Billie Eilish Gets Interviewed By a Robot | Vogue

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you should is creepy Mogu vote way created are curated Billy eyelash Irish I have examined all 170 million search results for Billy Eilish and I have created questions based on these results I'd like to start by saying how much I love your music as well thank you thank you okay so here is the first one what are you like I think that's up to everybody else in deciding I'm like well what do you like haha question two what are you missing out on mm I mean how would I know cuz I'm missing out so I don't even know what it is I just think I'm missing out on um maybe I mean for me I feel like the things I'm I'm missing out on are very like not overall things are like specific things that I always wanted to do like for instance I always wanted to work at Jamba Juice I got on I guess to something I wanted to do I wanted to work it for your nose those were the jobs I saw myself having and enjoying I always wanted to like go get gas by myself you know go I always wanted to like go get groceries for my mom stuff like that but of course I could do it just would be different than if I you know it wouldn't be the same I could do it it's just like you know what I mean so it's a lot of stuff in the bigger picture I don't know what I'm missing out on you tell me I don't know what am i what am I missing out on let me know I want to know interesting and artificial intelligence misses out on the same things yeah the AI is definitely missing out on that same stuff next question who consumed so much of your power in one go say it again it sounded good who consume so much of your power in one go that's a great way to put that see if I name here's the thing it's like if you don't tell somebody how they're affecting you you should know if you're treating somebody terribly but it's like sometimes you just are completely blind I have treated people like sometimes and the only way that I could realize that if this is is when I stepped back or this person told me that I was being this way and you you know it's interesting so I feel like the people that I like have what was it drained my power or whatever I can't really be mad because I let them I don't know maybe that's wrong but that's that's how I feel right now how much of the world is out of date ha out of date like out of like like should be left in the old days right sure I'm assuming that's what you're talking about a lot of stuff politics baby these old motel it make the cities for us I don't understand it calling woman's less is out of date you know what I mean shaming people for wearing what they want is out of date Shh you know calling every black artist urban is out of date genres are out of date I feel like a lot of stuff I wish was out of date is not what used to be a pretty big deal to you these are good I like this um a pretty big deal you know I remember when I hit 13 followers on Instagram I was out of my mind I was so pumped and then I remember getting forty likes on a picture and that was like the biggest deal to me ever pretty big deal was there a point where you decided you'd rather look up to the sky or the Internet you know what there actually was kind of a point I was 13 and we were staying in this house on Lake George which was just like land and then a lake there was this one night where we walked like down this little there was like this little path you know how la you can't see stars my whole family we all lay down on the rocks and we just looked up at the stars and I just stared at them and I had this feeling that they were all falling on me like I don't know what I like my brain just was like I don't know it was so beautiful and I feel like that just made me like God I want to be looking at the sky I want to look up not down do you ever wear headphones with sounds and them what other type of headphones are there yeah I do I guess you don't huh there is no need to be rude I mean that's a stupid question give bad answers get bad questions it's gone how does it feel knowing your feelings have garnered as much attention it's hard to describe the feeling huh you really stumped me it's crazy to be heard it's really crazy to be heard I think so much of our tortures as human beings is not being heard do you want to go back to being anonymous here's something no did an experiment I was with a friend of mine and she was like should we go get dinner to go get dinner it's like kind of a hassle now because all of these things are involved and so I was like why don't I try to like disguise myself and so I put on a wig I put on just a hoodie and like a little like bow on my head and some jeans and I went out and I hated it I hated it it's so up I just I just didn't like it I was like I don't people aren't nice to me now but I think mainly it's that I wouldn't want to not be me I think that's what it is it's not like I want to suddenly be somebody who isn't me and be anonymous I want to be Who I am and that means that I have to feed this way and like live this life and I'm actually fine with that I can also say that now because I used to hate the out of it like I hated his life and now I don't I hope that doesn't come off as cocky I think I hope that it comes off as like grateful like I have an incredible life so no I don't want to be anonymous have you ever seen the ending what have a scene ending no no I have not seen the ending the well you've given me a lot to think about this concludes the question and answer portion of this interview but Billy I have a bit of a surprise for you I've created an original song using the data set of all your lyrics every single song ha ha yes kind of embarrassing but I would like you to read it great ok I'm kind of nervous I put together a backing track if that's cool song title six feet well in training I disembowel every time I use my reason and I love it you without a reason am i long enough or am I glad you're gay but 9 times you never made it out of sight I watched them both the other way I cannot stand another day we droned down on each other axe tales told blow awake to the hunger merchants but now I'm punched in the face I can't stand another day ok how did I do well it doesn't make sense and I don't see any like structure and give it like a like a 6 not bad you know because it's still interesting it's got like elements of like huh definitely not worried about my profession I am Not Afraid of you my friend I do think it's really impressive though a computer made up those lines which is very impressive but they're nothing good okay all good it's just a hobby did you like my questions though I like them I like how like abstract they work feel like a lot of questions are very specific and I like that those what kind of could mean a lot of different things I've been asked the same question a lot of times kind of in like different ways but it's like still the same question you start to memorize your answer cuz like what are you supposed to do you get the same question how are you supposed to answer it differently if you're the same person with the same ideas you can't really so you kind of have to just say the same thing but I realized recently that my tastes have changed some of my opinions have changed but because I have these answers memorized sometimes I catch myself saying the same thing I've always said but I'm actually like wait wait wait like I don't even feel this way anymore going on tour next month my brain wants me to be like oh I'm dreading it it's gonna be terrible that but I'm actually excited for tour it's just that I got so used to dreading it what's nice about this is it mr. AI is not trying to cause anything he's just wandering he just wants to know but I appreciate you I appreciate you for not judging me and not trying to get something out of me to cause some sort of heat all over the Internet I appreciate it even though I'll probably get in trouble for saying something in this that people will take out of context never know so Thank You Billy I look forward you adding your responses to your 170 million search results I feel like we had okay by ow
Channel: Vogue
Views: 4,642,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billie eilish, billie eilish vogue, billie eilish interview, billie eilish robot, billie eilish ai, billie eilish ai interview, billie eilish robot interview, billie eilish vogue interview, billie eilish clothing, billie eilish style, billie eilish funny, billie, eilish, billie eilish vogue cover, vogue billie eilish, billie eilish artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, ai, robot, ai bot, ai robot, robot interviews billie eilish, vogue
Id: K0c94ghBS4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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