Biomacromolecules and structure of proteins.

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hi viewers welcome back to one more other lecture session from this channel so in this video session we will be studying regarding biomacromolecules and as well as structure of proteins in detail so here what are biomicro molecules pre to the explanation of biomicro molecules in detail if we consider the acid soluble pool compounds so here all the compounds which come under the acid soluble pool their molecular weight it ranges around 18 to 800 dotons all the compounds which come under the acid soluble pool their molecular weight does not exceed more than th000 dotons is it clear so let me write it on the board acid soluble pool compounds molecular weight its molecular weight ranges around ranges around 18 to 800 dotons and it won't exceed more than th000 dotons then in the same way if you consider the acid insoluble pool compounds acid insoluble pool compounds so here all the compounds which come under the acid insoluble pool their molecular weight weight it exceeds more than th000 dotons molecular weight exceeds more than 1,000 [Music] Daltons so here what are the various compounds which come under the acid insoluble pool here the various compounds which come under the acid insoluble pool it includes proteins is it clear proteins polysaccharides nuclic [Music] acids and as well as [Music] lipids so here all these are the various compounds which come under the acid insoluble pool so here by taking the advantage of molecular weight into consideration here we can classify or here we can differentiate the specific compounds into two different types and these include biom macro molecules and the other one is biomicro molecules is it clear biom macro molecules and the other one is biomicro molecules so here what are biomicro molecules here the specific compounds whose molecular weight exceeds more than th000 dotons here they termed as what biomicro molecules molecular weight exceeds more than 1,000 Daltons then in the same way if you consider the specific biomicro molecules biomicro molecules are there termed as biomolecules simply so here what are biomicro molecules here the specific compounds whose molecular weight does not exceed more than th000 doons molecular weight does not exceed more than 1,000 Daltons is it clear so here we need to understand one key point so here all the various compounds which are placed under acid insoluble pool like proteins polysaccharides and as well as nuclic acid their molecular weight it exceeds more than th000 dotons but here if you consider the specific liquid molecule its molecular weight does not exceed more than th000 dotons but even though the specific liquid molecule it is placed under acid insoluble pool is it clear all the various compounds which are placed under acid insoluble pool like proteins polysaccharides and as well as nuclic acids their molecular weight it exceeds more than th000 Dalton so the reason why here they are placed under acid insoluble pool or here they are termed as what biom macro molecules but here if you consider the particular liquid molecule its molecular weight does not exceed more than th000 Alon but even though it is placed under acid insoluble pool so here why why the specific liquid molecule it is placed under acid insoluble pool here so here the answer to this question is very simple because the particular liquid molecule it is the chief component of cell membrane or plasma membrane so if we consider a particular living organism it may be a plant or animal so here both the plants and as well as animals they possess a specific delimiting structure which is nothing but what cell membrane or plasma membrane so here the cell membrane or plasma membrane it is composed of phospholipids so here the particular phospholipids they are widely distributed all over the surface of the living organism is it clear the particular phosphor lipids which are a part of or which are a component of the cell membrane or plasma membrane they are widely distributed all over the surface of the living organism so the reason why the molecular weight of the liquid molecule though it won't exceed more than Thon but here they are placed under acid insoluble pool and in addition to this if we consider one particular living tissue so let me write it here lipids are not strictly biom macro molecules and in addition if you consider one particular living tissue living tissue right so here the living tissue it may be a plant tissue or it may be a animal tissue plant or animal tissue right so here both the plant tissue and as well as animal tissue it posess or it contains a specific delimiting structure which is nothing but what cell membrane or plasma membrane so once when we degrade the particular plant tissue or animal tissue all the phospholipids which are a part of the cell membrane or plasma membrane they undergo aggregation in order to form a specialized structure which is nothing but what vesicle is it clear so let me show it here what is vesicle [Music] so here it is nothing but what vesicle as we all know one particular phospho liid molecule it contains two components and these include hydrophilic head and the other one is hydrophobic tail so always the hydrophilic head it remains at the exterior side because the particular hydrophilic head it is capable to form the favorable interactions with the Aquis environment so the reason why hydrophilic head it remains at the exterior side but whereas the hydrophobic tail it remains at the interior side so here all these are nothing but what the hydrophilic head right hydrophilic head and here it is nothing but what the hydrophobic tail [Music] hydrophobic [Music] tail and in addition here we can observe one more other row of phospholipids here [Music] here it is the hydrophilic head and in addition here we can observe the hydrophobic [Music] T so here