Mechanism of tRNA processing.

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welcome back friends welcome back to another video session from this channel so in this video session we will be studying regarding the specific mechanism the specific process which is involved in organizing the TRNA processing is it clear so what is TRNA processing and what are the various modifications we successfully take place in the structure of the TR name during the processing mechanism so here prior to the explanation of TRNA processing in detail at first let us be recall the structure of the TRNA so what is TRNA trname likewise the other RN is like rrna and mRNA it successfully synthesizes during the transcription mechanism by taking the advantage of an enzyme which is nothing but RNA polymerase 3. is it clear so let me write it on the board so here TRNA is synthesized by RNA polymerase three so TRNA it is the second most abundant RNA in a living cell followed by rrna the most abundant RNA in a living cell is nothing but what rrna after the rrna the next most abundant RNA in a living cell is nothing but what TRNA so let me write it here it is the second most [Music] second most evident RNA in a living cell so TRNA likewise the other RNs like rrna and mRNA it also poses or it also consists of certain usual bases like augc is it clear so let me write it here TRNA consists of usual basis like augc so here if we consider the structure of the TRNA basically the TRN structure it is composed of around 70 to 90 nucleotides inland is it clear so let me write it here name is composed of [Music] 70 to 90 nucleotides in length [Music] 70 to 90 nucleotides in them is it clear so here in order to explain here in order to elucidate the structure of the TRNA various models they were successfully explained by various molecular values out of these many models the most widely accepted model of the structure of the TRNA it is nothing but what lower lip model which was explained by Holley in mid-1950s is it clear so let me write it here Cloverleaf model [Music] Clover Leaf model [Music] it is the most widely accepted model of the TRNA so here in order to organize the translation mechanism are the proteins synthesis in case of prokaryotes and as well as in case of eukaryotes here TRNA plays an important role is it clear so here as we all know each and every amino acid which do exist in nature it is very specific to one particular codon in the MRNA but the amino acid itself it is unable to recognize the codon which is present in case of the MRNA so here in order to recognize the codon which is present in case of the MRNA the amino acid it takes the advantage often specific adapter RNA which is nothing but what PRN name is it clear so let me read it on the board so here PR name [Music] is involved in protein synthesis [Music] so in case of prokaryotes in order to organize the protein synthesis there is an availability of around 30 to 40 trns but whereas in case of eukaryotes in order to recognize or in order to organize the protein synthesis there is an availability of around 40 to 50 trns is it clear that means each and every amino acid it is capable to encode with more than one particular tier name so the reason why in order to encode with 20 MN acids there is an availability of around 30 to 40 trns both in case of the prokaryotic translation mechanism and as well as in case of the eukaryotic translation mechanism is it clear so if we consider the structure of the TRNA as I have already mentioned you the TRNA structure basically consists of certain usual bases like augc in addition to the usual basis the TRN structure it also poses or it also consists of certain unusual bases is it clear so what are the certain unusual bases we are going to study then after but prior to that prior to the explanation of the unusual basis which are a part of the TRN structure at first let us we have a basic look regarding the various sites which are available in the TRNA structure so what are the various sites which are a part of the TRN structure here the various sides of the TRNA structure include acceptor stem is it clear so here it is nothing but what acceptance term so what is the role of acceptor stem as I've already mentioned you each and every amine acid which do exist in nature it is very specific to one particular codon in the MRNA but the amino acid itself it is unable to recognize the codon in case of the MRN so here in order to encode the codon which is present in case of the MRNA the amino acid it takes the advantage of what TR name so here the amino acid it successfully recruits to the TRNA at an specializer side which is nothing but what acceptance term is it clear so in addition to the acceptance term the TRN structure it also poses or it also consists of anticodon Loop so what is the role of anticodon Loop so as the name itself suggests anti-codone Loop that means the codon of the mrname it is quite complementary to the anti-codon of the trname in order to encode the codon which is present in case of the MRNA the antipodon of the TRNA it plays an important role is it clear so all these are the various specializer sets which are a part of the TRN structure so if we consider the various modifications we successfully take place during the TRNA processing mechanism so the various modifications include chemical modifications is it clear chemical modifications cleavage and trimming so all these are the various modifications which success will take place in the structure of the TRNA during the TRNA processing mechanism is it clear so let me write it on the board so what are those chemical modifications chemical modifications and the next one is cleavage [Music] and the next strategy it is nothing but what trimming [Music] is it clear so at first we will be studying regarding the chemical modifications we successfully take place in the structure of the pr name during the TRNA processing mechanism is it clear so let me write it on the board so if we consider the various chemical modifications we successfully occur in the structure of the TRNA include chemical modifications right so the various chemical modifications include methylation [Music] is it clear methylation isomerization and deamination so let me write it on the board methylation [Music] isomerization [Music] and the next modification is nothing but what deamination [Music] so here at first we will be studying regarding methylation so what is methylation