Carlton Pearson on TBN 1988

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kyle's and Pearson scripture says we love it because he first loved us demonstrators [Music] [Music] No [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you thank you Jesus [Music] why [Music] [Music] if you really love it you are sticking with the right way because he heard thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our hasten to use [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] my child [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] open up the door [Music] [Music] hallelujah streaks okay I will preach let me just he say yeah uh who what some of you in the audience stand up for me that you've been sitting for little one say yeah oh yeah Oh has it gift on a phrase often now let's pray for a minute and feel the Spirit of God father we thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost we thank you for the spirit of grace and of glory that rests heavily upon us we thank you for that power that breaks every yoke of bondage that loses every shackle and chain that binds thank you for victory over self and sin and sickness and altar Bend a victory over death thank you for the power of the word of God upon which we stand and base our faith I pray that the words that we speak tonight will be inspirational and edifying to the people but that will also bring deliverance to all feel this studio with your presence and fill every home with your anointing whether people are sitting and watching and listening dear God let your glory be revealed Satan the Lord rebuke you in the name of Jesus we bind your Porter's we bind your hearts we silent you in the name of the Lord let that sweet anointing be great here tonight Lord and bless the wheels of the people as our prayer in Jesus name thank God amen bless you thank you and be seated here in the studio and those of you at home will probably already seated you probably just did up open your Bible to Luke chapter 4 for the next few minutes and I want to tell you what the Lord is speaking to my heart and I've been reaching quite a bit on television the last little bit and speaking prophetically the words that God has given me in my heart thanks to the kindness of the crouches that have received me here a number of times on national television and I really appreciate it Jan and Paul the lockets of God I feel like the words that the Lord has shared through me and to me each time have been exactly what people needed it's exactly what you need who's sitting there even the message that I'm going to share tonight Luke chapter 4 and verse 13 this is the New International Version if it's slightly different from yours which it probably is when the devil had finished all this tempting he left him that is Jesus until an opportune time now in the entire fourth chapter they're talking about the first verses they're talking about the temptation that Jesus went through he won in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights and there he was tempted of the devil this was just prior to his entering his tremendous miracle ministry which about three and a half years before they crucified him and now he's in heaven and has turned that same miracle ministry over to the church now it says when the devil had finished all this tempting he left Jesus until an opportune time now when I first read that I thought when is the devil's opportunity what is an opportune time for the devil does the devil have an opportune time how many of you know what it is to feel like sometimes you you're living in such a big tree I mean everything you touch turns to gold the Lord just blesses it I mean you don't seem here to have any resistance any any real opposition you're just flowing in that divine River and everything is wonderful and then there are times when everything you you do is a failure I mean you just rock bottom you just wake up in the morning uptight you're like a Mack truck ran over you and stopped you laying there your tongue take it on you're your own dog bite you I mean you just feel bad you feel low I mean you can't get victory well it seems like the devil has more victory at certain times in my life than he does at others and after many years of experience in this I begin to anticipate the move of God and sort of in anticipate when the devil is gonna try to take effect on me and try to depress me or obstruct my life and I have learned how to anticipate his move and know how to deal with it I don't even evergreen Christianity I bet either sometimes when the the trees don't have any leaves on them when you're going through a winter period when it's cold and the ground is hard and you're freezing and chilled in your spirit and you don't feel the energy and the passion that you then I know what it is to feel and enjoy the springtime as we're enjoying now around the country particularly here in the southern part of the country to enjoy the springtime and the leaves are coming out again and the trees are lush and flush and beautiful and the flowers are in bloom and then I know what it is to go through the hot sweltering summers and then I know what it is in the autumn of life when the leaves begin to fall off those trees that were so beautiful during the summer and spring months I know what it is when the hot Sun watches the grass and it begins to turn brown you still have to mow it and I've learned what Paul said how to abound and how to be abased and to find a certain kind of content in whatever condition I find myself in well some folk have not learned that right now in the body of Christ we've been going through