it is nothing but what vle so in general the specific vesicle it won't dissolve in water because the particular vesicle it is composed of or it is made up of phospholipids phospholipids are hydrophobic in nature so the reason way here the particular vesicle it won't dissolve in water so here all other compounds which are placed under the acid insoluble pool like proteins polysaccharides and as well as nuclic acids they process or they contain some particular charge so the reason why here all these compounds they are capable to dissolve in water but here if you consider the particular lipids lipids they won't posess are they won't contain any specific net charge so the reason why here the specific liquid molecules they won't dissolve in water is it clear so the reason why here the particular lipids here they are not strictly biomicro molecules is it clear and here we need to understand one more other key point so let me Aras the things here if we consider the acid soluble pool acid soluble pool so here acid soluble pool it roughly represents the chemical composition of the cytoplasm chemical composition of cytoplasm chemical composition of cytoplasm but whereas if we consider the acid insoluble [Music] pool acid insoluble pool so here the acid insoluble pool it represents the specific compounds which successfully synthesizes within the cytoplasm and as well as various other subcellular organal is it clear acid soluble pool it roughly represents the chemical composition of the cytoplasm but whereas the acid insoluble pool it represents the specific compounds which successfully synthesizes within the cytoplasm and as well as various other subcellular orales is it clear compounds which synthesizes in cytoplasm and various others subcellular organal subcellular [Music] organal is it clear so here the chemical composition of the living tissue it is an association of or it is an aggregation of both the acid soluble pool and as well as acid insoluble pool chemical composition chemical composition of living tissue it includes acid solu pool and as well as acid insoluble pool acid insoluble pool and if we summarize the specific compounds which are most commonly observed in case of an particular living tissue according to their abundance is it clear so here water occupies water occupies around 70 to 90% water occupies around 70 to 90 per in one particular living tissue then in the same way if you consider the proteins proteins they occupy around 10 to 15 percentage is it clear and if you consider carbohydrates carbohydrates they range around 3 percentage nuclic acid they range around 5 to 7 percentage lipids they range around 2 percentage and ions they range around one and this is the chemical composition of one particular living tissue and then after we will be studying regarding proteins so here what are proteins proteins are the polymers of amino acids once when many number of amino acids once when they undergo aggregation here it lead to the formation of one specific poly peptide chain or protein is it clear so let me arras the things here and if we consider proteins so here as I already mentioned you proteins are the polymers of amino acids proteins are the polymers of amino acids so here once when any number of amino acids once when they are capable to undergo aggregation here it lead to the formation of what here it lead to the formation of one specific polypeptide chain or protein so in general in order to form or here in order to biosynthesize one specific biological protein 20 amino acids they play an important role is it clear so here these 20 amino acids they are termed as what standard amino acids 20 standard amino acids 20 standard amino acids participate in the biosynthesis of protein in the biosynthesis of protein so here why these specific amino acids they are termed as standard amino acids because all these 20 amino acids they observed nearly in case of all the biological protein in case of the various living organisms in case of of all the living organisms these 20 amino acids they play an important role in the biosynthesis of biological protein so the reason why here they termed as what 20 standard amino acid and one specific amino acid it is capable to remain in association with the Ning amino acid by taking the advantage of an specific calent bond which is nothing but what peptide bond is it clear one specific amino acid it is capable to remain in association with the Ning amino acid by taking the advantage of an specific calent bond which is nothing but what peptide bond so look at here so here it is nothing but what the peptide bond is it clear so here it is one of the Amo acid and it is the other amino acid [Music] so here the two amino acids they're capable to associate by taking the advantage of a specific covalent bond which is nothing but what peptide bond so during the formation of peptide bond here one specific water molecule it successfully released is here is it clear during the formation of peptide bond in between the two successful Amin acid here one specific water molecule it successfully releases during the formation of peptide bond by the means of a specific mechanism which is nothing but what dehydration so here it is nothing but what dehydration formation of peptide bond it is not in spontaneous process it is a non-spontaneous process it requires energy so look at here [Music] [Music] so here is nothing but what the peptide bond formation right peptide bond [Music] formation and in this way all these 20 amino acids they're capable to remain in association in order to form one specific biological protein so here most of the biological proteins they are heteropolymeric in nature is it clear so let me write it on the board biological proteins are biological proteins are heteropolymeric in nature heteropolymeric in nature so here what is the meaning of heteropolymeric in nature here if you consider one specific