Biggest Nose in Borneo - The Secrets of Nature

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in borneo's tropical jungle success is all about having a nose for opportunity and no animal comes better prepared than the male proboscis monkey here life is all about getting to the top trouble is it's not easy staying there there's always a rival intent on climbing his way to success attracting wives is the name of the game in this forest only one big male has all the wives but a rival is mounting a challenge troubles in store because in this neck of the woods there can only be run for one big nose the vast tropical island of borneo is a world of strange creatures and hidden wonders from the rain-drenched mountains of the interior to the tangled mangroves of the coast this unique island is covered by spectacular forests the mangroves are one of borneo's best-kept secrets they're specially adapted to the sea which inundates them with every high tide proboscis monkeys are found nowhere else on earth it takes a very special animal to survive here but proboscis monkeys have what it takes this group lives in the island's northeast corner in the malaysian the biggest nose around here belongs to alistair the alpha male he lives the good life at the top of the tree he has a stupendous nose this nose is no accident it's a sign of sexual maturity it certainly attracts the much smaller nosed females alistair has a harem of over 20 wives in this forest size clearly matters alistair is the only adult male in his group and he wants to keep it that way rivals lurk nearby ready to push him aside after two years he now has over 40 offspring he runs a very large enterprise for this tiny forest his wives care for the young while he concentrates on the business of mating he can be a bit of a bully too using his size to intimidate others and secure the best feeding spots an alpha male has only one real goal to breed as much as possible his latest newborn a little male is only a week old the wives always let him know when it's time to mate with 20 of them to service he's got a full-time job and since he's the only adult male in the group they have to compete for his attention you might say he's the ultimate playboy mating duties can last throughout the day with half a dozen females demanding him at the same time with so many wives there's always a risk of losing some to other males like bill the bachelor who's eager for some wives of his own if bill's nose is anything to go by he stands a good chance he just needs the right opportunity one of aleister's wives thinks bill's got what it takes she signals her readiness to mate but this is a dangerous liaison alistair is quick to rumble them he honks a warning threat to his rival but that doesn't deter his wife the choice is bills if he wants to be a lover he'll have to be a fighter alistair turns up the pressure most of his behavior is bluff to frighten other males without having to fight himself alistair has perfected the art of intimidation bill decides on a swift exit bill is the leader of an all-male group of bachelor monkeys all proboscis males are driven from their families when they reach maturity he'll remain with them until he takes over a harem or at least steals a wife or two for now he has to bide his time and put on some extra weight for those face-offs with alistair these proboscis monkeys have the ultimate high fiber diet mangrove leaves are tough but the monkeys have a clever adaptation a multi-chambered stomach like cows have to help digestion the leaves aren't very nutritious so the monkeys eat huge belly fulls mangrove leaves are full of poisons but the slow process of digestion in all those stomachs somehow sorts it all out few mammals are able to live in mangrove forests because fresh water is scarce however proboscis monkeys can extract most of their water from the leaves themselves sometimes they strike it lucky in a tree hole one advantage of a multi-chambered stomach is that the proboscis monkey can chew its meal again as cud until now this wasn't thought possible but they can regurgitate their stomach contents for another feed perhaps it tastes better second time run the best pickings are up in the treetops where new leaf shoots sprout daily and this is naturally where to find alistar from this high position he can keep one eye on his wives and the other on his rivals from here he has a splendid view of his kingdom borneo's mangrove forests are a hidden treasure beautiful but inaccessible their special nature is kept secret by high tides that flood them twice daily mangroves help to create more land their tangled roots form an intricate network that traps sediment in the water and where there's more land new mangrove shoots are soon to follow and so are mud crabs mud crabs are highly territorial and this patch of mud is only big enough for one these shallow waters are perfect hunting grounds for egrets and that's because mangroves are connected to the sea in another very special way they act as a nursery for much of the developing sea life that lives along this coast and there's no doubt that the sea life along borneo's shores is sensational saba has some of borneo's most magnificent coral reefs without the mangroves these reefs could be smothered in silt from outflowing rivers the corals themselves are home to a myriad of fish sometimes they're also the main meal for parrotfish as well as turtles the hawksbill turtle can tear open the toughest corals one of the most extraordinary events on the reef is the synchronized spawning of the coral this is a feeding bonanza for every animal for a while the sea is full of spawn