Billy Burke 6-30-17

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come on let's ticket oh wait a minute wait a minute ah Oh now either we need more anointing vitamin B I don't know what we need here I don't know what we need but that doesn't sound like you're expecting anything is that how you would talk to Jesus if he walked in here you just said we just give it half mass would you just put the flag up halfway come on hoo hoo you wait on is who you put in charge so if you're waiting on a hailing you're putting healing in charge Bible doesn't say anywhere to wait on a healing then say to wait on your money what you're waiting on you put them in complete power all through the Psalms David said one thing wait I say wait on the Lord and when you're waiting on him it puts him in charge of your healing him in charge of your money Amen in charge of your Amir well I'm waiting on my husband well then you may be waiting forever I'm waiting on my children they get to see the light you may be waiting forever but if you wait on the Lord it means you're putting all of your trust in him waiting on the Lord for your husband waiting on the Lord for your heart he's the lord of the come on somebody give you praise right now come on are you ready come on [Music] [Applause] obey me [Music] [Applause] my duty [Applause] [Music] just our voices come on just our voices wow I love it hi I gained just a little bit more come on how beautiful how how great you are how how [Applause] [Music] come on giving praise tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] No when every hand up all over the auditorium tonight Holy Spirit we need you again tonight there's never not a meeting where we don't need you we can never be that prepared in song in sermon that we don't need you for without your blessing without your anointing we preach sermons we sing songs we get prayer but when that extra oil is here when the shadow falls then everything becomes a possibility not by my turn not by power but by my spirit saith the Lord maybe you're trying too hard tonight maybe you think it's everything that you do he told them to fill six waterpots not 600 there was an end to what they could do there's an end to what you can humanly do you can't do any more than what you can do and God don't want you apologizing every day for being human it gets old the Angels to get upset with that and just say what's wrong with those people I'd love to be human because we're his highest creation but maybe now if you haven't done all that you can do when you've done all the stand I mean there's got to be a place where you say this is my Alamo I'm making a stand with all these confessions I'm making a stand with all of these songs but then you've got to believe that you've done enough and then trust that the wind of heaven is going to blow they didn't over yet anywhere in your journey he can step in and boy that's it no more dialysis no more chemo no more brace no more headaches quit questioning why and how and why not and quit reading all the books that tell you 6:17 reasons why not and you say either why not just say in the work that the yeses the yeses and the amens come on say if I'm faithful he will I keep knocking he'll answer if I keep searching I'll find them if I keep asking I will receive I'm going to pay attention to those red letters those red letters are worth more than any letters ever written come on than any other book any other magazine any other novel any other biography more than the History Channel more than the Discovery Channel more than all of the words in Webster's and every cyclopædia written more than Yahoo more than Safari more than chrome way more than Google come on say the written word of God is already settled and is coming my way give him my mighty pray come on [Music] what if somebody a hallelujah heart Hilary hallelujah I don't who's in the sound back there can I get can you take me up as much as you can without reverberation oh yeah I know okay you may be seated oh thank you for being here tonight my word we are in North Miami we are the words of life Church where miracles happen all the time there's going to be a few here happen tonight I just wondered who there who's going to get them I don't know who [Music] you know we don't put stickies under your chair and choose right you don't get any of that it's not up to me say some people get mad at me and say well you have favourites you know welcome Wow that's where that come from you know you bite the hand that tries to feed you listen to me it's you it's what you can block out tonight which you can get through sitting in that seat it can attract the annoying thing and that presence that you're saying about it's not good that's the thing about it you're getting you got to get it you know anybody that sells organs and pianos and guitars they'll tell you that even people that are half drunk and half stone love hymns they love singing Amazing Grace and How Great Thou art I mean it's not a lot of secular people who aren't even born again it's not a lot that they record that religious album because it sells a lot of your artists do that get my latest gospel album and my Christmas album they figured this out that there's that there's a group out here that you can market anything to and then the church gets all excited oh my did you see he's got a gospel album out he hasn't even seen gospel of anything in his whole life but he found you that would buy it listen to me God wants you to sing but he wants you to sing songs that you believe we're going to deliver you because you have the savior on the inside come on that's that's a basic right to you and privilege to you to sing hymns and songs and spiritual songs every day of your life if you're if you're serious about getting healed if you're serious about really living out the length of your years if you're serious about you know having the devil leave you alone without doing warfare every day who wants to do warfare every day who wants to wake up every day I talk to people on fighting the devil wherever they have what boring what a boring Christian life that would be to go to bed to wake up the back at the battlefield back fighting with the devil that's beating the devil Vista Devils after me devil when's the last time you got born again you know he gets in the way yeah but half the time he shouldn't be able to get near you there should be rivers flowing from you if the rivers are flowing from you it keeps him away from you if I had a fire hose here and I held a fire hose out here you couldn't get near me the force of that water would keep you all the way that's supposed to be coming out of your belly you've got to find out how to make that happen for you that means what stirs you up what turns you on what gets you excited about how much of God do you believe the sea in Christ is bigger than the sea in cancer come on somebody help me tonight come on come on no VM and messiahs bigger than mental illness come on the imminent mental illness just go on down the road you know the Ellen lures bigger than the L and liver cancer you know it's just something that we have to understand that the world has changed it's darker than it's ever been if you turn on some of the TV programs from the 60s 70s even 80s and 90s you look into that and you'll just see this just that level of innocence is kind of still there now it's not there there's nothing sacred nothing safe so the rules have changed so we can't get by on the same walk with God that we did ten years ago we can't be singing you know this is the day this is inspect the Devils are going to flee from you you got to create some aroma around you that the devil don't like to smell come on somebody I'm I've had some women hug me in meetings and I go home I'm thinking my god it's the worst stuff I've ever smelled in my life takes me three days to get off whatever they had on I don't know where they got it I'm not even going to ask him where they got it or what it is it's not even of this world come on say Amen you can't don't tell me Macy's did that they're smarter than that come on but you got to create an aroma the Bible says there's a smell of life unto life and an aroma of death unto death so you can create an aroma around you where death and disease and sickness feel very comfortable and functioning it's like blood in the water with sharks it attracts them that aroma attracts them like certain food aromas track you you know you're hungry for a hamburger until you walk by the pizza shop come on somebody and the pizza shop just converts and messes up your hamburgers I think I'm gonna get me some pizza tonight all because of an aroma with your Roma of the beach in the salt water and mixed with a little bit of Coppertone then you just think oh my gosh and whatever it is but there's an aroma that is so attractive it penetrates you so there's depth and there's life and you have to learn how to create that aroma around you it's a force field if God shield around you - our asses vamp you just can't can't even get to you you're said I'm talking about oh I don't know if you don't look you do you take a notes already I'll tell you and start taking notes I'll take notes yeah actually that's pretty smart right or how are you now what are you oh nine and nine and you're taking notes nine she has more sense than half of you adults in here this nine-year-old taking notes writing CMC I might learn something so good to be here feels like I haven't been here for so long huh anybody visiting tonight for the very first time anybody for the very very first time tonight stand two feet let me see let me see who you are always loved the know who's here for the first time yeah yeah all my way over here hope why you sitting over there why are you sitting way over there why'd you take that seat there's a reason why you went over there why the wheelchair you could have put him over here where you guys from where you from Miami where do you go to church mother of Christ it's right here in Miami we're glad to have you guys tonight really glad to have you where you from Miami glad to have you tonight over here Fort Lauderdale great to have both of you Fort Lauderdale great to have you ma'am I'm sorry Trinidad Trinidad all right now back here I'll use all together no okay Boca Raton all right love to have Boca ratone yes Rangers sir we're Wellington Wellington uh-huh you married here how long you been married 52 years [Applause] so you would marry her all over again and you would marry him all over again he said yes I do he thought we were going to redoing the vows right here glad to have you guys tonight you're here for a miracle luncheon right here ma'am Miami good to have you wear Inverness I thought that was uh far away yeah great to have you yes well I'm sorry Boca Raton Fort Lauderdale Lake we're like whales on huh we're Broward anybody else over here so like there's somebody over here hiding right in here ah ha ha ha I guess yeah I got a yes yeah were you from well why wouldn't you stand up and say I'm um why wouldn't you do that then your mother raised you better than that come on give all these wonderful people that big god bless you come on come on a big way who knows maybe you could win a trip who knows was know knows what happens you know what I mean how many of you have anybody been healed the last time we were here last year one of the media's gods touched you stand up let me show you stand up I forgot to touched you the powerful come to me yeah I want to see ya come come come come please anybody over here you've had a healing here and you need to testify come I want to hear I'm also excited to hear and you're you're together a husband and wife and you're from where Boca ratone what happened to you cancelled lymphomas t-cell around that case I'll II got you this handkerchief you listed you know I'm doing chemo I have one more round to go okay and then hopefully this is it oh so you didn't get a heal you came to get a healing Oh but everything is going very everything's going very well what's that mean it's going very well I'm doing great with the king great with the chemo doctor told her that once you had severe session that everything is in remission intermission you're in remission yeah happily next week in white have you Nik reps was your neck wrapped I have a half the writer says my neck okay I came here before I had the chest wall oneself when I saw you and said you are cured now I want to room the Edition and I'm waiting for the cat scan there's no cancer there's no cancer either one of you and you're not in remission your heal power come on you've got a shout out tell you oh yeah see see the hardest word that a doctor who don't know the gospel has a hard time saying is the word hey they can say cancer arthritis brain tumor okay what happened you you're in a remission they can say any word but healed they're not trained that way you're trained that way so while you give them your body to work on you don't give them your soul you don't give them your vocabulary they're working on your abdominal area they're not working on your words you work on your words come on you work on your soul and once they possess ye my own soul jesus said in Matthew 24 and the end times is going to get so crazy he said therefore possess you your black is everybody's going to possess it the media you know the the cults the Eastern religions there's a there's a philosophy everywhere out there there's a there's a you know if you go to Hollywood they practice Kabbalah that's big out in Hollywood that's their form of religion it doesn't you know there's a guy that lasts we were in Texas he come up he said I go to a seventh-day Adventist Church but I'm not seventh-day adventists and the whole place cracked up well if you're not said with a in Venice why do you go to a seventh-day Adventist Church it's just a confusion today you just can't walk in anywhere and get what you need you've got you've got to find out a place where that pure gospel goes out where worship goes up or the anointing and River flows and it'll carry the whole way to Calvary don't carry the whole way to the rapture drop you off and come on somebody come on say it is possible to overcome in this life it's also possible to be triumphant in every place in Christ Jesus not in some places but in every place so when you get victory here and then you get into another fight okay then it's warranted that you have victory there we don't know all of the battles that