protein one specific protein it contains many number of amino acid residues is it clear so let us we assume some of the amino acids like lysin Arginine esine Phile alanine tropon tyrosin alanine valine is it clear so here one specific biological protein it contains many number of different amino acids is it clear never and ever one specific biological protein it contains all the similar amino acids if a specific biological protein if it contains all the similar amino acid then here it is ter as what homopolymeric but here most of the iCal proteins they are heteropolymeric that means one specific biological protein it contains many number of dissimilar amino acid here one specific biological protein it contains all the 20 amino acids so the reason why here one specific biological protein they are heteropolymeric in nature and in general the specific amino acids which participate in the biosynthesis of an particular biological protein generally they are of two different types and these include essential amino acids and the other one is non-essential amino acids is it clear amino acids which participate in protein synthesis they are of two different types and these include essential and non-essential so at first if you consider the essential amino acids so here what are essential amino acids so here the specific amino acids which cannot be synthesized by our body by the means of metabolic pathways and which are to be obtained through the nutritional diet so specific amino acids here they are termed as what essential amino acids is it clear so in general there are nine essential amino acids so here water are the various nine essential amino acids here the various nine essential amino acids they include valin Lucin isoline methionine 309 lies in histed in Phile alanine and the other one is tryptophan so all these nine amino acids are essential amino acids these amino acids they cannot be synthesized by our body by the means of metabolic pathways they are to be optained through the nutritional de so the reason why here they are termed as what essential amino acid and whereas non-essential amino acids as the name itself suggest these specific amino acids they can be synthesized by body through the metabolic pathways and they are not to be obtained through the nutritional R so the reason why here they termed as what non-essential Amon acids in general the initiation of protein synthesis takes place at the left-handed side and here at the left hand side anness is present is it clear initiation of protein synthesis always it begins only at the left hand side at the left hand side here we can observe the an Terminus and and at the right hand side here we can observe the C terness initiation of protein synthesis it takes place at the N Terminus and at the end of the protein synthesis it takes place at the C Terminus is it clear and here the particular biological protein it is having many of the bial functions so here what are the various bial functions of an specific protein here so let me arras the things here and if we consider the biological function of prot proteins so here some of the proteins they act as prootic enzymes so here what are the various protic enzymes here the various protic enes they include Trin kimot triin and as well as carboxy peptides so let me write it on the board tripin kyot tripin and as well as carboxy peptidase so here they are nothing but what the protolytic enzymes proteolytic enzymes so here why they are termed as prootic enzymes because these specific enzymes they are responsible for cleaving one specific protein at an desirable site is it clear by taking the advantage of prootic enzymes here we can cleave one specific biological protein at the desirable side so the reason why here they are termed as what protolytic enzymes they are responsible for inducing the Lis of an specific protein then in the same way if you consider some of the other proteins like antibody so here what is antibody here if an infectious agent if it enters into our body so here in order to fight against the Infectious agent our immune system it synthesizes a specific protein which is nothing but what antibody so here the specific antibody it fights against the Infectious agent is it clear and the specific antibody it is also proteinous in nature antibody fights against against infectious agent infectious agent then in the same way if you consider the insulin so here what is insulin here insulin it is the specific hormone which is responsible for converting excess amount of glucose into glycogen and here the specific insulin it is termed as peptide hormone so here why the specific insulin here it is termed as peped hormone because chemically the specific insulin hormone it is composed of amino acids is it clear 51 amino acid residues they are responsible for the formation of insulin so the reason why here the specific insulin here it is termed as what peptide hormone insulin it is an peptide hormone and in addition if you consider some of the Transporters like glute 4 so here glut four is nothing but what the transporter so what is the role of the transporter here as I already mentioned you as we all know the particular cell membrane or plasma membrane it allows only the hydrophobic molecules to come across it it won't allow the charged molecules or polar molecules to come across it so here the specific glucose molecule it possess some specific charge or even it can be dissolvable in water so here in order to come across the cell membrane or plasma membrane here the particular glucose it takes the advantage of an specific transporter which is nothing but what glucose Transporter 4 is it clear and here the specific glucose transporter four it is chemically composed of of what it is chemically composed of amino acids is it clear and in addition if you consider the specific receptors responsible for binding hormones as we all know the endocrine