Billy Porter - Pose | Emmys 2019 Full Backstage Interview

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hello hello hi Billy over here Tonya Hart American urban radio networks Wow Wow Wow congratulations thank you oh my gosh so two things real quickly first of all for folks who didn't know you've been fabulous like this for long time thank you second of all how has this award tonight you beat out really major people and so how has this lifted the LGBTQ community tonight with you winning this award I feel like visibility and representation are the only things that create change it's when we are visible that we have the power to create empathy through the way we tell stories I think being black I know that being black and gay and out and being in this position and speaking from where I get to speak from is the change I hope that young queer people of all colors can look at me and know that they can hi Billy yes Danielle from essence right I didn't yell from hi Billy Porter you look amazing thank you and I know we just got an emotional response from you so this might come off a little messy yeah they caught you're already starting to go viral as a gif on Twitter okay a reaction okay and it looked like it was in reaction to RuPaul's win tonight okay people on Twitter are asking what was that going on your mind I don't first of all I don't know what the gift looks like so I don't know it feels side I asked yeah there's a print side never a thought I coming from me let me make this clear right now in this room to everybody right now there's never a side I coming from me there's never anything negative coming from me you're never gonna get it from me okay it's all love it's all light it's all positivity don't come to me with that mess don't it's never that make ever ever ever so I don't know you know they can catch you in some sort of way you know what I mean like they can catch unit can look like it's a time RuPaul is one of my is a friend of mine I am so proud of him I stand on his shoulders I stand on his shoulders he is doing it he paved the way for me so there's never a side eye about that thank you for making that clear and I have more questions yeah baby so is it bittersweet to you first of all did the math you're an Oscar away from an e got congratulations is it bittersweet for you to know that this win is amazing and historic but the women from pose were kind of ignored they weren't nominated I don't live in B I don't live in bittersweet I live in the present I live in the positive the fact that we're in the building the fact that we're in the building is the point right we're in the building the world has changed period that's where we are and now we got another season and now they'll get their shot Billy oh yeah we have time for one more question right over here to your other side here yeah literally hi Billy um as the game and it's really important to see people like you win awards like these and earlier this week Jonathan Van Ness from queer I yes came out and said that he is HIV positive yes as a gay man yourself like how does it feel and portraying somebody who has HIV on the show like what's it like being able to see somebody like Jonathan's pickup about having what I think once again visibility is the point we need to see what it looks like we need to take the stigma away from it and so it's people like Jonathan who allow for the stigma to be taken away it's not HIV porn you know it's not all sadness just like our show you know the point of our show is aspirational you're watching people in the depths of the worst of circumstances of the most dire of circumstances choose life anyway we all choose life anyway that's what it's about I'm happy for Jonathan and I'm happy for the world Billy can I ask you one questions you're right here congratulations Steve Federman from CBS News Thank You Linda what what this means to your heart your soul when you heard your name announced what went through your mind thank you Jesus it's been a long it's been a lot of work it's been a long time and I am just so grateful that I lived long enough to see the day where I could stand up in front of the world as my true authentic self my true authentic self I was told that who I am was never going to work I was told that who and what I am would never be successful period that's what I was told I did not believe them I did not believe them this is proof positive that believe in yourself invest in yourself love yourself and then you teach other people how to do it thanks very much thank you everyone you
Channel: ET Live
Views: 19,055
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: ET Live, etlive, entertainment tonight live, livestream, live news, news live, Emmys, Emmys 2019, Emmy awards, Emmys 2019 red carpet, 2019 Emmys, Emmys interview, Primetime Emmy Awards, Emmys press room, Emmys backstage interview, Billy Porter emmys, Billy Porter emmys 2019, Billy Porter speech, Billy Porter emmy, Billy Porter wins, Billy Porter emmy speech, Billy Porter pose
Id: dvKxa-JxNTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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