Le sacre de l'homme - Homo sapiens invente les civilisations

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12,000 years ago, man took suddenly a decisive turning point. He leaves his nomadic life to settle in the first villages. He soon invented agriculture, livestock, irrigation, trade, and the alloy of metals, religions, architecture, medicine. On his way, many trials await him. Property generates the first wars. Livestock causes devastating epidemics. Overpopulation causes famines. But Homo-sapiens continues. He builds cities. And imagine a complex society, organized, prioritize. He communicates widely distance through writing. In 8000 years, the population of the planet passes from 3 million to 100 million inhabitants. He builds the society that is ours today. Soon he is no longer the same as before. He is the contemporary man. Here is the story of the great moments, which have led through the centuries, at our birth. The story of our evolution as a contemporary man, begins around 15,000 years ago, by climate change fast and high amplitude. The planet is warming, causing immense changes. A few dozen centuries, the cap glacier will melt by 2 thirds. Gigantic pieces of ice floes break away. The oceans rise 120 meters. This is the great debacle. Little by little, the contours of the earth become such that we knows them today. In some areas, rains torrential rains fall on us, causing cataclysmic flooding. In others, aridification is increasing, and natural fires set the forests ablaze. The ice age is over. Without knowing it, men will invent modern times, and while part of the earth become deserted, the pioneers of this great change will be born in the fertile crescent, the Middle East today. We are, 12,000 years ago, 3 to 4 million men and women inhabit the planet, they are nomads. They live in immense spaces and rarely encounter other human beings. Our clan is among the 1ᵉʳˢ to have domesticated wolves. We made dogs out of them. On the planet, another big change has just happened. A strange idea has just hatched and she will surprise everyone. Stone tepees. With a hair of leaves at their top. We had never seen this. - My word is listened to because that I am the strongest. Acha is my second companion. She is expecting her first child. We didn't know what was ahead we were what we call houses. Another way of life had been discovered, an invention that will disrupt the lives of men. Humans had decided to settle here permanently, to stop walking in order to shine around a center, their village. One of the first things that surprised are the stone bags. It was everywhere. He kept there water and also food. - We had no idea of ​​doing such heavy containers. What was the point of these shelters impossible to move? He had put a tree, in the middle of their teepee. These men acted like spiders. Warm outside and cool inside. The temperature was pleasant, the smell too. A smell of men, of women and children is everywhere impregnated there, the reassuring aroma of dried meat. To survive without moving, you have to be ahead of the game, predict the moment when nature no longer gives. Sedentary people are not still farmers. They pick berries and grains. They don't yet know that we can cultivate wild plants. Their way of life has just added a new facet of human temperament, a facet that nomads do not know. The meaning of ownership. For us nomads, riches of the earth belong to everyone. Sedentary people can no longer think like this. Without reservation, they can no longer survive. Then this strange feeling is born, fear to have his wealth stolen. For the nomad, the stranger is a traveler like him. Even when food is scarce, we must share to survive. In sedentary men, stranger means danger. The nameless man was ready to defend his property as his own life. We had entered this village, like everywhere, like at home, but the inhabitants took this for an assault. It must be said that this strange feeling that they had on their grain had taken over everything. Their house was theirs, their bags of stones, and even the water they put in it. We could not understand their aggression. For us to meet another human was a chance, and we owed him hospitality. The most extraordinary thing, they considered that the land was also their property. This land on which the ancestors of our ancestors had lived, he didn't want anyone to enter henceforth without their consent. They hunted us like wasps which revolve around their meal. - We came in peace, there is a pregnant woman among us. This place suits us and we let's stay despite your threats. Sedentary? How did men had this funny idea? It is possible that the treatment of cereals played a role in this matter. To consume them, you have to grind the grains into flour and to grind them, it takes 2 big stones so heavy, that they are impossible to transport in a nomadic life. The men stayed near the big stones. They stopped moving, it significantly changed their behavior. At the end of the day, the nomad watch nature fall asleep. While the sedentary count its reserves. It is true that nomadic life involves many hazards, pregnant women are well placed to know. One of the disadvantages is that we rarely has long reserves. And when nature is no more generous, we suffer from lack. Acha can no longer digest this puree half-rotten crushed fruit. She needs meat. She needs strength. But the dried meat is sold out. As soon as there is a problem with us, it's