Biomutant - Review After 100%

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[Music] what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you my review after 100 for biomutant so biomutant was announced way back in 2017 actually and is developed by experiment 101 published by thq nordic and is a very unique game with a lot of unique concepts but before we get into that couple of things one i like to review games after i 100 them simply because i feel like it gives me more credibility but more so because it separates me from other reviewers on youtube i have a whole list of games that i have 100 percented and then reviewed on my channel if you're interested but moreover there won't really be any spoilers for this game because all of the promotion for the game basically did the spoiling just to come out and say it there's not that much of a story for the game besides what was shown off in the promotional stuff which is kill the four world eaters solve the tribe war and hopefully save the tree of life that is the main story all of which was told to us by experiment 101 for marketing so just something to keep in mind there i suppose now biomutant is an open world kind of exploration based rpg the main goal of which again is to save the tree of life it is actually possible to fail at doing so now the explanation i heard from again some of the marketing material was that basically you have to kill the four world leaders that part's kind of mandatory and you have to solve the tribe war how you solve the tribe war as well as your character's aura which is kind of like a karma system like good or bad as well as whether or not you complete certain side quests all affects a percentage chance to save the world tree and that apparently even if you do all of it there's still like a 1 chance you could fail kind of thing i don't know if the 1 chance to fail type thing actually made it into the game i haven't seen anything official on that but you can fail at saving this tree i guess is the gist of it because the world is apparently dying but we'll talk more about that in the world building section for now let's jump to character creation so really cool ideas here unfortunately a lot of them don't carry over their importance to the rest of the game so while you're in character creation it feels like you're making some substantial decisions but ultimately i would say only one decision actually has like permanent repercussions so you pick your breed which is basically a appearance option for the most part and then you're given a little slider where you can kind of mess around with the exact look of that breed while also affecting your character's stats this is called mutating your character basically after that you pick class now class is probably the only decision that actually has genuine repercussions but even then they're not very major so depending on which class you pick you will get an extra set of perks to choose from in character progression which we'll get into in a bit and that's it basically other than that that's the only decision that has lasting effects here because class is really just a starting setup for your character the perks here can actually be bought later instead of a class getting a certain perk right at level one just right off the bat you can then if you wanted to go buy another classes perks and still use them but the park tree that each class gets is unique to them well perk list if you will not necessarily a tree it's unique to that class now that said the appearance the mutation part that seems like it's going to be important but while it does affect stats here in character creation it is possible in game to find uh mutation pools at the power plants you can find in the world at those power plants you can actually mutate your character's appearance without affecting your stats which seems like jumping through an extra hoop but whatever let's talk about some world building as i mentioned at the start you have to find and kill all four world eaters and solve the tribe war so there are six tribes you have to join one of the two that you get options for at the very beginning which is the jagne or the myriad tribes and then you will help those tribes either conquer or subdue or unite with all of the other tribes now jagni is like the big warrior type tribes whereas myriad is more about working together for the common good whereas jagni honestly don't even care if the tree gets saved now each tribe that you pick will affect the options that you have later so if you pick myriad you can't just outright kill the other tribe leaders for instance whereas if you pick jagni you can't unite with them you have to subdue or kill them but keep in mind that this is entirely separate from the world eaters which you need to kill but those are the main things going on in the open world but before we dive into even more of that let's back up a tiny bit because in order to get to the open world you first have to get through the opening tutorial area and this quite frankly is just not done well the intro to this game is long it is constantly being interrupted by freezes that explain basic game functions to you and if it just lasted until you got out of the initial starting area it wouldn't be so bad because you get up out of the like bunker or whatever it is you were in the world opens up you see one of the world eaters destroy a village great you're thinking okay now the game starts i can start running around and do whatever you want but that's actually incorrect because at this point the world is set up in such a way that from here you cannot actually go to the rest of the world until you stop by one of the two tribes that i mentioned earlier jagni or the myriad you have to join one of them to sort of officially kick off the tribe war then you are pigeon holed through your old childhood town where the game gives you some background about your character then you have to go through one more small little dungeon area and then finally after