system are the endocrine gland in our body it synthesizes many of the hormones so here once when the specific gland when it synthesizes the specific hormone here the particular hormone it successfully transports through the bloodstream and here the specific hormone it successfully binds to the Target side so here in order to bind to the Target side here the particular hormone it takes the advantage of an specific receptor and here the specific receptor it is also chemically composed of what amino acids is it clear and even if you consider the collagen collagen so here collagen it is nothing but what it is the intracellular ground substance is it clear it is the extracellular Matrix protein which is most commonly observed only in case of vertebrates so here in case of the animal kingdom or in case of the animal world collagen it is the most abundant enzyme or protein then in the same way in case of the plant world rubisco it is the specific enzyme which is most widely available rubisco it is the specific enzyme which is more most abundantly available in case of the plant [Music] kingdom and then after we will be studying regarding polysaccharides so here what are polysaccharides so let me Aras the things here then after we will be studying regarding polysaccharides so here what are polysaccharides so here the acid insoluble pool it also contains the polysaccharides so here preate to the explanation of polysaccharides in detail in general sugars are carbohydrates they can be classified into three different types and these include monosaccharide disaccharide and the other one is polysaccharide is it clear basically sugars are carbohydrates they can be classified into three different types simply basing on the number of sugar units and these include monoy disaccharide and the other one is polysaccharide so let me write it here sugars are carbohydrates they are basically they are of three different types and these [Music] include monosaccharide [Music] and the other one is disaccharide and the other one is polysaccharide polycar so here monosaccharide as the name itself suggest so here the particular monosaccharide it contains only one single sugar unit is it C clear so here the best examples for monosaccharides they include glucose and as well as fructose glucose and as well as fructose then in the same way the best examples for the disaccharides disaccharides basically they contain two sugar units which are linked by the glycosidic linkage and the best examples for the disaccharides they include lactose sucrose and even maltose but whereas in case of the polysac as the name itself suggest polycar they contain many number of sugar units which are linked by the glycosidic linkage and the best examples for polysaccharides they are of many types basically the particular polycrates they are of two different types and these include homop polyc and the other one is heteropoly secate so here what is the basic difference in between homop polysac and as well as heteropoly saate if a specific poly ACC if it contains all the similar sugar units then here it is tered as what homop polysac then in the same way if a specific polysac if it contains dissimilar sugar units then here it is termined as what heteropolysaccharide so let me write it here polysaccharides basically they are of two different types and these include homopolysaccharide and the other one is heteropolysaccharide so here what is the basic difference in between Homo and hetero here homop polyrate they contains all the similar sugar units but whereas heteropoly they contain dissimilar sugar units the best example for homopolysaccharides they include starch starch glycogen cellulose and as as well as kittin so here all these are the best examples for homop polycrates then in the same way the best examples for heteropoly it include peptido glycon peptido glycon and as well as agos so here we are not much more concerned regarding the heteropoly saate but here we are much more concerned regarding the homop pocate so at first if you consider the starch so here starch it is an homopolysaccharide so let me write it here starch it is an [Music] homopolysaccharide so here the particular starch which is in homop polyc basically it contains two specific polymers which are nothing but what Amo and the other one is amop pectin is it clear the particular starch which is in homop polycerate basically it contains two specific polymers which are nothing but what Amo and and the other one is amop pectin Amo which is linked by Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage and the other polymer is nothing but what amop ptin which is linked by alpha 1 glycosidic [Music] linkage is it clear so if you look at the structure of the particular star easily we can [Music] understand so here it is nothing but what the sugar unit right [Music] all these are the sugar [Music] units sugar units which are linked by Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage [Applause] [Music] so here it is termed as what MOS so as I've already mentioned you the particular starch it contains two specific polymers which are nothing but what MOS which is linked by Alpha 14 glyc linkage so here it is nothing but what Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage so here why it is termed as Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage so prior to that so here what is Alpha configuration and what is beta configuration if a specific sugar molecule if it contains hydrogen atom at the top and the hydroxy group at the bottom here it termined as what Alpha configuration is it clear here the particular star in case of the star all the sugar molecules they linked by Alpha configuration so here Alpha configuration here it is nothing but what in case of alpha configuration hydrogen atom it remains at the top and the hydroxy group here it remains at the bottom then in the same way in case of the beta