a winter season when the leaves were not on the trees and the flowers not in bloom and things were really devastating you may have been going through that season in your life when things are really hurting and you were just down to the low the low ebb and it seems like the devil have was taken his opportunity upon your life or upon your meaning show up on your marriage or upon your business on your family maybe the enemy seems to be doing that even now while I'm talking to you maybe something is really uptight in your marriage or in your family or in your personal life it's not unnatural in fact the Bible says all who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution he said in the world there should be tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world now I've learned that there are some high times and some low times and you know it's a funny thing about us charismatic folks our highs are really really high and our lows are really really low 1 I know what it is to feel like I'm soaring like an eagle and just flying I mean going I mean I'm bad I can't stand myself just everything is wonderful then I know what it is to hit rock bottom and I don't you know I you know what it is a wake up in the morning you feel like you got to reach up just to touch bottom I mean I've been there so I found here that even Jesus must have gone through similar things it says the devil when he had finished all this particular 40 day tempting he left Jesus until an opportune time he left him for a season so I've come to this conclusion that there are seasons in life there are seasons of blessing they're seasons of lack of blessing they're seasons of highs they're seasons of lows they're seasons of fruitfulness there's their seasons of infertility then jesus said in berty Luke says here in verse 14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit the devil had left him he wasn't being tempted he wasn't being tried spiritually now that doesn't mean the circumstances we're not threatening outside of it because sometimes they can be but the devil left him so Jesus returned to Galilee and the power of the Spirit and news about him spread through the whole countryside he taught in their synagogues and everybody praised him everything's going great so far he went to Nazareth where he had been brought up and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue as was his custom very important point Jesus customarily went to church he didn't just go on Easter what kneestr yes and he just didn't go on Christmas they had already had Christmas but he went regularly I mean he went to church every Sabbath the Jews would celebrate on the Sabbath in synagogue so Jesus was a Jew some folk don't realize Jesus was a Jew Christianity actually is a Jewish religion it is the judeo-christian epic that has saved us merit this country America and brought this country and will sustain this country and we need to hold fast to those precious principles of godliness so we returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit news about him went all over the countryside he told the synagogues and everybody praised him and then he went home to Nazareth where he been brought up and on the Sabbath he went to church and he stood up to read the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him unrolling it he found the place where it is written what's this this was a very familiar passage they read it frequently in the Book of Isaiah the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel or the good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor the year or the you could you could substitute that word with a cycle or the season of the Lord's favor the devil now has left him he's in the power of the Spirit he's gone back home even to Nazareth where he was reared he was born in Bethlehem but reared in Nazareth he goes to church everybody knows him there they hand him the Bible which was a scroll at that time they didn't have the New Testament just the Old Testament it was in a scroll he opened to the place where Isaiah said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me but it was something about the way he said me that echoed and reverberating in that little synagogue and everybody got the feeling that the man was talking about himself other rabbis had read that other teachers had read that but nobody read it in the first person like Jesus said he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor what a wonderful thing to be able to stand up before the whole world and say I'm anointed of God the Spirit of God is upon me or to say my body is the temple of the Holy go I'm not my own but I bought with a price and greater is He Who is in me than he who is in the world glory it's important for you to know when your time has come so Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me he has sent me and here in this nineteen Percy said I'm here to proclaim the year or to herald the cycle or the season of the Lord's favor are they well then he rolled up the scroll indeed sat down and the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him and he said to them what's this today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing everybody was all use nobody'd ever spoken such such authority is such a powerful ii convicting words today this liberabit of the preaching of the gospel to the poor the proclamation of the years like another Lord's favor is being fulfilled in your hearing you're watching it happen right now or he said that in the Bible says all spoke well of him they were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips and then somebody said no wait a minute ain't this one of us isn't it's one of Joseph's sons one of these little boys that were reared around here that ran through the dusty streets of Nazareth and jumped over fences and snuck pomegranate pomegranate granites from other people's trees and prop Jesus probably did things that other little normal little boys do I could see him playing we played when I was little boy cowboys and Indians I'm sure he played Egyptians and Israelis or something and they probably played around and had little skirmishes and little Wars and what-have-you and don't think of this is the little boy that grew up around here this is Joseph Sam the carpenter's son jesus said to them surely you will quote this proverb to me physician heal yourself do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum he had been up in Capernaum he did the sick and casting out Devils and doing miracles but now he's at home he's just in his church on Sunday morning which would be the Sabbath for them I tell you the truth he continued no prophet is accepted in his home town that's almost the way it is in America today this is our home nation but they don't want to accept the prophetic word people don't want to hear the word of prophecy they want to mistreat God's inheritance they want to mistreat the Saint they want to mistreat God's people I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in a just time he says when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land yet Elijah was not sent to any of them but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon which is your syria boy he just mentions a Gentile in the synagogue nobody's gonna like that you don't even mention the name of a Gentile in the synagogue but he had done that and there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet yet not one of them was cleansed only name and the Syrian here again he mentions a non Jew in the synagogue he's breaking religious traditional lines he's breaking conventional lines he's becoming an unorthodox - well I tell you if you're really gonna make progress today you're gonna have to be willing to break a few rules that may seem traditional or conventional or comfortable for you you have to do things that may be a little bit questionable to some people in the body of Christ right now we're doing things that some of us are really have the will of God in our hearts in the mind of God and applaud to the spirit we're doing things that maybe a particular denomination may not agree with or particular persuasion may not accept but we're doing what God told us to do the Bible says beware when all men speak well of you if everybody's saying good things about you you've got to be doing something wrong or up and say if you never meet the devil head-on that's a good sign you're walking with him cuz the only way for you to meet him head-on is for both you to be going in opposite directions if you never run into him that mean you're going the same direction he's going in and when you run into him you you ought to say hey glory to God I must be doing something right I thank God because I'm having a little resistance it is a law of physics anything in motion causes friction you got to be willing to take the friction if you can't take the heat you've got to get out of a kitchen I mean the heat is really on right now and you got to be with him to take it along with the people of God but you know when you meet the devil head-on he kind of backs you he'll he'll knock you back a little while a little bit I say often but the bottle says goodness and mercy sure what follow you that means the devil can only push you back so far before you bump into goodness and mercy cuz it's follow you all the days of your life sometimes I cannot everyone said well I can't like the devil to be pushing me back so I can say what's the matter don't you leave me no hey hey goodness give me five that kind of gives me that positive reinforcement if the Holy Ghost I can know that all of heaven is literally backing me with goodness and mercy it's following me well Jesus had a little problem here because he had broken some of the denominational laws and rules by mentioning Gentiles in the synagogue all the people in the synagogue were furious with when they heard this they got up and drove him out of town boy they love to do that drive you out of the church drive out of town and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built in order to throw him down the cliff but watch this but he walked right through the crowd and went on his way the man were bad how about it he didn't cut anybody he didn't shoot anybody he didn't stab anybody the model said he just walked right through the crowd I mean his people just want to be evaporated out from among them and next thing they couldn't see him anymore you know why because it was not his time to die it was it's time to do miracles the devil's opportunity has ceased even though the people tried to get a pipe the devil's gonna try to usurp the authority of Jesus and usurp his time for opportunity but Jesus said it ain't my time to die I can see him walking through the crowd saying Amen keep your hands off the dry-goods just walked out through it and went on his way and begin to cast out devils and heal the sick that's the Jesus that we serve and I believe that the church today right in the midst of a hostile environment of many people that don't like God many people that are hostile toward righteousness then a hostile toward hole in it y'all moving these campers too quick come on stay on one's a little while I'm telling you yeah we got something