Bill Wiese Answers Atheists (ETV Excerpt)

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we're going to take some questions now from atheists and skeptics for our brother bill Wiese here and rather bill you just feel free to take as much time as you want to answer them and here's the first question we have here and it's called the double binds take a look at this you claim that God sent you down there in order to prove the terribleness of Hell taking a quote from a past interview you said that he wanted people to know God is omniscient and omnipotent he could have easily shown everyone this experience and then the message would have been given to the entire population if the end goal of this experience was to spread the truth and why did he not do that you may answer with God loves us in order for a love to be true we must have faith in Him he does not directly prove himself to everyone and we have free will so that our love is true is it not a violation of this for him to prove himself to you faith is made obsolete and in essence your love becomes manufactured so why would God do this it is in stark contrast with the very reason God made us and it accomplishes nothing in order for your story to have any believability you must break this double bind first of all God is not proving anything to me I was already a Christian that's the difference he's thinking I was unsaved so God had to prove that there's a hell for me and why should he do that I think that's what he's thinking yeah but I was already a Christian and this is a vision and God is fulfilling Scripture because in acts 2:17 he says in the last days your old men will dream dreams your young men will be visions so God is fulfilling his word by allowing people to have dreams and visions this was out of body experience that we classified as a vision in the Bible and there's 34 different visions in the Bible and 35 different dreams so dreams and visions are all through the Bible so God is fulfilling his word he's not trying to prove his word he's fulfilling it okay so that's number one number two God is not going to get show hell to everybody because he could do that easily and split the sky and appear but again people need to be saved by faith and he gives enough evidence of himself that he's real through creation in Romans 1 he said his evidence the evidence of God is obvious through design there must be a designer so he deels himself through creation and he's not going to show anybody hell an innocence of a person that's not saved for them to get saved now there are some people that he has given a dream or vision about hell that are not saved but it's usually people that are seeking him they're wanting an answer because job 33 says he even gives man dreams and visions to keep back his soul from the pit so he will give a man a dream or vision if that person is seeking Him wants to know the truth like the guy in the jungle that never heard the gospel he looks up to the heavens and says there must be a god look at all this design everywhere Lord who are you I want to know you God will find a way you'll get a Bible to that man or he'll get a missionary to him or he'll see it on TV or radio or he'll give him a dream revision or it's a person that maybe a parent is praying for them their kid is rebellious and the parent is praying diligently for them to get saved God may give them a vision or a dream about Hell but in general he's not going to give all of population the vision of hell because we're all saved by faith and it doesn't violate that with you because you were already a bully exactly I was already a believer I think that's an excellent answer so that's clear I find most atheists just bad theologians well he just probably didn't realize that I was also already a believer yeah I think it's a good question okay so here's a question now on perception in your experience you stated that you saw large reptiles jail cells in fire these are all very human in common one thinks about punishment and evil using Scripture how do you show that it is more likely that this was real not just a hallucination please provide a full please provide the full passages and explain why the shows that it must be true and because everything is perception how really felts not hold any relevance well I listed 250 verses in my second book called Hell separate the truth from fiction so I've got all the scriptures documented in the book but just to give a sample prison cells Isaiah 24 22 proverbs 7 27 job 17 16 Jonah 2 6 that's just a few about prison cells there's many scriptures on fire Psalms 11:6 sounds 140 verse 10 Matthew 13:49 Isaiah 33 12 through 14 I could go and quote them all but for times sake I'm just going to give the address and so everything I saw is already in the Bible demons being torment tormenting people more torment I'll just maybe I'll just rattle off a few of those so they can be happy Matthew 18 34 mentions being delivered to the tormentors Luke 12:47 says you'll be beaten with many stripes or beaten with you who's doing the beating psalms 50 verse 22 you that forget God you will be torn to pieces Matthew 24 51 I will cut them in pieces where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth sums 116 3 the pains of she all have gotten hold upon me I found trouble and sorrow Amos 5:18 and 19 for what good is a day of the Lord to you Judgment Day it'll be darkness and as a man fled from a lion and a bear met him job 33 22 his soul draws near - she ole and his life to the destroyers Psalms 141 7 their bones are scattered at she holes mouth somes 49:14 their beauty shall consume away from their dwelling some 3210 many sorrows shall be to the wicked some 78 49 I will cast my wrath upon them by sending evil angels among them just give two more Deuteronomy 32 22 says for a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn into the lowest hell they shall be burnt with hunger and devoured with burning heat and bitter destruction I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them with poison of serpents of the dust in Psalm 74 21 more some 74 24 the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty and the word cruelty there in the original we look it up in the Strong's it's the word Hamas we've all heard that word before right Hamas they say it's the most violent word in the Hebrew language well that's what you're experiencing in hell I think he answered