Bird Photography - Using Water To Attract Birds - In The Field Vlog #1

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was a good little session we had a few different birds turn up just got a flock of red Brown finches turning up now as I speak so this is I'm very fortunate to own a property in Northeast Victoria it's very dry at the moment however there are some good Birds on the property this little water spot I've got it's a natural when there is water the birds naturally come here is but as it's dried out that in that dries out so I have to bring water down at the moment I've just been bringing it in bucket which is less than ideal I need to put a more permanent solution which I will do and do cause it's not the ideal spot for taking photos because it's in a bit of a valley a little bit of a gully and it's hard to get the distant background so yeah it's hard to get that background separation that I'm after and there's also quite heavy shadows first thing in the morning so I can't shoot here straight away I've just sort of got all wait for the Sun to get up so I've only really got putting an hour and a half shooting window at this location but there's some good birds that turn up as you can see today we had a few good ones so the white wing drillers are around males black and white and females brown bird and we don't get a few little finches in the old honeyeater turn up so it's a good spot we do with no diamond fire tails today which is the highlight spot and babblers as well but maybe another day we'll get those it has been very hot so we've got a few birds about the setup that I use today and you should have seen me put up a couple of perches very basic just a couple of stinks on the property ideally the one that I from the left with the two branches that didn't work the bottom branch it's too big and the birds were landing on the end of the branch and I couldn't take a photo cuz I cut it off so in theory I should have just broken off the top part and just use that so maybe next time I'll do that but using water is definitely the easiest way to take photos of birds because once the birds get used to the water they'll just keep coming coming back and you can put up some perches and often land on those perches or dropping down to have a drink could definitely get a lot more effort and the type of purchase that I use I've just used those stick ones so my good mate yarn who's been doing a number YouTube videos he's the master when it comes to perches and purchase it up I'm knowing they're his level and I don't quite up the patience or the skill yet to implement some of the purchase that he uses so I just revert to what's easy and that's just sticks so and the birds land on the sticks pretty regularly so I just put a couple of those up for a quick session maybe further down the track hole I'll make the effort and use some nice and purges so if you're interested in what camera I'm using I use a Canon 5d Mark 4 with a Canon 500 mil and a 1.4 extender that's being my kit a number of years and does me well I'd like a little bit more reach of course but it definitely works well for my purposes alright so what I'm going to do with these videos is the first part of the video I'll just record me going around taking photos which is what I like to do I probably won't talk too much and we'll do it heap of different type stuff so landscapes mammals butterflies birds probably predominantly birds escapes and once I've finished the session I'll have a he's the camera so I'll talk to the camera about another session went as I mentioned you know I really love taking photos hopefully I can share that journey with you guys and you'll learn some things and feel free to ask me questions below and I'll do my best art to those and if you want to continue seeing this content if you want to subscribe it would be fantastic I would appreciate it just do this for the joy that shows well if you made it this far thank you very much you might be interested no the next video is going to be a tutorial I guess on how I go from the field to the final product and I'll show you how I process things in Lightroom and then in Photoshop so if you want to see that video make sure you subscribe she'll be coming out midweek thank you take care you
Channel: Duade Paton
Views: 7,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bird Photography, bird photography australia, bird photography composition, birds, bird photography tips, photography vlog, attracting birds, bird blind, Telephoto lens, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II, birds water, nature photography, wildlife photography, photography, australian birds, canon, bird photos, birding, australia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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