Billy Falcon live 6pm cst you have what everybody wants

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hi guys um oh i think we're okay i think we're live let me check here let me check one of these days i won't have to check i'll get so good at this it'll be amazing i see nothing so let's just see let's see um hmm how did i do this last night it was very exciting uh it just came up it's not coming up now let's see here hang in with me a second and we'll do this okay so where are we i guess this is us now oh is this us now i think i wear the same shirt every day i have about 30 of them don't worry folks uh i don't know if this is last i guess this is now huh is it now um let me see terry you're here i guess this is now hey somebody tell me ah it seems like only yesterday we were sitting here doing this oh it was yesterday i noticed my my co-star is not i should say the star is not here anyway uh thank you guys it's so good i'm sorry i can't believe that you're all here i thought i'd be talking to myself for an uh not an hour i'm only gonna do it last night what did i say i wasn't to be on forever and i think it was an hour and 40 minutes again i kind of get stuck doing an hour and 40 minutes i got to stop that it's got to be i'll try to pare it down and shut up after about an hour and 15 minutes i think hi guys i rose i went medea so good to see you again so soon my sister's here you again she says say my sister's tired of me well she's known me my whole life imagine that no she hasn't she's my younger sister so she missed the good years i was probably six um anyway boy those are some exciting uh years my sister uh missed i think i was sick she's uh yeah she's six years younger than me or maybe it's the other way around hi luanne how are you oh i feel kind of drunk on well that's good that's good just don't drive just don't drive uh hi lisa cakes hi gladys hello and hi john rose again brent i'm just trying not to hi nikki good to see you mary long how are you laughing a lot rachel how are you uh billy jack good to see you guys i'm glad you're here um barbara white media joan barbara let me see daryl how are you buddy uh michelle allen mary long cynthia um andrew hi sherry let's pray father god i thank you for all these folks here i thank you for what a privilege it is that they're even here um god bless everybody uh here and now and uh anybody that maybe watches later on and uh as i always say father i thank you whatever i say make people hear what they need to hear let them hearts let their hearts hear what they need to hear god uh and if i miss it i know you don't so um just bless these folks father just pour out his blessing and i thank you right now for ears to hear from me and for these guys here uh hearts to uh hearts readied and and and uh good ground to hear your word father um and i just thank you thank you for terry thank you for the beautiful day today thank you for the babies and rosie and rodney and my family and my brothers and sisters and all my brothers and sisters here in the chat father and uh watching tonight uh thank you father in jesus name amen um if you saw the little thing i i wrote i did say you have we have what the whole world is uh scratching uh kicking um knocking people out of the way to get um they don't know it but everybody all anybody really wants i really truly believe this and not the evil people the evil people it's something else they're too far gone maybe the ones that aren't irredeemable we we can pray for but there are a lot of folks that are too far gone which is really sad uh but anybody who uh who is not completely sold out to the wrong side truly i believe in their heart all they really want is peace all they want is comfort all they want is uh joy joy um you know joy and the world has its version of peace and the world has its version of joy and the world has its version of love all of them fail uh the world's version of peace is okay um i'm on the beach it's 85 degrees i have some kind of a drink in my hand and uh my phone ain't working so i can't hear any bad news that's not peace that's um uh that's a nice day which is great nice day but it's not peace because you're only a phone call away uh if we get our piece in a horizontal if our world is good just because no one's messing with us or nothing's messing with us then that's not peace uh the peace of god is able to weather any storm and and it doesn't fluctuate um we're not perfect so we will maybe do this a little but we won't do this and this we won't be on a roller coaster ride because if you truly truly because you can be a christian and not know your savior you could be a believer and not know your god and when i say no the reason i do this is because i've come to know him and i'm not i'm not a i don't do this for some kind of religious service or duty i don't do it i do it because i love people i love you guys and i know something i don't know there are so many people uh you could watch on youtube that are brilliant that know the bible upside down and inside out but i think what i do know is god's heart um and his heart for you is he loves you um he's not about commandments and he's not about laws and you do this you do that don't do this don't do that no he's about he wants relationship with you um the peace that comes from him passes all understanding the bible says in philippians 4 and we'll take a look at that that's the peace you need it's the peace i need and uh if i find myself um swaying with the world i know i'm i'm not spending enough time with him and i'm not i'm allowing um i'm allowing myself uh to live um like a thermometer if