saying something wonderful and if this that right in the midst of a hostile world right in the midst of a hostile environments you can walk right through it and not be touched just like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego into burning fiery furnace they were able to go right through the burning fiery furnace and not be consumed by the fire you know why because it wasn't their time to die Daniel went in the den of lions and the Lions lost their appetite because God wasn't ready for Daniel to die I know folks are predicting the death of the church well let me tell you something jesus said upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it I believe that with all my heart so Jesus had a sense of timing now all these tremendous miracles are gonna start happening in his life he's 30 years old he's never had a miracle recorded in scripture to our knowledge he's never cast out a devil but now the anointing is upon him and as a young man as I look at what's happening at the body of Christ today I see as you heard me say those of you who've ever heard me preaching recently on national television I've talked about the changing of the guards I've talked about the divine intersection the crossroads in the history of the church I've talked about the revival that's coming I hear the sound of the abundance of rain God is going to do it again I really believe that with all my heart and even though there's a shifting and a sifting and a something and a shaking going on right now and maybe it's not completely all over but I think who's the worst of it perhaps has already passed I pray that that is true I believe that there's going to be a restoration coming now the devil's opportunity is just about over it's now time for us to return to Galilee return to home in the power of the Spirit and do our bidding in the name of Jesus even though the world may still be hostile toward us or the environment maybe there may be enmity between our environment in us we are still the people of God we are still the Church of God this is still the Word of God the Holy Bible upon which we stand and base our faith and I don't care what the world of the devil says the best for is yet to come and I have a feeling that everything somehow it's gonna be alright [Applause] [Music] that's just the way they do it in heaven the Lord told me to teach y'all how to do it now I'm turn over to Book of Daniel for a few minutes I want to show you something else oh yeah let me hear you will everybody say yeah yeah you gonna be waking up in the morning with a strange craving for greens and corn babe the Book of Daniel in Chapter 9 I'm talking as a man that's encouraged because I feel like and I don't say this presumptuously I certainly don't want to sound braggadocio I feel like my time has come to flow in God I feel like my time has come to do exploits for Jesus I feel like my time has come to rise in the name of Jesus and to go forth and to let this well know that our God is alive it's not our time to tuck our tail and run behind and get scared as Danny Bell said this is not the time for giving up it's time to hold it on this is not the time for looking back it's time for being strong and I want to encourage you to be that way look here in genuine Daniel chapter 9 first verse in the first year of Darius son of exercies or your Bible may say a has your ear is a meat by descent this was after the Babylonian captivity had expired who was made root over the Babylonian Kingdom in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood from the scriptures according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the Prophet that the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 years so verse 3 I turn to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer petition in fasting and in sackcloth and ashes daniel is studying the scripture and he reads in the scripture through the Prophet Jeremiah who was one of his contemporaries German Jews Jeremiah preached in Jerusalem Daniel's in Babylon in the king's palace and Ezekiel was in the hill country they were contemporaries all of them preaching at the same time Daniel goes through 70 years of the captivity and Jeremiah had to live through it - what's a dangerous thing to have to deprive to live through your own prophecies when you're prophesying do what you did Jeremiah had to live through his own prophecies Daniel has lived through the prophecies but he's looking to the scriptures he's searching when is this gonna get over when is the bond he's gonna let up and he said I understood from the scriptures and the prophecies of Jeremiah that this particular Babylonian captivity is is only going to last 70 years well that 70 year period had expired and Daniel knew it Daniel was tired of the captivity he was tired of the bondage and he said it's time for this thing to get over he knew that a new season was coming so what did he do the first thing he did was he sought the Lord in prayer you wanna know how to get him how to get involved in the next revival or this wave of God's glory that is upon the church now I mean it's just right around the corner that's why this is not the time for giving up it's really the time for holding on weeping only indoors for the night joy is coming in the morning why don't you believe gone for that for your life for your personal life for your church for your ministry for your body for your family for your marriage whatever it is why don't you believe that your time for blessing is just around the corner I want to speak prophetically now I believe with all my heart I'm not just saying this to sound