Staline, le tyran rouge | Documentaire complet

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Summer 1945... Victory Day Red Square in Moscow. Before the Soviet leaders, famous russian army victory over Nazi Germany. As under the Roman Empire, soldiers throw the flags vanquished at the foot of the victor. The man who beat Hitler Joseph Stalin. After 20 years personal power, the master of the USSR is at the height of his glory. A poet writes, - “Stalin, you are higher than the high celestial spaces and only your thoughts are taller than you. Your Stalin spirit is brighter than the sun. » - It is called the little father of the peoples. Worldwide, he embodies hope for a fairer society. He is the idol of hundreds of millions of people. In France also we sing these praises. - Yes, with all our heart, we proclaim our ardent love for Stalin and we assure it of our unshakeable confidence. - Yet this man is one of the greatest criminals in history. He massacred his own people. - "We will mercilessly annihilate anyone who threatens with facts or even in thought, state unity. » - He enslaved 18 million people. - "We must cut off the harmful limbs of the party to preserve him from disease and infection. » - He cynically provoked famines which claimed millions of lives. - “Death solves all problems. More men, more problems. » - He sacrificed his family to his own power. - "A true Bolshevik shouldn't have a family. » - Here is the amazing story of this son of a small craftsman who has become one of the characters the most powerful on the planet. The story of the man who declared to make his people happy and who has become by force of megalomania and fanaticism one of the most dictators bloody experiences that mankind has known. The year 1924. the surroundings of Moscow, in the Russian winter. Lenin, the father of the revolution Bolshevik, just died. It is one of the first movies where Stalin appeared. With Soviet officials, he carries the chief's coffin. Stalin is 46 years old. He is secretary general of the communist party, a relatively quiet post. Among his comrades, no one yet imagines that it is he who will succeed the great Lenin. They do not imagine that in ten years, he will have had almost all of them liquidated. Among them, no one has understood yet who Joseph Stalin really is. For his comrades, he is an insignificant character. - "Stalin is the most eminent mediocrity of our party. We are not afraid of Stalin. As soon as he wants to take great airs, we will eliminate it. » - Always, Stalin hides his game. His real name is Iossif Dzhugashvili. He was born in 1878, in the time of the tsars. A monarchical regime based on inequality and submission to rulers. A miserable childhood. An alcoholic and violent father. Educated by Orthodox monks, he flipped very early in the fight against the tsar and he took the name of Stalin, the man of steel. In 1917 he participated with Lenin to the great Bolshevik revolution. A revolution that overthrew the Tsar, abolished the privileges and empower the people. In the shadow of Lenin, he waits for an opportunity to take power. Lenin's death is that occasion. In 1924 he succeeded through political maneuvers to spread the highest current character, Leon Trotsky, before exiling him. Stalin in a few months seizes power. He won't leave him again. He chooses to settle here, in the Kremlin citadel, the former palace of the tsars. It is from here that he will lead the USSR. Union of Republics Soviet Socialists, the largest country on the planet. With a few devotees who go follow him for almost 30 years, he wants to go further than Lenin. He wants to change the course of history. - “We Bolsheviks, we are of a special breed. The personal element is not worth a nail. Do not doubt it, comrades. I'm ready to devote to the working class all my strength and every drop of my blood. » - Stalin wants to do table race of the past. He abruptly removes traces of old Russia which the revolution had spared. He decrees religion contrary to the interests of the people. In all the countries, he makes it disappear the symbols of the old regime. In place, he nurtures a radical project, the communism. An ideal society. Without rich or poor. A world where everything is shared. A world where everyone has the same chances at birth. A world where health and education are accessible to all. For the Soviet Union, he experiences boundless ambition. - "Old Russia has always was beaten for being late. Slow down the pace means to be behind and the stragglers will be beaten. We in the Soviet Union we don't want to be beaten anymore. » - He launches gigantic construction sites, Skyscraper, subway, railway, barrage. He wants to modernize Russia forced march for her to become workers' paradise. A world where unemployment does not exist. and where every