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in the spots hey first first thing 27 hey we matched something no way oh my gosh 33 match baby match match match already all right money bag oh buddy guys i did not just get two next to each other i got two next to each other so we got a ton of requests to do one of our old school lottery videos and we went out and stepped it up and bought 300 worth of lottery tickets here and we did a little bit of research we checked the website and only got the tickets and none of the top prizes have been hit yet to give ourselves the best chance two ten dollar ones and 31 in the back let's split them in half and see who could win more which of course is obviously gonna be not you me i was going to say yours truly me stop misleading people and let's play this game and watch me done let's go all right i'm going to be starting first with these 10 windfall tickets brand new ticket and the top prize is half a million let's see i got four of these so we gotta go here and reveal a little stack of cash one prize show so can we get a quick 50 no should we get a quick hundred no what about a quick whatever that was 500 no all right let's play the actual game now so this ticket i think like literally just came out like a week or two ago so all the prizes are here we got 26 55 49 32 34. what number i have to win on uh i forgot numbers come on nine okay 25 no 23 yeah we still can support each other 49 no winner 37 no what about a 33 no one off though they love their one-offs their favorite thing to do all right what about a 22 nope what about a 12 no and a 19 no we have a nine what about 20 29 too they love to play with my emotions they do 15 no they get a thrill off this what if there's hidden cameras in here they watch people get mad i wouldn't even doubt it let's see 18 and two no wins they're like guys it's working 36 and 38 i would not be surprised either they're getting irritated i would not be surprised 44 no last row down here a 53 no win a three no win a 28 my favorite lucky number how much would i won a hundred bucks no no win 35 and lastly and eight my other lucky number let's see let's look for a letter we gotta find the letters the d means dummy you lost d is one of the losing letters for you those of you not in virginia yeah d z and those keep i don't know that'll say q d z p let's see if we can win the fast cash this time no no and no all right let's go to the real game we're getting it this time hey it's okay oh look my first number is number eight you see i'm gonna win this yeah we got a lot of tickets this time it sounded fun we were talking about in our live stream yesterday and you know we haven't done one in a while i have 8 44 47 27 53 and 42. let's see if we can hit one of these numbers 48 did i just say 48 no of course not i said 44 47 42 trolled what about 36 no a 51 also no let's scratch two at a time nine and twenty eight oh i just got excited cause i remember saying my lucky number but it was eight not twenty eight so no wins there next row it's three and twenty four nope what about fifteen or fifty four i also know a 29 no why can't we get lucky well we're only two tickets in i can't say that yeah 11.25 we have 11 tickets each that's a new record and they're big tickets too yes 45 and 19. no 300 on the line one so far we've recovered zero yeah nothing i need to pick up the face here 21 and 49 nothing come on about 12 and 22 also nothing last spot oops i scratched too high as you're looking number 13. no whoa it's a loser a d again for dummy i was saying that's not nice all right we're halfway through my windfall tickets let's see if we can get this one let's get that 50 dollar bonus no color nope in now all right that means we're gonna win on the main game come on 23 31 34 18 54 and 37. let's do this we need to win we're gonna do two at a time again two and thirty two of course one off no matches 41 and 14 nothing you know it's harder for me to go against you right why you want to cheer for me just cheer for me well i want to cheer for you because if you win that means we get more money more money back yeah and if you lose then we're losing money i guess 39 and one you just pull from me 24 no as long as i get the same treatment of course okay why that's only 25 16. i think it's just what you're hearing it's not sarcasm 11 and 36 no where's my win at i am due for a win 44 no 53 33 nope what about 46 and 42 also nope last one is a 13 again how about i end both of those things there's my z this is a loser what are the odds on this ticket out of curiosity where is it do you see it anymore i think it's all the way at the bottom is it all the way at the bottom yeah odds and one in six point four five that's rough odds for ten dollar tickets usually they're like one in four i know i guess that's why they have a lot of top prizes on this one let's go for the 50 cash no more top prizes than usual i think so i think usually they have like three or four this one's like 12 