still Akala Borgne which comes whistling in my ears. The others don't dare. Too late to go hunting, all these provisions so close to us. I decided to use myself in the reserves of the stone tepees. Neither out of revenge nor out of lust. I took what I needed. These people lived surrounded of all their possessions, and the tools that they used to crush, to prepare and cook these strange grains, which they had made the heart of their livelihood. Among nomads, the cell social is the group. With sedentary life appears a new unit: The family. And each family has its own space, its own house. The downside is that they are surrounded by all kinds of small animals, who want their provisions. At that time, the sedentary continue to hunt and to collect from nature whatever they can eat. And some don't have still domesticated the dog, because this invention was made far from its first villages, especially in Western Europe and China. The dog was used for hunting, but also for custody, waste disposal, company. The man had found in this animal many interests and vice versa. It doesn't take much time to be sedentary, to understand the formidable interest of the animal. That evening, we suddenly become friendly people. The day before, we could not not even drink their water. They wanted to give us their bag of stones and also those grains that sting the tongue. But it wasn't a present. We quickly understood that they were expecting that we offer them one of our dogs. I didn't want these useless things, let alone separate from one of my faithful companions. So they wanted to tell me the secret grains that sting the tongue. Acha sensed danger. And maybe that day, I should have followed his instinct. We were too different from those people. It was soft and tasteless. I didn't like it. I would have preferred to roast these mice which my dog ​​found in large numbers. It is true that the stomach was filling up quickly. And for La Borgne to whom teeth were missing, it was easier to eat than meat. The sedentary had understood that our dog could help him get rid of of the scourge that ate its seeds. To have it, he was ready to give me all his objects, but it was a ruse. These gifts did not come from the heart, they were intended to weaken mine. - Keep your things and I'll look after the dog! The sedentary accumulates goods possessed, becomes a goal, we start to think that we can get what we want, thanks to accumulated wealth. The nomad does not understand this. The life of nomads is made trials and unforeseen events. Nature and its forces, dominate their existence. Their beliefs are linked to these inexplicable forces, and against which they can do nothing. The sedentary continue they too fear nature. But little by little, their organization allows you to free yourself from your excesses. Protect yourself from dangers and make life more predictable. The stone tepees do not wobble not under the waves of the wind, and do not fear the barking of fire. Skin Teepees do not not resistant to tornadoes, and even less to the power devastating flames. When you're a nomad, you're ready to lose everything overnight. What was yesterday, will not be maybe more tomorrow. This uncertainty is precisely what the sedentary will fight fiercely. The sedentary person is always looking for a way to avoid unpleasant surprises. The villagers offered us to join them. Leave or stay with them for a while? If we left, Acha would be without shelter during deliverance. Faced with the chaos of life, the sedentary offers a reassuring solution, organized, stable. Even if nomads prefer a life adventurous to a life made of work, discipline and routine. Security has enormous seductive power. To welcome us, the villagers freed one of their teepees from Pierre. But when you have slept all your life under the stars or under stretched skins, we don't fall asleep easily in this enclosed space, where even the voices have difficulty escaping. Akhala Borge quickly got used to it to the softness of the bread pancakes, but Acha can no longer eat These ordeals exhausted her so much. She understood that she could feed her by eating her bread. The nomad adapts to his environment. The sedentary person adapts its environment to its needs. A few days have passed, we tried to get used to it. At first the villagers pretended to be happy with our presence, then a real bond was born. Houram still wanted my dog, but he understood that he would have it When the hens have teeth. And like At the time, we had not invented the chicken. A little girl was born from Acha's womb. But Acha, like the first companion of Haar did not survive the birth. His breath was gone. She had left to join ours in the sea of ​​stars. A daughter of Gaia was gone, another had come, with no one to feed her. We believe in Gaia, The Eternal Mother. This feminine nature which lavishes us everything we need. At this time, it is possible that man does not have the awareness of being a father. He doesn't know that the children who go out of the belly, are also a part of themselves. The next day, at dawn, we continued on our way. I left my best dog in Houram, as a reward for generosity which he was going to demonstrate. I left him Acha's daughter. It was the only solution for her to live. Gaia also remained with the child. His lineage will live on by the daughter of Acha. Most nomads go soon adopt a sedentary life. Seduced by comfort and safety. They will leave in our genes this