larger fish engulf great mouthfuls well smaller fish clean up the rest colorful christmas tree worms use fine filters to capture their share every animal has its own method this event only happens once a year it's a sure sign of a healthy reef sustained and protected by the nearby mangroves monkeys prefer to lounge for the first few hours of the morning alistair certainly doesn't look ready to seize the day other creatures like the hornbill prove that the early bird catches the worm or in this case the centipede while the other monkeys relax they're watched by bill the bachelor he has an envious eye on alasdair's baby if he wants to secure his own harem and offspring he'll have to act soon when they do make a move the monkeys scramble through the trees with ease alistair has no problem with even the largest of tree trunks but his baby still has a way to go fortunately mother is always good for a ride for leaf-eating monkeys life can be pretty much the same from one day to the next but today brings intruders bill is the first to notice them his alarm passes through the forest alistair's reaction to danger is instant he flees to the safety of the treetops hmm just huh alistair leads his family to the safer interior of the forest only bill stays behind to monitor the terrible events this is just the beginning of the destruction of the monkeys mangrove forest the developers who own this land mr lee and his brother michael are turning the mangrove forest into palm oil plantations other developers are creating prawn farms the destruction will be total and complete within a few months the march of progress has no room for proboscis monkeys all the monkeys have now moved further down the coast bill is still alert but alistair has a different approach to danger as always it's the youngsters who adapt best to new surroundings nothing like a game of nose pulling to forget one's troubles a mud skipper investigates the racket on his doorstep the neighborhood is never going to be the same again while the youngsters play a young bachelor notices a friendly face in the trees a female by the expressions on her face this is more than just hello but our young male is a bit thin on passion and now troubles arrived alistair doesn't let anything get past him especially other males the young bachelor challenges the boss a mistake he's soon on the run with alistair diverted bill snatches the opportunity for some action of his own quietly he makes his way towards the harem for now he's the biggest nose he's got some interest but he has to work fast okay in just a few minutes he's able to mate with several of alastair's wives who know a good thing when they see it especially if the boss isn't runned the pregnant females are the only ones not requiring bill services bill has a well-deserved rest before making a fast exit it can take many years before younger males attract mates until then they must rely on their own resources females give birth about six months after mating their newborn infants have striking blue faces after two months the baby's face turned gray and then around eight months light brown like the adults young female proboscis monkeys learn the skills of motherhood by babysitting the offspring of others but too much mothering can be harmful to alistair's young son these inexperienced monkeys have a lot to learn mother watches closely and then decides to take matters into her own hands an alpha male would normally calm things down but alistair prefers to steer clear of big jobs like this proboscis monkeys prefer to give birth at night the darkness gives them privacy and safety from other curious monkeys and predators one of the few primates well suited to the night is the slo loris this animal is a hunter it's evolved its own special adaptations to night life like those enormous eyes nocturnal animals have the advantage of cooler temperatures because in the tropics the daytime can be scorching the hot temperatures aren't good for alastair's new son especially now in the dry season alistair turns to an attentive wife for some heat relief some scientists think this monkey's large nose might also be an adaptation to release excess heat in the same way that elephants radiate heat from their large ears food is getting scarce a woodpecker strikes it lucky finding a lizard egg in the nest the heat stress is overwhelming and nerves are fraying this hungry youngster is not yet weaned but mother has no more milk as the weeks go by the dry season becomes a serious drought without much food or water the monkeys are suffering the heat is also caused a plague of itchiness a tree branch comes in handy at times like this without new leaf shoots the monkey's plight is getting desperate alistar's son is losing strength most of the others take the wise precaution of sleeping through the hottest time of the day the bachelors too have been hit by the drought even the tree holes have dried up the situation is getting desperate alistair's son tries to get moisture from bark in the early morning alistair takes his family down to the forest floor here leaves may have collected moisture in the night ferns and shrubs are now among the mainstays of their diet but these older plants have few nutrients bill can only watch as alistair's sun deteriorates without rain the plants are drying up and so too is the mother's milk the monkeys need to find young leaves which contain more water and fewer toxins alistair eats whatever he can find some monkeys are eating soil a likely sign of stomach upset caused by too many plant poisons the soil helps neutralize them the drought has taken its toll on alistair even a wife's invitation