Birthday Cake Batter Cupcakes | Cupcake Jemma

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I and welcome back to the cupcakes Gemma Channel and to see and do Soho and I'm upstairs today gemma is off doing some kind of pregnancy related stuff so you've got me again on the road and but I've got a really exciting recipe for you today a few weeks back Dana and I were here and we were making a birthday cake cookies and they have been so popular you guys have absolutely loved them so we are on the birthday cake bandwagon at the moment so today we're going to do a cupcake recipe for birthday cake batter cupcakes so I don't know about you but when I was a kid I used to bake with my mom and it was super fun but really the thing I loved the most was licking the bowl at the end and because I think everybody secretly loves cake batter so we're gonna start by making a crumb which is going to be the decoration for our cupcakes and I think that the whole birthday cake came around about maybe like 10 years ago or something and I'm pretty sure that it came from Christina Tosi who runs milk bar in New York which we visited when we were in New York so go and have a look at our New York vlog and to check that out and she kind of created this birthday cake crumb so we're not gonna pretend that this is our event and this is not like she's a genius and so we're gonna bake that first and we're gonna start with some plain flour and I've got 90 grams of that and into there I'm gonna put in a hundred grams of caster sugar and 25 grams of light brown sugar the light brown sugar just kind of adds a caramel each a so it's not just kind of pure sweetness that you get and we're gonna add a half teaspoon of salt because I really think that that kind of adds to the cake batter we kind of effect and we're gonna give half a teaspoon of baking powder along with that all-important sprinkles because this wouldn't be a birthday cake without sprinkles so we've got 25 brands and we're gonna put that in as well [Music] and then we need to add some wet ingredients to bind it all together and I've got 40 grams of sunflower oil you can use any kind of oil but a flavorless one and a colorless one is perfect for this something like olive oil has just got too much of a kind of olive oil taste so try and find some flour or vegetable oil something kind of flavorless so we're going to pop that in along with a whole teaspoon of vanilla extract and now what we need to do is find it all together [Music] so you just want to keep mixing the mixture until it kind of comes together and forms little clumps if you feel like it's a bit dusty and it's not getting there and you can add a little bit more oil or just some cold water because what you want to end up is a consistency a bit like this and when you're happy with your crumbs we're just going to tip it into a baking sheet I've just lined mine with a little bit of greaseproof paper and he put Silpat down just to help it from sticking and then we're gonna put it in the oven at 170 degrees for 10 minutes until it's nice and golden okay so now we are gonna get on with making our cupcake batter and this is basically kind of our I say regular it's not regular it's a delicious vanilla cupcake no speaks and but we're gonna make a few little changes to it just to kind of enhance the kind of birthday cake effect that we are trying to get so we're gonna start off as usual with a hundred and twenty-five grams of soft unsalted butter and remember it's so important that this is really soft and it's important that it's soft because otherwise it's not gonna whip up properly and it's not going to volumize and you'll probably end up with less cupcakes than you need so super soft butter super important into that we are going to add our sugars and we've got hundred grams of caster sugar and 25 grams of the light brown sugar again and 125 grams of self-raising flour along with some raising agent said we've got bicarb and we're going to put in a quarter teaspoon of that just to help give them some lift and a quarter teaspoon of salt and now our additions we've got some white chocolate so I've got 75 grams of white chocolate chips I've kind of chopped them up a little bit so that they go a bit further when they're large they tend to kind of sink to the bottom of the batter so I'm going to pop those into the mix along with the all-important sprinkles so I've got another 30 grams of lovely bright colored sprinkles and we're nearly there we just need to add our eggs so as usual we've got two large free-range eggs and now it's on with our paddle attachment and we're going to beat this for about 30 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] and once that's had 30 seconds on a nice medium-high speed we're gonna add some liquid and I've got one and a half tablespoons of milk here and I'm gonna add in a full teaspoon of vanilla extract and we'll pop all of that into the mixer and get it on again [Music] okay so that's it super easy super quick we really don't beat our kind of cupcake batter for all that line if you want to know a little bit more about why we do that we did like a master class a few months back with Gemma and we kind of explained all the different mixing processes like what happens if you over mix under mix and really really useful video so we'll put a link to that in the description box but now our batter is ready so we can divide it into our cupcake pan as usual we've got a nice large pan with 12 holes and I'm going to use the