good Paul I believe in my heart I sought the Lord that's something very wonderful about [Music] working there and adding things to and adding things that they begin to inspire me and I saw this young woman who I knew had gone through hard times in her own life and had felt some setbacks and how the enemy had tried to to assault her but I the Holy Ghost was saying you see I'm using here anyway her pass would love to come in harder the things that she has gone through and I said the tremendous testimony God is doing something in her life and I saw her working in the Spirit of God begin to say her time is coming even though she's been through hard times I'm sinking thinking their Lord I'm tired we were there like 6 o'clock in the morning I've just come from Houston the night before I'd flown in we were there together minister of music was with me my sister was there gallon what we were just ministry read it to each other but the creative juices were flowing and the Spirit of God said this when your time comes no adversary no opposition no devil in hell can stop you when your time has come no no trial when your time comes it's just like a little plant you know right now you you ever seen a little plant grow up to the ground you ever wondered they've been talking about this sub Condor that was birthed here in in the LA area that's last week and that little frail thing burst through the shell of an egg and how does it do that it's such a tender thing but somehow went out it was time for that little bird to be born it breaks the shell it breaks its own shell the thing that once protected it would try to hinder it and so it broke through the thing that once protected it because of it's time to get out of its shell and live it's time for the church it's time for you to get out of your shell and live when that little plant comes up I've seen plants grow through the asphalt grow through the cement grow through rocks I mean you ever seen a tree growing through it right in the middle of a house or something like that a tree can just grow through you all because when it's time to grow it's going oh you can't stop it and the spirit and you know what I saw I saw I saw them the whole earth was level I saw this in this video I'm sitting there in a studio I saw this in the spirit I saw just that the tops of the heads of green plants bursting through the soil I just saw millions and millions that their tears got in my eyes and that was they were doing something else and I wanted to preach I want to tell now I've got to sit down let me tell you what the Holy Ghost is telling me now something it's coming up out of the earth hallelujah something that's coming up through the semen something that's coming up through the rock it's glow it's coming now hallelujah haul it goes to dance running all up and down the spine yeah yeah the glory is coming God is about to restore the glory to his church and the glory to his people and the glory to your life I saw the plants coming up nothing can stop them and because there were so many of them and the Lord said look at them everywhere you can look just the other day in my own house the Spirit of God showed me and it was beautiful I was reading about a message I shared on this program not long ago about the disciples hiding away in the Upper Room afraid after the resurrection of Jesus they were afraid that what happened to him the crucifixion was going to happen to them and I was sitting there and I and I said Lord you know to be honest with you I'm a young man I'm growing up in you and in ministry and I am a man and and I'm called and I feel your anointing but I've seen so many things happen to the body of Christ it scares me I wonder is what happened to other things other people gonna happen to me you can climb that high high mountain and then the enemy attacks you you see the more you get up the more folks see you on television the more of a target you are when you're not on television no one sees you nobody knows you you're not so much of a target but but we're making our self conspicuous now so the folks can scrutinize I mean you can tell me whether you like this suit or not which I don't really care what you like to do it I can do it in the paper but some folks will write and tell me whether they like it or not but you get to see me so you can choose to accept or reject I cannot see you darlings I was really with a you put that down I'll see you at no I don't I wish I could see you I'm looking with my eyes on my spirit trying to see right where you are spiritually that I can see I know what your attitude I know what your thinking is in the spirit I can see that now when you get up your your being your upward target I'll begin to say the Lord I don't want to be a target I don't be so conspicuous that the whole world scrutinizes and criticizes the nitpicks against me I want to I want to have some freedom and some privacy I want to hide away I want to shut away in a room because I don't want bad things to happen to me because I've seen bad things to happen to other people and our and then suddenly Jesus appeared to me this is beautiful I'm sitting there in my chair there's a little cool even though it's spring just before Easter fire was going I had the Bible across my lap and Jesus appears sitting just like your Apollo's Lakes crossed in the other chair and he leans over to me and I saw this with my spiritual eyes he leans over to me and he says there is no crisis in heaven I said what you mean there's got to be a crisis in heaven look what's happening to your body because look what the devil has inflicted upon us or while have