thirst for freedom, and this taste for discovering the unknown. A sedentary lifestyle goes deep change human behavior, make him enter a spiral inventions and novelties, that will never stop. The collection of wild cereals will soon to be replaced by agriculture. Wheat and barley in the fertile crescent will spread throughout Europe and the Indus. Rice and millet in China, corn, potatoes and peppers in America, sorghum in Africa. More or less consciously, Sapiens carries out the first genetic selections. He chooses the seeds of the plants the most robust, the most generous. To cultivate the land, man will open clearings. The landscapes will become humanized. We are 7,500 years ago years before Jesus Christ. In the Middle East. The hamlet has become a village. More security, more stability. Women have more children and children die less. More people, more houses, more tension too. The round house with difficulty expandable, have little by little, been replaced by architectures rectangular, which can be more easily enlarged or cut into independent pieces. From the dynasty of Gaia. It's my amulet that says so. Her name is Nikki, since I was young age, I dream of starting a family with her. We now have a house for the dead. We keep the remains here ancestors of the village. This place allows us to maintain their memory. To remember them better, We keep the skulls and put makeup on them to make them look like they were. Thus, we know where and from whom we have been descended for generations. The importance of our families is linked to the number of skulls that bear their name. Alas, I'm not the only one suitor to the beautiful Nikki, at the hands of the family Bellutas, my eternal rival. The Bellutas are also a of the big families of the village. They have a lot of men valiant in their lineage. But Oku is a coward who took advantage of his name to make bad moves. This day happened which should never have happened. Nikki's father would choose the groom of his daughter based on interests of his family and according to omen of animal spirits. But the dispute had created a dangerous situation, and I asked my father for the right to immediately ask for Nikki’s hand. At the time we had domesticated some animals. At the beginning, we kept alive little ones brought back from hunting, wild boar, mountain horses. If we kept them and fed them, we had a supply of meat fresh available at any time. These animals were rather rare, and I decided to offer our only wild boar to Nikky's father, as a wedding ring gift. But Oku's family beat me to it. They had offered 2 animals even rarer. The cats had arrived in our villages, attracted to rodents who ate our crops. They quickly became we are valuable allies. Owning property had now an incidence, about what we can do or get from others, the less rich, become less powerful than the richest. Competition between men is changing shape. The law of the strongest is underway to become the law of the most fortunate. I was in love with Nikki, and Nikki had been given to another. I had the rules against me of the village and the authority of the elders. I offended Oku, his family, Nikki's father. It is for these reasons that I decided to take Nikki, far away in another village, to start a family there. We had life ahead of us, we were free and we loved each other, no one had ever dared to do that before. I believe that that day, we invented paradise. Nikki was getting colder. I will cure her with plants. But in the meantime, it was necessary warm it up. It was dangerous, but I had no choice. Oku didn't want to accept no no more losing the one he loved. His love disappointed, the power of the heads of family which was on his side made him a tough enemy, tenacious and merciless. He had destroyed my body. Only a fragment of breath kept me alive. I clung desperately to this air, going in and out of my chest. At that time, men understood that we could bury seeds in the ground, and that they gave news plants after a few weeks. They even know how to choose the best plants, they are constantly improving the quality of their grains. My father thought I was gone forever, but he quickly understood that he Something serious had happened. My father and my brother gave me searched for a long time. On the way back, Oku had made the traces disappear which would have allowed them to find me. Days have passed, my life was hanging by a thread. It's thanks to these shoots of soft wheat that I held. I saw them grow with each once I regained consciousness. She was life. They were my light. A conflict between two individuals thus transforms into a serious discord between 2 family clans. The rivalry between me and Oku was going become the great drama of our village. Man has known for a long time the power of medicinal plants, but surgery appears only at this time. We begin to practice trepanation. We open the skull to heal trauma, dementia and other unexplainable illnesses. Conflicts that are easy to resolve when we were few in number, now threatened the cohesion of the group. Very quickly, the argument extends to the entire village. We take sides with some, we take sides with others, but no one can find a solution. The hole in my skull had released the blood that paralyzed me. I will survive, but as a parasite. I will now be unable to help my family working in the fields. It was the year it didn't rain. The earth no longer gave food and the whole village lamented. Curiously, this