Animals: The first ever Civil Engineers | Free Documentary Nature

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everyone needs a place to live but some aren't happy with the great outdoors they look for some home comforts these animals have a few tricks up their sleeves they make homes and there are even a few with extraordinary building skills [Music] for some animals a home address might be the huge grasslands of East Africa where they must face a multitude of predators [Music] and are permanently exposed to the hardships of weather [Music] this is the grim reality of outdoor living extremes of wet and cold or the baking heat of the desert living in the wild is tough and most animals just grin and bear it [Music] or take whatever shelter they can get [Music] but there are a few construction experts that try to make life more comfortable for themselves by changing their environments they build homes the most basic of these are simple crevices and caves for a lobster a cave provides a wall to keep its back against useful protection from the many large predators hunting for a shellfish dinner positioned outwards any attacker will face its powerful claws this design of home is basic but popular bears are one of the biggest animals to exploit natural crevices sloth bears are pretty hard to pin down to a fixed address they roam large areas in an endless search for food but when they've had enough of India's fierce Sun they simply pick a shady spot lifesaving caves where they can chill it can take a while to find a cave of the right size not too warm not too cold and with a comfortable bed but once they do a cave offers respite they are not the only ones to share the idea [Music] bats for creatures that like hanging around the walls and ceiling caves offer the perfect roosts to hide away during the day they navigate the caves using echolocation listening to the echoes of their high-pitched squeaks bouncing off the rock face without the cover these small mammals would be vulnerable to predators and never more so than when raising their fragile young Mongoose also hide out in the caves luckily the bats are high enough to be out of reach of the agile little predators the desire to seek shelter is instinctive to most animals and natural shelters are great but you can't always count on finding one when you need it so some have learned to make their home a master digger aka field cricket this five centimeter bug has attitude he tunnels a retreat from predators and bad weather but with his powerful super-sized front legs he makes the opening wider constructing a huge amplifier field crickets spend most of their time at home so it's not easy to hook up with friends in order to breed he needs to advertise his location he rubs modified ridges on his wing cases together thanks to his enlarged front door the song rings out [Music] normally the music would draw potential mates but this time what it brings is trouble another male [Music] to secure this patch and his potential girlfriends he has to fight [Music] but a wise digger keeps close to home keeping his back to the wall he stands his ground [Music] [Music] crickets don't see eye to eye and prefer to work alone but other insects have managed to join forces and are capable of creating some of the planet's most impressive homes ants of tireless workers that have vast and complex societies where each individual is born to serve a role for the good of the colony [Music] for most of the thousands of workers their sole purpose in life is to build and to maintain the home it can be a dangerous job to be on the construction site working out in the open they are easily picked off by a woodpecker that needs to gather food for his endlessly hungry chick [Music] another creditor appears on the scene but the J has different intentions by now the guard ants are on the scene and raised they spray formic acid from their abdomens to keep Marauders at bay but this chemical attack is exactly what the J has been looking for the ants will rid his body of parasites keeping him and his feathers in good shape their honor defended the ants get back to work all members of the colony have jobs to do whether it's building or guarding but it's only the founder who is here to breed the Queen constantly tended by workers she spends her entire life making babies the workers feed her keep her clean and carry away the eggs which they will diligently care for throughout their infant lives the larvae will be cleaned and fed they are even moved around the nest to be kept at the optimum temperature until they finally emerge as worker ants to join the colony's task force the adults work tirelessly to bring food back to the nest building a larder a food Mountain that will sustain the colony through tough times they scour the woodland for grubs eating just about anything they can overpower [Music] the hapless caterpillar a favorite treat [Music] once prey spotted by a worker chemical signals summoned the troops to haul it back to the larder [Music] but despite their success the forests can be a dangerous place when a forest fire tears through threatening all life the ants are one of the few creatures with a ready-made defense having their complex system of underground tunnels and chambers the ants can escape most dangers and when a threat flares up in their neighborhood they can escape the flames safe in their subterranean bunker when the fire passes they are the first to emerge untouched to make the most of others misfortune [Music] insects can be accomplished builders their works of art would make any architect jealous Hornet smash wood to make a paper pulp to create their works of art while others prefer more robust materials [Music] bumblebees share the social skills of ants tunneling to create safe nurseries secreting wax from their bodies they can build nesting chambers to protect the eggs and food stores where pollen and nectar can be stashed by workers to feed the colony and especially the growing young when the young bees develop the homemade honey pots will feed them until they can take on corny duties themselves each colonist starts with a single female a queen looking for a suitable hole to start a nest but bumblebees are not the only home builders tunneling underground [Music] bees are not the best bedfellows [Music] she plans to take over this ready-made fortress [Music] and she's very capable of making her point [Music] but mice are able diggers themselves and the female will quickly build herself a new nest rodents are among the most accomplished animals when it comes to burrowing and