worker can offer a decent existence for his family. - We, the pioneers of the great fatherland, party soldiers, always ready. We thank you Stalin for the happiness that you give to our country. - Stalin is the guide enlightened communists. His portrait is everywhere. Every Soviet must revere him in all circumstances. It must be perfect, because it represents the success of communism. He corrected himself his official biography, sold millions of copies. On the trials, he wrote it down by hand... - “Add the sentence, Stalin is the greatest all time captain and of all peoples. » - The real Stalin is no longer commonplace. He measures 1m60. He wears shoes with wedge soles. Often it stands on a small plate of wood which makes it a little bigger. Look at this picture, it is his true face. His skin is pockmarked, because he caught smallpox at the age of seven. Curiously, in public, nothing seems to be. The new master of the Kremlin is a mystery to these subjects. He lives locked up in his office and he jealously hides his private life. Here are the photos that we remained of his wife Nadia, a former comrade 22 years her junior. With her he had two children. Vasily and Svetlana, his darling daughter. He exerts on her a real fascination. - "As long as dad loves me, I'm I don't care that the whole world hates me. If daddy asked me to go to the moon, I will do it. » - Very rare pictures show us Stalin in these moments of relaxation during the summer holidays when he takes his deputies on the Black Sea. Ekaterina Voroshilov, the wife of one of his lieutenants remembers. - “Stalin loved wilderness expeditions. He took us by car and we settled down next to a river. We lit a fire, we were grilling meat joking and singing. It was really good times. » - However, from the first years, the bad news is piling up. Stalin's policy problematic. Standard of living begins to deteriorate. By multiplying industrial projects, Stalin sacrificed daily life. The population increases, but the building housing does not follow. Whole families crowd together in very small spaces. Look at these pictures, they were shot almost clandestinely in the streets of Moscow. She is one of the few testimonies of poverty in the early 1930s. It's that rich Englishwoman, Lady Mountbatten who during a trip filmed with his personal camera. - “I see everywhere signs of malnutrition. This old man who rummages in the trash cans is a former aristocrat. He was a teacher famous at the time of the tsars Here is a little boy who is all alone and asking me for help. Shop windows are almost empty. Above all, the queues are endless. In the queue, some remain all day waiting, without being able to buy anything. » - In the USSR, the communist dream is already cracking. In the Kremlin, Stalin does not want to hear anything. For him, failure does not exist. If the system is faulty it's that we're sabotaging his policy. He is looking for culprits among economic leaders. Like the commissioner finance, Brioukhanov that he considers incompetent and that a collaborator drew in an awkward posture. In the margin of the drawing, Stalin writes. - "For all these sins past and present, hang Brioukhanov by the testicles. If they hold consider it as acquitted by the court. If they let go throw it in the river. » - Stalin is only half joking. In 1930, he invented a method for officially identify the culprits. The political trial. The defendants are scientists, engineers, senior officials. They are all competent but Stalin accuses them of having sabotaged the Soviet economy. - Stand up ! - Stalin himself is absent debates, but he appointed as judge one of his devotees. Andrei Vyshinsky. He gave him the sentences to pronounce. The death. - I announce open, the session of the special court, of the union government of the Soviet Socialist Republics. - For the trial to appear believable in the eyes of all, the accused must admit their fault. They were tortured during weeks and they don't really have a choice. - How to tell you... I have already explained to you in my last statement that my feelings counter-revolutionaries against Soviet power that these feelings never really left me. - I fully agree that... that I deserve the worst punishment. - For the prosecutor, he is then a young child. - The government finds you guilty and ask that the accused be shot. - After several days of gesticulation, the judge pronounces the verdict. Not without a certain emotion. - Kalininkov Ivan Andreevich according to articles 583, 584, 586 and 581 of the code of the USSR Soviet Union condemns you to the highest penalty. - Their sentence will be commuted to ten years jail, but the message is clear. Those who oppose to Stalin will be crushed. With his loved ones too, Stalin becomes brutal. His relationship with his eldest son Yakov, born from a