era, we had not yet understood that water was essential for plants. As crazy as it sounds, no one had done it connection with drought. On the other hand, everyone has made the connection with me. I had defied the will of spirits, they punished us. Even my father was mad at me. I spent my time observing nature, to seek to understand its secrets. My body no longer had any strength, but my mind remained alert. The idea came to me suddenly. An idea, even a simple one, can change your life men and change our destiny. My hand full of mud digs a furrow on the ground, water flowing slowly, the seeds that germinate, the tender green of young shoots which grow little by little. Water was the secret of life. It was all there, before our eyes, but we didn't understand it. So, at that time was invented, irrigation. My father and my brother didn't let me raw, but they tried anyway. They spared no effort, just to please myself. Understanding the role water in agriculture, will give great strength to sedentary systems. Well irrigated, crops will yield much more and the years of scarcity are over. I had stolen his powers from heaven. I shamed the rain. My idea was stronger than nature. Stronger than all spirits. Oku came to our land to understand the reason for all these green plants, while his fields remained dry. He continued to think that I had bad luck. Irrigation allowed us to produce a much larger quantity of cereals, and better feed the members of our family. Suddenly we had surpluses, production surpluses. It has become a form of wealth and we understood that this gave us power. The advantage of this new wealth, is that it can be exchanged. Nikki's father and everyone who had taken sides against us, came to offer us gifts in exchange for our grain. And the exchange calms conflicts because it allows us to renew a dialogue and mutual satisfaction. We, the family of Gaia's lineage, we had become the most powerful and more respected. But Oku's family, I did not want. I couldn't forget what he had done to me. I will never give them even a single grain of wheat. Thus, a gesture can become a form of violence. Thanks to the boar whose father of Nikki had not wanted, I found a simple idea: It was enough to lock up males and females together, they multiplied. This find will soon tour the world. I still loved him. I never stopped loving him. Many times I thought she would come back, I stopped hoping. Nikki persuaded me. I couldn't deprive her of food because of her husband's dog. She had nothing to do with it. So, I forgave. Agriculture, livestock, irrigation. Man can legitimately say now that he manipulates the living world. And that he took over the elements. I had become stronger than the spirits. This new power makes him proud and dominant. He begins to believe that he is more powerful than nature. To represent its deities, he abandons the images of animals and natural spirits. He represents himself. Ouki was even able to find a wife, and he started a family. Gaia's lineage will have descendants. Exchanges of goods will soon relayed by exchanges of know-how, and techniques. Thanks to the exchanges, information and innovations, will travel over great distances, and men will evolve more quickly. After the rise of agriculture, livestock farming will spread across the planet like wildfire. After the wolf became a dog, the sheep and the wild goat will be domesticated in the Near East and Asia. The wild boar will be transformed into a pig, the auroch will become the ox. The chickens will be domesticated in Pakistan, the donkey in Palestine, the horse between Europe and Central Asia. The lama in Peru. The bee in Egypt. The domestication of animals favored the demographic explosion, but it also led to a certain number of evil effects. Terrible trials await men. The year is 3,500 BC. Our village has grown again. More than 1000 people live there. Since travelers brought the wheel and the cart, our work was made easier. People have tailoring jobs stone workers, masons, blacksmiths, potters. But everyone practices always agriculture and livestock. There are now many families. There are arguments all the time. To mediate crises, advice of experienced men does justice, and makes major collective decisions. Horu and Wakka were 2 brothers, both descending from the lineage of Gaia, one of the oldest in the village. Wakka was the eldest, he wore the amulet of the heads of the family. Their judgment was respected by all. Everyone now had their own field, his animals, his accommodation. We all had property and problems that came with it. To possess is also to defend. The goats of the tanner's son had passed at night in the old potter's fields. Suffice to say that part of his harvest was lost. In these cases, we did always call for advice. The council decided on a case by case basis. case and often according to custom. Exchange of goods, repair thus mutual offenses, the fragile balance of the village, was based on these collegial decisions. But the great misfortunes which were waiting to burst it. With the help of Horu and his greed for riches. I was Ikke, the son of Wakka. From the lineage of Gaia. We had fields and goats, my Father was mainly the village blacksmith. The first metals had just appeared, and their power fascinated us. From the mountain, I brought ore for my father. Those found in the state natural, like copper or gold. He melted and molded them to pull containers and small tools. The problem