that you'll reach a place called bricktown where then you can finally go do the things you want to do several hours later for your first time to the game anyway and it's just it's long it's tedious it's unnecessary i think if they had structured this in a way where you just left your initial bunker and then you could go do whatever you want it would have been fine but they added like this unnecessary like hour and a half worth of just narration and stuff which brings me to the narration the narrator is for me personally okay but none of the animals or breeds here speak english or anything even close to it they all speak various languages so there's a narrator who kind of translate what these things are saying and it makes the dialogue very slow moreover in dialogue the only thing you're really doing is choosing light or dark for like karma stuff like are you the big bad guy or are you normal there's not a lot of in between there either which is fine but it just feels like a weirdly clunky system in the rest of this game because the game's gorgeous i like the way it plays and everything which again we'll get into that but this narration just feels weirdly out of place and the tutorial is just not a good start to this game let's move ahead a little bit back to the world eaters and the tribe war the world eaters and the tribor are separate but they both have to be done the world leaders are pretty straightforward you go to a specific place on the map help one of the characters in the game a symbol a way to defeat said world eater and then there's usually a pretty cool boss battle involving you destroying the world eater liked those a lot actually those fights were really cool and also you get access to like vehicles and stuff which were a high point of the game for me but we'll get there now the triboar is interesting so the way it works initially is that you know you pick your side like i mentioned and then you'll have to first take over the opposite tribe from the one you picked either the jagnery or the myriad you have to go take three of their outposts and then you can go take their fort which effectively destroys that tribe so or subdues or unites them whatever so for starters taking the outposts is underwhelming not in a bad way i don't know really what i expected here i just feel like they could have done more with it but basically you'll walk up to an outpost there's a small mission of sorts and then you claim that outpost sometimes it involves just fighting off a few waves of enemies sometimes it's a mission where like you have to go rile up some monsters nearby that then kind of drive the people in the fort out that kind of thing and then once you've conquered the three outposts you go to a much more involved mission to take over the fort that ends with you fighting that tribe's leader and then when you defeat that leader you can get their tribe weapon tribe weapons uh there's six of them of course because they're six tribes they're unique weapons that do unique things they're pretty cool overall but i wouldn't say they're anything groundbreaking once you do this for the first one you're then given the second tribe to go after same thing here pretty much some of the missions are basically on repeat however i think the game realized this was going to get annoying because after the second tribe you defeat you are given the option to skip the rest of the tribore basically the leader that you sided with would be like all the other tribes pretty well get the gist and they're ready to play ball so if you don't want to do the rest of this you don't have to and you can just right then choose to in the tribe war the only consequence to doing this is that you won't get the other tribe weapons from the tribes you didn't actually defeat but it will wrap up the rest of the tribore and honestly given how repetitive it was unless you just really want those tri weapons i don't really think there's a reason to keep doing it after that but beyond those two major things that the world is kind of set up around there are 23 characters if you will they all give side quests some of them are actually for the main quest they're the people you go find to then fight the world eaters with and then there's 16 specifically side characters that will give you a lot of unique quests and stuff now i enjoyed these a lot so usually the quests are kind of cool but often the reward for doing them is like a vehicle or something that will then give you a new way to move around the world there's an airship you can get there is a goo glider they call it which is basically just like a jet ski and basically it just makes traveling around the world easier i really enjoyed these i thought the rewards were unique one of them is like this furry shark i don't know what was going on there but that thing was awesome had a lot of fun with those particular side quests now beyond that the rest of the world is divided up into seven biomes this is pretty much what you'd expect there's a forest area there's kind of a fields a woods a swamp a proper like forest forest there's a kind of deserty area there's a place they call the dead zone where the radiation was especially bad but in any of those seven biomes you have a chance of coming across one of five hazard types these are basically places that are too hot too cold too radioactive to biologically dangerous or just straight up don't have any air in them and there's stuff in there that you need to sort out so you have to find a way to get into them you can either find suits that will grant you the appropriate resistance which i thought would be annoying like equipment wise but luckily they added an outfit system so once you have the suits you can set that suit up in an outfit so you can just quickly swap between them so it's actually not too bad and then for every hazard zone except the lack of oxygen which is the hypoxia hazard zones you can actually use your mutation points to give yourself resistance up to 100 resistance effectively