Birdemic (worst movie ever) Movie REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel oh boy i don't know if you want to be welcome back when it comes to this one we've got another movie reaction for you and if you didn't know we had a charity stream not that long ago and the person who was the top donor was rewarded with the option to pick the next movie night and this person joe joe they actually he actually did a really nice thing and let the community vote on three movies somehow burt demick some really uh the other ones he picked were really awesome but burt demick really took over it won the vote and we watched it and we are recording this intro after watching the movie after doing the reaction so you probably want to stick around for this one oh god it's gonna be a really interesting one for sure please watch this [ __ ] yeah get your popcorn get a drink don't drink it while you're watching because you might spit it out from laughing yeah if you didn't know we watch movies every weekend over on the twitch channel the link is down below and yeah we have a great time we have a lot of fun there yeah it's a blast watching these movies live with the community and then they show up here so bird democrat the reaction oh god ready good luck let's go please don't get offended if i if i rip the [ __ ] out of this movie this looks like something i shot in high school was this film on like an iphone 4 i don't know but can we get a steady shot please good god dude i'm gonna get sick the budget couldn't afford a tripod or a steadicam [ __ ] that dude i'm literally getting kind of carsick to be honest i'll be honest right now did they use just like the generic font for the opens like they couldn't even like download like a cool font or something so far it's lived up to the hype this intro is god-awful [Music] all right okay i'm gonna give it a chance so i'm gonna give a chance i can't i can't oh my god thank you are you [ __ ] kidding me what in the hell i can't makeup is on point though how long am i gonna stare at this chick and nothing he's not gonna do anything okay all right yeah let's go get her is it over yet i don't mean to bother you yeah you do that's why you bothered her i'm a fashion model and a beautiful one too oh god awkward natalie oh my god stop don't chase her i was wondering if we can keep in contact sure and here's my card here's my card who carries her in business cards flocks of seagulls and crows were found dead in downtown san jose it keeps their tv like that as the sea ice melts the polar bears are forced to move farther north seriously my senior year of high school i was in a production class and our movie was better than this dude can we even just get like an even shot like just lift it's not even a smooth freaking pant oh my god he's killing me man big was the sale one million dollars liar you would not be sitting in a cubicle making million dollar sales he's not making a million they made it for the company [Music] wait she's doing a modeling shoot at the one hour photo i can't stop it it's literally stop but i literally stop i don't know these are modeling shoots it's a one hour photo that's worse than the modeling photos you got in the mall when you're in high school dude i love those photos those photos are great as well what victoria's secret wants you to become their cover girl model from one hour photo to victoria's secrets they should make a movie about that wow that was a long day at the office the sun is still in the same spot i love this movie so much y'all always wanted us to watch a comedy this is definitely a comedy thanks guys natalie who is this [ __ ] it's rod ross who where the [ __ ] is rod i uh close the big drop off for today with victoria's secret i think you'll look great in those lingerie slow down this [ __ ] guy get your head out of my lingerie dinner to celebrate your success wait did we set up a time we didn't even set up a time we didn't even get the name of the restaurant it's just a vietnamese restaurant this dude's living his best life he just made a huge sale just made a date with the hot girl vietnamese restaurant he's killing it let's call it a day literally it's the same time you just went to work the sun is still in the same spot i don't know if i'm gonna have the energy for this whole movie i don't think i'm gonna make it i can't we're only 15 minutes in yeah we're going out this weekend wait i thought you were going out tonight anyways we're just gonna go to lunch seriously i thought we were going to dinner you dick we were going to dinner wait are we sure we're not going to dinner are we sure this isn't a porno movie are we sure dude's name is rod like [Music] there was a wildfire today in the santa cruz mountains oh my god i'm from solar power accessories uh we have an appointment to it oh yeah yeah come on what why are you guys sitting so close where are you going to put it no show you on your [ __ ] roof where do you think i'm gonna put it douche god damn dude is this guy new where do you think i'm gonna put your solar panel my dude right there on the roof i'll knock up a thousand dollars oh yes yes a thousand dollars okay 19 grand just sure no problem hey is this from fast and the furious wait a minute is that johnny translocation dude as someone who studied production in college this movie is hurting my soul it is hurting me he's kind of he's got a [ __ ] rose he does okay i get the mural i get it i get it they love their slow pans so much literally stop [Music] why is it nighttime all of a sudden they've been there for eight hours leave them alone do what you like natalie follow your dreams i cannot watch football especially the 49ers