you allowed to happen and she just said it again there's no crisis in heaven God is completely solidly in control he knows exactly what he's doing but devil can't do anything that God doesn't allow him to do I just I want you to know I'm afraid and I'm asking you to forgive me for what is for whatever is not of faith is sin and I have not the faith in some of these things I'm doing he's let me show you something look over the dining room table not just weird the way I was sitting facing him I just kind of looked over to my right and I saw my dining room table there in the living room in the downstairs four beautiful angels sitting at the dining room table is incredible very handsome tall broad sitting there talking to each other I don't know what they were saying they were banding back of one I think they look like they were cracking jokes they were cuz they were laughing they seemed so casual so relaxed and I just saw this in the spirit then he said look behind me and directly behind me was the sofa where you could be watching television and there was about a half a dozen angels sitting on some heavenly beings my whole the bottom floor of my house at least was full in heaven I saw six angel sitting there looking at television they might have been watching this I don't know what they're looking at Christian television they probably wouldn't watch and I nasty but they were where over there was intelligent they're sitting there watching and and they were very casually involved in it I looked over into my kitchen and I saw my favorite cereals Captain Crunch and I saw some angels in their Baker's in Captain Crunch with raisins and literally they were just that's what I do when I feel when I sometimes I want to feel real relaxed ninjas enjoy myself I'll go in they make up all the Captain Crunch there was an angel in there getting some of my Cap'n Crunch he didn't even ask for but he was there I know the sound Simmons but it's really what I what I saw right beyond that connected to them there's the utility room there's a washer/dryer and I heard it the washer going in the dryer as if they were washing they were just so complete at home in that house they were so relaxed and Jesus said don't you see God is solidly in control he didn't show me some ethereal supernatural thing of angels coming down through the ceiling with harps I just saw them sitting there doing normal things sitting at the table talking carrying on conversation laughing a little laughter here and there if ever there was a spirit of calm in my house and I stopped crying tears of fear and I began to rejoice in my soul and say Lord you are in the midst of life it's time for God to move again it's time for the Spirit of God to fall upon the church in unprecedented measure so hang on to this thing believe God expect something to happen good in your life let me finish this he went to God in prayer how did Daniel participate in this thing he knew was going to happen he first began to pray if you want to be a part of the next revival now you see the Babylonian captivity had expired God was moving for Israel he would have moved with or without Daniel but Daniel wanted to be in on the move so what he did was the first thing he did was pray which is another word for devotion prayer isn't always verbal it's really giving God regard it's relationship it's communion it's love it's respect it's even fear it's reverence that's what prayer is it's acknowledging that there is a God and communicating with him in your spirit it's devoting to God the first thing David did I mean the daniel did was consecrate himself in prayer he said in petition was the second thing which is supplication to ask for something it's desire it's another word for faith or power or to trust to anticipate to have a sense of expectancy you won't ask for some you don't expect a response so first thing David did our Daniel did was make devotion to God in prayer and many begin to ask he began to make petition he began to exercise his faith and he had a sense of expectancy and anticipation the next thing he said is that he he gave himself to fasting David said I will humble my soul with fasting fasting it's symbolic of humility yielding this obedience acquiescence surrender fasting sort of dramatizes the sincerity of your prayer first he went to prayer then he went into asking or supplicating or petitioning then he began to fast he humbled himself with fasting and cycle sackcloth Rick represents morning or brokenness the Bible says the Lord loves those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit repentance penitence of heart he humbled himself in sackcloth good morning and then ashes ashes represents death the flesh it represents the change or the transition it really means renewal resurrection restoration Daniel went through all that process with prayer petition fasting sackcloth and ashes he went through a son of a kind of a death process and he came out a brand new person in the Lord as it began to seek God he sensed that something was about to happen and he began to pray I wonder what you're sensing there what you feel in your heart what you know is God saying anything arse at just the doldrums is it just deadly negative emotion constantly reading bad news listening to bad news on television hearing bad news from other people deadly negative constantly nitpick and criticizing putting everything down just courage down pressed I'm telling you to get up in the name of Jesus I'm telling you to listen to the Word of God and sense something in your spirit and know that our God is alive it's not time for the church to go around