are prophetically designed we don't know some of the attacks that are coming some battles are prophetically designed the spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil it was it was divinely set up it was a necessary place in his development but then there was the ambushes that God didn't plan so it's a mixture of battles are set up to further your inner your development so how do you know which ones which well the first thing you know you don't figure out at the moment which words coming from you win the main thing is you know in the middle of a battle thinking well wonder if this is wouldn't one of the Lord to develop me or this is an attack you know you win you reach into your arsenal and you begin to let out of your mouth and into your head and where you need to go and then later on the Holy Spirit he'll show you that was a necessary battle you know you just avoided you know that attack you you defeated that attack and sometimes you're under attack and you don't know it because it's coming from family through their words those words that they put those words of curse they put on you there are those those the wet blanket they put on your fire and you got to love them but you may have to change the amount of time you're in front of them for a while you can't continue to lay in the Sun with no screen come on say Amen hmm oh you guys are good no cancer though but don't don't quit don't tell people you're in remission sit come on say by his stripes I'm healed come on say it's a done deal it's over they won't find anything in your chest and your neck hubba you want to take that off take it off that still hurt doesn't hurt at all what do you think of that under these your friends right here you must have told them about here huh you see what happens to them yes I want to know bad I want them to hang around a little bit and see some stuff were you guys from again Boca Raton what nationality are you Egyptian yeah you're what now what do my knees wrong here what America oh ma but you moved here from Egypt oh yeah [Music] when did you accept Jesus what did you said I was born I was commissioned Sasuke oh you're Catholic and so you were confirmed and as a baby right yeah here in the states are over there no invasion idiot yeah well what motivated you to move here back then what was the motivating good set our kids we got married one month later we were here in the state see it's Christian at people that if you would make your decisions based on your future there's your as I will be changing like tonight will be a memory in a couple of hours yes it is already a memory all the photo albums you have this P that doesn't happen again we save pictures and we send I'll think that's all the same it's not the same we're fleeting we're rushing through eternity climaxing for the plan of the ages we're involved in the greatest plan that was ever orchestrated oh you don't know how blessed we are to be included you know the guys that were on the dream team for the US the Jordan and the Berkeley they just reminisce about the dream team they sit around on us so it reminisce great because that's the memory that they can't ever go back there it's gone that's not in their future that's in their past see everything for you for me the best for us is in our future it's guaranteed to outshine anything we've ever done it's guaranteed I mean it's really an amazing when you process glory to glory what's that mean he takes a glory to glory that mean it means the best of your past and the best of your future put together oh come on that's why your windshields bigger than your rear view mirror because everything's in front of you you've got to begin to see it that way you're walking with Jesus well somebody didn't treat you right but Jesus will and he'll send people that won't replace the people that didn't treat you right he's not going to leave you alone he's not gonna leave you get stuck with that bad job you're trained for something better than where you're working I mean if you'd quit complaining and started praising him and started saying I'm expecting the miracle a miracle out of here and the miracle end or I'm supposed to be you know let's start getting on the positive side of this if you don't then you'll be--you'll circle the same mountain for years I don't want to take one more lap around the mountain come on see I want to get it now let me get a hold of this right now one of my favorite verses proverbs 30 verse 4 says that God captured the wind with his fist he sees as the moment when he sees your tender he seizes the moment when he sees your hearts open he sees as the moment and he likewise went you whenever you sense that glories passing by whenever you sense your hearts being stirred I mean seize that moment shut everything else down I mean tell your husband no food tonight I'm not watching TV tonight I heard God's this morning I'm just going to spend a couple days just replaying what I heard God say to me today mm-hmm quit recycling poison quit recycling the pain come on but listening to torture music what's that music theory manage of former love unless I said that word former what do you think that why do you think the enemy keeps all of these songs perpetuating through the system hold these but goodies oldies but goodies only does remind you where you were when you were 18 you're 68 look why torture yourself with that what's that about you were a size four then come on somebody why do you want to torture yourself like that yeah that's when I was dating Freddie he was really good Freddie Freddie had a sports car oh let me tell you about it right we'd go out there we get done cruising and then we had this favorite place we'd stop and get a milk that was in it and then then you get this and you wake up where you're on you're sad see what happens is those familiar spirits that are aware of all of your zones and spas they imitate Freddie they imitate and usually the way you see things is kind of distorted it's not even the way that it really was because are you lift on you know even though you're with Freddie you lift on all the fight you and Freddie had I'll freeze didn't like your address above your knee and you forgot that somehow and so we have a tendency to glorify and then we just buy into that lie you're alive tonight you may be a little dinged around the edge you may have a little bit of pain your eyes may be a little blurry we'll take care of that but what I need you to do is let your faith rise up come on let God arise come on Sal let God arise oh come on let Eva rise [Applause] [Music] man you got to be looking for a miracle my god you don't want to be surprised that you got when you want to be looking for it I'm looking to have better vision tonight I'm looking to walk out of here pain-free tonight I'm looking to go home and not need any pill to put me to sleep or wake me up I'm not sleeping with no mask on tonight when I go I'm looking forward to no mask tonight I'm going home I'm looking forward to not putting any smelly ointments all over me that completely ruined your love life come on say Amen kind of get motivated you'll be hugging a pillow the rest of your life if you don't get straightened out come on put your hands if we're going to pray right now come on say Holy Ghost I need a touch no see I want to say I need a touch I need one of your stripes to fall all over me tonight you know what I need but I want to voice what I need I want my request to be made no I don't care who up there hears me I'm entitled to something from Calvary you said whosoever I'm a whosoever I'm calling on you tonight to touch me put a fire in me burn me up tonight with raw desire somebody give gotta stop hey so you can't let your desire to be healed or to be better Evan flow with services so when you come in here we stir up your desire and you go yeah yeah yeah but when you leave here it's not on your mind and you get busy with whatever and God says boy look at that look at that they're not hungry for all the time only when they're reminded of it we'll bring you here to remind you of something you have you know and then usually okay and then and then you'll even you're satisfied to get a prayer or if the preacher says okay you're getting going well if you're getting going that means then you have to feed it every day until you get it you got to put this up on your priority list because the devil don't let you get much for free come on somebody is there neither stop you from getting to the meeting stop you from believing on your way out of the door or just take it out of your mind and steal that seed you don't want you to feel better he's so afraid you could get a hold of this he's so afraid that you could get healed and then use your energy to serve God he's so afraid that you might come in here drop some money and get a lot more money back he's afraid of that so he's going to try and convince you not to give too much not to give it all because your daddy said work for everything you are you got to work for everything we got let your seed work not you come on child labor for a paycheck my seed Labor's for a harvest your seed will bring back way more money than your labor but in this zone then we're in tonight and pastor Jerry and the staff here the team here they they just don't set these Friday nights aside just to sing if you sing a little pray a little leave the same we've seen way too many miracles here way too many but God wants you to be one of those you want you to be one of those you know and don't wait till you get here to ask God you should be you should be on that kidney long before you get here the ground should be soft for the preacher come on the ground should be soaked with your expectancy and then all the preacher has is add to it but sometimes you get here it's kind of like you know well and then when the word is called that then you don't answer the word it is called out we just had that happen a couple of days ago Pittsburgh great miracle was called Donna fell I wonder who's going to get this and nobody answered I thought well I'll come back at it again an hour later finally they come walking up you know that's me well why what do you think I'm trying to give it to you or get rid of it you would think some people think he's trying to give me sickness no I'm not trying to give you safety this trying to get rid of it but you would think it was because you know if you go to a meeting and the Holy Spirit I don't memorize anything that I say in these me I prepare me not messages I've learned a long time ago that I'm to prepare myself for anything to come through this vessel so I don't I don't come in here with okay we're in a car arthritis tonight we're going to call out cancers I don't do that I just don't do that I don't know what I'm going to call out that would put me in charge so the purity of it is the purity of it is if something is called now them that's you then that's him talking to you and I would over somebody in one of these chairs step on their shoes I'd do whatever you got to do to get out of there to get up here and get what God has for you and I would do it quickly come on give him a mighty praise come on [Music] and there's no telling some of you that have been faithful in these meetings there's no telling that it may be a year later two years later as long who knows how long it takes for God to prepare us what do you say to Philip how have you been with me this long Philip and you don't know who the father is Philip you've been with me Jesus this long if you've seen me come on you know the teaching then you've seen the font Philip so this is this is a common thing you can hang out around the anointing and you know and not get to the fact that God wants you to be pain-free sleep all night you want your blood pressure to come down so we're supposed to be I'm so tired of people tell me I'm pretty good you know I mean it takes a blood fresh like it's normal like that's somewhere in the Bible 1st Corinthians 3 you know just the way they say it I know they know it's not but just the way they say it I'm doing pretty good I mean I'm pretty healthy you know I'm not bad for you know 65 I'm not bad just you know I mean I got a few aches and pains that's a that's a signal right there like then I'm supposed to say well that's pretty good praise God good a few weeks and days then I'm endorsing inflammation I'm endorsing yeah man it takes them I take a little pink put in a little pink pill you know whipping people questionable and then the priests supposed to say well you're doing pretty good praise God why don't see that believe tonight to get rid of the pill that's something you can be believing for I think it's fun to always have something to attach your faith to instead of just the devil the devil the devil the devil how about fighting the pink pill tonight you might shock the devil because that's his power of use is to deflect your attention away from the spot on your map that God's trying to take off your map high blood pressure hypertension it's the cause of heart attacks heart disease that's a great thing to fall under the power for that be worthy of a trip to the floor you hear me I'd fall all night long to get down one do you hear me oh my god my god you're not sleeping all night there's another one it's the number one thing for your immune system asleep well my eyes are better than they used to be I mean it used to be really bad no they're not I mean they're not 20/20 well then you have something to fall for it's amazing number of people who sit in meetings they will you know I'm not that bad he suffered that you would be heal and that you'd become oh yeah yeah yeah come on put your hands up just for a moment I just I'm so glad I'm with you tonight but I want you to really know how much God loves you he loves you to care real love cares real love says let me help you real love on your part says I will cooperate with your love your price was too high Jesus for me to be walking around all the time and hurting you have paid too high the price Jesus for me to think that there's no future for me your price was too high to think that my divorce or this rejection of a friend is the end of my life it bloods too precious your resurrection is too powerful your name is too great to leave me where I am help me tonight do what Peter did while he was sinking in the sea he cried for help he reached for the hand you can't just cry you got to reach if your cry is a faith cry you'll reach if your cry is a