Bikepacking on an e-Bike | BGB Buffalo | Stealth Hammock Camp | Woodland Cooking | Wild Camping

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come on [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] well this is great and welcome to another video try not to keep looking at you because I've got to keep my arm in the past but I'm out on my e-bike today it's the big game Bike Buffalo 2 and it's just fantastic I'm out for all a bike packing camp and I've just fully loaded this bike I'll go through what I've got quite soon but uh I did a recce a couple of weeks ago on a bit of Woodland quite close it wasn't too shaky and I'm I'm just about there now but I'm just making my way down this hill now the bike's been fantastic going up the hills and uh yeah it's just great it's a full UK legal bike which means it's got certain restricted output and it doesn't have a you know free throttle where you can just power away and I just love it um I'm not into e-bikes as such because I do think the there's a lot of unnecessary carving up at the countryside but I think this one it's got very very fat tires I'm not going to take it off track so I've got this really nice it's almost a metal Road a lot of it but it's certainly gravel track and I know I'm not doing any sort of harm to the environment with this um and yeah there's also a place obviously near bikes for people that um you can't use normal bikes can't get out which I do obviously support but generally I'm a little bit against them but this you know I'm going to keep it on the paths and it's just great fun anyway I'm nearly having a little bit of wood now oh I hope this is working all right straighten you out hopefully in post-production and uh we'll see what's in store for us here a bit of cooking I've got my Firebox with me but I've also got a gas stove so let's check you out there I'll suss out uh how it all looks underfoot have a good dig around and decide what sort of cooking method I'm going to use but I'm really looking forward to this and we're going to try a hammock camp you know me and Alex right gotta ride 200 otherwise I'm straightening you all the time but I'll speak to you when I'm at the place [Applause] so this is the bike look at the size of the tires on that I've got some front panniers here in here I've got a sleeping bag well my sleeping quilt and I've also got a quilt for the hammock and in there is my hammock and a tarp got all my electrics here I've got my seat all my knives and fire lighting equipment in here in the meatball camera equipment I've got some camo netting just slips a little bit just under the see some in there and some here it's going to be a real stealth Camp more camera equipment see how if I didn't film this see how light I'd be and some food and on my back there we are I've got quite a bit more equipment which I'll of course go through and hitting here is my little bit of Woodland that I found it's a mixture of Pine and Broad Leaf I didn't want to go into a Pine Forest although there's plenty here because over the years you can get a bed of pine needles which can go about two or three feet thick and if you're thinking about having any sort of fire other than using a gas stove then you've got to really dig down to be ultra safe so I picked a broadleaf wood I'm going to have a really good dig down where I'm decided to set up my camp and if I'm not satisfied that it isn't safe to use the Firebox then of course I'm not going to use it but that's the reason I picked a broad leaf um you can see from here that um it goes down a very Steep Hill so any Walker that's on this track all going away on this track here is going to have a pretty good well you know a pretty good job trying to see me because literally you have to walk right across to the edge and halfway down the embankment to see if there's anyone there so I'm actually not that bothered so I'm gonna get my stuff off it hide it put a camera net on it and then set up camp well well into these Woods it's just going to be fantastic okay so now that the bite's obviously much lighter I'm going to move it into a little dip down here and cover it in camera netting and hopefully it'll be nice and safe for the night inside I've hidden my bike and hopefully here's a screen sharp now um a cutaway to how camouflaged I've made my bike and I've come deep into the woods now and found well there's just countless trees to use for Hammock Camping but the main thing with this is to obviously find some trees about I don't know 16 Paces I make it which is sort of foot end to foot end as the sort of Ideal distance whereas you don't get too much of a sag on the hammock there and the other thing really importantly is to look upwards because that's where the widowmakers come from and it's to make sure that there's no sort of dead standing branches that are just propped up on the neighboring tree that with a gust of wind could come down so there's nothing there hopefully first thing I'm gonna do is put up the hammock I haven't put it up for a couple of years so I've got to teach myself how to do that and I'm going to sort of drape a camo net over the top of it using a ridge line foreign so that's the hammer cup now I've used those tree huggers and then I've got some dyneema what are they called again continuous loops can't so long since I've camped with the hammock I can't remember the name of that modification I put to sling The Hanger up hammock up I've used some homemade Marlin spikes to connect the name of that thing which I'll put up there to the hammock and it it now it drapes really nice and level it's a nice distance off the ground I've sat on it and it seems fine so now I've just got this Hank of paracord now and I'm going to put up a ridge line so I can put a camo net over me always have a stick handy and in your pocket for this bit because you can make your Ridge line Anchor Point and then you realize I've gotten the thing to put to stop the loop going through and then you have to bend down and get a tree and get a twig