limping in so crippled that they cannot see we go through a time of transition a time of brokenness but at the same time we come out of that in resurrection power I really sense resurrection in my own soul look what else happened here with Daniel this this was beautiful the way God was dealing with Daniel and taught him something so special look over in the twentieth verse of the same chapter of chapter 9 you can go through in your own time and read through that beautiful phrase y'all watch me all the time cuz I don't know what Watson watched and read through that and see how he prayed not only for himself but he repented for everybody for all of Israel there's a time of repentance I think the whole nation should be repenting thank God do us all over again we messed up we failed we made some mistakes and now Lord I know that you're not gonna turn your page from us ultimately completely I know you're gonna restore us the joy of our salvation look what he says in the 21st while I was speaking and praying I like this confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my requests to the Lord my God for his holy hill while I was still in prayer you know wonderful to know that God will answer answer you while you're praying he said while I was still in prayer Gabriel the man I've seen an earlier vision came to me in Swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice he instructed me and said Daniel line I now have come to give you insight and understanding I love this verse 23 market if you have it in your own Bible as soon as you began to pray an answer was given which I have come to tell you for you're highly esteemed therefore consider the message and understand the vision as soon as you began to pray and answer was given now the answer was given Daniel didn't receive it that quickly took the angel 21 days to get to him John you begin to fast and pray and seek the face of God the angel came and said Gabriel said I was on my way to help you and to minister to you but when I got close to you I came in contact with the Prince of Persia that's a demonic principality but hold the ancient seat of Persia is Iran actually today the Prince of the Persian Empire the Persian Empire was about to come there's demonic principalities all over the world historically that manifests themselves at various time the angel came in contact with a the prince the demonic principale that were controlled a certain world empire that was about to to come on the scene he said I would have been to you sooner but I had to fight my way I just sent back to heaven and get Michael the Archangel he came and we fought our way through to you to give you this message now the devil will try to hinder the answer your prayers got through but the devil is trying to hinder the answer when the answer is having trouble getting through the answer knows how to send back for reinforcements from heaven so that's just to me I don't have to worry about the answer if the answer takes a little while coming they're sending back for reinforcements Michael with the or the arc angel of war is coming with a sword of the Spirit and he will fight with along with Gabriel who's singing a song and their town down there where we are and they're gonna give us the answer that's going to affect our lives in the history of the church and of the world so we can relax and enjoy the fact that when we pray with a sincere heart based on the word and the will of God our prayers always get through he said if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven now look what it says over in the next part of it here in the tenth chapter and the first verse in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a revelation was given to Daniel who was called Belshazzar its message was true and it concerned a great war the understanding of the message came to him in a vision at that time I Daniel mourned for three weeks while I was waiting for his answer to come I'm mourned for three weeks I was a little head of myself earlier now he's mourning for three weeks I ate no choice food a partial fast no meter wine touched my lips and I use no lotions at all until the three weeks we're over now don't try that unless the Lord really tells you to okay he didn't leave he didn't use any lotions at all and he that was no cologne or perfume he went through a partial fast on the 24th day of the first month I was standing on the bank of the Great River the Tigris I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen with a belt of the finest gold around his waist his body was like chrysolite his face like lightning his eyes like flaming torches his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze and his voice like the sound of a multitude I Daniel was the only one who saw that vision have you felt like a virgin that you were the only one that saw the vision you're the only one that had hope for the family or the marriage you're the only one that had hope for the ministry or for the church or for what God could do or would do have you ever thought that you were alone in your hopes I have been there ether I Daniel was the only one that saw that vision I was the only one that had the vision I was the only one that felt that God was about to do something but he stood alone for the vision he stood alone and waited the twelvers then he continued do not be afraid this angel said to Daniel since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come to in response to them since the first day you saw it now listen to me please since the very first day you sought an answer from God since the very first day you sought to gain