Billy Burke Virtual healing Service 3-5-22

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today with billy burke coming from central florida with a message of healing and hope for you billy burke was healed of terminal brain cancer at a very early age at a katherine coleman service miss coleman called him out of the balcony and when she touched him with the power of god the cancer was completely gone today pastor billy is taking that same message of god's healing power to the nations on the wheelchair [Applause] oh possible with god [Music] because he is the future when life is he lives tomorrow because he lives is [Music] wonderful [Music] god and he shall reign he shall reign wonderful amen and he shall reign is is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh stories of what they think you're like but i've heard tender whispers of love in the dead of night you tell me that you're pleased not never alone [Music] is [Music] is [Music] many searching for answers far and wide but i know we're all searching for answers only you provide because we know just what we need before we say a word you're a good good father it's who you are it's who you are [Music] and i'm loved by it's who is are it's who you are [Music] you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways love so undeniable i can hardly speak peace so [Music] [Music] deeper still as [Music] you're is [Music] [Music] [Music] you are perfect in all of your ways [Music] all of your ways um [Music] with [Music] me [Music] on their [Music] [Applause] [Music] guilty peace [Music] guilty peace [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] lord i love you and i will i [Music] lord i love you you to be brave please [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna ask bruce and sheriff they'll just play softly in the background let's pray i just sense that there's so many of you right now you're just you're worshiping you're listening to the praise it's touching you in many places that's why we do it that's why god has this team together for you but you got to take it beyond this one hour please make a decision right up front here that you want to sign up full time a jesus person that you want him ruling your heart all this fighting over democrat republican politics conservative and liberal and far left and far right and we're getting immersed into the conflict of people leaders some of them that know god and some of them that don't it can really get you out of source of the one that loves you the most who can save you heal you deliver you prosper you fill your life with purpose you have to make that decision to get off the merry-go-round jump off how do you get off a merry-go-round you jump there's no safe way you just get off it and the more you let the news channels be your spin doctor to reach the conclusions for you [Music] the longer you keep you procrastinate the truth getting into you come on let's get together for a moment here what time we have in this one hour this 60 minutes of revival coming your way to heal you to rescue you from madness and chaos i don't want you to be just a spectator i don't want you just to like the music or like people getting healed i want you to know the healer i want you to meet the holy spirit see the thing that you want the most is what you want the most but what god wants the most is to be believed by you the thing that god longs for is for someone like you to really trust him with your whole life all of your decisions your tomorrow your next week your next 20 years with your business your family with your finances he wants you to look up and say i'm gonna quit this on my own i just can't do it but i'm gonna put my trust in you oh lord would you do with that with me right now let's pray right now and there's a great psalm it's psalm number 20. it says some trust in chariots and summon horses but i will trust in the name of the lord my god and he will save his anointed aren't you his anointed come on let's just reach out and pray with him right now dear holy spirit fall on people right now move over their lives [Music] oh god just set them free from all the confusion all the many voices in their head what they're feeling right now of disconnected fractured lost from a distance i ask you would just envelope that you would just surround them with your everlasting arms your shield be their high tower their buckler their fortress but i pray holy spirit most of all let them experience a tangible presence a tangible anointing if you will begin to move through them right now many just let him just let him he's moving through your body through your mind he's touching some of you are feeling fire and some heat and some chills some you're just feeling a light some of you just saying oh god what is this that's the that's the sound of heaven the the feeling of heaven coming into you god just isn't about your whole body and healing your body he's about you we are what he inherits the church this glorious bride of which you are a part of come on stay with me right now i receive come on all of you watching i receive you holy spirit said i receive you holy spirit move through me touch me heal me i surrender to your will and i surrender to your way i know not how this works what i don't know i have to trust you what i know i have to believe what i don't know i have to trust so i believe what i know but i trust what i don't yet know say that with me i believe what i know and i trust you with what i don't know this process this unfolding path that i am on with you i do i do in jesus name it's so good to be with you honest it is this worship gets inside of you and you just believe that you can touch that hem that your next report is going to be no cancer the next report is going to be you lost 10 pounds who knows we see people have automatic weight loss that's what miracles are we're gradual we're here to fight this any way we can within the confines of the scripture god mixes medicine and miracles and miracles and nutrition doctors and the word you know often there's a combination involved there's a balm in gilead paul head dr luke i mean jesus said it's not the whole that need a physician but the sick so we are not against medical assistance we just say that medical assistants can't do everything and healing was provided for you