first marriage, its icy. He recently made a suicide attempt, his father did not show no sympathy. - "To say that he has no couldn't even aim straight. I can't have anything in common with him. » - The couple of Stalin he too is bad. His wife Nadia is fragile. She suffers from being snubbed permanently by her husband. During an argument where Stalin insulted him, she gets away with it. - “You are an executioner. This is what you are. You torment your own son, your wife, the Russian people. It is impossible to live with you. » - After 14 years together, Nadia is exhausted. One winter evening, after a new argument during an official reception at the Kremlin, Nadia goes back to her room and commits suicide with a bullet. The truth will remain hidden for 60 years. The Russians are told that Nadia died of appendicitis. Since, for communist leaders, suicide is betrayal. Even her friend Polina Molotov condemns her. - “Nadia was wrong. She leaves Stalin at such a difficult time. » - Stalin did not stay the funeral. He seems devastated. - “Nadiah! Nadia, as we had need you, me and the children. She left me like an enemy. She made me a cripple. She broke my life. » - Stalin was brutal, now he will be ruthless. The first targets are the peasants who refuse to cede their land to the state and join the kolkhozes. These huge cooperatives where everything is in common under party control. Against them, Stalin sends policemen who criss-cross the countryside and requisition the crops. Their mission is to asphyxiate families who resist his policy. They have all the rights and stop at nothing to collect supplies which have been hidden. One of these policemen is Lev Kopelev. - “I took part in these expeditions probing the ground to find the caches. I emptied pantries by forcing myself not to hear the crying of children and the moans of women. Everything was allowed. Destroy, lie, steal. The end justified the means. Our goal was triumph universal of communism. » - 1933, the result. Stalin's requisitions cause a tragedy in Ukraine. This region, one of the richest of Europe has already been ravaged by famine in the 1920s under Lenin. Only this time the carnage takes unimaginable proportions. A father writes to his son in Moscow. - " My dear son, I am writing to teach you that your mother is dead. She died of starvation after months of suffering. Myself, I don't have much longer. » - Some party members on the spot, did not understand that this famine is not known to Stalin. They protest. - "Did Comrade Stalin... Does any member of the office knows what is happening in Ukraine? Otherwise, I'll give you an idea. A train loaded with corpses just arrived in kyiv. After picking up bodies throughout its journey. » - In Moscow, Stalin decided to finish with the Ukrainians. He forbade the peasants hungry to leave their village to reach the big cities. He thus condemns to death five million people. It is one of the biggest tragedies of the century... long remained secret. At the same time, the french deputy Édouard Herriot arrives in Ukraine, at the invitation of the Soviet government. - "I make ardent wishes for the prosperity of the Russian people. I hope my trip will be useful for his happiness and for the peace of peoples. » - French and the delegation that accompanies him to visit Ukraine by train. He is delighted with the trip. - “I crossed the Ukraine. I tell you that I saw it like a garden in full bloom. There are only vegetable gardens of kolkhozes irrigated and admirable harvests. When we support that Ukraine is devastated by famine, allow me to shrug my shoulders. » - How could the Frenchman miss out on millions of deaths? In fact the streets have been cleaned before arrival. The workers he has encountered were extras. We brought in food. Edouard Herriot was taken in by the propaganda. In Moscow, Stalin no longer governs only with great blows of lies. He gave a mission journalists and filmmakers. They no longer have to describe the world as it is, but as it should be. The harvest is bad. We film radiant peasants in beautiful fields. The industrial results are disappointing, fake numbers are published. We even invent heroes, like that famous miner, Stakhanov. During a competition, he smashed the productivity record extracting fourteen times more coal than the others. This story is totally false. It was invented by the party. It makes it possible to deceive the Soviets. In reality, the USSR became a gigantic police state. Stalin's agents are everywhere. They control the whole society. They have the order to stop suspects and deport them. Everywhere, thousands of men, of women and children are gathered together, then embarked to unknown destinations. A child remembers. - "How many days did the trip last?" I've no idea. In the carriage, seven people died of starvation. When