understanding some of you been so confused you have known what to do you've been so frustrated but since the very first day you saw an answer was given it responds to your need so hang right there until the answer comes I'm telling you God's gonna give you the breakthrough that you desire that you need in your heart I'm a single song here that's titled God and God alone it's sort of a devotional call to worship I'm a little hoarse I hope I can get the whole thing out but I feel like I don't even know all the words I wrote them down but I thought it's gonna be very appropriate for what I want to share I feel the anointing in this song it's a special song and I believe it will minister to you God is about to do something God and God alone is in charge he knows exactly what he's doing and answer is on its way for your ministry for your life for your marriage for your home for your for whoever you are get this word Emet a pleasure [Music] god and God alone created on [Music] the globe is gone and [Music] ah [Music] and all the best won't or and God [Music] this [Music] everything we see the choice break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Carlton come on down here and varnish for the final season of Prayer good news even as you were preaching Karen from Anaheim has come to the Lord Beverly from Van Nuys Curtis in the San Diego jail oh just gave his heart to thank how God saved him your word reached right into that jail and brought a captive out Matthew from Mitchell Indiana William from Van Nuys California Jerry's from San Diego Steve from Moreno Valley Theresa from LA John from Pocatello Idaho Tina from here in Los Angeles you know we're gonna pray not only for these but the many needs honey get them ready is you were preaching Carlton it it just struck me all of a sudden I wonder how many myself included have quit praying five minutes too soon oh wow an hour a day Oh what if Daniel had quit on the twenty twentieth day Wow mister the 21st yes you know victory may be an inch away an in a minute a second away and we quit we give up too soon don't wait that's true oh man that hit me all over said for that's a and as you were preaching I just sense that people are getting a hold of God's action saying I'm gonna hang in there and hey reinforcements are on the way yes it may take Gabriel a while to get to me and but it's coming no who's the warrior angel that Michael Michael had to help him break through to get God's press-secretary down there - ha ha ha - to deliver the message and to deliver the news mm-hmm but I just believe some of you've got new new hope - yes you know where well go to God God is still on the throne and I'll tell you Carlton I you know the doom and gloom gloom errs are still out there oh yes there's still a lot of bad press and all that kind of stuff but I want to tell you something you weren't here you are at Azusa 88 yeah while we were in this great week of praiseth on I want to tell you something I know pledges don't mean everything but they mean something yes and this last praiseth on we saw the outflow of God's people's love and this praise Athan was up five million dollars above what it was e5 months ago and there's a new breath of God blowing Oh Lord yes when people are people are beginning to move back into the things of God and hate when you stop and think about it before the gold can ever rise to the top there has to be a little heat it has to be some shaking has to be some sifting that's so man I'm I'm just more encouraged and I agree with you your time is gone I feel like my Holly here is never before man it's time to spit in the devil's eyes and go forward in Jesus name glory be to God how excited are you ready to go out there everybody are you ready to do it are you ready to take this world bite well I want us to pray and I want them to say some of the needs any final words or thoughts before we pray I feel like I need to say this I don't want it to be taken lightly what has just happened here last week or whenever we had the praise upon that was a miracle not only for your ministry but it encourages so many of us who are looking for signs God are you still there are you still with us are you with anybody because there's been such a crippling effect of a past you know a wave of the enemy's assaults on the body of Christ but you people who are who are TV and partners in or who just have become new ones or who watching let me tell you something we need you to to really stay with us in prayer and start raising your Heights for bigger and greater and better things I believe you know that that really like you said our time has come in its hour it isn't just Paul and yet it's all of us if there blessed if there are if the if the folks didn't send the money in and the support in the prayer I couldn't preach I wouldn't be able to preach tonight I'm praying for you and believing for you and every ministry that God has ever raised him I want something wonderful to happen I believe that we're gonna come through this thing and fly in colors God is not been easy amen amen amen he's not finished with anybody no he's not amen pooey on the torpedoes I can't get discouraged as hard as that drive yeah amen we're going forward yeah just talk to the folks down máxima here down in El Salvador that's stations under full construction San Salvador El
Channel: JulesKainMusic
Views: 7,183
Rating: 4.7802196 out of 5
Keywords: come sunday, carlton pearson, tbn, paul and jan, come monday, gospel of inclusion, metacostal
Id: aYrxb4UrUcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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