negating the need to use a suit at all and speaking of mutation points this is actually where i want to talk about character progression which seems like a weird place but character progression is very much so tied to exploration of the game because it is of course an exploration open world based type game obviously when you defeat enemies you know you're going to level up every time you level up you get a point to spend on attributes any of the attributes that you pick will get a plus 10 boost to it when you level up you are also granted an upgrade point upgrade points can be spent on perks perks are either for combat special attacks which are basically just combos but we'll talk about that in the combat section or you can spend them on more traditional perks like 15 more attack damage faster reload times more rounds and your guns that kind of thing which by itself is fine but there's actually two other types of upgrades and those are kind of the mutation and the psi powers so mutations revolve around getting biological points i guess bioglobs i think they actually call them but these come from killing a specific type of enemy that are usually found underground or in irradiated areas and for each enemy that you kill you'll get one point you can also find bio lab containers which will then also give you a single point as well you can then spin those points on mutation powers which will let your character do ridiculous things in combat or you can spend those points on upgrading your resistances which is what i would recommend you actually use them for now the other type of character progression is is the psi powers basically anytime you interact with other people or affect the world in some way you're granted psi points so if you come across someone being like persecuted or whatever regardless of whether you help or harm that person you're granted a psy point and it'll also affect your aura of course now there are other ways to get psi points such as interacting with alters and stuff throughout the world will also give you psi points and then you can spin those on basically psychic powers but in practice it's a lot like force powers to be honest a lot of cool stuff there adds more variety to combat not complaining about it by any means back to some of the world building a bit in addition to all that stuff there's like old ruins and stuff where you can kind of discover what happened to the world which is basically the standard big corporation did bad thing and destroyed the world and then there are puzzles and stuff you can find as well as giant monsters and stuff they're like little mini boss fights if you kill them they give you keys solving the puzzles also gives you all these crafting resources and weapons and stuff which leads me into the last big world building thing i want to talk about which is the crafting system crafting is very robust they did a good job on the crafting system i like this a lot you can craft your weapons from scratch if you want and you have all the parts so you can make pretty much your standard types of weapons you know one-handed gun two-handed gun two-handed weapon one-handed weapon there are perks and stuff that will let you dual-wield all of which affects the special attacks and stuff you can do with that weapon but again we'll get into that here in a minute in addition to that you can find armor and stuff you can also buy all this stuff but there's not really a need to because the game gives you so much i would honestly not recommend using the vendors but you'll find armor and things and then you'll also find these things called add-ons add-ons are basically just little mods that you can attach to armor and weapons to change them now weapons have like parts and specific stuff they have to use whereas armor uses all the add-ons add-ons do a lot of stuff from increasing certain stats like crit chance etc to resistances to flat out adding more armor of all of the crafting i think the weapons was the best done the armor feels a little unnecessary and i say that because as i mentioned earlier in order to go into certain parts of the world you have to put on those various suits to protect you from the environment and something i noticed personally in using those is that regardless of how much armor or what i was wearing i basically seem to take the same roughly amount of damage to the point that i don't know how much having a high armor stat is actually reducing incoming damage because at least in my playthroughs it just didn't seem like it was happening much but regardless basically to sum it up i think the crafting is really cool in addition to crafting things you can't actually upgrade them anywhere you see a blimp is actually an upgrade station however upgrading your equipment is expensive resources wise because in order to craft you have to find resources which are pretty much all over you get them from killing enemies there's little towers you can come up to you get them from dismantling stuff you shouldn't be short on resources but upgrading items is actually very expensive plus you just get so much stuff if you're exploring the world it just seems unnecessary to then spend resources on upgrading something when chances are you can probably just make or find something better that much faster nice that it's there but it didn't necessarily help me out that much now there aren't any companions in the traditional sense however you do get an automaton that follows you around he is a little upgradable it starts out as like this little mechanical grasshopper thing and then as you play the game it's possible to find cosmetic upgrades to it where you can change like the type of insect or whatever it is you can kind of change its appearance there's also a side quest you can do which will unlock four upgrades for your automaton that will let it heal you act as a glider stuff like that but with those things out of the way let's talk about combat this part of the game is all over the place this is where i think people's