we arrived in Tomsk, they took us out and they unloaded the corpses. Children, young people and the old. » - They are directed to the gulag, Soviet labor camps. real camps of concentration put in place by Stalin, long before they appeared in Hitler's Germany. These prisoners are officially enemies of the Revolution. In reality, simple citizens, notables, religions that have nothing to blame themselves, but do not enter in the mold of the regime. They are mixed with common law. in the party, we call it rehabilitation through work and we are proud of it. Here the deviant spirits must be put back on the right track. In fact, they are turned into slaves. In the camps of the Far North, the temperature can go to -50 degrees. A prisoner writes. - “It is dangerous to stop moving. I do not stop to knead my toes and clench your fists. Touching a metal tool bare hands can tear your skin. » - A political prisoner, Maria Yov is exhausted. - " Our team is made up of intellectuals. Among these scarecrows, who will recognize the violinists, the harpists, the scientists ? We are in a constant state of bewilderment and bewilderment. » - August 2, 1933, an illustrious event the cruelty and absurdity of the system. That day, the Stalin Canal is inaugurated. 200 kilometers of waterway which connects the White Sea to the Baltic Sea. With simple pickaxes, 300,000 prisoners dug this canal. Exceptional fact, Stalin chose to move. He wants to make the channel that carries his name, the symbol of his success. In theory, it's a technical feat. The construction time of the Panama Canal was pulverized. In fact, it is a new tragedy. 30,000 prisoners, i.e. one in ten, died during construction. They died for nothing. It seems hard to believe, but to finish on time, the canal was not dug deep enough. Most boats can never borrow it. Abroad, we are far from imagining the horror of the Stalinist system. Most western media, echo propaganda lies to burlesque. While everywhere the gulag develops, this is how french news describe a former tsar's prison, in Siberia. - " In the old days, the tsar locked up there revolutionaries. Now the government Soviet decided to give another destination to this place. We will now organize raising rabbits on a large scale under supervision of a special scientific institute. » - Every year, intoxicated by propaganda, delegations communists all over the world, and in particular from France, come and greet in Moscow the little father of the peoples. Despite Stalin's crimes, rallies of prestige multiply, like that of the writer Louis Aragon who publicly praises the gulag. - "The proletariat comes to undertake this historic task, the rehabilitation of man by man. We are at a point in history of humanity that resembles the passage from ape to man. » - For the Bolshevik Party and its leader Stalin, hip hip hip. - Hooray. - Hip-hip-hip. - Hooray. - How to explain such blindness? At the 1935 congress, the speech of Maurice Thorez, leader of the Communist Party French, give the explanation. Stalin returned their pride to workers around the world. - Understand comrades, during a moment, it happened that the communist workers don't know how to answer in the factories, that they don't know how to defend oneself against such reproaches or such charges. There was a time when, because of desiccating sectarianism, they did not have the means to answer. There was no more harmony between them and the great mass of workers. Now, they are proud, they speak, they answer, they give the arguments. They are seen in the factories. One says, “Those are the Communists. These are the ones who organize the united front and the popular front. » We are sure of victory, because the helm of our ship is in firm hands of the greatest of pilots, of our dear and great Stalin." - Blinded by his communist ideal, the French did not see or did not want to see that Stalin has already turned the page. That his only goal is now to consolidate his power. Stalin decided to liquidate the whole generation that still overshadows it. Remember, Lenin's funeral in 1924. Most of those who wore the coffin with Stalin will die. Kamenev and Zinoviev, executed. Tomsky, driven to suicide. Rykov, shot. Radek, assassinated. He seems to feel a certain pleasure in torturing his loved ones. - “Choose your victim, prepare carefully, wreak relentless vengeance and then go to bed. There is nothing sweeter in the world. » - In 1938, he attacked to his closest comrade in the fight, his dear Bukharin. He is a friend of fifteen years. However, he dared contradict him several times. To his eyes, he has become an enemy. To prepare for the fall of this great figure of the regime, he launches the steamroller propaganda. - In all the countries, opinion is conditioned. - These plots are committed with ferocity by capital