pity cry you won't reach determine tonight that your crying is a crime faint but you're going to reach tonight for a life-changing prayer you're going to reach the night for a miracle to begin to take place in your body in your heart come on say my cry is a cry faith and I will reach and I will grab his hand I'll touch his hem I'll get a hold of my blessing here tonight in Jesus name come on give him a mighty mighty mighty shout [Applause] come on a mighty mighty mighty mighty shouts Wow Wow what happened to you last week when when I was here yes and I went home and found out my my simulations is any better your circulation is better good yeah because I can see my when I touch my finger like this X is the report comes in so it was dark so before you couldn't do that no it was very dark but now now it's all completed and I'm very happy very happy possibility you are green in Jesus name god is great your precious come on somebody give God a praise come on give me yes man what happened to you tell me what happened oh this this is your mother here you got a brace on your neck what happened here I'm gonna speak for I'm gonna talk she can't talk she can't talk much Khan you would so for some reason it twice today give the voice they said it would be ok what's this on for ok oh I had a lump on my back a lump on your back yeah and I had I went to the ER and they told me that um I was moments away from being crippled there well they remove the lump well he has I remove the lump and um I wonder my friend oh ok brought me one of your handkerchief oh and I what kept it work on me I know I've been wearing it all over you just well no wearing it telling you the UH the surgeon told my husband that I have I will have three monthly at least see if your neck pain but after three days it was gone come on [Applause] come on you better shell you goddesses papa [Applause] come on if you're watching my internet tonight if you're picking this up on a live stream tonight come on I want you to reach your hands what I want you to receive that's why they put this on stream as so you would hear this see this let your faith get started that you too can receive a miracle tonight Amen everybody so this is amazing isn't it trust me doesn't stop there that's what it doesn't stop there oh I love ninety percent in this arm and about 20% in this arm and they told me I couldn't walk I'm buddy Tom never sent me to rehab I was praising God I knew that release Marilee but they say I have to go to still ot and I'm BT when I got out of the hospital I start driving first day I started driven as I said I am NOT taking this this is not mine this is a pit this is a lie from the pit of hell and I got to go back so I went in my car and I went shopping the next day I went in my shopping you see that oh I know she's healed now I know she's alright that girl gonna make it I know for the powerful part only goes my blood family good oh my god and she she wants to keep talking my husband gosh she's doing this time you understand my loss what I'm going through what husband god save me and then they're telling me you have something on your lungs and I said I reject that in Jesus name yes I did a radiation which is one miss rods like they were and what two days ago went to the hospital and they clearly got big beloved uh they're not not the master um spot that bigger and I went chassid I don't believe that in the name of Jesus and I went back to the ER yesterday so why are you wearing this why are you wearing it the radiation weakened my neck and I got screws and pins is it hurting foot it hurts sometimes but then all the time damaged but um they're joining they're trying to tell me the came cancer and I'm saying to them hello no no no no no I don't know who you're talking I know I have cancer I am NOT doing chemo and take getting a second opinion and I said to say God I need to get enough I need to get to Sloane my insurance company comment says listen you can get to Sloane to get a second opinion paid all paid on us I'm going next week and I say God I'm just going from Villa health I'm not going there because I have cancer I'm going to prove these people wrong see she has fight she has fight she has fire she could be caving in with fear did you notice what she said they want me to give in to she has what it's called resistance what do you have to do to get the devil out of your face you resist him and she's doing everything textbook in the name in the name and the name keeping the fire burning it's not one thing that works it's all of it it's all of it you know I mean you just use all the you have a whole war chest available to you that's why we walk in the spirit you know and I mean this is just beautiful she okay she okay that lady's gotten healed more times than I can think about that woman's amazing he's been healed of so many different diseases you're fine you're fine I know I know I tell my body I call it like a line to run a god I'm called a fire God on my spine baby I don't speak the word I said that you are a liar I am NOT taking this from you I said I went back into my generation and then I started saying pretty much your dentist is not really good just receive just see this metal yeah sometimes you can come up here and you're so full of all this and all that you're blocking this b/c I receive the battle is really over it's finished now I understand warfare but there's got to be a point where you to take a break from your fight especially in a meeting to come to just sleeve that's why you're here tonight she was telling me how much she's fighting well that's good but when you come in here you commanded not fight you come in and receive a woman with the issue was fighting with her mouth until she got to the him and she just received right I mean make that difference make know when to hold them and fold them know when to fight and when to just receive that can be the biggest part of your receiving a miracle come to church on Sunday morning as the in local and there the flight I fought before I got there I did it the tongues I did the blood I did all that I'm going in and just receive okay come on put your hands up I'm just gonna receive what God has for me tonight a healing touch a word in season a vision an open vision a deposit I'm here tonight to just receive my ears are open my eyes are wide open my spirits in tune I'm leaving here with something tonight come on give him a mighty shout what happened to you well you just came with your mom awesome okay sir what happened I'm sorry ma'am what happened to you weeks ago you talked about people just being healed and not realizing yeah and I had floaters in my eyes for a year hold on but I didn't realize they were gone I don't have him anymore ah I kept forgetting to come up and yeah testify but also I wanted to thank you because you text you send a message about the Eagle Mountain Service and I've been I didn't watch it live I've been watching it over and over again for days you know reruns huh and you said something that was so profound I excused the paper you said if all disease begins with the symptom why can't a miracle begin with the absence of a symptom and that was just so touching to me that's the word I just got that word I never heard it I was in a meeting in Sarasota Jericho surgery I was moving for the audience and the Holy Spirit just dropped it in me he said if every disease begins with this symptom then why can't every miracle begin with the absence of it you know why here's why Betts came most people treat very lightly it's something that they had is gone they don't they don't take it the whole way I must be healed they don't take it that way they just think what that pain is gone it's gone now the ringing stopped but they don't take and say I'm healed they don't take they don't take their relief do you understand that you shouldn't be able to stop pain you shouldn't be able to stop blindness or deafness or whatever or hemorrhaging of blood there shouldn't be any way to tear up that you shouldn't be able to come into a meeting and have that interrupted but when God brings you in here and he's wanting to heal you plus grow your faith and bring you closer you know he comes in and he gives you a portion with every intention of giving you the whole thing but he wants to see your respond he were called to respond he's called to initiate we love him only because He first loved us come on say Amen so he initiates we respond and that's what he's doing here tonight he just expects a response from you so if there's something that leaves in your arm tonight and you can't be filming you can be obviously but people don't take that says well you know praise God doesn't Church the other night and you know it came back on Wednesdays because you didn't slam the door you got to get an attitude and when something disappears a headache of blurriness and you know some people it's amazing they have been blurry their whole life and then they'll come in don't say was clear it really is about I won't know do I go home why won't you know that well there's certain lights in my house I change every bulb in your house if that's the case rearrange everything to suit what God gave you it's just amazing that someone don't say wow it's gone therefore I must be healed connect the dots little kids do come on see little kids connect the dots they hear the truck within music they know the ice-cream man is here I mom ice cream Joe's here or whatever but we have adults that don't connect the dots well the pain is gone and I'm waiting for them to say the rest hallelujah I'm healed but when they don't say it I wait for them then I have to come in and plant that seed you're healed see part of prophetic is planting in people it's not there the joy of the Lord the joy that you plant that joy you plant faith you plant hope every time you say somebody you're going to make it Devils a liar you're planting a seed in there that you only hope they leave here and wait yeah and they begin to nurture and water that seed that's a good God when you accepted him you accepted a a path that goes along with call it a walk call it a path oh my oh my I'm so excited of you so you got that you got the you got the voters healed they were healed but I have something else to say I want to thank God for your ministry because every time you come I get something all of it and I really appreciate it but they were stressing at Eagle Mountain and I know you are many ministry say we can claim what's being prayed or whatever and they were saying that that was the Holy Ghost revival capital of the United States Army no I have been claiming you and brother Copeland take that all up I'm here know for the east coast yeah oh there's your because there was a lady there revival county for the East Coast or for our area for our territory so I was claiming everything that was good and that was happening at that meeting I was claiming it for our trip somebody give her a god bless you hey well you you are amazing thing to pick up on that yeah really you and you and Stan Stan she's still doing it for you come on give God a shout come on Wow okay guy what happened here I'm doing good about you I'm doing great tell me what happened to you I was two years ago you home on the Holy Spirit what happened I had my two bad knees I was on remember I did you over here yeah uh-huh and I couldn't stand for long period of time I was an aching pain and I didn't think much of now you're going to Tommy Bahama on this era oh yeah and you're at end of us a condo right yeah and but you got healed yeah of course how healed are you okay that day yeah I couldn't do this that day hey Alfonso you're missing it you got to see this you told me yeah you could either pick it up and it was throbbing right yeah my knees were throbbing had that pain for since I was 17 man and who have you you've had to tell somebody about this I've told everybody I knew in my my complex in your what in my complex where I used to live in Oviedo yeah yeah how they react to that story okay you know missing a family yeah some of them you know yeah we're conceited you know the ones that did believe me and I thought yeah I get this - money as much as I could I'm proud of you then I got the condo huh I told you I lost my my trailer home and now about 70 p.m. you so now I don't have that much stress of my on my legs anymore my Koo Stanley a little longer than I normally I tell you getting healed it can motivate you to you'd be surprised how much motivation you lose because you don't feel well and then God gives you that second chance and it brings back your strength and you go oh my I don't want to lose this no and I'm gonna enhance it that's good you did the right thing I came here non-believing I'll say that again tell her but I can hear non-believer I didn't I'd forgot that and I thought you know you were walking away from me I go well that's because he's got his chosen ones and I said the word the chosen one but for two years I've been blessing you I've been blessing the Lord and I know I'm healed because of everything I love it true I love it what you're gonna clap you better do it right come on everything this happened is so true oh one minute testimonial and this one is very simple but the Lord cares about you at any particular question you might have one day our it's not feeling too good for my with my stomach so I go to my wife you know I would like some pea soup - what piece of pea soup and we're on State Road 50 and she goes you know who has pea soup it's uh TJ's but we're golden right so when I look up TJ's it gave me one that was further west mm-hmm than what I'm living because I live in Cape Canaveral so I can't believe listening to a positive story know what the one that was closer to me was the wharf O'Lakes yes okay but anyway I called up the number and it says four hours of business press one for super the day press two ah I press to guess what I heard Oh me sue B which really isn't that common yeah no not that common and then I called the other one that was in my way home and it wasn't pea soup it was chicken so I had to go to the one I first called even though it was a little bit on my way but it happy soup for me you know I love about this he's connecting dots always connect us with the seed you sow and then increase you get thank you Lord for that it must be because I'm sowing must be that prayer must be that program but I watched must be that service on Sunday morning start connecting your dots back