with these metals is that they were too fragile to turn the earth. For several days, the skin of my mother had turned red. Nobody suspected then the arrival of the great tragedy. Every week we killed a goat to feed the family. I didn't like it. I did not know never which one to choose. I was far from suspecting that there was there, under my feet, invisible creatures and terribly harmful. The first sign of the great tragedy was this goat, half dead. Microbes, bacteria, viruses. Without them knowing it, all these creatures were developing at high speed, thanks to the concentration of men, animals, excrement and droppings. My mother suffered from a growing illness. After the red patches on his body, she was taken by violent fevers, and repeated vomiting. Horu, my father's brother was a healer. He mastered the science of plants and made drinks, and ointments for the whole village. We had always had diseases among men, but a mysterious new form was appearing, more dangerous. More devastating. Horu wanted to be reassuring. He was keen on his prestige and his reward. His healing power, would overcome the evil. Horu loved gifts. If he could, he would have chosen itself rather the large vase. It would have been normal for him to refuse his brother's reward, but Horu was too greedy. There is a phenomenon that men have been able to anticipate pigs, but also cattle, the sheep are in the wild, already carrying epidemic diseases. Breeding created the conditions so that they can send them to us. At first. Nobody did the rapprochement, not even Horu. Measles, tuberculosis, flu, smallpox, all these scourges will be to us transmitted by our livestock. My mother was leaving. His whole body was nothing but pain. His agony seemed excruciating painful and we were helpless. At that time, customs funeral services have changed. They have become more complex. We now keep the bodies of deceased in the family home, sign of greater importance given to each lineage. The whole family must give to the dead, including Horu. In a few days, it was a massacre. The whole potter's family died suddenly. And then others, and still more. Whole families. So much so that after a while, there is no had no one left to bury them. So the wise men decided to put everyone in a pit, outside the village to hunt the smells of death. The council had been sitting since the day before in the town hall, but no one, even Idrou our shaman, found no explanation for the evil. How could he have known? The only clue he had, it was the red patches. The bad always started by red patches. - You all show your bodies, we Let's see if bad luck has chosen you. The invisible evil that lurks, chooses his accomplices. But they cannot escape us, because the trace of the villain is under their clothes. Those who had these traces were cursed. Horu had found the sign of evil and everything the world saw that he was right. In a few well-chosen words, Horu established himself as the only able to stop the scourge. You had to listen to his words and obey his orders. It was a curse. All those who bore the sign of villain, had to leave the village. Even his brother had to leave. Men cannot understand the role of microbes, in the face of these disasters they don't know the origin. They blame invisible forces. In a few moments, Horu has just invented a new form of power, that of the leader. Horu thus became the man the most important in the village. The one who decides for himself for everyone else. He became the sole heir of the lineage of Gaia. Who better than Hydro could say how much Was the leader's vision correct? Evil had to be chased away. The boss was right, he knew where the problem was. In a short time, the religious becomes the first support of politics. Fire wards off evil spirits. Without knowing it, Horu took there a salutary measure, eliminate evil with heat. All dead animals would be burned. In a short time, this measure has stopped the slaughter among animals. They recognized his power, his intelligence. Its accuracy. The great hunt for accomplices of evil continued. Horu, A man of power, quickly understood that he needed strength armed to help him carry out his decisions. All the houses were searched, all living beings were controlled. All those who bore the mark of the curse were banished, and their goods were marked with whitewash. When a leader takes good decisions for the community, those who benefit thank him with gifts. And so Horu becomes richer, we begin to show him marks of respect. Our group wandered aimlessly, we no longer had hope. Ours were dying one after the other. Epidemics share several features. It spreads quickly and efficiently from one infected person to another, and these are diseases acute, where we die, where we recover completely in a short period of time. And little by little the evil left our bodies. We were saved. The red patches were gone. Only 3 of us had survived. After several weeks walking, we found life. These people came from Anatolia, from the North. They too had experienced the great illness and many men were missing. All these women without men have us welcomed with great generosity. In our village, the men had always order while women decided at home. Among these strangers, it was a woman who made the big decisions. From the highlands of Anatolia, these women had made 2 major discoveries. The horse, this fiery, fierce animal and indomitable was there, before my eyes. Docile and calm, like a