experience is gonna differ the most simply because because of all the weapon types because of the way the perks work and you unlocking special attacks there's a ton of variety here but the problem is once you've mastered one kind of combat it gets very repetitive after that so you kind of have to if you don't want to get necessarily bored with the same play style keep mixing it up to really kind of change it because once you've found a way to deal with most enemies with a specific play style that's pretty much it for that playstyle it's every battle after that's basically the same however there is a ton of variety as long as you're actually trying to use that variety because it's very easy to find a way that you like to play and then just stick to it and then every battle after that's the same i enjoyed switching back between like new mutations and stuff as i unlocked them i had a lot of fun with that reality is the game doesn't like force you to do that in any way so it's easy for combat to get repetitive but as i mentioned earlier there is like a special attack combo situation going on so this is probably the coolest part about the combat in my opinion depending on your combination of weapons and things you can unlock combos for your weapons basically where it's like shoot shoot jump and then you can use like a special attack using those special attacks up to three times in combat mind you you have to mix it up you can't use the same one three times that won't work but if you use one a different one and then even the first one that you use that will work this will give you points basically into like a super power if you want to call it or whatever it's called like super wushu i think is the actual name but basically it's like a combat state where you can execute special moves with some of the stuff that you are required to get through the tutorial or just your regular weapons and you'll do special attacks that just do a lot of cool stuff so i liked that that was pretty cool in my opinion the combat really reminds me of devil may cry which truth be told of the two i definitely prefer biomutin in that front actually i'm not a big devil may cry fan that's what the combat reminds me of so here we are that said guys let's wrap it up with some positives some negatives and call this a review so on the positive sides this game is so unique i love a lot of the ideas here like the weird animals all of the like mutation stuff i love all that really unique cool stuff i really enjoyed all the vehicles it gave you access to it really makes you feel like traversing the world is getting easier and you're kind of mastering it i really liked the world leader battles all four of those were really cool and kind of force you to do something different when you beat the game there is actually a new game plus that lets you skip the tutorial i thought that was a nice touch reality is there are some negative things so let's touch on those as well uh first negative tutorial jesus christ what a bad intro to this game beyond that like don't get me wrong i enjoyed this game i actually did have fun i liked this game quite a bit but like the first couple of hours the first time you played this game really suck like it's just too much with the tutorials like ease off the throttle is the best i could say uh beyond that uh there was a lot of buggy side quests for me there was like legitimately probably ten side quests that just had something go wrong which is weird because the game felt super polished otherwise but just side quests that wouldn't complete or i would do the thing and the effect would play out but then i would have the side questions stuck in my log forever some side quests just straight up weren't completable the game is also very short so i effectively got 100 in this game achievement wise but also those achievements don't require you to do all the side quests and everything but i did go out of my way to do all of them so i did everything there was to do and i finished this in a little under 30 hours that's a short game especially one of this style like you know 30 hours is objectively not short depending on the type of game but with this open world exploration stuff i was just a little shocked at how quickly i wrapped it up and then the other negative for me it's more mixed uh it definitely annoyed me at times but it wasn't that bad but the narrator is really going to annoy the crap out of some people let's drop a conclusion here a recommendation and then move on with our lives my conclusion is this this is a fantastic game with a lot of unique stuff going on however two things on that one i don't think this game should be 60 bucks i would recommend waiting for this to be on sale paying 60 dollars for a game that was kind of this short and doesn't have that much replayability because there's effectively maybe two endings i just cannot in good conscious recommend someone pay 60 dollars for this despite the fact that i enjoyed it a ton now that said i do think this game is going to be more of a cult classic in a lot of ways i think some people are just going to be like everything about this is awesome and unique and i think other people are going to see this and just be weirded out and not want to play it and because of that i think this game is going to wind up at that weird cult classic level there you go guys that's my opinion after a review after 100 so thank you so much for watching if you made it all the way to the end truly thank you you're a legend channel is growing every day and i could not do that without people's support just like the people listening to this message right now so truly thank you so much may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 81,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Biomutant, Review, 100%, Achievements, Story, Mixed, World Eaters, Aura, Endings, Gameplay, Combat, Mixed Reviews
Id: LSfu85DrF3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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