agents by the dogs of fascism, Bukharin and his band. - Comrades, what I have to tell you was confirmed by Stalin. Our country is surrounded by enemies. They want to destroy our country and our people. - Death to these enemies, death to these pests! - During this time, at the Lubyanka, secret police headquarters, Bukharin is tortured. In a letter, he implores his old friend Stalin. - " I write you this letter, which is probably the last. My heart bleeds at the thought that you can believe that I am really guilty. I'm ready to drag myself to my knees and to implore you to spare me this trial. If death awaits me I beg you in the name of everything that is dear to you, not to be shot. I want myself able to absorb poison. I beg you. » - It's death who awaits Bukharin. On March 2, 1938, in a full room members of the political police, his trial begins. It's a formality. - Our people demand one thing, We must crush these accursed vermin! - Bukharin is in the dock, but there is nothing left of him no image. He wasn't deemed docile enough to be used for propaganda. He is shot and his deported family. The purges extend throughout the Soviet Union. Stalin sees enemies everywhere. He became paranoid. Against those he suspects to threaten his power, it encourages denunciation. In every town, we must be ready to denounce his neighbor and even his own parents. A young boy accuses. - “As a pioneer, I have to tell you. My father acted in such a way counter-revolutionary. I ask you, not as a son, but as a pioneer to judge harshly, the responsibility of my father. » - Stalin has a henchman. Nikolai Yejov nicknamed the Nabot. He's the head of the secret police. - "I may be short in stature, but my hands are strong. These are Stalin's hands. We launch an attack on a large scale against the enemy. There will be innocent victims. When we cut down the forests, chips fly. » - Stalin fixed him execution quotas. As proof, this terrible document. On the first line, the name of the republics of the USSR, here is Azerbaijan. Then three columns of numbers, one for executions. Another for deportations. One last for the total. There is no name. It is up to the party leader to find the victims to fill the quotas. A file taken at random from the archives of the political police. - Name, Sidorov. Heritage, a wooden house eight by eight meters. One cow, four sheep, two pigs. Indictment, Sidorov is ill-intentioned to Soviet power. He said that Stalin killed a lot of people, but we can't talk about it otherwise you are put in camp for 25 years. Verdict, shoot Sidorov and confiscate all his property. - It's called the Great Terror. Since the year 1937, Yezhov gets shot on average 1000 people per day. - Strike, exterminate without sorting. Better go too far than not far enough. - In full terror, life goes on Like nothing ever happened. At the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, we play Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. It's Stalin's favorite ballet. He never misses a performance. Nightly, According to testimonies, he returns to the Kremlin to sign the execution orders prepared for him. He sometimes adds comments. - Tighten the screw on this gentleman. Beat and beat again. The sharper the teeth, the better. - Terror eventually turns around against the chief of police himself. Yezhov is accused of treason, tortured, executed and even erased official photos. In 1938, Stalin liquidated all his real or imagined enemies. He gradually replaced them by a new generation militants who owe him everything. It is the nomenclature, the new men whose dreams Stalin and on whom he can count. They divided property of victims of terror, and they take advantage of the vacated apartments. On March 17, 1938, four days later the end of the Bukarin trial, many are those who go with the family at the Moscow airfield. activists, civil servants, they are all there to welcome a plane Russian who connected Russia to America, through the North Pole. The greeting of the pilot, Chkalov, here in the center, is an event. Stalin decided to do him a new Soviet hero. That day, in the streets of Moscow, Chkalov cries out his love to the Supreme Leader. - “I am ready to die for Stalin. If we have to give him our lungs, we will give our lungs to Stalin. If we have to give him our heart, we will give him our heart. » - At the same time, in Germany. The Nazi Party is in power for more than five years. He advocates superiority of the Germanic race. At its head, Chancellor Adolf Hitler, also established a dictatorial regime. He has already annexed Austria. He wants to take over all these neighboring countries, including France. He mainly dreams to attack the Soviet Union and annex its territory for the benefit of the German people. - “The mission of the Nazi movement is to destroy