i think if it's the right ticket i'm thinking of but it's only half a million instead of a million winning numbers are 18 to 48 32 46 and 27. this is my last windfall ticket if i don't win then you know you got yourself at least one win on this team yeah that's not yeah well that means i have a winner 5 and 47 which is good for both of us i guess 8 and 22 no what about 16 also no what about 20 or 26 no am i gonna lose all of these we have 10 and 43 no winner 21 no winner come on i'm almost done with all of these 24 9 nothing 33 and 41. uh we also got nothing what about 35 no we're all at the bottom of the ticket and we still don't have a win yet last row 49 and 29 nothing 7 and 15 nothing and lastly is a 12 really did i lose all four straight where's my letter there's my d for being a dummy well this is a good session 40 bucks straight down the dream all year one falls were losers all right now we're going to the next 10 ticket again this is a reused ticket they just printed new ones of these but there's no top prizes i've been hit yet top prize is a million dollars 20 times the money i think i got five of these right i think uh yeah let's get it 45 12 36 29 and 26. i thought okay i thought i said 26 twice oh wait a second no 36 and 26. so let's do two at a time again 21-7 nothing 30 and 18 nothing these odds by the way are one in 3.65 much better yes 18 and 19 no what about six and 25 that's break even prizes oh yeah of course no 44 and 16 no i'm not having much luck tonight let's hear the other odds 23 odds of winning top prize what ticket is this this is the one you're scratching one in 1 million 750 4 400 sounds about right 22 and 14 no 43 and 24 also no 35 no either can i just get something can i at least break even once 8 and 15 no 34 and 41 no 32 another loser i'm 50 in and haven't won one break even prize yet this is what you call amazing luck let's go on to the second one like sometimes my bad luck is almost impressive 8 15 16 39 and 44. all right so we need 39 44 or something under 16. you gotta have those patterns 39 44 something under 16. no 25 and 3 no 24 and 29 no 23 also no let's see 11 and 35 nothing 40 and 18. also nothing 17 nothing come on 42 and 21. no wins i am having terrible luck 28 12 nothing 27 still nothing okay 26 and 31 nothing four and 32 nothing in 13 no how many losses is that straight seven that is four five six six losses straight all right this is this is going great this is going great guys going great you got to pick it up i do come on ticket we got to put some luck into it okay that was my spell 42 33 38 43 and 19. all right so 19 or something in the 30s and 40s 8 39 no remember we're looking for 9 or 30s and 40s 26 28 44 no 43 we matched something no way we have a match one so far we'll come back to it 32 we're looking for 19 or 30s and 40s 31 no 27 no 36 awesome now i'm gonna be careful here i don't want to give away the prize number four no 22 no 18 no 37 no 23 no let's see 15 14 45 no 34 no and lastly 11 11-0 so the only one match we have is 43 and 43. scratch it from the side zeros 20 bucks [Applause] considering i'm down 60 now yeah seven tickets you want twenty bucks okay i've spent seventy dollars not 120. that's not good odds all right we got two more of these 20 times the money's left we need a ten time symbol our numbers on this one are 12 33 31 14 and 25 let's hit it this time come on 34 and 41 also no 36 and 27 no 16 no where are the winners at tonight six and forty no nine thirty two nothing like thirty one and thirty three of course it gives us thirty two because it's right in the middle 19 nothing let's see 23 and 35 no at 25. 24 and seven nothing three is nothing let's go down here 42 and 37 are nothing either what about an 8 or 39 nothing again lastly a 38 loser again there's my d this is my last ten dollar ticket out of nine i've got or out of eight so far i've gotten one win one that's pitiful it is come on ticket 27 13 19 45 42 we need you to win like seriously all right so we have an 8 and a 16 nothing we have a 23 and 34. also nothing a 43 one off of course six and fourteen no three and thirty no what about 21 no not that either 18 or 36 no 33 25 no number nine no last row really 22 and 38 no 39 and 11 no lastly a 24. i legit won one ticket out of nine where's my letter at i need my luck there's my b one win out of nine tickets all right let's go to the big tickets thirty dollar ticket hold on one second there it is five million dollar prize again this one's like fairly new it's been out for a couple weeks but not one of the top prizes has been hit yet so they're all still there of five million dollars all right so we have two of these each yes yes so let's scratch this the bonus reveal the money bag when price show what do we got gold bar a safe a coin a vault and a key so no bonuses for us but we're gonna have a lot of numbers to try to match here let's see 29 13 38 6 65 45 47 39 36 and 33 that is a lot of numbers let me readjust myself it is gotta zoom the