on calvary that place called calvary we must never forget that that's the centerpiece of our lives it's jesus that was there but he shook the earth did you know that whenever he was crucified it went dark that there was a great earthquake and actually people that were in their graves came out of their graves long before he resurrected not well a few days people that were once in the other world came out of the earth and went downtown jerusalem could you imagine what kind of power that was when you accept him you embrace all of that when that presence comes into your life right from this broadcast right through the fiber optics of your computer your phone you can heal your cancer straighten out your bones multiple myelomas being healed right now multiple myeloma and cancer in the bone oh there's so many of you i'm here i'm seeing multitudes of this all over the world multiple myeloma call that number quickly there's leukemia being healed as well but this multiple myeloma i mean this is taking you back from death's door oh my thank you dear jesus we thank you holy spirit we thank you and we praise you for your healing touch come on put your hands up if you can one hand if you have a phone cell phone if you have both hands free just put them up lady put the baby down put a baby down just put your hands up holy spirit touch me touch me there's a man on a cane i mean you have some form of parkinson's plus you have an inability to walk sir tonight you're going to walk without the cane come on put the cane down get up and walk that power's coming into you right now and those tremors are beginning to subside considerably i said they're considerably subsiding even right now the shaking in your hands is less and less and less you're going to go to bed with them less and you're going to wake up with them no tremors at all god's making your bed what's psalm 41 call it the bed of languishing he's making your bed of languishing and has an indication that angels are in your habitation tonight oh my somebody get a hold of that you got to get a hold of this you can't just sit and look at this and go wow oh wow you got to grab it you got to take this by force and say thank you i receive that's how you have to affirm you have to chime in your voice you have to vote you vote with your voice not just with your mind but with your voice if something stays in your mind it'll affect you but whenever it leaves your mouth it touches god because that's the form he chose to work [Applause] a voice activated culture a voice activated world oh my please please touch them dear jesus touch them touch them in jesus mighty name we give you such praise so glad you're with me here evening of miracles coming out of orlando that number is there message me on facebook come on those of you sitting with your computer on your iphone i want to hear from you talk to me tell me what how this is coming into your life and impacting you there's so many you're just feeling the anointing it's just a wonderful night for tangible presence tangible we can feel it i i see you many of you he's touching and healing but this is also a night to just experience the weightiness of his anointing oh we thank you lord let's hurry let's go see god do some work in some of the meetings coming back to pray for you what's going on here [Music] fibrosis cystic fibrosis and it's cups it's what it's caused me to have a lot of other health issues um at 15 i was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver two years ago cirrhosis yes of the liver yes cirrhosis due to sick fibrosis it's caused me a lot of other health issues um i have to be on oxygen how often well they recently put me on because i got how often are you on it all day all night [Music] you learn hebrews 1 8 if you have a bible if you ever read your bible it it says because you love righteousness [Music] and hate iniquity i will anoint you with the oil of gladness [Music] it's an amazing verse because we should learn to hate these diseases love what god loves hate what god hates because until you hate something you won't resist it fully [Music] i'm learning preacher i'm learning i'm learning because we seem like we don't want to hate what you're supposed to supposed to hate evil [Music] hate disease see when i hear this i hate this love her but hate this [Music] you were born like this yes i have um a lot of lung problems i'm always in and out of the hospital they're about over they're about over i said they're about over come on tonight's your night sweetheart [Applause] you feel it i said do you feel it now we're holding on come on give him a snap [Applause] give him a shot like this come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] michael can i play it michael come on come on what are you praying wow [Music] [Applause] yes what [Music] i'm not out of breath you better give him [Applause] your name is higher [Applause] [Music] than any other your name [Music] they do come over get here look at this tell them what you just told me i'm not at a friend you're what i'm not out of breath today oh we have a guest darby rosella darby darby good to see you thank you i hear this story tell me about it yes well it was back in 2012 i began coming to the miracle center and i just was so grateful to be in that atmosphere of faith in such a time of need and in september of 2012 you called me forward for prayer and during that prayer the main thing i remember is you said the lord is cleansing your blood healing your blood and i did not know that i had any problem with my blood but my husband back in 2003 we were living in santo domingo in the dominican republic and he was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma during that time through treatment and diagnosis we came to find out that he was hiv positive so of course i was tested and i came up and one of his doctors had said you know you really need to continue to be tested so i did i went several times and so then i stayed in the dominican republic until 2005. then i felt like it was time to move back to here to florida and so from 2005 to 2012 seven years yes i had never been tested again and i thought you know i really should go and get tested and i knew so deep in my heart that the lord had done this great thing of either healing or just keeping me from from that terrible