to the glory come on say Amen beautiful you really have to look when you think it's something that's a coincidence you could say it's God working for you amen oh come on give up Michelle you have what oh my okay say yes no um - was it three weeks ago he was here was it three weeks was it then for week four we have four weeks okay by then okay I could never sleep on my back oh and never and never on your bag thank you for when I was hurt um from my neck so I've been sleeping on a pillow that is you know with a curl you know what you're sure like a bridge yes and after after I was healed praise God um I slept on my side I sleep on my side my other side and I'm just you know I'm in here laughing I mean you could be just thankful for little things that's not little but I mean I could not do that for a long long time because I got hurt in a Volvo the well it was a Volvo the car yeah big time and it you know it was really bad and it went all the way up to here in the back well what you were calling out about spine before soon and boom you know and then four weeks I was like and I was thank you Jesus just I just thank the Lord I think that's just sing a song hallelujah [Music] hallelujah ah Leila come on every hand up come on [Music] [Applause] are you oh come on worthy worthy worthy [Applause] [Music] hi hello Almighty [Music] worthy is the lamb you amazing yeah come on hurry boys [Music] ah lay Oh [Music] holy are you Oh come on word eh [Music] worthy is the lamb [Music] holy [Applause] are you [Applause] [Music] might be possible they go now this is your girlfriend isn't going time I've ever seen sleepers slain in the spirit in church but I'm not checking up on you there's Miami then there's North Miami so you cross over into the northern park precious precious this lady's on fire [Music] and you you're on fire - ah do you do any reading of this worth word of God together have you ever done that together at all not once I want you to okay okay I want you to read the book of Ephesians together of all six chapters slow don't speed reading and they take a chapter a day whatever God's going to show you this it those words are going to jump onto that page get a little journal and begin the journal but if you and her have any future together that that book's gonna really speak volumes do it quickly do it quickly do it somebody give God a shout come on baby pray Wow yes sir yeah I got it like a two-part thing here yeah but I came on my wife on October 2nd yeah I denied 2015 oh wow let's what two years ago right well I come to meetings - okay - okay and I brought her for because of some issues and I had some things going they were physical yeah yeah Jim or whatever but then you had a word of wisdom or word of knowledge awarded Lord and you said come here God wants to prosper bow to you money's comin Oh money's coming to this house he wants to be it's more than you ever had and he's going to prosper both you and you laid your hand and you said don't ask me when it's comin don't call my office cuz I don't know that was your words yeah and just and I got the tape and I started listening so I've been bringing our prophecy before the Lord yeah yeah you know working the process you're nurturing it yeah first feeding and you know but I think the key to all of this is that I stir I got a hold the prosperity scriptures mm-hm and then over and above my time I've been scattered seed for quite some time yeah so I believe if I can continue sewing I can continue always to harvest yes - I believe that was the key and so it took a while but I so real estate as an investor and heels started coming in and market other people's properties and bring buyers together and I started boom I got like five deals in a row well why not our first there's no word but I had a hey attention for this boom Wow Wow boom pay attention to those words because people don't say them that often boom come on say boom I just kept on the prof ideals in a row well yes spaced out but I kept on the prophecy of what you said I kept reminding God I said the Lord money's coming money's coming the layering Heather but now I came forward for something else while I'm here well stay on the money event it fails so listen I had you know I was here what - Terry Seville Foy and listen to some of ya Apes on polls and goal setting in so my wife got a $5,000 bonus from her job and I said lord I want to match that I want to match that in my work in my field and what I'm doing so I wrote it down I'm going to read received $5,000 or more so I started work on that looking at that right now in my mind to it quoting the scripture fort and doing everything and then it took a seat a good four or five months then I got I marketed someone else's property and made $2,000 I said well Lord I got freeze at least 3,000 or more coming in then I got another deal there was a five so that was that manifested on what I believe Wow and then I wrote that down in like in the back of my book and then I started believing for more but then after that I got another deal another deal and another deal like you know the key here is that me and my wife it's more or less left up to me where I wouldn't work I'm not just scattering like little seeds here there yeah we're consistent on I believe the Lord put on me the fun for the end time harvest for ministries and certain people so every church service that I come here on Wednesday night yeah so every Sunday service I so special guest speaker I so say that last of them again say that last one was a special guest speaker I sell so I just tell you a little regiment that I do good and if I miss a service because I had a real estate meeting to have which is on Wednesday night then I'll still plant that seed when I come in on the Sunday don't miss the seat I've been doing that for years it's not just overnight right four years good stuff so I believe we're set up and there's a lot more coming because I'm in the realm where I'm going into the six-figure income I mean I'm marketing other people's properties yeah but I also can get my own and make bigger spreads but you said money's come in to both and I took that literally to Heather because my wife is an accountant and a manager in her position she got an $8,000 raise on after I got my three deals that was first and then these things started trickling in and I just closed if you deal today make four grand you closed a deal today at amazing now greater and then the testimony is the unction underneath it see once you get that it's over you're out of the devil's clutch money don't own you money you know money will serve you you won't chase it it'll chase you money is chasing this guy all those deals coming in coming in coming in anything was I know there's more and why is he notice work as he's sewing come on say what I do gives me my expectancy without a seed there's no expectation at least to get it from the harvest of God if you want to go labor than you labor you expect a paycheck for your labor but that month there's no seed money coming in or harvest money right because you didn't sew it that's great that's great you did Gordon while I'm here yeah I'm going to take care of something else so there's something happened to me but when I came on October see I can't yeah I also came for like this injury that I had that I felt maybe to heal with scar tissue and my hip flexor and yeah I did it her as a know doesn't hurt tonight but it would flare up here and there because I work out in the gym and do some body building and it was a nagging injury and income and go whatever and I'd well no but I'm standing on the word standing on my manifestation I'm real big yeah on on the word and healing scriptures and everything so I just I just thank the Lord for my manifestation I already took my healing yeah so the other day on Friday last Friday yeah I did a little small workout because I know what was going to wrap it and I'd be using my legs a lot and then I had a strain I don't he did like an you're growing but I had only did like four sets it was really a workout there was a lot less yeah and I was in a lot of pain right and then I went to rapid and were and had to go up these stairs so it's a lot of work on the legs and I didn't do it a lot cuz I was suffering what happened what happened then I was in such pain I'm talking sushi eight yeah pain like I never had fire to this yeah I would experience my my hip flexor like flaring up but I was able to get around it it would subside I'd heat it up it would go away I'd stretch and not stretch I was an ongoing battle what happened to the leg what I don't know what happened well here's what happened recently it flared up and I was in tremendous pain that night I'm talking pain for somebody stabbing a knife in me yeah and my flesh and throbbing and in the next day I had bubbles here not me uh-huh to figure maybe I picked up something in the water dark yeah like I know it all in flare and shingles is all up and down my dating right now and I went to the dermatologist today yeah but two different problems associated in one and she said the reason why you were in such agony is because of the weakness because it attacks the nervous system according that is something different from this but this is all inflamed already if I took my pants off and y'all don't do this I were sure but I came here to take care of this tonight Alleluia station give them a god bless you power come on give God a shout my god that guy is that guy no seriously we have an unction from on high from the Holy One who knows all things call it zeal call it fire Bible calls a function different words fervor see different words but it all means that on the inside there's a stir come on there's a stir about God on the inside of you he's on your mind he's in every part of your life there's no where were you go that he isn't there's nothing you're involved in that he's not included it's ever-present ever-ready that's whenever God shows up in your life in it with such perpetual power for everything from cancer to parking places come on give them a big shot [Music] I mean give up mighty brave anybody else after one more testimony but there is one more testimony right here come to me man quickly quickly I just thought there was one more that we need to talk about yes come to me that's great sir sir if I was you before the nights over I would check in the men's room he's going right that's the man on fire right there I said before the night's obvious man what happened um I will see it in March okay and I was I had cancer but anyway I was in tremendous pain and it was really bad and you you did something great because the pain honestly since then just went away it was it was just God but I'm here yeah I was here actually I was going to come when I had this car that you were going to hit be here like a week ago yes then I checked your website and always check the website pleases yes and anyway I came here because I had a son who is a gifted athlete really gifted he is just jealous what is this yes and he he the US Champion he's really he played US Open he already gifted if the US and I said yes four times but anyway he he when he was 16 overnight he developed anxiety anxiety to the point that he cannot play sport any more than meeting him with a lot of anxiety medications and he cannot leave the house because he has to have a bathroom right there within five minutes nothing the anxiety is so bad that he quit tennis then she went back he could be suffering this boy is going through with this anxiety and that comes with also depression because he can do things that he wants to do is tremendous and I just as I said he wants to he just graduated he's graduating business go masters and he just doesn't live a normal life because of them have you told him about your experience here if you did and he said what What did he say um I actually wanted to fly him here from he was not concerned I wanted to fly him yes as you know there was this father Burke I said you you need to whatever you better respect me from now on something's changing around here forget the doctor forget it that's for regular people that's sweet of you that no no that's sweet of you I just said a little bit of know that you're be sorry anyway he's very skeptic how does it how a minute 3 is 23 he has a brother who is also gifted tennis player but the brother is normal I mean he's normal but the anxiety is really consumed early generational no but the brother is completely fine and he developed it overnight when but you told him you were coming and he said what did he say to that what was his response he said he said ok mom you go you know like um you go you know what I mean yeah like that this is ok you're here you're saving this I know you will look at you there's no pain no what about your cancer I mean it's in the remission ah [Applause] tell her the word we practice one more time one more time real loud I just want to say one more thing I mean remember I mean you don't remember but when I was here the first time and you did the magic I love it you know I love it it's simple but it's pure I love it there's no religion it's so simple so pure it's ashamed the word magic has such a bad connotation to it because you know miracles are kind of majestic you know the magical so it's so the devil has hijacked so many words you know I mean I've caught myself often times in Reno resorting to a work something like that like what a magical moment and I go oh I shouldn't have said that hold it go says you're free therefore just be free you know what you know in that we know what's going on here it's still amazing and you told him it's about that miracle moment right and then was what and he couldn't come and and he just he's not here he can't fly and and I just figured you because I seen people that bring they were pictures I said well okay here's the deal he's fighting autoimmune disease he is an autoimmune disease he has a leaky gut syndrome all right yes come on somebody give God a shot oh come on give me pray oh my god this young kids whole immune systems being radically healed tonight radically radically here Cemetery [Music] see if I move too fast I'll miss them my mom I'm talking to you and listening those I'm talking I'm not here to get through the meeting I'm not here to say okay and we were done as such as the time I'm here to here and to help some of you really put an end to your nightmare if you would get free imagine if you didn't have what you're fighting it would