and it all comes uh crashing down so here we go so this is my setup I've got it open at this side because the foot path well it's not a footpath but the farm path is on the other side of the hammock so I want that bit to be lower and I also want to be able to see out a little bit rather than have the camo net draped all over me so this is what we have and I'll come and have a look from the path and see how camouflaged it is but I know it's not quite the brown colors that we've got predominantly in this wood but let's uh go back uh 50 yards or so and have a look and see here how well it's hidden well I'm over there you can just see it but I'm not even a quarter of the way back to the farm track yet so I'm really confident that that's nicely hidden I can get on with the rest of the evening that's a under quilt from Ginge and you notice that I'll just have it sagging and that's it doesn't need to be tied up against the hammock because what you want to do is when you're lying in it is have an inch or two of three air well air space so that you don't crush the down so I'll maybe adjust it a little later to see how it does and make and it doesn't need to cover your whole body either so this is just sort of my shoulders and uh it'll go um to about halfway down my legs which is absolutely fine and I've got my Enlightened Equipment quilt which I love I'm just going to make the foot box up and I don't think I'm going to be cold just a quick run through the gear that I bought about five liters of water I've got my sip pad I've got an empty water bottle there I guess I get caught short in the night got my chair I've got a lovely cast iron pan food more food in there I've got my fire steel hand wipes and some coffee sachets got Ginger's utility pouch a scarf bug net and another jacket in case I get cold I've got my homemade tarp just in case I um needed a bit of weather protection but I don't just some bags that the stuff came in I've got a jetboil stove which I'm going to shortly make a cup of tea on teapot titanium plate some hand warmers ingredients gloves here's my pillow which I'm going to use now The Chopping board and in the crossbar I've got my Barco saw wash bag more a knife and some smidge oh I'm not forgetting look at this underneath this is my pouch made by Ed from Easy Woodland crafts which is housing my gifted lovely titanium Firebox stove which I'll show you shortly but I'm going to use some gas now to get a cup of tea on the go just getting down to that is really just Earth as opposed to any pine needles and there it actually feels wet to the touch which is important you might need to get a decent space all around so I'm happy that that's a nice safe area for a Firebox so I've got down to the clay now this is called a jet boil stash it's pretty neat but I did though I thought it had a self igniter on it but it doesn't which is a bit disappointing never mind I am prepared I like that it's really nice and secure it's got these this is the heat exchanger and it also fits neatly into these knurled bits on the stove so can't actually shift from side to side neat little setup thank you snip that stew for a couple of minutes well welcome back and cheers oh it's nothing like that well what a place I've found it's so far away from any roads that's just absolutely no traffic noise um I think it's a reasonably busy track in the week behind me because they're a lot of pine forests which they obviously Harvest but at this time it's bank holiday and I haven't seen a soul it's just brilliant this this is wood Woodland I say um mixture of Pine and broadleaf trees and it's just ideal it's it's sloping but it's got these lovely little plateaus as you go down so I found a nice flat bit to um make my camp so yeah it's just a great little piece of Woodland you can now see that the area I am has got some lovely Hills in the background it's a mixture of pine Woodland and some tracks going through and every softener a woodpecker which is just lovely I'm not going to show Gathering wood chopping wood and that sort of thing there's tons and tons of dead stunning wood um lots of little stalks coming off these Fallen pine trees as well which means I could be able to get some fat wood that I can use throughout the year got my Barco good old head again made me the sheath for that and just look at this okay and in here I have got something I've always wanted and I know I'm being a bit uh well doing most over this service but I've always wanted one of these titanium Bushcraft Essentials Firebox and this is the Firebox XL I believe titanium and I'm going to be using that to come to the cooking later I don't want the light to fade it's wow some really long bites but I'm in Woodland so I'm mindful that the um light doesn't last as long as it would if I'm out in the open so I'm going to gather up some wood and then um get this fire going and we'll do some cooking and this is the ingredients for tonight got the amazing Tomahawk Steak just a mixture of salt and pepper in there some Rosemary some Vine Tomatoes a couple of full garlic bulbs and loads of butter now I'll close the comment section if anyone says anything about that I might even need more garlic now just keep toasting it and basting it yeah 10 or 15 minutes and then it'll be ready for the next stage I'm just getting all this garlic you're pressing it into the steak and filling it the flavor of the Rosemary and the garlic pop it in there for a moment pop the grill on I think that's done and what I'm going to do now is just pop it in some silver foil there let it relax I'll come back to that do some tomatoes right turn to Plate up in his mistake a little Scooby Snack put that there got this lovely garlic Bits good job I'm not in the miracle homeless evening keep that nice and clean and then I'm not going to manage that well I have to use a spoon some tomatoes on the side what about that I'm going to be absolutely honest with you this is take two I cut into the steak and although it was juicy tender it was just a bit too