spoons but again if you've got an ice cream scoop or a piping bag that you want to go with do that [Music] all right so they are going to bake in the oven at the same temperature as our crumb for 18 to 20 minutes and we're going to test them as always by bouncing our finger on the top if they spring up they're ready if they're not we're just going to go for another minute until they ask for you right so now we can get on with making our birthday cake batter icing it's gonna be a kind of a standard American buttercream but we're gonna make it taste like batter because that's kind of the whole point in this video so we lift that with 225 grams of nice soft unsalted butter and we're gonna get that with it as per usual on a nice high speed to kind of make it like nice and airy and light so that you have a nice soft bus cream rather than a kind of waxy stodgy one so we're gonna get that mixing for about five minutes [Music] okay so I'm just going to show you what that looks like it is so white and fluffy and that is what you want before you start adding any icing sugar so now we can start adding our icing sugar and I've got 400 grams in total and I've already sifted it always sift your icing sugar we should always sift everything and we're gonna put half of it in now and beat it all in for you know another three to four minutes because the more you whip it the lighter and fluffier it's gonna get once that switch through we'll add the other half [Music] okay so now's the fun part we're gonna put in some plain flour which sounds a little bit weird but it's not as delicious but there is one thing you need to know about flour it's not safe to eat raw flour and it has lots of bacteria in it and it can cause all sorts of horrible illnesses but it's easy to fix all I've done is I've put my flour on a baking tray and put it in the oven for about 10 minutes and that's just going to kill all the bacteria to make this completely safe to eat so I've got 60 grams and we're gonna tip that into the icing along with it out the way a good pinch of salt to bring out all the flavors and a little bit of vanilla I say a little bit I'm gonna put about a teaspoon in and I'm just gonna get that mixing on a low speed before pouring in about three tablespoons of milk but as usual I'm gonna do this nice and slowly because it might be that we don't want to add all of it because if it goes too sloppy there's not much you can do about bringing it back if it's too stiff we can always add more [Music] now we're just gonna want to speed up for a final beat for another three minutes and then it will be ready [Music] all right so we're all ready so just give me a couple of minutes to clean down and I'll bring everything back together we can do some decorating and we can do some eating [Music] all right so we are nearly ready we've got our cupcakes which have cooled down they're lovely and even and we've got our pie crown which is nice and crispy and we've got our buttercream and before we can start piping this I'm going to add some more sprinkles and the reason I didn't do this and we were making the icing is because if you leave the sprinkles sitting around in the icing they can kind of bleed into it especially if you're not gonna use the icing right away if you're gonna save it to like the next day or something to use I would always put the sprinkles in just before you use it so I'm gonna go for about two tablespoons of sprinkles and then I'm just gonna gently stir those through and now we can fill up our piping bag and I'm gonna do this with a multi star nozzle I'm not sure the complete technical name but it had like a really kind of fluffy effect to it and this is one of our nozzles that we're selling in our kits I'm cupcake Gemma come along with the bag and the coupler in these lovely little packs so it's all in here so we'll put a link to that as well so make sure you get yourself some because it's all the essential nozzles that you need all right here we go so it's going to do a nice kind of classic swirl starting from the center working our way around the outside squeezing off in the middle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] perfect amount of icing as well and now we can just top it off with our yummy pie crumb [Music] [Music] and that is it it smells really really good I can't wait to eat this it's all about the icing it honestly tastes like licking the bowl there's like nostalgia yeah mmm and this program really nice and crispy adding egg your central bit of texture that you need I'm just gonna eat a bit more mmm there is so good you're so good in fact then we're gonna make sure that we've got these in the Soho store this whole weekend so Friday through to Sunday they please come down and say hi give us a high five try one of these and if you bake them yourself then please put them on Instagram and tag us and use hashtag cupcake Gemma so we can all see your photos we'll put all our Instagram and kind of handles names whatever they're called in the description box below let us know how you get on from there delicious watch our birthday cake cookies as well there's some baking of the of right now and they smell amazing so you absolutely have to do those or come down and try them in store as well I better get these downstairs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 355,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fq1QIsc-vys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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