Binding Cloth unto your character in blender 2.9X

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hello and welcome to another blender tutorial brought to you by the louis art my name is emmanuel caffo and i hope you all are doing well in this blender tutorial i'm going to be showing you guys my process for binding the clothes onto a character so one of you guys requested this in the last video in the comments um you wanted to know how to be able to bind this onto your character and that's what i'm going to be showing you today so um basically what we have so far if i can go ahead and hide the clothes um we just have a basic character and i've rigged up the character to be able to be deformed by this amateur if you're not familiar the way you can bind it basically if you have a character if you have your amateur um you can select your character shift select the amateur and hit ctrl p then you click with automatic weight so we'll not be going into that um basically what i'll be showing today is how to be able to bind this onto your character and i'm going to be showing you my own method which i i've been using for a while now and it has it's what it has worked for me a lot um because if the result it produces is quite predictable because it's just copying the data the vertex information from the already created um the already binded body onto the clothes this enables um it's to work very predictable as i said and you have no penetration and it just works off the back and also it comes in handy for accessories on the cloud for example we have buttons and so since we don't mind the buttons deforming slightly um then this method also works really well for it so let me just go ahead and show you how it works so the first thing you want to do is select your cloth mesh and we'll go to the modifier and we'll add data transfer modifier this data transfer modifier is quite um intuitive because it gives you the ability to transfer data from different objects so for this instance what we're trying to transfer is the vertex group data if i select this cloud mesh and go into the vatice datavatas group you can see we have nothing here well if i select this mesh you can see we have vartis groups and these vertex groups are just basically influences um that's the bonus reading to be able to deform the the body geometry very well so basically what wants to do is to copy this vertices group data onto the slot mesh so the way we'll do that is um once we add the data transform modifier it's going to ask you to input some parameters so we don't really need to go very in-depth um for this tutorial you just need to just know very little parameters so it's going to ask you for the source so the source is basically this body that's this one next is going to ask you for the kind of data you're trying to get so we're trying to get the vertex data so that's why we're going to check that and under the vertex data we're trying to get the vertex group so we'll select that too and for the mapping we're going to select nearest groups as you can see we have various options and various things so basically it's kind of projecting this information onto the closest mesh um so i'm going to use nearest vertex so that's fine um so if i click on this you can see we have nothing here so we can now click on generate data layers so once you've generated that you can now see we have water scripts here so importantly um you have to apply this modifier so once you're done applying it you want to go ahead and add your amateur for the amateur we'll select the appropriate one so my perfect personal preference i usually like to check on preserve volume so now if we select this amateur and go into pose mode we can move this and you can see it's copying the exact movement of the underlying cloud and we have lifted to no penetration as you can see here we kind of get some jagged edges and we can fix that easily by selecting the amateur shift selecting the clothes going into the weight paint so if we select the appropriate bone you can see the influence of the weight and you can see here it's not quite smooth so we need to smooth it to do that automatically you can go here you can click on weight and sysmod and you can smooth it you can click on edit adjust last operation and play with the factor so you can increase this factor and you can see the influence taking place in the geometry you could increase the iteration just mount it even out even more so as you can see it's looking much better so you might want to just go ahead and actually apply that smooth onto the entire weight depending on how much you need it okay so once you're happy with that for the final step if i select this amateur remove this okay so if i select i'm not sure and move this you can see the cloud is not falling along um it was following along because i kind of i have worked on this earlier and so i kind of parented it already but by with your own assets it's definitely not going to follow along so you want to make sure you go ahead and parent this clothes to this in the object level so select this shift select this and hit ctrl key object so once you do that it's going to follow along in the object level and once you move it so once you move it it works so using the same pattern uh using the same trick we can go ahead and do the same thing for the bottoms so data transfer the source can be either the clothes or the character body so i'm just going to select the clothes and that is data vertex group generate data apply it okay and now we can apply the amateur and that's that and finally we parent it onto the bone okay so now if we move this just clear play that okay so for some reason the amateur was parented to the bottom um yeah so as you can see it's working and we can move this and you can see how the button is following along with the clothes and deforming nicely so you of course you don't move it too much because it's going to stretch the button but it's not so obvious in most cases um yeah so that's it guys i hope this was interesting and educative is that a word education now um if you wish to see more for me and if you're new don't forget to hit the subscribe button so thank you so much for watching this video bye bye for now see you next time
Channel: Luwizart
Views: 64,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Luwizart, cg tutorial, blender tutorial, blender for beginers, rigging cloth in blender, binding cloth in blender, rigging in blender, how to create a rig in blender, blender rigging tutorial, 3d rigging tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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