Binging with Babish 4 Million Subscriber Special: Death Sandwich from Regular Show

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This was a very cool video. I dont think 5 years ago Babish thought, "On this exact day in the future, I may or may not be killed by an Iron Chef with Fugu."

Congrats on 4 million.

👍︎︎ 242 👤︎︎ u/Woefinder 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

My god. Four million. Good for you Babish. I remember when the channel was just a few videos and it has come so far. Still miss the Frasier though.

👍︎︎ 167 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I could feel the awkwardness/shame emanating from Babish as he fed Morimoto that monstrosity.

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/LouBrown 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Awww I was hoping it was the Broodwich for a second.. Maybe someday!

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

New tattoo: Being hand-fed by Chef Morimoto

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/jf808 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ah man, that's super surreal to see.

Also, Chef Morimoto comes across like the stereotypical older Japanese goofballs I've come across in the time.

Also also, that sandwich is sad.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/OniExpress 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fed by an iron chef. Literally sharing chopsticks with him and eating off the same plate. Thats got to be pretty surreal.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/forkandbowl 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sexiest onion ever seen

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Astral_M 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

This episode kind of hit me in the feels. I love Chef Morimoto and we regularly watch Iron Chef as a family. He's always depicted as being so serious, but I feel like the dishes he creates give a glimpse into this playful side. It was so awesome to see that side on camera. And I loved that Babish was so genuinely excited for this.