configuration hydroxy group here it remains at the top but whereas the hydrogen atom it remains at the bottom so here it is termed as what beta configuration so here as I've already mentioned you the particular star it contains two specific polymers which are nothing but Amo and as well as amop ptin Amo is it clear Amo it is unbranched Amo it is unbranched but whereas amop ptin it is [Music] Branch so look at here amo in case of Amo all the sugar residues they linked by Alpha 14 glycosidic linkage is it clear in case of one sugar mole one sugar molecule it remains in association with the other sugar molecule by the means of alpha4 glyos in in case of Amo but here if you consider the amop pectin so let me arras the things here it is the sixth position right so here it is nothing but what alpha6 glycosidic linkage [Music] so here most commonly in case of one particular polysac reducing end it remains at the right-handed side but whereas the non- reducing end it remains at the left- handed side is it clear at the right hand side here we can observe the reducing end and at the left-handed side here we can observe the non reducing end so here the particular starch it posess or it contains a specific secondary structure which is nothing but what helical structure is it clear so let me ARR the things here the particular starch it contains a secondary helical structure [Music] starch contains a secondary helical structure is it clear so here it is nothing but what the secondary helical structure to the concern secondary helical structure iodine molecule it successfully binds here iodine molecule right helical structure of starch so to the concern helical structure the specific iodine molecule it successfully Burns as we all know during the photosynthesis the specific green plants they are capable to synthesize the food molecules in the means of sugars and here the excess amount of sugar molecules they remain in the form of what starch so here in order to prove that during the photosynthesis green plants they synthesize the food molecules in the means of sugars in general we perform a specific test which is nothing but what iodin test so in case of the iodin test here we take the advantage of what tinure iodin so here when we pour few drops of tinure iodin on the surface of the particular plant leaf where the photosynthesis has took place so here the particular part of the plant leaf it successfully turns into bluish black in color in the presence of iodin is it clear so here the particular iodin molecule it successfully binds to the specific secondary helical structure of the starch is it clear and in addition here we need to understand one key point so here starch starch is an homop polysac right starch is a homop polysac then in the same way even the cellulose it is also in homop polysac but likewise the particular starch the specific cellulose molecule it won't possess or it won't contain the secondary helical structure is it clear the particular starch molecule it contains secondary helical structure to the specific secondary helical structure the specific iodine molecule it successfully BNS but here the specific cellulose molecule though it is an homop polyc but here the particular cellulose molecule it won't possess or it won't contain the secondary helical structure so the reason why here the specific iodine molecule it is unable to bind to the specific cellulose is it clear [Music] cellulose does not contain helical structure is it clear and some of the other polycrates include inulin inulin it is an polymer of fructose [Music] and in addition to this even in case of plants there is a requirement of these specific polycrates as we all know the particular plant cell wall it is chemically composed of what cellulose so here in order to acquire the particular cellulose molecule here the particular plants they take the advantage of carbohydrate metabolism in case of plants the carbohydrate metabolism it is successfully regulated in case of G apparatus G apparatus it is responsible for the biosynthesis of the specific cellulose molecule and here the particular cellulose molecule it plays an important role in the biosynthesis of the particular cell wall is it clear so here in case of plants in case of plants cellulose is responsible for the formation of for the formation of cell [Music] wall and in addition to this here we can observe some more other complex polysaccharides and these include nstl glucose amine NST glucose Amine and the other one is nestel galactose amine nle galactose amine is it clear and here the exoskeleton of arthopods exoskeleton of arthopods are in case of the jointed leg organisms here the outermost cell is it clear in case of the exoskeleton of arthopods or in case of the jointed like organisms here the outermost cell it is chemically composed of a specific polyc which is nothing but what Ken exoskeleton of arthopods contains kittin which is in polysaccharide is it clear so here this is regarding polysaccharides then after we will be studying regarding nuclic acids so here what are nuclic acids so let me AR the things here and in addition to the polysaccharides the acid insoluble pool even it also contains nuclic acids nuclic acids so here what are nuclic acids so here basically the particular nuclic acid it contains many number of heterocyclic carbon Rings nuclic [Music] acids contains many number of heterocyclic carbon rings so here these heterocyclic carbon Rings here they are termed as what nitrogenous bases so here what are the various nitrogenous bases here the various nitrogenous bases they include purines and the other one is pyramids purins and the other one is pyramids so here the purins include ad9 and the other one is Guan 9 and pyramidan include th in cytosin and the other one is urasil so if we look at the structure of these heterocyclic carbon Rings easily we can understand so here it is nothing but