the European hamster is no exception this female works tirelessly to maintain her home she lives alone and normally works at night this daytime digging is risky the Buzzard spots movement in the grass [Music] luckily her burrow is 50 centimeters deep keeping her well out of reach it has multiple chambers a food store and even an ensuite toilet but it's in the main chamber where her real treasure is stored for their first few weeks the young have been confined to the nesting chamber living off their mother's milk but gradually they are moving on to solid foods and putting a dent in their mums food store they mostly eat seeds and nuts and the female must make regular trips to top up on the larder [Music] she makes a speedy drop-off and heads out for more [Music] the more food she gathers the further she has to walk from the nest this busy period of the mother's life is fraught with dangers this time a kite is the rustling with the mothers intensive feeding regime it takes only a month for the youngsters to be old enough to venture outside female hamsters reach sexual maturity of just 43 days old so they'll soon need to start digging homes of their own this is a very dangerous time in the young rodents lives when you are this small it often seems as if the whole world is out to get you [Music] this time it's a polecat on the prowl the agile ferret is a capable digger with a long bendy body perfect for sneaking through tiny rodent towns [Music] but it's too late the family have already moved on a few big animals also create underground retreats the burrowers these creatures excavate entire family estates badges are so sociable that given enough space several families may even share the complex system of tunnels and chambers as the day wanes activity increases in the set [Music] though mostly nocturnal the last hours of daylight give them a head start on the evenings foraging and for the youngsters it's the perfect time to play normally Badgers pair for life and in the colony only the dominant female will breed when they first venture outside the Cubs are only two months old they won't be weaned for another two months but during this vulnerable period not just their parents but other females in the group will help with child winding even when independent the youngsters are likely to remain on the family estate a good deal of scratching goes on living underground has its drawbacks the nests can be ridden with fleas and other pests as night closes in the family set off to forage night is also the typical hunting time for foxes but this vixen isn't coming out tonight for nearly two months she'd been carrying a precious cargo but now at last her little ones arrived though blind deaf and toothless the tiny pups instinctively look for milk she won't leave their sides for the first few weeks and will provide nourishing milk for several months [Music] for their first four weeks the little ones will know nothing of the world outside of their earthen home [Music] before long the mother fox is busy hunting not just to feed herself but her little ones as well the Cubs are growing fast their eyes and ears are fully developed and they seem keen to test their sharp teeth on each other but their games are interrupted they are becoming increasingly aware of noises from the outside world curious by Nature they are compelled to investigate when mum arrives she's marked by a hungry crowd over the coming months they will learn to hunt and to dig dens for themselves soon they will set out to establish territories of their own their nursery den will soon be redundant badges on the other hand past their set from one generation to the next keeping it going requires a great deal of management but they are fastidious regularly making the bed bringing out the old nesting material and replacing it with fresh thanks to this high level of maintenance the family can rest assured there will be a roof over their heads for generations to come home building can unite whole communities in meerkat society it's all about teamwork [Music] these altruistic Mongoose are always watching each other's backs which means that others can work on their accommodation and safety [Music] there may be 90 entrances into their underground city plenty to keep the whole troupe busy right from the moment the youngsters leave the den they are learning the ropes the most important lesson of the day is in home design their long claws are ideal for shifting dirt and when the back-breaking work gets too much they can swap duties and do a stint on watch and join the evening sun the troupe enjoy some quality bonding time play helps reinforce their relationships being united as a group is key to their survival and even while the group socialize a few dedicated Watchmen stand guard with the dangers of the desert the troop can never afford to relax its defenses a jackal a capable predator it's picked up the meerkats scent [Music] to catch one she'll have to take them by surprise [Music] but the sharp-eyed sentinels rarely miss a trick [Music] with multiple entrances each meerkat knows the nearest bolt hole now the bunker really comes into its own [Music] [Music] taking advantage of their complex tunnels multiple exits and well buried chambers the meerkats give their attacker the slip [Music] for them a borough is a fort a storm shelter and above all the family home after a hard day's work sleepy pups are ready for bed night falls quickly over the African desert even more dangers lurk in the dark time for meerkats to go underground [Music] the borough's constructed by the clan keep them warm and dry during the cold desert nights mammals have mastered the art of shoveling dirt but for more refined construction work the prizes go to the birds [Music] these are the masters of treehouse design [Music] though sometimes their building materials can get the better of them [Music] building blocks that fight back can slow the process but then even once they are under control you can't always count on teamwork when they plan to lay all their eggs in one basket it's important to get it right Birds work tirelessly on their nests though these works of art are only temporary they serve only as a platform where relationships can be formed and cemented and they provide the nursery to keep eggs and chicks warm and safe all too soon they are ready to fly the nest perhaps the most extreme location is chosen by the great dusky Swift built for the air and not land the agile aerial acrobats use a natural feature as a wall of defense the roaring waterfall will keep predators from their construction