mooing for me I'm afraid so I've tried to what I've done I'll put it back on the pan for a little bit and I've let it relax and I've tried to make it look as though it hasn't been hacked and actually I've not done a bad job but let's to be honest about these things so I think what I did was I didn't baste it for long enough in that deep sort of butter bath and I should have done that for another five or ten minutes on the grilling should should be nothing more than just a bit of charring on the surface so it should be cooked through really with that butter technique but you live and learn just get a nice bit here hopefully yeah a few that's how I like my steak nice and juicy nice and pink but it was just a little bit jelly-like so that's good for me let's give it a go oh it is so tender nice garlic on some nice garlic in there now oops [Applause] now that is a steak let's be honest about these things it's just how I like it now juicy pink oh I was hoping we had some deer coming over but it's some cows that have got uh very close to the fence probably smelled this sorry cannibalism bit of tomato oh very nearly just plugged on with that steak as it was and just thought actually no I just would be pretending to enjoy it a bit more than I was for the camera and so it's just right now and I'll get on with this get the kettle on and I'll speak to you in a little bit and it's hot chocolate time [Applause] I quite often like finishing off a evening meal with a bit of cheese and biscuits if possible and a couple of things I've got to tell you about here um one is this mango chutney um if you ever go to bernsel Just near me in Yorkshire Dales you want to go to a cafe called The Wharf View cafe it's just fantastic um if you go there on a Saturday you'll get an extremely handsome waiter but they make this mango chutney and I don't know how they do it but it's just got a tiny bit of sort of spiciness to it it's got so many flavors and it's just delicious I'm gonna have a little bit now the picture and there's the wolf View cafe mango chutney so get yourself down there get some of the um really good home cooked food made on premises and yeah it's this is good stuff [Applause] hmm and the other thing is that my really good friends Sally and I great YouTube supporters a great Pals um they sent me this hot honey and it's just brilliant it's it's sort of a chili infused honey and uh it's got a really good kick to it and it goes perfectly with cheese and biscuits cheese no cakes whatever and there you go thanks Sal and I your pals and thanks for this really really good oh it packs a bunch of that chili well what a great evening um cows have managed to get through somehow so they're kind of looking at me from the very bottom of the Forest which is a little bit disconcerting but I'm sure they mean no harm I've got my little candle going as a little Lantern and I've had a good clear up it was a bit like a teenager's bedroom so all ready for the morning and I'm just going to chill out for a little bit it's that's quarter to ten already but uh I'll just chill out whilst the light Fades and get into the hammock and give this a go those of you that followed the channel for a while know that this sort of Hammock Camping doesn't generally suit me I don't get a very good night's sleep if at all sometimes but I'm going to give it another go if it doesn't work this time I'm gonna start saving my pennies for one of these mock drama um hammocks where you can sleep across the line of the ridge line so you get and you can do a sort of a flatbed as well so I think Simon's got one I think he's used it quite recently um so I'm I'd like to get one of those one day but I think they're about I think about 500 quid which is a lot of money for a hammock but there you go anyway great meal really enjoyed my cheese and biscuits really enjoyed being out and uh and I particularly enjoy sharing it with you so I'll get to bed very shortly and speak to you in the morning good night not a very nice sight for you all I'm afraid lovely it's most perfectly quiet night and just lovely bird song this morning um sleep wise about a few of me um about four and a half five hours they're not great can't get comfortable really that was warm and I was out so that's the main thing and it's time to get the fire going and get some breakfast on [Applause] my wife's saying just checking you're alive I'm happy with that and just put this sandwich bit I've got some golden syrup and plunk that'll do me nicely and that's what it's all about let's have a text from my wife saying am I alive that's to check these things very much so all right I'll finish this back up camp and I'll have a word with you before I go [Music] foreign ready for the off I've got the bike packed up a lot better than coming here but then again I've eaten all the food and I've used loads of stuff so it's really not unexpected but absolutely brilliant really enjoyed it I hope you did I've left absolutely no Trace I doused the fire I've um covered it up hopefully you can see here that there's no signs of the ever being a fire at all and the bike was still there and crack it was well camouflaged brilliant and what a day we have today how about that bright blue skies and there is my trusty steed and hopefully it'll take me back about six miles home I think great stuff so I hope you enjoyed the video please the usual subscribe and like these videos please try and make a comment I really do appreciate feedback something you'd like to see something you see less of that sort of thing but main thing is just give it a thumbs up um seem to Plateau a little bit on the channel I mean I'm really pleased with the amount of subscriptions I've got but it would be nice for those to climb but for now been good to see you I look forward to seeing you again foreign
Channel: Richard Outdoors
Views: 11,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bAbote2YTSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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