what 89 right so here it is nothing but what 89 is it clear and if you consider the structure of Goan so here it is nothing but what the structure of Guan and if you consider the structure of thyine [Music] [Music] so here it is the structure of th right [Music] thine and if you consider the structure of cytosin so here it is nothing but what cytosin so here all these are nothing but what the hetrocyclic carbon Rings or in other terms here we can consider it as nitrogenous base so here one particular nitrogenous base one particular nitrogenous base when it remains in association with the ribos sugar is it clear one space spefic nitrogenous base when it remains in association with ribos sugar here it is tered as what nucleoside and here to the conent nucleoside when the specific phosphate mod when it successfully recruits here here it lead to the formation of what [Music] nucleotide is it clear so here it is nothing but what nucleotide is it clear nitrogenous base in association with ribos sugar here it lead to the formation of nucleoside and to the concern nucleo once when the specific phosphate M when it successfully recruits here here it lead to the formation of what nucleotide so once when many number of nucleotides once when they aggregate together here it lead to the formation of what nuclic acid in general there are two different types of nucleic acids and these include DNA and as well as RNA so here these specific nuclic acids they act as genetic material which is responsible for carrying the genetic information from one generation to the another generation is it clear and then after we will be studying regarding structure of protein so let me Aras the things here and then after we'll be studying regarding structure of proteins so here pre to the explanation of structure of proteins in detail in general in inorganic chemistry the structure of compounds most commonly they elucidated in the means of structural formula or chemical formula so here some of the examples include sodium chloride and magnesium chloride and likewise in case of the inorganic chemistry in organic chemistry the structure of compounds most commonly they are explained in the means of two-dimensional View and some of the examples include benine and even the napthalene and likewise the organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry physics most commonly they explain the structure of compounds in the threedimensional view are in case of the 3D structure and likewise the physic biologist most commonly they explain the structure of proteins under four different levels because the structure of protein it is not so small it is so vest so the reason why the structure of proteins most commonly they explained under four different structural levels and these include primary structure secondary structure ter structure and quary structure is it clear so let me write it on the board biologist explain the structure of proteins at four different levels these include primary structure secondary structure ter structure and quary structure is it clear so at first if you consider the primary structure so here what is primary structure so in case of primary structure what exactly happens here in case of primary structure all the amino acids they aggregate together here in order to form a specific poly is it clear so here all these are nothing but what the amino acid residues all the amino acids they aggregate together by taking the advantage of a specific covalent bond which which is nothing but what peptide bond so here once when many number of amino acids once when they aggregate together here it lead to the formation of what linear arrangement of protein so here it is nothing but what the primary structure so here in case of the primary structure here we can observe the Assembly of amino acids by taking the advantage of an specific calent bond which is nothing but what peptide bond then what about the secondary structure secondary structure [Music] so here in case of the secondary structure the specific polypeptide chain it under goes folding is it clear in case of secondary structure here we can observe two different types and these include right-handed Alpha Helix and the other one is beta pated sheet so here all these are nothing but what the atoms [Music] right right-handed Alpha Helix and the other one is beta prated sheet so let me write it here right-handed Alpha [Music] helic and the other one is is beta plated [Music] sheet so in general the right handed Alpha Helix it is stabilized by the means of what intramolecular hydrogen bonding is it clear the specific right-handed Alpha Helix here it is stabilized by the means of intram molecular hydrogen bonding and if you consider the particular beta plated sheet so here the particular beta plated sheet it is stabilized by the means of intermolecular hydrogen bonding so let let me write it here right-handed Alpha Helix stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding then in the same way beta prated sheet beta plated sheet is stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonding intermolecular hydrogen bonding is it clear so here the specific second structure it was first explained by lus and poing lenus and poing lenus and poing for the very first time they have explained the secondary structure and then after we will be studying regarding ter structure so here in case of the Terr structure what we observe here so let me arras the things here and then after if you consider the ter structure of protein so here in case of the ter structure of protein what we observe is as I already mentioned you in case of the secondary structure here we can observe right-handed Alpha Helix and as well as beta pated sheet so here the right-handed Alpha Helix it is stabilized by the means of intramolecular hydrogen bonding but whereas beta pleated sheet it is stabilized by the means