get free up so much space in your thoughts it would free up what you can and cannot do I'm telling the power of guns all over you again ever you never again use the word remission in here say I'm healed come on guys by Jesus stripes Jesus stripes he didn't change his last name from Christ describes your precious you are you know I'm really enjoying it where do you live in Boca Raton well curtain you have a church there um I go to polish church so good good but I wanted to tell you the people who told me about you I am a therapist and I had a patient precious people the best people ever they told me about you because they heard about it from somebody they told me I went there here today oh I just saw them all right there but complete accident so I just thought I was sitting behind Oh mom he don't have his brace on the more on his ignite and she was your therapist and you told her about me yet he did you had to yeah yeah oh look at this this boy not just you know this you fell for him this boy is getting healed of this autoimmune he'll be able to return to tennis if he wants to it's his choice but he will not be kept out from that disease God has touched him because of your faith tonight thank you okay you tell him tonight say that man that I was telling you about prayed for you prayed for me I felt the power see I felt the power of the power and he told me to tell you that your body is going to fill the power as well I don't know when and how he's gonna feel something moved through his body God come on give God a big job you didn't break come on gimme pray hey ma'am man what kind of cancer was that what kind of man what kind of cancer was that breast cancer both breast ones yeah you're clean amazing come on what happened to you man Wow well I was sitting in the chair tonight my leg he was He healed my nose your leg already yes already and I wanted as the people were testifying yeah I wanted to come up and see I she told me it was closed so I said unless she told you when it was closed so I said Lord what's closed the lawn Lord if you want me to tell this make a way and you said one more but I'm sitting over here and I got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our God is a good god yes he is come on our guys a good job yes Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is like at the purple God he is my god I got I can do anything I got me yes he can I got hockey yes and if you can't get the game yes yes he will yes he will it is yes Wow yeah really was painted I've been hopping when I sit down the work and I get up my leg is tied and I walk in like an old person you know I shouldn't he's walking like I'm in pain okay but what she meant to say is that privilege to grow old it is it is last time I checked every young person is trying to keep alive so they to one day will get older why because you like life you enjoy life and even though you may have a setback now you'll have a comeback right thank you very much give her a big god bless you come on one more where oh yes ma'am clicking that yes totally healed tonight it just went away will you touch put your hands on me oh that was last time yeah so your neck was cracking crack all the time all the time I mean I it was embarrassing now the people could hear it yeah oh it's loud amazing healed absolutely here heal no picking just the same way that that next stopped so will everything else is purchasing you you run from nothing you run to you don't run from something's been chasing you most of your life the same way that suddenly happened there's going to be suddenly a life filled with love and especial somebody more special than you even know tonight you're about to be swept I think she received that I don't know but he received it I think every a woman in here receive that one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lord the money you're waiting on been waiting the destiny that's part of this but just just the satisfaction there's so many rich people that aren't satisfied there's so many successful people from athletes the movie stars you know they're not satisfied there's a yearning and the churning of you know and I mean to jump off a bridge is with a rubber band something's missing you know I mean it's it's I understand some of those people may be Christians I understand they pray before the jump I get all that I get all that I'm not here to stop that I'm just here to say that what we have to do these days to elevate excitement is way more than they ever had to do before because something's missing on the inside and that something is someone she's not just about getting saved just about checking into his plan there's nothing greater than to walk in the spirit and to learn about the kingdom to learn about the keys you have to open and close things blessing privileges benefits that can come to you if the greatest joy evolves that path it gets brighter and brighter not without hardship not without heartache we're not promised immunity we're promised coverage in the world be of good cheer in the world you'll have great struggles but I've overcome when hold your hands up all over the place this is a great night to be here I want you tonight there's a hone in on everything tonight that you need God to set you free from not just get healed but get set free you may be wrong by classifying everything as a healing you may need to be free of something you can't heal a demon you can't heal a circumstance some things can't be healed but they have you have to be delivered from you have to get released from that clutches of that David said you've set my soul free from the snare of the Fowler he was being tormented mental torment David was talking about emotional torment emotional pain that snare that keeps you from feeling from loving from risking to love again real love has painted it because it says love Bharath all even agape love has painted it we got the same love that Jesus had his love wasn't pain-free so embrace the love of God inside of you you have the ability to bear give the ability to get through put up with people's imperfections the rejections come on see I'm going to get through this I won't live a broken life I won't be in pieces I won't live fractured anymore I'm here to get home by the love of God I will be made whole I will feel again love again I will reinvest my affection and I will get connected and I will dance and shout I'll take off these grave clothes I will live again come on give him a mighty shout power come on give him a mighty shout oh my god I need you tonight put your hands up we're going to take much time but I need you tonight the sow a seed into this ministry July the sixth we go nationwide television in Canada nationwide the button gets turned on we go from Nova Scotia to Vancouver since it's an exciting time where we're stepping in the new markets and if you want to watch our broadcast if you go to the website billy burg every week and watch miracles today and we just got a call today from happy Caldwell and happy once to put that on his network our program on his network so things are growing we're excited about that I tell people everywhere that I go about miracles in Miami I'm always drawing from a miracle that's happened here because we have seen some amazing miracles right here why do we see these miracles here because to people many years ago dug a well here pastor Stan and his wife pastor Jerry and their family that will is still perpetuating living water make your checks payable to WOL or words of life they'd love to have your email address if they don't have if you don't have that WOL or words of life make your checks to your giving cash or credit card you can do a credit card you put that right on the outside of that envelope that's on your chair or behind your chair and believe correct is it on your chair behind your chair if you need it if you need an envelope raise your hands those guys the ushers are all over this room there's hands going up everywhere yeah hands over here going up over here hands over here we're going to get busy praying for you here in a few moments believing God for miracles but make sure you ask and the Holy Spirit would have you to give and don't be afraid to so is see that you've never sewn break a barrier break a threshold if you've never given 250 trying to be never given too if you've never given more than ten if you've never sewed $100 gift ask God to stretch you break a barrier get moving into a new place amen mmm-hmm you have a you're going to give an offering take notes oh that's your mother's yours trigger huh you're the grandmother you know the grandmother and how you're nine that's right and so she's the daughter of who here you're done stand your feet all over the place threat the altar now I'm going to say this and that you might think I don't mean it but I do do not put your money in those white pockets do not do this if you don't want to get more money back I'm warning you if you do this that money is going to come into your hand house but I know what you're complaining about that so don't walk up here put money in the bucket if you don't want more how many want more put that money up over here come on see I believe and what the Word of God says then we press down shaken together and running over 30-60-90 a hundredfold God's not a liar and he will not start tonight I'm putting my faith to this gift I'm putting my confession to this gift I'm going to walk out here tonight and water this seed till my harvest comes in Jesus name come on up everybody quickly [Music] listen Jay [Music] Oh Toby [Music] my way [Music] and [Music] tell me show me show me come on sweetheart hurry it worse is from career school she went to an online school she wanted to brought this she wanted me to see this this is the Penn Foster career school Adriana a raspberry aza career diploma for catering right here give her a big god bless you come on that's so wonderful that is it when you call it Cheeseman we have to go to work right way too expensive what is cooling our yard so you're saying that God can't afford that I'm gonna switch the cost I guess like around $50,000 $50,000 a year and a half or something that what's that called culinary arts you know culinary yes where's that at in Miami I don't have a school yet but I want to go somewhere near Fort Lauderdale or something okay what you start doing is you start oh this is she yeah that's your mom yeah when you tell me that right now you recognize me tell me talk to me mama and I just want to give to God the glory here because I know special lady raises all the world everybody has the right to go to the school to have the studies and we lost everything I came here lesson last year and I gave testimony of what the Lord gave us to Pastor Billy to the war to the touch of the Lord and this is part of this because because we are in motion so I give the glory to God I couldn't shout I would like to child shout in the in the act in the auditorium and I couldn't do it but now I I wanted to to come here and to show everybody that we got everything is possible and we have the victory in every part of our life come on you came from Honduras correct no door now Salvador I'm sorry I'm sorry okay and you're living here now yeah in Miami yeah that's a miracle - and you finish this schooling yeah I finished from March but graduation ceremony was on like last week in conjul Aeneas and we went up there you're just moving around all over the place aren't you yes I'm so proud of you think your mother I'm sure I'm sure you're proud right yeah of course yeah yeah of course I'm proud uneasy like I always wanted to study that like cowan arts and stuff but I went to like vet assistant at first just for the money or something but do you really like it and they gave me the option to change careers and I saw that they had catering but just not really the field that I'm looking for but I said something is something and that's going to get me started and that's going to take me where I was thinking I mean she's already blown this pop stand come on she's she's already walked in this like a little puddle now on to more you're hungry it's just amazing in fact today I learned to make something new with its katsu curry Japanese katsu curry one of my favorite dishes and I always loved it but it was the worst I'm making it it was like give her a big god bless you come on love you love you love you so much [Applause] keep this that's a great accomplishment come on give the Holy Ghost the big ancestor the stand of our feet come on amazing amazing he's all I need he's all Miley Hayes old hungry Jesus is all every voice come on he and he's old Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's take it up he's all comers your and your [Music] hi come on you're all I need and you're all the fun mmmmmm [Music] power power come on ease off [Music] heals me now how we go tonight Han team what do we need I won't you hear that nine years type-1 type-2 diabetes so you take the shot every day the pill would you take the pill every day you won't be taking any pills far gods all over you the powers on them come on somebody give God a shout time come on he's horny [Music] I like nicely holistic English I'll play for okay I'm always translating for you okay yes that guy in fiction giving affection uh-huh like she'll be playing tennis or something it was a colitis video someone here with colitis is big wondrously heels right this moment quickly come up out of your seat he's healing you from colitis the farm God's all over you you won't have this any any more so wonderful healing from colitis a form of colitis I don't know where quite where you are but he's healing that's right the more like this moment you're in this room tonight do not be embarrassed about this just come and get it please please all mine it's affected your bowels it's affected your intestines it affects I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting the moment you walk up here you won't have it anymore so she has a virus or infection she'll exercise and then as soon as one chill chill jump play ten so who is she to you your wife and she'll want to go to the bathroom so you can't really jump 19 times I have to see this your first time here tonight yeah you've been here many times what P or many years but for her this is the first time for your healing sir okay push your hands dirty this Holy Ghost coming through both of your bodies tonight and into your whole hives this is an invasion of God