as the name itself suggests during the methylation the methyl group it successfully recruits to the nitrogenous base so if we consider foreign and as well as cytosine so here when the Goan was in when it undergoes methylation under such condition it lead to the formation of what methane guano sin [Music] is it clear in the same way if we consider the cytosine nucleotide when the cytosine nucleated when it undergoes methylation it lead to the formation of what methyl cytosine methyl cytosine [Music] methyl cytosine [Music] in the same way if we consider the adenosine nucleotide so here once when the adenosine nucleated when it undergoes deamination is it clear when the adenosine nucleated when it undergoes deamination it lead to the formation of what Enos in so let me write it here he knows in in the same way if we consider the uracil nucleotide uracilitate basically it is a nitrogenous base rate so once when the uracin euclide when it remains in association with the ribose sugar it lead to the formation of what you read in so once when the urine is nuclear trade when it undergoes isomerization it lead to the formation of what pseudo-uridine and dihydro uridine is it clear sudo [Music] you read in and the other one is [Music] dihydro uridine [Music] is it clear so during the transcription mechanism by taking the advantage of RNA polymerase 3 the specific TRNA basically it consists of normal usual bases like augc but then after once when the TRNA when it undergoes processing mechanism are the processing event under such condition these usual bases like augc they undergo certain chemical modifications and they are nothing but what methylation isomerization and deamination so here you may get a small clarification why the particular TRNA which process or which consists of usual bases like augc it undergoes various chemical modifications so here the answer to this question is very simple as we all know the particular TR name it successfully synthesizes during the transcription mechanism in the nucleus so here after the successful synthesis of the TRNA during the transcription mechanism by taking the advantage of RNA polymerase 3. now the particular TRNA it has to export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in order to participate in the translation mechanism so here the particular TR name it is in free floating nucleated sequence in the cytoplasm so as we all know within the cytoplasm there is an availability of huge number of exonucleases and these exonucleases they are capable to clear the extremence of the particular TR name so here in order to overcome the problem the particular TR name which poses or which consists of usual bases they undergo certain chemical modifications is it clear so once when the particular TR name which process which consists of usual basis when they undergo chemical modifications under such condition these exonucleases they are unable to cleave the extreme ends of the Tierney structure so the reason why the particular TR name which process or which consists of usual bases so generally they undergo certain chemical modifications like methylation isomerization and deamination is it clear so here this is regarding the chemical modifications so then after we will be studying regarding the cleavage so what exactly happens during the cleavage so for your better understanding let me present it on the board and if we consider the next specific modification we successfully take place or we successfully occurs in the structure of the TR name during the TRNA processing mechanism include cleavage is it clear so why the particular TN structure it takes the advantage of cleavage during the TRNA processing mechanism so for your better understanding let me write it on the board so here so what it is cleavage [Music] foreign TR name it successfully synthesizes during the transcription mechanism by taking the advantage of RNA polymerase 3. in addition to the common nucleotides the particular TRNA structure it also synthesizes certain extra nucleus which are present at the extreme five payment and as well as at the extreme three payment so here in order to clear the extra nucleotides which were successfully synthesized during their transcription mechanism by taking the advantage of RNA polymerase 3 the particular TRNA processing mechanism it takes the advantage of certain exonucleases and as well as endonucleases and these exonucleases and endonucleases they play in prominent role in order to clear the extra nucleotides which were successfully synthesized at the extreme five frame end and as well as at the extreme three plane is it clear so here in order to cleave the extra nucleotides which were present at the extreme five payment of the TRN structure processing mechanism it takes the advantage of an endonucleus which is nothing but RNA SP is it clear so let me read it on the board so what it is rnsp so here RN is p it is the endonuclease which place in prominent role for the successful cleavage of the extra nucleotides which were present at the extreme five payment of the TN structure is it clear so let me arrange the things here so here the rnsp it successfully cleaves the particular extra nucleotides exactly at this particular position so let me arrange the things here so after that the second euclides by the rnsp then after here the particular TRNA processing mechanism it takes the advantage of some more other endonucleases like rnse and RN IS F [Music] r n s e and rnsf is it clear so here RN is e and RN is f they play in prominent role for the successful cleaving of the extra nutritates which were successfully synthesized at the extreme three payment of the TRNA structure is it clear so let me arrange the things here RN is e and RN IS F so these are the endonucleases which play in prominent role for the successful cleaving of the extra nuclear traits which were present at the three frame end is it clear so here if we consider the particular TN structure likewise the rrna and mRNA even the particular TRNA it poses the non-poding sequences are the introns so here the non-coding sequences are the introns which are a part of the TRN structure they won't undergo splicing by taking the advantage of transistorification reaction so if we recall the rrna processing and as well as the MRNA processing in general the non-coding sequences are the introns they are successfully splices out or they are successfully spliced out by taking the advantage of