it's hot i'm hot if it's cold i'm cold i don't want to live like a thermometer i want to live like a son of god i want to do this through the storm i want to stay still in the storm i don't want to shake in the storm it's available folks it's only available in fellowship with him in his presence it's only available in his presence um so uh i'm gonna i'm gonna sing a song i'll sing a song and then we'll jump in here a little i'm going to spend a long time um i might have played this last week but i wanted to play it again tonight in light of what i want to talk about and um i wrote this i told you i think i told you this last week i wrote this i think on and i began to write this anyway on january 21st when i woke up in the morning and realized something horrific had happened something really a great injustice was uh delivered to the united states of america and the world um and i wrote this uh from that place that place of kind of um not fluctuation not doing this knowing uh knowing in my heart that whatever goes on he's got it i'm not a believer that god is in control i don't believe god is in control and that may uh may let me bother some folks but let me explain god is not in control of me i could do whatever i want to do i could do whatever i want to do i could mess up as good as i want he is not in control of me is he in control of you i don't think so could you not uh well if you could do a handstand could i always say handstand for some reason but if you could do a handstand couldn't you just go and do one in the middle of the street if you wanted to god's not in control what is he in control of uh if he's not in control of me and he's not in control of you who is he in control of where his children he's not in control of us so does he control the bad guys don't think so i don't think so um the bible says the devil is the god of this world jesus called the devil the god of this world the bible says it says the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked so anybody who's not walking with god is under the sway of the wicked and this way a sway just sounds like this this way is like this it's huge because it's a roller coaster ride and it's a nasty one so i don't believe god's in control i don't think uh because if god is in control then he's the one responsible for sending disease he's the one responsible for uh hurting children if he was in control do you think there'd be a child anywhere that hurt do you really think so i don't think so now ultimately he has already won when jesus on the cross said it is finished you know what folks it was finished um uh god uh god is ultimately in control he's already one that's why he's in control but he uh gave adam and eve free will right and i told him to not to do one thing one simple thing don't do that and the devil came along and um at that point they did what the devil seduced them into doing and at that point uh this uh paradise was no longer a paradise was lost and uh they basically adam and eve had dominion at that time they had control and at that point they gave the keys to the kingdom over to the adversary the enemy and that's when the cabal started folks it started there it didn't just start 30 years ago it started there in the garden of eden so you wonder why it's taken so long and and how deep can the swamp possibly be well the swamp has had since the beginning of time to build itself into this horrific web of uh deceit and lies and treachery and murder and you name it and their father is the father of lies he's the father of murder there was never going to be a lie and there was never going to be murder in paradise there would be never a good there was never going to be sickness in paradise i'm getting carried away with this little point but i think you know what i mean i don't believe god is in control because to say he's in control and then tell me that the bible says i need to pray without ceasing at the same time knowing that god is love and he it says in the word it says in john uh he wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health so if it's if it's his wish his will that we prosper and be in health and he's in control then then something's wrong um and you notice how good the evil people are at evil and you notice how uh not so good the white hats are at being good because uh we're not possessed by goodness we're not possessed god doesn't possess god does not control so you could say all day long father take my will he will not take your will now you could say your will be done and i say it all the time i pray and then i go god whatever you know what's best so whatever's best that's what i want i only want uh what comes from you and i know what comes from him and like i started out saying we have everything we uh everything the world is scratching for everything the world is aching for we have it and if you're not experiencing it that's why i do this because i want you to experience it um stupid joy like joy for no reason at all stupid peace peace when the whole world is going crazy around you it ain't stupid i don't mean it that's just the way i talk um like peace for no reason peace that passes understanding is what the bible says that's probably a better way because god said it so that's how i should say it but joy without a reason for joy uh no nobody knocked on your door and said you won uh that sweepstakes whatever that sweepstakes is uh love um just random ridiculous acts of kindness that you get to do or maybe somebody does for you that's what i want in my life i want peace i want love i want joy i want gentleness i know i want kindness um and we'll we'll