camera out a little bit just to get it all in the shot all right let's see if we can do this we gotta win on this because we i got stomped on the tens the odds of a break even prize are one in 2.95 that's pretty good for 30 ticket let's see first two numbers are 24 9 do we have any of those we do not what about 26 and 49 we also do not 33 match baby match match match already all right we're doing a lot better i see a zero there that's a good sign but we're not we're not going to reveal the price till later 56 and 11 do we have either of those no right over here 42 or 12 42 and 12 nothing got a scratch soft here i don't want to reveal that prize 52 do we have a 52 no let's see 34 and 61. i don't see any nope 31 and 27 31 27 no what about 54 no 63 and 8 nothing 18 and 16. also nothing my wrist is really starting to get sore from scratching this 58 no who didn't know there's like a limit for like your body and scratching scratches i know you never know what muscles yeah don't really use until something like this 55 55-51 no winds 25 and 44. no winds 48 nothing 19 and 60. do we have 60 no we don't i thought we had 60 for some reason 65 yeah 4 and 23 nothing last number is a 40. nothing so all we got is that 33. let's go from the side little break even thirty dollars i'm at 50 bucks so far 120 dollars worth of tickets that doesn't sound like good odds to me you better get lucky because if you don't we're in trouble we got what 50 bucks now all right let's do here let's see if we can win the prize bonus get the money back you get the bonus gold bar oh what is that pearl a wallet a safe and a key no bonus for us all right we need this i need to like crack my arm a little bit it is legit sore right now 39 56 46 20 40 13 18 4 51 and 58. this is our last chance to recover we basically need like a 200 dollar prize or we need at least 150 prize to profit from 150 spent let's do it we have 20 and 40. see what about we're going to reveal a 30 somewhere no 24 and 60 there's another even zero 24 and 60. no 16 and 54. oh no we have 50 search there's another even zero 10 of course not we need 20 or 40. so 36 and there's a 30 we call for we already gotten 10 30 and 60. isn't that surprising 36 and 30. nope what about 12 and 31 nothing 22 is nothing 21 and 35 also nothing 33 and 44. uh do we have either of those no we do not about a 63 also we do not this is this is top level bad luck guys three more rows 62 and 43 nothing 60 and 49 are 6 and 49 sorry 6 and 49 no 29 no 64 and 41. uh no of course not come on 50. of course i'm getting really sick 8 and 52. it's like clockwork no last row 17 and 53 nope 47 and 11. no in the last number 40. the last one the last thing that happens that doesn't ever really happen all right let's see what we got if it's 30 again i'm just doing it's 30. 30 again joy what did you win 80 bucks i got slightly over 50 percent of what i spent wow that is some bad bad luck my turn let's get right into it here are my four windfall tickets let's see if i can win reveal a money stack in the spots hey first first thing eight wins how much was that that was a fifty dollar calendar yeah look fifty dollar cashbot pretty much already beating me all right and then a bang for 100 and an atm card for 500. so i already got right off the bat 50 bucks let's see what these winning numbers are 54 6 29 27 45 and 39. before you start can i make a point what did all i got when i lost 70 dollars and holding my arm in that position when i clicked stop recording i had to go take ibuprofen that's how slow my left arm is from holding it there that's what i got 19 not up there 35 not up there 18. not up there guys if you haven't already hit that thumbs up i have this little screen to put that thumb in there but hit that thumbs up for us because i just won 50 bucks right off the bat how about that all right 32 nothing 33 nothing 37 nothing two nope 27. hey did you just get it right there away you've already beat me 50. see oh oh my gosh uh money bag means reveal when price shown well i'm already out of this competition all right see this is why you picked team amber 44 not up there 26 not up there 24 not up there uh how about five no another bag yeah you're fired you're gonna give me the rest of your chicken i don't think i should be fired i think i should be important i should be fired yes you should be fired 43 okay so we have 27 in two money bags let's see what the prizes are keep in mind already have 50 bucks right here is 50 yards that's 100 they've already beat me one two wait what if they're all 50. then you just got 200 bucks didn't you a 50. no you didn't and another 50. that's 200 on my first ticket 200 on the first ticket all right i'm gone employee of the month right here amber have a beautiful time she'd be happy i'm happy and we're only all right overall now yes all right let's do the second one whoa i'm hyped now all right 100 cashbot and 500 nothing okay losers at the top so let's see what the winning numbers are by the way