house and that wonderful fresh new bedroom set spread bedspread new curtains you know what let's get some new windows in this house give me goin windows out let's get some new windows let's get it hey the smell of a new car and that nice new you know Heidi's ladies you come out with your dick your hair brand new nails and feet new you just feel new refreshed know I've known people that vacations to vacation same place all the time all the time places they got places you never even been to before and you don't want to stay with the same thing just you some knew they got new restaurants new places to eat new and it's amazing when we begin to take a look at our lives and see how old we have become well we have we're set in our ways we don't try nothing new we don't eat nothing new we don't nothing no nothing what we gonna eat you know one of three things the same we're we're one of three places we don't we don't do anything new and you've got to allow God to do something new in your life it's gonna affect your walk with the Lord I'll conclude tonight with this verse Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10 through 13 he wants to make all things new the old commercial would say this is not your father's Oldsmobile something like that they would always talk about they making this is the new Buick and they they say they think there was a commercial one commercial where a man comes out of restaurant Heslin the key says I'm driving the Buick right and the boy running he can't find it because in his mind what they're trying to project is in his mind he he's looking for the old electric 225 Deuce and a quarter dime in the back since the Pat you had a big old white wall TV and antenna in the back young man's looking for the little Buick is like when where's the Buick the guy says it's right it's like that wow that's a Buick yeah it's new it's redesigned this is not your father's Oldsmobile it's not as viewing it's not as its new as fresh and you've got to allow God the world understands they have what they call planned obsolescence whatever you buy they they they it has a shelf life for three five years they plan for it to break down and even if it worked real good they plan on making it look outdated so when you see what's new right I remember they used to have sue coats in the cope with low real law and every night man that's the Pope come in he's got it real long us with him oh you gotta win the Rose look bigger with you but the fashion changes the style changes sometimes it does move in a circle coming right back to what it used to be but it's something now I you know we don't need to be all plugged into the secular in such a way that we got keep up with fashion and style that's not in the other but I just believe that the church needs to be relevant we need to be relevant our preaching our teaching our style our our format our religion what we do we we need to allow God to continue to make things fresh to make things new and what's interesting is what we did Sunday was new but it was cuz if you find describe that innocent to the kingdom they will pull out of their treasure look at what it says here in Hebrews 8 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them our God and they shall be to me up people we gonna be married I'm not gonna have no Ten Commandments hanging on the wall and all this dialed us this all this no you can't you know don't you ever hmm I'm not gonna have all that I'm gonna put my law in their heart so when they get ready to do something wrong the Holy Spirit Oh singing that you know the Lord's not pleased with that and and you're not gonna be judged by all of this real strict religious stuff but my word is gonna be burned in your hearts and I'm gonna be like a husband and you'll be like a wife I'm gonna be your God and you're gonna be my people in verse 11 and they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest did you hear that the Lord says what I'm gonna do if you Israel I bless you I'm we gonna be in such a relationship with you I'm gonna be in such relationship with you that you're not gonna have to have all these Bible studies from house the house the house that I was trying to teach people about the Lord cuz they everybody's gonna know me from the least to the greatest now you know that's brand-new verse 12 for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more in that he said a new covenant he shall make the first ode now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away the Lord says I'm going to make a new Covenant the Old Covenant that has gotten old it's it's it's waxing old and it's getting ready to vanish I'm gonna make a new covenant I'm gonna do a new thing I'm gonna give you a new name I'm gonna make my relationship with you knew that that the Lord is saying how do we interpret this for us today the lord is saying that he don't want a religious people he don't want a people that's locked in to wearing their robes and they big cross you don't want a religious people that has to have Church on Sunday at 10 o'clock I'm telling you I'm not about to change it but I'm just not I want to be free I don't want to be free to a religious forum or bound to a religious forum to that that makes me feel righteous or makes me feel like I'm okay with God know I want to have a real authentic relationship with it that's not based on do's and don'ts and laws and people judging me and no no no no I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be free I'm not gonna spend my life trying to convince everybody I'm a man of God think what you want think whatever I'm free from that I'm free from you I'm delivered from you I'm delivered from