i'm going on a little uh but i'm going to sing this song now and um it's called what now father what and uh i think you've been here in this place where i wrote this song from and and i didn't write it from a a sense of desperation i wrote it from a sense of i knew that i needed him i knew he was the only answer and i was asking him what is the answer what now father what the road ahead so dark some say you're in control i don't know i don't know save me from this noise the vulture symphony my prayers like pennies fall and rattle back to me you're my only help won't try to kill this pain no i will not turn back even if you've turned away [Music] my enemies they dance their hollow victory they draped their wrinkled flags round gallows built for me what now father what [Music] and what were all my dreams just bubbles made to burst and where are all my friends now that's what really hurts give me back my hope help my broken faith i got nowhere else to go on your rescue i will wait will you rescue me like you always do [Music] god of angels i will wait on you will you break the chains will you part the sea shut the lion's mouth will you remember me [Music] you will break the chains you will part the sea shut the lion's mouth you will remember me you will remember me [Music] what now father what i know you have a plan you wouldn't leave me here steps from the promised land what now father what [Music] what now father what [Music] what new father what it's so much more fun when ryder's hearing it um that was hilarious last night um you guys were amazing last night all those hamburgers and and cupcakes he was thrilled i got to tell you he was he so didn't want to go to sleep and he thought we were going to uh he thought pop up we're going to go upstairs now watch spider cars it's just crazy uh just cars like wild stuff anyway i watch it with them um but he was so he was just completely he was like uh on top of the world it was so fun to see how excited he was by all the emojis and all that he's seen that stuff but he's never seen so many hamburgers in his life um thank you media thank you is that oma uma uma for freedom oh my nice hi susan hello super susan ada hi graceful and trippy thank you thank you thank you thank you hi laura p um where will we i don't want to lose track of the time it's 6 18. so we've been going for 18 minutes so i'm gonna knock this off at 6 30. i'm going to really try because i think i take too much of you guys time um and you're so sweet to hang out with me thank you hi melissa how are you hi theresa um hi sherry i don't want to miss anybody hi michelle so where were we let's see um yeah he had fun i'm telling you he had so much fun thank you thank you so much um so i just want to look at a couple of things really quick uh along the lines of so in um john 10 10 we all know that right it says uh the thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy i have come jesus right i have come that they might have life and uh that they might have it more abundantly that sounds amazing doesn't it um i think so many folks and so many uh preachers have used that uh to to uh to skin people and and get people to send them money um uh as in uh send me money and god will bless you with cars and money and houses and uh and you know who i'm talking about you know the preachers i don't have the name names but there's a bunch of them that are kind of been charlatans they might have started out good uh but somewhere along the line uh the love of money caught up with them and um so uh when when jesus is saying you might have life and have it more abundantly as opposed to what the thief does um now here in in this section right here in john 10 10 he's speaking to uh pharisees his disciples are there but most of the people he was speaking to were the pharisees because he had just healed the man in in chapter 9 which it really should have been one chapter chapter 9 and 10. there was no reason to break the chapter where they did and the chapters were never in the original we know that and so they stuck them in i guess they had a reason but they stuck it in and but in in in chapter 9 and you should read it read chapters 9 and 10 and you'll see get the kind of the whole picture but jesus had just healed a man born blind and uh the pharisees were kind of going how do you do that why did he do that he did it on the problem was he did it on the sabbath and they can't do that they didn't weren't able to do any of that and they were so jealous of them and they started saying he has a demon and all that kind of stuff so jesus then uh in the beginning of of chapter 10 here he starts talking about his sheep and that his sheep hear his voice um so this was not written to us the church it's actually it's true for us um but he's gone it's it's even better for us it's even better for us um but that more than abundantly uh it can mean stuff i guess but really what it's talking about is uh the stuff that everybody wants the stuff that everybody needs now people who are deceived by the tv and by the movies and by the world around them think that the key to joy is to own that thing and to have a bigger house and a fancier car a skinnier girlfriend and more handsome boyfriend this is the stuff that uh a better wife a different wife uh that that's i think people look at the abundant life and think no it's got to be glorious no it's a life uh where you have protection from the first part of the verse the thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy how does how does the devil's and and you know what he's talking when in in the context yeah sure he's talking about the