into your space he's demanding more from both of you he's drawing you into a closer walk with him together this is your year before the years even out you'll be serving for the powers on this is cleansing everything sweetheart is cleansing the blood this cleansing the blood is cleansing all the parts on the husband as well would give me praise no more infection no more infection he's all I need one girl come on he's all [Music] what some what's going on here I just came because I saw you at Eagle Mount and I was just really blessed by your service and there's change going on in my life and and for my husband right now and so that's where we're at financially it's a very difficult time Deuteronomy chapter 2 says they circled this mountain and then God said has time to quit and go north what he meant was move ahead for them you're coming off the merry-go-round you're coming off the same thing the same feel there's a wind coming from heaven a sense of freshness yeah it just hit I wish somebody would get excited around oh my god can anybody get a little bit [Applause] [Music] Cicinho vibrating you got to come ready to take something with you some you're just coming to me Friday just for a prayer just to get another prayer to the prayer because Piper got so many prayers at home all over the place it's the mansard prayer show God some kind of level of I need this I gotta have that that's what drug addicts say I got to have it then they steal to get it they beat up people to get it and steal their purse I gotta have it when they get arrested why'd you do that I have to have it you gotta get that I got to have it got to get it then you got to move into got to get it now could procrastinated say well you know God O Donnell sometimes that's an excuse because you're not ready at the moment get ready if you get ready then you'll be ready I mean my word this lady here who she wins who are you come over here what's going on here yeah yeah yeah and all week I've been addressing myself in it I don't know when this happened but I don't retain when I read I obtain this power still on this woman it's not stay it big boy be closed yeah and I was just believing that because I think it's impossible with God everything is possible with him I'm just believing tonight's going to be the night that I'm going to receive restoration in my mind and my brain in my night for memory ferment well it's not really memories retention retention is memory same thing well when what I read and it just doesn't go in yes it's called memory okay memory so I won't my good wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus we give Him praise he's healing heart arrhythmia tonight atrial fib is being healed tonight I'm going back to the colitis because you're here the colitis it's right there put your hands up man pop goes all over you what's the Holy Ghost touches Espanola there Jesus he will bring back all memory except for anything that has pained it's a burnt offering from heaven he came down he's removing the bad leaving the good somebody give God a shout come on Wow yes ma'am sir how long had colitis about 12 years having from a mission low but my buddies at Kimberley walk you can barely walk because it hurts you know inflammation a little window and so your wife is somewhere over there where she at premier mrs. come here what's your last name Zakarian Zakarian my mrs. Zakarian amazing have you been anywhere quite like this not not really what do you think so far I think that's it's a lie so that I know a lot however that's you put a lot of salted another social environment what a thought came in to give my hand clap for that face just power but then political power power the woman to his head Richard get your hand under his head stay there sir just stay there misstated don't jump up just stay there he's moving off for your body he's moving Holy Ghost c'mere mrs. Derek is arrogant he's moving all through your husband's body right this moment there'll be no more in from no more information none there'll be none you'll walk with no pain are you ready for that chop them up come on help I'm up Richard Michael just walk just go this just does then think about Swann [Music] walk this one what what what [Music] [Applause] that's okay good walk to me with your hands up come on he's all hey once a day Jesus is all I'm so every time he's all years old hi when you're faced with that horse head where was that head up here up here still hurts there look at me look at me I'll cover my eyes it's about to go all of it do you do he said he believes still they're still there how much I hope it's all good but it's very hard to be convinced is it how much if it's gone so suppose 50% 50% I'm going to touch you one more time we're going to kick this thing up to 75% can you handle 75% so I really huh okay put your hands up come on get them up get your hands up just the power all over you this Holy Ghost is going to go to bed with both of you tonight it's gonna be amazing come on give God a shout hazel give me I got right there David just get hurry Jesus here's all oh oh my god how we going what do we want to do I'm here for at all the anointing on you and I'm totally I'm going to missed it to him preach as well but more important I want a new heart but she has a new heart it is Jeremiah 4 for he peels the foreskin off your heart tonight any of the areas that you've been insensitive to be sensitized to God's going to recess it ties you to the Holy Spirit to the needs of people to hear their cry to feel their pain to meet their need safe to hear their cry to hear their feel their pain to feel their and meet their needs on the third that's who I am power come on somebody give God a shout my God give me the guys are ready come on sir to a hurry you you yeah get up your knees is all tiny what's going on here big guy go long what do you need here tonight what do you mean you're good came to get Anthony I'm not you just came to Andy you're under putting hands up here when you're under it God's going to stir up you on the inside because you have unfulfilled prophecy this never happened you've had words spoken of you by your own family has never taken place but God's going to begin to accelerate your season it's a great time of acceleration for the purpose for your life you're coming out of where you are you're not going to hang out with some of the people you're hanging out with they're holding you back they're sandbagging the process of God you're gonna catch fire buddy you're a pathogen somebody giving praise I'll tell you come on big guy what are you here for big guy prostate prostate cancer stage 4 stage forms in the bones in the bowel lymph nodes how'd you hear about this meeting I saw them mountain the mountain okay I'm glad you're here you know I'll tell you what you're gonna walk in one way and you're gonna walk out another way somebody give not a shout Kehoe Aikido [Music] thing as you make it here's oh hi go go go go go honey come on I nee believe in your whole body Jesus is all I need Riemann our party labor the whole morning he's all I need yeah he's all I need Jesus is all look at me just because you fall under the power don't mean your faith is stir you got to add that a secret ingredient I believe I get it I got it now I can't do that part for you I want to where'd that big guy go big guy what's happening talk to me what's happening earlier it's not as sore as it was it gets better pains leaving have any growth the lumps anything like that I don't think I did where'd you come from Inverness up around north of page you came clear from Tampa to see here you drove Mary no we do for living general contractor contractor come on give me your left hand put your left hand out like this no you hold it up feel like this come on guy cancel every plan for death every plans for this every plans for suffering every plans are suffering every plan for the treatment every plane for treatment I came here came here I drove and I drove I believe I believe I'm leaving I'm leaving with a miracle with a miracle in my prostate from somebody giving praise come on come on what's happening over there what is this ma'am you're on a cane what's the matter broken bones in my back five the last time we talked I said that I my heart was a hundred percent blocked a high risk for surgery and you said well how's that working said it's not working at all 15 20 times a day I get a sharp pain in my chest would wake me up that stopped two years ago thank you very much hey ma'am ma'am so that that was healed so you're still on the que no tell me why your other kind a little unsteady why you unsteady huh we have it why you unsteady rain you should neurologic I do brain surgeries to stroke so I messed up in the head but I'm here you know miracles come in all different sizes embrace the little ones look forward to the big ones cuz they're coming they are coming ma'am right here in front of me please I'm not done with you this is my service I saw my face put your hands up please I'm the annoying is all over you and you're not recognizing it because you recognize what he did was a major miracle he was he wants that to come over under you right now and he'll you have lesions on your brain that's what they're they're lesions I know what they are put your hands up come on they're leaving you're about to get steady on your feet and strong no no the last one took a little bit of time this when you're walking out with you what I'm not wobbling that wisely you feel it yeah well walk then just walk just walk [Applause] come over to me come quickly come quickly Mike Todd Walker ha Holy Ghost somebody give up walk walk walk [Music] [Applause] how do you feel I feel very good thank you I didn't want to be greedy keep asking for more and more can you walk a little faster maybe can you try just give it a shot she couldn't do that huh who you this is the niece right here the neat that she could not do that direct she was shaking I your tremors yeah you told me you don't have any tremors or anything I couldn't deny and still I could not say you were at tremors yeah where do you go to church I go to ah don't make one up don't make up a church Helen hey hey Suze who King Jesus King Jesus service guys yeah where do you live at Kendall you live in Kendall that's what yes where the church is just under you know I'm so excited for you I I was worried that I couldn't come on feeling very very bad but that's gone today is the new David don't let her have that whole way to the car all the way to the house no cane tonight ready I'm telling her she's in charge camera big god bless you come on you're precious you're a precious lady precious lady he's healing all the scars in your heart all of them no no no no no no walking with her hands behind her back [Applause] fear and sickness travel together you know you can get healed of the sickness but the fear keeps you and penalizes you and you're afraid to leave go of this and fraid to do that and fraid to do that and pretty soon it draws you back into where it had you before and then in that sickness where this medication or a walker or a cane man was going you got a cane over here talk to me about this cane it's a pretty cane what happened to you that's my seat was this just think okay tell me just quickly she have a lot of issues she got diabetes and her food I see the swelling as water retention yeah and also she I see I see well that's going to go to that's going to go to whose is this goes this girl she's on what what what she's gonna get healed give me your cane gonna get healed this is the cane - there you go John put your hands up come on all three of you all of you girls singing hands over the powers coming toward the power gonna go through the body into the blood gonna cleanse the blood and heal the bones there'll be no more pain she'll be strong walk total walk oh my god with the Cana [Music] somebody better praise them come on go go [Music] amazing amazing go fast fast Batman [Music] Terrica bath [Music] somebody give me praise come on come on everybody sing it now oh my god [Music] T'Pau she's caught up in her healing [Music] Wow [Music] huh hey who's over here next who's that quickly what's one on your sweetheart I got skin cancer let me think what kind of skin cancer what guys hey Tristan oh my who are you the mom okay come on come on we're not done here you're here for a miracle right that's why we're here right ready to the test the greater the testimony this is the big story waiting to break loose your recovery will be amazing can you see out of that eye not well I'm gonna return perfect we got did this come on you suddenly 20 for a long 20 years everywhere I was also I started small started yeah and then when I had my first child I got a big one and we had taken out and started again was this my second child and hello started and actually came two years ago and I heard you say you don't get healed tonight don't give up and that's when I just started seeking God was always a good girl about everything I could girl did yeah I have a new product that we just finished I don't think I know if we have any with the senator we don't have it how to recover from shattered faith how to recover people have shattered faith and don't even know it walking around and not expecting much although they're they're taking in money not expecting the face been shattered you don't even know it if we have divorced when you've been expecting something it doesn't happen when or how if you're not anchored you can get shattered John the Baptist at it and we talked about but you're going to get healed it's going to go away put your hands up this will begin to change even tonight all the power Solovyev this Holy Ghost God touch them up come on give God a shout quickly come on hallelujah [Music] just mentally here as an intercessor for Haiti a member of this church and a volunteer beautiful I love it she has quite a few problems at the moment but one of which particularly she asked me to mention right recently her doctor found a lump in her right breastfeeding which is yet to be biopsied and benign is benign quickly come on Twitter what's going on here what's the matter I just struggling with insomnia insomnia vision night blurred vision I see you see them no no but you nice and light are they there now look up at the visor they there they're not there I don't know yeah I have a lot of problems put your hands up mmm there's a presence about to hit you tonight it's just a piece of the