Bike Unit Ride Along! | ELPD Vlog #3

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good morning today is LPD vlog number three the exciting day the bike unit is doing a ride they've also got some training this morning so we're going to head in get geared up and tag along with them and kind of show you what the bike unit does here at ELP D so officer Steven is all geared up you want to tell us kind of some of the differences between a regular patrol officers uniform and then bike officer's uniform well our bike uniform includes a bike helmet for safety we do wear some biking gloves if we're on the bike for a long time it helps with protecting your hands etc from the grip of a high-visibility shirt as well as a high-visibility jacket in order for other people to see us while we're riding down the roadway but our jacket also can be reversed into like a darker color navy blue just to kind of something right around a nice time deal or a little bit more discreet if we're looking for criminal activity so basically our uniform is the same as a regular Road patrol officer we have a Taser so regular duty flashlight radio so we can call our dispatch center and other officers pepper spray our firearm and handcuffs there's nothing different between the tool Carrie we do still wear a bulletproof vest as well we also have short is the biggest perk that's why everyone to join the bus when I ride the bike tune up the alerts and get wear shoes instead of some heavy boots so what do you normally wear for shoes when you're on regular Patrol aa regular Patrol kind of wear like a more of a tactical style boot so on the bike you get to wear something a little lighter let's go have some fun going to be a good day it's nice out 85 and Sun that's I find us to go out there first so off to be the stations that should be able to be set up and we're kind of combat stuff [Music] [Music] okay so we are out here at the softball complex getting ready to do some training sergeant pride here he's in charge of the bike unit he's going to kind of explain what our certification entails and how someone becomes a bike officer dyrdek Lansing all of our police officers that are trained to ride bicycles provide Drive Kimbo which is the international police mountain bike Association these officers have gone through a 40-hour training where they get hands-on as far as riding as well as in a classroom certification course which you can see set up behind me consists of three different scenarios as far as our officers and how they're selected to be like officers I'm looking for proactive officers the ones that go out there and they work 100% every day I want officers that are going to be out there with the community are able to talk to people and to interact not only in a social aspect but also if it comes to the technical work that they're doing they're able to interact with us with the community as well like officers pretty much do the same thing that our patrol officers do they go on calls for service they take reports they make traffic kind of like one of those things that you give them a little bit of change not just the monotony of being in a patrol car making traffic stops going for calls you know you put them on the bike and it's just something different break your wake up work we go okay so officer Stephen also informally titled bike master extraordinaire can you walk us through the kind of bike that we right here at HPD it's different than a regular bike you just buy the store there's some extra equipment right yeah some extra equipment this is just a standard a mountain bike however we do have it equipped with some lights right away we did make a traffic stop possibly or just so people are aware that we are driving in the roadway it's also the light for at nighttime because you're acquired to ride with like tonight we have a bag on the back where we carry some equipment with us I got my cell phone we got a pump for our tire tubes sunny island daytime take a book in case you want to break the law right here we have a first aid kit okay so anyone need some first aid we're ready to respond and you provide some first aid cool all right thank you well see you through this course right now do the Box do the box [Music] we [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey everybody dr. Stephen we're downtown East Lansing we're going to go over some bike safety tips this is where we see a lot of issues with bike safety between bicycles motorists pedestrians all right we're going to turn over to start McBride now the most common violations that we see occur down in East Lansing is people running stop signs and red lights when you come to a red light you have to come to a complete stop and stop until that light change to green and you come to a stop sign you have to come to a complete stop for that stop sign before proceeding and it's no different than in a car where you wait if somebody comes to a stop first you wait until that car precedes through and then you follow through with your direction of travel that you're going we do recommend the bicyclists ride in the road and ride to the farthest right of the plan if you do decide to ride on the sidewalk which there's no law and state of Michigan that states you cannot you must ride a bicycle on a sidewalk at a safe speed and that safe speed is basically walking speed of a pedestrian pedestrian has the right away so promoters that are on the road if you are passing a bicyclist that is in the roadway please pass as far left as you can as possible if you have to slow down and as soon as the lane is open for you to pass that bicyclist go ahead and pass that bicycle if you end up coming to a stop sign in or making a right turn you need to make sure you look to your right to make sure that there's not a place book that's coming up on the right side of you we don't want an accident where place for a car turns in front of place post which is the most common accident that we see involving bicyclists and vehicles we're going to get back to some of our bike training and for that I'm going to pass you on to Officer Stephen so what's the plan officer see all right we're going go as some farmer and go right down those steps I don't know ah [Music] [Music] so like Sergeant pride said it's the responsibility of a motorist driving a car and a bicyclist riding a bicycle to keep themselves safe and keep each other stayed do you have to follow these rules whether you're in a car or on a bicycle downtown East Lansing is where we see a lot of these violations and a lot of accidents so follow these rules tell your friends share this video and let's try and prevent actions from happening downtown [Music]
Channel: East Lansing Police
Views: 152,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police vlog, police, police officer, police department, vlog, bike unit, bike patrol, police bike, bike safety, east lansing, east lansing police, elpd
Id: 5_oIRmyruTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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