also part-time eagles fan how do you be a part-time eagles fan how could you root for the 49ers and the eagles oh look at the birds the birds oh my god look at the birds look at the birds oh it's so bad oh my god the birds the birds oh [ __ ] oh my god what the actual what are we doing this is the green screen are you for they couldn't even go to a real club this is my favorite movie of all time anytime anyone ever asks me what my favorite movie is it's gonna be this i'm gonna get my best friends to watch this [ __ ] what's that smile all about i don't know what you're talking about mom oh this is killing me well does gig pay well yes it does oh that's my girl that's my girl what the [ __ ] is happening right now is he why is he wearing a sweater what's this what is this he's getting a massage he's getting a massage does this come with a happy ending 30 minutes in we've seen three birds what the [ __ ] uh i i'm so uncomfortable my buddy rob [Music] ew dude ew stop why are you shaking the chair like that [ __ ] weirdo you all need to just [ __ ] stop stop literally they just sold them oh my god they sold the company for a billion dollars of course they're excited they definitely didn't get permits to film in all these spots [ __ ] no you sound like my mother her hair is killing me the jump cuts in a movie are killing me ah what the actual [ __ ] don't touch it it may be infectious and fetch what and what what did he say it might be what did he just make up a word what i can't in fetches what oh hi seriously what is this movie about again she mentioned that you were going to take an early retirement oh my god please stop with the panning please stop panning the camera movements are making me not terrible skip oh no mean i've almost gotten up a couple times just gonna take a walk but i gotta go so do you think i'm that right lady dude what are we getting married already we've been on like two dates guys are usually just into me for my looks sex and he's like i definitely don't want that definitely don't want that at all oh please oh for the oh god stop dancing please god stop plea please stop this is the most white person dance i've ever seen in my life stop how much longer is this movie oh god please stop it oh girl oh god oh please oh [ __ ] she does not she did not just do this she did not just do this she did not [ __ ] she [ __ ] didn't oh my god what if she's trying to do the robot what is this is like watching a hitch do not do that ever again oh i could dance dancing i got covered oh my god why i'm so uncomfortable so uncomfortable divine oh [ __ ] my life if i ever said that please punch me in the nuts you look divine stop literally stop the beat her feet are so dirty playing footsies her feet are so dirty oh my god oh my god i'm crying i'm crazy oh here we go oh what the [ __ ] is blue what what is happening oh [ __ ] oh my god these are just blowing up why are the birds exploding my god the motel oh for [ __ ] sake i can't why did it sound like the birds were dive bombers i don't know but why is he still fully dressed birds cannot just hover like that without flapping their wings you dick oh my god please stop oh my god yes sexily get up and walk away from the bed literally what the [ __ ] is happening what just died this motel is charging for this they just broke the headboard these [ __ ] they didn't break it last night yeah i know oh it's all clear i think they're gone do you know why they stopped i don't know literally [ __ ] we've been sitting in this [ __ ] room together the whole time why would i know that we try to drive away but i can't find my car keys i lost him somewhere oh my god of course he lost his [ __ ] car keys oh you [ __ ] kidding me right now raiders oh my god stop literally stop it's covering his face literally stava oh my god look at this guy oh my god ramsay you've lost it man this is just the worst this is terrible dude i why you van what the [ __ ] what dude i didn't know we ran into the hate team i can't it wasn't more like the f team this dude just pulled out a [ __ ] machine survivors she's the best actor in this movie honestly she's doing great this is oh i got him got him oh yes got him got him oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god well we're gonna make this feel all better yeah your mom is dead but i'm gonna make this feel all better i was totally gonna give this a chance i can't now it's all it's too far gone do not leave that baby in the car don't leave that kid in the car you [ __ ] left the kid in the car and closed the door he's just walking around the freaking machine gun you left the kid in the car what a piece of [ __ ] oh my god those paper towels those sandwiches no underneath oh oh here they come watch out kill the birds oh my god they're coming for you got em oh my god please please oh my god still my favorite movie of all time of all time why are they going so [ __ ] slow let's make sure they get the camera moving in oh yes let's go to a wide open space the birds won't get us there yeah and eating outside because the birds won't try to eat your food either right why didn't we just eat inside the car hey look they fought hey they knew about the pandemic before we did [ __ ] look at this guy's got a mask on birds are contaminated oh my god the bird flew what in the actual why was this dude just standing there staring at the dead birds but what i do know is global warming is causing viral diseases oh my god this movie is all a conspiracy i don't know if i can do 30 more minutes there's 30 more minutes of this yeah you think because of global warming it's all because of global warming [ __ ] man we better be careful cgi birds are going