devil but what he's talking about because he's talking to the pharisees he's talking about false teachers he's talking about people that have hidden the truth of god's word with all their fanfare and all their being up on a stage and saying look at me i'm doing this thing that's who he's really talking that's who he's talking about with the thief now they're just doing what exactly what their father did the devil and that's what jesus said so the devil the thief these false teachers they come not but not to steal how do they steal to steal by not telling you the truth they steal by giving you false doctrine they steal by making you believe that god is in control maybe so when someone dies you go well god took him god doesn't take people he doesn't take people why would he he wants us to have life and have it more than abundantly this is his word and you could say well this happened to my brother my aunt or god forbid something worse than that someone closer to you than that and it's sad we've all lost people but that does not we cannot take the whole word of god um we don't understand everything we don't understand all the whys wise but you can't take the whole word of god and toss it out the window because of our experience um that's dangerous it's really dangerous and we'll know we'll at some point we'll know all this stuff but the bible says right now we see through glass darkly it says we also have all things pertaining to life and godliness but even with that we still see through a glass darkly there darkly there are still mysteries now we could search the book and we could learn some of those mysteries but we're still going to see through a glass darkly so the thief cometh not but the steelhead is he's still he steals your peace he steals your health how does he do that um what else does he steal he steals your time he steals your joy why why why why do we allow it why do we loud someone gets us mad what do we not only did they do this offense not only did they do something to us we then handed our peace over to them that's why it says keep your peace hold on to your peace don't give someone your peace again someone could do something to you someone could cut you off in in the car and and maybe they do something that causes you a problem or it's just dangerous and and it maybe it makes you afraid for a second you have that sudden fear thing happen and then you lose your temper and you start punching your steering wheel now you've uh you've basically you've uh let that person do much more damage than they needed to because not only did they cut you off they also stole your peace nobody gets to steal your peace not if your peace comes from heaven because heaven doesn't budge when someone cuts you off jesus doesn't change the christ in you does not change because somebody offends you um so we need to get our piece from there down how do we do that we'll talk about that in a minute okay uh skill how does he kill well he'd like to kill you the devil would love to get you out of the picture how how's he going to do that and the way he'll do that i guess with some i guess what he tries to do is get you so far away from your father god get you so far away that maybe you're you become easy pickings for them you know i.e god does not control you so if you want to run out in traffic you can now he may send an angel to warn you he may send a hero to grab you before you can but if you want to jump off the roof you know gravity works gravity will not be defied it's one of god's laws he get rabbit is going to work but the biggest way the devil works is too and once you're born again he cannot destroy you because what you have is incorruptible seed inside of you cannot be destroyed if a person doesn't get born again they can be destroyed because there'll come a time when they'll be judged and jesus will come back we'll be out of here but jesus will come back and he will judge and i bet people they'll have a chance to uh to believe but it won't be so easy anymore it won't be we live in in the age called grace uh so what we get we get just by faith we get salvation by faith they're gonna get it by uh i don't know how i'm not i'm not that versed on that book but it's not gonna be easy to believe it's not going to be easy to get uh saved uh once we're out of here um life is going to get real ugly and real hard and anybody that tells you we're living in a time of revelation is lying to you or just uh they're they're misled themselves and then they're misleading you uh because when that happens when the tribulation happens there'll be no question about it there'll be no question about it but we won't be here and that's what i believe we won't be here um so like i said you have everything we have everything that people want here's what we have now once you're born again and and you know this already but just in case someone came in and said who's this weird guy here with a guitar and who are all these people listening to him that doesn't know jesus all it takes to be a son of god all it takes because of how good god is not how good we are is to confess jesus as lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead and the bible says at that point thou shalt absolutely be saved and the bible also says you have been born again of incorruptible seed it cannot be changed by your bad deeds or by you messing up um too late it's too late to lose your salvation a lot of people don't want to hear that they want to say oh if you're bad and if you if you have an unconfessed sin and you get hit by a car or something well you'll go to hell no no no what jesus did was so much bigger