site the birds gather mud and mix it with sticky saliva as ceramic specialists they mold the homemade clay into bowls that can support the family to decorate the nursery cushioning mosses gathered and before long it blankets a single egg above the Falls a master of grant design is at work the South American ro pendulum weaves a hanging basket dangling from the branches it's near impossible for predators like snakes to climb their way in it's impenetrable from below but there is one team of home breakers that haunt the canopy the chickens colorful bill is perfect for penetrating the RO pendulous defenses in the same Amazonian forests harpy eagles build among the largest nests over a meter across and deep and they get bigger every year as they are rebuilt and enlarged for each new clutch in their shadows the smallest nest builders have been busy while the Eagles nests need the support of powerful tree limbs the hummingbird's nest hangs from a single leaf the female has taken just a week to build the golf ball-sized nest rounded at the edges to stop her baby falling out now she gathers nectar to feed her chick [Music] the nest is made of leaves and hair woven together with spider silk [Music] moss and lichens are added to the outside to camouflage the precious home [Music] thanks to the spider silk the nest is slightly elastic not only easy to repair but it will stretch slightly to accommodate the rapidly growing chick from construction to the chick leaving home and the nest being deserted takes less than two months the carefully interwoven grass is built by a delicate beak are a far cry from the shovel snouted the puffins these birds are masters of the sea but clumsy on land they live like rabbits sometimes even using rabbits burrows or else digging their own with their colorful beaks they still build the nest but in the basement underground and out of sight of predators it's a good effort but that penguin like birds are built for swimming not digging they are not the best at home engineering but other birds are built for the job some need some pretty hardcore hardware woodpeckers are like living jackhammers the bird's brain is protected by a built-in crash helmet packed with airbags to help absorb the shock when it hammers the tree trunk the blow can be 1,000 times the force of gravity tapping the trunk can help the bird communicate it can expose bugs and grubs to feed on but it can also construct a hardy home a lot of animals can benefit from their handiwork [Music] while birds are the masters of nest building there are a few mammals that give it a go the Amazon rainforest is full of dangers that could spell disaster for a family of coati to improve her chances this Mother's built a nest a safe house where her young family can avoid the dangers of the forest floor nest building is very rare in mammals especially when it's so bird-like in its design after about six weeks the youngsters are ready to venture out but the nest is just too cozy so mum will have to lead the way [Music] the forest is packed with climbing frames and full of exciting smells for the youngsters don't seem too sure [Music] to be a successful coati you need a head for Heights for the smallest members of the litter mums a little more insistent [Music] they have got a lot of learning to do but the most important lesson a karate can never drop its guard [Music] at times like this they still need the safety of a home in the trees even adult coatis built nests to sleep in and before long the babies are learning to that for themselves [Music] it's a good effort but in the mammal world there is a clear king of Homebuilders the industrious beaver this giant rat the size of a golden retriever has built in chisels teeth that never stop growing they rub against each other keeping them razor sharp for a life of wood work he and his partner mated for life they have a three kilometer territory and in the heart of it I have used their construction skills to build a log cabin constructed of logs and mud the lodge which can be 10 metres across houses the entire clan baby beavers are helpless and stay inside for their first month of life mostly looked after by mum they're bigger brothers and sisters stay in the lodge for several years helping out around the home and even doing some childminding when the youngsters do venture outside their lessons begin though the adults will be most of the hard graft the kits will copy them learning life skills as they play when a tree has been recently felled the Buffay awaits the family bark adds fiber to the meal it's a good way to practice woodwork branches not eaten will be stripped from the tree and moved to the lodge as a winter food store but working outside can be dangerous wolves are one of their biggest enemies they freeze hoping the danger will pass [Music] but when they get too close for comfort it's easy to give them the slip [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lodges entrance is under water to keep trespassers at bay the walls will go hungry tonight they're thick Pelt traps a layer of air keeping water from their skin so when they haul out they are almost dry although a waterproof jacket of this quality needs a great deal of care and attention mom can wash up while the little ones enjoy supper few animals can boast such comfortable accommodations but beavers do more than just build homes they are also landscape gardeners they build dams to halt the flow of water streams flood creating ponds a moat to protect their home and a source of lush water plants to eat by retaining water beavers can reduce flood risks and their tree felling axe like coppicing creating better denser habitats supporting a whole ecosystem the ponds they create support everything from mosquitoes to Moose by keeping their family safe and creating a habitat for a wealth of other creatures beavers are the homebuilding kings apart from one other us [Music] did humans learn from the best observing animal homes of copying ideas we can build almost anything almost anywhere but no matter how good we think we are animals still seem keen to make improvements [Music] perhaps we still have more to learn [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary - Nature
Views: 419,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, Animals, Homes, Civil Engineers, Construction, Animal Kingdom, Home Builders, Nature, nature documentary, animal engineers, animal tools, animal intelligence, animal construction
Id: N15sLwRCmnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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