disease um but you know doubts would want to come in and say but what if you know and it would just kind of i would hold back from going and get tested again so when you prayed for me in that september there was such a peace that came over me and the courage just to to say okay i'm gonna it's time i'm ready to go get tested again so i went out and i got tested and it came back non-reactive negative and i was just so relieved and just thanking god and it was just such a wonderful thing to know that we have a god that that that that heals and and keeps and delivers and is just amazing so what we don't know is between 2005 and 2012. all that time you were restless right about i should i should i should so we don't know the lord never that's right but god didn't want you to continue to be restless right so you come to a meeting it's just amazing people do you hear this do you hear that's why i want to talk to these people we bring them on on the broadcast i want to i want you to hear this there's no uh we don't pre-interview these people i mean i'm hearing this for the first time these details i want you to hear it that way raw real raw real and here's what i say real people with real issues that get real miracles that's what this is come on bend the knee today just bend the knee admit you need help why suffer another day just to be right to your children just to be right because of a belief system to hold your position is that worth taking medication the rest of your life is that worth limiting you know your life in some way where you wouldn't have to be limited anymore she really responded in the moment she was being troubled and many of you are being troubled today because i'll tell you what this very same thing that she had is happening to thousands of you and here's what it is i should go get checked i should go get checked because you're feeling something's not right we all know our own system and you're sensing that but you're afraid of hearing what they may say guess what that's why you are watching today you heard this and now you're hearing this say to you you're being cleansed you two are being healed of diseases of cancers in the blood and cancers in the colon cancers in the kidneys and cancers in the brain oh my many many cancers being wonderfully scraped and flushed out of your system today multiple sclerosis is being healed muscles and rigidity of muscles are just loosening up in a marvelous way i give you praise dear jesus for this we give you such praise for touching the people healing the people migraines being wonderfully healed vertigo being wonderfully healed legally blind people are beginning to see you're actually beginning to your eyes are beginning to focus you're seeing light and color and a dimension you've not seen in a long long time god's focusing eyes and lenses and detached retinas it's amazing what's taking place in this moment that number is there call that number let one of our counselors know that you have been touched by the master we want to help you we'll help nurture you we'll cultivate this and we'll get you back up on your feet in no time strong living long looking large at your jesus that did this for you today oh my thank you darby for being here i mean this is amazing thank you thank you so you're in both knees [Music] yes sir yes how bad discipline is the worst it hurts right now not right this minute but it was hurting so bad a few minutes ago well how am i going to pray for a knee that doesn't hurt but it do hurts you mean you're expecting it to hurt well he'd heard it in the past it hurt it in the past [Music] get something under his head guys quickly get a pe get a purse okay here give me this i want you to walk over here for me come on what's your name what's your first name joel joel i love that name j e w oh i love it let's turn around jewel i love that let's walk joel come on just walk straight over [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] pick him up now pick your knees up take your knee up come on pick your other knee up yes girl come on come on come on good girl give me some holy ghost come on give me some power give me some power give me some holy ghost give me some holy ghost come [Music] are on as we travel this earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] whatever [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the power to change lives today for he changed me completely a new life [Music] [Music] and i believe whatever [Music] is [Music] to the older [Music] thank you elisa for that song let's just take our hands our hearts whatever part you can lift up from a bed from a chair from a wheelchair wherever you are a bench in the park on your front porch wherever you are those words i believe in a place called mount calvary it's the center of it all i'm gonna ask our worship team to just play some music sing what i want you to do is to process some of these songs we've been singing all evening so powerful but they have to do more than stir you they have to settle truth like i'm coming back to church i'm coming back to god i decide i am going to be healed i want these next few moments as we just chime in to really push you over the edge to believe like you've never believed before in your whole life see i'm coming back to jesus i am going to be healed i am healed by faith i am trusting in the process i'm coming out of this cave i'm shaking off those serpents i'm tramping on all powers of the enemy i am moving forward i'm done with all of this thinking negative listening to the wrong people [Music] set my soul free and that i may worship thee touch me master with all of your love all of your power i want you to process just a few moments we're going to worship i want you to begin to just reach and as you come to a place call that number i'm going to tell our phone counselors get ready for an avalanche of phone calls come on call now let's worship [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] let's just sing it softly [Music] ah [Music] way [Music] somebody with throat cancer you you were such a smoker most of your life but that throat cancer is just it's pretty bad you haven't been given a good prognosis but mysteriously tonight the growth of that cancer is going to suddenly stop and the first report from the doctor is it's not growing anymore it's