your thoughts about me I'm delivered I'm free I'm just free what do you mean God's doing a new thing in my life you know used to be a time of competition and showing and try I don't even let my right hand know what my left hands do I don't tell you everything about me I love God I worship God and I'm not trying to out religious you or judging you by what I see you do or don't do I'm not on that I ain't on that I'd never forget I'll conclude with this I met a businessman in Miami wealthy man influential man in an area of real estate and he's not a preacher but he's a very spiritual man be sitting there and he is start speaking in tongues on you and it's just a lovely man but when he moves in different circles you you wouldn't think he's just most spiritual man not because he's using bad language or because he has a casual drink or whatever he just he's a business person when it comes to business very shrewd in business and I went three or four years and didn't see him and then I saw him and he said you would never guess who I met I was over at and he was somewhere and it was this event that was it was just not a spiritual event it was social event and it was secular and he ran into a good friend of mine if I called his name people with know who I'm talking about and I'm I can't believe there's such a wonderful per we had a blast all we stayed up all night can you believe he had a drink with me we talked at this that in the other and of course I'm now I happen to know if I have been with some religious people some church folk that had heard this conversation ah they would have been really soiled they would have been soiled in their perception of this minister of the spiritual leader they would have thought so much less like oh oh man what but because I know that people don't have to prove to me you save you stand before God you answer to the Lord your righteousness is between you and God and and you you take different liberties that's the wisdom that you have and I don't judge another man's servant that's because God makes all things new because there was a time in my life where I could not have handled that conversation there was a time in my life I couldn't heard nothing like that oh man I would have been like oh no terrible no but I am not there I'm not there and I want to try to take our church to another level of spiritual understanding so God can use you and send you forth throughout the world as agents of righteousness not judging people not not not judging another man's service but being a light wherever you are and not allowing payment your religious restrictions to make other people feel all tied up don't invoke your convictions on everybody else leave folk alone give them the gospel ask them to repent of their sin and believe on Christ and let God handle the business of old things passed away all things become new come on clap your hands for the word of the Lord amen father thank you tonight expand our mind is our prayer as you've given us a new name a new mind a new heart a new life a new way of God you've given us you've made all things new allow allow us to excel in and allow our thinking to be broadened to understand that you are the great God and your ways are not our ways make us more effective for your kingdom let the light of Christ shine through us let the love of Christ shine through us let us grow up in grace let us let us let us be matured in the things of God let us literally have the full measure of the statue of Christ where every joint supplies that's our prayer tonight make all things new in Jesus name eight man thank God for his work thank God for his word thank you so much who can be seated god bless you those who watch by way of the internet would you navigate on your screen and prepare to give an offering to the Lord give an offering to the Lord we're excited this weekend coming this weekend coming is our super seat Sunday we're believing God that the Saints are preparing even now to honor the Lord this weekend with a $1,000 see maybe some will give more amen but we know that everyone's gonna participate and do the very best that they can but right now we want you to give and watch God give it back to you press down shaken together running over as the Word of God says he will cause men to give into your bosom you give and watch god bless you amen and you don't simply have to give your tithes you can get beyond your time the middle of week we asked if the Saints would give twenty dollars would you do that be faithful be faithful and navigate and give share this message a little different message and hopefully I can't wait to get back to it because I'm going somewhere with it but share it so somebody else can be blessed on tonight thank you so much for tuning in we will see you again peace to the family praise the Lord what a powerful message what a great lesson from the Word of God my prayer today is that you have been informed so that you will be closer to God also inspired to maximize your potential finally if necessary the course correction that's needed can be taken so that you can fulfill your purpose in God with that in mind I want you to engage with us through your giving navigate on your screen as there are many ways to so we want you to give and support the work of the Lord so that we can continue giving you an excellent presentation of the Word of God I'm Bishop Eric Kim K Clark until next time peaceful family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Body Of Christ Assembly
Views: 87
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dxo5t47Ds7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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