to mate can't excite him better shadow her however in case a more capable male crosses her path she won't have much luck with the bachelor group most of them are sleeping through the heat all except bill facing a growing crisis bill is alert from the treetops he has a good view of the forest the need for food and water compels him to move on his former feeding grounds have withered away but this is not the worst of his discoveries alastair's baby son is dead but in an extraordinary display of tenderness his mother still carries the corpse she carefully picks the insects off the body to keep it clean yes bill makes another shocking discovery this time one of the bachelors the drought is taking its toll the monkeys now face a disaster quickly bill pushes on at the edge of the forest a worker's hut this is not something he's come across before better get a closer look curiosity propels him forward and so does the aroma coming from the window after weeks of hunger the remains of this breakfast look fit for a king hmm his only problem is how to get at it this is one time where a big nose is not an advantage so the food is a much welcome relief and bill enjoys every morsel so a final cup of coffee really hits the spot after several weeks of meager pickings this stolen meal has made all the difference bill's energy is restored time to bring the other bachelors alistair has missed bill's discovery he has a different approach to a crisis a hungry juvenile tries to groom his mother in return for some milk but mother won't barter the next day bill is back at the hut and he's brought a few friends time to follow the leader um the coast is clear and there's no time to lose better get stuck in the monkeys fill up on food and go for their first caffeine rush this is just what they need but they're still a bit wary of this strange new place better take care with their bellies full the monkeys flee before the workers return the raid on the hut will not be ignored a stolen meal can cost a terrible price yes this young bachelor didn't stand a chance there's nothing bill can do the monkeys now face their worst threat yet with hunters now after them they could all be wiped out in days there is no escape trapped between the ocean on one side and the plantations on the other their tiny mangrove forest has become a prison this narrow strip of forest is all they have left the monkeys have been pushed to the very limits of their habitat their survival hangs by a thread the next day brings an unexpected development mr lee the owner of the plantation has come to investigate the trouble on his property bill is the first to notice his arrival the other monkeys quickly flee mr lee wants to see who ransacked his workers hut the monkey's survival rests in his hands this is his first encounter with these remarkable animals and bill makes a good impression perhaps there is another way to deal with these troublemakers there's already one sure sign of hope on the horizon storm clouds choked with rain bill has a front row seat for the approaching storm but the action's a little too close for comfort time to take cover he encounters another storm brewing down below alastair this time bill stands his ground he's ready for the showdown alistair is unprepared for this in his weakened state he decides to flee and fight another day now bill can finally claim alastair's perch the ordeal over the past few months has transformed bill into a natural leader and with his victory comes the rain lots of much needed rain and it looks like more rain on alistair's parade for the other monkeys the storm is a lifesaver it will transform the monkey's forest because in the tropics rain can mean deluge with their energy restored the young monkeys can try out some climbing moves but wet trees aren't easy best to stick with mother only alistair isn't in the mood to celebrate especially now that bill is making moves on his wives it seems bill's got what they want and there's no doubt he's got the right nose for the job with plenty of good rain the mangrove forest is thriving it's time for the monkeys to fatten up relax and even have a little fun for now they're okay but the remaining forest isn't large enough to support them all they may not survive the next draft a solution to their plight comes from two most unlikely candidates the lee brothers they've had a change of heart and decided to turn the plantation back into mangrove forest until the monkeys have enough food a simple feeding program will supplement their diet they've decided to create sabba's first proboscis monkey sanctuary once again bill is the one to investigate this new opportunity soon the rest of his bachelor troop join him uh before long allister's wives make a move to secure their share of the spoils this will put alistair's nose out of joint he makes one last attempt to recover his authority but he's quickly challenged by bill allister's definitely lost his grip the takeover is complete alistair has to make a hasty exit while bill's new wives watch him go he will most likely join a bachelor group but even there he'll have to fall behind the group's ranking leader as for bill he can now savor his position at the top of the proboscis enterprise the group's future is safe due to his superb nose for opportunity you you
Channel: The Secrets of Nature
Views: 15,781
Rating: 4.7661538 out of 5
Keywords: orf universum, documentary, blue chip, natural history, secrets of nature, planet earth, natura, naturaleza, documentales, wildlife, grandes documentales
Id: ajjBxfRn_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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