suckling lamb. She hadn't tamed him only for its meat. Kélée. This woman made me dizzy. She gave rise to a feeling in me, that I had never experienced. Want to sing, dance, to hold her in my arms. Want to take his mouth and stick mine there. The 2nd discovery would change my life father and later, that of all men. What was this metal? He was hard as a rock, my father had never seen that. How had they done it? My father was dying to know, but the secret was well kept. In our country, the epidemic had spread suddenly stopped, and the power of Huro in had greatly benefited. The goods of those who had left were now under his responsibility, and in particular those of his brother. But who would they serve? now in these empty houses? Horu first had the idea of ​​recovering the reward my father had given him. This one and this one. All in all, if this vase he wanted. Soon all the goods of the houses Empties were requisitioned. Horu declared that he belonged to the village community. In a short time they will become his property. All this for himself? No, Hydro didn't like that. THE shaman had to be a true ally. He would be rewarded for his loyalty. Soon the chef will distribute a part of his riches to his supporters. He will create an elite, a class social above others. Bronze, this prodigious metal. The blacksmiths of Anatolia did not want not pass on their secrets to him, but the tattooed woman had the power and great tenderness for my father. Copper, tin, mixed in the same bath. It's simple, but it must have had the idea. Bronze makes tools much more resistant and efficient. It will further increase productivity agricultural societies. But bronze also makes it possible to shape new weapons that are much more resistant. - Who had this idea? How many mixtures had been tried, before it is found? In the village, everything had changed. Power had distorted Horu. His status now required that he be housed in the largest house. The old town hall. He had ordered that they be arranged everywhere there are statues bearing the effigy of Gaia. Huro was no longer a man like the others. He no longer worked in the fields, no longer raised animals. His role as leader did not allow him no more stooping to these tasks. So it was normal that he was maintained by those he led. Thus, everyone was asked to bring their contribution to the leader, a kind of tax. A practice that will not please everyone the world. We will all end up accepting it. A new form of organization of power was born: The chiefdom. Horu is maintained by everyone's effort. Part of the villagers' work is given to the chief, which in turn actually benefit its ruling class. And among those close to the leader settles a hierarchy, desires. And a struggle for power. Kelée had changed my life. Love had made me a man and I had found meaning to this chaotic existence. She also introduced me to speed, enthusiasm and the ardor of the galloping horse. A prodigious animal will transform our perception of distance. But curiously, at that time, no one has tried to mount it yet. We will have to wait 2,000 years before until horse riding was invented. Healed and strong in what we had learned, we decided to return home. Discontent was brewing in the population. Horu had become a despot and he no longer tolerated any contradiction. Horu and Hydro had not planned our return. My father had been one of the men the most esteemed and above all, he was the eldest in the line of Gaia. He wanted to know what gift his brother brought him back from his distant journey. Rocks ? Was it there the honor given to him? Where were the riches? How were we going to reward him, for his limitless genius? Power calls for power. Possessed calls for more wealth, and all this disturbs the mind. Hydro realized that his boss was going too far. But what could he do? He took away my reason for living. But the force is with me. Bronze will give me Kelée. When power becomes abusive, and that the balance of what it brings and what it costs is broken, this one is condemned. When the power of decision focuses on one man, and he no longer hears the cries of his fellow men, this one is condemned. Horu had gone too far. Horu was doomed. Horu was lost. He was ready for anything rock with him rather than give in. Hydro the shaman had betrayed. The taste of property, the pleasure of exercising power, the fear of losing him, all these facets have forged the vanity of man. And his vanity and his own pyre. My father then decided that I should reign, it was up to me to lead our people, in the new world which opened to our eyes, Kelée and I will try to be worthy of it. The chiefdoms will soon become kingdoms. Enlightened monarchs will understand that their power rests on the prosperity of their people. We must redistribute wealth instead of monopolizing them. But to have more wealth without taking them from his own, you have to look elsewhere. This is how wars will be invented. In the next 2,000 years follow, everywhere on the planet, great and powerful cities will see the light of day, in Asia, the Middle East, in the Mediterranean, in America. The most urban areas rich people will want to expand. They will raise the first armies, seize neighboring villages, unite them. This is how the first cities were born. The first of them, will flourish in present-day Iraq, and give birth to the great Sumerian civilization. We are in 2500 before Jesus Christ in Mesopotamia. I am Tobar, the shepherd, of