Judeo-Bolshevism. Destroy Russia, will give to the German people a living space whose master race needs for food. My ambition is to be the man who will smash Marxism. » - Stalin was slow to realize the threat. The USSR is not ready for conflict. Its armament is outdated, its General Staff decimated. During the terror he did shoot 20,000 Soviet officers. Members of the General Staff who were around him on this 1934 film, nothing remains but a few overwhelmed generals. They don't understand nothing to modern warfare. Like the dashing Boudienny. - "You won't make me change my mind. As soon as war breaks out, everyone will shout, charge the cavalry. » - To catch up, Stalin needs time. In August 1939, he manages to get along with Ribbentrop, Hitler's envoy to Moscow. The two dictatorships sign a non-aggression pact, only a few days before the outbreak of war. An agreement against nature, with many ulterior motives, but which gives respite to Stalin. - "It's all just a game who will put the other in his sleeve. You will see, Russia will succeed to avoid war with Germany for a while longer. » - Eight days later, the German Army attacks Poland. It's the start of the Second World War. In a few weeks, the Nazis crush the Polish army. The first victory of a long series. Eight months later, in May 1940, Hitler attacked from the west and occupies France in less than two months. In half of Europe, he enforces his law. military occupation, racial persecution and political repression. In the meantime, Stalin does not remain inactive. Thanks to the pact with Hitler, it appropriates new territories. In the winter of 1941, he still thinks he's safe of a conflict with Germany. He is wrong. This is the moment when Hitler decides to realize his old dream, the destruction of the Soviet Union. This is the Barbarossa plan, one of the biggest historical military operations. Hitler intends to overwhelm the Soviet army and reach Moscow in just a few weeks. From spring, the German army stands in battle order at the border. On the spot, Soviet generals observe troop movements. They sound the alarm and ask authorization to deploy soldiers. In the Kremlin, Stalin, always paranoid, fears a trap. - "You have a big head, but a small brain. Germany will never launch alone in the war against Russia. » - June 16, 1941, a russian spy transmits, “imminent attack. » Stalin persists. - “He is a disinformator. You can fuck him. » - June 21, eve of the offensive. A German deserter crosses the border and warns that the attack will be launched at dawn. Stalin's verdict, - “Shoot him. » June 22, 1941, the invasion begins. three million soldiers Germans attack the U.S.S.R. From the first hours, they destroy a thousand planes on the ground. The Steamroller German pushes the front. In a village, a woman is trapped. - “Thousands of our soldiers wander aimlessly, in disorder. Our leaders are leaving. We are abandoned to death. » - Stalin's own son, Yakov, is taken prisoner as he flees, disguised as a peasant. In back, Russia is in shock. People don't understand and awaits a reaction from Stalin. However, she does not come. The Muscovites, like the young Guéna try to find out more. - “We are glued to the radio, we are waiting for Stalin's speech. We need to hear his voice, but he remains silent. It is Molotov, his deputy, who speaks. Everyone is listening. We are told that it is war. Where is Stalin? » - Stalin is entrenched behind the walls of the Kremlin, annihilated. - " All is lost. Lenin founded our state and we screwed it all up. He left us a fantastic legacy, and we screwed it up. » - By his repeated mistakes, Stalin is responsible for the disaster, but he doesn't want to admit it. Like he usually does, he is looking for culprits. These thousands of soldiers who surrender are considered traitors. Their families will be deported. Against deserters he sends on the front of the special units. They are loaded to watch the soldiers. He gives explicit orders. Within weeks, Stalin multiplies command errors. In Ukraine, it prohibits his generals to evacuate the city of kyiv. Five days later, nazis capture 500,000 Soviet soldiers. It's the biggest catch ever performed by an army. In October 1941, four months after the start of the Barbarossa Offensive, Stalin almost lost the war. The German army is no more only a few kilometers from Moscow. The capital is bombarded every day. The population takes refuge in the metro. The writer Viktor Kravchenko note in his diary. - “Moscow gives the impression of dying. panic reigns and it circulates the noises the most amazing. Some say one shot of state broke out in the Kremlin and that Stalin was arrested. » - In fact, Stalin himself also taken refuge in the metro. It's here, while all his devotees took panic, urge him to evacuate the capital that he makes a decision