the question would you say that was excellent so I think you answered that's what he wanted from Scripture okay so here's another one pertaining to strength being that strength is an attribute of God and hell contains none of God's attributes how could the demons have strength your previously stated that you lost strength so why didn't the demons they cannot be severed from this rule because God's essence is completely absent in hell so how can this be coherent because demons are separate the whole Bible deals with man it's to do with man not to do with demons now there's comments about demons and for us to understand and know that they exist but the Bible is concentrated on man so God deals with demons separately and demons have great strength we know because mark fight for the demoniac running through the tombs it said he broke chains so we know he was possessed with a legion of demons so we know he had great strength from demons angels have great strength Psalms 103 20 and 2nd Peter 2:11 says angels have great strength well demons are fallen angels so they still have their strength because they're not dealt with yet because they're dealt with in revelation 20:10 where it says Satan and his demons are cast into the lake of fire at Judgment Day but until then they are on the earth revelation 12:4 and they're in hell and Isaiah 12 through 14 says Lucifer was cast down to Sheol that's the current hell Sheol to the sides of the pit so there's demons and hell demons on the earth and God hasn't dealt with them yet they'll be dealt with later at Judgment Day so right now remember Jesus was casting on a demon in matthew 829 and the demon said to him have you come to torment us before the time what time was he talking about the time we talking about was revelation 20:10 at Judgment Day they'll be dealt with and cast in the lake of fire but until then they have rain on the earth they can torment people and they still have their strength I think it's a perfect segue into this next question because you talk about demons being in Hell now we didn't get to touch much on it you talked about being under the earth well you you you have shown through scripture that hell is located in the center of the earth that's it yes you said okay so someone has a question on hell's law occasion this is question number four about hell's location how do you justify that hell is physically an earth when it is mathematically proven that Earth is not home doubt also in scientists study of the Earth's composition they would have noticed that by now if you are going to justify with Scripture it house it more likely that hell is literally there rather than descent and the terms used in the Bible we're just figurative language or used in relations to the placement of the tomb well first of all I justify it becomes scripture does there's forty nine scriptures that talk about where the current hell is almost every commentary and every great leader of the past and present all believe that hell is currently in the center of the earth that goes across the board for almost everybody but the scripture so clear I'll just give a couple Ezekiel twenty six twenty says when when I shall descend into the lower parts of there of the earth in places desolate of old with them that go down into the pit and the word pit there is the word Sheol so it's talking about descending down into the earth and then number sixteen thirty-two mentions that the earth opened her mouth and swallow up the all these men and it said the earth open her mouth and they were swallowed up and went down alive into she ol so they went down in the earth down to Sheol Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth in Matthew 12:40 it says that he spent three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and in First Samuel 28 14 when Samuel was coming up by the Witch of Endor had come up it said he ascended up out of the earth he was coming out of Abraham's bosom which hell was separated by a gulf fixed then you know it was paradise was on the one side and a the suffering of Hell was on the other side and it said it was separated by a gulf fixed in Luke 16 remember the Luke 16 Abraham said that you're separated by a gulf fix and the word gulf is the word gorge it says a deep gorge in the earth separated the two so it's an actual geographical location because it was separated from a gulf he could see a cross he said I look across and could see Abraham in his bosom so it is actually down deep in the earth and there's so many verses that make it clear that that's where it's currently at and then death and hell deliver up the dead that are in them and revelation 20:13 at Judgment Day but right now people are down deep in the earth the scripture is really clear on that if you read all 49 of them absolutely but but also the point I want to make is that hell the the reason he's thinking that scientists say that you know the earth is he said the earth is solid in the center hole go right well first of all scientists are not positive about anything about the earth they assume that that's what it's like because they can only dig down nine miles deep and it's 4,000 miles down so there's no way they can know absolutely what's down in the earth they can assume what's there by God that the gases that come up and they they guessed and estimate what it is and they say the very center is solid but then they say around the center is a liquid so it could be in the liquid area it doesn't mean it's right in the center could be down in a liquid area and they don't even know that it's solid for certain they can't say that was certainly because no wooden can dig down into the earth
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Keywords: jesus, christ, david, diga, hernandez, holy, spirit, holy spirit, presence of god, god, ministry, ministries, healing ministry, healing, miracle, miracles, miraculous, faith, supernatural, revival, anointing, power, youth, prophet, prophecy, prophetic, encounter tv, fire of god, evangelist, evangelism, power of god miracles, healing miracles in jesus name, miracle healing caught on tape, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, kathryn kuhlman miracles, healing evangelist, glory of god
Id: oj7QX0uPOOQ
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Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2013
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