the lineage of Gaia. Since my childhood, I have dreamed of seeing the great city. Who could build buildings of such magnitude? Is this the work of the gods? As soon as they appear, cities will exercise immense fascination. For the first time in human history, populations of different origins, different languages ​​coexist and build together. Where were all these people going? What goal was he pursuing? We passed each other without even looking at each other. I had never seen so much of everything. Objects from distant lands. Jewelry, perfumes, spices, alcohol. Some useful, but others only for pleasure. Pleasure, of the eyes, of the nose, of the mouth, pleasure to hear. There is also the presence of the State everywhere. The king now has many representatives. First among which are those who are responsible for collecting tax, essential to the life of the city. The scribe is responsible for the accounts, it is the head of the guards who executes decisions of the Crown Treasury. Some subjects are already trying to minimize their fortune, to reduce their contribution to the State. To count trade and taxes, we have just invented a system of code engraved in clay. Writing has just been born. But it is of no use at the moment than recording transactions. I was fascinated by this scribe. Sarkis mastering the power of signs, for me it was magical knowledge. Could he count the stars in the sky? The weavers made fabrics for notables, and its debt to the State had suddenly tripled. He was unable to pay. Sarkis and he had formed a friendship relationship and without thinking, he came to her aid. For what, ask him that much right away? He could pay in several installments. The guards didn't know how to read, they remembered everything. Nothing stopped his determination. The head of the guards served the king body and soul, with zeal. But he used the authority given to him had delegated to satisfy his cruelty. - How do you want to serve the king, if are you depriving it of its best craftsmen? The more Sarkis wanted to defend the weaver and the more the head of the guards corrected him. The king's palace. The center of the anthill was a huge house, greater than the most large desert dune. The taxes collected were sent there. I wanted to see behind these walls. It was a forbidden area. I didn't even know it existed. A place where only some can enter, I had never seen that. I wanted to know at all costs what was behind these walls. Why did they hide their activities to the people of the city? In my village, we could easily see boss, all you had to do was ask. It was like a village golden inside the city. Here all the decisions were made the anthill, everything seemed wonderful there. There were architects there, artists and scholars. The greatest concentration of knowledge never collected. State wealth is used to maintain the city and the prestige of the king, but also for the protection of the kingdom. Nomadic raiders had made an incursion into the north of the kingdom. The king wanted to raise additional armies, hire soldiers and make new weapons. He needed more. I was attracted to this scribe. I wanted to meet him and above all learn. His knowledge fascinated me. I now knew why I had come. I wanted to write. - Teach me. But writing is not possibility open to all. This art is reserved for an elite whose you don't belong, little shepherd. Through writing, kings can extend their power even to distant lands. But their messages must remain secret. No one should be able to decipher them. Hence the strategic importance knowledge of the signs. By agreeing to initiate me, Sarkis was taking a huge risk. He had no right to teach me this secret code. Sarkis the scribe had taken a liking to me. I think he loved my youth, my naivety and my outlook are more important to him. Writing is a discipline which requires rigor, but never learn without understanding. - The principle is simple. So on clay, and you choose what it means. Gaia's lineage is ancient. I don't know where we come from. If my ancestors had been able to write. I had failed my first lesson, but my failure had given Sarkis an idea. An idea that could save his friend the weaver. The night of Sarkis had been chosen, to contribute to the effort additional war. The head of the guards was ready to strip him. The sophistication of the organization of the city, also brings its share injustices and imbalances. Civil servants must execute orders, without taking into account the reality of everyone's life. This time, the efforts requested were too heavy. The weaver, had hidden his last reserves. After 20 years of loyalty, Sarkis was ready to betray his king. He was revolted against the abuse, and ready to lie to save his friend in distress. The most gifted scribes will soon do better than copy data. They will invent new symbols to represent concepts, ideas, words. I began to understand that writing could become a much more powerful tool. It made it possible to represent knowledge, natural and scientific laws and disseminate them to a greater number of people. But she could also lie, transmit false information, and set traps. It was a formidable weapon. To restore injustice made to his friend the weaver, Sarkis had falsified the request for the royal treasury. Some modified signs, and the amount was different. The treasurer was tense, he couldn't to collect all the goods required by the king. Sarkis betrayed for the first time Once fear tightened