which will change everything. Despite the danger, he decides to stay in Moscow. In few hours, he will address his soldiers. November 7, 8 a.m., regiments join the place red in the middle of a snowstorm, at Stalin's call. The tanks are coming directly from the front and are armed. The Germans can attack at any time, but Stalin's speech galvanize the soldiers. - "Participants, partisans, the whole world is watching us and waits for us to annihilate. The hordes of looters and German invaders. Death to the German occupation. Glory to our country, freedom, independence. Coming to victory under the flag of Lenin. » - In a few days, the Soviet army arrives to stabilize the front in front of Moscow. It's only 10 months later, in the summer of 1942, what will play out the most great battle of the century. We are in Stalingrad. It's the turning point of World War II. The Germans, who do not have managed to bring down Moscow, want conquer this waypoint to oil from the Caspian Sea. They occupy 90% of the city. They still have a few left hundreds of meters to gain. The Soviets oppose them fierce resistance. Among them is the soldier Koseainov. - "We hear footsteps and the breath of German soldiers. I can't see them because of the smoke. We shoot by judgement, by ear. My head is buzzing. » - A total of two million men will die in Stalingrad. For the first time since the beginning of the war, Stalin decided not to intervene and let his Chief of Staff do his thing, General Zhukov. Zhukov wants to trap Germans in the city which they have just conquered. November 19, 1942, 7 am, 1400 tanks, more than 1000 planes and 1,000,000 Soviet soldiers rush to the flanks of the Nazi army. These images filmed after the battle during a re-enactment, show the junction of the two Russian armies. Few weeks later, 300,000 German soldiers surrounded, ill-equipped and starving, end up surrendering with their leader, Marshal von Paulus. It's the first time that a Nazi field marshal is captured alive. For Stalin, this is a miracle. Thanks to the sacrifice of these soldiers, it is he who first in the eyes of the world, made Adolf Hitler bend. It is he who launches the heroic counter-offensive Russian soldiers against Germany. Despite his crimes, despite his pact in 1939 with Hitler, Stalin has become unavoidable. In Moscow, during the visit of General de Gaulle, then a few months later at the Yalta conference, the allies all come meet the great Stalin. Britain's Churchill toasts. - "Stalin's life is what is most precious for each of us. I sincerely hope that the people of the Soviet Union will be able to retain his marshal for a long time. » - Churchill knows that since the victory at Stalingrad, the U.S.S.R. is in the process of to become a superpower. That after months of counter-offensive, the Red Army will soon enter Berlin. Spring 1945, those terrifying weapons, Stalin's organs pound the German capital. Stalin decided to avenge Stalingrad and destroy Berlin. In the face of such firepower, Germany ends by capitulating on May 8, 1945. 2 months later, Generalissimo Stalin arrives in the German capital to celebrate his victory. In this famous propaganda film, we welcome the winner of Hitler as a messiah. In fact, it's a fiction where Stalin is played by a look-alike. This masterful arrival never took place. Stalin is afraid of the plane and contrary to these images, he hates crowds. - Comrades, today we celebrate the big victory about fascist Germany. The real Stalin returned by armored train to Potsdam, in the suburbs of Berlin, where 5,000 police are mobilized for his arrival. He is obsessed with attacks. If he agreed to leave his country for the first time in 30 years, is that the opportunity is worth it. He has a date around from the negotiating table, with its American allies and British. Since the Yalta conference, it purely demands and simply half of Europe. i.e. all countries whom his army liberated during the war. Stalin's demand is accepted by the Allies. Soviet rule from Eastern Europe can begin. It will last nearly half a century. For Russians, the price of victory is exorbitant. The conflict wiped out 70,000 villages and killed 26 million people. In the summer of 1945, the soldiers begin to return to their homes and prepare to reunite with their families. A soldier tells. - “People are screaming, they are running, they cry when the train arrives. Men kiss their wives. They take in their arms the children they didn't see growing up. They proudly show their decorations and their wounds. » - After so much suffering, all yearn for peace. For them, Stalin's crimes are just old memories. In Moscow, Stalin is at the peak of its power. It's been over 20 years that he leads the Soviet Union. For the victory, we have him prepared a grand spectacle. With thousands of extras. The