Holy Spirit thing is called on me I want to help you Psalm 44 says he will commune with you on your bed would you read Psalm 4 verse 4 he will community is going to communicate so the last thing on your bed at night Holy Spirit and just begin to talk to him that whole room is going to fill up with glory with peace he will resolve every unsettled issue every unsettle dish is going to be put at the foot of the cross that's mighty touch that lights all about come on somebody give you out a shot come on big guy come on sir the nice K night we're getting rid of Cannes tonight come on [Music] all you happy tonight to be here I don't know I think your mother made you come huh huh with that you came on by yourself and my brother your brother was your brother come here brother come on brother one up here get a stroke 20 years ago yeah have you been here before not 30 times your third time so what's going on what's happening here tonight okay use my deaf son cabbage using stroke get two strokes one one helmet I wanted went in the hospital so you use this because of balance not because of strength so you're strong enough to walk right just walk for me tell me your strut does that hurt when you walk son come for why Oh was it her dad don't hurt you none otherwise it hurt the walks it hurt to walk no no no pain at all okay no and that arms been immobile for two years 20 20 years 1997 hands to level 46 and so was of a doctor said about this I know he's a Tamil can well that's bad see that got inside you that's a lie we've told me huh no doctor told me I know these doctors they don't know everything come on your food won't fees they said what I know boom walking you never get a walk we were walking tonight can you swing that arm for me oh I love it look it's moving already okay thanks would you listen to me oh we listen to me that's it we'll be working before the summer is over you'll be doing push-ups yeah huh you will be doing push-ups sounds move it's truth it's good seed it's incorruptible he had the mint the withered hands stretch it for give me the scares came to this power Wow palace on that guy [Music] put your arm back over your head come on put it back over your head put it back put it back put it back it'll go back don't tell me that you're used to being in charge you're not in charge here there you go there you go go ahead go ahead do it go ahead and do it what's his name what's his name Carl good Carl go ask the Holy Ghost in your arm Carl as the Holy Ghost in Carl's are my god he's moving it spell sorrow at the power God in your heart look at that that's the power that's the power I said that's the power I said it again at the power trial push that arm back [Music] you haven't seen that never never mister I can't and mister the doctor said is up there going like this with his arm he's on his way to don't push up this guy right here come on see every miracle now come on every miracle has to start somewhere the trouble was the churches I wanted like him I want it like her you just get sell out to him every day if Carl does his homework here I'm telling he'll be gone push-ups by the end of August Carl can you hear me you end up we only try one more time with that hand when try one more time yes go ahead name of Jesus come on Carl come on Carl the Holy Ghost he's still moving in your body Carl come on Carl get it up push that hand up reach for the ceiling reach for the ceiling car reach for the ceiling reach for my hand Carl reach for my hand reach reap it up take it out take it out this way take it out you head it up high before there you go here we go one two three let's go Carl up you're doing great you're done really really good Carl stick him up come on pick him up it's enough for the night he's done come on get my big god bless you come on [Music] did you realize how high you had that you never horse the brother c'mere brother or cousin deliver brother tell him how high that hand was you shopped your cousin brother here he caught them no you didn't know stretch it with stretch tonight listen to me after this night this nerves are going to begin to come alive this is over this is over the way that is it I want you here every time that I'm here because you come to cheer to go to church please know that we're queer as new Gump greater New Bethel greater new vessel I was in Miami Lyon I'm lemma Gardens I'm glad you go to church but on when I'm here I want to see you here is this going to get working here and stay away from that doctor stay away from him he went out of town tell him to stay out of town come on give God a big shout [Music] what's that what do you want to do a lot of Beeman you know after me team's over yet so I brung some also so I know if you touch it then I could deal with them diamond and I can't do it by myself so I did need some help you guys are amazing you know that your daddy be proud of you so would your mom oh I'll tell you that how about if I do two things for you I'll pray over this oil I'm ascared them demons away from both of you tonight come on church well I don't know what happened to the crowd here tonight I got my body oh we're gonna win this battle let me shed the devil the lawyer what hurts is he penetrates us so much of the time that we believe it and the depression proves it come on quit buying what he's selling answer him with a promise answer him with faith if Jesus was losing all of his body fluids had every disease of the world on them he's up there hanging and ministering saying forgive them for they know not what they do I thirst if he's up there administrating from the darkest hour of his life sure that we can do where we are he's healing memory loss it's amazing this is new Mendes memory listing all the powers on this man there's a lady here you're always cold you're always cold in every warm put your hands up what what what you know doctor the hospital you know it was June the 22nd aha and you know because they already say I had a hot mama heart murmur yeah so so when they took all the testers yeah you know that day it would you know was no hot mama mama oh dear so I said no you got to be kidding because that's what the doctors say yeah might not see it but they test me from here are we down to nothing there nothing else you got heels [Music] [Applause] you do go to church though every Sunday you're there you don't miss a Sunday for the power son both of you your destinies not finished yet your purpose and life hasn't been completed yet yet the devil still chasing you guys the whole way to the end but somebody has really prayed for you somebody's been praying big time for both of you Grace has been extended to you there's not not your bet but there's a chair in your living room in your sitting room he's going to visit you on that chair you know what I'm talking about you do what's that chair there we've fallen to care what they're waiting for the chairs waiting for you for him waiting for ya all Jesus help me Lord reach your hands out to these brothers we give you praise Lord for both these brothers we break all the bands of wickedness Isaiah 58 six we break that power with all the oppression let the oppressed go free come on give God a shout my god somebody better give it up the god hey come on sir what's going on here quickly we're almost going to come to the altar here pretty quickly yes I have a pain here for over 12 years and it's a silent pain I came without it but as I sit down here and the pain came I said this is the time for it to go it's how long have you had us are about 12 years have you been checked yes and what they say couldn't find anything where's that where's the pain at thank you and it's a silent pain I call it I keep it secret I pray over it but it's years ago put your hands high you don't have cancer but you do have elevated liver enzymes they're elevated they come and they go according to as you eat then the portions that you eat and how much you hydrate it's spitting fatty tissue into your bloodstream it's your element your lever and your lever enzymes have been elevated put your hands up he's going to heal that tonight what's amazing say no cancer power somebody give God a shout come on [Music] quickly quickly back pain I promise you that pain is connected to certain types of food that you eat I promise you that that's why it's not always there there's a certain kind of a food acidic foods are causing that now can allows your body I'll kinda lies okay hi I'm coming to you for the past three years yes for feelings of bipolar yeah I've been bipolar since I've been 21 and 33 now 12 years 12 years and have no change I'm still taking prescriptions that's what this case you're taking medication don't mean there's no change but now I'm coming for that too far healing today again yeah and I've been I went to the emergency room on Monday because I have a infection in my tweet years from swimming and sunbathing so I have ear infection so I didn't take the medication antibiotics so I want to heal me your precious your good girl you are because hold your hands up really really not for me the Holy Spirit's just all over you quickly so the relationship here is medicine son mother what do you need tonight for our brother because he was diagnosed with bone cancer on cans ago and we're just coming in because you're coming to get a healing for your brother yes sir the power of prayer put your hands up two or more gifts of the spirit annoying thing it's all here god I pray you go deep into the marrow of the bone you said the word of God sharpen alive and it pierces even the bones of the marrow get into the marrow of this young man we ask it of your Lord their faith for the brother for their son let it turn this night let it turn this night somebody give him four oh my god Wow quickly just a couple more than we're all coming up yes what's going on here man I haven't seen the tumor where in my abdomen you feel it I was feeling it and where do that now the doctors say that the words of that now it doesn't say the still in there yeah you really I cannot see like that he can and it's preparing me right now soul food when's your surgery scheduled no date given yet when still being repaired yesterday I had when they do a cask and it won't be there it won't be there will be there [Applause] I said it come on give him praise [Applause] [Music] yeah about five or six years ago she was diagnosed with arthritis arthritis yeah I'm JRE arthritis and poor child even she's been through a lot she does a Bissel therapy occupational therapy what's your name son Lance come on velu valencia valencia come here Valencia tell me where do you hurt no pain there's no pain that's the miracle when did it leave it comes and goes so when you came here tonight did it hurt no put your hands up all of you who use or either you're the father put your hands into us whole family this is going to stop tonight no more of this coming and going as it wants to we're going to kick this we're going to kick this thing on the outside it's going to lock the doors and it's not getting back in your bones are going to be healed there's a favor on you that you know not of and intellectual favor your IQ is off the charts have you had her tested for IQ very bright very straight ace to come on give God a big shout [Applause] [Music] Shaw's twice a week for what for her arthritis she will need an again no more no more shots power power power somebody get power nobody kept trying to shout come on give God what ma'am I just want wholeness I I have a pain in my head I have been having some eye trouble optometrist gave me a never in my life have I worn glasses doctors trying to tell me that I have a mass in my left side of my eye breasts you know fibroids you know I just I just want to be hold on me free from so for whelming it's overwhelming one hand step for almost done people you're becoming up in a second it's overwhelming she can't even talk she's overwhelmed david says leaving to the rock come on says there's a rock higher than me come on says a rock that it has all my needs all my supply all my strength I'm going to that rock his name is Jesus mmm look at me when I touch you're going to feel like the way of the world off you but people honestly honestly you have to help yourself to I mean to come here like this and get touched and then never open up the book never call on his name doesn't help you that's a very minimal leaving this meeting tonight I thank you appraised you tomorrow morning I thank you appraised you tomorrow afternoon I thank you dear Jesus the greatest name ever was and is it has all the power in it when it comes up and out of you and rolls off your tongue it has the power to change everything but you got to say it that's how you help that's how you begin to help your case it will separate you it'll keep sins away from you it will keep you out of temptation you can't go over to a pornographic magazines they will in the name of Jesus you can't do it you can't do it that name is that name there's a gracious release every time you say that name a great empowerment comes your way in the name of Jesus I'm not going to lose my mind in the name of Jesus I mean sometimes you fight the devil way too much and don't call on the healer that's why the devil lies to get you in fights all the time I am been in loose and binding and loose and there's a time to do that but I'd rather worship all day long then I won't have to bind and loose it's already bound that's already loosed in my worship some of these people only wanted to get into a fight every day that's why they write their books on it and that's why they teach on it I guess but my Bible says there's no Yi the Spirit of God that's what John told his disciples know the spirit you shouldn't no demons more than you know the spirit there's so much to learn about the Holy Spirit we're going to pray that tonight as you learn more about the Holy Spirit put your hands up lady God's going to begin to separate you from some some real people that carry poison there's people around to carry poison poison words poison motives poison agendas poison values and they're chirping into your life they're adding to your misery and they're your friends what choice you guys do well I mean going to their Sturgis more recently King Jesus welcome I can't really say that cuz I'm the only one boy I monsters or if they go over there I want at least six people that come here to get a hold of this girl before she leaves the property so it doesn't matter the church you go