transistorification reaction but here the non-coding sequence are the intron which is a part of the TRN structure it won't undergo splicing by taking the advantage of transistorification reaction so instead of taking the advantage of transistorification reaction here the particular TRNA processing mechanism it takes the advantage of an endonuclease leaving of the TRN structure by taking the advantage of various endonucleases then after the trnf processing mechanism it takes the advantage of one more other endonucleus in so here what is the role of the endonuclease enzyme here if we consider the rrna processing and as well as mRNA processing the non-coding sequences are the introns which are a part of the rrna and as well as mRNA The Honorable successful splicing by taking the advantage of transistorification reactions but here in case of the TR name the non-coding sequence are the introns which is a part of the TR name it won't undergo splicing by taking the advantage of trans esterification reaction instead of taking the advantage of transistorification reaction the non-coding sequence or the intron it successfully splices out by taking the advantage of a specific engine which is nothing but what endonuclease is it clear so let me write it on the board so what it is endonuclease [Music] so here the endonucleus enzyme it successfully Cleaves at the five frame end and as well as at the three payment so once when the endonucleus enzyme when it successfully Cleaves at the 5 frame end under such condition it generates or it induces an unusual hydroxyl group is it clear five frame hydroxyl group so in general at the five payment there is an availability of what phosphate motor but instead of having the phosphate moiety here there is an availability of what hydroxyl group during the endonuclease cleavage in the same way at the three payment instead of having the hydroxyl group here there is an availability of what two three prime cyclic phosphate moiety is it clear so let me write it here what it is 2 3 Prime cyclic phosphate [Music] so in order to replace the hydroxyl group with the phosphate moiety the particular TRNA processing mechanism it takes the advantage of an specific enzyme which is nothing but what all in equilater time is so let me write it here poly nucleotide kinase [Music] so as we all know coinages are the specific enzymes which are most commonly responsible for inducing the phosphate moiety so here the specific polynucleotide kinase it successfully cleaves the unusual hydroxyl group which is in association with the pi frame Terminus and here it replaces with what the phosphate moiety is it clear in the same way in order to replace the two three prime cyclic phosphate moiety the particular TRNA processing mechanism it takes the advantage of a specific enzyme which is nothing but what phosphor digester is phosphor diasterase [Music] so here the phosphate for the successful modification of the two three prime cyclic phosphate moiety with the hydroxyl group so let me write it here three prime hydroxyl group so once when the usual groups once when they were successfully recruited by taking the advantage of certain enzymes like polynucleotide kinase and as well as phosphodite sprays then after one more other enzyme which is nothing but ligase it comes into the picture so what is the role of like is here like is it is the specific enzyme which is responsible for inducing the ligation is it clear like is it is responsible for inducing the ligation [Music] ligation [Music] then after the next specific modification which is a part of the trnf processing it is nothing but what trimming so what is trimming here trimming [Music] so here the TRNA processing mechanism it not only takes the advantage of certain endonucleases like rnsp and RN is e and rnsf and in addition it also takes the advantage of in specific engine which is nothing but what RNs D which is an exonucleus so let me write it here so what it is rnsd so what is the role of rnsd here RN is D it is the specific enzyme which acts like an exonucleus and even it is responsible for inducing the trimming so once when the three prime Terminus when it successfully trims out by taking the advantage of RNs D under such condition a specific enzyme which is nothing but what terminal nucleotidial transferase enzyme it comes into the picture what it is so let me write it here terminal nucleotidial transferase [Music] nucleotidial transferase so what is the role of terminal nuclear detail transference is so it is the specific enzyme which is responsible for the successful recruitment of the trinucleated sequence at the extreme three payment of the TRN is it clear so all the various neutral dates which are a part of the TR name they are encoded in the TRNA genome but whereas the tri-nucleated sequence which is present at the extreme tree payment of the TR name it is not encoded in the TRNA genome so here during the trnf processing mechanism a specific enzyme which is nothing but terminal nuclear transferase it is the specific enzyme which is responsible for the successful recruitment of the train euclided sequence at the extreme three payment of the TRN is it clear so let me write it here so once when the non-boarding sequences are the introns when they are successfully spliced out by taking the advantage of certain endonucleases and as well as once when the extra nucleotides when they were successfully cleaved out by taking the advantage of certain endonucleases and exonucleases and once when the trinucleated sequence when it is successfully recruited at the extreme three payment of the TRNA under such condition the particular TR name it remains in mature confirmation only the mature name it is capable to participate in the translation mechanism or in the translation process is it clear so here this is regarding the specific mechanism the specific process which is involved in organizing the TRNA processing mechanism so here I hope that this video will help you a lot so if you like this video just hit the like button and share it to your friends and I remember your people to subscribe my channel for getting more and more videos what I make day to day thank you
Channel: Gurudev Life Sciences
Views: 344
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Id: 32hWxmJjyVI
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Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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