Birds of Ecuador
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Birdfun
Views: 773,210
Rating: 4.7809916 out of 5
Keywords: ecuador birds, ecuador, birds of ecuador, birdwatching, birding, birdfun, bird watching, trogon, toucan, barbet, cacique, woodcreeper, woodpecker, hummingbird, tanager, warbler, sparrow, motmot, oropendola, antpitta, thrush, torrent duck, birds of the andes, andean birds, altiplano, flycatcher, kingbird, nature, honeycreeper, tyrannulet, phoebe, brush finch, cinclodes, hornero, redstart, whitestart, ibis, egret, tyrant, saltator, grebe, gull, owl, parrot, parrotlet, pacific, mindo, mockingbird, grosbeak, swallow, flowerpiercer
Id: DCpd_daC4DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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