to is just a part of it it's who you're connected to a church goes in the service is over you go out but who you can who's feeding into you there's so many people that you can't take a building with you you're going to get a CD and replay the service but you got to it's who you're listening to when you click onto the television and you're watching a telescope who you drinking Paul said can you drink of the cup of God then the cup of devils that's what he said I didn't say that can you drink both cups got to help yourself you can do this God will empower you to do this you can beat anything you can beat anything take the limits off God shrink the devil quit magnifying him and all that he's doing that jay-bez prayers for you first Chronicles 410 I want you to read that tonight very good event over and over and over and over that's going to get inside of you and heal everything somebody give God a shot come on come on give me praise come on what happened here big guy what happened I had constant pain in my right knees yes for two years yeah just woke up one day was hurting yeah I heard my left knee like a week ago exercise very people six people get ahold of her please six I don't do this wait wave at me who's the six let me see one two three [Music] where where four five I need one more sticks okay make sure we get a hold of that girl yes what's going on so you hurt this leg here no this started hurting two years ago right never heard it or anything right pain brighter this one last week exercise so you hurt both legs yeah they hurt you can't walk on them without that at all does this girl is your wife here well that's your girl yes so you mean you're dating yes we need what do you think of this when are we thinking this guy he'd being here with his condition I know it's causing a lot of pain and I just keep praying for healing he's been in a lot of pain especially his shoulder as well if you see these miracles here tonight have you seen them happen what do you think of that I believe God is real you think a dealer you think you can get that tonight you're going to walk out here without dead cane sir that's your plan where do you go to church I just started going to Pentecostal experience whoa Pentecostal experience have you had the experience yet you're supposed to have if you go there right is that right if you go to the Upper Room church is supposed to have an upper room right if you go the church on fire Church on catch the fire churches goes to the catch the fire calm down people calm down what's your name again I'm so glad you're here both of you it means that there's a presence about both of you that's really special I feel it get him the King give your girlfriend who the king so you can't put no weight on that it's that man no weight at all [Music] [Music] what's the same Alan Alan Holy Ghost is in that body I'm telling you Alan oh my god Ben dad Alan - come on come on oh he couldn't do that I can't hear you say it again he couldn't know oh my god Alan do both Alan you did the right do the last Alan come on the Holy Ghost is all over him he could not do that are you gonna get happy about this or what look at this Oh [Music] get him up here my marriage Sebastian get him up Richard walk walk out [Music] [Applause] somebody better give gonna sound [Applause] come on come on off ourselves give God the glory the glory me look at the dory Michael Bovee and routine oh my god anybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I want to know if you're going to get happy for me here no whenever he said that's my girl I didn't me I thought he meant egg you know his daughter you have to be anointed you got to be parked counselors psychologists psychiatrists I mean with today's culture is don't know everybody took the front come on bring me the man in the wheelchair everybody to the front quickly and he will give you come on [Music] [Music] what are you doing here tonight you wet where's your dog which one's your daughter were she yet where's the daughter of this mother right here you know where she's at what's your name Oh Lydia do we have the daughter in the house come on sir oh that's your daughter with the white blouse on she got prayed for she got touched she's the one that the Holy Spirit said not je pense yeah do you know Jamie red jay-bez her father was schizophrenic yeah you're the daughter of this lady right here in mama come on how do you feeling right now you feel lighter that's because you lost some passengers they jumped off your bus you know what I mean huh they did look at your spouse you got him you can make money with that smile you're radiant you know what in the right environment but you're not in that there's some people in your life and on the wrong I don't know it was a joke we said you made it just said something about perfumes and maisy why they were competing oh and actually passed the first encounter the other day and I said I looked at the name of one of the perfumes and I repeated it but in my heart and made it a patient time back again I wouldn't wear perfume I'm like I'm on perfume I like that but I mean it's very impressive I'm grateful to have work but if I'm in the wrong phase I just want out shadow masters she got she broke had a mental breakdown it was like when she was at Regent University you went to region that Robertson many years just cannot anybody told you graduated from there you got a diploma I didn't go to my ceremony but watch it online yeah you're the Masters yeah from region yeah thank you for the compliment but I do I'll be honest I have anger issues [Music] I know it's generational in and I've had people pray for me great generational curses that I believe it but it's just so tough like back and forth back and forth I want to be reconciled with my family you you have to let love touch you though the most the most intimidating thing can be to that love once again touch you love this love is a it's not just what Hollywood makes it to be it melts the walls it makes you like people you don't like it makes you forgive people your mind says well I don't want to forgive you but your heart says do it and it takes over you begin to love people for their core values not just a couple of their hair or for their money to begin to see you don't you know begin to see color and gender [Music] it's amazing you love even the people that aren't on are not on their way to heaven living in a lifestyle they've deemed right also not there's no faith works by love that's how faith works if you want to heal people you can't not love is going to move forward into ministry and serve God at a high level you got to get everything out of you those put in you the wrong way and there's so much of that hold your hands up rump you Romans 5:5 is going to hit you tonight it's going to melt your horns you're going to let people love think I love touch you there's abandonment issues here there's those issues here were you just abandoned you didn't get the necessary love that you needed to develop to go find that wherever legend in some pretty bad places he's rescuing you tonight he's pulling you out you'll never go back there again you'll never go into those places again and you'll never let these people wherever they are in their own way hold you hostage you setting you free tonight you want what you came for come out from among them come out get radical tonight can you do that you're willing put your hands up how loud can you yell how about with those big white teeth how loud can you yell come on yeah [Music] we better pick mouth forever I'll tell you what something's changing already I see it I see love in your eyes I see it come on say Jesus Jesus I'm talking to her thank you very much boy you people just jump in he'll take your blessing these Christians right here jump right in and start snatching her stuff mine you ready Jesus Jesus I'm here I'm here I need you I'm letting you in tonight letting you in further further and deeper and deeper than ever then ever I'm fractured I'm factoring say it again I'm precious I'm fractured I'm broken bro heal me heal me I receive heavy the oil the only another wine and the way in the muscle myself I will receive I lose all instruction all inch of the Holy Spirit the Holy Mary I'll change my boundaries I'll change my boundary my in and out I in and out I will change I will change you lead the way you lead the way I will follow I will follow give God a shout come on awesome awesome the holy ghost of the mama this paints leaving you to use you afford the paint of all you don't have to carry it anymore the wings of the eagle will pick you up the wings of the eagle will pick you up take you to a desert place and nurture the power on this woman right here amazing amazing where he leaves me I will follow where he leave me [Music] where you're living Oh [Music] come on an edge to crime tonight put your hands up where you lead me [Music] yeah where [Music] we will [Music] away and spirit of the living [Music] Oh yummy [Music] I'll get hit again again help me and hold me [Music] I guess maranatha let it go [Music] Oh [Music] creating mythic partners and motor skills are returning [Music] speaking fluently by Christmas by Christmas speaking come on Phil me [Music] thank you we get there I'll give you my plate he'll eat using free of the mountain create some things on you you get them a [Music] Christmas turkey [Music] come on Mel to me more free come on whoa feel the power the power the power power power power it has wings it's a woman help me tell me tell me tell me tell me see Oh [Music] the Holy Ghost is following up way to this president wait Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the power come on Mouse may melt me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no cancer okay I don't think I hear thirty years he's been good to you with less than your Jackie eight months ago after tonight after I touch you there'll be a day in July I don't know that date but the spirits will tell you now and you go and you will be clean come on give God a shout come on gimme pay Oh the bread on me as we stand tonight hands up a little place your families your husband your wife your children your ex-wives you have foster children you adopted children come on put your hands up let's believe for them tonight as you've been in this atmosphere tonight displace as presence watching God do what God does let's take it back to them back to them master every person representative tonight led to be a stream go back to wherever these people are fathers mothers in-laws grandchildren stepchildren ex-wives ex-husbands cousins and uncles and aunts Oh God let this stream go far beyond the building of words of life penetrate where these people are penetrate into the bars the clubs the nightlife penetrate into this place of loneliness living alone the caregivers oh God we ask that your presence would be unbridled unhindered and unhindered flow going to every dimension somebody's being touched right now just yell out somebody's being touched oh my god by that mighty power by that mighty mighty power by that mighty Holy Spirit but that might be Holy Spirit we thank you dear Jesus oh my that's sad this is going away sweetheart your last day of sad was today it's almost midnight it's the last day of sad do you hear me I mean there's an oil of gladness Hebrews 1:8 an oil of gladness coming on you tonight because you love the Lord and you love his ways he will anoint you with the oil of gladness that's different than the joy of the Lord the all of gladness is vastly different we give you praise we give you praise you'll have everything you need for the vision in your heart that burns bright it hasn't happened the way you thought and the timing of it that means gods get still putting in ideas make good notes expand your vision a lot of this is through technology he's going to show you another way to do what you had planned a better way you will do 10 times greater in the amount of what you had in mind hmm no more camels though it's going to be fast track fast track accelerated impact Wow how's honor again it's on a roll over again Wow okay here we go see I received through me a healing stream of the Holy Spirit over every infected area every organ will give up the cancer all of my bones will expel the cancer and release the inflammation the name of Jesus is echoing through my system the blood of Jesus covers me head to toe and the power of the Holy Ghost shakes me vibrates my tree and shakes me loose of every pain of every disease I will walk out of here among the healed and among the whole in Jesus name give him 30 seconds come on ray [Music] thank you Jesus you know I was just sitting there and I was looking at you all don't don't be here just tonight and think this is it people if I could just impress upon you the healing power of God you should be in it as much as you can do you realize there's a devil out there that wants to take you out that's that he's he's the one carrying the sickness all over the place stay under the anointing get in as many of these meetings as you can because the more you're in that the stronger you get all the time and you remember I remember this little kid look a little young man a little kid running up and down here tonight pain-free so when a pain comes your way say oh no no no he's no respecter persons I get the same thing that boy got when he was going up and down here but take it take it take your stand now and participate in these things so that it grows stronger and stronger and the more you do the more people are going to come and that's what this is all about isn't it let's get them all healed let's make a sham of the devil in Jesus name Amen god bless you you dismiss next Friday Billy is here July 7 all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Words of Life Church TV
Views: 1,523
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wohp, geri, miami, billy, jesse duplantis, Life, fort lauderdale, osteen, stage, healing, teresa, south florida, kenneth copeland, olivia, word of his power, burke, of, bill winston, samuel rodriguez, gloria copeland, God, bible, brim, wol, kcm, words of life, bishop tudor bismark, stanley, jesus, emic, Church, Words, billy graham, moore, religion, christianity, caroline leaf, creative, billy burke, jerry savelle
Id: bUZTbwkD4ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 52sec (11812 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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