i don't know if this coin has anything to do with it a subscriber sent this washington's lottery okay 24 9 21 15 16 and 28. so let's see what my winning or my numbers are 46. if you went on twenty that counts for me uh no it's all my tickets 18 30 49 not up there i could see why your arm would hurt after a while three like i didn't think it was that bad until i removed it yeah now it's like i can't even put it in certain positions like i feel like i just blocked some a hard kick from somebody with my left arm 25 no 31 no 22 50 no i mean 11 what i can't i'm just like in disbelief i am in disbelief too that's crazy two hundred dollars on the first ticket you just two and a times me basically two and a half to me and one ticket all right there's the d for that that one on that side put the winner in there the winners that's a high class winner right there yes it is all right so 50 cash spot nope 100 nope 500 nope i was making sure it was the same symbol for every cashbot and it is okay winning numbers are 26 19 47 42 33 and 30. my numbers are see if we can get a match 32. i need more winners we need to make more than 300 that is the goal when you play lottery make more than you spent even if it's five or ten dollars no well obviously that's that's not like what you want but that's like the minimum goal the goal we all know what the goals actually the minimum goal is to get your money back no the minimal goal is to leave a millionaire okay well we see two different sides on that all right 23. i get what you're asking what you're getting at eleven halfway two no winners yet four winners yeah tell me on this ticket on this ticket you're just mad stop being all salty i can't help it i'm gonna go like bottles well maybe we can use you to like refill our salt on on the oven yeah you definitely 46. all right so there's a z on that so that's a loser here is the last windfall ticket and then we're on to the 20 times the money 50 cash spot is a loser 100 a loser 500 a loser all right winning numbers are 22 20 48 6 38 and 26 3 20 all right okay 16 negative thirty-three no actually easier look so clean i know thirteen no i like this coin 45 52 no 49 no five no 46 no i'm trying to like reposition my hand here i'm telling you because it's like a lot of pressure on your thumb right here just holding it down i didn't think about it that much i'm telling you when you're done 21 you take it off you're like what did i just do yeah 31 no 35 no 18 new i think i'm the first man in history to get injured scratching scratch-offs i don't know anybody else out there have you ever gotten injured scratching scratch off please tell me you're i'm not the only one a 19 okay loser that's another z so that's another loser okay on to the five of the 20 times the money tickets we have top prize one million dollars let's get right into it with the winning numbers they are 6 38 17 16 and 19. three teams huh i know but there's only five numbers on this one there's six on the other one yeah bs all right 21 41 15. of course i get 15. 31 you know how it works uh 28 nope money bag you are cheating man what is the money back on this game oh body bag i cannot just keep two next to each other i got two next to each other you are cheating like this is like the most chocolate i've ever seen in my life i only know how you break the lottery but you did it i did it i have um intel i already i believe it right now 42 nope 27 nope 34 i'm so happy i'm more impressed with the skill level it takes to raise a multi-billion dollar corporation so you don't know what i'm about i don't no more i thought i knew and the last number here is 29 okay so let's scratch these two money bags see you get all these breaks from winning i didn't get to win so no you didn't okay that's a 20. i thought it just said 50. like no you know and a 30. so that's another 50 bucks you've already won two another 50 bucks see you know what that means now we're at 330. yeah so we made 10 profit already okay well well thanks to me get out of here i love you all right winning numbers are i don't love these tickets that's 43 you don't love your tickets you like my thing that's true 43 21 6 11 and 25. come on 22 29 nine now i'm just waiting for it four times 20 times i know 4 12 27 23 41 31 24 17 no winners yet 18 39 come on 30 3 38 34 come on 14 and 16. so p means loser in the loser pile i usually have another word that stands for but i can't say it on this video same with the b so i have three more of these 20 times the money tickets winning numbers are 13 4 29 40 and 21. if you went on 21 that's for me that's my birthday 27 okay 16. i need something all right 38 34. 