still there but it's not growing anymore listen to me that's the moment you have to believe and say i trust you lord i thank you if you do that the rest of the cancer will go away but if you doubt it if you say oh well it's coincidence well then cancer will take its course this cancer has officially stopped growing at this moment so if i was you i would be proactive i'd get an appointment with your oncologist this week as soon as you can whatever country you're in if they have to fly you if they have to paddle a canoe to get you to the oncologist you do so you're going to find out it's stopped it's not advancing and that's your time to say lord i'm coming to you i'm trusting you i surrender to you and when you do that you're going to have the shock of your life it's going to begin to go away speedily according to luke 18 speedily please i'm just so excited about this so excited somebody with planters wars under your feet bottom of your feet they're disappearing planters warts just disappearing so painful they are so very painful and they're going away even at this moment i'm talking to some people that play professional sports and you're sitting at home your career's been cut short because of injuries you never dreamed you would put all that time plan all those years to have it cut so short i'm talking to a football player a baseball player a soccer player i'm talking to a gymnast and a cliff diver i'm talking to you this is a multi-dimensional sports and all i'm saying is what i'm hearing that's all i can tell you you have to weigh this but here's what i hear god saying i have a greater plan for the rest of your life than you could ever imagine i will work this for the greater good [Music] i will satisfy you in ways you never thought oh by the way i will heal you i will give you the choice to return or to proceed with what i've called you to do this is an unconditional effort to show my love for you oh if i was you i don't know who you are i have nobody in mind but if i was you i would call that number and say that's me you don't have to give me your name that's just me i'm the cliff diver i'm the whoever and i'm that's me if i didn't mention a particular sport you fill it in you call and you say i want to tap into that god is all over that there's a mononucleosis the old kissing disease god is healing that right now amazing healing for that taking place stds are being healed his mercy is passing over houses his mercy is coming in through the window and through the keyhole and underneath the door mercy's invading your homes he's not holding your sin to your account or your lifestyle he's saying right now in spite of what you've done i'm healing you i'm calling on you to be among the heel among the whole the leper that he healed didn't know him as savior he healed all ten well he healed all nine made one whole and they never knew him this love of god is can't be contained into a building into a city into a synagogue this love of god is just transcends time and space and he's touching many of you there that are dealing with your past this past is your biggest enemy memories who you were what you did it has a hold of you like a pit bull it has a hold of you like a dog on a bone it just won't leave you go well let me tell you something about that past he paid the price for that [Music] there's nothing that will eat away at you more than to let the devil drag you through all of that day in and day out you'll never be worthy enough you'll never be good enough because you're trying to out do what ever was a part of your past there's a place lisa sang about it earlier there's a place called mount calvary and if you'll go there today and get that cleansing that crimson tide of calvary it's going to release you once and for all many of you have gone to church but when's the last time you felt the crimson tide of calvary cleanse you and the peace that you know what happened back there has been forgiven has been cleansed remember what the bible says he's able to what forgive and cleanse they're different forgiveness is one thing cleansing is another he forgives you it's white from the books in heaven but when he cleanses you it's wiped from the table of your heart and you don't have that constant knocking at your door remember what you did remember who you are no no a new name he writes on you come on call call no matter how old no matter how bad i'm talking to some people that spend time in prison i'm talking to people here that have had hopeless situations jesus will never give up on you it's never too late to be healed come on put your hands i'm going to pray dear holy spirit invade these people's lives right now touch them with your mighty masters touch heal them heal them break this terminal thinking oh that's good break the terminal thinking spare them i ask you lord today to spare them the way you spared me [Music] spare them you're no respecter of people i'm asking you to spare everyone watching tonight whatever part of the world they're in touch them and let them experience that unfeigned love of god i pray in jesus name call that number we're going off the air as these lights go out the holy spirit still working on you call call call sow a seed become part of our miracle mentorship they'll tell you about it life-changing till i see you again right here on the stream or in a meeting we're back in public meetings go to the website it has some of the meetings right there come on mark 10 27 with god all things are possible bye-bye we'll see [Music] this service is made possible through the generous donations of the partners and friends of billy burke ministries consider giving your best gift to help billy burke ministries make services like this possible all donations are tax deductible and help keep this ministry strong to proclaim the gospel to the nations you can make a donation by texting the word give to 850-900 or online at to mail in your gift or prayer request please send to billy burke world outreach inc p.o box 2544 tampa florida 33622 join hands today with pastor billy and help touch the nations with god's message of healing and hope
Channel: Pastor Billy Burke
Views: 758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R-_LcpOdFiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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