his stomach. The falsification was well done, but the treasurer had doubts. The head guard had seen the deception. He knew that the proof of Sarkis's wrongdoing was inscribed on a clay plaque, but he didn't know which one. Sarkis treated me harshly. I do not didn't go out, I had very little to eat, I had no right to sleep more than 4 hours per night. The faster I learned, the more Sarkis increased his demands. So sometimes I regretted village life and my sheep. Hey, but how do you write the word sheep? Sarkis had been the subject of an investigation. We finally found the falsified plate, and we compared it to the original. - What will you do now with your knowledge? What will it be used for? - To travel, little boss. - You are lost, you will be executed. Sarkis was thrown into prison. Being deprived of liberty is a terrible punishment. For an uneducated shepherd like me, it was death. But intellectual nourishment can withstand a lot of things. Loneliness, boredom, persecution. One of the other benefits of writing, is that it allows knowledge to be transmit to a very large number. For this it is still necessary that she be taught to as many people as possible. Sarkis had put herself in the head to educate all prisoners, even the mute, Sarkis did not have the right, but now he didn't care. He wanted to share his knowledge, pass on your knowledge before being sentenced to death. This was possible for one reason only, Lugal was dying to learn too. He was allowed to listen and watch. So, he didn't say anything about it to his superiors. Writing will have difficulty becoming democratized, it will take millennia. But we know that prosperity and the dynamism of a city, are linked to its capacity to educate his people. The kings didn't understand this at first. They wanted to keep the knowledge to themselves, to better exploit it. Sarkis had betrayed his king and for big affairs, the only judge, it is the king himself. Sarkis will be punished by death. Men will take a long time to separate justice and power. In the city, public executions offer the subject an entertaining spectacle. but they mainly serve to reinforce the supremacy of the sovereign. Sarkis had taught me everything, he had risked his life for me. I had to risk mine for him. I loved him, but that day, I understood how much he loved me too. I was his disciple, his protégé, he had put me in his heart. - Hold the symbol of Gaia. She will protect you. Living in big cities, man gradually freed from the dangers of nature. Certainly, he no longer suffers from it, but the problem is that he no longer knows them, even if he can still read the stars to find your way, he no longer knows how to find water in the desert without shadow to protect it, his body abandons him. Sarkis felt his end approaching, but he regretted nothing. He preferred to die free than living a lie. Desert people are used to finding city ​​dwellers lost in the sands. Usually it's too late, they died of thirst. What was he going to do with a dying man? Strip it and leave his body to the vultures? Who were these people? Why had he saved him? They were nomads and for them, the stranger is a traveler to whom we owe hospitality. These people were part of the lineage de Haar, a very old family, who had never converted to a sedentary life. They knew the lineage of Gaia. They knew her very well. I continued to study alone, without ever forgetting Sarkis. Thanks to his teaching. I gradually became a scholar. But I still missed the master. He gave me everything, the little shepherd. Between large urban centers, new nomads have appeared, organized in caravans, they begin to travel the planet, exchange goods thousands of kilometers, and organize unconsciously, the great diffusion of knowledge, which will continue to increase. Thanks to these travelers, and to the power attraction of large cities, knowledge will accumulate, sciences, arts. Techniques will progress. Thanks to Sarkis, they were able to master numbers and symbols. Knowledge of writing will enable for all peoples to free themselves of the exclusive power of kings. 10 years had passed, and Sarkis found the city he had fled. I had become a royal scribe and a master, Sarkis couldn't believe his eyes. He was proud of me. Sarkis had spoken about me to the nomads of desert and he wanted me to join them. He wanted me to discover the world, its riches and its sorrows. I stayed. My place was here. In the midst of my disciples. Writing needed me. My role was no longer to count the king's treasures, I was writing the great history of men. I will write the rest of the story of the lineage of Gaia. So that it can be read and heard on the borders of the world and for thousands of years. Writing will soon become the pillar of human creation. The most powerful way communication of the universe. There will soon be billions of men, and they will communicate with each other their knowledge more and more quickly. When they no longer know where to go, they will look behind.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 19,836,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentaire, complet, entier, français, reportage, france, documentary, ergaster, sapien, evolution, humanity, humanité, homme, humains, préhistoire, Homo sapiens
Id: pUVKkhSgD5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 51sec (6411 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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