than your sin or my sin or my mistake at this point for me it's mistakes there's nothing in my life i say i'm going to do this i'm going to do this because i want it i know it's wrong but i may hurt that person but i'm going to do it i just don't do that anymore i have done that in my life selfishly um anyway so i just wanted to read this and i'll read it to you now here's what uh here's how the devil uh steals kills and destroys in galatians 5 we see the fruit of uh the fruit of living um a life in the natural world the fruit of living under the sway of the wicked now the word the bible says that the world is under the sway of the wicked you know what the bible also says that we are not of the world we're in the world but we're not of the world but people that are of the world who choose to believe the word that's coming to him in the horizontal okay in the horizontal now good words can come and this word is coming in a horizontal but hopefully it's coming down from heaven to me to you because this book came down from heaven to us all right holy men of god spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit it means god breathed his word into men and men wrote it down in their own vocabulary in their own style but they're god's words so galatians 5 it says now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies envies murders drunkenness revelries and the like of which i tell you beforehand just as i told you in times past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of god meaning they'll have no inheritance in the kingdom of god um now someone could tell you well that means you're not going to heaven now you can be a believer and do all of those things and according to what i see in the bible is you're not going to be exempted from heaven from being from being with jesus uh from being gathered when we are gathered being raptured when we are raptured from living in paradise with him the new heaven and the new earth but we're going to spend our our eternity in paradise with jesus christ that's what the bible says if you want to know more about that i'll send you a i could send you a whole um seminar by brilliant men on the uh on the book of revelation and if you want that just uh all you have to do is uh write me at billy falcon billy falcon and i'll make sure you get this seminar it's free it's wonderful it's brilliant um uh i'm going through it as we speak um okay but here's the good part so what it means is you will not have an inheritance in the kingdom of god you believers us believers will be judged we'll have a judgment or rewards judgment um it will be you'll be you'll either get rewards for the way you lived as a believer or you won't either way you're born again you have eternal life that's a pretty good deal uh all the more reason to walk with god and do his word and you will then be rewarded not that we do anything thinking i'm going to get a reward for this i'm going to speak the word to that guy i'm going to get him born again and and then i'm going to get a reward well you do get a reward but this that that should not be our um our motivation our motivation has got to be love love for god and love obviously for our neighbor anyway and uh here's the good part folks but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not become conceited provoking one another and being one another okay so let's just go back and do that again it's so good sounds so nice you have to say it twice but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control this the whole world wants the whole world wants this and um if they're not getting it from god they are never going to get it and they're looking for love like that song said a long time ago you guys probably don't even remember it looking for love in all the wrong places because the devil is always there and he's always there he's got his hand out saying here this will feel good try this uh and for 20 minutes it you might feel really good and then you'd never get anything for free from there you never get anything without consequences the bible says i wish i knew the verse right now but it says and with it he blesses you and with it he adds no sorrow everything you get from the world the world's way comes with sorrow added because the devil is not a good god um the devil's not a good god he's an evil rotten god um there's only one good god and he's the god and father of jesus christ all right i think i'll sing another song and we'll get out of here let me look at you guys though um yeah let me look at you guys let's see what you guys are you're still here oh you are oh you are let's see thank you kat davis that's very sweet of you and that's even without ryder here i'm impressed last night i told writer he was getting rich last night um thank you so much that's very sweet of you um no more looking on the wrong places had enough absolutely um no god i don't want anybody i have yes you write rose you have it absolutely if that's what you believe that's what you have and there's no two ways about it that's what you have um oh taking time with you thank you you're thanking me for hanging out with you i thank you for hanging out with me um i'm bj gone um yeah at least the cakes all right what would you guys wanna hear i'll play another song i'll let it be uh your choice if you could think of one oh yes you could you're sweet wild horses that was a great song from a really rotten band i used to love those guys but i can't imagine i sang that for ryder recently wild horses if i could sing it at woo purple minion that's funny hi terry there's my terry let me i could play your people i