to start attacking us out in the streets black birds they're not the dangerous animals we are it's causing global warming it's killing life on earth itself i didn't know that this was actually the inconvenient truth how can you stand on the marines i just got tired of all the [ __ ] killing iraq that's not how that works my dude why can't we just give peace a chance oh my god i can't that's not how that works you can't just [Laughter] i'll cover for you while you poop oh shut her she's in the middle of pooping oh my god you killed becky you [ __ ] you killed becky becky you're doing a great job make sure you don't blink those eyes girl don't breathe supposed to be dead what is that bird doing oh is that a vulture what the actual [ __ ] where's the red tail hawks oh my god oh my god [Music] what is that guy doing he's like no stop i don't want to leave oh my god no i don't want to i don't want to leave i don't want to leave he literally has unlimited ammo it's fantastic yeah buddy oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happened did they finally take a [ __ ] what is happening she's laughing guys she's [ __ ] laughing the one girl is laughing all right the eagles killed our friends really damn it really damn it oh my god oh we're burning down the gas station howdy howdy what the [ __ ] [Applause] you're walking the wrong way yeah where are you going your truck's back that way oh oh god eagle got him oh he's dead he kind of looked like my dad a little bit no get the [ __ ] gas why would you leave the gas you [ __ ] oh my god you left the gas can yes we still see it there's only the four of them left so who the [ __ ] is this creeper what don't shoot peaceman yeah this is my home i live here that's my house oh my god look at the fake [ __ ] house that's on like two branches stop i love trees they're my family i look out for the oh for [ __ ] sake oh look at that dead redwood up there i was killed by a bark beetle what am i i don't know what are we looking at what am i looking at sir the dead redwood oh can you circle it's a stump right there oh here we go with the global warming dry climate and bark beetles and death of the trees and forest i hear a mountain lion i gotta get back a mountain lion what the [ __ ] how'd you lose the van we literally parked right in front of the [ __ ] girls like burning wood oh i cannot oh i can't oh i can't [ __ ] oh where oh my god please oh for [ __ ] sake i'm definitely emailing amazon asking for my money back oh my god wow wow oh boy they for sure and again oh yeah cause you [ __ ] left the tank you dick god damn hey look a fishing rod oh my god oh look a a stove you have a [ __ ] stove you have a stove [ __ ] please [ __ ] what [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy this guy we got a fish it's already dead it's already dead i've never [ __ ] i've never cooked my own raw fish but i'm pretty sure that's not the way you do it jesus christ okay okay oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened what the [ __ ] just happened they're leaving are those doves what is this why are those wings moving so fast and those aren't i can't hear you over the waves [ __ ] hello what is happening nobody says [ __ ] he clearly forgot his lines and they just went with it okay and we're yeah and we're gonna let the music build yep what the actual [ __ ] okay okay i'm now getting mad oh now we got the credits all right bird damn it go [ __ ] yourself my god we get asked all the time least favorite movie of all time that is easily the worst movie i've ever seen that is the best movie ever everybody needs to go pay 2.99 on amazon more than that [ __ ] oh my god oh it's totally it's totally the scene from billy madison we are all now dumber for having watched that that is an hour and a half that you will never get back in your life ah but the commentary was fire the fact that this movie was finalized the way that it was there are some really easy things you could have done to make it a little better they were like yes like the slow pans the tilts just the dialogue the audi like everything about it was bad everything they could have literally had they could have thrown stuffed animal birds at them that would have been and that would have been better than whatever that was that we saw in the movie fishing wire on a stick with a bird that would i mean and then just on a fit on a fishing rod they could have thrown it at them and reeled that [ __ ] back in reel it in oh my god i mean granted that was someone's passion and their project and [ __ ] they got it made so congratulations you have a movie on amazon i don't so look at you amazing well done giving credit but damn that was one of the most painful things i'm glad it's over oh my god there was just too much in this movie to like to ignore best acting goes to rod what do you give this movie out of 10 a negative 10. [Laughter] you guys can share your comments down below if you want you don't have to it's okay please feel free to leave the comment section completely blank we'll see you guys later for the next one bye [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 67,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki steven react, nikki and steven react, nikki and steven, movie reaction, horror movie, horror movie reaction, birdemic, scary movie, scary movie reaction, birdemic reaction, nikki steven react birdemic, worst movie ever, worst movie ever made, worst movie reaction, birdemic shock and terror reaction, birdemic shock and terror, birdemic review, birds, birds attack
Id: DOcYnuE9hSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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