of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in comparison with right-handed Alpha Helix the particular beta sheet it is not highly stable is it clear in comparison with the right-handed Alpha Helix here the particular beta p it is not highly stable in order to acquire the stability the particular beta pated sheet it may remain in association with another beta pleated sheet or even the particular beta pleated sheet it may remain in association with right-handed Alpha Helix so here in order to remain in association with the right-handed Alpha Helix here the particular beta pated sheet here it takes the advantage of an specialized structure which is nothing but what beta term is it clear so look at here so let me show it here so here it is nothing but what the beta [Music] ter and here it is nothing but what the beta prated sheet is it clear so here the particular beta sheet it may remain in association with the right-handed Alpha Helix by taking the advant is of in specialized folding which is nothing but what beta turn so here the particular beta turn it is composed of specific amino acids like gine and as well as Proline is it clear glycin and as well as Proline these are the amino acids which are only observed in case of the beta turn and in case of normal other protein structures here we cannot observe glycin and as well as Proline because glycin and as well as Proline they won't have any specific side chain if in case of one particular polypeptide chain if glycin and as well as prolin are present under such condition here bending occurs or here folding occurs is it clear the particular polyed chain it won't remain in linear confirmation here bending or folding occurs if a specific polypeptide chain if it is composed of glycin and prolin and most commonly the particular glycin and as well as Proline they are observed only in case of the beta turn so here by taking the advantage of beta term which is composed of glycine and as well as Proline here the particular beta pated sheet it remain in association with the right-handed Alpha Helix is it clear so here likewise once when many number of beta ple sheet when they remain in association with right-handed Alpha Helix here it resembles the shape of an Wen ball leg structure so let me show it here Wen ball leg structure right [Music] [Music] is it clear so here here it resembles the shape of an Wen ball leg structure so here in order to study the Terr structure of protein here we can take the advantage of an specific oxygen binding protein in case of whales which is nothing but myoglobin [Music] myoglobin myoglobin is responsible for studying The teritary structure of proteins ter structure of proteins or here the ter structure of proteins they are most commonly observed in case of oxygen binding protein which is nothing but what myoglobin and most commonly the biological activity of all the proteins they are observed only in case of the terral structure so here in order to elucidate the biological activity of one specific protein most commonly the Terr structure of protein it is most commonly preferable is it clear and then after we will be studying regarding coronary structure of protein so let me arras the things here and if we consider the coronary structure of protein coronary structure of protein they observed only in case of the multimeric proteins is it clear it is observed only in case of multimar proteins multimar proteins so here four polypeptide chains they may remain in the form of two identical subunits four polypeptide chains they may remain in the form of two identical subunits [Music] two identical subunits right so here these are nothing but what the two identical subunits so here one of the specific subunit it may contain strings of sphere like structure so here these are nothing but what the helical structures right and because of the presence of the helical structure here it resembles the shape of strings of sphere like structure is it [Music] clear so here it is nothing but what beta 2 beta 2 Alpha 2 and here it is nothing but what beta 1 Alpha 1 and here each of the subunit in case of the quary structure it may contain the hemp prosthetic group is it clear hemp prosthetic group so here it is nothing but what the hemp prosthetic group right so here one of the specific subunit in case of the coronary structure it may remain on the surface of the other subunit so here in order to study the quary structure of protein here we can take the advantage of adult hemoglobin is it clear adult hemoglobin adult hemoglobin it is the desirable protein in in order to study the structure of the coronary structure of protein the structure of coronary structure coronary structure of protein so basically the particular hemoglobin it contains two identical subunits and these include Alpha 2 and beta 2 tetramer is it clear basically the specific hemoglobin it contains Alpha 2 Beta 2 tetramer and here the specific adult hemoglobin it is composed of 574 amino acid residues hemoglobin is composed of 574 amino acid residues so here 141 into 2 and 146 into 2 so when we add them here we get 574 amino acids is it clear so here this is regarding the coronary structure of protein and as I have already mentioned you the Terr structure of protein it can be well studied in case of the myoglobin here the Terr structure of protein it is stabilized by the means of hydrogen bond and as well as the disulfide bond is it clear so here this is regarding biom macro molecules and as well as structure of proteins in detail so here I hope that this video will help you a lot so if you like this video just hit the like button and share it to your friends thank you
Channel: Gurudev Life Sciences
Views: 66
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Id: 2e5UeAce4EQ
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Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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