think i didn't plan on playing what now god terry i sang that already where were you sleeping giant red sea moment that's my sister i can't do what my sister wants that would be nepotism joan in fact that would be the easiest thing to do um thank you whatever you want to sing uh let's see uh well i'm done with you know i'm done with the song warrior do you want to hear warrior guys maybe you don't know that song i'm done with that song the only thing i need to do with that song is uh we have a special guest i can't tell you who it is yet it's going to be really fun though who's going to do uh something that he's not done before he's going to appear uh performing on a record my record and um he's going to perform in the song warrior but the only thing left to do after that is uh terry's got to put that white dress on and we're going to go to the supermarket and we're going to i'm going to film her running through the supermarket until they throw us out what they probably will throw us out but they know we're nuts anyway we're in there all the time and uh if if people don't love us they're annoyed to death by us either way um yes we'll play warrior thank you i gotta yes that's what i'll play uh-uh you know what i'll play both of those songs then i'll play uh i'll play let me play red sea moment and then i'll play warrior because we are like i said it last night i should have played the song i said uh i think we're in the longest red sea moment uh in the history of this place one two three four five six okay [Music] i forget when i wrote this but it was on one of those days folks it was on one of those days in the past so many months where i thought oh i think this was right this was right before january uh 20th yeah it was right before that i thought yeah this is going to happen now isn't it and that's probably i set myself up of course i really thought that was the red sea moment but the red sea moment continues i said it last night we are we are our backseat to the red sea and we see the dust from pharaoh's cherry it's getting closer and closer and closer um and god's gonna i think it's they're gonna get really close they're gonna get really close you know why because god uh god does nothing small if you think in the bible um he could have he just could have went like this the pharaoh boom and pharaoh would have been kicked into oblivion he wanted to pot the red sea because he wanted us to hear that because we were going to need to hear that and the children of those people we're going to need to hear that to get through this life to get that's why we need his word to get through this life in one piece and i want to say peace i mean p-e-a-c-e maybe too to get through this life in peace we need to realize that he's a god who's uh uh is it god of resolution resurrection resolve uh what's that other word in movies what do they call it reversal he loves reversal read the book of esther if you haven't ever read the i know you might have heard juan 107 talk about the uh the book of esther read it yourself it's really amazing and read it right from the beginning it's not a big book but it's the probably it would be the greatest movie ever made if anybody good ever made it you know if they didn't take it and make it about global warming like they would normally do somehow they work global warming into the uh book of esther um but read the book aster but i'm saying we are stuck and we're not stuck but we're in the longest uh red sea moment of all time i think but it's coming and i just think god wants us to be absolutely certain that it's him that it's him that has fixed this thing that has righted this ship um why why would he do that because he knows what we're going to need for the rest of our lives he knows we're going to need a story that story to tell what these stories to refer to um next week next sunday i'm going to tell you i said uh i'm going to i'm going to talk to you about the song that literally saved my life god saved my life with a song it's my life and my daughter's life he saved with a song by whispering a song to me and i'm gonna talk about that next week we need those stories i need your story you need my story maybe uh so when we come up against it when life starts coming after us we could be have resolve in peace knowing that we have a god that loves he loves reversal he loves coming to the rescue and that's what he does but we have to the only thing we should have expectation about is that he is coming to the rescue he is on our side that should be our expectation and if that's our expectation um we'll uh we'll we'll be able to uh to be still in the storm and what better than uh you know what better and i i love you guys and i think it's amazing because we're not sitting at this red sea moment complaining we're sitting at this red sea moment believing our god when we're believing that god has his hand on beautiful men that are willing to sacrifice their lives men and women sacrifice their lives to carry out his will and i believe that's coming so here it is this is a red sea moment yeah yeah you're back to the walk the enemy closing looks like all there's lost you've done all you can you prayed and prayed seems it's too late you've made some choices that sealed your faith it's not too late welcome to a red sea moment gonna see the safe divide welcome to a red sea moment called down his holy fire the whole world is gone you know it the king of kings is on your side welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified the mountain you faced was too hard to climb you've got nothing left oh you've tried and tried fall to your too weak to