American General Eisenhower made the trip. Yet Stalin seems absent. His health is fragile. He has memory lapses. He had several heart attacks. Above all, he is a single man. During the war, he lost his son Yakov, prisoner of the Germans. It is said that Yakov sought to escape by crossing the barbed wire. Stalin had refused to exchange it against Field Marshal von Paulus, as Hitler proposed. - "If I had exchanged Yakov, what would they have said the fathers of the party whose children were they also prisoners? If I had done that, I would have ceased to be Stalin. » - His private life is a disaster. He hardly sees anymore his second son, the aviator Vassili. He became an alcoholic and still go on fly over red square at the controls of his plane. More paranoid than ever, Stalin even got angry with Svetlana, his darling daughter become a young woman. He does not understand his need to have fun. He does not accept his sentimental adventures, especially those with the Jewish director, Alexei Kapler, whom he sent to the gulag. He also does not accept his marriage with Gregory Morozov, also a Jew. Hitler's winner seems to have become anti-Semitic. - All previous generation was contaminated by Zionism. - Now they are to regiment the youth. - As soon as the war was over, Stalin relaunched the purges according to his madness. With two million prisoners, including a large number of Jews, never has the gulag been so full. In France, communists who fought against the Nazis during the war, they continue to worship Stalin. In 1949, he celebrated his 70th birthday. From everywhere, we send gifts to the Kremlin. As the poet Paul Éluard tells us. - “In this small workshop in Belleville, the workers spent 300 hours to be manufactured with application a gift to install. Their gift, a miniature lathe. » - The Crimes of Stalin continue to be ignored. - "We have not forgotten what that we suffered during the Nazi occupation. One should understand that one of our comrades was interned. Another man's son is fell in the clandestine struggle. The woman and the girl of our director were deported. Without the Stalingrad victory, our village, Grigny, would still be occupied by the Nazis, like all of France, like all of Europe. Also, all of us, peasants of Grigny, we wish happy birthday and long life to Generalissimo Stalin who liberated us by his victory. » - "We wish long life to the guide working class clairvoyant to Stalin, the man of peace. » - For his birthday, the man of peace summoned to Moscow the international communist gratin. In particular the Chinese Mao Tsé tung. However, she is a little girl 12-year-old star. Her name is Natalia. She is the daughter of Poskrebychev, Stalin's secretary. She got the honor to read a poem to the Supreme Leader. - Live near us dear. Lead us by your lights for the Soviet regime to flourish and getting stronger every day. - The room applauds break everything up this touching scene, but the little girl ignores a cruel detail. A few years earlier, Stalin had his mother shot. At 70, the little father of the peoples feels more essential than ever. - "What would you do without me?" You are blind, little cats. You don't see the enemy. The country will die, because you do not know how to recognize the enemy. » March 4, 1953. This time, it is Stalin who has just died. No details in the logs. We will only know later. Stalin agonized alone in his room for two days, with no one to help him. Not even his doctors, terrified at the thought of taking wrong decision and be shot. His body is on display in the Hall of Columns, where he had condemned his friends at the Moscow trials. Among party members, the emotion is real. A teacher is struggling to imagine life without Stalin. - What will happen now? How are we going to live? What will happen to the country? In Red Square, officials recite their speech. - Our master and guide, the greatest genius of all humanity has completed its glorious journey. - Yet, despite mourning instructions, away from the cameras, thousands of victims of Stalin secretly begin to rejoice. At the Vorkuta camp, in the far north of Russia, the deportees set themselves kneeling on hearing the news. - "May the devil take his soul." Thank God today the man with the mustache went to hell. » - During his reign, the man who had promised heaven on earth, he caused death of 20 million people.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 7,430,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Documentaire, reportage, histoire, staline, guerre froide, russie, urss, slave, sovétique, dirigeant, dictateur, yt:cc=on, Répression politique, dictature
Id: rVUD43as79c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 10sec (4990 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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