Congrats on 4 million, Babish!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/nitarrific 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
and remember eat it right or you die so what can I get you the death sandwich to receive the death sandwich you must first sign this waiver of death yeah sure all right I'll have that out for you in a minute hey what's up guys welcome back to binging with babish where this week we're celebrating four million subscribers as you can see I've got tiny cupcake here to celebrate and to say thank you I'm finally doing a long requested favorite the death sandwich from Regular Show which is something I've been avoiding recreating because I don't like doing fantastical foods and a sandwich that kills you if you eat it the wrong way isn't exactly realistic or is it more on that later because first up we got to make us some sauce and some meatballs for our sandwich the sauce spread onto the submarine roll looked like a pretty pretty typical red tomato sauce so that's what we're gonna make but first we're just gonna admire this onion this is like the most perfect onion I've ever seen cool so we're gonna chop that in half and give it a fine mince we don't want big old chunks onion in our sauce and we want it to give up as much flavor as possible during its short simmer now this ain't our first red sauce rodeo this is everything we need to make it plus a can of tomatoes of course so let us bring things over to the stovetop we're starting by heating a few tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat until shimmering adding half our chopped onion and sauteing until soft and translucent three to five minutes and then crush in three garlic cloves squeeze in three tablespoons of tomato paste shake in maybe a half a teaspoon of dried oregano and a quarter teaspoon of dried red pepper flake so I'd say those together until nice and fragrant about 30 seconds to 1 minute and then add our 28-ounce can of san marzano tomatoes along with maybe about a quarter cans worth of water then I want this sauce smooth and spreadable so I'm going to mash it up good with a potato masher and then add the final essential ingredient a sprig of fresh basil then we're just gonna keep this guy at a bare simmer over low heat for the next 45 to 90 minutes until all the flavors have smoothed and grounded out and really gotten to know each other plus it's the perfect amount of time to get started on our meatballs again we've done meatballs on the show a million times before so I'm trying things a little differently today I'm starting by sauteing together the other half of my chopped onion and two cloves of crushed garlic then back over on the table top I'm getting my herbs ready a little bunch of parsley and a little bunch of basil remember it's always easier to chop Erbs if you sort of bunched them into a little ball before chopping without restraint or mercy once we've got our herbs nice and finely chopped it's time to start putting things together into a large bowl they go along with half a cup of ricotta which is standing in for what would normally be heavy cream or buttermilk then I'm going to add the cooled onions and garlic about 1/2 cup of panko breadcrumbs the zest of one lemon and one large egg just give those a little cursory mixed together before we almost forgot Parmesan cheese about two ounces worth and then lemon ricotta meatballs I thought that might go best with ground pork but I'm sure it would also go very nicely with chicken or turkey we're just gonna make sure that that is all homogeneous and then form into very large meatballs because at the very least we need these to be proportionally correct with what we see on the show those are looking about right so let's head on over to the stovetop where we're going to heat a not insignificant amount of vegetable oil in our saute pan at our meatballs and brown for about two minutes on each side until they have some nice color to them then we're gonna finish these guys in a 375-degree fahrenheit oven for about 20 minutes until they register 165 degrees Fahrenheit and our sauce is done we're gonna make sure to season that with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper of course before we spread it on the bottom half of our submarine sandwich roll then a top of that goes some folded ham for some reason we're just gonna neatly stack those across the top of the sauce I don't know whose idea this was and then we are going to neatly line up our meatballs over top we're going to go against all logic and instinct and not put cheese on this thing and top it up and there you have it the death sandwich let's get ourselves a little cross-section on this guy it's been a little while since we've had a cross-section not too impressive but let's see how it tastes also not very impressive these meatballs brought a lot of zazz to the party but about the only risk to my life at this point is dying of boredom but I think I know someone who can fix that and bring a real life or death edge to this sandwich none other than acclaimed restaurateur and iron chef Masaharu Morimoto who invited me to his restaurant here in New York to take a tangle with fugu or poisonous puffer fish which carries a poison that will absolutely kill you and for which there is no known antidote good so I'm sorry Morimoto thank you so much for coming on the show appreciating me and Kanta model so thank you very much so you're a very intimidating person on television I know how many I understand in the world but if you honor any prop I have hmm no Louise my lord so with that in mind do you know what we intend to do with this fish today we want to put it on a sandwich I don't know yeah that's I don't know do you can you imagine any way that that could be made good that it could be made palatable you know right yeah and then replay panko bread dr. Carson okay so this is the fugu as you know this fugu has a very strong freedom yes all the cattle cattle autopsy or everything clean by Japan your technicians okay no Brad no guys no nothing this is a very safe pot yeah so let me ask you yeah why like is this such a great fish that it's worth taking such as such a mortal risk to eat okay number one of the dangerous yeah people likes kind of risk right yeah and they also this is a very very cheap no I just yeah the caviar is expensive oh yeah truffle is expensive right so if Jeff were in the caviar the cheap no not many people interesting about this is this expensive is a bit of ship so it's and also meat it takes just very nice well I'm excited to try it I've never had it before okay and I hope that uh we're still alive tomorrow to talk about it yeah I'm a fish I wish I had life skills like this I can't cut it anyplace I'm doing it for more than 40 years oh yeah you know you're done so if you try this at home no take the skin off first no no you can do this at home people you can I get this okay all right don't do this up so even though you can't recreate this at home here's how chef does it first he slices the fish into impossibly thin sashimi then plates it up with its own skin and dried fins along with chives shiso ground radish with red pepper daikon ponzu sauce and edible flowers sashimi and deep fried absolutely scheme yeah yeah that's good son it's like a dummy okay but yeah yeah a lot of flavor should I be concerned that you're not eating any I mean just want to make sure you're not trying to poison me switch it out yeah here I need but in you suck yeah that's low early I'm down yeah minima can I do do you have refuges no chicken right oh it's great yeah I was a little scared to eat that I'm not even cuz the poison like the fish skin and things like that you can live with your six years I got six hour from here and go it's not maybe I'm gonna sue I'm gonna get ill soon Oh at least we both going down a break visit hey what's up guys welcome back to bridging went beverage but this week I'm doing this stupid-ass you're the most beautiful kiss doing yet another thing I never thought I'd do in my life and making a meatball sandwich for Chef Morimoto thank you so much for doing the kipper any sort of big bucks yes absolutely that's the key ingredient that's gonna take this to the next level nice cold meatball sub hey let's top it up voila if you have another sandwich oh okay well sweet try it so we eat it no thank you Cheers this okay don't know what that would that a potluck we in the posture you're a real sport for you man thank you very much well not bad um and I think the best part of it is definitely the food room so thank you so much thank you appreciate it thanks for having us yeah let's see if we stay alive thank you [Music] all right we made it to Vegas I'm pretty comfortable how about I'm very comfortable here this is an iguana right this is a salad that Salman I don't deserve to be here this donor edition little clumsy it's like I want to hang out with stoners eat like yeah I don't have a thermometer so we're just gonna wait yeah be lucky trying to top it I can't do it I would love to get you guys everything you need to make your YouTube channel
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 11,868,322
Rating: 4.9513307 out of 5
Keywords: being, with, babish, masaharu, morimoto, sushi, sashimi, fugu, poisonous, food, challenge, poison, regular, show, mordecai, rigby, cartoon, network, iron, chef, binging with babish, babbish, cooking with babish, death sandwich, regular show, regular show death sandwich, chef morimoto, masaharu morimoto, how to eat fugu, how to make fugu, how to make fugu sashimi, pear qwerty horse
Id: o5XNzsf78KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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