cry our hope is lost you're out of time welcome to a red sea moment gonna see the seed divide welcome to a red sea moment called down his holy fire the whole world is gonna know it the king of kings is on your side welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified what's too hard for me it ain't too hard for him and he's willing yeah he's wearing what's too hard for him it's not too hard for him in his whale and yes she's wearing welcome to red sea moment gonna see the sea divide welcome to a red sea moment fall down this holy fire the whole world is gonna know it the king of kings is on your side welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified welcome to a red sea moment going to see the sea divide welcome to a red sea moment called down is holy by the whole world is gonna know it the king of kings is on your side welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified welcome to a red sea moment god be glorified [Music] i tried to play a fancy chord that don't work and then and then let's sing this and get out of here uh this should come out next and it would have come out two weeks ago but uh i'm i'm just waiting i'm waiting on a performance um but if that doesn't happen then if i don't get that done in the next maybe nine days i'll probably put out useless either because that's ready too thanks to you guys this is called warrior and once again i wrote this i i actually wrote it i think i get these words they come falling in my head when i'm praying or in the middle of my sleep and um i start writing them down and and sometimes i uh i should when i should wait uh i start running down the field with the ball um and i wrote the verse and the verse is all his children the blessed billions the ones the sons set free the sanctified apple of his eye didn't fall far from the tree forgotten ones he rescued from the land of broken toys holy soldiers soldier to sh shoulder to shoulder shouting with one voice so that's what i had and i had the next verse and i came to the chorus in it and i started singing the chorus and i hated the chorus i hated it i hated singing it i hated the way it sounded i recorded the song and i had the chorus and um and then i guess i shut up long enough for god to get through my my head and and he said you're singing about the song is about the people the song is about the people the song is about the warriors um and then i changed the course and now i really like it thank you anyway um this is called warrior [Music] oh what the heck i was gonna have to do [Music] all his children the blessed billions the ones the sun set free the sanctified apple of his eye didn't fall far from the tree forgotten once he rescued from the land of broken toys [Music] holy sold your shoulder to shoulder shout and with one voice shouting with one voice [Music] warrior warrior rise up and rise up our time is now warrior warrior rise up rise up caught fire down [Music] god loves the warriors [Music] eagle battered torn and tatted coating a hurricane flood waters rising freedoms crying and they're calling for rain the devil spits it's time to quit no hero's gonna come [Music] no we ain't going nowhere norway loves our ready one loves already won [Music] warrior warrior rise up rise up can't turn back now [Music] warrior warrior rise up and rise up caught fire down know this story ends in glory god loves the warriors [Music] here we go [Music] do not be discouraged when you see the darkness closing and those who are with us some more more than those who are with them do not be discouraged when you see the darkness closing in those who are with us some more more than those who are with them god loves the warriors [Music] warrior warrior rise up rise up caught fire down a warrior warrior rise above know this story ends in glory god loves the warriors warrior warrior my god's a warrior god loves a warrior [Music] let's look let's look at you guys i wish i could hear you guys love's already one absolutely hi caring martin how are you thank you brother uh the record's really cool you like the record um yeah my email address is billy falcon at um and i did get a few notes i think from last night and i i'll be calling you um or i'll text you and find out when's a good time to talk okay um let's see hi leslie i didn't see you before hi lynn i don't think i saw you here before i mean i didn't i'd cat i didn't see you before at new york may again it's good to see you again so soon hi kelly and luanne angela hi karen morton um all right i love you guys thank you for hanging out with me um i'm surprised ryder didn't come and uh visit but he'll be help he's playing it cool now he thinks he's got a uh he's got to build the anticipation for the next time i don't know what this message under review stuff is that just doesn't seem right i can't imagine i believe i did luanne and like i said you are one of i think a few that i got and i will uh yeah i'll be in touch um and if i miss anybody please uh there's just so much junk in the email uh you're sending it to billy falcon at and uh marty stays on me my buddy marty which thank god marty stays on me um but i will get uh back to you and um if you ask me to pray for something i will pray for it um anyway thanks for hanging out um if you haven't subscribed i pretty i think you have subscribed subscribed every time i say that my daughter says dad it's subscribed um please do uh and click that thing so you could hear when we do the uh when we do this stuff i think i'll be doing you know what tomorrow night i won't be doing this i should i can't do it on tuesday because i have church uh here at at 7 