Binging with Babish: Crème de la Crème à la Edgar from The Aristocats

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oh it got you sly old Fox good my compliments to the chef hey what's up guys welcome back to managing with babish for this week I forgot to shoot that sort of intro walk in shot so we're diving right into it and for creme de la creme ha Edgar we need crackers what kind of looks like Ritz crackers to me so we're starting with ten ounces of all-purpose flour three teaspoons of baking powder half a teaspoon of kosher salt and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar we're just gonna process that together a little bit just to let those dry ingredients and lemon or get to know each other and then we're adding 6 tablespoons of refrigerator cold butter we're almost making a pie crust here but in addition to the butter we're also going to add two tablespoons of vegetable to give a little bit of that snack I'll processed goodness speaking of process we're gonna process this together in the food processor just pulse a few times and then let it run for about five seconds until everybody's nice and Sandy then into the feed tube woman to slowly drizzle 2/3 of a cup of ice water while the machines running it just until a ball of dough forms about 10 seconds then we're gonna take this guy out wrap them up and plastic wrap and let them rest in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes we're not being as cautious with this dough as we would a pie crust because we don't want it to puff as much as a pie crust would puff if the pie crust could puff would what anyway we are turning this out onto a very liberally floured work surface and rolling it out as thin as humanely possible it helps that one of these rolling pins with the little pacifiers on the side that help you maintain an even thickness but no matter what you're rolling with just trying to roll it out as thin as you possibly can then we need to utilize a fluted biscuit cutter to give our crackers that signature Ritz look I think this one's a little bit small I'm gonna go one bigger theater we go that's a cracker and we're simply arranging these on a parchment lined baking sheet that we are going to insert into a 400 degree fahrenheit oven but not before trying in vain to cut that little cross pattern into each individual cracker only to give up and go for the signature writs 7 dots 6 on the outside one in the middle I didn't even have to do a google image search now brushing these balls down with butter these are after all butter crackers and they require a great multitude of butter applications okay now these guys are ready to go into that oven that I talked about for 10 250 minutes until they're nice and brown but not too brown cuz we're gonna brush them down again one more time with butter and immediately sprinkle them with a little bit of kosher salt I emphasize immediately because the butter drives very quickly and you need the salt to stick before it does and with that second butter bath we got ourselves a nice golden cracker that I gotta say tastes exactly like a Ritz and this only took like an hour so much easier than going to the store and spending two dollars and arguably a better version onto creme de la creme challah Edgar I'm starting off with a pint of heavy cream to which I'm going to add an equal part of whole milk then Edgar adds five things vanilla cinnamon nutmeg sugar and sleeping pills the last one of course being optional and probably illegal now he used vanilla extract but I'm gonna go with a whole bean this is after all for human and not kitty consumption so I'm gonna scrape a whole vanilla bean and add it to our milky mixture along with the pot itself for a little bit of added flavor now two four cups of beverage I think you're gonna want to add between a quarter to a third of a cup of sugar a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon and maybe another quarter teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg you can use the pre ground stuff if you want the freshly grated really is world's better grab your tiny whisk and let's give this guy a stir I think tiny list could use a little calcium anyway that's what you grow up big and strong whoa well that's proof kids drink your milk I'm also gonna add just a little pinch of salt and a generous shake of barbituates sleeping aids just like they would have prescribed very safely in Paris in 1910 and I gotta say this stuff tastes real real good what we've effectively made here is hot vanilla the slightly worse cousin of hot chocolate but it's still real real good and I do recommend you trying it but let's try it the way broken for at the mouse tries a dip in a cracker in and taking little mouse bites and what we're effectively doing here is dipping pie crust pieces into hot vanilla so it's pretty good I would probably just have one or the other not both but still no complaints however I don't think that I'm getting the full Rocafort experience for that I think we need to think like a mouse or rather make a bigger cracker which is not exactly what a mouse would do but just let me have my catchphrases please so same dough rolled out cut with a dinner plate as it mold then I was kind of stumped on how to give it the fluted edges but then I found this ravioli cutter that worked pretty well the fluting is kind of small but good enough for me also this is an opportunity to cut the same pattern into this cracker that we see in the movie but of them that same procedure brush the whole thing down with butter pour in a degree Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes rotating once during baking I know that this is not quite scale but this is as big as my baking sheets would allow me and there you have it about as big a cracker as I've ever seen which I'm going to again brush down with butter and hurriedly sprinkle with salt and attempt to dip into a larger bowl of our crème de la crème à la Edgar again sorry I know it's not the scale but I didn't want to be too wasteful and the odds of me eating all this cracker and drinking all this milk are very extremely not going to happen however I will enjoy a few mouse-like nibbles before fixing myself a mug of this hot vanilla because let me tell you that stuff is good not hot chocolate good but good hey guys quick question for you if you know any fans at the show that inspire you make you happy or are having a particularly tough time this year please send an email to being with babish at and tell us their story
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 6,729,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: la, aristocats binging with babish, homemade, creme de la creme, artisocats creme de la creme, 1970s, vanilla, ritz, aristocrats, de la, disney, mouse, hot, creme de la creme a la edgar aristocats, cooking with babish, walt, aristocats, nibble, babbish, creme, binging with babish, creme de la creme a la edgar, pear qwerty horse, de, roquefort, crackers, binging with babish disney, edgar
Id: zNY-qzp7pD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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