19 whatever we whatever i win is yours too all right good seven glad you're so nice 45 39 23 uh 14 33. this is hurting my back having a lean like awkwardly six my back's fine my arm is 35 i feel like it's going to be swollen tomorrow last row 22 15 30 no three no and last number eight and that is a z so that is a loser as well two more 20 times money and then on to the big doubt you see why you're winning though i'll give you ticket number zero zero one one zero zero zero oh you did that yeah but i didn't win all of that money on those low ones those numbers brought the wins with them okay whatever helped you sleep thank you i really do all right winning numbers are 37 6 17 23 and 21 we have first 29 which is not up there 45 30. 14 11 7 nope 44 nope 35 22 32 come on 25 we need w 15 43 42 40. gosh 3 40 in a row i got nothing up there they know what bothers you then it gets to you 12 39. now 12 for some reason nope uh 19 and last number is 13. it's not up there another z that's a loser oh there's ticket triple zero all right triple zero ticket last 20 times the money let's get more you got this i don't know what else you can get at this point you've already demolished me 18 13 29 and 26 what do you mean i can get the million that's true let's get the melee all right let's go we have 42. now i don't have anything above 29. yeah that makes it easy all right 26. hey winner 26. no way 26 35 not up there 37 uh 39 32 nope 40. nope 31 nah 30 43 no there's nothing above or 29 so no 16 no 15 no nine how'd you win again because i'm the best because it's own ticket triple zero yeah triple zero ticket's usually lucky i gave it to you because i took the 30.00 all right so the only winner we have on this one is the 26 right here at the top let's see what we got million okay we have two little zeros or big zeros there it is ten dollars okay not bad not bad ten dollars we're at 340 we're at 40 bucks all right see 40 bucks better than just breaking even or not so we're already good okay this ticket is the five million dollar ultimate let's see this one the bonus game reveal a money bag one price shown so we have a clover a gold bar a safe a diamond and a coin so as a loser all these winning numbers up here let's see 37 32 35 16 40 53 31 62 26 and 27 a lot of winning numbers a lot of chances to win here let me zoom out slightly like right there all right so seven nothing 13 nothing 21 need dubs 48 you guys help me look out 58 get off when you see my numbers clearly 29 no it's a lot of numbers to look at yeah 51 nope dropping coins 47. you have 27 and 37. of course 61. that's because it's right next 62 42 that's because it's i don't know 14 no 11 no 28 nope six nope 26 yes that is a winner 26. that's three for three of these tickets how many tickets have i lost like two i don't know like four all right let's continue 64. we'll come back scratch that at the end like always 65 56. three don't reveal the price nine 60. not up there uh 25 i can't believe you break the lottery 22 i'm glad i did 10 yeah maybe 15 no i have 16 not 15 55 24 54 23 and the last number is 30. no 30. so but i do have this 26 so let's see what 26 is 50 bucks oh yeah yeah boy 50 390 now 80 of it's mine you want more than we spent total all right let's see can i point out that these big 30 tickets we are three for three right now every single one's been a winner so these these are really good yeah okay let's scratch the bonus game reveal money back we have a key a bank yes uh count out all that so we could say koala coin and a clover so lost on those so let's see our winning numbers 35 61 3 41 52 63 64 30 20 and 53. all right you got this get right into it 16 no 61 doesn't account that's not all right 25 no 27 46 no 38 twenty six not fifteen forty nine nope by the way fifty seven four hundred forty dollars total yes 140 profit so far 10 62 it's not up there one pesky number seven 56 65 32 come on we need that 5 million please 5 million 17. that would be cool 44 22 okay no winners thus far but i still got two more rows left 40. you have 20 and 30. yep right i could go 45 55 nope 11 51 152 21 31 nope of course that's 41 and there's the 51. 23. come on let me win on this last one 28 and last number is a 58. dang it all right let me find the number it is a p or letter p so that is all but yeah i won so that is all we spent three hundred dollars ended up with 440 dollars thanks to me you're welcome for the carry my backstory for carrying guys you know the truth you watched it i got just a word i don't want to use on this stream either but you know what it was a ton of fun you guys let us know what you think do we keep our winnings and move on or do we put it back in there make another video you let us know down in the comments below thank you for watching leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 208,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lottery tickets, lottery ticket, lottery ticket scratch off, lottery ticket biggest win, lottery ticket mrbeast, scratchers lottery tickets, scratcher tickets, treasure hunting with jebus, lottery ticket big wins, lottery big wins, lottery ticket big win, lottery big win, lottery, scratcher, scratch off, lottery video, lottery videos
Id: e9ovSb5MWOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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