30 and because i talk too much i'll say i'm gonna do it for 15 minutes and i'll go right over so let me see how bad i did right now let me see how bad i did whoa i said i'd go on for 15 minutes it's almost an hour all right i'm gonna shut up now um i won't but i'll do it we'll do it again on wednesday night at six uh and um yeah i'm gonna try and do this every night at six for now and we'll see and maybe when it's the daylight saving things starts stops or whatever we'll make it uh earlier or whatever i don't know we'll see we'll play it by ear no religion here no rules here um only the only rule is love absolutely the only rule that's god's rule it's love love the lord thy god with all your heart and love your neighbor and have no other gods before him and love your neighbor as yourself and that's my uh my your homework assignment is just simply to uh wherever you go tonight tomorrow just look for somebody to be jesus too and and all that what does that mean what does it mean it's just smile adam just say something kind to somebody who maybe no one else is talking to or somebody you'd normally would just walk by because they just look so unwell welcoming i love finding out that someone isn't a jerk you know you walk by someone you kind of smile and they don't smile back maybe they did maybe they have really bad eyesight like me um but i love finding out that people are really kind and sweet and interesting uh when you thought they were when your flesh has made up your mind who they were without even hearing them speak um i'm really trying hard not to do that because i know jesus wouldn't do that um so do what jesus would do hey man why don't we come up with these like yellow armbands and and we'll uh we could call it what would jesus do wow what an invention oh someone's done that already that was a great idea i think that was an amazing slogan and amazing um no i'm blessed to have you and thank you and thank you thank you all for coming and hanging out um have a blessed evening everyone yes yes yes all you gideon's on me folks um anybody who don't know what gideon who and what gideon's army is uh jerry foley has a beautiful thing he does in the morning it's jerry foley you could i think it's called gideon's army though isn't it so if you want to find it on on the youtube uh just put in gideon's army or put in jerry foley and every morning uh hey somebody fill in what time do they start um it's eastern time i know jerry i think it's like seven o'clock they start every morning like an hour and they pray and jerry preaches and he's amazing and he's fun he's just a really sweet sweet man and a really tender hearted humble humble guy and he's got a lot to say and yes yes yes jerry foley all right so if you haven't been to gideon's army ought to visit in the morning um and then i think on sundays i've been joining them in the morning and it's been great fun and i met a lot of these folks there when i say these folks they're not here they're i'm pointing at uh ryder's uh all writer's booty the uh cupcakes and the pizza and stuff or whatever else is was there cupcakes and hamburgers anyway god bless you guys i love you father god bless these folks bless everybody in the chat and everybody watching later on and brother jerry and all the other people that are fighting the good fight father bless our president and his family keep them safe father and um just help us to understand what what that more than abundant life that you've called us to walk in is uh and that we could we could we could have it everywhere we go it travels doesn't it it travels it travels through pain it travels through the storm it travels through tyranny tyranny it just travels um spirit of god travels folks uh so father thank you for traveling going with us where we go and going to everything we go through with us we are never alone we have each other but most of all we have you and because we have you we have each other so in jesus name i pray father and pour out a special blessing on everybody in this thing um amen oh god bless you guys thank you and i will see you i hope wednesday yes for sure wednesday unless jesus comes back or if he comes back i'll see you then right um i'll be the guy i'll bring this guitar with me that'll be me but i'll probably have really beautiful blonde hair then or something or maybe not um i love you and we'll see you soon god bless you guys uh that's all i didn't have anything else to tell you right whenever i get off i go i should have told him about that or this or the other thing but i think that's it all right so god bless you and uh thanks for hanging out with me we'll talk to you later uh write me if you need anything billy falcon at if you want any of the songs a lot of them are just hanging out there you could go and download them and um we are gonna put up uh the cd we'll be putting that up in the next couple of weeks i think we're gonna do is put up a pre-sale and if you purchase the pre-sale you can at that moment you'll be able to download the digital copy of the record the whole record all the songs and um and then the physical will be on its way um in within a couple of weeks because we haven't sent it to the people that reproduced them yet so that takes a couple of weeks so but i want to uh get the thing up there and um so you guys can get it if you want it and that's all folks god bless you guys we love you we'll talk to you later all right bye
Channel: Billy Falcon
Views: 1,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 13OfDok3A14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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